a the Tutsi-national Chrisgian Truth [uniï¬cation Society. a society orgam bed for thenrurpose of enlightening mic :53 in; erroneous religious fa also organimd for the pur- w of placing one million literature 1- opening his address last evening '1'. Dexter made it very plain that he I] not come before the audience with .3 desire to be combative only #0 far hitbeeamenecessarytobemin “ling up the truth as against error. Is also stated that he wanted it dis» lied] understood that he did not by that some people had been beneâ€" M by Christian Science teaching 8 tell u by teachings of other false The following address was given by Wren van Dexter last Sunday at (he ï¬rst has?“ Church of Downers Grave. Mr . xter has just come thru (ram Los Amlos. He is the Gen- us! _Sup_evjinten_rl'ent _¢rfmwhat. is known racks throughout the United States STEPHEN DEXTER GAVE ADDRESS AT BAPTIST CHURCH Pruner. England. in fact every WI! country is vastly intent-tn! II the progms of strikn and labor Mittens in this country. They av M In dependent on the products- d America and if America throws than dawn at this stage their poo In: VIII nufler haw-durum If the ital labor element in this country will not Mien to their own mmpaln‘ots, "I0 flaring: of their own countrymen. In their wild stmmble for â€w earth. what chance have our: brpthors across in oil nrike. old'mnn winlor came {m "w nod)! with I um of '1!“ K1" Inflow. A not majority of the cool mum-4' H II moi: In' lutnmobilo ou'mhl. Wl'l nm the rapidly mum-mi m molar». Hm ml Duh) “6“: â€do i! the rinn‘plo «mm for their; Wag It tru- time. Did you also; “70‘:th (lay the mfnfrs rem; lanthanum the gnarl old Bay' ï¬n. bu I I- mm on! uh for: to (and party. the limpu irnn winning owr UK‘ Drmocnt‘vc †I nub-“fly, (no km to mum-u; maid): Sow-ms an if Novflnr my" poinl out (M direction or the Kentucky. 0w homc of un- 500Wâ€; hut-l and "an min! ï¬nk-p. run- horn-n .d pnlty worm-I. has rlednl 3 RIM, Micah (tremor. Stung-Y Wall. to: I! all. smmu a! itm u Ibo, w In the United by an nll‘t out Wilson (on by fluke: both. "I. SEE BY THE PAPERS THAT Armin!" DIV shnuld b:- I National â€outlay. M {-r' In intonation! one. b to Nit-bated rack war by all (M nflbd nod â€minted governments. luvâ€"p.- The†(Man an at!" huh In “w â€ï¬nal of all of un. Ask anyone win! he or the did on Armistice Day. and do memory In «till no grant that «V- m minute of the «lay no he account- odlor. 7 _ .. ,. but few of us remember the times which made them great days in our; binary. All of us remember Novemâ€": ber nth. 1919. Those at home were; paying. hoping, longing for a night of their loved mm in Uncle Snm’s‘ "“1129. Those in the service were! g through hell of bull». of nud-‘ an. ‘gtodothejobquick gun! 30'. he to God's country I!!! There ,is not a man. woman or child above the age of tWelve in the world today who does not know the signiï¬cance of Armistice Day. In November last yea!" the eleventh hour at the eleventh day of the eleventh month, came a great stillnesa over the ï¬elds of France, of Italy and of other countries. To a hundred battle fronts where. a few moments before men had been dying, cannons had been belching forth their smoke and flame and destruction, machine gun and rifle {he had been one long continuous roll. came a great quiet. The Armistice which was destined to end with a treaty of peace had bet-n signed and the gmatest holocaust the world had ever seen was ended. The holidays whith are now on the mlendnr and \I. hich we celebrate each year are to commemorate some great thing in the history of our country. We I" understand their signiï¬cance. ’ICKE THEATRE hinted at the Downers Grove Post Oï¬ice as second class mail matter. 1°†forth some wavs wnereoy errone- beliefs could be tested and how ple who have been inclined to take set Advertising rates made known ulmniup with false beliefs might determine application. per year. A NEW NATIONAL HOLIDAY? There .is not a man. woman orl child above the age of involve in the world today who does not know the signiï¬cance of Armistice Day. In; November last year. the eleventh hour; 0! the eleventh day of the eleventh} month. came a great stillness over' the ï¬elds of France, of Italy and ofi other countries. To a hundred battle: fronts where. a few moments beforei men had been dying, cannons had been? belching forth their smoke and flame; and destruction, machine gun and rifle‘ lire had been one long continuous roll.’ came a great quiet. The Armistice} which was destined to end with a! treaty of peace had been signnd and‘ the greatest holocaust the world had ever seen was ended. . The holidays which are now on the? mlendar and which we celebrate each: year. are to commemorate some great. thing in the history of our countnu We all understand their siltniflcanteu but few of us remember the times Iblch made them binary. All of us remember Novem-. ber nth. 1919. Those at home were; praying. hoping, longing for a night of their loved ones in Uncle Sam’s Ion'ice. Those in the service wereâ€, Emhmgh hell of bottle. of nud-‘ oh hula. to (In the lab nulekl mat days in our: Subscription rates $2.00: Single copies 6c. i {with the acid test of the word of God. [it is supemilious and idiotic for any i Ideï¬ned as "Divine Science." their uosition in the premises. He stated there are three ways to meet these issues; first, meet them individual to suppose. either man or woman. that anything has been given beyond the. ï¬nality of the inspired scripture as set forth In the Bible:- Joseph Smith. Mrs. Eddy or anyone else notwithstanding. Jesus Christ himself was careful not to set aside the authority of the Word. He said “Verily I say unto you. until heaven and earth shall pass not one jot or title shall in any wise pass from the law until all be fulï¬lled.†The sub- stance of the scriptures then hear tes- timony as to its ï¬nality and what shall we say of the church fathers. those men of the early centuries who were so ï¬rm in their belief as to the word of God, that they witnessed a- gain and again as to the-ï¬nality of God’s Words. The greatest {not we have in Ecclestical histonj is the. su- premacy and ï¬nality of the inspired scriptures. All this being true. is it not plopnrtnrous for certain cults to .set up claims of having the right to give the ï¬nal interpretations of either the Old Testament or the teachings f Jesus Christ? it is enough to stir. the child of God to rixhteous lndig-i nation in reading some claims of‘ Christian Science. On page 23! of‘ Science and Health. Chlist himself is On page 242 are the words “There is but one way to heaven and harmony and 'Christ. Divine Science, shown us this way. " The claims of Mru. Eddy here are on a par with those of Mohammed. and Joneph Smith. Bhe goes further.‘ In; Company Big Double Feature a mason with them ', November 8th at HEELS 0F M92404 bhe aver; that lb. has given to thi- it has been our good fortune to secure at an unus- ually low ï¬gure a limited and select stock from which to make your Christmas selections. The increasing demand on our needle-work and art department for the season, made it necessary to se- cure the latest in all new and up-to-date articles for that department. Some of the latest designs in Bul- garian work â€" The latest fad in the simplicity of workâ€"Table Scarfsâ€"Pillow Topsâ€"Centre Pieces. Come and let us help you select early to secure choice patterns, as the number is limited. The “in. (N. Y.) Daily Pn-n- mid. “Hm. Jun. Wurrtemlylxo deliver-rd a line Adana- in the auditorium. It the opening of the flute Prohibition Carnation last night. He spoke none of the convicting of a nun who has umlr n great nine for himself. He did not want in MI «Intention. yet far In it from a Inn of his type to split hairs. A big crusading two Mid fellow. At times he spate with a vigor that was dramatic and mwiling over his “ï¬ance." Next Sunday Night, 7:30 J as. H. Woertendyke LECTURER Dexter’s Store Congregational For twelve yon: an attorney Ind never lost a use. Christmas Selections Corner Main Railroad Sta. “TM Chunk I. not A node!) 4cm- cicat I'- In to: out (am. II b I add: up. which we no WI! lot but with Gd. It demand- our undivided loyalty.†Tl"! NATION WIDE CAMPAIGN 9. Anbmn'n 01111:th f7 1 -‘ nowxgm 630m REPORTER. REFORMER Sncond. t at the acid test of His truth in his laWs over against the spurious views where the laws of sin and death are set at naught, where some of even nature's laws are repudi- ated, where people instead of c0-opâ€"' pomtiun with God’s laws would osm- hlish certain principles thmnsch'os um! by LOCAL APPLICATIONS. an: [ht-v cannot reach um up! at the dumsc. Gaunh I. u local dump. (rally mou- need it conmnuuonal r Mona. “A L]. 3 ATA RH MHDICI E wm out. «turn». I I. (“on mama]! and uh u: h,’ an Blood on uh. "UL'OMU Burt or t e , Mum BANJO CA'I'Aguyg I! lclhxlg â€"-...- ..-- princi le to no dc nite rule for demonstrating this ; principle of healing and preventing dineuse. This remained to be disc-ow cred through Christian Science", y’l‘hcoe words plainly assert that she' has given to the world truth which \Jesus Christ did not discover or teachâ€" In her autobiogiaphy. page 96, she. classed herself with the Virgin Mary and with Chrixt, himself. saying that no one else can take her place. What an zipostacy from Christianity is this that would take the crown of Deity and God's authority from the Loni Jesus Christ and place it upon a San- itary System known as Christian Sci-1 ence. that should claim the right for the ï¬nal word and interpretation. I Second. that the acid test of His truth in his laws over against the spurious views where the laws of sin' and death are set vat. naught, whalre 'the p chis students w£"u“e'im:"m; Baa-r their lirom'eiied to i1-‘ lustrate by telling a story of a sunken barge during the building of one. of ions of the Bimhlyn Bridge. A barge 'loaded with stone sank on the foundation of the pier which had just' been laid. lts lemoval had been tried; again and again by eahles attached. to tugs in the river and locmmitives on the share, but to no avail. when “3 young engineer solicited the opportu- nity of removing the barge. Lighters were brought from up the river and placed on either side of the barge. cables were then fastened. running;r from the lighters beneath the sunken Then barge. It was now low tide. all waited for the thing which was to take place. The bosom of the flood tide from the Atlantic swept in. the ‘eable strained and grouped and ï¬na'v ly the sunken barge was lifted. al? because one man in his plan era-opera- uyuvum .... â€"v â€" w~__ l- compoud o? Inaâ€"6? mo '53: ionic- hm aginbhodwlth limo! bah-t .4-.. A__u_-u_ Phone 212-W-2 . HARRY H. MARTIN Hay and Straw sick, practiced Christian healin and taught the generalities of its ivine pï¬qciylg to [lis‘stutlents [inï¬nite I'd} world more than Jesus Chrial gave. 01: page 147 of Science and Hum: she wwte “Our Master healed the qick,_ practiced Chljgtian bottling. apt! one leâ€"w-z ‘ HARRY H. MARTIN Hay and Straw B A L E D ( I Downers Grove R. R. 3 ‘ Catarrh Cannot! Be Cuted LOCAL APPLICATIONS. In- vhrv ol reach than out at the d‘M‘a-‘vv. 'hfludhn‘ ti In HALL? CATARRK :1 I: u whit Meal mu m MI! In 5.1M TEACHER norm Mancini-um I In ALL'I CATABRK Phone us today or tomorrow. Learn how you may have the Thor demonstrated in your own home. This' Is an im portant thing. So do not put it off. You may be freed from the drudgery of weekly «washings gWe promise you that. Come in or tele- phone. But whichever you doâ€"DO IT NOW place their‘oxyn minds u n the throne â€Ed with the luvs of 60¢ "QM in in contradlstmction of wis claims. in'harmon with His laws and m keep- other wonis, seeking the comporation fine wit His plan and the be was of God with their plans instead olefted. Even so in the spiritual mall}! cooperating with God. froâ€"operation with the law; 0! God 18 Mr. Dexter then prom'mied to il- the plan whereby gneat things are ac- lustratc by telling a Amy of a sunken cump]iz=_hcd_.__ _ _ _ _ __ fl DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS $10 Telephone 30 Telephone 30 Day or mm 61 Salli III Street Day or Night Elechic Washing Machine‘ - Retailers of High Grade Merchandise , The Name Behind The ‘ Call, or Phone 30 ‘. D. GELESPIE 8: CO. those ‘who W (9009‘? a small payment dmm~£hen monthly yments at munâ€"me “a“ ’°" 2’32““ W ‘° “ hd‘znlm’tm.ouguf:vhm save money you y wareaheadineveryway. Comeinâ€" stalkitovu’. i “:8 Per Month Buys 77w Thor Third: The acid test of God's truth in tin rm elation of His Saving power. Steam Heating - Sewer Building Gas Filling Telophone 53-IK Efï¬rl‘é‘wm" knife much less wear on no hadorif you dm’tcanmlnveone. The Thor Electric Washing Ma- chine has been gated and Good Housekeepi Institute. There arenobeltsto . normtchou clothes E mg is run by covered steel gears. t has the scientiï¬cally constructed mmwoodmmolvim cylinder. In no other machine can you scythe famous atalog which takes allstram offbeavy loads. Be sure a: aflnc‘ï¬tï¬smpwceofmedna m not: ore you e your and any washing macggne. maps! Agndâ€"sizedwashmdmein Fred 1). Heinke PLU M BING the puwer of Christ, wa- let forth , Mr. Dexter over against ethic-l mortal mind power, the sacriï¬ce Christ for the sins of the whole we which is mpudiaeed by the Christian Scientists was dwelt II n with [ult- atgqngtll apll byuforcc ul argument._‘ I ,1.I,__ L, L..- (“nu-5...- in.“ u, v--- -__ __ M1. Dexter “ill doubtless be heard ageinhin Downers Grove. ‘ Friday! November 7. 1917!?