Downers Grove Reporter, 7 Nov 1919, p. 5

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Round Steak, per Tb ....... Sirloin Steak, per lb ........ Porterhouse Steak, per Tb . . . Pot Roast, per If) ......... ,Rib Roast, per 11) .......... Rolled Roast (no waste), per Picnic Hams. Fresh, per II) . Picnic Hum, Snioked, per lb Salt Pork, per It) ........... Swift Premium Butterine .. H. C. PITCHER, Proprietor 32 Noni- l‘ued Avenue Tck'l North Side Grocery Market LEAF LARD. per pound ............ Evangeline is coming to Th:- Dicke Theatre. adv: Born to Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Lam hear, a son. Robert Jean, Sunday. ctober 26th. Do not fail to look at Page 4 every word of it is somthing that you want. “Rev. Dayton Up to Date” will ar- rive Friday evening Deenmlwr 5th. Gertrude Knox is convalc-scing af- ter several weeks illness. Mrs. J. C. DeVVitt was a visitor at Chumpaign. "L, for the week end. Illwfhis week. ”Mini-send . manna-1m Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing “Anything from Kid Gloves to Large Rug If you neexlus bunnyâ€"«1884. Don't miss Dicke programs. adv. Mpg. L. ‘8. Wells has been quite WE ALSO DO CLEANING, PRESSING, REMODELING AND RELINING. For the convenience of our customers we have an agency for the LAGRANGE MODEL LAUNDRY who gufirantees good work. Goods will he called for and delivered free of charge. HARDWARE 36 S. Main Street Telephone No. 29 Gold Medal Flour Chicken Feed MERTZ (3 MOCHEL Stoves and Ranges WE MAKE SUITS, COATS OR OVERCOATS FOR LADIES’ AND GENTS' THAT ARE “DOGGY”. FULL OF PEP, CLASS AND SNAP; STYLES OUR FABRICS ARE ALL WOOL. OUR FIT- TING AND WORKMANSHIP ARE GUAR- ANTEED. OUR WORK IS SUCH AS the WELL DRESSER IS LOOKING FOR WHO WANTS TO GET AWAY FROM READY MADE “HAND ME Your Satislactioo Guaranteed Or Your Money Relomooo PERSONALS CLEANING â€"- DYEING -â€" PRESSING and â€" REPAIRING ‘ unfit)»sz SATURDAY AT NORTH SIDE GROCERY JOSEPH MAZZA Paints, Oils and Glass SPECIAL Mr. and Mrs. Balhml Waplvs cckn brat/ml tlwir 20th wedding anniwr- rem-y on Saturday. : Mrs. (ieo. l‘rickflt! atté‘ndf‘d (m 'nstt‘m Slur reception at Oak Park Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Dewey of Lu (flange visited with Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Dewey last Friday evening. Ml. Hun} (mu- uf Aurum is mak~ ing his hunw with “r. and “15. Wu!- tm- J. Stunts, on Nu. l‘orvst uvvnmu All kinds of hauling by :mtu truck. We haul anything. anywhere. 0. A. Schlauder. Phone 320-K. adv. l‘aulvne Reiner spent the \\eo_k- and at a house party wplth friends in La Grange J. F. Kidmell has purchased the house on North Forest avenue. now occupied by his son, Frank. Mrs. G. H. Bung:- entertained the Thimble Club at a one o'clock lunch~ con on Tuesday. Mrs. G. R. Phelps left last week fox-Denver. when she will amend the winter with her brother. Nunbfi 2 DOWNERS GROVE BEN] 29c 33c PATHE NEWS . CHRISTY COMEDYâ€"“ANYBODY’S WIDOW” BURTON HOLMES TRAVEL PICTURE Wage mun-dam mmfi-mmsnmâ€"Amuusm l The story of the faith of two women and the courage :of one manâ€"“Faith” is one of the few Human Documents of the screen. There is no question but that “Faith” is a superlative picture. While it may not possess the snsa- tional qualities of certain features, it is one of those hu- man narratives that digs under the skin with an exceed- ingly delightful sensation. The Wife .Sten norga aerph Questio ttelrulNo Bert Lyleil “ FAITH ”1 g The last meeting 01‘ tho Highland ‘m-e. llonw Circle was hold at the home Eu! Mn. ('. (‘olm After the businvs< :svssion luncheon was xervod. vanty-aix youm' peopln fmm the =prorth League of the First 51. K. ichurch alwmlml a convention in Bur- .wyn last Saturday. "ME OR STENO?" WIFE ASKSâ€"~“STENO, ” HUB BY SAYS. When called nixm to choose between his devoted hut jealous wife and h s effic‘ient stnographer. Senator New- ton of Nevada uickly selects the latter. It wasn't be. cause he didn’t ove his wife but because he wanted to teach her a lesson. Miss Talmad e makes a mighty fine “jealous wife." Don't fail to Meier. ‘ Harold Lloyd (‘omedy~â€"“Ynung Mr. Jazz." Evening 7:30~9:15 Admission l5 and 20 cents g Mrs. N. J. Pen-on entertainml Miss >Anna May l’rioo of Springfield. "L, [on Tuesday night. : The John Simon fumily hnn- movml liuto their new hmm- on Main street incur (flux-ago :u'vnuv. , V .Tlmlin wont tn the WW! Side {hospital in Chicago, Wednesday morn- Eing to he treated for kidnvy l ublv. l Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Knox of High- 5land uu-nuc- hurl as their guvsl last [Sunday Dr. Carl Johnxun of Chicago. { Fresh Skim milk. 15¢ per gallon. .l’honu 313-“. Elmer H. l'hlhurn. The final mow name-s u! the full (all 'l‘ueulny morning when mun" flnkm were rh-iblo If one looked clow vnouuh. ('oM. hum-v". for n uyular o. f. blinard. “A Tempemmenlal Wile” Min Ruth Lam-um mwmlul flw home running and football mum n' Where You See The BIGGEST and The BEST! Constance Talmadge You’ll have to com:- carly if you want your favorite sent at The Divkv Theatre Satunlaya-the showâ€"«its wry special. adv. Mr. and Mrs. Fwd H. Roch-rt of Woodstock. [IL Wem enlrnaiml thP fore pan o! 01» week by Mr. and Mrs. 3|. R Knox 0f Highland nwnuv. The Dicke Theatre Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Litlleonl and family via-ital Sunday with the “ar- ry Slussvr :‘uvnfly in tlwir beautiful m-w home in Norwuul Park. Whippflng (‘rt-am. >urn- to whip. 19c nor half pint. ['hum- SIS-R. Elmer ll. Uhlhnm. 10-2441 Miss Elma Kelly “'15. a week end mun-st at the home of Miss Maurim- Marseilles in Chica o and attended a halluwc’en party \\' ile thew . 10-14-tf. M’rs. \\’. M. Muller ”bunt Hm mutt week and at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Goo. T. Timk’o. Mr. L. B. Walls was called to Rush- vilh!‘ “L. on Monday by the death of his sister. Don't forgotâ€"Jam acts of Vaude- ville-«wary Thursday at the Curtisa. adv. Dr. Caroline HN‘lgt-r of (‘hicugn‘ was a lunchmn guest of Mrs. Minnie Prince on 'l‘uosday. on Tuesdaiy evening. A surprise puny on Edward Tank on Friday evening was a. Hallowe’en festivity. Saturday, November 8th Friday, November 7th SPECIAL 14 REEL ENTERTAINMENT! BIG DOUBLE FEATURES CONSTANCE TALMADGE _ in “A TEMPERAMENTAL WIFE“ Olin “Hi"‘llh' in “’I'hd- (ilurinus bath." a qualih ulna Div-tun M ”W nlrkc- “I honing 'lhumlny Nowmber 13th. (uh CM )‘nur tickvtu for tho- 2151 Annual Thinks iving Ball of 'thv Don-ml“ Grove In Drmnmc-nt. The (Hum In W on stale anal all members of In; damnment will hr glad to mom- In. Stank- nlul 0w Comm-(inn Commilu-t‘ haw nubwrflwd to four manxincu Ior the nwliux tab!» or The first 2vrocl Christiu Comedy m-or xlmwn in Downers Grcm- will be a! The Dicke Tuesday, November Ill. a1 V. The Huntington Iums‘l' «m tlw rorâ€" nor of Samtoga uml Prairiv-,avo-mu-s is Ilmgrflssing niwly and when com- nlcwd “ill be :1 most vharming ad- dition to "w mun) nia- homvs on the North Side W‘ J. Quin. alictricl lax rollovâ€" (Or I'm- uw Ina-rm“ Rm‘onut- Damn. nu-nt. has been lrunsférml to (‘hicu- nm A" n-mms should bu- made In Mm at 80! West Mmlimn ntnmt. mom Madman. Wis.. on SaiurdAy' nm’l white American 1 'u.‘ mm... .4 I“..- 11....-. n..-.......... .J and“... Mann-.- Mr. and Mm. A'. 12?. 01mm \w-ro call- otl to Chicago last weak by the sori~ nus illnvss and (liinth of their com-in. Miss Minnie Julmmn. who has "(ton fisitml tlwm and had many frivmls in the \' il Iagv. You an» cmdially invited to nth-ml u spm'm‘ sel'vk'o in S. Androws church on Sunday, Nuvr-mlwr {6111.731 4:15 u. m. ”Hm lmvs choir frum mezm- \wl church. Lu Glungo. will present :1 program 01' sacred music. Mr. and Mrs.‘A. G. Dm'in of Cicero. Mrs. William Dietrich of (Thu-nun, and The “M: H. M. MncWhortvr. were dinnm' guests at {lu‘ (‘. J. Wintt-r homo la": Sunday. Mrs. Ella McCoHum and Miss: Bos- siv McCullum spent the week-om! at the homo uf Mrs. Lt-Ruy E. Rem; In (l‘hioagu. Mr. McCoHum going in Sunâ€" : av. the nest 0! Miss Mary Converse of Toi -It Somity house. Mrs. Frank McCollum with twenty Chicago ladies was entortainal at a luncheon by the Lurkin Co., at their large headquarters and show room on Ashlund avvnuv on Friday. ‘ WATCH FOR ADVERTISEMENTS OF THE mn- nome GREAT PICTURES . ‘LONGFELLOW’S Evening 7:30â€"9:15 \ A Quality Plus picture and with Olive Thomas as the Star. You will find it to be a picture that is hard 0 excel]. A L S 0 BRAY PICTOGRAPH FORD EDUCATIONAL WEEKLY “The Glorious Lady” OLIVE THOMAS .‘ !Tuesday, lovembex lllh, We: Day . JUNGLE COMEDY (‘hester Outing Picture - “FIDDLERS and ACROBATS" Two Reel Special CHRISTIE COMEDY Evening 7:30â€"9:15 Admission l5 and 20 cent! A Drama of Eastern Days and Alaskan Nights. Kin Farmr has never before appeared in a play of this type- and we prnmiso ynu a most surprising ymrformance. FREE DELIVERY bf‘w. VCrifi'AfE‘E g"Broken ' Bibissoms" at the Curtiss Friday and Saturday, October 14th and 15th. adv. Mrs. W. H. Moor and children left Tuesdav «waning for Winnipeg where she win join her husband who has mcenlly returned from ovvrseas. Mr. Moor is now Metropolitan Boys’ Work Sucwtary of "to Y. M. (T. A. at Win< The people of Downers Grove andfuild. vicinity wul shortly have an opporh bank tunitv of seeing the resentution ofvto th n d; (hm-2nd“ an... m. ninuunmu" nu. . ad Popular Mechonlen. Dom" CW cricon. National mph ,Collioro.” The people of Downers Grove and fund. has atrfltion n to .. vicinity Imm]! shortly have an opporh bank and t one deal tunitv of seeing the resentution of to the memorial of one of tho D. W. (‘ rifl'ith’s “Bro en Blossoms" eat of the Americans can do at the Curtiss Friday and Saturday, either bank. nu-A‘vn A Thursday, November 13th OLI'IOMARGARINE Good Luck Olen ll) . .~'1’L Downeys Delight lb . Moxleys Dixie Brand 42c 5le ............ $2 05 Delicin Nut Olen ii) .. Grape Fruit, 2 for Also 3 for ..... For your Sunday Dinner Fresh Pork Shoulders, per lb ........ Pork Loin Roast, per lb .......... ‘. . . . Prime Rib Roast of Beef, per lb ...... Veal Shoulder Roast, per lb .......... Chickens ............................ Smoked Hams, per lb ................ Bacon Squares, per ll) ............... ~ GROCERY SPECIALS Kuhn-Cut Macaroni Spaghetti, lax-1 15 cents, 3 pkgs. for ........... F‘uulds Macaroni 10c, 3 for ......... Yuhan Coffee (whole or ground) Aunt Jemimas Pancake Flour 16c ‘3 f Kelloggs Krumbles ................. Old Dutch Cleanser 10(- , a fur ....... Len Pen-ins WurcestorshircS :tuse. Snow Fluke (‘unr Stanh ........... FRIDAY AND SATURDAY PRICES COMING , ‘JCI' IU ........................ "HI: of Beef, per Tb ................ 28c oust, per U) ...... , ............. 32c ......................... . . . . . .30c 91 It) .......................... 32c . . .25c Orangesgrdpg. ..... _. . . (Prist Golden a )ples 10c ...25c Cooking Apples 3'...10c Admission l5 and 20 cent. The Catholic W0man’s League I“ Ki“; :1 Bunco Party and Dance Of! Libmry Hall. Saturday evening. NW ember “3th. Admission 35 cent! Iv. eluding refreshments. adv. 11-7-2- (Additional [goals on page 8) large pkg, PHONE 279 32c

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