Iolme Park in ailing for an». cid help. Have YOU made your contribution? Do it My at either In Wm. Guhmn and Min Ethel Cm. of (Map. wen Sui-thy mu u the homo of It. and In. quefort Cï¬eese Fancy Brisket Bacon, per fb. Ir. Ind "II. Wm. R. Grim autumn the mum“ at their dughur. Ila "II“. (MM. (0 Ir. Pill Irvin of Dnville. Ill Swiss, Camen- bert Imp. .Ro- In. 0. J. Drfly Ind daughter. land. will leave tomorrow «all; for a two "eh nation M, to not“; Chocolate, 27c Canned Milk Large, 6 for 86¢ Small, 3 for 25¢ Baker’s Cocoa 30c Prof. I. "which n- spending the wring nation at the home of My parents .1 “CM. Win-ovum. Ilu Bunch Valium-o left In! Sat- urday «min; (or n lndeflnilr shy in Cnfllomil. Sunsweet Pruneg, 5, lbs. Ilsa Eva Nicholu of Oman. In low the owner of u Snxon four which the cake- plenum In driving. In. H. Erie Wright md dnuxh- ta. Earhart of L- Gm“. Maud My with “nu. C. W. Vauntynum. Kellogg’s Kmmbled Bran Ir. and Mn. John spent Sunday It the wig home. Vanilla Flavor- ing, 2 oz. bottle 2 for 25¢ Golden Rod Washing Pdr. Ir. August Glass staying at the home in-law, C. II. Emu. Mr. and Mm. Henry Dicke have moved into their home on East Park- way uvenue. Mr. Victor Hundschug was quite ill with quinsy sure throat the past few days. Mm. Ernest. Heim and son. 0! Na» pervine. spent Wednesday afternoon with with Mrs. Flt-d P. Drissler. Mm. S. J. Dowle has returned from 0 weeks' visit with her sister at Bev- erly Hills. Miss Helen Hawkins spent the week-end at the LnChany home on Oakwood avenue. Mrs. Chas. Me and children returnâ€" ed on Wednesday from a visit to her mother. Mr. and Mrs. E. ’1‘. Lawrence have gone to French Lick‘ Springs, Ind., for a shout vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sprague and children were the guests of relatives in the city on Sunday . Miss Sarah Smith has been on the sick list the past week. Good assortment of Garden and Field Seeds at Mertz Mochel's. adtf. Boys ride n bicycle, see E. L. Cox, 83 W. Curtiss st. 4-16-4 ad. W. C. Bartle has sold his house on Fomst avenue to Effie Wilment. SO. Main St. Mr. Isaiah Alison is in Niagara, New York on a business trip. Klein’s Market Frida . April 16. 1920 NAVY BEANS, Per Pound 10c If you needus, (onus, 188-1. $1.25 PERSONALS Suu of Austin, [4-star F. Ger- of Chicago. is of his brother SAVE MONEY AT KLEIN’S 9%ng Chem Fresh'Daily, pt. 15c Veal Shank}; Per pqqnd Veal Breast Pocket, per Fancy Rump Corned Beef strip, per lb. 40c Bacon, Narrow Regular Ha'ms lst Grade, lb. California Pic- nic Hams, lb. 7‘" TIMI“. Cunpfln GM: unem- Ned It the homo of Miss Domhy T°'9'¢Y it“ Thursday (mi-I for their Comm media. In. an. "Mi dbcusad plum for going ““1“" '10! the kids. I What in virtue in n Vamp? Don’t gum. You'll In wrong. 84!. Com [sum Tum-duo in “A Virtuou- iVump.†M (he Ditto MC". Apr. 22 and flat udv. The petition for I w Lake in the Gm. u .- mum-y lo a. Oddelonmulnuba-nuh Io 0n (in-d ladâ€. It in "mud (Mt iuutuuo- vi" uh plate In 1‘ var) short lime. The Womn‘n Auxilhry to the Mm ark-n Lotion will hold the“ regular mung next Tuesday afternoon. April 200.. at tho Layton m u 2:30. All mambo" an urged to at- m Ind he on “ma. at Borwyu. About twenty of the numb-n uttenthd ml a very good limo wu reponod. o/Domn Grove Lodge. Independent rd" of Odd Fellows “Jaunted early In: Hood-y ovum“ to attend the Put Grand Film Night cokbnuou at nmmhle prim. Phone 035 or and pooh-uni. Will all 3M deliver {m of char... adv. 2-20 u. Mrs. Rebeca Parrish, returned missionary from the Philippine ls- lamla, gave a thrilling address It the Pin! II. 8. Church last Sunday morn- ing. A generous thank offering. Hhtdnlo Unholllcrin; l l-‘umnuu Repair Shop. All work neatly done A complete course in Vumping in cne lesson. See Constance 'l‘almadge in “A Virtuous Vamp." It's the chance 0! a lifetime at the Dickc Theatte, April 22nd. and 23rd. adv. cage. Don't forget to 'come to the Red Cross Cincle Tuesday evening, April 20. in the Congregational chumh pur- lors. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lozier of Whea- ton, former residents of Downers, who have purchased the H. A. Gardiner house on Saratogu avenue, are mov- ing in today. Sgock of different makes of new and second hand batteries for all makes of cars on hand. Buy now. Downers Grove Tire and Battery Sev- vice, 108 South Main street. adv. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mahoney have sold their home on Forest avenue to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bollow who will take possession about the ï¬rst of June. l The Catholic Woman's League will lhold their meeting at the home of 'Mrs. George Brady Thursday after" noon, April 22nd, at 2:30. Pulverized Sheep Manure, the 'ideal fertilizer for garden andâ€"lawn, $2.50 per 1001!) sack, in lots of 5 or more sucks, $2.40, per sack at Men: Mochel's. adv. tf. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thompson and daughter, Susan of Naperville. visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Fink, last Sun- day. Bamanl’s Perpetual Green Mixed Lawn Seed, 40c per pound, in lots of 5 pounds or more. 38c, at Mertz Mochel’s; adv. tt'. Richeliéu Vulâ€" can Japan Tea Richeiieu Maca- roni, Ex. Fancy 15c Richelieu Cod- ï¬sh Migdles, m. Rich. Mayon- naise Pyessing Richelieu Coï¬'ee lst Grade, l‘b. PHONE 279 Richelieu Chili Sauce, _ per bot. Richelieu Spices As. Shakers, ea. 10 15c Richelieu Sal- mon, E}. Fancy DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. â€OWNERS GROVE. lLLlyOlS North Side Grocery 6: Market 32 North Fore-t Avenue CERESOTA, 2456 pounds PILLSBURY, 24 9S pgxunds ARISTO, 24% unds .................... GENEVA BELL made from local zhegt. ARMOUR PUMPKIN. N0. 2‘5 can ................... COME AGAIN TOMATOES, N0 2 can ................. SLICED PINEAPPLE. NO. 2% can .................... FARM HOUSE CLINGSTONE PEACHES, N0. 2": can FREE STONE PEACHES, NO. 2'5 can ............... DEL MONTE GRATED PINEAPPLE NO, 2 can ........ TELEPHONE PEAS, MONARCH BRAND ............. STANDARD CORN, per can .......................... SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEAS, per can ................ lCARNA‘I‘IOM MILK. large. per can ................. ‘LIBBY. GOOD LUCK or OATMAN MILK. small 7c; la .. PLUM ARMADA, N0. 2 cm ........................ SUN MAID SEEDLESS RAISINS ..................... cumums, 15 02. package ............................ NAVY BEANS, perfund .............................. HEINZ or VAN CA P BAKED BEANS, 19c can for YUBAN or OLD RELIABLE COFFEE, 60c value, ...... MONARCH COFFEE, 55c value' per pound ............ DR. moss BAKING Powosï¬, 25c can ........ .. DR. PRICE’S BAKING POWDER. 15c an ........ HONSOON SEIEEPAPQIATOES, N0. 3 can ...... nn-..-_ _ . Lettuce, Sbinach, Celery. Rhubarb, Green 4 Asparagus, New Carrots, and Parsnips __...,_..-. VIVA-u. Ann VW, “v u ROXANE PANCAKE FLOUR per package The Ontotlo entitled “The Seven Lu: Wonk," which m random! by tho chorus choir of the Hm Hotbo- db: church lat Sand†evening in ed the Dick. Think: for an chic:- him-non! on Tue-day evening, lay the eleventh. Thc Woman's Guild of S. Amlrew’u church meets on the second and fourth Thumhyn o! ouch month ml I; Adding to its membership It every mfg-ting The organ-lion hu leu- home there. The home is a Christian home for orphan children And in sup- roned by the Moody Chunh of Chi- cogo. Marie G. Downer has resigned her penition as director of the East Auâ€" rora Public School kindergarten and is now at Cedar Lake. Ind. She has (hnrgt' of the school in the children’s home there. The home is a Chrintinn Mary Miles Minter will appear in another Renlal‘t picture. “Judy of Rogue's Harbor," at the Dicke Thea- tre. Saturday. April 17th. Like all the Realart pic-tunes. this one will prove highly entertaining. Be sure to see it . M" The pupils of Misé Marion Lower will give a piano recital at Library Hall o_n Friday evening. April 23d, at eight o’clock. Miss Lower will be asâ€" sisted by Miss Kathryn Olson. reader and the evening promises to be an enjoyable one. The tickets are 25 cents. ‘ We just naturally are bound to take of our hats to the Dicke Thea- tre in acknowledgement of the excel- lent pictures they have sho‘Wn during the past months. Furthermore, we understand that those to come we just as good. if not better. Congrat- ulations. ‘ adv. Odd __Fellowsl Keep in mind the night of April 26th. Downers Grove Lodge, 1. 0. O. F. is celebrating the “Matt anniversary and also entertainâ€" ing the District No, 12 Organization. A good program has been arranged by the Booster Club. Be there. melones and Mm J. R. King, of 102 Warren avenue. will be the has- tesses. at the home of the latter, for the next regular meeting‘of the W0- man's Guild'of Saint A_ndrew's church to be held on Thursday afternoon‘ April 22nd. at two o’clock. Phone 52-! EVERYTHING TO EAT AT REASONABLE PRICES. All that you can desire in ï¬ne workmanship, pure wool fabrics and latest style â€"- all the innovations which mark this season's fashions â€" you will ï¬nd here. Oranges, Apples, Giipefruit, Bananas Careful tailoring insures that our garments will hold their shape. This must appeal to the men who desires to get good service as well as style. Carefully Cut 6: Well Tailored muw.8.WI-u CLEANING -- DYEING â€"â€" PRESSING and â€"â€" REPAIRING J OSEPl-l MAZE T. C. PITCHER, Pronrietor SPRING SUITS 21 80'"! Main Street Oar-nu (I‘M ht and Maul. Remember the tonudo came thru here a few Sundlys up? The der tmction it wrought in Ilelrou Park ‘wu visited on the homes of tho.- that couid lent “lord to but the brunt of the dam. They Dun Asked for money with which to n- buiid. Are we to shad wide and give them within]? Subscription list: we at both banks. lake you! contribution at out. The Booster Club of the Odd Fel- Iowx was entertained at the home of Wm. H. _Smith on North Forest ave†‘nn Wednesday evening. Miss Mary Smith won the beam of all the men. according no the old saying, thru their appetites. by making some of her delicious cookies. A motion in before the Club to hold all of thelr‘ meetings I! the Smith home. Cer- rind. I The Philathea Banquet given at the ’Methodist, church was a great suc- ‘cess. Mrs. F. J. Milnes, retiring pres- ‘ident. with a few well chosen words, ‘mtroduced the speaker of the even- ing, Rev. Clyde Hay of Chicago, who gave quite a remarkable address on “Sunday School Evangelism." Mrs. Frank E. Lower is teacher of the class which is in a very prosperous condition. ’- i Mr. Henry Piltz' passed away at his some in LaGrange at the age of ‘62 years. The Piltz family were for- mer msidents here having built and lived in the Diener house on the south side. Mrs. Piltz. before her marriage was Anna Boldebuck and both are well known to the older residents of the village. He is‘sun'ived by his? widow and ï¬ve children. l Addicted loads on Mrs. Roland W, Schultz onteltuinâ€" (d the Iota Theti l’i Sorority. Monday evening. April 12th, in honor of Miss Madeline Hughes. The guests were the Misses Madeline Hughes. Edna Simonson. Maxine Findley, Florence Uhlhom; Mesdames Ralph Broadwell, Seth Spraguc. Frank Bruns, George Staiger, Roland Schultz. conceded by every one in the large vudiencc to be the best ever given hy this splendid choir. Mrs. R. E. Rassn'eiler is the director. Telephone Norma Talmadge in Nan-bee 2 Jack Pickford in .Jk 13¢ I‘le I51! 15: Me Me 15c llc fl. “’3 YOU EVER BEEN VAMPED? I! you have. you knovu’llov {eels I! you hum’t you ’ve got to learn, and m is a time“ so DON’Ty MISS “The Sweetest ‘Vunp’ Story Ever 'I‘ yers, merdlauts elevator ho. ., ribbonD clerks. soda jerkers, minimal! crap shooters,â€" éh e Vamps ‘em allâ€"You're next! 1;. Eveni ngâ€"Both Days-7 :30-9 :16‘ “A Virtuous Vamp†A L S 0 FORD EDUCATIONAL WEEKLY STAR COMEDY BRAY PICTOGRAPII â€"â€" “TAGS INDIANS†LLOYD COMEDY â€"- “AT SEA†Thursday, April 22nd and Friday, April 23rd Constance Talmadge Evening-7 iii-9:15 A L S 0 Chester Outing Picture â€"â€" “Broadway Will Bro-day“ STAR. COMEDY “Fools and Their Money†An Amusing. highly “lemming, true to life story of Society III New Satin! Climbers. wherein I harmless Item cum mull. t. Tuesday, April 20th .. EMMY WHELEN PATH!) NEWS FORD TRAVEL PICTUII CHRISTY COMEDY â€"â€" “TWAS MIDNIGHT" TM neon! Radar! an In which I117 In" Hm" «(cry of You“. Pd“ Inâ€. THIILUNGâ€"GIIPHNGâ€"Am A rommkable picture adap bed f Oliver Curwood. DON’T MISS IT! Eveningâ€"7 180-9215. Adn BELMONT AND FOREST AVENUES DOWNERS GROVE. mm The Dicke Theatre Saturday, April 17th MARY MILES MINTER in “Judy of Rogues Harbour†Today, Friday, Apljil 16th Marshall N ielan in “The River’s End†mv mus niiifu «- may on ‘IAMLT 'KYWI mmmkable picture adapted from the famous novel written by Jam ........ I hn‘vrm ltrnn um- COMING! Admission Is a 20 cents including Wu Tu Admissfon 15 J: 25 cents including Wu- Tl! Admission 15 a 25 cents inc. Wu ‘1" “Daughter of Two W1 “A Burglar By P