Downers Grove Reporter, 7 Nov 1919, p. 7

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dffice hours 2 to 4 Office 27 E. Curtiss Street Chicago Phone Downers Grove Austin 1129 Phone 300-}! Mom)» Supt. 9. 16 A. M. Sunday School. ., 11:00 a. m. Mornmfi Worshi. Ser- 10: 30 A. M. Morning Worship GeI- man by the pastor, Sufi $3; “'1‘ e On-m fi Wty to be mmd‘" la} by our m’l‘here \Iill be no owning scnicc ”‘04 0|“qu on account of Union Reformation day 11w 9- _.m Junior 3-Y P U- senices at Chicago. I, “Au--9. IA-JA.. VETERINARIAN Downers Grove, Illinois rho-c ll ' MARY S. DIENER Graduate Nurse non" mama :mnncm none 64-: Downers Grove am. 12 I. Maple Ave. B. L. Gregg Physician Surgeon. Olice, Lindley Building; Phone 1 Res. 60 OakVood Ave. Phone 1‘ Oflke Hours 1:30 to 5.00 p. In. Evening office hours by appointment. “Radar-11.! l5 W A". 1* .0, ovum-con: call"... "1003’... Allan... 30 Acres Trees. Shrubs. and Vines bat for this climate. Littlcford Numrles Phone 32h! Landscape Gardening our Specialty iii. wonsnmr. M. J. I. cum, D. V. I. I? S. Fond Avenue Telephone 105-' id's; (“ZRe‘fi-{Mrfie}; Leader. 6:00 p. m. Senior B. Y. P. U. Subject: “Practical Work.” 7:31:11:a m. .Evangeljsrc seryice of song praise, specm musw, ser- mon by the pastor. I . ,4- y _. 4 . n u., 131-..}. Evem'wzso. High School c. E. meets downstairs. Senior C. E. meets “Malls. ”IF-Hon. J3mes H. Woertendyke will deliver an address in the “Gmeat;~ er Prohibition Movement." Wednesday, November 12th. , 3:80-Junior Choir. 8:00â€"e-llid-week Devotional Service. Church” School 3:16:06. Morning Worship and Sgrmgg gt 30545: C. A. DURKEE OPTOMETRIST Olin. F-rmt'n Manhunt: Bank Binding. Tuesdays. Thundays Sunday». 9 I. III. to 5 p. In. Every evening. 1 to 9. 'G‘. B. TOPE. M. 1). Physician 5 8:: I worm. - WI}. 380 p .m. The Lambs of the Flock F. W. KE'I'I‘ENRING Contractor Builder 9:45 an .m. Bible School. M. V. 0009- I. OFFICEHOURSr 3-59... 700.... sâ€"hhm 8". Mn 1. Owen. mm. (in: I! Roi-int! â€" "I.“ I“ N. Fae! Ave. and Fun“. 3'. "IVSICMN I MIIGDON Dov-on Grove. communes“ CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. 3. Little. Putin. G. H. BUNGE lawyer 30. M W. W. on SI. 5 CROVE C ICAGO DRS. GREGG W m (uni-bed on '. W. GOURLIY -"’Whole Family Serviqe." Helen Effiegg Wednesd-y 8:00 p. m. SundaySchool 10:00:. In. Reading room load” sad My aflermfmsbs i The M. E. Philathéa Class, a class for women. meets in their class room every Sunday morning nt 9:45 for Bible study. Visitors and new mem- bers always welcome. Mrs. 0m Lower. teache'r. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. MENUS? mm mm m mm. :qus ‘ _ more @19qu 'chns 6:30 p. m Ep worth League. 7:30 p. m 'Gospe I Team mm Gar‘ rut Bi Mica Institute “Win My Chum flee t__ing." Figt_jn’s_efile_s._ 'Tjkiiééii-h High. Guy A. Cam . di- rector. A spirited and spiritual our. You are invited: Rassweiler dilgctor. h “13:66 atnf flPublic Worship. Serâ€" mqg by glue Raster . _ _ ., no: 9:45 a. m. Sunday SchooL R. E. Ragsqeilgr, Supt_. METHODIST EPISCOP A I. CHURCH 10:30 a. m. Special Sen-ice of Prayer and Thankaghinz. Novombev 1201.19"). Wortnesda). 4: 15p p. m Church School 7: 30 p m. Choir Rehearsal. r'hfi‘p. m. Evoning Prayer and Sermon. "Tho Church's Programme." Nmemlwr Ilth. 1919. TpesQaya Twmty-l‘lrst Sunday an" Trinity. 7:30 a. mo Holy Communion. 9:45 I. m. Chunk School. “:00 a. m. Holy Communion ml Sermon. "le Holy Bible and in: in- yplmfion," _ 7:30 p.112. [Eveniqg “Prayer am] . into all truth" had withheld . film: was"; from his disciples because of their maul unit-Minoan to “hear (it) not." which higher leaching would box mvealod in the fullness of time. through "tho Spirit of truth" who “will guide you "353 {fifilninesh . Ilnimry Prayer Sonic» “film by choir n- burnt WELCOME November 9th. Twmty-fl rst 0:45 p. :0. Scale! Alum Nut tug. Scanning apt-cw mfiy cur)- nrvkc. Ilr. PM I‘M-h". song can- mr and dun. (“and on young [mph with hm rm! solos I“! 80-. «lay on“ . Doom min Dauphin ' ' new“ 7: 7 g. in. Song and Paine nd a (ml ”Stun". R AKDIlEWS "iSCOPAL CHURCH 180ml.) Sonia-u: 9:“ l. m Blblc hool. CIA-um- .ar ovary up. 1 il:.00..m Iomllc Worship.â€" tum! from Duo-pita! mum in Pulm- wlfl pm fluvial Inn-lo. 2:” p. m. Junior Allhm nd Catechism. The Janka an «loin: upkulid work. no member-Mr" l- :Ull lat-"Max. Pan-nu. this I pleulkl luv for not erdm 0.: Ilwlr Suulcy “lemons. \our :nnlld will Inlay uni pmflt from "new Junior mm”. 81ml Min to us ml they will la: null" the nupt- vinlog! of ankle gnarl-{mum‘s FIRST EVANGBIJCAI. CHURCH llo'v hour ulorflion every Friday Iron a to 4 p. m. Mom's Salality meet- on the fifth inmhy of the month: Married Women m ”w fin! Fund-y; Yuunc "dil‘i on Sunday-‘8 a. m.. M-su. rv-mlimr of? M Coup-l And Epistle of the «uni mrmon: In I. m.. High Muss. reading: of Ute Coupe! Ind Epistle of (hp day. «mum: 3:30 p. m.. venpera. benedic- tion. sermon; balm-ma, 2:80 p m. 'ho Rvomd Sunday: Roy: and GM» m flw third Sunday. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH OF EAST GROVE Wrok dgvsâ€"lloly Communion. 7 a. n : Mass. 8 n. In. our church. We ave “Going Over the Top” and cover our enemy up “Head and Ears." me the interest being taken and the response given, it looks as if there was not going to be an thing left for us to do on that date ut to shout. but come one and all and “Ipt 31;: make a joyful noise 81'. PA ULS EVANGELICAL GROVE STREET CHURCH Hindi Vfo'rget that? ’Sumlx Novem- ber 16th, is to 1:9 a memp I day_ for Psi-RI 'Aimné-mry of Ar'misuce H We 'wéfié glad tor seé so many out last Sunday evening to hear Dr. Dex- teris timely "#9315389; rV-u" 8:00p p. In Our regular church payer meeting Remembering gour Sunday School of- lerin next nday, November 9th. will iven to the church to help remove t e W115“; Elephant. _ met with thojuwr It the puma- man the Lord." M. E. PHILATHEA CLASS he ll". Hugh I. "new" Pm-infinno Rev. B. H. Hurling. Pastor. 8T. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH. Sunday Sc‘mol. 10 a. m. Preaching .Jervice, 7:45 p. m. All are welcome. Ru. Enema ll. Goodwin. Putin. The Rev. Wm. Crotch-Id. Paslor w". J. Mud Nauru. Put». public is cordially invited 7" fsf ‘6 Mm“?! '4 nines 11:00 a. m. I9l9 Sunday nfior Trinity "My Communion. ‘ She soon had an ardent desire to ”mt her discovery into writing for the deliverance of a waiting world. She realized. however, that the disâ€" ‘covery must first be thoroughly pmv- ed, and after several years of con- clusive demonstration in healing, "Sci- ence and Health with Key to the Scriptures" was written. and became the textbook of Christian Science. In this inspired work Mrs. Eddy makes this eignfieant statement: “Our Mu- ber heeled the sick. practised Chris-‘ tiul healing. and taught the rel- ltiea of its div'ine Principle to is etuâ€" dents; but he left no definite rule for demonstrating this Principle of heel- ing and premting disease. This rule remained to he discovered in Chris- tina Science” (p. 147). Themeterinllmmvlllietheehiet ‘heen conclusively demonstrated by .muntlvss cases of mental reform anrl iphyrical healing In the near 1866. :Mary Baker Eddy. a New England {woman of Puritan forluears. through ,3 purified state of mental readiness. ‘discovererl the divine Principle of he fing; and through further inspiration :gradually developed the spiritual 'rules. which as‘zumevl a method or isystem of healing and reform which gshe was divinely led to name Chris- ;tian Science. The discovery was made through her own physical recoven' from an internal injury which atten- dant physicians mnounced fatal. Left alone she‘ to to her Bible, opened at the ninth cha ter of Matthew, read Jesus' healing o the palsied man. and immediately the deep significance of :the relation of sin. fear. and material [beliefs as the mental cause of all; bodily ailmenta.‘ dawned u n hen fthought. She. suddenly awn ened :31 from a dream, felt new life and lstrength, and arose from her bed in- ; staggtaneausly healed. I'm lime immmorill mu haw nought more or lou- inlrmmtly I nth-tin. [mm nln. mum. at! mm. In Old Tatum-M. dum- goon! min mat-ally cum! 3 uvtor who would (no "um (mm "to bond-gr of ill. and flmhly bunk-M. TM: uptuâ€" uion «mo. um I. m "patted. ‘thd I wrung] vow" with apha- idm and physics! (one. an cu ‘the hint. and «kwbpnmt of I t - ‘cr. who was man- wnly to ml glad clown-(n un- «been» 4»! Truth and how {a mankind. > I Thin locum' in thatclom healing. Pam! it brings mmue of norm" and :wflnflng and My" may all m“. [Just m- John I! hum» new it. I: ,hud boon 'orv'uld by the suck-II: pro- whm 5:40" him and but the um:- yen- teglpy. (Ar-clay at}! tony". . .n, This great fact. that the Spirit of tnnh has come and is m lending the world into a" Tnuh his become hishrical. VFor qwr fifty years i_t hp“: .‘..._,. vâ€" -~â€", I We an malt-ful to 5|:le Ibo .leduur. our mounts-r today; Mr. 'Jnhn C. 110mm. C. . It. a! 8mi- Ilw. "Mhufl'ul. a willing! 3h and diuptunm from mum! night he s: l lo his disciplos. “I Inw- yel my lhinn on my “to , but ,1.- cannot bar than low. «hm when he, the Spirit of truth. is come. he will guide you into nil truth." Al anather time when impmmul 5 Po- ter’s "cognition o! the Christ. rulh. he said. “Upon this rock (or under- shmlinr of the Spirit a! truth) I will build my church; Incl tho gates of hall mu In" pnvail animal it." It is of _pri_199 signjflunce glint J‘esus “Nari-$116! that bin": I.» am mm!- M: mulch: «human-um mr makrbl law in Ma "'91an Bow-J'R'TEEMMS o! n»- noun-r ('hun'h. TM Hr“ (hunk of Chdut Sch-MM in Mn. “aluminum”. The Christian Science Text-Book Sch-(we and Hell": with Key to the Scriphmm by Mary Biker Eddy II the key to that Rifle and “n9- lulalv (a) pv-imiuw Christianity and In: Ion! Mann-m of haunt" wt sum! in The Manual of The Mqtiwr (Myth Bible. the: same Bible that our “than: and mothem-tnught uu, grater thnn Manna Chm-tn. Bill of Right» ml Constitution the very foundation of thin gloat Republic. the corner atom of ,huticc- and rightwusmvu and ur brotherhood of man. The Chtistiul Science Text-[took Sch-two amt Hulth with Key to the Scriptunm by Mary linker Eddy is the key to that Bible and “n9- lnutatv (a) p 'imitiw Christianity and its ion! «lament of healing" w- filled in The Manual of The Motlwr (”hurt-h Thin lectun‘ in thutdom hauling: ifinriiflihh Science is founded on the [aging u'firifiifilrth}dg]fiwue. causal by an elonrlu‘d Julius. which doctors laid I ha. coul only be m- lievul by wrapping my throat with a piece of mil flannel unto-rec! with 'nul. camphur, and null; and the ill!!- mtl always lml to he Iul flannel. When noon alter, my umber was hauled in ('hristhn Science. shv- immallately cumuwnu‘il healing others; and in two twatmcntu. which who gave me M- Mn minutea unit, that plat-s. which duck"! mid Mflliml a uurgicnl open" ntion. umldonly becam- no phonon-«I lhnt l have not known ulnar that. l «“3! had «It. You an: invited to hour no m-u' thing w-da) but of the [hing had and His Ll‘Irist and you am His guests. Paul at Mars hill to the cen- tI-r of culture of the known world a! his (hi) said, “Ye men of Athens. vhom )e ixnomntIII Wow-hip. him de- claru- I unto_ you.. In every city throughout the world where these lectures am.- now being iven people patiently stand waiti or entmnce. and they are repeat to satisfy the tbmngs. In our own cities the people are waiting to hear the message no less true today than when the people thmnged Him who ”Hike as nevel'fllqn spake before. Firstâ€"bv an authorized lecturer ap- pointed b) the Christian Science Bonn! of Directors of The Mother Church, 'lhe First Chulth of Christ. Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts. Secondâ€"at a lectuw given by The Mother Church or a brunch church; and this chumh is a loyal branch Church of The MotherVChurtjh. FRIENDS: ‘in the name of First Church of Christ, Scientist of Down- ers Grove. Illinois I bid you welcome. You are welcome guests to-day to hear a Christian Science lecture and this is the only authorized way by which Christian Science is publicly presented to the world from the-lec- urg-platfionmhâ€" _ Deliv-eIed in the CuIfiss Theatm, Sundav aftemoon. November 2nd. 1919, at three o’clock The lecturer was intnnluccd by Arthur B. Wright who said in pgrt: Entitled Christian Science: It: Naturahleu. Simplicity. and WIN!” John C Latino (1%. . B. Member of the Boa of Lectumship of The Mother Church. The First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Mass. A LECTURE 03 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The only substance that is simple. amass. and entire is 8 irlt, and its qualities are the sum. ’rit is God, and God, good, is the simplest thing in‘the world tothe goodnnd pureâ€" mmded. “Bland an the pun in heart: for they dull see God.” said all real Hind. or divine I'rrneipre. urh h in all life, Intelligence. and urb- rtaneer-therelore. moi-t inclmle all Inn nature. vitality. and health. Therefore. when nature in healing the 'slcthdoennotmeantlutmmyn- lerioon force in at wort in matter. divine Mind in being naturally ex- piry-ed through spiritual thoughts. * through the I thought: of hope. faith. and a "landing, through the law of Life. Truth. and lave; such thoughts dentrny the false beliefs of (ear. disease. and «in. A minister of the gospel once ult- od me: “in Christian Science you all God divine Principle. How can I pos- sihly pray to n prinri lo .”‘ The an.“ wr-r is by random": in: what l’rin« riple fully means. One must turn his thought. away from matter. which. contains nusprineiple to (led. an the one infinite pirit or Mind of the uni~ u-ise. includin man. Christian Sei- mn» teaches t at God. Spirit. is the only cause. Life. intelligence. and lower. therefore He is the divine Principle of the universe; anrl it teaches that man is "is image and likeness. therefore that man is 3 Mt- cal and not material. This ivine Principle of the univerm and man is iactive. concrete truth. and as such ii“ capable of being demonstrated in all human afiairs. Sueh demonstra- tion is made thmu h prayer. accord- ing to the Christian y scientific method 'ot‘ Christian Science. The availability of the Christian Science prayer Iimr ‘in its practical. workable nature. The Christian Science rayer works. or avails. just in so ar as one under- .»tamls and applies the divine Princi- ple and mles of Christian Science to discordant mortal beliefs. This means that prayer is right thinking; and in order to pray anght one must learn to think aright, and in order to do this must learn of divine Principle. An can underrtand how Chris- tian . ience heals the nick. and anyone can be a practitioner and give a treat- ment in the measure that one oh- tains this understanding. [ If Christian Science is truly natural it must be simple, because true nature ‘is simple and sincere. A simple thing is one that is plain and sin le: not complex. To be simple is to clear. direct, humble. and unadorned: not combined with something else. Matâ€" ter possesses none of these character- istics, but in complex, entangled, va- gue. and deceitful; for this in the character of the material mind. Mat- ter is anything but simple. It is so complex and confused in material link it mean:- that divine Principle or mortal belief that it never has been 1 and never can be understood by this ‘ false belief. Quint». or fomn. â€" Christian Scion-r when out an- in one all our only I'd Kin-1.7M VgHvinc l’flqdp‘f. fiitV-H'Iilncm 1:.“th ml NI ham. and ‘1' “my 79o by puma! Why h it not ma that the amp Islam-u in they momma at medicine Mulch Maury bu damn are due to the umruintima o! matter mu! m- urhl belief? WM. Ml! nll goo-I woflemduldmg udooern-Iot. lesion balm. aim “in Mm (8,611!) \u' “we. and um: and Mn our bo- lng?" And when will u In- an that mum-r 1. not a nun but u nflm u..- mm of the mun-bl um: nnJ our [an hull) ”(my .0 In: no- I» this nilh W elm.- no loug u in drynyr‘lmu n. («Ln of Dump it? "Loch-d at mud-”y "w: My I will be amend-g unsolved In nu «I to mum and Muilh but n In [curl 0m (WM-Nan 3cm «flunk. a "war (om not. them [In (mt _|r Jenn lint! . In! of undid". n qrfluigifiianl hut. could qnly'be 31f- One of the common beliefs of life and intelligence in matter is the pow- er that is given to a drug to restoie health. This faith in matter in the form of a drug is more important and harmful than most forms. because it shuts the door on direct faith in God. Spirit, as the immediate and only 11-- storer of health and life. What a god some people make. of medicine! he drug is said to be given to assist nature to produce a cure; but the drug has no intelligence. it does not know where to go. then how can it assist nature in the cure of disease? Nature truly is the natural healer of disease, but matter is not nature. Na- ture, lightly understood. is the mani- festation of divine Principle, and Principle, or Love, and the spiritual Life thereof are not expnessed through a n9 ative false belief cal< led matter. P ysicians say that you will get well if you have a good con- stitution and enough vitality. and that ‘nutum cums you. but who! are vitali- ‘ty and a good constitution. and what is health? HEALTH DELUSIONS Tin-m an- mon- doluuionu and nupi-r- stitions about health than there are hours and days in the year. When I was a boy my mother aidently bo- lievcd that a periodical throat tmuble. eaused by ‘an_ elongated palate, _which Mn. christian 8am. ‘, nat- ural alumna} {act of the a! of God. or Spirit. and o! irltuul men and spiritual universe wh h the Bible teaches, is most unnatural to the nth laerial semen of mortals, whose god is matter, whose man and universe gate material. and whose will or law is material opinion or belief. Matteri seems to these material senses to be: the great and only fact. Honest thinkq‘ ers sooner or later learn that the so- called law of material belief, and its efl'eet. called matter, is a contradic- tory, confusing, and false claim. and is wholly contrary to spiritual law. They come to see that material sense is no law nor lawmaker whatever. Matter is the opposite of Spirit in nature and expression, and being the very reverse of God it cannot be the rreation of God. Spirit. _ __ Mk. ”'1Lflée;pv'-y.ozfiotdiim’ " Q You are hereb notified that on Monday, the 8th lay of December, A. I), 1919. the executrix of said estate will present to the Count Comtof Du Page County, at the urthouse, in Wheaten, Illinois. her final report of her acts and doin . as such execu- trix. and ask the rt to be dis- charged from any and all further duties and responsibilities emanated with said estate, and her uh'ninistra- tion thereof; at whish time and place you my present and resist such sppll- cation. if you choose so to do. a Juli: C .Petric, Executrix. Bunge. Harbour Schmidt, Am. .. and inning-cum To Henry W. Petrie. Ethel L. Hayes. Julia C. Petrie. Arm: Bleacher and Pearl H. Banning. heirs and dis- tributees of said estate. State of Illinois County of Du Page 53. In the County Court of Du Page: County. December Term, A. In the matter of the Estate tha A. iStevens.’ Deceased. SI-lf-cktermination and self-«volup- mrnt I"! now said to In the only mod to lilII-rty 3nd progrms. This is true. and i< the teaching of Christian Sti- enm. Srlf-vlderminntion. or the fm- dam of tho indifidual lo decide for himself and loll-develop mnt or the fmfliom of tho individual to develop himself am inborn and inalmhle rights. They am really luv: of di- vim Love and justicr‘. forever [mu crning and directing the man of Carl's crv-atinx. The real chuvrh is "2"“... "house not main- rm. h:~is. prised “griffin-l uni right hit-am in other um «. all that pureed.- from divine Print-wk. Love. This 0.. Jesus' church. whieh ho ion-told. hill an the rut nf mum-I unrlerwumlinx. ‘lhe one universal church. It is the ‘vlivim‘ 5:ka M the human churrh the "mite: pmvinw its utility hy demon- mfllng the "My (”mutant-r or (Ihriw um 8cm. Ind ministering to the mama; to rich and poor alike. This is the function of the (Than-h of Christ, Srw‘ast. an o niutivm r-s‘ tablished by Mary H: or FM in [879, my parent church. The. o‘h- er Chan-h. is in Boston. Munch". sous, null whose branches. numherimz over moo. extend over the worm. X» a ritual. M M makrhl. M will nu! u- "ll Lilo in cit-ml mer' pun-L nul that maul N My. dun-pinudo. and mu. an may run Inn-rill bolkh. awr which an. M. full dominion. . "on and wmn of river I'm and u firm nun-hm Mk! "altar "wit u Man on Mtimfl of fur lama-um and "Inn-l. All rum should mm. W dun." of Cm R.'-.“M u nos-M win; I "good Tough Min-.- n I ion. gar-dram" nl Nam" in man" In noughfor no who in; noting "1-:an pm. Ill. uln- According to w Mutt chum-v at “mph. mu n: rrv-Ilnl in "as“ im- an ml "tumu- nu! Dun dominion 0v" 1" "vital "I (mflllhn sch-m lbw- um v a “a tour The "donation of morulu. or the: "on“! of youth. Lu I mun! - «no on- ud par-dial hum" of then up! of ”Irina-I 80km not! I m5» ly jammy”! moi}. Chflufian Scicm lhmlroyu the fur a! lack of mmnly with I’m name d5- s'lnv I’rlmiplr \Ulh which It dtnh’cyu 0w- (nt of mhflon or dim. pray- in: um lhmr b no dim-nun- wint- n'g-r batman; the Int to! uni". Ind wishful Md. Fur I'M the uhadowing torment or human existent-e "In is pvapoualblo fur mul‘r thnn hull of humnn «lineup»! and «human Christi-n Sciem Ihowu that far comes from 6mm:- or flu. It tum-ho» one how to rim- nut of ignorance Ind out a! sin. and um. pug-«pt ml Ml all_kimlu offal; Christian Science is practical. as the healed and regenerated every- where (lo gladly testify. Christian Science is I divme law or system or perfect rules to be proved. and while the absolute is Alwaya posuible. no one must think that he in expected to attain it in any other way than by stepx and images. No one ever doe-4 so. Therefore he must not feel that he is required to give up everything til-t seems dear to him before he can :taiw the first ute u in Chriutiun Sci- ence. Growth wil tau-vet be grain-l. Whatever explains what (car. nin. aml‘ disease aw, whence they originntv.1 and how they are to be overcome isl eminently piutifal.‘ ltiun s'c'ien'ée' ii’th'i’é Eiiii "Vii Jim gal intelligence in Spi t. not in mat- - r. ‘ minnow-UNION Mlummmnobln- by willful thoughts or suggeatlon. since one ermr cannot destroy another error. Christian Science shows that as the resistance of these Mae evil beliefs is not personal. therefore no personal harm can be done. This im~ personal method of handling evil is the only method by which evil can be destroyed. and therein lies the (mat practicality of Christian Science. Any method that starts from the premise that the evil material sense as God- cueated or God-acknowledged hind-S ignorantly and {almly and hue llv per- fect Principle with which to destroy error. Christian Science shows how each individual can, and must, for himself overcome these subtle evil beliefs. It shows that these beliefs let loose am aggmssive and are expressed through what is called will power or mental suggestion. which is only another name for hypnolism or mesmerism. And it shows that disease cannot be healed Chrlntlan Science goes to the root of evil or sin and finds it to he only the impersonal and false claim that then: is a power apart from God. good. This false claim Mrs. Eddy calls mortal miml. an she says foI want of a beam term; and this mor- tal. material mind Is the some carnal mind which is “enmity against God." and what Jesus called a liar frm. the beginning ‘r~â€"r~ â€"â€"â€"v Christ Jesus" wm make anyone “the; (mm the law of sin and death." Chih- wal mortal m din-town the! MI EX ECI’TOR'S NOTICE iii-V'i-il-C . Notice is hemby given to the .H 1William L. Axium Klthat the I”. named Complainant heretofom :her Bill of Comphmt in on the Chancery side film-eat...“ and“ a summons thereupon issued said Court agsinst thenbova defendant. returnable on the first go! the term of the ”Circuit Court |I_)u Pale Couptylto beheld *9 . Ii: i5 3 Circuit Court. Conny of Du Pap, January Term. A. 0.. 1920. In Chl- 3cery. Paula Axium vs. William L. Axlum. General No. 8379. Court House in the City of“ ii in said Du Pug: County. on a. .- eond Mond: in Jumu'yJ D. ”is by In" red, Ind which suit is still as. Loui- M Huge, ELI-hour Bahrain. Conphlmnt’o Solicitors. STATE OF ILLINOIS. COUNTY OF DU PAGE, as. For further information. «in? I II. or call afh‘moons. 2:30 to :M O! rw-ninga h appointment. V. PRED- ENHAGEP}: 15 So. ”tin St. ly first class maiden-e paper” a new part; jut! buying. security 3.5.000. ime 5 year: at 6 per ed interest. the security impmvn with each u - meat. inform! nix pr cent pt mmiâ€"nnnunlly. 2‘4 commimiol a (end on (his. m In: pen-any. WANTEDâ€"A 82.11”.” on m .3 and one 0! the host flamed wi‘h lot "DIM? fl. hind] lo I home for n family. and the PM is but 34200. Tar-ms an ho, had. FOR SALFreA rigM m first manage loan y. in m I? installments of . pc_r_mmt!l. “I. moms Ind both hung- lav. with” VI'I'I‘ hell. e‘octrkity Int! (0‘ plugnlu'ng. ! an [nu-mm. (wig I“. I FOR SALEâ€"Two to" him 6 and 6 moan. I" Inge I "W one has a both hlva l9 fl. pom l Id II I 165 thu- locum” I Hort h lull (in prim for both only FOR SAI Fr‘ (‘osy new Mil ,.i§ili I'OR SALFrâ€"Nnfly m. that“: I, I!“ built 7 room mm. or. flu {lunar lam Iivlq no. .- r‘u on me. I! n. . wml. decide“, for I" Inc. m, and enrythmf‘lm in 132x310. l'ncr M. M" FOR SALEâ€"«Two '3“ km W nu; ma sgyrfiugmy m. n}. the hut; IZV'R. porch. el «ml. electricity far all um. m, In! everytht can is I321”. [Tun-m.“ mu mum” A my cluinflo can hull. mm. (In uh I.“ with I" and". (0.":th H mm: .m'mm : 1 lmpmo. In! I! you no do I we will do the rut. "w lob an round. an mt the shut... I“ n [all In“. and all an Mll- Ho Mm lo“. M mun my um my lhhlfiml on on ”blown” a a I... an ant um. your My. nun curl". km: a! your own. All at tho M- on clear. to W goo-I. and a mutant-Ho CUM will "gm out In lo“. I. I“ and about Plant and Down I! ”26. II. upwnnl». 6! $30 «My two to - eta-1mm r lumluvethflr uhuillvhon" can I number 0 lot: in vacuo- M an "~me built. at". I on here lad Upon, that loallflooh A l-‘OR’8AI.P}:Scwm! grant by. h' REAL ESTATE FOR SM! Pluc- your Older for In“ I!“ “luv sling ”Iv-“h b the “no. 0‘ your order In udy. E. SMITH 1'ka m-J FOR“ Rb‘NTâ€"Qâ€"Vrl’umiahed room (oi lady or married couple. Luge You! forum heat. all convenient!“ Ed. Otto. 2‘.“ E Maple Ive. ll- 4 A ’mmumnuihn rfect condition. Miliifii 6! her: ave. Phone 9’]. 11-7-14! FOR SALEâ€"4111:“! quarter lilo Inn bed newly white enameled. math!- nnd springs :11 in good condition- Phone 3504 ron SALEâ€"BASE bumer. ma. M73 coal heater. Three white OrpM-l- ton Cockrels. One good 12 shotgun. F. M. Kiedener. Lin-eon 5 Lincoln eves. Phone 76-W. 11-7-1- I'UII unuuâ€"ww ”I.“ U l a, .. .2. Shouts. Nicholas. [M ers Grove. LOSTâ€"An automobile robe m where on the North Side width blocks _of GB a Q. tracks. 7 > _ _ FOR RENTâ€"two furnished min- for light. housekeeping. apply. In. Holst. 114 S. Muin st. 11-7-10. FO RSALFrâ€"One heating stove M one kitchen range. Inquire Jul“ Twnhuy, 200 N.,l"orest ave. HB-W. 11-7-1- for, Mimi ‘Pth; V 9717"" {CH FOR fixtijiiihauawr'. F‘QB SALE-rrâ€"Sovrrihnd 5 FOR _8A_LEâ€"â€"?_-pasaengei fill} BRIE? NCERY NOTICE umm i:- b u".

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