The best selection we ever had, quality, Style, ï¬t and price guaranteed the best you can get for your money. MGRRIS SHOE STORE Bowers Grove TneBattery Service ° . he: owns lam! [horn and has mah‘ Tires and Remed’ “an! many trip»: into the intnrior. I Tubes ed and “an“ , Tha'Lmis: “Tho Rivrr's End" . film higgvst and nvwreé pirturo. shown ‘31 tho .Dirko Thoatrn. Thursday. meow HIGHWAY ms new; muss fBring‘ your childrpn and frivnds. adv. Over $4,000.00 worth of the Latest Styles in Shoes, Oxfords, Pumps and Slippers have arrived in the last two weeks and it are on display in our windows now. Guaranteed 18 Months! v_ ‘ Will Not Leak Acid! > ‘ THERE IS NO CHARGE. We Serve The People. Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. VEGETABLES and FLOWERS ONION SETS Try Our “NEW ZEALAND SPINACH" IT‘S FINE This Store Closes at Noon rm Wednesdays North Side 93. m. Delivery South Side 10 a. m. The Corner Grocery 1. W. Nash . Phone No. S If you need money you. are taken care of. If you need ï¬nancial advice, you will get the best. than the bank. When you open an account, all your supplies are furnished fre_e. News for Shoe Buyers No Business Gives More All fresh new stock from the best growers. A State Institution under State Supervision Established 1892 NEW SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES ARE MOSTLY IN GARDEN SEEDS 64 South Main Street. Downers Grove. Ill. 108 South Main Street BATTERIES it.“ “ aye: Remixed, Chang- “° ° Vn2am "OWNERS GROVE REPORTER, DOWNEIQS QMVE, ILLINO] Mrs. A. P. Brevillier. guardian of the Tatapochon Campï¬re Girls aml the members of the camp entertained the fathers at her home Saturday, April 3rd, The evening was given up ‘to the education of the fathers into rlhe intricacies of Indian lore which j'was acknowledged by all as beauti- ful in thought and a great help to each daughter. Mrs. Brevillier is in- deed to be thanked for her wonder- ful work in behalf of the girls of the camp. I That the wintry weather of Easter Sunday distracted most people‘s ‘minds from the Easter honnets and iannual spring parade of new tag- gery there is no doubt. One of our eminent reverend gentlemen in an- nouncing the Easter oflering receiv- ed in his church. let his mind wonder to the raging elements outside and stated that 'the Christmas offering amounted to such and such. Nor did he discover the error. Mr. Wm. Strauhe left Wednesday for Washington. D. C. He was al- led than to testify before the Con- ,gmssimal mmmmw investigating ‘Moxicn and the tonditions that pm- {rail then- mw. Mr. Straubo hm: alâ€" fways been interested in that country. Tho next mewting of the Larh'rs Aid Society of the Congregational chum-h will he held Thursday afternoon. Apr. 15th at the home of Mrs. C. 1“. Davis on mibm av’e., and “in be in honor of Mrs. George Hughes who is to leave the village in the near futuro to make her home in California. All friends of the church are cordially invited to be present. County It (hv with the State D! [in a ‘ exhibit Additional loeals on page 5 Tho local Amerian legion you arr; mun" I Sprinx Dance at Dirke'c: "all far Mmormw night. April IOth.‘ The musk in by Cope "an-«y. of! Chicago. and as unual I Rood limo! in insured. I venture Rough Indium» Mrs. A. B. Snow and Mn. T. 0". Rally entertained m- Board of tho Womnn‘u Club at a fan-w" one o' clock luncheon. at the Show home. on Highlnnd venue. mayday. (9111' Adam W. Kohley wan wtumml u Supervisor from the township of Lisle at the election Tuesday winning over Ch». [-2. Lucy. indqwmlont candl- Minx Florida Waplcs will make her home with the Coleman family on Highland nun. «luring her brother’x lllnus. “Bill" Shanrook Ion Tuesday with his baseball but and other par- aphanelia for Rock Island where he wm play bnwball the coming season. Nothing but the best and biggesti pictures am shown at the Dickc Theatre. adv. : Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Kehler loft on! Wednesday to join Mr. Kchlcr in' Fpringdnlc. Wash. where they will Jake their future home. I Chas. Woods had the misfortune to break his right arm while crank- ing the North Side Grocerfs delhu cry truck last Friday. Nothing but the best and biggest The county confcroncc of the Inter- (‘hurch World Movement will be held in the Cary Memorial M. E. chmâ€"Th at Wheaton. The H. A. Gardiner family arv pagking up to move m Woodstock, Illinois. > Mrs. Harry Slusser of Norwoml Park visited her mother Mrs. M. E. Downer on Saturday. Miss Manning of Aurora, was the guest of Miss 'lhelma Roe on Wed- nesday. Mrs. Geo. Schilder o! Chillicothe. Ohio, is visiting her mother. Mrs. Ad- elaid McKay. Tho Dicke Theatre is always ï¬rst when it comes to good clean pictures. adv. Miss Lucy Noetzel‘ of Brookï¬eld, visited at the Zell home on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. I}. Jenkins are; staying with the Huntington’s, for a] time. 1 The. Misses Marie and Alice Olson visited in Lincoln, Nebr., over Ins- ter. ‘ Misses Alice aml Helen Zell enter- tained the Sewing Club from Him;- dale, Tuesday evening. ADDITIMMI. [GEMS If you needus, (onus. 188w}. every P "i‘h Sr?" he "Kmping Dvpnrttm-nt ( a talk along Ride-m ' a! G Chrlr‘s Dimtor thonl y Scout Wood's Fit" uMbi of "with. z the liars nt-~A book of ad- 'n and Known-IV.- Wood'n Fighting n Dye Show. uh. Richie this afl uMbiI ie will hr ant-moon of tho Iv will \f “10 I That last hiko seemed as tho' ifl 'wuultl never some to an end. But; w» mriwd at lam. â€" ’ AftI-I mocking the station “e (“s-l ,ptrml. man) of th'e Scouts taking [in the sights nmuml the city insten-l of cntrnining for home immodiatehu iAnothcr Scout and myself “ant to. lswtc Stmct getting back to the utn- ' tion with Just tlmc to not aboard an E‘oumunl bound train it we kept go- }ing. We were quIt going thru the 1ultra to the train when we heard a ‘mnn call “Boy!" Turning! w'o saw; an oflicc-r but not thinking he meant,! us' wo Imp! on moving. "e callodi again. anal then wa- saw that he did. moan us an" all for he wan motion-‘ in; to mi. We walked towards him. Iml an noon an wr rrarhml him. MI We, were shown over the elevators 13' one of the employes, who explain- I, led everything to us as we went along. Y‘l imagine he was tired of his job by lthe time he got rid of us for we went .over the entire building- Ilium Ithe :landing to the cupolas. The stair- ways were steep and narrow and there was many of them. Climbing n these stairs was rather hard on the Scouts who were inclined to be over. I plump but a few weeks of this exer- clcise would reduce the orer-plumpness :.;in short order. Everything in the -. elevator worked automatically and arâ€" ranged to handle the most possible. grain in the shortest possible time‘ and with least exertion. The build- ing is not of modern ï¬reproof eon- ! struetion as it is built entirely of ' wood. but every precaution is taken to prevent ï¬res. Strict fire preven- l tion rules and apparatus for the ex- _ tinguishing of ï¬res are in every con- lspicuous place and where they may be reached easily. After seeing the 'lconveyors, hoppers, shutes, bins, etc., "we went through the engine rooms. V'l‘he thing that impressed me the most iin the engine mom was the amount iol' work they appeared to go from ,so small an engine. ' l We left the elevators about 4 o" .elock in the afternoon and again hikâ€"u led tothe Union Station . It had got- {ten awfully cold by late afternoon find to make it Still worse there was :11 strong wind blowing off the lake. So tugethcr with the cold wind and 1le fact the Scouts were beginning (0 show slight signs of wearincss. 5 Rolls Lunch Wax ......... 21c Seedless Raisins, pkg. ....... 27c Fancy Mich Plums. No. 2 cm 15: 3Wheatena, per pkg. .......... 20c kgs . Takhoma Biscuits . .2†3 35: Wheatheart B’kfast food 29c geBottle Catsup ......... 254: 5 Labs. Whole Wheat Flour .. .39r California Sardines. can ...... 18c Large pkg. Oatmeal ......... 30c 3 Bars Kï¬-kolive Toilet Soap 6 Boxes Matches ........... Pufled che. pkg. .......... DRESS SHIRT SALE $2.50 to $4.00 values in men’s shirts some soft cuffs, some laundered, gopd up to date snappy pattgrns, Enly from the docks. at WINNING SCOUT ESAY WRITTEN BY PAUL WENZEL pecial in Men’s Belts. Tan and iack belts worth 850 each on sale GROCERIES (Continued from page I) DRY GOODSâ€"GENERAL MERCHANDISE â€"â€" GROCERIES 28-30 So. Main St. Phones 177-178 ; Léï¬hiaiï¬n Michelï¬ .......... 69c ::.f...$l.98 23c 18c caught hold of me and a Scout'Execâ€" utive caught hold of my pal and they searched both of us then and there, I was so astonished that I could only stammer "Winâ€"what?" They ï¬nally told us that a Navy Revolver had ‘been miScplaced or stolen from the officers cabin on bound the Wilmette We felt better right away then, for we knew they would ï¬nd no revolver on us. While searching me the oll'i~ oer came upon a pocket which was more bulgy than the rest. Thinking ho had located the stolen article he hurredly thrust his hand into it and‘ pulled out not the long looked for j One of our ambitions is to have folks feel at home, in this bank; to cultivate geniality and good will; to promote that feeling that the First Nationâ€" al bank is a home institution, ready to serve our home people at all times. You will always ï¬nd a welcome here; you are entitled to our time and atâ€" tention, whether you bank here or elsewhere. FIRST NATIONAL BANK A few boy’s hats worth $1 to $2 while they last @ each ......................... 50c $2 to $3 men’s soft hats selling out @ ..-..$l.50 Good quality hat that will ï¬t men and boys, 0th 18 to pick from. “A Big Snap.†Tan. Brown and Grey. Men’s Hats Half Price Feeling “At Home†Downers Grove. Illinois. [A dress or mat costing ynu I .lmmlml dollars luau you pm- blbly lwu chns- at the most rthm .(SOOD WINDOW SHADES matwmnrr also. but {Hwy last you ton yarn or m-on man, all tlepvmln on the way they arr used. Do not lol prior iMl‘rfmv with rem-wing you: window sharks. but hop up "MI [and aunt-Inner of your hnmv by Inning us make you priros m “hm it will cost you In rvnmv them and you'll be Surprisovl at tho small cxpmm‘. machining (ho- high cost of othor annals. GoodWIndow Shades For men or boys, size 6 to 101/; For this Blucher out- ing shoe which -we are selling @ ..$4.00 Why Pay More? We then climbed aboard' the train and in a few minutes were chugâ€" chugging out of the station, bound for home and supperâ€"also bed. The latter looked the best for it was near- ing the end of a strenuous but per- fect day. [revolverâ€"but my tin cup, knife, font and spoon and a few other souvenirs such as a bolt, piece of wire, on, picked up on the boat. After satis~ fying themselves that we were not the guilty parties they allowed us to depart in "Peace." Other essays next week. A SCOUT IS TRUSTWORTHY!