Downers Grove Reporter, 28 Nov 1919, p. 5

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lay-my solved. m 'm cm In. A: “You any you kept ; each It has been our man the for I mle month. flow in the world an nu manage in" In B: “We ' Cocoa a “Dlvlnc Plant.” (hoot, from the leaves of which co mine In produced. was known Imam the Incas as the "divine plant" long before the western world was mm: C! In the Eat. age; They ure matters at reciprocity. It you have none to glve. there will be but little for you to receive.-â€"-Westâ€" an lethodlst. lmne cannot be men on. We my, beavennmlpllcetoentand deep. This Is not a home. A homo haphceofloveandrestlndpetco. Love and rest and peace must be de- served. must be earned. Nobody can hand than to yo'u as so many pack- qflrmyn um] nlmfl as may subs A u ”no remnlar line up in Um'r eflort r"; to win. Two trams s0 closely mtdnd-g do not plav (mother wry often and [1 even swash: «out how we" sah. iM ti“! the afternoon. § In am last half minute of plav. W‘ Cline Downers Gmxe's right “a"ima had the misfoflum to break I "hall‘s“ hone in his snide which necessitated 181‘: 3 (mp m the hospital Manday morn-IT“ in; for an x my. This was the only; accident of the ant-mom’s hard play-H 0".“- n Davenport play-ml an exceellinuly strong nun. mung into mm- p‘asâ€" Schlaualer flu! am! his way. “'1!th 3"" Scum” Flu-mm inhmvod goal form in bwalmm Drruttel up Berwyn‘s Infra". MWF- l‘. Vix .. Bomyn used almost as many subs A. Sunny» 19 Ibo "(Mar lino-up in their pflort Totals TM: pmw! to he ”to final «on- of flu- gnmu‘ a: the mud half “I! monk". Try a: ban! all thy would with" Md:- mulcl wn‘ again.“ an. nih- dt-fonms . wflh mummy that un- mm mum imr "w finals. ARM . rhort confowncc. w tum: limd up III! the hall *1! pun-«l (0 Cum” who run around the Ion end fur a touchdown. He then thin! out. 3mm Wiring nml (‘nnin Hel- ed goal. making the mm- to to 7 in favor 0! the leak. "town .............. I65 I73 HI! Help! ................ '86 17? H7 Taull ............... MI W 79:! Macho“ All Stan \ a. Kiri n'< Cons. Nmrrmbm' 20m. .monr- All sum Bohk‘lmnfl ........ If?!) I96 I40 Ruin-r ........... I." 130 IR! TIO down»- nmi Hwy loll nim- ynnln. , Nrn‘ "w nrpprfllvc mot": ready «on! may. 80 gnu was "w m lmm the niche lino-s- ch-l it was with diflkufly that the mo» could hour We final». In the nomad quarter Downer: a- pin kicked to Bl'rwyn “ho wan down- «I on our thy ylni "no. MIN br- ing [muslin-d for an olY-uitlo play they {died (a mnlu- lhrir )‘nnhur. Dow»â€" rn taking 0w hull. All" making rm- pmw qum up to within one yard 0f the ml. the Inrnln uppmvmlp' nan Into I no.- will. Berwyn than kicked In llownvrs.’ Cline receiving the ball and um 40. yards. "all went to Ik-rywn on an fumble on our forty yard line, Ant-H “X or new-n down». Red Jorgcawn. of, Henry». plungml thru the line {or a: run of thirty-aw yank It!!! a tom-hm down. TM)" lhcn kickod goal making; 0w mm 7 to 3 in thvir fmor. I In the first quarter Downers Grove kicked to Beiwyn, the ball being down on our 40 yard line. Berwyn gained up to the thirty yard line. when they lost the ball on down»: to the locals who made constant gains on end rum Ch'nc, Curtiss and (hush calrying tho ball. 35633144] by strong interference. End runs and line plunges Amado the gmawnt gains in this period which came w a climax when (Iurtiss hool- ed an almost porfcrt drop kick b0- lwm-n the goal pants from the thirty ylnl line. Both elevcns started with a world of confidence. Berwy'n men more so than Downers Grove. as they had the advantage of about ten pounds of weight a man. _ n The hitherto unbeaten Berwyn elâ€" even met their Waterloo lastSunday afternoon on the local gridiron when the Downers Grove town team took them into camp after a hard fought game, the final score of which was 10 to 7. More than 1000 people wib messed the contest, one of the largest crowds ever prewnt at a local foot- oall game. ~ Besides the local and visiting rootâ€" ers from Berwyn. many people came from Hinsdale and Naperville to see the game as neither team had lost a contest this season. Bud Fought Game Won Last Sunday by 10 to 'l Score-J-Cline Breaks. Anlde Down: Grow lined up as follows R. E. Kingsley mat mow» Sits lOIAlS 3w mm C. Wuhbum ‘ 'r. Sparrbwâ€"P. Vix E. Davenport Q. Curtis: Gruah Novcmligrjklfll I Mcmmy fSafransky iBrady {Totals Opwy Arrma M. [Ioâ€"”The humor sand that a wife should he an open book to her hun- hund.“ Sheâ€"“I admit that. my (Int. _And a husband should he an open [10¢deon to his wife.” «Le-(hm. Herald-Denna“. ' time of the (-olehrated Dre’s-fun trial. had his body «worm! with no fawn than 120 lllusinflms of the one. in- clndlnx portraits of the loading person- nm. The work «ruffled nearly two years. More great Muir! have Mn (Might In August than in any other month. The Hut Includes Bio . Mm mandate. Charleml. ans. Anny rota. Helgoland Rum. ('hovy Chung Tnlm and Kandahar. W. We"! Pete mu Mocha! M iley Gerwig Totals Remap-km. Tattooing. Pumps me most extract-din“! m- toolnu Mm aver earl-19d out was that of a Fraud: machman. who. at the \ Bemlin’s Cubs am still in the lead. Last Friday night however they lost two games out of three to Kidwell’s Speeders which brought down their lead a little. lk'rtolin’s (tubs WI rrs. Novrmber 21M I'Singlcu‘rry .......... I68 ma 1326: Meal ................ “6 NR 140' Bailey ............... MR IRS I38 f licklc-lman ........... I79 I77 163 ; Akleruon ............ 194 MB In!) . Totals ............... 7145 764 826 , V | y 'l'lmlin'u Hutu-w u. (.‘lnrkv'x ('lran‘ Zm'l. November 19th. [Gaohner il-‘. Shultz ’Iliclu- .. ; Walter ' . 'Near .Tntals Mum: llnm‘r Modwl levr ........ Running (Hm-n!) Tauln .......... Stain-r ...... Irhl (Ihwnl) .‘fnfi (mutt-n!) Bertolin'e' Cubs ..... Klein’s Colts ....... Swenringen’s P. .Mal Dicke Tool Co. ..... Clarke’s Clean 'Em’s Mochel's All Siam Tholin's Hatters . Kidwell's Speeders Three teams am tied for second place, and two contesting for the tail- end posKion. Dirk? Tool Co. vs. Swouringon's I’m-c Makers. November lSth. Staiger and Foster were the only two men present on their team last week, losing three games. I’fafl, leh) and Banning were absent which ac- eounts for their loss. H. Beidelman showed some class [1151; week as also did Singleterry. Dad SWem'ingen says. “Watch them Pace Makers." Even standing room was at a pmâ€" minm at this game and almost the entire cmwd were pulling for the Speeders. It was a case of the lead- are against the tailenders in which the leaders bowed down to defeat. Dad Walters and Dicke are in their old time 'form' ,having averages of !55 and 159 {01‘ twenty-four games. NOTES OF THE BOWLING LEAGUE The standings: Swenringen'u I'ue \Ilkcn ('hflu-‘n ("Inn K idwoll's Speak" Thou-'- Hutton ............ 19-! Her! 0"" '1- Clint Dicke Tool ('0. KMI'I (bli- ....... l3 Makersla . ...... l3 m’s . .12 ...... 10 “In: Ian In! .. I3] 177 lfiS‘ le inwncive drive for mu! plmlâ€" ..l% ”9 “(rm of “£00,000 in the Chum dim ..1m '93 ”wee-m lo hr will up at the rate of ”192 “5 ‘MKSGMIM a war will occupy ”to wed: ..79!l m 7319M Docrmhrr 7 to 14. The funds vii" ,lxe 1“le equally helm the Mn- KMWPH'I stifled-.4192 um! general mark of "no chum-h [which tho Nguhr annual hmlgrls of :of the parlxlml. ”Inn 169 . I43 132 .150 1121 . If»! 160 1 I 9 H? 133 192 7!!! I51 I!" I!" .o- .In I 2l2 [03 I26 I65 '86 um ”I II»? “‘9 71": 153 124 142 727 174 729 I06 130 ”3 135 155 I36 [59 IGI I54 ML! I1 '2 ll? Ill!) RM! IR? 179 ”is ”6 11 11 ll l2 I4 15 lo L l't‘t. DOWNER‘SKGROVE REPORTER. DOWNEBS GROVE. 181' I98 M2 1M 13?. l l 6 Nip I75 13!; IR? I40I l3!“ 7M HI! IR.“ A meal trio. “Praise Ye the Faili- or" by Gounod. was beautifully ren- «Ion-«l by Mrs. Nansen and the Miss“ lflbéHeintz and Diem-r. Mr. Clnmnvc l". 200;Dinsinger held the audience spell- l'a‘flil‘ound by his skillful rendition of a ”39 :lu-nutiful violin solo. The President‘s H38 pmclamntion was mad and the NPI‘- 8H vicv cloml by singing tlw «luxology 1)! Praise to God. NOE I42 I!” U»? 417 375 375 708 542 542 Fun- !» Ohm. Fans are carried by men and wom- an of every tank In China. It In I compliment to lnvlte a friend or de anguished guest to write some salm- meat on the host‘s {an as I memento of my sped“ ace-Mon. Good Tot. Hrs. Lonnyâ€"“Did the war benefit your husband any. Mrs. Newlmde?" In. Newbrldeâ€"“Oh. yes. After his life In the trenches he mys he can land housecleanmg every week." era .umm mm mm A .mmmw numm Mr. and Mrs. Keny heft here Sat. urday evening (0 attend the fnmml. MFR. Winifred Kelly. mother of Thomas F. Kelly. of North Forest av died u the home of a m at Grvyhull Wyoming. last. Wednesday evening. after a short illness. The remains were sent to Browns! ville, Mint... her birth-place and her home for many years where she wae buried Tuesday by the side of hm husband. ' There In great victories and unm- glen Ind noble ads of heroism done 0'er day-4n nooks and rumors. and in imie housphniris and in men‘s and woman‘s Martsâ€"any one of which might mondle rho storm-n man to Inch n world, and fill him with heiief and hope in I!.â€"â€"Dickenn. MRS. WINIFRED KELLY TM full hudm as finally npprmnl by the hm Ilium. the Moro-sat campaign mmmim and "w more» Im “can! of Minimu- inclluk-s «um sod-l mwin‘ tart And! an "ml in ‘ho prnll institution“ of Cook (‘mmtv and follmn arm-3U" among flit-chargâ€" «I primnt Scum thought! 00!. hrs a your for Wm years is sought for this item. Filtmn Impala" project: If!‘ In M Fume! hy Uw campaign In this dim «me. An original [aunt in commun- Ity servin- whkh is "man! u» rout nppmxim-u-ly $100M will he a community Mum in Hu- mhm' of a ”social cum" in mnmdion mm Uw Wonk-m Theologicll Somlnary a! 2720 Wuhinm Blvd. Chimp. The ofliclal quota jun math- public by lJMmp (‘Imrlcu l'. Auk-non. ro~ \‘fl'l n Mulnmt which row-n» dew-hm- mc-m and rxtrnuéon of loch! n-rvérr. now muminnn. rhnflmhh- Work and rr Inflow oduuum. Announcement that the annual mm 0! $500,000 for {he next. thN-o ycnm in In bu upent in Chicago «lion-u h)- lbe Epilcopal church, hu- bu-n ro- ru-lwd with inunvs! by church and m- nal wn'ice workout of this \‘Icinfh’. CHICAGO DIOCESE EPISCOPAL CHURCH T0 SPEND $ 500,000 The ministers of the five churches went: all present and each had some part in the service. The Thanksgiv- ing message was: delivered by the 1RE\. Thomas J. Owens, pastor of the \Congregational church He lead a iPsalm of Thanksgiving and proceed- ed to point out some of the blessings ‘of life today. After enumerating some of these he emphasized the -three- fold responsibility “hich rests upon us todayâ€"Intemational responsibili- ties which unite the peoples of all ihe world in a helpful brotherhood Na- tional responsibilities which call us to champion righteous ideals in our nav tional life and strive for gIeawr brotherhood within our own beloved land and countiy. Local responsibi- lities which call for greater m-opeâ€" ration of the churches and the com- munity and closer fellowship of the churches themselves right at home. The community Thanksgiving serâ€" vice held yesterday at the First Ev- angelical church under the auspices of the citâ€"operating churches of the village was one of the best attend- ed services held on similar occasions ‘in many years. This was due in part ‘bo the splendid spirit. of the men ni’ the American Legion which led them to postpone the hour of their ball game when they learned that it con- ilicted with the time set for this comw munity, service. 1 66mm THANKS- GIVING SERVICE VMOPIIO of Every Day. WELL ATTENDED D31? Y Feed, Oat Feed ::;.:.:::§ Pea and Barley Feed Ground Flax Screening Bran Min. Frieda Miller of Northwes- u-rn College and Mr. Willnnl Mueh‘ of Glen Ellyn were gueutu of Rom-III Porn-r n! dinm‘r on Suluniuy c-wn- t-ng. Mr. Fred Pulling, In Old maiden ol Liule. pom-«I away a! hix home how Mammy charm-on. "(- hml Mn ail- ing for name timu Oak” "'0 Ian... A woman haw Inn-um! a an nape for dated and ("slammed \‘Irflm. It flank" of a wnt mu. («um-mm! fum- "Nd Ingrnll‘f by mp.»- mm :1 “wing. Far mum mun-rum. Hwn- In an "In loan on! rum “I‘M: ulllu mar flu- head and Hahn-um ulmul Ilw Indy. 'l‘hl' Mirna-s Ethel I’Iumb and l-I.-:_ Hun- Ruynor spent Sunday in Aumra Waiting frivmlw. “aw-flu- ml (to all! The smoker and oyster supper giv- en by the Milk Pmduce Aas’n. on Thursday evening in Mr. A. Riedy’s Hall was enjoyed by about 60 men and the speaker of the evening was Mr. Holst. l'rvfldcnt of fine Associa- lion. The next. program of the Communi- ty Club will be a circus in Mr. A. lliedy’x Hall, Friday evening, Decem- ber 5th. The circus will be put on by home talent commencing with a parade. A prize will be given for the best circus wagon in the parade. Side show saloons and every thing thal goes to make a circus will be lhenr. So come and enjoy the evem mg. Don't forget the bazaar to be held in the church basement Friday, De- cember 12th, commencing at 3 o’ clock. A supper will also be served. The Ladies’ Aid Society met Mon- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. EARN MONEY In You: arm m NEVISY MES FR 0 M llSLE AND 3|!le ZINDT’! . Duy u 34 S. Main Str. 7%qu .4 Morning ~. eepYourfing A.A__ A.-A_ Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Church Service, 11:00 a. m. Evening Service, 7:45 p. m. JOSEPH V. DI ETER 01ml- Notes. Order Your Feedâ€"NOW Louis K. Smith will sell at Public Auction on his farm, known as the John Roster Farm. 4 miles south of Liane, 5 miles north of Lemont, 2 miles northeast of Barbers Corners. 7 miles southeast of Naperville on Tuesday, December 16th, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m.. 5 head of good l Bergman Bum, will sell at Pub- lie Auction on the Coe Farm, 3 milen east 'of Downers Grove, 1% miles northwest of Hinsdale and 1 mile west of Il‘ullewlmrgy on Ogden ave., gm Toesday. December 9th, commenc- ing at 10 o’clock a. m., 3 good work horses, 12 head of cattle, 16 Ches- ter white hogs. Rhode Island Red chickens, Farm Machinery, barb wire, 400 shocks of good hill earn. -25 bu. of Barley and other articles too nu-i merous to mention. I GRAY DIETER AUCTION SALES FOR SA E BY Write or Call, 235 E. Franklin St. MARTI N F. PO:ZDOq PAPERHANCER AND :-: :â€": DECORATER :â€": :~: ()ur ahot‘ flock in the mold com lets it over W. we nova wor- Hun-H. nut-cl show. (In-nu “hm, 0w mat aid has! “dot, |l mi... and m Quality‘ Our prk-d-u IN! IM- lowntt. comparing quality. Tim M in perfect. Show and rubber goal» for the wholoe flmfly. lid the It.» too. ('mm- in Ind look over my line of Art-tics. Rubber Boob. Felt noon. Gc-rmnn Such. nml Ovomhoen. In fad we have N W urh'ty 'uml the best quality in Dower: Glove. I! you are particular about the kind of rubber book you VII! you will find just Whit yuu mud in good. rich Hipnsa Ind 8!!!!th Um Footwear. Rusz and Rubberl’oolweat MORRIS SHOE STOR Our Ahov ulork i." the moat cymâ€"piâ€"mvigâ€"cagr_wgu. We have work 4‘.“ 1.. A-â€" To Please The“ Recipient Give- Something new that yill be appreciated A WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN From $1.50 to $10.00 ZINDT’S PHARMACY. I Nothing more suitable for Holiday Gifts 64 South- Main Street. Downers Grove. Ill. Buy nnd Night Service. EVERSHARP PENCIL From $1.00 to $5.00 GOOD SHOES m8 IPM'M . ' 10 cockmb. 5 5' “In ”unitingfloh Rye; 10 ten- when. 'n long lint a! M chinery and new Inimber. -- ~: Gnyhmohrwilleelllt. Auction at Biker’e Livery In 1' era Grove on Toad”, December . commencing at 1 o'clock p. n» i fl; alumna lot a FURNITURE IM- Genes-AI Fer-n Implement“, I ”it work horses and many ache! "titled, ‘too numerous to mention. There VIII: be special prices on day of ale 0!- pea and huley feed, ground flat. bull, and other cattle ieede.1‘ernu a! tale nah unless other arrangement; are nude below the sale - ‘ Banal-fly the C...- “What is your pet pent!" ”W wife's pets.” work horns; Ill-1], Telephone 282 mm mm mm

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