Downers Grove Reporter, 21 Jan 1921, p. 8

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Give a much as you can spare to it lam Relief fund. The cause nui Morgan; Membership, Louis Stevenson; Service, Harley Rogers; ”tuition, Eugene Prickett. At the due of the meeting refreshments I!!! served which were greafly en- Dbl", ViceJ’resq lists Lillian Edna, Sec; Mr. Roy Miller. Trees; It. Efie Wilment. Cor. Sea; Ilsa In Penner, )l'umionnry See; His: Jae Beidelman, Pianist. They lack forward to another year of progress. Ilr. end Hrs. T. A. Verdenius here sold their beautiful home on East lqle avenue to Mr. and Mn. W. Ray Behrel, who will occupy it about the first of Much. Mr. Vendenius has become interested in Oregon land nil they will make their hame in Portland. leaving Downer! Grove :1- but the middle of February. The numbers of the Semper Par? this class of the H. E. Church held 3 business meeting at the home of lien Fern Feirwenther on Monday evening. The following ofl'ieers were1 elected for the ensuing year: Pres.. .i [any Phelps; Vice-Pres., Leroy Sub} The newly elected ofl'icers for the Y. P. A. of Finn Eungelial Chm-t5 are liars Ruby lehl, Press "is: Rum th mmum of officer: of La “Whafianrvflhy «ting. In. Ame White nu no of an Installing omens. gain; a.- Gnld Omaha and Ir. Bon- Danes ‘ Albert A. [numb and as part of the Commmlery escort. In Lana Ila-mum ml Hrs. 6. Allison “(gilded n luncheon at me m CMth-r. D. A. It. at the North Shore hotel yestetday um. Born to Mr. Ind Hrs. Ben 1, Thu- lln. Thurnlny morning. January 20. at the Mary Thomwn hospital, Chi- m. a not]. In. Thulin urns for ’11, Miss Louise Wells. PERSONALS Farmer’s and ~Merchant’s Bank Never was better advice given than this. It is absolutely essen- tial if you expect to «New: financial success. That. is why during THRIFT WEEK. now being ceiebraeed in this country, the ubove slogan is being urged upon the people of America Is their battle cry and wauhword for 1921. snub LESS THAN YOU EARNâ€"and place the difference in 3 Savings! Account in this that. SPEND LESS THAN YOU EARN A State Institution under Slate Supervision Established 1892 The Corner Grocery V- Nulu Pinon. No. 8 devcvmofnmflmamh. mm.“ Durham CunedF'ruulMVomflu. Just A Reminder Juicy Crunch-nit and 0mm and Other Table Madc- ARE OBTAINABLE FROM on page 6. uwellas Dr. Howard A. Master will speak at the Naperville Methodist Church next Sunday morning at 10:45. His hair is white because of the encoun- ters he hid whlle in the jungles of1 India. He is a wide travelled, has: been five years a ‘Mphin in the Brit- ish army and 10 yen: in the jungle. The main speaker for Satunlay will be Congreszzman Ira C. Copiey of this district. Mr. Capiey will ham 1 message which‘sll can hear. Bew in; ranking member of the Ways and Ileana: Committee of the House of Representatives, puts him in touch with the business situation of the University of Illinois. Other speakers will be Edwanl Bill from 'the Illinois Agricultural 5 Saturday morning C. E. Duvst, the rCounty Advisor of Cook County. will all: on Pal-m Orchnnls and in the afternoon C. C. Perrier. a lunar stoekmnn of Shefiielcl. lll.. will ex- plain some of his methods of raising cattle. {am of Schools. 0. n. Mm». ‘wlll mall on Relocation. Wm. Webb, will talk on Soil: ml 'Crops . In the afternoon Stale Supt. P. G. Blair will make one 0' his far-famed ad- dm-es an [hr Educational Facilities of the Slate. Fridly morning David Telmle). Pmident of llic Clark-sum Nov-ml School. will speak. On the sum day 8; ll. Hello“. until recently Agricul- tural Advism'. for the county. and F. l. than will also talk. ‘ Many good speakers are announc- ed for the Duhge County Farmer's Institute to be held next “cranky, Friday .and Saturday. January 2“, 28 and 29 at Wheaten. Thursday morning County Superin- GOOD SPEAKERS A'I‘ FARM INSTI- 1 TIME NEXT WEEK sun THE JUNGLE MAN AT NAPERVILLE act-dbl. If. P. G. Mr. 0n 0" In]. Miss Peulyne Rainer entertained a number of young ladies at her home Thursday evening. 500 being played. Those present were Kathryn Heck- man, Ruth Hughes, Lucille Bush, ,Beatrice Anthony, Helen Thatcher, Bernice Thatcher, Lelia Hank-a. Winifred Hemphill, Grace Peterson, Alice Olson, Madelyn Grush. Eveâ€" lyn Brown, Marie Reed of the Gl't'rveJ In Rivers-tide the scouts received their merit badges the tau! number being Ml. There were {our Life mt! Star Scouts and five Eagle scans. The Mingle Scouts were Allen Whitbeck, John Lahnes. Bed Schnan. Lawrence Creation and Francis Cmdon. ‘ PAULYNE REINER HOSTESS A T 5 0 0 PARTY THURSDAY [ Tmop No. I of Downers Grove met 1101' the first time with Mr. Geetime uni organized for real scouting 'Iml other good times. This troop. being ‘composed mostly of older scouts who ‘am in high school, meets but twice a month as their schoo! work talm time. [ Tut-slay owning. Troop No. 3. of burners Grove. had their fint hiht ‘with their new scoutmnster. F. N. Wildish. They met at the High Ethan! and after the businesq meeting went to the woods where they were delightâ€" ed with a regular scout time. Few know what that is unless they have is to he built. There they had the time o! the winter in playing games and llnally helped the teamter haul the logs that will we day be part of their cabin. What this cabin is 1compl¢te¢l the scouts will have a place ‘when they can gn every ml: ml, and. under adult loulmnhip. have a real out-of-vloors program. tan a token of appreciation of M- shin-mat and mm: by the Coun- c". The Scout Executive with 33 scout! from Mum Ind Water» Springs took a hike to the Forest Pin-ant m0! of hfinm when the cabin that u a first clun- council. Alter his resignation wu accepted. Ilr. l". H. Elam. the Scout Commiulmr. «m; I few well chomn word: pm- cated Ir. Cutcr the Bulge of : Vot- enn Scout. which is the emblem of five men net-flee. Ir. Chauncey 1‘. Lamb. of Illu- chle, J. B. Hobbs. of Rivenhlc and G. B. Culllm. of “Gram. were elected I: the finance Committee [or the comlng you. The Commune alt-o decided to me- mt to every Scout the trim em- blems of nah II. nttnlnmt lit the 18cm“ Program. Thlu man: that the ‘Bcoot wlll receive lulu three plus; ‘Tcndcrl‘oot. Second Class ml Flat Clam: and all Merit Bali“ awarded to him nher the proper nppmvll by the Court. of Honor without charge Raina! as Tun-ant One of the greatoxt disappointments tint. Scouting has had in the district for sonic time was the resignation of Mr. E. W. Carter of Bcrwyn u the Treasurer. His dwision was forced upon him by certain charm-s in his work that mule it almost impossibh- for him to continue. ‘l’hcre are few men who have son-ed as long or in well u Mr. Carter. He was n mem- ber of the troop committee of Troop No. I of Ben-ya at the time it Ivan Wound and has been active in the work in Berwyn for a number of mm. Ho has larval n:- Tnuuror of the locul council since its fom~ l > ‘ Messrs. G E Cullinan, of LaGrangv R. I. Randolph. of Riverside. F. N. Wildish, of Downers Grove and A. M. Harvey. of LnGrange, were elected to membership in the Council. The budget for the coming year iwas taken under consideration and approved subject to the acceptance of the Local Committees. I ‘ were President, W. The Executive Committee of the West Suburban Council of the Boy Scouts of America held the first meeting of 3921 at the District Headâ€" quarters in Riverside, Monday even- ing, January 17th. .. Those present E. Conrad, Scout ‘Qommissioner Bingham; Vice-Presl- dents C '1‘. Lamb. F. N. Davis, H C. Holzbach and Treasurer E. W. Car- ter. The others attending “ere Mr. Carl Staley, H. 1.. Banks and L. Van Antnerp of Congress Park and Mr. J. B. Hobbs ,the member of the Exe- cutive Committee from Riverside and C. H. Barnes, Secretary. The budget for the coming year was taken under consideration and Harry R. Passe. a Supervisor fol the Loyal Order of Moose. has so- cured hquuarters in the Legion club rooms at; Belmont and Forest avenues and is busy with the enroll‘ ment of local men to form a Down- ers Grove class. He expects to sign up enough application blanks in the next few weeks to start a local lodge of the order. Mooseheart. the wonderful home for orphans and widows of Moose, located near North Aurora, is the spot around which all activities of this organization center. Pictures showing the. work that is being done at this school were shown at the Car- tiss Theatre on Wednesday night and approved subject to the acceptance of will be repeated at the Diclm Thea- the Local Committees. tre on Saturday, January 29th. SCOUT EXECUTIVE MOOSE ORGANIZER COMMITTEE MET WORKING DOWNERS MONDAY EVENING GROVE FOR CLASS Latin: in Work of Went Suburban Expect: to Sign Blond! Member- Di-trict Truncated Impor- to Eatabflsh local Lodge Miss Naomi Cornwall of Lt We Imw been informed Hm! them ‘In' may “follkm' 'iu Downer:- (Brow. 3W0 thought 0w only am- «as trying 1104 make mom winning a noun- ‘per harp, but have hem {informed thon- otlwn and that the, wm be paternal on I local plan February 34 Int! 25. Our informant rah! that it would be well worth the udmiulon thaw. that the mom: would go a a wonky cause. and that m-crymu Ind ham ave "In «later. ARE THERE FOLLIES IN DOWNERS GROVE? Mr. Passe is the man who just finished organizing a Moose class at Hinsdale. Fifty-six have signed up to «late and it is expected that this number will be increased to 100 by jSumlay when the thus will be initi‘ ated. The degree beam from Chicago with their band will go to Hinadale next Sunday afternoon for the com- monics u! initiation and it is exp“. tul that many members «if the or- «k-r will joumcy lo llinwlnlc to wit-1 mm the Work. Mooseheart. the wonderful home for orphans and widows of Moose, located near North Aurora, is the spot amund which all activities of Harry R. Passe. a Supervisor for file Loyal Order of Moose. has so- cured hedquarters in the Legion club rooms at, Belmont and Forest avenues and is busy with the enroll. ment of local men to form a Down- ers Grove class. He expects to sign up enough application blanks in the next few weeks to start a local lodge of the onler. Bulk Cocoa, per und ................. Fancy Evaporate"?0 Peaches, per pound .. 22 oz. Jar Ap la Strawberry preserve Polks Grape run Juice. pm- bottle Eagle Brand Milk, per can ............. Fancy Evaporated Peaches, per pound . .. So we believe THE GOOD SHIP “ECONOMY” in rough, tmubkd ers has landed in the Harbor of Safety once more. BUY WHAT YOU NEED WHEN YOU NEED IT, they will go for a long time. Lehmann (9 Michel’s ége, we winâ€"for t tha_t fineir ever wins. any reconstruction period. You can now buy e‘verythmg you need at low prices and we will have the goods you are looking for. Our faith in a big year for 1921 is very strong. 1 Now we believe prices on all necessities are about down to normal or pre- war hasis and we are having goods every week because you need these thin and cannot get along wit out them. Our prices are bein cut DOWN, DOW , we are takin losses cheerfully, and the best about it a , is that we have no fear for the uture, we know this recomtruction period is best for everybody, and as soon as we all realizethis and push ahead with all confidenee an cour- MANUFACTURERS SAYâ€"We are waiting for a lower cost of living so that labor can accept less for its share in the cost of production; SOME RETAILER BUYERS SAY-We are waiting for lower prices, W assurance from manufacturers, of stability in prices and for the public to buy; SOME HOME BUILDERS SAYâ€"We are waiting for lower costs in lumber and other building materials so that we can build a home at less money. CONSUMERS SAYâ€"We are waiting to see all of the inflation come out of both the necessities and luxuries which we need and desire before we will buy liberally. We admit that we need most everything for we, the middle or sal- aried class of people have only been buying what we had to have during the high price period. We admit that we have more money in the savings accounts than ever before, (and this is easily proven if you will just take a look at any of the two banks here in our village when you observe the increased savings deposits). _ q EVERYWHERE. EVERYONE SEEMS 1‘0 BE WAITING FOR EVERDNE What are we waiting for? In Near Future. And what for? If you have not been a Saver a slight deviation in your habit may mean larger accumulations in a few years. Start today in our Christmas Club. Now open at their new location, 106 East Liberty Drive, one block west of the Court Home. Professor Michaelson of the University of Chi- cago recently perfected a device whereby the di- ameter of distant suns is measured. A slight devia- tion at the instrument means millions of miles out in space. TALK NO. 9 The Wheaton Cafe FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ciark's Peanut Oil. per bottle 51% Navy Beans ................ 5 tbs Yellow Commenl ........... K C Bakin Powder, large can Sunbeam ayonaim Dressing, per Wheathearts Breakfast Food. d Downers Grow. Illinois.

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