Sn. “road In Ida it 1:80 p. m. The Childrem hour ) Special program commencing at 7: '1“ pun. Congregflionnl 3m: Ind m Exercise "In the Cross of Mr Sundayâ€"“Go In Chan-F Day." 0:†I. m. Sunrise Pnyar Service. _ A pun; minute 90er to "art 7 8:00 p. m Junion. 5:00 p» m. Spec-ill Musical Sol-vim. Como Ind hour the mank- and our DOV pastor. Mr Sunday EASTER MEANS HOT CROSS RUNSâ€"ORDER THEM EARLY, THE SUPPLY WILL BE LIMITED Try our Fine Cakes, (‘mkies and other Products Men'l Sodality meetu on the am. Sunday 0! the month: Married Women â€dig ï¬rst Sunday: Young Ladies on the Seomd Sunday: Boy-s and Girls on the thin! Sundly. Holy hour udontiou every Friday how} a to c p. m. to «by right Ira-1.1“ Bible School moo n. m Morning Worship. Graduation of un- pantor’s elm in 5W Doctrine. "‘chal music. An Easter mea- |" VQppomnity to enter the church sermon; 3:30 p. m.. vespers. benedic- tion. sermon; baptisms. 2:30 p. m. Week (layupâ€"Holy Communion. 7 a. Sundayâ€"8 a. m., Mass, reading of the Gospel and Epistle of the day. lemon; 1!) a. m., High Mass, reading a! the Gospel nnd Epistle of the day. 8:00 a. m. Mass. Sermon oh the “Pment Easter†by the pastor. 10:00 a. m. Millard’s Kyrie, Gloria. Credo by the choir. Mnrzo’s Sanctus‘ Benedictus. Violinâ€"Miss Engelschull and Miss Nome}. 11 :00 o. Eater Sunday: 2:80 p. m. Home Heating at Church Ha“. Thursday. April 8th. Sunday. April 4th. ‘ , 9:15 a. m. Sunday School. 10:80‘ a. m. Easter Service and ï¬oly Communion. (German). 7:30 p. m. Easwr Program by the Sunday School and congregation. Wednesdaf, April 6th. No unn'ee It 7:30 p. m. '1'. I’AULS EVANGELICAI. GROVE ' g STREET CHURCH ' no Rev. John Slew-r1. Punter. In. 1. MM Nana-n. mun. Soloâ€"Miss Reidy and Mr. Dickson. 8T. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. 2:30 p. m. Ladies Aid Society. Rev. Emma B. Goodwin, Pastor. The Rev. Wm. Grotefcld. Pastor DOWNERS GROVE BAKERY FIRST BA I'I'IBT CHURCH EVANGEIJCAI. CHURCH m. Sumhy School. In. Pro-thing by our new Home Department o. A. ROSS. mmrmmon . Sunday? April 4th 7:30 p. m. Oratorio. “The Seven Loaf Words." By W chorus choir. Freq!†" Speck! music. Rs?“ human-(c Epworth ‘6:30 plyim. Nu Young People's vii/mung on Account of Sunrise moo!- hm. Subject: “The Cum 0! an Emllcu IMO." 9:45 a. «1. Sunday School. Baxter lcswm. Onhcstra music. nm a. In. Public Worship. Euler Service. Sermon by the piston: Subject: Sunday. Apr“ 4th. 8:00 I. m. Sunrimv l'ruyvr lit-M in by Pipworth Imam». MirrmmmT nvmxnm. (‘Hl-‘RCII UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH OF EAST GROVE The public ‘is con-dimly invited to attend the services and to \‘isi't and use the reading room. Reading Room open Mummy nml Friday from 3_to f) p. u. Sunday Service at 11:00 a. m. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. SubjEct: “Unreality." Wednesday evening ’l‘cstinmninl Meeting, 8:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. Church School Easter Festival. Presentation of Lenten Mite Box Offering. April 6th, 1920. .Tuesday in Easter Week. 8:00 p. m. Finance Committee. Wednesxlay,~April 7th, 1920. No services. Thursday. April 8th, 1920. Woman’s Guild. 711:00 a. m. Choral Eucharist and Sermon. Easter Anthem. 7:30 a. m. Holy Eucharist. Cor- porate communion of S. Andrew’s church. Rev. Mu J. Owens. Milli-tn. Christ 1 Glory," by' 15 Juniors. Pantomime "The Ten Virgins"â€" I'I'he Y'qung Ladies. ‘Speoial quar- tette numbers. April 4th. 1920. Easter Day. The Feast of (h Re- surrection of Jesus Chi-15L Dr. H. J .Kiekhocfer. former p'es- idem; of Northwestern College will preach. S. ANDREWS EI’ISCOI’AL CHURCH CONGIIFSATIONAI. CHURCH Sufldny School. 10 n. m. Preaching Service. 7:“) p. um All aw welcome. Th flew-B. ll. Fleming. l’ulor 9:45 a. m. Session changed to 5:00 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST _ The Rev. Hugh M. MacWhorter l'rieaI-in-Clmrge- Library Hall T'élephone 2] 9 DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER, DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS Sovernor Frank 0. Lowden is his choice for the Republican nomination for President of the United States. Mr. Lambert believes that Governor Low- den’s unexcelled record of public service not only qualiï¬es him, but entitles him to the Republican Nomination for President, and, he will regard his election as a Lowden delegate, a very high honor. will hold a sunrise prayer m‘eeting. 9:45 a. m. The Church School will give an Easter Program. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Sor- mon, "Our Resurrection.†He was a member of the commission appointed by the Governor to examine the Sanitary District of Chicago, to determine, and report to the Gover- nor whether the ‘district had been completed, as re- quired by law. 0f several positions in which he has rendered public service, this is the only one in which he recived a salary, and all that he received, for this Service, he donated to the Newshoys’ Home. John Lambert is a resident of the City of Joliet, “'ill County. Illinois. lie was :1 soldier in the Civil War and served from the time he enlisted, until the close of the War/ Some forty years ago. he engaged in the manu- far: this of steel and iron and had a large and im- portant part in the dmelopment of that industry. Upon the mganization of the United States Steel Company, the steel plants in which he was interest- ed were acquiied by that Company. Since that time he has been engag'ged in the development of various other industrial enterprises. In politics, Mr. Lambert has always been a Re- publican and has taken an active interest in the affairs of the party. Day and Night Service. 34- S. Main Str. Tclep BUY 0R ORDER YOI'R SUMMER SUPPLIES NOW. THERE IS A SHORTAGI‘Z. _\\'E HAVE ENTIRE OUTFITS. KOIHKS AND BOX CAM- ERAS, FILMS. PACKS, PLATES. SUPPLIES 0F ALI. KINDS. ZINDT’S PHARMACY The pictures you take in the next year will be eagerly sought after and the Autographic fea- ture of the Kodak will ï¬x the date and place so they cannot be forgotten. You will have many pleasant times this spring and summer but you can double these joys with a KODAK There is no doubt now that spring has really arrived. The birds are back from the Southland and nature“ is putting on her coat of green. John Lambert, candidate for delegate to the Republican National Convention. BUY NOW Evening Worship. Spe~ The Intermediate C. E. sunrise prayer m‘eeting. The Church School will SPRING IS HERE! JOHN LAMBERT cial music by the chair. Sunday morning. April 11th; Com- munion service. Wednesday, April 7th. 8:00 p. m. Mid-week worship and conference. Tcle phone 282 Presidential candi- dates of their politi- cal parties;'elect del- egates and alternates to the National Con- ventions and elect members of the State and County Centril Committees. APRIL 13. 1920 at which voters are entitled to express gheir preference for PRIMARY ELECTION "bun If Mr. Wire is elected, as a delegate, he will re- gard it not only a rivilege, but a very high honor to vote and work or the nomination of Governor Lowden for President of the United States. Governor Frank 0. Lowden is his choice for the Republican nomination for President of the United States. He believes that if Governor Lowden’s splendid record, as Governor of Illinois, is fully un- derstood and appreciated by the delegates from other States in the Convention, Governor I .owden will be the nominee. Mr. Wire may well be proud of his record in public life, where he has always faithfully discharg- ed every duty imposed upon him in the many posi- tions of public trust, which he has held. In 1902 he was appointed Cashier of the Bank of Hebron, a position which he held until December, 1919, when he was obliged tomesign because of tail- ing health, caused by oVer work in public affairs. Mr. Wire has always been a Republican, and for thirty years he has been :1 member. and for the last twenty years, Chairman of the Republican Central Committee of McHenry County. After teaching school fm smeml \eum. he \1 ac elected County Superintendent of honls of MC Henry County. and themaftm twice reeleued His last term expired 1n 1902 and he declined an unani- mous nomination of his party. William E. Wire is a resident of Hehron. Mc Henry County, Illinois. He was born on a farm in that County. He at- tended the country schools and later the High and Normal School, to equip himself for teaching school. Potte'r Mfg. 6c Lumber Co. LUMBER Lumber and building materials of all kinds will not be lower in price for a long lime. in fact. expel“ ienced business men in close touch with present con- ditions saw that [Mites “ill neIeI go hack to a ple- \\ m basis. for this mild weather Cut up waste from our factory. Nice, dry wogcl, ‘ which will please you $3.00 PER LOAD DELIVERED Build Now! Don’t Delay William E. Wire candidate for delegate to the Republican National Convention ‘ (‘OAL M" l WORK Building Mateiialq of \II Kinds Manufacturers Dealers (‘OA L } WILLIAM E. WIRE Plume ()ne Five ARTHUR R- BEIDELMAN are executed from a variety of ac- ccptable designs and every detail is looked after by experts. That is why our monuments always appeal to good mate. If you plan a memorial in your plot we will show. you a great variety of designs to choose from. Friday. Aug 2. 1920 bur Monuments Phone 35- R N A PERVI LLE. ILL.