Downers Grove Reporter, 7 Nov 1919, p. 8

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"Mrs. W. F. Hefiemn of Chicago. “I! Ire at the Fannieâ€"Teacher As- .thaon meeting last Friday evening. -- . a thrilling talk on the subject ‘ Wniution at a special meet- " d the Civic: and Philanthmpy Pride .fternoon. Mrs. in claim“ of the Ameriâ€" .,. Committee in the Chicago Fr GubmdalaoinflveShte 7-d,ant-‘ljeuhgr A‘Mf’w Next Tuesday. November 11th. the V hemary of the signing of the Ar- ’ ee.‘ is going to ho a great day. re will be a correspondingly great I! at The Dicke Theatre on that y. Geraldine Fan-3r in "Shadows." ' adv. Mr. M. W .Mills. for many yearn a resident d’ the village and until re- e-rtly hmployod an manager of a mango printing cont-rm. has decided to embark in business here. He is instilling a printing plant in the, building on Belmont strwt just went of Forest avenue and expects to hv in full operation in about No weeks. Associated with him as superintendvnt “the plant will be Mr. Oscar Carlson, another well known Downers Grow Thev arv exporting to do a good by. _ deal of Chicago work. A ‘ Hit-Male Upholsterimz Furniturv Mir Shop. All work neatly done 3t reasonable pn'cos. Phone 635 or sand postcard. Will call and deliver free of charge. 8-22-tf. In. L. F .Corwig ,Mr. and Mrs. le Gehrig. Mr, and Mrs. T .F. Kelly. limes Paulym' Reinor. Elsie Pischel Marian Cnrcomn. Mossrs Franklin Dewey. Arthur [em and Emery Klein. A mighhorhmd hallmw'm party was MM at “In homo of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Staats on Norm Form! avomw 1m Friday (“Thififi Gamns, [runes- ' mntmts and hobl'fing for apple; mpiml tho greater part of (hr (aw-m in}. _Tho<¢- prrswnf‘ worn: Mr. and “Fin your «mm or inst- wo" lilnfl' is called by llubhy “Then thin s liar- n. Don‘: miss (Tonsiam Ta made! “A Tompvra'm'nlnl Wifv" at The» Dirk! The-31w. Friday Novomhl‘r Tlh. and Saturday. Nnrrmlwr am adv. Mrs. J. Alfml Known iix spnnding "no wool; visiting with frivnlls on tho Grind Prairie rin‘uit. on» of llve larg- m llvlvls in tlw Illinois Confemncn of tho Evangelical Association. Rev. Namn wn’fll the Grand Praln'v vir- nlt for "\H‘!‘ wan as assistant pas- Oor immaliatolv pn‘rwlinz hi3 apâ€" nunenl to llw pastorate of tlw m Evnnzoliral rhurrli of mWflPl'.‘ Gmo. MPVAVMQofiMMnr .\Ir .2!!! Mn. Mbn Woodward. mnkn their hum-- with "w .\L K. Brunstm family. Edwnrvl H lhunwnnl “ho Ilia! M '0'!!! flown. Ohm. ”Huh?! 2“. ""9. of In m-mn and «us lmriml "wvv'. “a! I mm at Mru. ADM-rt “'muMNJntl Mnflwr of lime”; flnmmn of "w wil- . Hi9: ”WWII"! wrn- hmu M to "up nillr nml hm-iul in Mr .‘lpm- “"0 mnwhvu on Nmomhrr 14. ll”- 7mm linn-m “Th1- :‘ght tn llumuim-Ms." tho mo»! (Ilka! of niflun-w-Uw pictun Hm! in nwivml m- but trutlmoniulu o! my )lrtun- m canning m 1119 Ulrko M m adv. Dr. (‘umlinr angvr, murder of the Elixnhvth MrCurmit-k Ml-mm'inl PHI-l. and aim (Mninvmn nr Ihv (‘om- mum on ('Mlll er'nu- m "w Ill- holn F'wlrrnlinn of Wunmn'n (‘lnbu Visual Um puhllr «4"qu 'l‘nrwlav I!- unoon. nmkina hrlun- 1hr Iliuh‘ admol nn-Irmllly nml ualclrv‘ssinx a tachmu' "wrung uflrr «flu-0|. The Iypt- (M (M. “wk" l'u-‘uv in nu. vn Hunt p'vnlmu cn'l "-thl 5 lat." running ll‘mw i.. no u-nrv l» wwn Uv‘ linw l'nmllr “r “-1 "R an I0" m n 1"" [MIN lv-ntl (I 38'.“ of an inrM hvhwvn limw. m 30 "w lulmlurl‘nn or Hu- llm-mv't flunv of 34th l‘v-mn'4, Although it‘s hard to Mlir’n their i: wally mow warl- lm- mm: r in (hi: Launc- than usually. Rev. Wm. (’7. F, Ilm‘vs an 0M who”! mm o! "W ”star will mum! at the Pin! Evange iral church next Sunday. He left his pafihn'flto in Wluomzln early ‘n "m war and «Men-d the arr- vke of hits rnuntr)‘. I-‘nr :vu-ml month: hv rhl-mwl and rmnfm'lu-l woum'ml unvl .hirq mm. being rn- .1!wa ‘n r-~|i¢~( lung-Hal work m-m' "11' Friday. Nun of Mrs. J. W awakI-r fumn ('hirnun MM :1 ‘.'(~:‘} omtim: Inn-ling I~< run-11ml. n” in of tho chum-h m-v ungml In ha- "I". J. Srwis of Chicago. son-inâ€"luw or Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph (If Hurt Grow. recently purchusml tlu- l-‘u-(lt-nlmgon ropel'ty. has purchusr-d the hem.- of Rh. and Mn. Brmillim' For a common- ltlon of $4.500. Mrs. (l. H. Whilm-j.’ was the agent fur thr- transaction bringing tln- (“0 parties tum-(hm: Carrie Mungvr Lung. normal trach- cf, will give u vnuslcul talk on tlr‘ Dunning >314.»le nl' impruw-«l murir' dudy fnr lwzmm-n a! 1hr Klmk-rgur- tell on Friday. NmI-vulx-I' Hill, at 15' 30, Her lvvtun- “ill hv illusllutml with ('hillln'n from ('lmngu, All u'l‘uI It? intt-I'vstml u'r ('0:'<l?ull}' imitml. The Lzulitax fill-\ihnury Such-1y of [he ('onm' anti-um! church will mm-t Lemuel Wright who is. at the Mich« Id Reese hospital in Chicago sufi’erâ€" ing with a bone disease which will necessitate: an Opt-ration. wishes to thank tht‘ pupil): of the Sl‘Vf‘nlh gnulo 0nd tht‘ir teacher. Miss Suntlherg for the beautiful bmluct 0f flow-rs which they sent to him. A special Illâ€"rev] ontcrtuiimwnt {(-a» hiring Constance 'l‘almmlm- in “A Temperzinwntal Wire" and l’wrt I..y~ tell in "Faith" at 'l'ln- Hickv 'I‘hl‘alnu Satunlny. November 8th. adv. Dr. S. (7. Pearce and Mr. L. E. Green, of Livingston, Mont. stopped 0! last week on their way home for u.visit with their causin, Mrs. '1‘. F. Kelly. Mr. Gwen had accompanied {our carloads of cattle and sheep to the Chicago yards from his Muntann ranch. TM. 14ml Lumber Co. is installin Mnty ton scale alongside their 0 - an' Forest avenue. This will be the most modern weighing device a- mnd this an of the country and the heaviest o tmcks with their loads an be accomodated after it is com- m-vml) v..- - v--..- , ‘r Nth :M Nu- hnnw uu-s. :hm- ".II by _.'t in!â€" hul- [111‘- i There is probabl not a person in IDowners Grove w 0 has not read lLongfeilow’s “Evangeline." You will ’soon have an opportunity to see it ‘unfold right before your «yr-s at 'l'hz- Dicke Theatre. Watch for an allvmu it‘aement. adv. Dun Dinner and Glad Min-Iran au- gthe latest Downers Grove nit-n lo comlx home after bring in tho United Status service. Dan wax. an Ensign in the ;nu\'y, making several trips over in transport service. Min-Loan was a regimental sergeant-major in Mm 861]: division. H0 I‘PCQ‘h'flll his dischurgt' in Paris on July 5th and since thul time has bnvn working for tho Esâ€" Vthonian government in Fruncv. "(.- 'do§clinml an important position with ‘that government which would nncossL sec; at Mum-1mm has bee‘n an. ed for November-71$ at 2:30 at Jhe Kindergarten. gfiflsfiézfiafis@fiafisfiflfiiWifi-fi...figsfififigflfizfifi .9 They protect the car fmm road shocks and prolong the life of every part. This remarkable test showed conclusively that Three-Point Cantilcvcr Springs, exclu- sive with Overland, arethc grcatcst improvc~ mentin riding comfort since the introduc- tion of-pncn matic tires. OVERLAND 4 has been put through the most thorough and severe test possible. 250, 000 miles of mountain trails, desert sand, heat, cold, mud and dust, demon- strated the qualit3 of every part of the car ~ long before we began manufacturing greater comfort under all road conditions. They do away almost entirely with side sway and rebound which twist and rack the ear. Diagonal attachment of the Three-Point Springs at both ends of a l30â€"inch Spring- Tested 250,000 Miles Three-Point Cantilever Springs Greatest Improvement Since 0 Pneumatlc Tires and the young people \wndwl their :zt-wral ways Ilomowanl, happily rvcounting thrir (-xporiencvs of (In- m‘rning. it was a unith (-ntr-rtuin- mvnt. Spk‘mlid wintvr ('fllltfi. (wrench-null} gum! styles in guarantoml all wan! church gathered at the home 0'! Miss Lillian Ht-intz for an aide fashionule Hallowe'on Party last Friday oven- ing. The guests were reel-n11! h3- whitr- mbml spectrums and shown in- to tho haunted house amidst the un- (‘arthly sounds of groaning and bhrioks and rattling: bonu- cumin': from a half scm‘t- uf ghosts \s‘hit'h were wumloring listlI-ssb' thru 9hr moms. Games wan: played until '1 late hour when rof'rv nnonts w The demand for spocml cure of Hwy. “1‘3 I'll “(/HABI'IU hair and :acalp of tho fine women in: BER‘VYN BAKERY Downers Grove can be satisfiml' hon! Ch I 1’ h B R (‘ . . .. ' ,. 1 ares 'uu'm.w owns . . u“â€" at hfllflf‘. l hay. an?!) hmc'a'ml study ham's baker here from the time Mr. to ”Us vol-y Ink-rusting “mk "MIN-.Graham started the business until h(- (h.- host.\tvzu-Imrs on the cam of (hcmld out. has purchased the Windsor w- Equipment is complete from Auto-Lite Starting and Lighting System to Marshall Divan Spring Uphol:.tcry. Diagonal attachment of the Thee-Point Springs at both ends of a l30â€"inch Spring- base gives the steadiness and smooth riding of the heavy car of long wheelbase. CHARLES THURM HAS PURCHASED BERWYN BAKERY "1:":ka ‘" mfiag W! e 0 Saturday of ”Iris: week. 1 He $84.16!?”th loc- nu wyn a mu 0 a goodwill)“- .as he is a fine baker an good ”('85 man. Mrs. T. F. Kelly and Mrs. M. K. Bush attended a meeting of the 11th. District Board in the new club rooms of the Chicago Womans Club [as Thursday. . The general meeting of the Woman: Club will be held in the Club mom: Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. In thfi evening at 8:00 o'clock, the Alexandar Burns Post American Legion will furnish the program. in the Dicke ’l‘hcutm. There will .be a guest fee of 252. to non club ignembqnzL __ __ WOMAN S CLUB NOTES 1% .4 '. : 9K5!

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