Downers Grove Reporter, 28 Nov 1919, p. 9

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H'Eflii'nm‘" " 'E'Afibfi'fii‘ vlth all the r ifements of the Conâ€" {valance of said bonds, a special £111an and awn of the State of {neethffgnof the gonna: a; “he v.9}- nois. 0 owners 1mm 9 ere yea- AND IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED [fie to convene at the regular place AND RECITED that all acts, coltdl‘ of meeting on the 8th day of Decem- flons and things requxred to must. her, A. D. 1919, at 8 o'clock P. M. happen and be. performed 911068th A statement of the substance of and in the Issusnce of thus bond this ordinance shall be printed on we existed. happened and been 139" each of the ballots to be used at said in regular and due tom, tame election. and manna as required by law, and Passed by the Council of the Vil- flnt the total Indebtedness of sald lage on the 10th day of November, . including this bond, does not A. D, 1919, exceed any statutory or constitutional Aoproved: November 10th. A. D. limitations. 1919. IN WITNESS WHEREOF‘. the Vll- Puhliched: November 14th. 21st. ,. ....9... 99:999. mu 599999 999 3:99.; M9,: f he a to .- «n. e savor, . ,. r. syor o t Vll~ M h! the Villtge Clerk, and its lane 0 Downers (hove, mm“. te seal to be hereto affixed. Attest: Chas. M. Bltch. Vlllsge Clerk the interest cannons hereto st- llot to be executd with the fac- W_.sim'rm of. ”56.019” this "mien-d again“ said Village and pur- ' nut to an ordinance duly and 1 adopted by the Council 0 said Vil- lage, which was duly ratified and up- a proved by the vote; of said Village 1 d an election l lly called and held. g want to my full conformity e vlth all the r laments of the Conâ€" 5. mum and awe of the State of n This bond is one of a series of fike tenor, except as to number and ma- turity, issued bv said Village for the purposepf fu‘nding a certain judgment ...... r,,_, in} day of flay and of November, of each year upon presentation and surrender of the annexed inn-mat cou- ma as they severally become «luv. first Installment shall In for 18 months and shall be payable May I.‘ 11. Both principal and interest of said bond are hereby made payable in lawful money of the United States of America. at the Banking Home of the CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF ILLINOIS, Chicago, Illinois. And for the prompt payment of the install- ments of principal and interest of “in bond as the respectively become the, the full alth, credit and re- nal-as of said Village of Downers Gme Ire hereby irrevocably pled . ’I'I-l- hand 1'9 n“ at a urine nf ikn of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS W? with inwmt thereon from due (hie hereof until mid at the rate of five per car-tum (5 per cent) per] mm. W919: "ma-MPH? “"3““! néwfifiisi cfidvs, in the County or on mm; arm: or nmgo‘ls. ...â€"‘- SECTION 2~83M bond-I Ind mu. non- mu be in subunit-"y the foi- Iowing forms- wkh the monary var- to Indian 0w dlfkmt num- lion! '6! Int! mun-Mu. mpoctively. to. sun: or ILLINOIS comrrv or on no: VILLAGE n? mwmms anon: mmnm FUNDING noun 1 No. ...... $500.00 KNOW ALI, mm In mm muggy. -Q'“ In; Yillage of 9 t 1. 1M IVE, 11 I 12 1.“ 1m 18 t 1‘ LM 1927 15 l 1‘ moo 1918 17 l 18 1.000 192’ 1. i to 1.000 19M 21 O 12 1.000 1081 Both principal And int-mt of said hood- nhall he paysblr 1n h‘dul money of the "an1 Sum of Aim-ri- cn at the Rankin: Route of tho- GEN-i TIMI. TRUST COMPANY 01" 11.1.â€"l INOIS; ,1ng _n_nnm;.. issued the negotiuble coupon 1925 300.00 1,0“,00 bonds of the Village of Downers 1926 250.00 1,000.00 Grove 1: the amount of eleven thou. I927 200.00 !.000.00 and do hrs (311.000). SAID BONDS 1923 150.00 1900.00 Anny-two (22) in numberâ€"num-lwzo 100.00 1,000.00 bend horn one to twenty-two (1-22)v.1930 ' no 00 1.000. bod: inclusive. in denominations M All of- xaitl taxes when collected five hundred dollarx (3500-) CW?”- d!“ shall be placed and kept in a separau- ed November I. A. D- 1919- burmslninking fund and used to unomptly intomt. evidenced by coupons. u the mu- the installments of the principal rate at five per centum (5 P" ‘9'“) uml interest of said bonds at they r ‘mum. payuble ”Ml‘lflflul"! 0“ become naynble and for no other pur- he first dIY 0f Hly IM 0' Novemhrri'm “(haven of cull our; the first installment Suitable pmvinlon to insure the full dull I)! or 18 monthu'nnd “h." 5' compliance with the requirements of pay-Ne “I! I. 192‘: “"3 50m“ “M“ thiu mtiun nth-ll be made and includ-‘ nutuu on the fins! day 0' Novemb" «I in tho annual apnroprlation bill in ”cl! of the YB!" and for "”1"“ 9nd lax levy for each of tho you: aunt: u followlt . nfotwnkl. and in cm at any tlmv' TOLOAII. of \en-‘ any portion of aid taxes nllnll not “Not. Pnl_I._ of .8004; ‘ ofhuirrnw been mllffu’fl in “my; to mg Village tad subject to the favorable outcome of the election which is here. hy called to be held on December 611:. A. D. 1919, they; is hemlyyjuthorited novv--. SECTION lâ€"That {or the purpose of grovkling funds for the payment of ggi judgngent_tpll{legedA3galinst said _..__L'In um. ’THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE VIL- LAGE 0F DOWNERS GROVE. ILLâ€" INDJSLUHA m. . . .. _ LHLV' Iâ€"vâ€" nu - .. «my 01 ucwwr, n. u. . a judgment against the Village of Downers Grove for the sum of Eleven "Thousand Dollars ($11,000.). and costs of suit, in the Circuit Court of DuPage County, Illinois, which judgment is wholl unsatisfied and is an outstand-i in o ligation of said Village, {or the payment of which it is desired to make Immediate provision. and there being no funds in the Treasury of said Vil- lage available for the purpose aforeâ€" gunman: of Principal and Interest lit-not and submitting said Ordinance to the voters at a Special Election called to be held in said Village on December 5th. A. l). 1919. WHEREAS. the Farmers and Mer- chants Bank of the Village of Down-1 eta Grove. Illinois, on the tWenty-third‘ day: o_f Octqber, A. D. 1919. recoverufll , :‘_4 4L- Killian“ Providing for the lama of Bonds of the Village of Downers Grove in (ht-mount of Eleven Thousand Dol- ku ($11,000.). and pmviding for the levy of an Ayn-gs] 'liuxjn p§y_t!|e in- on Friday. the 5th dny at December. her A. D. 1919, at the Village Hall. at D0 which election there will be submitted 0F to the voters an ordinance adofited will ‘by the Council of said Village. w lch 100 is in words and figures as folloWs: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election will be held in the Village ‘of Dogma __Grove, in the n‘ ofDuPa ,S y.the6 dn; AN ORDINANCE ELECTION All. of Your 0. of Bond:- of lhturinx ‘1“!!th g 3313‘“ "$2493.?” W": ................... EZ'ié‘tEé’ ftgvbyable ze am pur- and said Vil- ed and ap- hid Village 1 and held. 90'1“"in state of Illinois. :y of December. {of I925 u-uu HI!“ vwvvum. Kttest :Clna. M B! Mich Village Clerk .themh harlot used at and election with ‘ thetshtemen esuhehnee of the ordinance printed“. amen is es fol- lo'l: . Passed by the Council of the Vi!- lage on the 10th day of November, A. D. 1919. Auproved: November 10th. A. D. 1919. Ptrh'hhed: Novnmber 14th. 2181. ‘and 28th. A. D. 1919. ? W. 0. Barber. Mayor of the VIP [age 9! m grove, mhois. 3535 A statemenf 76f, {lave- 133655er of this ordinance shill be printzd on each of the ballots to be used at said election. [ SECTION Gâ€"For the purpose of canvassing the returns and declaring the results of sand ehetion. and to take any further action deemed nec- 9saary or desirable, relative h) the‘ ULI‘ZKKS: Henry Legenhau: Harry Blaiggtt._Rich_gr-d Iakey. nhma‘n The following named persons are herebv designated to act as judges and clerks at syid special electigm: JUDGEsmme} .i.’ 'S’Etaikfif'r. DAVIS. E. L. mcxnnsow. mace. In his certificate attached thereto authenticatin the same. the fact shnll he certill that the voters Ioted favorably and top med this or «finance: that the Council of the WI- lage! has amused the wot» cast at laid election and declarcd the man" then-of, and that the ordinance is fulâ€"I ly cflective, and the County Clerk‘ 3shall thereupon be authorized and re- quired annugolly in each of the years 1919 to 1930, both years inclusive to extend the annualtax as provided in this ordinance. l Sl-X‘TION bâ€"«BE IT FURTHER iORDAlNED. that in the event tho lvoters of said Village at said special election shall vote avonbly end up- lprove this ordinance, and the Council of the Vlllago shall have canvassed Jhe vote at sold election and declared the result thereof. indicate the apâ€": [proving of this ordinance by the legal {voters of the Village. the. Village ’(‘lerk shall thereupon file with the County Clerk of Du Page County. Ill- lnoin. a 'certrkfled copy of this ordi- ___-- _-_A_--_‘- _AA‘AL, I 'llall. in MM VIII-[e of Downers- Grove. nt whirl. nloctlon cm. calm shall M nuhmlued to the rulers cf and Village for wound. The Vil- jlnrn Clo-1k in homlw dimted co giro notice of mill election by wblicnuon and nesting the mum in the manna rmvldod hy lnn at lent tnpnt)‘ (20l‘ my: nrior to mid MMlnn. The poll» of mld election shall be open It 7 "(‘le in the morning and cloned a: F. o'clock l'. M. on that (lav. CLERJESE Helm} ~lieflvglevghausen, Ruitablo provision to insure the full ' compliance with the requirement:- of I thiu mfloo nth-ll be mule Ind includ- '«l in tlw Inna-l Appropriation bill rm! tax levy for etch of the yarn nfomnkl. and in cm I! lay tum- ‘ (my portion 0! said tan-n nhall not Haw been collected in time to meet lthv Mymfllt of the installments of Hindu! and mum: of add bond:- r they aha" {all due. 0 berth pro- violu-d- the Villnp- Twurer h- hen-by nuthoflud nnd dim-ted. an occasion ‘may require. to tunpomrfly [narrow from the marl] (and: 0! 0w Villamu lor uw other fulfill. that aha" be for ‘hl‘ “me "all“ for web purpose. summon money to make Inch pay- ments. lunch funds to he nimhunnl Jmm tht- "rm-«rd:- of am when col. “NWLB, {wwimflnvg pmyidod for: _ (or by thin ordlnnm uh." not b:- in- nml until thin onlimm shall have Iva-«n approved by the vain: 0f nhl \illnn at the sped-l «Indian hon-by called to ho held the m day of Do- ggqbor..o\. D. 1919. It kha_Vill-go 1919 1920 I92! Village Clerk. SECTION 3~â€"'l‘hat for the purpose of providing for the payment of the installments of the principal and int- ,nest of said bonds as they respective- ‘ly become due” there shall he and there is hereby levied for each of the years, 1919 to 1930. both inclusive, and until the principal and interest of 1 said bonds shall be fully paid, there shall be collected a direct annual tax; upon all of the taxable property of‘ the Village of Downers Grove, in adl dition to all other taxes. 3 tax suffi- cient to produce annually from the ‘annual levies in each of the vears 1919 to 1980. both inclusive. tne fol- lowing sums to pay the installments of principal and intereSt on said hands. Year for Am. Lev- Am. Lev- which tax ied for ied for is Levivd Interest Principal ‘1‘... - ..... 's'vgtfifiqfl 417m him]; prqvidf‘d Attest: OF DH PAGE, State of ILLINOIS wéoll y beaver TWELVE AND 50l OLLARS, lawful money of th: United States of America. at the Banking House of the CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF ILLINOIS, a} Chicago. Illinois, being; interest ING BOND, dated November 1,A. D. 1919, N0. ....... VILLAGE OF DOWNERS GROVE, STATE (2:? {LLINOIS at Chicago. Illinois, bein interest they: clue pp its JUDGME FUND- On the first day of Ms (Novem- ber). A. D. 19..... the VI LAGE 0F DOWNEES GEOVE. in the COUNTY ,,,,. _- --- -VV, No. ....... ‘. $12. so 0_n the first day of My: (Novem- Attest: ....... ............----... Village Clerk (Form of CouponL Interest $550 . 00 ’WNEBS. GROVE, LIA-1‘ mmmw. mmmm 11.11 Mayor. John or. man { John F. Kidwell ‘ ” J. L. Remmeu, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me thin 24th day of November. ”19. Charla Holler. Notary Public. Hy Commission «rim August so, an Total State of Illinois, Count of Du Page as: l. Samuel Curtiss, (guhier of the above» that the above statement is true to the best ‘Undivided Profits ....... Interest Collected a Not Reserve for Taxes ...... Circulation ............. Amount due to National Dividends Unpaid ....... Deposits ............... Capital Stock . Surplus ....... idéeré§}'ii§med"v"Ԥ3t" Coil'ectéii I I .' I Overdrafts .............. l'. 8. Government Bonds ,Other Bonds Securities ..................... fiiork of Federal Reserve Bank Banking House ................. "urm'tnm Fixtures ........................ Lawful Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank ..... _ Cash Due from Banks ................ §% Redgnptiop AFund ........... .. AJ' ”OWNERS GROVE IN THE STATE 01“ ll 0? BUSINESS 0N NOVEMBER 1701. 1919 RESOURCES (‘hrkr No. 9725 Sun.- of Illinois as. County of DuPage Subscribed and sworn to before this 22nd day of November 1919. Frank D. Limlley, Notary Public. l. V. Simonson. Cashier of H19 Far- mers 1 Merchants Bank. do mlemn- [y swear that the above statement H band at Dow-en Gun» State of Jill-do. a! the clone ol W on It. "II day of Non-ha. IQIB u nude to the Auditor of Pub“: .k- count- 0! the State of "link. ur- uul I. luv. ‘ .1. I'll-divided Fugâ€"113d n?! f ' "53"]?in L: 4. Deposm ........... ”5.124.761“- TmnI Resources . . . $398,543.19 Lumu'rms n_. gas-“[85“; 13m in slooooom Wotan. 700 Pounds. A new “baby" ulrpluaw 'u! Swedish make Weighs only 700 womb: and ha a speed of 80 MIN an hour. Proceeds of sale of bonds to be used to pay 011’ jud meat move-I'd by the Farmers and erchants Bank of the Villagv or Downers Grove. on TIM Corr-ct Word. “Old Brown won't live long: he m one foot In the grate ulrwuly." “You "mm mm fool In line grave.” “Noâ€"1w“ wing to In- vtounuled." JILLINOIS, at Chicago. Illinois. An- ,nual taxes to be levied to pay princi- pal and interest; of bonds as followa: fin each of the years 1919 to 1921. $550.00 for interest, 1922. $550.00 for interest and $3000 for principal; 1923, $400.00 for interest and $1,000 for principal: 1924. $350.00 for interest. and $1.000 for principal; 1925, $300. ‘00 for interest and $1.000 for princir 131; 1926. $250.00 for interest, and 51.000 for principal; 1927. $200.00 for interest and $1,000 for principal: 1928, $150.00 for interest. and $1,000 for principal; 1929, $100.00 for inter- est. and $1,000 for principal; 1930. $50.00 for interest. and $1,000 for prillcipai._ _ , . payable at the Bankin House of CENTRAL TRyST CO , PANY 0F Provides that amount of bonds to be issued shall be ELEVEN THOU- SAND DOLLARS ($ll,000.), dated November 1. A. D. 1919, hearing int- erest at 5 per cent per annum, paya- ble semLannually on the first day of May and of November of each year until bonds are said, upon presenta~ 1tion and surren er of interest cou- lponsh Principal of bonds to he paid in the first day of November, of each of the years as follows: $3,000 in the year 1923. and $1.000 'in each of the years 1924 to 1931. both years in- clusive. Principal and interest to be payable at the Banking House of Total Linfliliues .4 . . 3398,5431} Loam A Discount... ..823|.758.9:£ Ova-nlmftu ......... I95. 19 l'. S. Bomln ........ 1.000.00 [Ah-fly Loan Bomh . 24,833.80 Canine-tn: of ...... lmlehtedm-sa ....... 45,000.00 Wu Savings Sump” 860.48 Other Bonds and . . .. Sun In ............. 32,736.97 Banking House. Fun. nitun. 5 Fixtures .. 2|.450.00 Duo from Bank:- 28,349.07 Cash ............... 17363.27 {mi Discounts. Farmers and Merchants Bank “not: of the condition of SUBSTANCE 0F ORDINANCE ABOVE REFERRED TO pose of mini the mane (neeesuryvo pay off I coma jud out, in the sum of eleven thousand dol on; 611000.) be is- aued by the Council of the Village of Down- ers Grove. Illinois. as provided for by or- (finance, the substance of which is indicated below. Shall Bonds ornobllgntionxltor the pur- __ .p ,1; REWMI'RCES V. Simonson, Cashien t Reserve Diutrid No. 7 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE er of the above-named bank, do solemnl true to the best of m knowledge and liefe Samuel Curéss,Cas}u LIABILITIES -v-‘-.. U‘ u‘ .‘ Refi. 50 Oakwood AVE. Phone '1‘ STAT}; or ILLINOIS. AT THE CLOSE Office Hours 1:30 co 5:00 p. m. ")0 Cam. In "RM Coho.” Experiments n Singapore have “own the a feeding cute for mm And other stock can bo- produco-d from the residue of Pan: rubber and after the extraction of an on comparing fa. vorlbly with Ilnsml nil ‘am clinging to life In the insane de- sire to see what In hâ€"I in min; next. boycotted. talked to lulled about. Merl to and Ned about. help up, robbed lull neafly ruined. The only reason I l have been held up, held down, soul-banged. walked on. fluttened out and squeezed; first by the Govern. ment for the Federal War Tax, the Excess Profits Tax. Liberty Loan Bondn, Thrift Stamps. Capital stock :u. Merchant's Bond, Menhant's license and Auto tax. end by every‘ 'zoeiety and emulation that the mind of men can invent. to extract what I may or may not pounce», (tom the Society 0! St. John the Baptint. the (l. A. It. the Woman’s Relief. the Navy League. the Red Cm. the Double (tron, the Childnn'n Home. the Don-as Society. the Y. II. C. A.. the Boy Scout». the Jewinh Relief and m-ory Church and Hospital in town. The Government has no governed my huninena that I don’t know who own; It. I am inspected. unimpeded. examined and re-oxnmined. required and commnded w I don’t know who i am. when I am or what I am. Al.‘ Ahnow in that I am nupponod to be an inexhaustable supply of money for every known need. desire or hope of 3tho human ; and lat-(nun I will not sell all lT‘Iave and to out and hex. hon-ow or ates] money to giw away I ham ’hoen conned. discussed. For the following reason I am un- able to send you the check which you have naked for. Chas. M. Hitch. Village Clerk of the Village [of Down- ers Grove. Illinois. WITNESS my h’irié'ml the corpor- ates seal of said Village this 10th day of November. A. D. 1919. above and foregoing is a true and cor- rect copy of an ordinance and roceedâ€" ings of the Council of the Vi lage of Downers Grove, relating to the issu- ance of FUNDING JUDGMENT ‘BONDS of said Village in the amount 30f ELEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS” duly passed and approved by the Mayâ€" or and Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove, at a regular meet- ing of said Councilrheld on the 10th day of November, A. D. 1919, and sub- mitting said ordinance to the voters of said Village at a special election to be held in said Village on the 5th day of Decemlggg A. D. 1919. I. the undersigned. Village Clerk of the Villa e of Downers Grove. Illinois, Q0 HE _F:‘BY CERTIFY that the STATE 0]" ILLINOIS COUNTY OF DU PAGE sx. BY ORDER SiYhe Council of the Village of Downers Grove, Du Page County. Illinois. Dated November‘IOth, A. D. 1919. Chagznhjl. Hitcrht AIN’T IT THE TRUTH? Election'éille'd submitting ordinance to the votem at election to be held Decemb‘e}: 5th. l9}9. __ fl... vuyu.‘ uvult 0f Du Paiéé Esancy, Illinois( for ele- ven thousand dollars ($11,000.) and c0835 of suit. ‘. Oman-“23. 1319 in'Eygcmuic Court Sir: Yes Yours truly. (In “Uh-Ines: H {w An. August Heat. 1’“- ms mam mm"). w.O.-. IIO’D... WC... 35mm " ‘ "finial mm 15:00 Graduate Nurse .36080 91 noun! Hanna mucus none 64-) Downer: Grove “55319-54 la. 12 x. ml- 4m. $455,319. 54 $305,257.36 ummmmfimmm mmmmmmmmmm “M184%8L Villagé‘ cié'rk. Downers Grove, mama noun ,1 1 s J. I. cum, 0. V. I. mrnmmm H. L. Gregg Evening office hours by appointment Phys-kiln I Surya-an. Oflice, Limfley Building; 1 Office hours 2 to 4 ‘ GM 21 E. Curtis. Street hicago Phone Downers Grove Austin 1129 thaN-l E. F. WURSLEY. M. D. tau-m. (nabbed .- new or old l1 8. Forest Ana-o Tm nos-w G. B. TOPE, M. D. Phyllclln 6 8n n m 0cm. 0-9....V‘ 3'0. iun. 7 me. I. hm In jail." (in a Resident - Hum 28] N. Fm Ave. ad Fla-Ilia 30. OFE'ICEAIWRSg Mrs. Greenâ€"“So your husband II I. trouble again?" Mrs. Jonesâ€"“0b. no! He to out of trouble now. He‘s F. W. KETTENRING DR. W. W. GOURLIY "Victoria Eula. on the Zambeul. 0n the 'trunk lelucstoue cut an. Initial .Iull the date 1865 on the day of Mt first visit to the falls. In his book xiv- Ing an account or this lelngotone lays: “This was the only Instance In which I Indulued in thin plece of van- lty.” A PHYSICIAN l SURGEON Mn GNVQ, WW I‘m-w Tun. ‘ One of thy-Ion curious manual! gw'lllijm u the “mum "serum: DES. GREGG We"! MICKIE SAYS Helen E. Gregg Landscapg ' Ggrzdening our 30 Acres Trees, Shrubs, and Vines best for this climate. Littleford Nurseries Phone 321-1 Wm. All,” I} ’C‘lfl .- v ”I _ inéemt. For father Information drop a line I. FOR SALEâ€"A right $2M first mortga gag loan 1- in month- instalmen of 8 permanth, that I. e security improves with and: ~ mam, Intel-ext six per cent in mmi-Innunlly. 2% commission ldr {and on this, see The permit“; WANTEDâ€"A 82,000. low on W ly am ch33 residence "'5," z -- MLQORL M Purin'.aecn fl and one of the best planned with lot 1001132 ft. hand to a home for a fami‘y, the pria is but $4.200. Terms an be M mm and but}! uplov. with water heat. e‘ectricnty and 1 plumbing. g tl_ry gauging”. (:93 run on nnd ammonia. hfl "nib: M ntoge I. one 0 "M boa. have to n pom 010': ms, the loatlonpo 1 block to has. and the price for both only “I“. FOR SALE-Con; f lynll “1"?th open fire lace. large living won I.- “ .21? .23.” .‘3 'f ”F“... puree e of n m, nude { w in 13213)!) "We .M. Id! not. FOR SALEâ€"Tum well In". hog... I hum. nun. two It"! M rm. all «mien ”contentment, b0 ? Whmm pond” .1”,ch :3 chap-tum. Inn-cuboid“ suit. [‘98 sglfirflgfly m._ pan-ph- FOR SALl'râ€"A (all 2 story the Ida 8!. 3mm.»- uu‘n. Ind 4 lug: t no... 9p,wil|m|keovc_rl lint“! E; REALBTATEFORSME Place you «do: to: ma W Mm Ila: mâ€"‘l'lb ll (h (I... 0‘ your order I. only. E. SMITH Telephone 1014 __V i moie- P'oruble motifnbéué' math? outfit. 60.3“ In. talk. yrs. . VA_._ gunman. WQM avg FOR SALEâ€"Rm burner. an. in“! coal heater. Three white Arpm ton Cockrclu One good 12 Ihotgun. PM. Madonnunloofl Mung Lincoln ave». Phone 75-W. 11.21-8- “iii $45-$09”.th .M. 33 Lu. . I. l'ufll'b m FOR SALE-Made Island Red Cock. crels, High Grade Stock. Call lbO-W- 2 or 109-W. 11-”? l-‘OR SAanuotorcyclegeha So. Washinmn at... l'hong rooms. at Western Springs. two blocks from deDOt. all improvement... A beautiful home at a :5qule Price. Phone Western Springs. 389- M. . 11-28-1-0 FOR SALEâ€"One sanitary couch at. 1267 West Maple nv.e n.28-1â€"P FOUNDâ€"0n Goewey street I five weeks ago. a watch. 0 can have 'same by pa in: for ad and calling at m. Km Summit Goewey. and deter the watch. FOR SAL)- r:_8MALL_ house, llx WANTEDâ€"Good WANI‘mlFâ€"Uood cook or Paul housemald, no Washing or 105%: high wages. Apply Mrs. W. J. - ington, 189 Walnut at. Hinsdnle, m. Phone Hinadale. 193. 11-28-14: whit; Elfin}: {133'}; J. Agdemon, Lisle, Ill. FOR SALEâ€"Ford A.Sedan 1919 mod“. fully equipped. Apply Kidwellan- F013. “sungâ€"125 Shocks a work'ii. HEX-3.187%; Paul Henderson, no No. WANTED-11"” for Fm .4"! 9-21. his!!! v: i‘iilzbi-zmiAGi-fn' 15 80. mm Street G. H. BUNGE Lawyer ihesy'ufi'ntbp'ord 107-1. My new room m mellving room I.- |2ft.p1m:h :{Ior all no, in. comm M and «18861.5; “41-3-1 11-1 ' con. ' ' flax; mm m pbout

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