Downers Grove Reporter, 5 Dec 1919, p. 7

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“we: !Ifllllhd on In or 0M $7ka 3.0mm Graduate Nurse IOU!!! mo 5 mung n... “4 . W' 4 E. I. WORSLLY. M. D- flym Sift!“- onu. matey Bufldifll: M 1 la. 60 Oakwood Ave. M 1‘ manta lznuSMnn. Ming office hours by W‘m“ “calm ”4% A”. Tobi-u 10$ mam “OLD: “033.1 AMO... 30 Acres Trees, Shrubs, and Vines best for this climate. Littleford Nurseries Phone 321-1 Landscape Gardening our Specialty 2! 3. Forest Avenue Telephone IO!»- VETERINARIAN Downers Grove, mm:- M II , Office hounEtol one. 21 E. Curtis: Street Map Phone Dmen( And. 1129 Phone 300 J. I. can, 8. V. I. Lawyer once. Pun-On I Merchant- Bank Building” Tue-dun. Thur-ay- I Sit-til". 9 a. I. to 5 p. I. Every evening. 1 lo I. F. W. KETTENRING Contactor Builder c. B. 1021;, m. D. Telephone I?! M. L. PUH’IR. M. D. HIYSICIAN O 8"me Dov-on Gnu. infield!!! .8339” i. Fad A... and F...“- St In. x: 3.1mm An. G. H. BUNGE IICKIE SAYS DIS. GREGG '. W. GOURLIY 7.09.u "3371'M w! I, Helen E. Greg: During the afternoon the annual fi- nancial canvass of the ’mgngtuan will be M. MitWeek Sontag. Wednesday, Degember 10th. 8 p. m. Sunday. December 7th. 1919. Inning: We Family Service. Church School. 10:00. Homing Worship, 10:45. Sermon: "Stewardship." Eveaing: Chirm‘nn mm, 6:30. Evening Worship 7:”. . Illustrated Lecture, the hay one of the series of me history‘n‘! Calm gatioulism. Sunday. December 7. 1919. Subject, “God the Only Cnuse and Crater.” Sunday Sanka. 11:” a. 3. Walnut!” am p. n. and” School 10:00 a m. Ming room Hep-93v and My “teams from 8 b 5. Minty Ball. M. I. PHILA‘I'BIA CHI! TheI.E.PMhthaChn,|dAl¢ulntldrdmn¢l every Sunday morning I! ’5. in Bible study. Visitors and now 1-.- bers limp wok-me. In. On FIRST EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sunday Services: 9:45 a. m. Bible School. “:00 a. m. Morning Worship. A sermon by the pastor. Subject: “The Atonement." 2:304». m. Junior Alliance and Cawcfiism. 7130 p. m. Evening Service of Song and Pram? and an evangelistic mes- Trombone solos by Roy Deiningcr. who was for two years trombone solo. is: with The Nonhwvstem Glee Club. Don't miss this service. WELCOME! Sunday, December 7th. 9:43 I. m. Sunday saw». R. III. Ruswofler. Supt (I. K. nu. Loader of mm Guy A. Camp. "incur of Otflwu. 6:45 p. m. Senior Alliance Dew» xional meeting. December 71h. I919. Second Sundty in Advent. 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:4!- u. m. Chunéh School. “:00 u. m. Holy Communion and Samoa. 7:30 p. m Special Son-in. [Whor 90!. I910. Tuea‘y. moo p. m. 1"le Colmuiltcc Member Ioth. I919. Wmlullday . 4:15 p. on. Church School. 7:16 9‘ m. (1er I'mtm. ”PITMUDIST RPIMTOPA I. (Tlll'Rl‘ll Hear." Mark 4.24. S \NDREWH BPISCOPAL CHURCH Sundayâ€"8 a. m.. Mun, tending of the Gospel and Epiafle of the day. sermon; 10 a. 111., High Maps, reading of the Gospel and Epistle of the dny, sermon; 8:30 p. m., veepers. benedico than, sermon; baptisms. 2:30 p. m. sermon; 3:30 p. m., weapon. benedieo tlon, sermon; baptisms. 2:30 p. m. Week dnynâ€"â€"Holy Communion, 7 n. m.; Mesa, 8 a. m. ‘ Men's Sodality meets on the filth Sunday of the month; Married Women on the first Sunday; Young Ladies on the Seonnd Sunday; Boys and Girls on the third Sunday; ‘ Holy hour adoration every Friday from3tolp.m. While these meetings are to be un- der the auspices of the Baptist church we should like for it to be strictly understood that it is not for them alone the aim is to cause as far as possible the entire community, church- man or non-church man, Christian and nonâ€"Christian to stop and skin]: of the present world condition from a business man’s point of view and al- so from a religious prophetic view~ _ point. The Old-Mailed Revival in can Sum by the W. 0:30 p. 1». 51mm: Lamar. 7:” p. m. Public Worship. Praise Service. Shon evup‘mk serum by (M gubject: “Take Heed What You 8T.108EPH’8 CATHOLIC CHURCH. AM lime l.- nuund for all um I. m. l‘ublk Won-Mp. Rev. Enca- B. Goodwin. Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL CHUICI] The Rev. Huh M. M-churu-r Print-ln-Clmrgo FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. Rev. 1. Alfred Nuusen. Pastor. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Ru. II. II. Flowing. Pulot new feature every Sunday ’ Pincus. mo. in disfrm'iing numbers. whirling. moinx. aim," fluttering from one spot to nnoihor, save the mosque courtyard from the solemn inflame of ihz moment! mt! one other ”males of Oonsianiinonle. Bajuei'l ‘Ippmnl of the pigmns‘ 0'99""! is rounded from the time when only two Truncated hi3 court. By his order ‘they Ind their successors have been “my: fed ond regarded as sacred. The feathered Inhabitants have he- me lo nun-Loos and so much at home that the mosque has me to ho mini-i, alien the Mun o! Pigeon." Their min; m: the mm o! bargaining from the cornea of the court and blends with the «pinch of tho fountnin. Could the dream! Mm behold than now. poised ‘ his moron. walking acutely that hit coon. tad drain. like whirliog Mt by the wish: of Ingram in the my. to tempt them with real Turkish tout-cm oriental [3"th amber And lewd”. In short they hive act up than in tho very nhadow M the mac and that Mimic-w Mug insi- Ment. strips of awnings have been rigged up as further prutection from the fining sun Wthvr Rabat would apprnvo of this min: more- spect can only he mtmiwd. Mann-own- Iran m; masque um attractive :0 naan and «rug»: auto (Mn that o! anuut ll. Rabat. me "me sultan of an H: pm, in“ Is the dream”. mien-d (Ms moan! talcum" and «new peanfnny In In I1 I.- nm. however. In rum"! fo the memory 0! Btu-m that so In” M! m hunk“, In “no W! of “nun-u. You we hereby notified that on flu:- nu. any of Janna ‘. A. D. I920. lhv udminixlmtor of u mutate will pun nut to the County Com! of Dul'nm- (hung at the Courthouse. in Whom tun. "mix. hi! final Rpm" 0! Mn act: and doing-s an mach sdminiutru- tor, and at the Court to be «finch-Ir ul from ml" and all furthcr nlutéc- and wxponflhilitiou mum-cm! with raid came. and Mn mlminmtrauon memof; at which time 3nd place you may be rem! ml mm nuch app“- cnuon. i you dwow an to do. Ralph Hurflnx. Admini-tvnlur ”-3-! {$551, of VAN?!” WHERE GREAT MONARCN LIES ‘ers who may come. Mr. Crimnton is a‘ pleasant. practical and forceful speaker. You cannot afford to miss hearing him. His subject will be “LIFE Versus The UNDERTAKER.” 81‘. PA U LS EV A NC ELICA L G ROVE ‘ STREET CH URCH State of Illinois as. Co_unty_ othu Pages In the County Conn of Du Page Count , Jnnua Term, A. D. 1920. To aseph Bu terham, John 8. Eat- wrhnm. George u. Herring. Maria Herring. Ruth Hurry. Emu! Clay- boum and Hilda (‘laybourm heir» at haw of the white of Many Ann Bat- lcrhum. (lemaxfd. I vuiu, u- .r-- In‘ M the Com!” (‘nutl M lhl‘uu- (0th Fatty", 1‘2!an A. D. "2.. “'Y'oSIR-iwkhiioflfléd ”I“ on the 9nd «lay of F’obruar . A. I). W20. a! the hour 0! [on o'clot I. m. or u now» thomncr as (ho hummu- of u" Court grill permit.“t‘h¢- ylminiahntnx 7‘- 1‘ n.“ \VUII "I" r‘vvwiin‘ .v-w â€" N. of Fail. oslnt- nil! mat-at to m» County Court of Du! Countv. in the courthouse It Wm. Illinois. her final account and report of hp: at: 1nd doing: as men mmtniatm trix. ml at the Court to h dis- charged (mm any and a" further dut- ies and mmibmties connected with said estate. nnd her administration thereof: nt ‘rhkh time Ind place you muy be {present and mint such nppli. ntion j_ yo}: . At 7:30 p. m. Rev. Little will speak in the same hall on the subject of "Peace." UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH OF EAST GROVE Sunday Scfiaol, 10 a. m. Preaching Jervice. 7 :45 p. m. All are welcome. ‘ tar-"(hw- Sikh wlimirrI-u-lmw u creditors. M’ amuse": are. 6n the a.- am of 1’an . vkh.__c_|e‘-_1~t_l;-I(fu-l. 7 iucly following. At thus o'clock, Louis A. Grim ton. a business mun. will lpeak at the Curtis: Theatre to the business men of Downers Grove and any oth- into at Illinois l-Ivv . ,v... ‘.. .. hyrfle YEfiRTAVdminiflntfix. Ruin. Harbour l Schmidt. Au". lbfll-C The Rev. Wm. Grotefeld. Pate: 9:15 a. m. Sunday School. 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 7:80 p. m. Evening Worship. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE \HMINIHTRJTOIH' NOTICE ' LEGAL NOTICES rd Iafsm H I! 000 0' 0M 3W0 o! City of Con- manunoph. On Friday, December 12th, the La- dies Aid will hold their bazaar in the church basement fuom 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Aprons and other useful and fancy articles will be for sale. Come and buy your Christmas pre- sents. A good supper at a reasonâ€" able price will be served from 6:30 o’clock. Sunday was a banner day for the Lisle church. thirteen new members were received into ‘he fellowship of the church. mu 131M PM Huh- Dnrlng their ceremonm mace- m mum at how. NW 0'1“" m bronchi: the tuna! but: In the 1m“ -â€". mam- mym M I! " mgmmwtmmm ‘The Ladies Aid Society will meet Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. Hensley. Mrs. George Du Moulin motored to the home of her parents at. Belvi- dere last Tuesday and stayed over and spent Thanksgiving with them. returning home on Friday. Mr. l-‘rrdlnmul Schwnm, one of the {int seldom in Lille. coming Mn- in (he Forth-u In [hum day). driving a! Ih- from hen- In the Chicago unmet. tut-«l nl hil- harm.- Sutunlly, Nowmhor mm. M the luv oi 87 yum». llv fun-4 to mourn Mn km hi: “4'!" ghm norm. William. Frank and Jo- mph and one daughter. "I“k‘. flu- rum‘ml \un hrld Nomi-y morning at tho 83.1%ch ml I‘aul church at anrwme. inhnmnl being mule In Ihe .‘Inpen‘lllo «marry. The [um-r a' Ionic-ea new amend"! by a hm- numht-r ul‘ Neighbon- 3nd friends. "minced to correct this tendency. Mint during all ages has hoen am dated with such an once. The 1min m have broken Into mg rcpt-ding m men-m, and the giver of a tent never thought of laying the mat on the mm mm the boards had been scoured with an herb. So. m aw- flon to being a corrective, mint Md u mm“: as an nppeflm. Gerardo an. "The smell 0! mlnt doth am up an nind and the mute to a M “I! of meat.”-â€"London Tit-mu. IEWSY MTES mun-m FROM [ISLE YEARSAGOIR ARI) BEEMGRT 'fllE REPORTER Clara Staley is sick at the home of her mother, Mrs. John saucy. Henry Lauing of South Dakota, spent Thanksgiving with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gus_Lauing. Miss Margaret Rogers and floss and Carl enjoyed 'l'hnnluxivinx with their pamnu. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. "030m at “(annual Farm. wiring «r M}. Md ‘un. Rudolph mlnmrth uf Belmont. for ”Laughing. We desire to express our thanks h muting. friends. Ind mfighbon fo» the kindness and sympathy extended during the “Inca: and death of om loving husband and tumor. Mr. and Mm. C. Lacey and Mr. :1an Mn. 1. Dammit.- spent Sunday \‘ixil- in: friend: at Riverside. Ill. )lr. and Mm. C. Plumb, Mn. Rich- tm- and family. Mr. and Mn. “2 Numb and family men: (he mm o! Mr.,nml him. A. Porter (or Thanks- when one remembers what are the vegetables usually eaten with lamb. we get a clue to mint sauce. And It II on that leads M m what Ia probably the true reason at Its combination with lamb. New potatoes and green pelt are me adjuncts lmmermrtat time In ted as to annotate wlth the flesh of the lamb. no, out fol-burl d0- dded, were p wmtlve of lndlgeatlan. and therefore an adjunct must be In- Mr. and Mrs. lawle- Willnnl nun! family of len‘illo. \u-n lye mush Th; service of automobilrs at "w tunenl m appreciated. The mm- hct see-nu m «(improve the He. that It engined will. the Jews. elm u worm Mm boon adopted In other mum-1o I'm-re flu: nee W mate! to an even grout" «item min In an own. Heme. mm, II M” W have «financed m been «moaned with the "bitter her-h!" which were eaten with the Paschal tarnh. [AM Is the only ml will: which mint note In purtnkvn. aml Enxhnd HI tit only country "he" mo rush-n I! WHY LAID AND MINT SAUCE lodld Wflhr 00“ Far lack u Trace canon- h Pm!" In Thu Cumin. Church Notes. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Church Service, 11:00 a. 11:. Evening Service, 7:46 p. m. Hrs. A. V; Felling and Family CARD 0? THA NKS Mrs. D. H. Naramore. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Naramom. Miss Gertrude Chambers of Dovmers Grove. and M13. A. B. Cakes and daughters, Al. ice and Clara of Ottawa, spent thn Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mra. John Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter spent Thanksgiving with their math- er, Mrs. Wallace, at Hinsdlle. Mrs. Cmscy and Miss Ruby Crcacy spent Thanksgiving Day in Napervillc with their cousins, Mr. nnd Mrs. Riv icy Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Graham enter- tained on turkey day Mr. and Mrs. John Graham of Chicago, Miss Nellie lraham of Topeka, Kas.. and Mr.’aml Mm. H. I). Henning and chiltlmn of Plano. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Def-root celeâ€" brated the twenty-eighth anniversary of ‘heir marriage Wednesdny even- ing by an at home home at their residence on Washington strdrt. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Morton are happy 'uuu their baby’s come to town. M a Thanksgiving boy. Walter L. Sends left chueulty evening {or New Oriana. his home. arm a two monthn' visit with his cousin. A. P. Daniels, he being I yel- low fever refugee. A farewell party was given in his honor Saturday even- mg. Hr. Ind In. J. C. Whiln- «norm» ed Ilr. and Mn. 1. 0‘ Ham"! of Audit. Tuendly o! In! Vin-Ix. Mn. "am"! in Wonhy (Band Huron of the Onlor o! Elm-m 8hr In Win- bore- the nigh. “This cunn- in (or cl- gnnc. not fingers." llix friomls hm] quite a bit a! fun with Jame“ i‘entoncy uflrr he hul ‘invoutipttd" a new cinr clipper tn Bunk. Simonmn’u ('NK atom lou- ung the tip of Mn little finger on the maul! o! the experimentation. Thi- ln units of the fact that the cutter Mr. am! In. I). J. Hflcy enjoyed their Thanhuziving dinner «m. (M- Mlu-r'n pmvnby Mr. and Mn. John Skwln n! Nluuhlr. Keep Up the Route. The M1 thing In llfe‘s battles N the morale. You may have the men and the guns. hut If the men Ind! the ginger they are lmpodlmemn tn nttnln' ment. It In many to do things when you are on the wmnlng side. Tho trouble begins to brew when things gn wrung. Anybody can go with the current. lt'I breastlnx the tide that shown when strength "es. and muecul-r strength I: the lent side of lL When the MID la right and nerve control dependehle you en make mchluee do museum! tents. There are In all"! that Ian'- mule-l control. So the noble. at maul-to mummwnm. n mmommnkcatlmm unwofmntlatlnwvfi magma-tundra” Remain. the Mrs «f M! Inflow”; n. three nr four astounding mm. the; nu hulls. with bond averted and (an wide spurt. Ignoring nw Ind-ram. “On I "'0'? '0 film! "I I!“ M 7'" mum «muonlewu mun l5 (at an 50' tween m: then no «km ":0 oil-ounce with a Mind. shriek terribly (inn 0: thrice. and mm: mm: affect! In be utterly ohm-tom of my firm. WM finally I In" Mm Ibo «mm of his farm! vim-e puma»! n16 (M- hundred! at loaf. drowning a" num' «punditâ€"- Amnm Monthly. 1 WONDERFUL ANN“. Au vuu Would Cum n In Not In- Luu .0 Hi. "writ... Guamm \“nm ! "78w hI-fnrr hr: hwhuun lw haw lulu") rrIlrwl m "w “WWI In whirl! hp «mm mm! «tunic in nu- dmmuy with faraway nan-v. Emma h. c-nIM' Mm 14ml: Irv nun». I mm m In»! as H In gu, mu! m I mon- [w lam“ fnflh «m. Hm «mu! lumlllrnlvh try «but over rlalloml from an "M. mu "mm. If n fl‘m‘fl'hle‘ "mm“. I: k m. «rem-h Hum that run- at m. lmwmflng (u M'M'kâ€"n «fin M a'nmm shriok: which \umld mute the (MRI (mm a land aw. l don‘l see how M an. «anal mo nuts! he makes. Arm a "mm with "to m M a um um! "mu rm flint "am his with. Vow lvquv‘o' Mum nlml u «Ilcfnr. wry "than! k ”w mm. Qum‘ u "INA m M [10me Inlmnh. Ill:- ".0 "not and flu- v-nvrrd u). nh' mrrr "Irv-sum mmMomw-m "I fluurl-«ukI-m. In" "an mu lm‘ qvaHIru I" Ms "In "II Mad H lumwiy u- nu Immhm-vl Mm ~11" Imm- Iml u-ry hrs-ml mam": um. mu Ink-hunt" MM unrnmh. lll- huh- “ HIM M In "mummy ,wm’c‘rfnl "my. ""3 Hum: "vol; uml "I‘ll-h In". "In galvnn'r rut-nay [mu m dumm- Hu- R’uflmu IUD-0min" uf a H" M! n ”n flu-L :m REM. ESTATE PM 5M1 ' THE GNU Io Not "on ”NI n NIHâ€"fur- "Ho :- mm» u- ”w Hun ” ”14-an s? 5! FOR SALE ~A full 2 story the Ihin 8L Sum. m h Mu'n. IM 4 lam light now... u . will make ow-r tn I 0 I an! front. has: |ot 60x1 . h1- bougm mm. "all on our WANTEDâ€"~00 0w North's-t I mom hours vi": a few (MI. out I me..- will all I! is nod. «Mr has: you my} film on balance. prion . 3: E I" f r xiii: ii chiffonors Morris chair buflet. ioft coal heater, 2 kitchen chairs._ 3 hit- chen tables. "top Iadder, extension I dcr, fence wirep 60 gal. gasoline rhotogranh backgrounds. Mrs. P. A. Edqoworth. 44 Warren ave. Plum. ‘07 J. “Ls-lo? Iin in ood conditfon. P561} daya.68 BB-fi evenings. ‘ - 7 on a bench" in due dopo t or hem Nash’u Store and depot or in NM Store Reward if returned to In. ’31. H. Motsett. Saratoga and Chit-go ‘3 Downers Grove. P one 88-3. 1-«5-1 FOR SALEâ€"New Sm: nunâ€"“cw W’llygfllfi“, w u. hligfijest bld received 12. lumber alone worth $300. ment and windows included. 1". . Milnas. W. Maple are. 12-5-17”? V M,“- Jackson Littleforii. 68 Gm st. Phone 5lâ€"W 12.54.! land China boar pigs. limiiw boat “I; years old with F. Nadelhofier Downers Nnmrvillc 76‘W-l. as Iii-mi, iamu'wm do!!! men. laurel! six per cent 1 minimally. 2% commuter LOST.â€"_A lu_rg_e wuiryel (ur Ifiufl. Foyg§ALEâ€"_pavgupgn, HEW"? 1 i‘VOICâ€"SKLVFkâ€"Ajé’rgwh'rqbe.’Rings“; FQR sawâ€"Full bipod gig-Wort; FOUNDâ€"ax curt ganangnueqmnid ' 3:565ng 11:" dé'YoSiEu'Kii"; mankugiving Day. Apply Revolt! mm h _ w mm“ mm“? min} .. mmmmm mammwmw WHMIkmmm human-midway ”iomg‘rram u o .a‘ Oflim. or in (00d condition also solid grow-n plunh Davenport. an bo- nn :1 bml. mnnnu and mouth for Mv'clinor “winded. 826.00 for W. Phone 2aa-w. 12-544: onln. Wig} «Rik Sunk. c.II_ ll um. or Ur-mhoul. will buy «Ila if mum! in uniting now and a. II- unain .wbat hnw you to oflcr. mu SALE ~Tw ml Hod». with old (m. nbaut t urn In Hwy an on ”w hi", I m deli var-um to build I homo. M mimflrs all! fun» PM GM. 64m. 8. '1. Prior 32.000. out. 1 me. down. terms to unit. ”ELIHEALE‘. A very desirable d aqua. two nary W with .1! modern mum‘s“ nut but. good pram. rut. [A noon" on paved mt, in Nut “MJermnmbol‘ tl For ruin bur-uh in. l ht“ V. PBEDD‘HAGIN ‘ - II 80. Id- and FOR SALE-{fling hunter bin 2 or' loaf-w. nit: FOR Sfililrffignrly new; mn 'sALEA-‘inn s. 0. ahead I ' [led Cockerels. M. Grlgg‘t. Labs.“ ma SALEâ€"Todd check onver No 9 tvpe mini». vfcmi my: machine Mrpe Floydd Ron-o. N. l-‘omt me. ‘8-5- F0n§ALEZF¢§RVSc¢ISn7mis moi. fully nquimml. Apply Kim 00 to" «Ink and chair. baby at“ lotur'n l’nflnblc Chicken Rod! a mating Wm. 60 n1. [Mount MI MN. P. A. Edmund”. M Wumn l‘ Humv- lM-J. IIJI-I run. you mm m mu mo uh- uh; uvâ€"‘l‘hh h (to “-0. “ ycmr on" 6- «fly. » ‘ . ' B. KNIT" '7ka 202-1 F01! VSALETâ€"A 1199:! hard only“: ron sumwnhafi will mag, onln. Hilh (:ruk Slack. Call 16.- vou'SAg.I-'.;Z.I_Io._uqholgn pot. : p)! open fire ace, large 'nllvhlc nov- D‘- rm the mat 12ft mm scrmnidfieledfldty for I“ m we eve convict: is 132x300 1»:me m e‘. FOR SALEâ€"Two yell hm m 5 WANTEDâ€"Irm- hut place 3‘”. ill Myrtflvhomfitolfiumh Maorfimbmu,udeu with any "2“ch lacuna. WANTEDMVu-QM III Map)! 3”. gr llr-mhoul. will buy "am r mum I!“ or by“ um: . n-u-I-

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