Downers Grove Reporter, 10 Oct 1919, p. 7

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Graduate Nurse mm mm a Inna-mm none 044 m Gme Office hours 2 to 4 Office 27 E. Curtis Street Chicago Phone Downers Grove Austin 1129 Phone 300.}! H. L. Gregg Physician I Surgeon. Ofxce. Limflcy Building; Phone 1 Res 50 Oakwood Aw. Phone 16 Mice Hours 1 :30 to 5:00 1).»! Inning office hours by appointment. “IQ-name: '5 W Ava TIM-lo I” mam “In... "[3033... "lulu... F. W. KETYENRING Contractor Builder Downers Grove, [limo]: non ll , J. l. cum, D. V. l. VETERINARIAN ii. i. wonsunr. M. D. undscape Ggrgening our 80 Acres '1‘ , Shrubs. and Vines best for this climate. Littleford Nurseries Phone 321-1 I! 8- rant Avenue “I'm IO5-W «him. 6:45 p. m. Senior Y. P. A. De. union! Meeting. Leader, Martha rennet. Young people! Here’s the service for you. Great subjects studied. Good Christian leadership. Spirited sing- ing. Special numbers. Fiftyvtwo Vere present last Sunday evening, in who of the rain. Wonder why? Come To remoVe inf-MIS-CONCEPTION which we have found prevalent among those who have not visited our ser‘ vices, I make this announcement: EVERY SERVICE of the FIRST E- VANGELICAL CHURCH, Corner of Main street and Maple avenue, is con- ducted ENTIRELY III the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. You are always welcome. Mamba." (other;r class. If long Sunduy eveuiugs ahead of us in you have no Sunday school homé our lively Sunday evening services mm our school your home. A warm and you will be better mm! for your welcome is uniting you. wod: all week. Come and see. 11:00 a. In. Homing Worship. 8:00 p. m. Wednesdayâ€"- Sermon by the putor. Mid~week Prayer and Praise Service. Subject: “The True Source of Hap- 2:00 p. m. Thursday~ \ rhea." Oct. 16th. Ladies’ Aid meets at 2:30 p. m. Junior Y. P. A. 3nd Cub tho; cliurch. _ ' 72895.1. Evening Worship. GOI- m m 'Wlfimm-Wskm The attendance at the» evening m "ANGELICAL cannon meetings in growing LISTEN! Au ”~â€" esfimtehasodouapufliolmmot In. 1. Mind Nanci. PM. the village reveal- the fact the: about TWO THOUSAND of you Downers 9:65Lm. SahhathSchool CadGnovepeoplegivelwimlicatiouof J. stone. Supt. John Penner, Asst. interest in the thing of supreme im- Supt. panama in life. for you never nttond 0m- ehurch school is now thorough a chard: service. It you hove no )y mixed to provide for the ml- church home this evening service 13‘ igloo: training of young and old. YOUR service Spend a part of the; ”G. B. TOPE. M. D. hutch-5 sumo-a mm. ll. G. 11. BUNGE Lawyer once, Page"; Megan, nag LC «SI. I4 I W on 8|. )VNERS CROVE C A00 lid-y Alum-on and In aw MARY S. DEREK “re-0W - M253 N. FuelAve.ntlFrnkhSt PliYSlCIAN I SHEEN Dom- an". 3763;: May; many; a Sunday-.9- u. ”5'. I. Every evening. 1 to 9. MIZLHI’IQAVC. OPTOMETRIST DRS. GRMG Helen E. Gregg thing! from our Junior Society. let's son subject: “Fisher: of men." 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Ser- mon by the pastor. 3:00 p. m. Junior B. Y. P. U. This society will be and" the su- pervision of Miss Katie Downer. The work promises to be both inflate-ting and helpful. We are expecting great The Cafeteria supper which was to have been served by the Ladies’ Aid Society has been postponed until Om hohr. 8::0 p. m. Mid-week devotional ser- vice and conference. Men's chorus meets after choir neâ€" hearse]. Wednesday. October 12m. Evening: 6:30 p. m. Social hour. No refreshments served this time. but the whole congregation is cordially urged to come at this hour to meet Dr. W. 0. Hemingway. At 7:30. Dr. Homing-way and Miss Hemingway will present the work of Misaions as their Lnow it in China. Monday. October llth. Sunday. October lZlh. -919. Morning: The Whole Family Ser- vice. Church School, 10:00 'o'cloek. united worship at 10:45. Members of the congregation will please note this slight change in the hour for the morning worship. The work of our Midâ€"West Religious leadership Cam- paign will be presented by the Rev.) lromfltoflp.n Sunday. October 1%. Subject: "A!!! 3h, Disease and D nth. Real?” Services. Sunday. 11:00 a. "L. Wetl- nsday 3:” p. In. The I. E. mum. Chm I dun for rum. mu In their eh. mn- cvery Sunday honing It 0:45 for em. Andy. Visitor! and new man- hn Alvin Mme. In. 0-- 7:30 '. M. £pr3: law ”mica will In MM in the auditorium of the church. Leader: Mm Fleming. Sunday. Ovtubtr I'th. HMS). 9:“: a. m. Sunday School. R. I; macro-flier. Supt. “Rally Day Services." Every body invited. ‘ 1:30 p. m. Evening Prayer and Serman. October Nth. 1919. Tuesdayâ€"â€" 8:00 p. m. Finance C-rmmitwe. 0cmher 15th, 1919. Wednesdayâ€"â€" 4:00 p. m. Chun‘h School. 7:15 p. m. Choir l’nctlcu. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH October 12th. 1919. Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity. 7:30 1. m. Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m. Church School. 8. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Libnry "I" Routing m. loud" and Fridty FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Took: "but Up. un Up." CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Ilm n. In. Public Wmhlp. All “In“ by In. 8. H. Flem- HIST CHURCH 0' must. xlflmfl “:00 n. m. "My Communion anal M. B. PHILA‘I'IIRA CLASS The Rev. Huh I. Hunt-tor I". II. II. Net-Ill. Punt. m. Junior choir and story ter. the occasion being their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary. The guests were loaded with good things ‘to at, games were played and all had an enjoyabie time. Mr. and Hrs. Por- ter were presented with some very rice silver-wore and that an evening offun the gnutnloflforfidtm: wishing they might live to ace the? Porter: slain-Me their fiftieth mi“ A surprise party was given Wedâ€" nesday evening by relatives and some friends of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Por- Mrs. Arthur True of Chicago. Mrs C. McMillin of Chveland Ohio, and George Haumesser of Malta. [1].. vis- ited their father. Mr. Frank Hume:- ser. who is still quite sick. Several of our citizens are taking Hme to visit the Dairy Show in Chi- cago. this week. Th» (T. B. Q. have built a neat cottage on their lot east of the Lisle depot and Mr. and Mrs. Yonker and family have moved in. Mr. Yonker is the section fomman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Plumb of Downers Grove, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Plumb last Sun- day. Mr. A. C. Griffin of Chiugu, spent a few days with his pan-1m, Mr. and Airs. A. Griffin. and Link ms. The Physical Torture Club was given by Mary Suntan. Phillipina Kym. Walter and John Ito- pern. Iiss Lucy Reidy {trend with 11! reading and Hiss Henrietta Reidy slug a bountiful solo. The uldress u! the evening wu given by Mr. How ard Barber. These meetings are int- eventing and helpful. ‘ Th: Inst pmruu (in. by the [Jule Community Chub m enjoyed by all Mme pale-l. The entertainer: we" flar- uul everyone mt may feel- ing that the club was a was ml their mum of 31-be for ch» residents of Lisle and vicinity M hebukedbyall. Ills [)omhynd Master Thomas 5mm an; a duct. Punk 8mm rend Um Bonaparte‘ The Ladies AM Society vim mt MyICZo'Mnmha-md In. flurry Barnacle. mm notes 3an raouusu: mm mm ::-.’.’.'.= HOW hour that!” "my VIM-y "on I u l p. m. Mm’n Mditv meets on the M0. Rummy of the month; Marrfiod Women n th- om Smithy; Vouu Luna on the Sue-mi flumv: Born and Gil-In to "w thin! Sunday. Wank Ik‘Vfl-“Hol, Communlon. 1 I am: Mud. 8 a. m. Snmbyvs I. an, Inn. reading of the (‘pospel and Eplttlo of the day. urmon; no a. m.. High Hun. reading 0! the Gospel uni Epistle of tho day. aermou: 8:80 p. In" «men. bandle- 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. Weekday meeting. October 14th, 1919. 8:00 p. m. The motherhood will meet with Mr. Louis Klein. 108 W. Curtiss street. UNITED BRETIIREN CHURCH OF EAST GROVE Wednesdzy. 8 p. m. Prayer meet- tet. inn. “Come thou with us and we will do thee good!” 81‘. PAULS EVANGELICAL GROVE STREET CHURCH ifiuite Btble study will me in the lud- returned Saturday from a four weeks madam of the church. Bring yout vacation trip through the west. Bibles young people and learn of the â€"-- (melflchmmmal. MmD. LHitclwocknndson 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. aap- Brought». returned home from 0mm final! service will follow the regal" In. Nah, when: they have been upend- aen'lcu. mg a week with lira. Hitchcock's sis- m . mo'p .m. Shun! The Senin‘ a. Y. P. U. which in: organized in: de- Sunday School 10.1» n. m. Church Senna. “:00 n, m. Earning Service. 7:45 9. m. Snuduy School 10:00 t. In. All an welcome. 7:45 p. m. Preaching Service. ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rev. Enu- B. Goodwin. Paul: ttober 12th, 1919. 9:15 a. m. Sunday School. 10:30]. m. Morning Worship. (German). he Rev. Wu. Gutefeld, PM" Other futures were W. 8. mm, masterldeDMd-n- mm. the Hon. Henry W. the Snpt. Jesse Smith delighted the ins- titute with his lecture on Mum and tween illustrated with beautifully eul- Equally impressive were the mes- sages of Dr. E. E. Rail. President of LNorthweolzern College, Naperville, Dr. (‘ .A. Blanchard, President of When- ton College. Wheawn and Dr. Paul Cmsius of the Junior College. Elm-1 hunt. ; Dr. H. M. Crooks. President of Al- ‘ma College, Alma, Michigan. endear- ed himself on the hearts of his hear- ers through his message of inspira- tion and helpfulnesa presented in strikingly original thought and irre- sistnble humor. The Hon. Martin (B. Brumbaugh War (".ovvmor of Pennsylvania. 3 loading educator and popular insti- tutn lecturer. left a profound impres- sion upon the teachers by his depth and wraith of thought and the strongth of his rich .ruggnrl personali- ty. The program was ex.“ .pfionally strong in educational value. and e- nough of variation to make every number an attraction. 'With an union 100 per cent at- tendance the Superintendents. Prin- cipals and teachers of Du Page Coun- ty met in annual session at Whea- ton during the week of September 29-October 3. Alnod Every Edna!" In County Met 6- Anal m a When- w. 8. Curator h..- nJIM the room: over his now uni with the u- :ishnce of painters sud decanters hm nude it hits on! of the had-om- m-t lodge and than halls in the stale. mum lfMlltRS’ llSllIllIf [RIMS flflt AHINDAMI Mn N l.. Bnthm not] ms. Jon )3. find." lttnflm tho (Enid Chapter of the Pawn Star in the .u, on \zulnmthy. Val Wan-In "m to Raw l'lm. illn- nwuh In v2!“ .- lust thio um! and ‘} Saturday pint ado dub bu hi- n a vmtim an!" M1! "Cum. 7hr! C. WNW. I. Y. "mu. (”MUN I'. 3504;“! and W. A Khan!" wk hllv'lifll - .mfln; of Junhu loch». Kan-Mn of mm... 3|. "Ina-lab. Fri- .uy «mum. .‘os. W. [halo bu mud in“ one or the Potter hm on the north aids and Bxpnu lune-mar Rullhu m orrupin Hm. mey'l hm an!- «I by the Ratio funfly manna {Inn wagon «ruck the from Mud of “in; Wanton-y" cycle. can» pleti-Iy til-mounting it. Luckily. lhe aw the occult-It run insulin“ .34 u- mpul Injury. MM Henrietta Panto-icy. with a may of frietulu. were ridin‘ their wheels out {mm Chicago In! Sutur- dny afternoon. While ensuing I u. inn-Mon at Riverside I nphlly The Board of Educttion mot Tue»- clay evening and selected Putt. 0. M. Surlel, of Marion. [ML u principal and unperinmndom of our school: {or the wmninlkr o {the mt. The Downers Grove eleven defeat- ed theEnglewood Unions in I closely contested game of football in Down- ers field lust Satuulay afternoon by the score of 4 to 0. ‘ The following ofl’icers were installed hr the 1. 0.. 0. F. lodge last Ion- day evening at Carpenter's Hull. N. 6., J.D.Horm, v.6” A.R.Heckman R.S.N.G., J.W.Bmdbul;y; L.8.N. 6.. D.G.Gralnm; R.S.V.G.. A. J. Cooper; Inside Guardian. J. W. Nash. Warden. C.J.Davla; R.S.S.. W. J. Beidelmn . mun-two YEARS A60“ land In. um» nil-worth “Hunk CM" when (run: and returned Saturday {mm a {our web fluent plenum o! m in «- utation trip through the west. flaunt: to the present 3nd future gem From the issue of October 7, 1897. flitting mutin- Ii: Chm andeflectfromandmerlum “WW" LAGE 0F DOWNERS GROVE. (SIGNED) By W. C. BARBER hm. Am: Chan. 1mm,“ Gui. mom . . WW All pi extending from the buflnlo box aha be 56 inch in site of “strung lead," we! in; not less an. three pounds to linear foot. This Ordinance shall be In full force all pipe extending from the V1“? water min: to the water meter. ll service pipe extending from the water mzins to the bufl‘do box shall be 96 inch XX lead. wei lug not less than fourflpwnds _to _t_ [ment‘foqt._ Rule 4' All service pipe connecâ€" tions of less than 2 inches in «flame. tel; sh!" be_ made of lgul pipe; Be it ordained by the Council of the Villm of Downers Grove. Du Page County. Illinois. that Section Four of the above entitled ordinance ho_he_rcby agnontled to read as follows: An ordinal!" unending Satin 4. (‘haptor XLVIII. Pertaining lo “WI- t_gr Sgtem and Matters Relulve it will be to Hand back of the boys and mnder such assisunce am they ml {mm timw tn timo. at 2 o'dock. The Meeting is for the'abk. tam: purpose of forming a ppmmm orJPOR SALE Kanintion whose duty amf plmunlfigwé‘fln: The mothsrs rid wives of monitors; story ghee," M”, if of the American Leg-ion are asked to modern. with full hoe-Ion. meet at the home of 3m. M41!“ MM "0" ”0°" '9 0" lathe! on East anle avenue. on next ’19:.“er Waugh? fig Wednesday afternoon, 0mm mu. 3"". m6 {1. m me..- :5 . -1 a "AI‘AL 'IVL- _-‘AZ__ :- 1-- LL- -Ll- 04â€"- iii i MOTHERS AND WIVES: or ex - SERVICE ‘ mnmmusm ; ....j ~“gwwe: 2"“ 2'..- . In re ‘ ‘ m. ".4... m. at... The Du Pu: Cwuty Tmhon' u- .u-ciatioo m mam-had. Oflieerl: J. 8. Rune". Pvt-sided. o. 0. non". vqumu w ""30““ d" " ”"' Miss Ca'rfle Randy. Soc-Tran. 1cm via PM able for mov tm The Institute \vu hold in w- Grunt” ”mm meat"- through ”V pmmfiy at the, W 89"” °' 9 rm hou- proprjefnn“ m. Adam Dominick and ,fl"fi"§‘:ޤw; m Mr. John Dela. C. A. Wuuvnan. Panama. The On Page County AtMede. In» in! and 0mm Ana-Ichth- m mtved. (2. C. Butter bola; cw Pm: and 0. A. Wanna-n. Sas- RESOLVi'tD. “flu: in our opinion! to moot my a higher tribun- m his memory than by cumin; Ma myi Vim-a nail by driving in lupin "OI boy- Ind girin with I gnaw I‘m. for the bountiful in an». a in." Inna-ii.- of the chains! in libr- numnmlwflodndnd-pr love Alliâ€"«mu, for their (Ono's. G. C. Boiler 1- shall be made of leadp pin _Service pipe gonnections 5 ll mean ‘ RESOLVED. Thu w the tench". of thin crusty in Inmate .W «‘o touchy out-alumni, 5mm out uh- cem max-sub. for the Nu! m. umpufluflc work "at Du- dld «m. (In pun-nu. mum all “when of IM- cuunly. und in It funk" ‘ WHEREAS, Prof. Row 1‘. lon' van was so: only 1 county Impurit- mm but u poet. In ontor in! l‘ Ng-hannl. sympathetic. Christin huh-r whom macaw [Wm] Ind; 05mg”! choc-r and new album", he mt; ”um-lon- bo u. , ’ WHEREAS. We mm today "no-f" "W " “"‘:_;_ familiar unite and farm of m who’ll‘OR Sfilxwlhnod M for may - thud o! u eoatury \vu LWHVAM gfl'wh‘ g "1 u».- County Superintendent of Duh“ :95 M 3“ W " (-W and Win known by cvrry bu) l- ‘ --» C .. and m at I ‘fiflfoajexLfi It is the testimony of Supetintel- dents and When that this institute has been one o! the most helpful and inspirational ever attended by them ’lwm or in other counties and states. Friday morning of the lust day a ‘memurial service was held in memory ‘of former County Superintendent of School». Royul 'l‘. ”organ. Dr. H. V. Holt. of the Gnry-Mumoriul Church and pastor of the deceased. alum-um] the inltltule with an nppmprlnte mu- :agr. The following mwluuom were unanimously utoptcd by the lutltuu. Prof. J. W. Yoder of Philadelphia had charge of the music. The insti- tute responded at. once to his genid, persuasive manner and made each ses- sion attractive with henny singing. me. Yoder favored the audience with solos which were received with much applause. incantation of “Shore Acres." by :Pmt. Guy Eugene Oliver 0! North *Western College. the skillful pagan work of Miss A. Ileye Conklin. Prin- cipal of Warrenville schools. the de- lightful flange of Miss Ann Trimming- hom of the Columbin School of flu.- ie, the aluminium: by the North Western College Quamtee. the pm tieal addresses of Mr. E. B. Hutton. Farm Advisonand Mr. A. C. Ptge. Editor Orange Judd Farmer to the teachers of the rural schools. and the demonstration of games given by Mr. W. H .Ritchie, “Y" Secretary for Du Page County . eratmnndeadeepmdlufiuim- pmuion. WI. 3.1mm. ll. 0,. m and Fedora] "pun-mo in file “Health CM" when (mi and The institute m plwd With th VILLAGE ORDINA NCE _ QEBBI‘évl‘écatviâ€"Si; lien}- isiiiig‘vd'fl $1,500. $500. cash. or make '0”. il-‘OR SALEâ€"6 room house with g- mthe riceisdthfionl Imndh ail. F03 SALEâ€"Ac tho d her. one at clung . a is good home cheap price “ tTeI-ms to suit FOR SALEâ€"Well built 9 room I modern conveniences. corner l¢_ x141 both streets :ved. raid. one o! the st home- la- family Price 36600. a .house alone would cost Ono“ Q. build now. -- FOR SALEâ€"Very cot-Mm room house in good 2, h conveniences. is well loan ‘ W station and Ichool, the lot it _ wig Plenty}! fruit, A not} lat, cistern. woll, barn, pi house acre 0! good land. M all nimble, somerfmit, M _1 WANTEDâ€"3 mom house with I ; beroriots. musthsvepn‘ «at city or good we" wider. - 'convcnicnt to tails. PM I 332.5003 with terms. mo all. :FOR mgArmell built 0 I". {:"I'Efe-E'Lsil" 4:737 an“; ’3' mn SALEâ€"Modem neuly new 5" plow. all complete on the nut with 2 upstairs spare mm. screened in front porch. Ian I.” and old maple trees, good barn. : 50X300. on paved street. Price Can u 1! terms. 3 FOR garâ€"Em Grove copy. 9- CKiiP?!‘â€"~AM Churn M a ; enm- new a. BM "5 “mu. 7 MBTATEMSAII in mandala Swidv a W i splendid working condition! 01“. gm are capable on smallmoh qndcanbeonthefohl'mnpav? libs-rally for vour time 800'. . Mooney. 24 S. Washington _It' _. _Q WANTEDâ€"4km cool better. man upstairs. 21 E. Cuflmm‘ MNTEM room home with I bar of lots, must haven- ‘ - city or good we" wau-r. ‘ wreak»! in train. Price 2.51», with terms. 3500 en‘. ammfi'mw built 6 I". stucco resident in ode"! with full basement. It. Mnlwoodflooru wad“ mme-l mm, has deal-k ._J_. ____ AL’__ A. ahért' Heme-r, ln'ond condition. A main P. L. Rude“. 1M Elm FOR 8ALP-B¢I§§IR Ham. 1“ ’pvnter‘v Int. 10-! WANTsorGh‘I for "I! 4“” m I l in Cantu! Howl °" y M" :05qu Chap for “Illâ€"7W iiiifiinllm'iz' 26 miles _SW 3311. Climb. [In mum of Eugen 1 {on}! °mdg.. a 3. Deal Denrbom and Mann, ma 'SALFLMéajum pigâ€"1154‘ WANTEDâ€"Young man fox- ll'gh'tfl , _ tory work In Hinldale,_ 700d 'm ”five 97 Highland “‘0 131 mid ii ’H'giu'only | AL. 10-1971 ma

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