It. und Hrs. Scott Fry of Napa- tint. visited with It .and Mrs. Fred P. Drluler on Sunday. River's End." Adv. Roscoe Morton came home from mu Knry Schuelenborg of Nana'- vmc. spent Sunday at the W. J. Full line a! garden and flower seed in pchge or bulkâ€"grass seed. on- kI m. at Lehman Michel’s. ad. It. Ind Hrs. Frank Harper spent 0. flee! end at Sterling. "L. with In. Elmer's mother. Gordon leCollum is spending his tintin- tn Chicago . mil Nettle AMI «summed the m Club on Wedneflky evening. Ir. and In. Emil Wander all children have moved to Him-dale. Hoyt. ride a Mcycie. me E. 1.. Cox. 3. E. Curtis! st. #24. ldV. Ir. nd In. A. E. Olson kn Sun» «by evening on a trip to California. William Smith visited over Sands] ’10 [cl-ï¬ves in Guam. Ohio. The Vent! Juniors will meet at the am of Mrs. Geo. C. Prickett on at Tuesday evening. April 6th. Tho church notices this week will I! you mans. fauna. 1834. Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank HAS ON HAND A GOOD SUPPLY OF FOODS SUITABLE For Spring Eating A State Institution under State Supervision Established 1892 The Corner Grocery v. Nash Phone No. 8 The Corner Grocery A COMPLETE Banking Service Mr. and Mrs. F. McCollgm. Miss Adena Andi-ass and Mr. and Mn. C. The Ladies Aid of the Congregaâ€" tional church will give one of their now famous cafeteria dinners in the church parlors, next Thursday even- ing,- April 8th. from 6 to 8. adv. Mrs. A. G. Michel underwent an operation at the West Side hospi- Qal last Thursday and is now getting along nicely. untfl further notice. Lehmum A Michel's. adv. 'The Red Cross Circle will meet Tuesday evening. April 6th, in the Congregnï¬ond church parlors. Do mu fail to come. 0n and after April 7!)! our store will close every Wednesday at noon Fifteen children will participate in cent, nnrl I very evidently natural the exercise "In the Cross of Christ talent for dramatic work. he was one 1 Glory" It the First Evnngelicd a! {hose who received most fnvornble church Sunday evening. comment from the nudience . O . , Edvard Tank's work us goodâ€" The M Cross 0"“ '1" meet a keen. hueineu like chip. ranking Tuesday evening. April 6“" i" “'9 himself one vi». the board of dam. Concflxiï¬o'fl' â€I‘m" Wk“ D“ (on. end min making himself om “0‘ f.“ ‘0 come. with the workmen whom ne address- On end after Avril 7â€! our store "L he ’1th himself versatile. Hrs. Iary Bohlander Ind Mrs. "yer: of (Mango. visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sucher Wednesday. household goods. A removal sale at Dexter’s :1! next week in cmckcry. granite and other Uflvenfly of [Ill-ob, Urban. m. In. lilies†Hancheu has pug- chued the Bacterium house on E Curtis: street. Richard Dnes is spending his vm- 'm "m â€â€V"""' “on WWI his brother Funk. u_ â€no Addition-l locals on M 5 Illinou University for his Eater va- “OWNERS GRQVE REPORTEIj, DOWQIERS GROVE, ILLINOIS 1 Ben Morgan as â€Eds" Anthony.†‘ideaflst and dreamer, tool: his part well. Loving his father. yet sund- ing by his conviction, he portrayed very well the struggle thru which he went. Edwin Graves an choleric Wm. Scantlehury was ï¬ne. Granite with Frnnk button. one of the direc- tors was excellent in voice and manâ€" war. He appeered a thoroughly busi- ness mu, having at his tongue’ 3 end the entire situation. Seething nbsm lutdy at home on the stage, he play- ed with that perfect “art that con- those whose acting showed rally su- perior ability. With his Wish It- cent. Ind a very "may natural talent for dramatic work. he was one John Babbage, u‘George Roux. de- serves a place hr up on the list of SENIOR CLASS PLAY PLEASE!) LAST THURSDAY The Tulpochon Camp Fire Girls with their mother: and wanting u- tended the Camp Fire NrtMay party at the Auditorium. Chicago, Snuf- dny. Mun-h 27th. Those present were: Phillis 8mm. lei-Ion Hervey, "ml "our“. Gertrude Knox. Betty ll:- hmy. Dorothy Hills. Janette Phelps ‘Elelnor Schulll. Irene Talk. Virgin- ‘ia Teak. Mrs. Harvey. Hrs. "at“. In. Knox, In. Schultz. In. Tank and Mrs. Brevmler. same time put a little money in the (many of an girln' of our awn. The pm of â€It! magazine In 82.00 {or two yum subscription. (M exclusive agency for the period or three weeks from Munch am a: April 18%. Your pump will not only help the M Cm: but at the The Camp Fim Girls have been uked by the Red Cross Auochtion to solidt subscription; {or the Red Cross lugulno and have been given The Philathca Class of the First M. E. church met on Monday evening with Miss Emma Hill» at the home of Mrs. M. B. Dovmen, 53 E. Maple ave. About 40 were pmscnt. Mrs. F. J. Milnes. the retiring president. war presented with a very hnndsomc piece} of jewelry by the class. Miss Mills was elected piedidcnt {or the coming yt-r. In is not the policy of the Dicke Theatre to book a picture more than once. But they have received so many mluests to run "In Old Ken- tucky" a second time that that they deem it advisable to do so and will again present it for one night only. Thursday. April 8th. adv. The Pantomime, "The Ten Vir- gins." will be rendered by ten young ladies assisted by the Lehman-Nan- sen Quartet Sunday evening. The service commences at 7 o'clock. Miss Lucille Bush returned home from the south last Saturday and Mr. Bush got. back from El Paso. Texas. Sunday a reunion was held at the Bush home on Gilbert avenue. Hinsdalc Uuholstering Furniture Repair Shop. All work neatly done at reasonable prices. Phone 635 0: send postcard. Will call and deliver free of charge. adv. 2-20 1!. Miss Lois Bear, formerly a Down- ers Grove teacher and who is now at- tending the University at Champaign. Rh Spending the Easter vacation with the Bamhart's on East Curtiss st. The Epworth League of the First tary. with a doglike M. E. church will hold 8 Sunrise employer. was very Prayer meeting at the church at 6 ty Russell Winchell. u'clOck Easter Sunday morning. All Arthur Mills took young people invited. part of an old man Mr. H. E. Snyder of Fairï¬eld, 111., has been visiting at the Snyder home on Oakwood ave., Mr. Snyder came to see his father who has been ill for some time. The Missionary Society of the lat M. E. church met on Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. E. C. Schultz‘ “7 W‘. Maple avenue. Phelps were guests Sunday of Mrs. Geo. Grant in Chicago. River’s ï¬nd.†(Continued from page I) The one who is responsible for the treat success of the play is the per- son who did the training and two much praise cnnnot be given to Miss Frances Hughes, who worked uncens- ingly from the time the ï¬rst practln- was given until the play was $1.39!. for the public. Much credit is due these young peo- ple for the ability they showed in “putting over the footlighta†such a play as this, and. on the merely me- chanical side. praise is due for their clear, distinct enunciation and their very mtural acting. The mob scene, featuring George Bunge. Howard Wilhelm. Richard Drees, Elmer O’Neill and Edward Kolar brought forth many compli- mentary remarks from the audience. â€The sullen. angry movements of the mob. its tendency to be swayed by the latest speaker, its unwillingness to listen to anything quietly, all at" these characteristics were brought out‘ in a very true-to-life manner by the group. l I Arthur Mills took very well the 1part; of an old man; make up and ‘characterization were .both good. Sidney McCollum, as “From," An- thony's valet. was excellent, and brot down the house whenever he appear~ ed. Meek. imperturbable and stolid, he was the typical English servant. Sunshine Mnyonnisse, per bottle ...... Fancy Evaporated Apples, per pound No. 1 Tall Asparagus. r can ........ .Pnris Corn. per can ; 3 for ...... No. 2 can Plums, r en 15c; 3 for .. 15 oz. jar Savoy re Preag‘rvqs .._.... Henry Tench, middle aged secre- tary. with a doglike devotion to his employer. was very cleverly played V The part of the manager, played ‘by Wm. Hanmer, was well done. An- xious to save his men from suffering, and equally anxious. to be loyal to his Board, the part was not an easy one. out but with a soft heart underneath. he was one of the bright. spots in the play. Stanley Huntington as Oliver Wan~ lzlin, calm, cool and paciï¬c, made a splendid balance for the excitable Wm. Scantlebury. have six new styles in “Kingsbury’ brand hats ready for you right now. Fine Quality 27 inch Pique, per yard ...... 69c 27 inch Fine Striped Dimities, per yard. .50: 38 in. Satin Striped Fancy Waisting, per yd 98c 36 in. Bluebird pattern Marquesettes, per yard .......... 89c 36 in. Fancy colored Scrims, per yard . . .45c 36in. White and Cream bordered Marquesettes Mn" pen yard, 40c, 45c, 59c 36 inch Net Curtaining by the yard, White and Have you seen the new Ecru @ 59c and ......................... 69c . pallems m White GOOdS, '0' I'm! Stuck Crelonncs? Fine Quality 27 inch Pique, per yard ...... 69c 27 inch Fine Striped Dimities, per yard . . . .50c BEA U TIF UL, Delightful new novelties in wash goods arriving each week. Some are sheer, some heavier. Voiles and novelties, selected with a view to meeting your per- sonal taste in matters of color, contrasts and attractiveness of patterning. Our Tables Show All These New Goods lens and Boys llals 946.27]: Mens Fine Sox for Spring DRY GOODSâ€"GENERAL MERCHANDISE â€" GROCERIES 28â€"30 So. Main St. Phones 177-178 Lehmann Michel GROCERIES Butter Cookies. Cullain Materials it is: And we Isn’t it true t. h a t m a n likes to blos- som out in a n e w spring hat 178i r] y Why One Should Cany An Amount With a Bank IT PAYS 1'0 ADVERT“! ll nu: IIIOITIIH TIY rm ..... 42¢ Easter Eggs. Assorted. 1 ..... 40c Cream Butter Bunnies. l Rabbit Shape. per pound ...... 35c FIRST NATIONAL BANK Large cuts Carnation Milk ........... I‘m can Dr. Price’s Baking Powder Large can California Peaches ........ RobRoy Sweet‘TendetPeupel-un Easter Egg: Assorted, per pound .. Cream Butter Bunnieg; per You are invited to open an account with The First National Bank. 2. Because paying bills by check is the simplest and most convenient meth- od, as well as the safest, as your check becomes a receipt for the debt , it pays. Downers Grove. Illinois. . Because your money is safer in bank than anywhere else. Because it gives a better standing in the community, especially among the buSiness men, to pay by check rather than cash. and Easter Wear Men's Black Cat and Eifl‘el brand spring 307:. Fine Lisle meroerized Silk -â€" Black, Brown, White, Navy and Grey. per pair 25c to ..$l.00