Downers Grove Reporter, 14 Nov 1919, p. 6

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A pit-tuna will be talmn of all me- ant and uâ€"momlwrs: in good standing and a prlnt mounted on photo board {Ill be laminated to ouch man in said Sunday moinz. November 16, men who have been honorably dist-harmfd or who had gun» into tho U. S. ser- vice from (‘0. H. are mmwsfml to ”gamble at flu: high school EX«MEMBERS 0F CO. H. ASSEMBLY SUNDAY MORNING The American Lei: on in sossion In Minneapolis asked fnr the denudation of Victor Be or. of Milwaukee. un- rated from ,ongress on amount of his attitude in the world war. Two cxâ€"sorviro mrn pararlhz in an Amhflrn Dav pal-adv in ”1» :fat» of Washinmn with other of thnir buddies mare kiliod and 9"“va wm-n injured when the marchers: warp fired upon by "Reds." We nauso here to wonder if the radical element of the hhor unions. Ind there are mam tuch “vim: in Downers Grove. win applaud m: net. Certain of these mm have Mn nrodicting a revolution and otherl dire consequences. sunnosedlv- if thny Minot get evervtjfing in sight A «mall hm' w‘u arridonflr HUN! M Ma chum n1 Elmhurs? ln‘t wmk. Th0 rm-olvn wiih whh-h “w 409d was done was pun-hater! from a mail orâ€" dpr hougp. A 1m! dnakr woult’ how haflrr than to en" a bnv n ma] mm and ray-tritium; \rithmnf anthov-Gtv from his panmfs. 1-: MM anmhor argunwnt against Hm ma"! nrrlor homo? Suit ram-99M WE SEE BY THE PAPERS THAT- Tb"! L: Pm! our way in vote- on Dmmh'r 5th. and that in in flavor of tho “mum-o 0f tho- hands. If ‘v for manor whirl! QM riilap knilv owns its hand holders for printipa! hm! intomt. It is an anmtinn which wo- rarmot :lndm‘. Elmâ€"firm in 0H: firm is a nutnmom b" ”In Villagw ('mnril wnnlinr um howl imam which explains it more fully. A Du Pap Conn“ (‘oun bu lo- mod n rmnt I nist the villa” ii "in a w- .Inm n the my must it rain-«l tn pay 00‘ this judgment 'lnloss it i- niml in this w-y. a ‘1“ which will mmd the mm ovn a per- iod of wars. "w momy mad he rais- osll in Mu- rr‘nr Mr W"' taxation. This mane tlni if' Hm bond inane no” not nan. "w loral tax for mt war will b! view,» lhouxaml dollars rm“- or than Mmfl'. 0n Fn‘du‘. Doeemlrr 5th. "I "0(- on of thr Villa" of Down": Gm» ii" mu whom" or not to hunt bonds In 0» mm of ILM. to clear up the Mohair- ( mug): forfoitum as panic! ”gr-Juneau. mum "to d. after "I gland and “'7 kg! Ihtgugh jot a at: from Chnmu TM“- ' um! is "outfit" Iru pound! at nun of Sodas u- tbot [lo a Nmmbr ma. Think M or". "nw- rivil‘ln population of (hour countrin." he rumimwd. “wow lluo It Hw- wnr. The air mid» on l'lrht. Monica and othn ritirl, flw- n-n mm.” Chl- tubs on tho manta. all hmulfi!‘ harm to than at km the dawn] and Mann 0! lflull \nrhrv. “out: mic r-nnthu Ind honor the MI uh) lum- nnm 6n the conflict. I am, not “yin! that the Amrfinn neopln' do not. an" prohbly do. so far 0 they nation-(uni. But never an Hwy, m 0» human In IM fighting mar I Europ- dou.” ! Thi- fmnou-oltholocnl boy-who! "MM HM day an" war m do- over (ht-n In Flamlor'n llicMn." Then? he went on to tell how much mare! Franco. anlnnd and Italy Ihinku of‘ Winn who dkl the flghlinp. “The mole of "w l'nitnl Stub-2:7!!! lo‘ ao‘pmiala-iyhug \n- yrs-[IQ thrgpgh aant elanvor. the ehureh bells. the fur Some weeks am» a committee from 3nd train whlfltll-s all proclaimed to the the department visited the .he world that the war was over. and moms to see what they could buy (or more important, the boy» were coniumthe boys which would make the rooms hone! ,‘more attractive. They naturally nel- Mmtt of lhtm au- now hark. Huveztlrd on a Vlrtmla as the one thing In done for them the thlngs we men- Iwhieh would give a n-ajorlty of the tally nlalml a year ago when vieunyihoys the most plensyne. Now "my punched atop our banners h_\' n-axoniane a little undecided what tn buy on their bravery? There is and old u». nne of their purposes in running flying that 5 Democracy mun fo:~-lthe Thanksgiving eve «hum. w," u. vets. One or ”-0- mt'nlhv'l‘fl at the Almine money for a piece of furniture E. I". ha:- Iaid to u« not long nut-.I'for the Legion mom». y This was a wildly delirious town from two o’clock in the morning un. til late at night. Staid matmns, who would not unbend for anvthing. dune» ed and shouted with the loudest. Bus- iness men whose habitual Impression ”minds one of the grant stom- face, rmjled. lauvhed an! pimuu-d lilm small children. The fim hell's inces- sant clavmor. the (‘hurvh bells. the fiw‘ 11nd train whistlm all proclaimed (01 JR world that the war was over, and] lvwrejmportanl, the hon were cumin“ THE PROPOSED BOND ISSUE Those who were fortunate enough to he in Downers Grove one year ago Tuesdny when the news of the sign- of the armistice was brought home to awry one by whistles, bells and cheers, will new er forget that hec‘ tic morning. The impromptu auto- mobil parades. the singing. the march- hug, around town waking up those who 15th despite the noise; “ill any-1 0 participated ever forget hatred at the Downers Grove Post Mice as second claps muil matter. Advertising rates made known upon application. Subscription rates $2.00 per year. Single copies 6:. ‘ l-ued every Friday morning from the alias o! the Downers Grove Publish- ing Company. 37 North lain street. Bow-em Grove, Illinois. , mmkma h miformfany find. if you Mamki. Curtain m, 1-: Servant REMEMBER LAST YEAR 1’ C. H. STAA'I‘S. EDITOR ,' Theodorr Roost-wit wns born in the "rity of New York October 27,1858. ’His parents were weanhy people who Ihad come over from Holland and who inhorited tho traits of tho Dutch ‘people. honesty. sturdiness. truthful- ness and loyalty. I As a boy Roosevelt was sickly and so unusually near sighted that he wore very thick glasses. Because of hi4 ill health he was unable in attend public school but had instead, a tutor until he was ready to enter college. 1 mom: msmu poor. kings and paupers, all mourned and shod an unabashed tear for tho old lion was dead. ' Theodom Roosevelt. tho man is dead! Lovable. brawn glorious. hoatu in; his sorrows bravely, tnn- In a frinml. honorable to .1 foo. nohlr in every bearing. his was a charartrr kings might \wll envy. The vnd of his glorious lift- rams- quv'vtly in HM early morning. January 6. I919. When the press came out with the startling new: that the great Amrrican was dead every head was bowed. (wry heart swelled with sorrow. Rich and? The unclt‘ninmvi I1" so" no l'uMi" 'Am-tion on "w J. F. Kidwvll P‘nrmv M Svlmtmt. Tun-May. Nm-vmh-r 13th. mm mmmmwim! at )0 n‘dork a. m. '0 howl u! mle. 7 brad nf harm-u l luml soww. .1 star. G animate 4 n-r<. ' boar farm marhimn of n" kimh and mam ofhl‘r ant-flaw too mmwr-mm to Inc-Minn. hr Dioh‘r Am! Nu admin-Ion {~- In mind and all In imiIM to hr um! and lrnrv It fin! band My our unwind"! hart-m nrr' Ming hump M In ban a About in Hu- lift- {mm "both "10“ www- so war!) rut ofl. a "I Maw- with her I imam of an handiwork n! mm:- 0 (M maul":- im: hug. 8dr 0! ”0"” nrticlm 6! a «- drN-t lp lo the ”In": The man; i: on!" Ilw umpires- "f (hr (’5‘ kn hep. rum-M n! "w hmuurc Cmuv “ammu- Chm A "wanna-'1" lbnwm‘ru Grou- from ‘um-e bran bd- wlll he Immght next Wednmhy Ant-mo... Nm‘rmN-r m. at Llhnn‘ Hill by MISS MARY D. .H-IWFIT'I‘. m n! "w hand nick-- a! Pod Shrriolnn in rham m llw Pix- flmmthir 'u‘ 3M5. .1... -323... s: .a :5. 5.3.15 ..._tE....E... 2: a. .7. :3. in m "mud shu- 0mm: umpi- tnl N0. 28 I! For! Shrridnn Im- num- ber: of than men ulowly fol-mug but (0 Mnlcbwnwh mm. at they an!» ran know. Ovvr the top to virtnry mum! :- nlluut firm. Bark {mm the- (mat. rho" uhoclu'd. torn and Iliuhlnl. many 3 haw mun In nruggling mnn‘ tn!- lnntly In a battle for M.- ohl time ~le_ anal A vigor. MARY D. JEWET’I‘ TO TELL OF WORK AT ARMY HOSPITAL '. lainml the vlL-part'monfwithalmw from the field and the girls wiil haw 1h:- hognr of mgkino the pn‘stfnlatiqn. j their pumm. which they ke nt seen-t. was to resent the boys wii 3 Vic- tmla. he other evening finding suf- licient money had been gathered to- gether a committee visited Swrarin- gen's for the purpose of placing an order for a $150. machine. After a little negotiation Mr. Swourimzcn learned the music box was for the Legion moms and told the girls that there was no use in their making a selection as the Fir:- Dapartment had 1(rilered one and Were going to pay for it with the proceeds from the Thanksgiving eve dance. As the sor- ority had been planning on a Victmla for almost six months they naturally were it little dismayed at the news and called Henry Dieke. chief of the depanment. and expostulatul with him. _Ai_'tt-r everything lmd been n-xâ€"I Last spring the girls of the Delta Sigma rni Sorority started gathering mom-v by various enterprises to buy aomflhing {or the rooms of the ex- sen‘ice men, when they were [Oran-cl. Their purpmm. which they kept segrt-t. T he club rooms of the American DJ» pion in the Dicke Building will soon contain a Victmla for the entemIin- mom of the ex-senice mnn. 'lhis is an assured fact as two organiutions clashed the other owning on which would do the buying and make the prgscntution. A _ _ PUBLIC AUCTION Orglniuflonu Clash 0!: Which lluy Manic Machine For III: v American [Axiom PIX-SERVICE MEN TO HAVE VICTROLA FOR CLUB ROOMS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH. I919 4:15 P. M. EMMANUEL CHURCH CHOIR LA GRANGE. PROGRAMME OF SACRED MUSIC FOR THE COMMUNITY fly Edith Perm S. AN DREW'S CHURCH DOWNERSGROVE REPORTER. DOWNERS GROVE. ILUNOIS *7". --. ... "a". v. u-v aw; Snood purfll eel continuum may: .'°"“n.": $é$°$$§§2 I v “If!“ mm In cumin! condition. 8.1% 100.. Prop... a {by LOCAL APPLICATIONS. as any cannot mch the seat of the dileue. Cantu-h II c lac-Al disease fret Influ- moo-lb con-umuonucondn om. LL-s CATA RH MEDICINE will cm caumh. It In taken Intemlly and at. “won I: the Blood on the "neon: Bun-1m. o( t o lay-tun. HAL-I‘ll CAT??? MEDIEHg a compound 0 com. a but on known. eqphlnod_wflh 09mg of 1);. but n.._‘ - A len c-nmn Hm nmvs that Qm‘nfin. H" ""‘-’"L"‘>‘L ”VI" jnrnvN hflnfix‘ Li?"- Phone 212-W-2 HARRY H. MARTIN Hay and Straw Ono Ilav win-n "amilin Garland. who was Roosmmfl's mighhnr in [Mr 1min. ash-d him what ho had hnrvl of My boys ho answoml gravely. ‘Thoy am all on tho firing line anal nninjuml. but I know the timo is com- ‘nz wk"! 1 must [0 to Edith and to" Mr that mm. and perhaps two of thrm aw zone." Will Whrn VIM"! States sow-ml wh- h'ons with Gov-many Rmvolt I"!!! in- stantly "-me tn [n but ho- was Mr hunt-VI so he sent his boys saying. "The- (M lion rannntr go but his sons will.“ Rona-MR than lhpd quid!) in hi.- hnnliful homo at Sagavmm- Hill. 0) Rtf‘f Bay. for sown" wan: with his wifr and his four slmfly hays. In “"2 during "w pthiuknthl um- pain (he nation was uhorlwl In Hu- 1"“! of an lump In! ”sanitation of Roosevelt In a lumtir at Milwauh-v. but In» me a fwxh dommflrltirm of M':- vita H}- npd (pawn. Ron-«'0'! was mint"! for an- olN-r um w” tic-rout"! by Tun. Af- G" M: doll-II M hauled flu- 8min:- minn African Expulilion. taking his son Kermit with Mm. and dun-Ming mfly n .w-ar hunting anal mllorh‘nx animals and birds fnr flu- nmn-mn in America. m mmm. A (Hp armpit! "to non-id'i'isiil‘vâ€"Ig'dff: {NV-M pnrh- uwl nhnwin. 0w “TIM 3M: wothvfrfi'l nary 0hr l'nitnl Sun-.1 Dun' hi: (arm 0' ofiicq- lu- np-I Fointed aka 1. Pershing “morn! null apt-in Sim.- Admiral of tho l’niled sum Nana [lo sang‘the Nuyrnnl 'l"mh Pun-ma Company wru- pur- rhu-«l. lu- vmrkocl ntmuoonly {or the ‘huflvling of QM null. TM:- in ram-kl- ‘em! the man! Important M‘cnl tn M1- Mmlnlnlnum and will ho a mu- mt to him an Inn: u tho nun! ox- llr In Horn-d woo-president in 1900 and six month: In!" M was ‘ralwd to the pmnkknry bv the «loath of Mrkinley. In 1904 he in una- imam-h melml. My: majorlu brim: 2.542.062. ”w lam-t c-m- given to I Wildcat“! nomim hfnuia 1006_tlu- right» u! flu- i Rum-nit was aleoiMml Stnz-cnnn of ”In Nun and \Ihila occupying (hi4 [ositinn hr {nwmu thv- SpnnMI Am- Miwm “’III‘ “In. Ilouhhwl ll"- 'n'lll‘Aw Inf "In 3311'. "v alpn immllwi a sysâ€" chn f0" mnmim: that “on fur m. iI-“lllmj-'u‘lmt»' Uw m-vut nf tlu- uhnI-p- hunt! 'ht «If Hu- me. A yrnr nl'tt‘r hix uv'mintmI-m ho rorh'm-cl nml mvunizwl (llo- mgimI-nt of thv Rough Riclmn and installed lmnnnl “'04-! us (‘olom-l. Th6» wri- men! dintinguiuhul fuel! and its fmflulrr clarity; "9" wur. "0 was a momlwr 0f the (‘h'il Sr."- \‘ice Commission {mm 1337 to IBM and (hen hr was promoted to tho l'u-sâ€" ia'ont of "N' Now York l‘oliro. Ho took up tho study of law and when he u'afi twontyâ€"four yoars of .121: Du- was «iloctml to the Com-ml A5- wmbly. lle- was the youngest n'nn llu-rn but “‘us far from being 1h!- loust important xm-mlmr. In 1888 M" Inn for Mayor in Nmr York. but h.- wzu: dofvntfll. Quay-til Cannot Be Cured When lesevelt mmrned home his mother was delighted with him. for hr- lmd betomc stmmz unvl fvarh-ss at!!! was _;m export marksman. One day while in a saloon a roughi cowboy called "Windy Jack" ordede Ro-mwolt to drink with him. Roost-- \elt refused and Jack smeared "01‘ mum-I- he \mn't. mamma'x hms us- uallv refuse" qusmolt shol bark. “No they don't. not when thcyp mmiw their mamma’s not. to." Thtp MSlil‘i was a fig ht in “hich RonseH-lt‘ "knocked out" \\ indv Jack. “ht-mupnni tho. adoration of tho cowbms exceed-I 0d all earthly bounds Thowaftor Room-volt was their hero and Windy Jack never ofl'cmd him another drink.‘ He was graduated with honors and: than bought a ranch in North Dakota! where he went to take part in the health} acme life of the cowbov. The cowboys of course disliked him, a strange r from the east who had darmli to come. to their wild free country and associate \Iith them, and the\ immedâ€" Iiutoly called him “Four- -(‘.\‘('S" and‘ other insulting terms. Roosevelt: paid no attention to their railleiy and {soon won theiI deepest admiration andi ow- l: I In 1876 he entered ll'grv-nd Ull' varsity a delicate weak young man. He had been in college only a short time when he realized his puninoss and was wholeheartedly aahamcd o! it. He immediately devoted himself to the great task of develogimil his muscles and making himscl ysio wally fit. He walked miles. in ulged in on healthy outdoor sports and cvcn‘ skipped rope in the rflort to strength-l on himself. Downers Grove R. R. " One day in January came. the start- llng nmvs that Roosevelt was gone. Gone! Our Rooxevelt gone! We could not connect him with death, he was ;all life and vitality! The world' mourn- 'ed. We had lost, a friend. we loved ‘him yet lost him. for even love "can- :not guard against death. that mighty :foe, that true friend, whose touch can heal the deepest wound. sweeten the; bittorest sorrow. and still the sharp-‘ ost pain. Our Room-volt was tired, God took him and he was rested, he sormwml and he was comforted, yet we shall miss him. He has gone 10‘ greater glory and to Quentin. but we shall nm‘or forget Teddyâ€"a Christian gontlemun. a faithful friend. a fear- tenant had fallen. When a reporter came to see the Colonel he said, “Yes. Quentin is gone, but with God‘s help will bear it bravely. ' But Hrs. Rooscwlt, how can I tell her?" and his voice broke. Later this some n- poner saw the Colonel and his wife who came forward with a firm step bright eyes, yet. it was plain that she h been told Later pshe said to the reporter, “l must bear it braveâ€" ly and comfort him, the burden must} nag resg on his shoulders alone.” lectrical Engineers - Ch. oose the - Telephone 30 . Telephone 30 Day or Night 61 South III! Sheet Day or Night ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES F For Use in Their Olen Homes Come In!- ll you don't know about machinery mum" bring some lriend who Jm know. We are anxioua to have thoae who know most about machinery ace the Thor. For those are the people who a eciate what the Thor really is. We want to :how you the sound principles on which the it builtâ€"and it: splendid leaturet Inch as it: scientifically constructed "no-wear’ ' revolving wooden cylinder, the atalog, absolutely exclusive on thin machine. the instantaneous wrincer release and the wringer guard, and' Ill addition there are no heltato hreak or slip on the Thor. Nothing exposed to catch your clothea. The Thor is tell-clean- able also. Not necenary to wash it out or to take out the cylinder. It cleans itself in: minute or two after the washing it done. Come in and aee all theae thinca, or phone us and at all show our afier. The Thor is built for min: It is mud to do your washing and wringing week aka week. yea: after year, und die Hudey Mlclline Company mods hack of every That to nee that it I»: u. The muhinc (or them is the machine (or you! If you In not wfiricndy skilled in m-rhamcs to apprtdate I" the fine pain" than! the Thor unuh led these engineer: to (Mme it above all when. then come to the Tho: they and grit}; pit]! you some friend who Jm know mechanics. mi KNOW WHAT mi win; TELL you: Recently a group of electrical engined-I, utter careful study of «do... make; of washing machines. ummmously decided that in their own home: (hey wuntcd (he T/mr. fâ€"â€"â€"â€"'fi Retailers of High Grade Merchandise Our Roosevelt has left an He has crossed the great divide, And entered God's grant haven. With Quentin by Ina side. His earthly cares and sorrows He has shaken at! at last less. generous foe. He will dun remain in our hum. his memory helping to make us better. true: Am- Stenm Heating - Sewer Building Gas Fitting Three hundred and fifty thousand (350.- 000) men mute the Thor. They have learned that the Thor saves them moneyâ€"- that while they are paying fot it the cost it no mote then they would pay to have their Inching: done by hired help. A null payment down brings the Thor to you: homeâ€"then after it is paid for it is yous tamerâ€"to no on washing (or you for a life-time. or Phone! aMonflIBuysflleTIIOR Fred D. Heinke PLUMBING Telephone 53-!» Abomfmmol the MM Kroner Ind That Electric Vlcunm Gent-er. Baum 1m Mada-MW Rest in Peace, oh lion hearted. Beat beloved American! We adore and mourn for you, Theodore Roosevelt. the man! Gunter love’for oui' fair land. We love him and More him Yet he left. usâ€"Jl‘eddy guild! He left us a t ideals Greater love or our 113' We'll ne'er (out: our Teddy . Nor his gmt and glorious past. Friday, November}; 1’19

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