Downers Grove Reporter, 24 Oct 1919, p. 7

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I Austin 1129 mm mm I The climax of Rally Day. The preachers Gospel Quartet from the Evangelical Theological Seminary will furnish special music and contri- _________â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-‘â€"' bl“? inspirational talks making this ‘ if. WORSLE‘Y. M- D. unique service of unusual attaction. Physicien I Surge-I. Oflice. Lindley Building; Res. 50 Oakwood Ave. Phone 16 Office Hours 1:30 to 5:00 pint. Visitors cordially invited to these Phone I :.pecial services next Sunday. 8:00 p. m‘ Wednesday. Service of Prayer and Praise. followed by choir eta-aw l5 ”Jul-d Ave. Tank-rum omen-oat: “Om-.7 ”03.... “0:11.... VETERINARIAN Downers Grove, Illinois and n 30 Acres 'l‘rees, Shrubs, and Vines best for this climate. Utfleford Nurseries Phone 321-] Landscape Gardening our flunnhw .a .. n... Hm. minus 4 ° ho Gospel and Roll“. of (be do]. Smty _._... In - In Ill-L “an "All!“ 11m. D.V.l Contractor Ink-ale- funk“ on fl 8. Forest Avenue 1'ch 105-‘ F. W. KE’I'I'ENIQNG The M. E. Philuthea Class, a chat for women. meets in their class room every Sunday morning It 9:46 for Bible study. Visitors und new mem- bers Ilwnyu welcome. Mrs. 03: Lower, Sunday. October'zfith. 9““ “ 1'“ My sch“: concnmnlom. cuuncu R- B. Ransweiler. Supt. Orchestra music. This school is in Rev. Tho-u J. DIM-tel; the coalition. 270 were present at 0"” “Rally Day Service.” You will be Sunday, 0 l r 26th. WW . . The “Whole Family Service.” 11:00 m M- Public Womh'P- Bible Study at 10:00. Classes in Sermon by the Inst“!- the church school for all ages. m- ““910 by chorus choir. member the hour. and DON’T BE 6:80 v. m- vaoflh 91M“; LATE! United Worahip at 10:45. A red, live meeting. You Will en- 6:30 p. m. Vespers. joy it Buns 3 friend- _ The service will begin pmmpuy at 7:30 D- In. Praise Sen/Ice. this hour without .auy preliminary EVWHS‘Jc sermon by the pastor. social hour. The whole congregation “"“‘”' is invited and urged to attend this M. E. PHILATBEA CLASS service, Monday. G B. Torn; M. 1). Physician 5 Sum“ WW. II. wuvzuw um; um- -Cnvv â€". .â€" IETIIODIST RHBOOPAL cum Wednesday at 8:00 p_ m. _....... Reading room. Monday and Friday Rev. II. II. FIG-ill. Puke- fmm 3:00 to 5:00 p .m. ‘ ”‘â€" . Library Hall. Lawyer Olin. Fatal?" 1 Merchant. B: NW3" Tue-days. 11-May. Snail”. 9 a. I. to 5 p. -‘ Bvcty outing. 1 lo 9. ‘ Office hours 2 to d Ofliee 27 E. Curtis: Street go Phone Downers Grove min 1129 Phone 800-! 01!. W. W. GOURLIY “c! a! Hedda-ct "II" 283 N. Fad Ave. and Frnuin S'- MARY 8. Dill] Graduate Rune M. L. ru’l“, M. ”a sum,“ mm? m_ . ' mvslcuN a summon Chan-h New“... my db, 60...". Grove. 9:45 a. m. Church School “M “:00 a. m. Morning Wmhip. M 39'm by "If m- Subject: "Go Font-rd." 3. B. TOPS M. D. 2:30 n. m. Junior Alliance Md mIZIJIIpIeAn. ommls'r {if}; Vhéun by nppointmenl. [rehearsal G. H. BUNGE DRS. GREGG rm m Helen E. Gregg fl Wednesday. ‘ 10:30 a. m. Holy Communion Ind Address. The Fast of 83. Simon and Jude. will be observed. mo p. In. Church School. 7:30 9. mA Choir practice. 7:30 p. In. Evening Prayer and Sermon. The Rani-1.“. lacWhor- (All services at changed Govemmefit time). S. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Suite-ct: "The Christi-n Challenge to Life Service." Leader: Ruby 19M. Catechism Medium Special missionary service and of- faring. Sunday. October M Barber 30th. 1919. Thursday. Wanin’s Guild at residence oflrs. UNITED BRETIIIEN CHURCH OF EAST GROVE Men's chorus will meet after the choir rehearsal. , Wednesday 8 :00 p. m. Mid-week prayer and conference. cm: to l. m.. High Ina. rad!” l 180 “up“ and Bplub of 000 day ctober 26th. 1919. Ninteenth Sunday Wt Trinity. 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m. Church School. 11:00 A. m. Homing Prayer and srmon. The Rev. Pierce Butlerj'h. 8T. PAULS EVANGELICAL GROVE STREET CHURCH The Rev. Hugh )1. IRWIN!" Plinth-Charge 8T jOSEPH'fi CATHOLIC CHURCH. Sunday School I0: 00 t. In. All are “lemma. 7:!» p. m l'ruching Senice 9:15 a. m. Sunday School. l0:30 a. m. Morning Worship. (German) Soloist. Hr. Louis Hillcbmnd. 7:30 p. m. Evening Wonhip. The Rev. Wm. (Emu-Id. Pater my. October 26th. 1919. Subject: “Pub-um After Death." Services Sunday at 11:00 a. m. In.- 1. AIM! Nunâ€"«I. m. FIIST-CIUICB 0P cum. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH In. J. B. Little. Punt. Run a Goodwh. rum. 1919. Inspirational Evening Union Young Peoples mans Gnomgnmgg .1 mum and mmrdoffiduationmctinn-kutamjofiiyoffiemd gnhraudonntunelnpleavefiehdol the new "satiation. hauls: lint, Miamomher 14th. 1919. in mun-(Mmdmh: W 1.1!. Met pudding. ‘meMfo‘ Ilr. and Ira. Way and In. Pane of Glen Ilyn. spent Sunday with Mr. And Hrs John Graves. OFFICIAL PRO- CEEDINGS BOARD 0 F EDUCAT I 0N While climbing a ladder to rescue a run-away mm of been. last Sat» unity aflnrnoon. E. H. Prince had the misfortune to fall and brenk the bones in his right Ankle. Dr. Gourky m called end quickly set the fracture. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent 3. Lovell are the proud 1nd happy parents of a ten pound blby boy born Sundny. 0c- {McKee Mrs. Guy L. Bush. M. King Bush and A. H. and E. C. Wetten. A pleasant evening was enjoyed and the honors carried oil by Mrs. Lee [and Mr. Bush. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bunge are en- joying a two week's vacation at vari- ous points. Mr. Bunge is attending the grand lodge of the Knights of Pythiaa while firs. Range is visiting relatives at Stmtor. Later they will both visit friends and relatives at Eau Claire, Wis. in the Maple avenue School Building for use as Armory for Co. H. for one year from January l. 1920, occupancy to date from October 1. 1919, at a rental of 365.00 per month. Moved and seconded that the lease be accepted and signed by the proper officers of the Board. Motion carried. Mr. H. G. Butler presented the fol. lowing resolution: WHEREAS, The Board of Educa- tion is desirous that the public take .. ‘:nnl:fi- £1.0an in our uhmla gilt“ Mrs. Geo. M. Lee. Mrs. David E. McKee. Mrs. Guy L. Bush. M. King Bush and A. H. find [-2. C. Wuhan. A pleasant evening was enjoyed and the honors carried 01" by Mrs. Lee and Mr. Bush. Miss Louise Stanley entertained a party at duplicate whist last Thurs- day evening consisting of Mr. and Miss 80le Edwards gave a very pleasant at home m a score of ladle-s on the n!- of her departure fur Souâ€" thcra Pines. Nerd: Camlina. rheu- alne will spend the winter with Mr ‘gnadpannts. Those pmaenl were ‘Mn W. s Cal-patter and her sister. ‘Miss Myl. Mrs. Mable Canadian. the Nissan Acacia U. Elliott. Elin- lscth Chatficld. Clara Strong. Susan Faul. Jeanie Lyman. Cora Escher. Nollie Lyman. Earned, Ella Bartlc. Belle Lyman. Maude Bah-man. Ella Helen. May Dixon. Mary Spolur. Dix- on, Cassa Graves. TWENTY-TWO YEARS AGO fl Teacher} vat. 3 Total ()n my “. [alum-AM Sack-1y will meet u the hum of Mn. Alta- Ian-y. loudly sham. I! 2 o'clock. Odo- Mm. hull ”fl g: M lliuuhlr. \‘il‘ ital the W‘ 0. run In! Thoma:- Shrhlqa (milk:- (II Wulmnhy. mm lea Chltflehl of West Chi- cago. in spending a few dayrz with Mr. and MN. (‘hu .Larvy and 3!- tmlml the Sunday School com-nation at Nun's-ville Satunluy and Sunday. ltm‘. and Mrs. Stu-lo o! Incision. were [noun 0! RN. and Mn. And”- m Sunday und ”outlay .Rm- meek- pmocl'ml how on Sunday twain; and flavor“! W nude-re with a rural nolo. If Iny of the Patriotic Service Lea gm: girls would like to wn‘tc a letter to the little annch boy they have udopted they can write it in English End and it to Mnmwt Stanton or Rosella Porter. whu will translate it in French and send it to him. The Junior Y. M. C. A. enjoyed a weenie mast and marshmallow roast last Thur-my evening. ( Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dobbs of Belmont. spent Sunday with Hr. nnd The Advance Bible Class will hold Committee: their regular business meeting and Mrs. Chas. Schoen social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleaning ....... F. D. Burke. Friday evening. Octo- Fred C. Witt her 24th. Janitor ....... . -â€"â€" Gust Johnson On Sunday morning a nursery will Janitor ........ On Sunday morning a nursery will be started in the nice warm church parlors for children of five years of age and under so that the mothers can attend the morning services. So come and bring the children as they will be taken care of by competent ladies. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Burke have charge of this movement. 'msr IMES mu usu ' m amour From the ima- of 011M»! 2!. I897 ' VIM-7g Noâ€"«Nofiv. . ‘ (Iommulknlion rewind from up 3'" 3““ "km“ 3‘" - my mama. sum: School Board Am.- mom at home to a score of India: ”a" “muting annual mu" a, "”9 °)' °' h" ““9"“? '“r 3“" tho- mutton at the University at an Pam. Norm Carolin. m" lllinois. on October 29-30. and enclosâ€" 2 till spend (In winter with Mr "M program. Church Notes. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Church Service, 11:00 a. m. Evening Service- 7:45 p. m. BE IT RESOLVED. That the Board of Education through the secâ€" retory invite the Mothers Club film: its president. to consider the organi- ntion of a Potent-Tenant Alecia» ‘tion to take the place of the Blather: Club and broaden its work. and, BE [1‘ FURTHER RESOLVED flotifitseemnwisehfommh‘ a new orgnnlnfion, it is the desire of the Bond of mention that the public Ichool buildings be used for at last a majority of the m of WHEREAS It appreciates the pos- sibilities of grater cooperation be- tween parents of both sexes and tea- chefs. WHEREAS. It recognizes that the Mothers Club has opened a channel for the dissemination of educational information and discussion of educa- timl problems, and, WHEREAS, The Board of Educa- tion is desirous that the public “In: a livelier inmmt in our schools and in vital educational problems and Moved and married that the report h:- am-epted and action of the commit- tee murred in. Mntion carried. Capt.‘ B. E. Balczynski of Co. H. l. R. 31.. presented a lease from the State of Illinois for Natal of spice The Building nod Gmmls (‘Ammit- m: report that Hrs. H. W. me hall "wig-nod as janitor on Octoher I and that Joseph l’fafl has bot-n engaged as janitor fmm October 8”! ll 885.1!) per month. Hr. Shaffer and Mrs. Prim volun- mml and wore authorized to «pn- sent Downers Grove n "It meeting. unkml paid. Venn: Aflb-Jh'm II. M Prim, W. K (Tums, H. III. Tank. N. G. Bud". 8mm and Towling P'ml link" unpaid" dock- . .. ('an Telephone Co. Rental:- and Tolls 4 . Hun Holler! Tom'hor’! Sui-mm Sept. 8 to 00‘. 3| ......... 30“." Secretary ............. G. C. Butler Incidental!) ............ Eng. Dietwn Co. Supplies .............. Garden City Ed. Co. Supplies .............. Allyn Bean Supplies .............. ’Scou. l-‘orsman Co. \ Supplies .............. 1Ul‘nlerwmml Typewriter Cu. Rental of 6 Machines . .. Florence A. Crane Music ................ The Fair 3 Bench-n 20 Chairs . University Pub. (‘41. Plan Books ........... )I. A. Donahue l: ('0. lllufiku ................ Zlmlt's l'lmmmcy Supplie» .............. ’l‘lwu.‘ Running l-‘n-ixh! chargw ....... l'lunlwll (.‘lu-mlc-l (‘0. Supplln .............. J. H. l-‘mnlu-uflrlcl Suppllu . hat (3. wm Extr- ch-nnlng ........ l‘rhmnn I “Mu-l Janitor .............. Village of Downers Grove Electric light ...... . . ins Company r Gas and Mantles . . . .. . . The following bills were received, having been appmved by the Finance Moved and seconded that the Bonn! back up the clam in getting out the Annual. Motion carried. The mimites of the regular session of September 9th were read and apâ€" proved. presented a plan for getting out a High School Annual. ler. F. E. Dow-2. leathers present: lira. I. ll. PM. W. R. Curtil, H. 3. Tank, H. G. Butv Absent: R. E. Rusweiler. Alwyn Fleming and Gordon Boone "mu!" mam (hr bills won W12 371. 114.25 24.00 [8,55 16.00 85.00 72.77 75.00 .00 12.04 3.75 I.“ LII) .15 cery. Psuh Axium vs. Willinm L. Axrum. General No. 8379. NoticeinheI-eby giventotheaid Wiflism L. Axiom flat the above named Com almt heretofore filed her Bill of phint in nid Court. on the Chancery dd: thereof, and flat a summons thereupon finned ad by said Com-t ngmnst the qbove named Macadam, madden the first a Mtgetemolflndm itcourtof DuP 00:11:”.th Court one In the City of Winston“ in aid Du Page Wm: the lo- and flashy in ery m. AD. 1920, gain by law red. and which aid suit in still a..__ Bags 3 .Eu Cimm. Court, County of Du Pm, Jun»y_1‘e_rm._A._ 1).. 1920. In Chg!- STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF DU PAGE. 33‘ The next issue cont-ind: “We wish to apologize for the manner in which we dispute! the beautiful wedding last week. Thru error of the type- setter we were made to any. “the roses were punk? What we mted to saw wu that ‘the none: were pink.‘ " The mayor «mm a cormdim and apology in the nut week's “Dank. all of which the «litor was glad to prom. After exhlusting his supply of large voids nbout the "blushing brink" he aid: “The large. glahoruh banquets of roses were punk." A certain «Mar and publisher of I country m‘wspapor in Kaunas m Inked to have the community as a n- sult of a tymuphinl error in hi: n-port of the wedding w! the mayor's daughter. says a west-m exchange. Thur-thy «with; How! Wilma In! Punk Wolf «brutal nw dumpin- pi- mMa playlmu ’10va (Thu and M- . It’lif'ed Iota! distinc- tion In! ya in 3 mm mu. ' . an quib- third on" their woo . and an undo»! u phy (Pam.- with "(mm-v! r92 The following In .48pr from W "Sandal: balm and though out-d- (own play": m: not. mun-I‘d. In Halal: Imus Wilma and Wolf might hp pom-M to uh on local phyvn. Ruth 3 mm. would pro» inn-mull and we'll «labor to keep now. How about it plumbin- plan-n? Mal. lad Van What" than thrn-_ mun! In mm and... am” the numb: If m. maria. hcn'n your opportunity to pity. Many local We play Mam-Hm mmr Won rlnlmhg it In In a hum gum than bridge. With u: my wuyin‘ the gum n M (u m 0:: next Sand-y, therefore. the clock: will he wt back an hour [0 mm (In. lowlan- say dun‘t set w dork luck. it hum the mechanism. w! it eleven hours shawl. nehiaw ”w mnw n-aultn and it won’t hurt 1hr clock. Hither way you winh. do it but «lo it. no that you won't hv out of tune with "n- was; o! the uurlul. Congress repealed the low uving an hour of daylight through the sum- mer. President Wilson vetoed the bi". Congress paused It . Wilson again used his veto powers and then Con- gress puma! it over his veto. It was another one lot the {armor [being more powerful than the city dweller. as the former: of the country wen- stronzly want the law. A CHANCE FOR LOCAL I’INOCHLE SHARKS TO PLAY 011 next Sunday the clocks o! the United Stuns will go from “ml” time to “real" time again. The save an hour of daylight movement which put the law on the statute books has helped the city dweller for the last time. probably. SET YOUR CLOCK EITHER BACK on .4 A H E A D. SUNDAY constitution and try-laws of such new organiuiion I!!!" provide for n Pm gram Committee consisting of on o. ‘qunl number of teachers (selected from any recognised local educational institution. public or private) and par- ents, to he presided over by the Sup- erintendent of School District No. 58. who shall have a veto power with reference to my recommendation of the Program Committee. . Moved and seconded that the new lution be adopted. Motion carried. No further business appearing, on motion the Board adjourned. Fred B. Dow. Secretary. RESOLVED, Thu it. in the m of the Banal-ct Macadam am the the mum at Ila-wit! ”Mics WHY THE EDITOR LEPI‘ TOWN CHANCERY NOTICE .pnm""' ’ 5’ 9mm Noll land. 10-17â€"443 “mam ”mm. nmfi‘i mm" ~ . m , Mm “ma Wmmmmmw Minn-tinned r. convukneeufiswell mum! tholotlol Eggs. ,m m ‘ lay-dry, urge? 91.11021 laundix’ undevery thi fLMPfice“ fil’fid 'vmd“ "Th-.3339}? V iébri ism residence. is modern. with full‘ Insane... "bu-r of lob. mun! havegll I“ or city or good well I'll". convenient to (ruins. Prlal 32,500 with terms. :50!) 61‘. mngrwWell ham 6 nun Igl “Iiâ€"212061; uuhy nod-{fl slmmhvilldoluunlutur- meat WANTEDâ€"3 mom Mute m Q9- mm'.’ (€35: n "was. 6‘“. M1» on for lb!“ m ‘. :Mwflfi“ ”"38. m in. an I can buyer. must law-[ll OH .1 a good rod; Prim-bout ”.3 w ATNEDL-Atudleohlfl ox REM. ESTATE POI! Sill CARm~AIII Clflfl d“ on!"- ntw ‘0. Kath” mu sup: Bum! In}: iii-.1 ymr 0M. Codie"... H “I “- J A Agenmw I. an. mu "" was; v "Av-v . v ADVERTISEâ€"- HEN «WOW. sun one of our 3mm“ Candy "0- tort" In your hm. In? whom Grand opportunity 0 how and fwd-kw ovary . nvmxzas "oust. 1m .anwwu W IO-IO- Place nut «in (a Ink | uh. nowâ€"m h lb not «It? In any. I Sll‘fll Tm ’34 ii llb FOR SALEâ€"322 S. Fllrvi" m room house tnd chm m . - porches, (mt one screened. baths: city water, furnace. (mic, mm .7 «me-half mile southo! m station. Price ‘ 82800 “I‘M .7 once terms. . J. Goodman. and occupant. > ‘ 1m. or Phone 164- W-2fl --- WANTl-‘DZJH for tho ‘dhlL‘ “- oIIy Inquire Central "M 10-“ um SM 5213(4qu "Kn-"i0. peak-r ”.104 WANTEDâ€"A mold WM ‘00:; ( O-u-«O porter ofllce. 6!an “Naifâ€"um 19L;- i5 5‘51 ofir' over. $12.1.» week. Meyer Book (70.. 1m 1 inn we: See llr. Bulayuki. FOR SALEâ€" ion-tofu cod stove. I: nor. Butler. Phone lG‘l-W-l. WANTEDâ€"«Good _g§_rl u ygm "(R-14E 7hr" nnonr how wages. 4 in family. 82}: La Gunny. lll. Phone” WN‘f'EDQfliee .1in M WANTED-m" iil""!6£“": mrk, three In fun! Tone. 16 Highland In. WANTEDâ€"JP mam 6: small ml! JP '33». m m H. M Mmhomr. Phebe nag FOR SALEâ€"- cost $85.00. ill Bisell WANTED-Expe rt neamntuuto Work at home. Addl‘. 1’. do u bindery of printinfi plant. GI lid Write for "lawn" to roa. Co. IlL.Ill.10-‘

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