Downers Grove Reporter, 21 Jan 1921, p. 5

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In lulu-"w" u- vnl um"- “I." nu u.‘ luck of diphtheria. Min Maud IInlomnn Dm- rolurmul from Nowmk. N. .I. (M Mr may Mr. and MN. (and: and fumih of. hurl .~lu- nva a work in Rorhmlt-r. ann‘illr. \wn‘ new at the La ‘3. \., llw guru u! Mhu Su-ir Ecl- (hr!) Immv cm Sumln). manlx. Him Humn'mr «f Nnnh Main at. is confined In Mr harm~ with an m- uck of «liphlhrrin. Int, )luv laflmflv uprnl the Wool: and with lwr pm". Mus. 14mph"!- 0! Chiral". Mr. F. E. Blair of Chupin, lll.. hm been uniting with M» daughter. Hm. H. 0. Woodward of Washington Mt. George C. Schindler "wk 3 IMM- ncxs Mp to (Wampum. lll., lax! On'iHv Willnnl reports that ho has hum] u memhw lurk singing about hln plate on North Format “raw. ' The North Side Grocery and Mar- ket is announcing wme n-al bargains «In Page 5. Look 'em up now. Hrs. Ralph Gaehner entertained a few friends at bunco last Friday ut- temoon, Dorothy Damley, daughter of Mrs. Robert Dnmley of Highland avenue, is III with double pneumonia. Charles Ray in “An Old Fushiom-d Bo'y" at the (,‘ul'tizxx 'fhentn- next week. mlv. Sure there will be a two me] com- edy at the Curtiss Theatre Saturday nightâ€"always has been. adv. Fred and Louis Klein of Welcome, Him, are spending a few weeks here with relatives and friends. Elan Stunts underwent a small op- eration at LaGrange last Satunlay when his tonsils were removed. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thomas spent the week end at Buds, “1.. Visiting with Mr. Thomas-R father and sister. "Bride 13"-the most thrilling ser- ial ever produced begins at the Cur- tiss Theatre next week adv. “The Follies", they'll be here Feb. 24 and 25. Save the date. Mrfand Mm James Chilvers are making their home for the present with their son Boy, on Middaugh. The A. E. Olson family entertained guests from Moline, "1.. on Sunday. Miss Alice Zell visited with Mrs. Weber in Aurora last Sunday. “Held By the Enemy" is a six reel Paramount picture. adv. flmnudutomlm. Harry Walker Phone ISM-R The Rev. Gardner A. MacWhnrter, Religi- ous Editor of the Chicago Tribune, will preach and conduct the 11:00 a. m. service. St. Joseph’s Church PERSONALS The Lord’s Day S. Andrew’s Church Decorating Paper Hanging Estimates on all work cheerfully furnished WALKER 8 DICKE PAINTING Observance During the Medlaeval Period THE REV. ENEAS B. GOODWIN Second Lecture SUNDAY, 10:00 A. M. JANUARY 23, 192] BY 'l‘lu- Ammimn "my will: all ila implemvmn of watfuru- play; an im~ polunt part in “Brick m.“ (M wriul that begin! a! flu- (‘ufllss Thom": m-xt wool: . ndv. Harold llm'dclmnn mum-ml last Saturday from hiu trip to California whom- he has been visiting with many peopll- whu formerly rntlwl Dounrrv Irow {Mir home. ‘ Another story by u well-known uu- thor. “thundered Liven". mint-n by Cmuno Hamilton. will be shown at the chlu- Tin-MN. 'l‘hursdny, Jan. 27%. mh‘. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hodge we now A series of Mack Sonnet! cumlim occupying the M. L. l’ufler property have been book-«l for the Cul‘lim at 53 Middaugh avenuv. known as Theatre. The him! one will be )‘hol'fl the Allen plnce. next Week. mlv. A full [in of a” “km-3M [my pk- \\'ill avail themselvex of the op- eosmetics for sale at Ila-ion Dexter's Pofiunity- Art Kraft Shop. one door south of Cumin . ’ . . ,. K won .1! [ho Curtis» “wa- the Ross Bakery. “i" N. tw, “Why Change Your Wife 7" adv. h Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Winter and daughters, visited last Sunday with the Chas. Winter family at their home in Logan Square, Chicago. Heard on Main Streetw'l‘wo small boys at some distance apart, “Hoo, boo, Shimmy; Good news; Small pox in town, no school." Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mocha! spent Sunday in Chicago with Mr. MocheI’s sister, Mm. Mary Bohlander and family. Improvements have been made in the heating plant at the Curtiss and perfect comfort; on the coldest nights is now assured its partons. adv. Another one of Rex Beach’s fam- Mrs. Adelaide McKey and daugh- jous stories, "The Girl from Outside" tor, Grace, have returned from an ex- ‘will be shown at the Dicke Theatre, tended visit to Omaha, Neb.. where Saturday. Jan. 22. adv. they were the guests of Mrs. Mc- Miss Minnie Zell spent last Sunday Kcyanlaughtei, Dar-0th). in Geneva visiting her old neighbor, Hinsdale Upholstering and Furni- Mrs. Walbaum, who formerly made ture Repair Shop. All work neatly her home here, done at reasonable prices. Phone 635 0 nd -tcard. W'll l - __ Improvements have been made in Hie? Imp; charge] cal 31:26:; 1 Dr. Harper, President of the M0« 101' Trust Co., in which Capt. R. I). Parker is interested, was buried on Sunday, January 9th. Another one of Rex Beach’s fam- ous stories, "The Girl from Outside” will be shown at the Dicke Theatre, Saturday. Jan. 22. adv. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Baldwin have returned to their home at Newton rFalls. Ohio. after a visit with their daughter. Mrs. J. B. Jenkins. ‘ Mrs. Base Parker of Grays Luke. an old school mate of Mrs. Jennie Parker. died January 18th, and was buried Thursday, January 20. f In. King of Ouhood name is spending some time with her sister in Aurora. Ill. Henry Dicke Phone l2’3â€"R 00mm GROVE Mrs. Wm. Kuugemnnn had charge of the reading room of thr- Library on Sunday afternoon. The hours am 3:00 to 5:30. We hope the townspeo- Nothing is more thrilling than n rcdbioodccl tale of the lumbedunds. There the hero fights for his ht-roine with two .ruggul fists. See “The Valley of Doubt at the Diclu- Thon- tru, Friday. Jan. 21.. adv. iv: Wm PPM-u. "n- ‘w-. u...“ Illver free of charge. 11,2341 The 7:30 a. m. service in S, Anil- ‘ law's Church will be omimwl iliis Have you read Ruben W. Cham- Sunday, other services as usual. The bérs’ brilliant novel, “The nestle»: Rev. Hugh MacWhortc-r will cumluct Sex"? It has been picturizml and the morning son-ices at. S. l'uul'.» will be shown at the Curtiss Theatre (Tlmlrh. Hammond, Indiana, in the next Tuesday and Walnemlny. alll'..abs€n(:(! nl‘ the rwtur. The Sunday matinee at the Cu»â€" tiss 'l‘heatm starts at 3:00 p. m.. “The Restlefis Six" will be shown at the Cultiss Theatre both Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. adv. § Mm. Matilda Johnson, Valentine Mochel and Fred, Louis and Elmer Klein of Welcome. Minn. spent Sun~ day in Pomst Park with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mochel. { Wanda Hurley. Jack Hon, Agnes The next meeting of m Won-3': ‘Ayres and Davis Stone are the prin- Guild 0! 8. Andrew's Church will be ‘cipals In the famous play “Held By held an Thursday memo». Janu- the Enemy” which will be shown at try 27th, at the name of Mrs. B. E. the Curflss Theatre Sunday, a‘v. Balczynski on Lina-mot! avenue. Mrs. W. W. Barry will assist. 1-. “Why Change Your Wife 3" adv. A series of Muir Sonnet! cumlim MRTIISIDEGRMERHMRKH For that big Sunda dinner or just for lunch, Wt,- have fresh and go meats of every variety. Qua!- ity in meats is one of the things about our store in which we take pride. Small Package ......... Per Pound .......... Medium Sized Cans .. ‘ c Per Pound ........ That the cost of living is 'oing clown can easily be seen from the price of t is week's spe- cials ivcn below. Prices are not coming clownâ€" ‘l‘HE ARE DOWN. As we announced last week, every week we will have one or two articles on sale at prices that will my you to take ndvmr tnge or. Each will he at la Al. BARGAIN at the price asked. Look over this week's oll'erings-â€"â€" NorthSiderceMMkel S U GAR 10 Its. 95c Potatoes peck 35c Monarch Coffee 3 lb. can, $1.10 FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS STEWART M. BURNS, Proprietor '* Telephone 2 HEINTZ BAKED BEANS FERN DELL COFFEE Specials ARMOUR'S OATS Meats PRUN ES ;‘lrn. Harbor! annon uml Mrs. Mâ€" bert langosch alumni"! n theatre party at the Garrick Theatre on Wed- mmluy afternoon with sum-r u! Tor- 1‘. W. VnnBeynum visited with the O'lh-ipn and (invhnvr (amimm and with old friends ht-N Monday and 'l‘ursclay. He is Inm- fmm Hartford. (.‘onn.. to attend a mu! meeting of ”w ’l‘ravvlh-rs Insurance ('0. men 1“ Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The loan Theta l'i wororily gave a “xhou'cr” Saturday evening. January 15th, at the home of Mrs. Roland W. Schultz, in honor of Mrs. Loon Wilson of Chicago. Mrs. Wilson was‘ formerly Miss Edna Simonwn and a member of tlw sorority. ‘ Them is nothing more entertaining to the theatre goer than a good. clever, tWo-rccl comedy. See these two-reel comedies at the Dick:- Theatrc every Friday and Saturday. A .lilfemntv une each day. adv. l The St. Paul's Ladies Aid will give a dinner to members and friends of the congregation, Thursday. January 27 at 7:00 p. m. After the dinner a program will be given in the church auditorium by home talent. Lois Wilson plays opposite Bry- ant Washburn in “A Full House" to be shown at the Cuniss Theatre Sat- urday night. adv. For rentâ€"Office in Curtiss Thea- tre Bldg. See Elmer H. Uhlhorn. ad. ................. 48c ........... '.'.l p ......... 20c 18¢ Eveningâ€"7 :30-9:15. 3 An elm-mining story by the popular Cosmo Hamilton, one of! the clever writr-rs of today. To be the younger you of a family is not est Inasure in the world, as Lnrcl Francis discovered and when be pro ession he wally beliovrd ho had sunk to the lowest depth. Then mnt Joanw-aml then»â€" A L S 0 ROLIN COMEDYâ€"“HAWKS Bay» Bray Pictograpllâ€"“THIS WONDERFUL WW“; 3 ,2: Guy Newall iand Ivy Dukf" “SQUANDERED LIVES” I’A'I'HE NEWS Two-Reel ('hesler Comedy â€"â€" “AN OVERALL HERO" Evening»? :30-9: I 5. “The Girl From Outside” I'M}; Dwr Wh- romv- fiw- awn. Path «me a mutt-r crook. Thm something Dump-nod something that will «umrisr ynu. REX BEACH’S Out wa0 in H»- l’mm (ml. at Maxim. "11w 13M." glam up! (rhod- k-sa. slump!" nmvmz slrmm, mthlrw mom tlm mmhr no rod! of M. And whan u"- Mm"!!- vH-ms luau-IN: and povrrly Ind dhpnir nu Jun-[y minding. Mr to «3'1!!- J. S. Dozier reports that he saw a flicker, otherwise known as yellow- hammer and yellow bellied sap suck. 'er, while working on the tract 0! land north of Westmont. This is the earliest. this harbinger of spring has [ever been reported. The year just closed was marked iby the largest amount ot‘ missionary money raised in.nny one year in the ‘history of the Young Peoples Alli- ‘ance of First Evangelical Church. Mixxiun Study meetings were hold once a month throughout the your. BELMONT AND FOREST AVENUES DOWNEIIS GROVE. mum- The Dicke Theatre Thc Philnthea Class of the Metho- dist Church are planning a social in the church parlors. Friday evening. January 28th. The hostesses for the occasion will be Mrs. Frank E. Low- ctr, Mrs. A. 1-]. Olson. Miss ‘Mnry Fletcher and Miss Emma Mills. :n-ninx mam-rum Thomrty IMAM“ mgivmbytheEnInNmCluthptlD m ofChicagoL-wu. nude-tam J. S. Dozier reports that he saw buried in the '31:. Ml- V , a flicker, otherwise known as yellow- ‘Capt. and Mrs. Parker am h Thursday, January 27th GREAT DRAMA OF THE NORTH Saturday, January 22d Friday, January 218! .\h WATINI'IE Admuunlsaummfi: Avlmissinn 15 h 25 rents including Wu 1'. Admimm L'- uul Ziur including War Tu. Snow Country A Stirring Me or' the Timberhnds AkomnnceofulcNorthon The Story of a Girl with I * Capt. and Mrs. R. D. Pith! inn called to Chicago My. law any 13. to attend the haul of It. Chas Wright. bmther-in-kw a! III. Parker. Services were held at (I. comer of Wallace and [Pony 8M Street, burial being nude at UM Hope cemetery. ,_ A former. a burglar, a walking man, a pickpocket and a stick-up Iii ~these are the five salami I! whom “The Girl from Outside" in first introduced when she bud! In the town of Name, Alaska. Sea 2M! great picture at the Dick: Thad", Saturday, Jan. 22. sta funeral. A Special 2-K”! (My. Additional locals on page 8; Woman’s Soul

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