117 North Dearborn Street Our salesmen wearing RED, WHITE and BLUE BADGES will have the plat, prices and terms on South Main St., near the water tower at Orchard Street. Big Sale, Sunday, August 22nd, 11A. M We are giving you, as citizens of Downers Grove, the op- portunity to buy this land before placingit on the open market to Chicago pe0ple. We will bring to your city be- tween 500, and l000 families which will in time double the population of your village. For this reason alone every Business Man, Banker and Citizen ol your city should co- operate with us during this sale l00 percent. Your cooper- ation with'us and our advertising olyour city, which will increase your population, should make Downers Grove the largest and most popular suburban town on the Burlington Railroad. Through a very timely purchase, we recently acquired the late MARSHALL FIELD ESTATE comprising a little over 600 acres of the choicest suburban acggd property on the market anywhere. Part of this land is beautifully w ed. â€OWNERS GROVE CITIZHIS PRICESAND TERMS BE SURE AND COME EARLY, AND GET FIRST CHOICE MARSHALL FIELD ESTATE We are Subdividing it into 1-2 Acre, Acre, 2 and 1-2 and 5 Acre Tracts Adjoining Downers Grove on ~ the South and W est BRANIGAR BROS. C0. It is up to you to acquire your ‘choice before we start to bring the Chicago people out. We will sell this land in small parcels at a price lower in many instances than the former owners could have taken for the entire tract over 20 years ago. We will sell on our usual very easy terms ol l5 per cent cash, balance I l-2 per cent monthly, or we will give a discount of 6 per cent for all cash. This is very choice property, and will sell very rapidly to Chicago people. Telephone Central 8147 10 5'