Downers Grove Reporter, 10 Oct 1919, p. 2

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The Rt. Rev. Charles P. Anderson. I). 11, Bishop 0! the Chicago diocese. I.MFI Church, delivered an ad- dress at s Aminew's Episcopal Chunk M Sunday manning It the 11:00 0' “dock services, the text of which was "file Pinion-wide Cumwilflc 01' “The . lilifiufion of the Church.” ‘ Mop Anderson took part in the‘ >53 ANDREWS (MIKE on his «abject with clear and mncilfion which held ita the last Bylhble. He told (ch had organized and 3 PW by which it would ‘0 tell in the minutes: Int each pariah m in and win! ouch pariah was do in the unifiatlon scheme. was to pan forth a definite :- i 53 i 15?: 6‘?! 3‘“ vuw' lawn-(Iv nu. u. Dunâ€"V‘- v. .v.-B.-â€". it is necessary for them to come out of their state of spiritual inertia. in order for them to adjust themselves molar church services and then con- to the new 0' der 0‘ things." 3WD firmed ten new members, boys m Andenon ventured to any that two~ girls. who will be a valuable asset to thirds of the adult population of al- 8. Andrew's in ito rush to the tore most every city. town or village in Q. m of a” most mi“; churches in the country. did not have church cone Downers Gm in all an: a church nectinu and were not wtively cm:â€" W ed in spreading the doctrines of Jesus 11.. noted chumhmnn hmdxedzChfist to the world. “A sad state m Baum, one be” I". wmw wan “he Ndflon-wide Cunpdgn, or “The Unification of the Church.” Mop Anderson took part in the “That is the ideu of the Nation- Wide Campaign. the unification of the Episcopal Church, its members, or- ganizations 3nd reoouroes, in order to make it an efl'icient organization for the new work that is being cut out for it." The Rev. Hugh M. MMWhorter is indeed to be congratulated in securing the services of such a noted spanked who brought such a message to our M Chant-u Adina-e- Cagn- ‘ [anon on World-Wide Unlin- 5': “on of Churches. Downers Grove Vulcanlzing Shop 1% South Main Street, near Maple Avenue ltflOMfluonlhdmComd'flruandthcmot 6.000 Milan on Racine Fabric Tim I SINCERE GUARANTEE! WE MAKE OUR OWN ADJUSTMENTS 0N 101 South Main St. Downers Grove, Ill. REPAIRS REASONABLE, CONSISTENT WITH PRICE 0]“ MATERIAL USED. Harness Shop. Immzn-w V ”M94 THIS MAKES THE GUARANTEE 0F C. PENNER Bertolin 6 Pfeifer Undertakers Office. Curtis: Tho-m Building Downers Grove. Illinois ARTHUR ll- BEIDELMAN hate. I! you plan I. memorial your plot we will show you n no vnriety of claim 00 choose Inn. looked after by expert; That in why our monuments duty: upped to good um. I! you plan I. memorial in In executed from a vuiety of u- ceptable claim and evety detail in Our Monuments ln anotlwr put of h!- address Bishop Anderson said that democrati- zation was the question of the hour. Thatwhenanewholeworldwuwm by strilo and discord, he was humi‘ listed to any. “members of our Con- most every city, town or village in f" it" the country. did not have church com The Rev. "“3” M- MMYVhorter is nectinu and were not actively em“, indeed to be congratulated In securing ‘ed in spreading the doctrines of Jesus the services of such a noted ape-her, Chn‘st to the world. “A sad state who brought such a message to our of main." said he, and we must people of Downers Grove. His untit- tewh it to them in oxder to save the “‘3 “5°" 5" the village "‘9 3"" to world from ruin." be crowned with even gmater success‘ De-ocnduflo- QUEâ€"“0|.“ the flour. than he has already achieved since ._ ’ his entrance to our church life. ‘ _-AA.L_._ __.A -1 Lt- -J.I_‘-- NAPEIVILLL “The crying need of the world to- day." said he, and he has just m- tumed from a trip abroad where he gave much time and thought to the subject, “in religion. We need organi‘ zation and democratization of chur- ches; people are in need of religion; it is necessary for them to come out of their state of spiritual inertia. in order for them to adjust fllemselves [meat of in moo men. plane. pm!» in Auto“ 1914. I new order is come firms and needs. The-om onto be and we must adjust ourselves to that Mien in the composite “doze gov- older. Partnership betweep capital feroiogbodyoffliechumh tophnaundhborisoneolthanewotderot definite program by Whichthe thechumh things, but both of those parties are hoped to do its work of lending the fighting each outer 'bittarly and oil 1 world out o! chansons] make “democ- can see is the idea of materialistic lacy safe for the world. ” (philosophy prevailing on the part of World and. “mm ‘hoth sides. And so we need religion In conclusion the speaker to submit to this central body I auto- “Things will nave: be 53:0”), were m in tow u Washinfitrwem 91.in3 rhodertowoonmpaflypdfifluWotondu-vonns 'an'tu! Wymmmmwmmmw trim." ed today. Each parish in: waited main work": pliall :P 000. I. mum. m m lady Anal-at ILL. Any person or pemons found hunt‘ ing. trespassing. shooting or trapping on the Manhfll Field estate after this notice will be prosecuted. WALTER S. BRYAN GIVES NOTICE A‘ GAINST HUNT“ Don’t neglect so important thing as fine protection vary; repairing my be. By so doing you my save yourself msidenbk- loan by an. Nov that cool weather in munch- ing and you goon Ii" “at" your for- ms and boilers. allow me to sug- gut (but all dwelling 0mm and owners of sum and public places as ithought mull-g could stop "mu mi they mt at Hand". in u- uyk Tm Glen Ellyn com hem hr a mule. 1 large than! would he on had to m an Noam. Nani-val. nob era wan “mortally I'm :- um v the leak. but in renal to win- wm very want. at Um . Alter trimming Want Aaron light. ’ Grklim warriors of the Devan”; Aid-mum ..... 179 am my: School armed up N-w- :c. Dulley ........ us [yum High sew eleven I.» s». a ”WWW...” hunky In a hard fought pm to 1hr W. H. Boldelm.!3‘ June o! W to G. The locals won (ho' Tomb 7M nmc. amid much chewing in the» hm! quart". um he lacked at tho Nn- *3 “9‘0”.“ (“NJ“) porcine would go back wait with IMEC- F. Shunt. - ' J“ a", '1... C. H. OW ...... N1 nuunfmgoueauludawns'um ------- '35 when m old riuln Ilhl M M C. A. Wd!on....l7l I hurt. (rand Inn“ ha n- M m: 1091“ 7:: PURPLE CLEANED UP NAPERVILLE LAST SATURDAY still greater wort ll the field than the wonderfully unheralded work it has been doing. Although the church was packed in spite of the inclemency of the wea- ther. it is regretted that mom could not have heard the Bishop deliver his inspiring message which should and will help 8. Andrew’s Church to do 'to settle the momentuous questions arising from the upheaval of the world. and every man, woman and child in the church must be an active worker for the Kingdom of God or he is of no use in this new order of things which has descended upon us. 610. L- SAYS INSPECT YOUR CHIMNEY Walter Scott Bryan. Agent. Obediently yours. HENRY C. DICRF. Fire Chief. Sunday in October or October 20th docks may he 'hn‘ned Mk the Inst General uncertainty as to when the clocks of the nation may be turned back, seems to have vaulted from the recent action of Congress in repeal- ing the daylight suing net. In ana- wer to numerous inquiries» official re- port comes from Washington thatthe 1-“ .vv. Vvq w- y‘- Player Wm. flea! ....... ',M. Alder“ ..... "EC. Dudley ........ .- E. Shauna. . l"W. H. Daniela-m. a, lnah ‘ .'l-‘. Heim-ko (ab). H I' flhnllx CLOCKS WILL GO BACK 10 “REAL” mus: OCTOBER 26 Dicke Tool Co.... Mothers All Stars. ' Team V Swearinzen‘s Paco Makers-'2 Remfin’s Cubs. . . .......3 Klein's Colts..............‘t Tholin’s Hatters .......... 2 Chrke’s Clean ' lms ...... l Kidwell’s Speeders ....... 0 H. Pflfl ....... L. Foster ..... Art lehl ...... L. E. Banning Totals 6c. Shim-r. Geo. Stair-r Clarke's Clean ’Ems Vi. Tholin's Hatters. October 6th. I. .8. Sim"! ...... I45 137‘ [80 [54 H. Brawn ........ 13! [37 ll? [28 [by Kathe! ...... 153 106 95 121 L. Huger ........ 133 127 1.8 129 H. Hoist ......... I78 182 [56 172 Goo. Vix. .. Wm. Bellow C‘ Ilium. A. Peterson. Beholin'n Cut. n. Kbdwell's Sprai- ars. Mr N. Wm. Italian” 9.1 I59 I24 12:» Geo. [Indy ...... :25 :49 m m W. Wells. . Totals A number of our town folks “naught Nutter M. I.. E. Kahlil“. kc Tool 0).. Sept. 30th. Player in Wm. Hem! ....... m u. Mderwn ..... I79 C. Bailey ........ [(3 E. Magician-y. . . . I96 W. H. BoldelmJM Every much has been attended by a crowd of partisan fans and the players are all keyed up to win; The cash prim to be distributed at the end otlhesmonamupunbaitlnd are keeping everyone interested in the outcome of every game. The mm: and average: of the am wevk follow: individual prizes for high scam in «eye-fies were won by Earl Single. ter with 195. A. Slump with 186. Wells with 193 and Banning with 193. Several changes were made in the personnel of the teams the last week. H. Brown is now with Clarke's Clan 'Em and Les. Get-wig is with the Kidweil Speeders. fmm e! Player- and Fans Does Not Abate-All Twin; to Win Totals 1 During the last week the high aver- age went to “Babe” Running with 185. Warren Wells running him a close second with 181. High game went to Swearingen's Pace Makers with 843. Earl Singleterry has high game to date with 196 closely followed by Wells and Bunning with 193. [ Low scores in the min are the neon! the sheets tell of the first week of the Downers Grove Bowling Lea- gue. However this does not abate in my way ~the enthusiasm of the players aid the fans, as they realize that the season is still young. . Sump... Total: rowan All Star: w. Klnln'n Com. VBOWIIM HAGUE OPENED SEASM Wllll [0W MARKS Swuringvu'n I'm Makers vs. Dic~ Team Standings .IZS .M7 M7 113 118 1 3!! ")8 IO. I37 ll!) 163 121! "I I“ 2‘ I“ I07 H3 7'“ 137 119 I32 181 M9 “)6 I43 I“ 710 121 119 I” I3! N7 “0 NO I“ [8’ no u: “7 130 170 124 7'" 70] ”0 no “7 1% m I” IZI I07 LS”) A 40 124 193 Nil {[2 I‘M IE7 157 154 no l2? [M M? HI I52 112 I38 157 I29 719 8d 151 138 I35 no . ION 146 5 “2 13! 185 III) “7 [47 I!" I8] 1“ I57 I“ I59 I36 H'- I“ N" I“ 143 $1.50, $2.00, $2.50. $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.25 SHIRTS for Fall and Winter wear that are Beauties! Our stock was never so complete as it is right now! We have shirts in every imaginable color and combination of col- ors to suit every taste. For Men For Boys Medium Weight, Fall Weight, Winter Weight We have just received a \ new consignment of Mel’s Paris Garters, m Genm'ne Alticle W W! .......................................... 25m. FALL SHIRTS You’ll Fall For Beuties! “MAI. IIIGAIDBI ZI-JO m lull Inn: [0 Special Values Lehmann (5 Michel TAILOR AND GENTS’ FURNISHINGS South Main Street V. THOLIN “Union Suits FOR MEN AND BOYS $2.00 to $6.00 $.25 to $3.50 "W In I I7. (=9

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