Downers Grove Reporter, 28 Jan 1921, p. 8

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mt week he did a little better and My morning found him with M. BILLED AS “CRAP” GAME KEEPER. AD- MITS BIG mom This is an added attraction to our regular show. We will have a feature film and a comedy at, each performance as usual. Saturday The most stupendous chapter-play ever produced. Filmed with the co-operation of the United States Navy. An entire fleet of battle ships and cruisers. submarines and destroyers was loaned by the gov~ emment for the making of this great film. “BRIDE 13” COME IN TODAY! Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank A State Institution under State Supervision Established 1892 In other words make up your miml to ()I'EN A CHECKING AC- COUNT IN THIS BANK TODAY and do business in 1921 on thv modem, upâ€"lo-date plan. make up your mind to tmnsact business on n BUSINESS-LIKE Make up ynur mind to keep a complete and natural" basis this year. recon! of your income and expenses, and lo kcvp u n-coipt for own penny you pay out. In other words make up your miml to ()I'EN A CHECKING AC- ’ “‘ ‘ ‘ . ' ‘_ (In)! H... u“. (Continued from pam- I) RICHELIEU ROLLED OATS. 3%") bag. .. HEINZ APPLE BUTTER Large Size Jar, regular price, 65c; now . Medium Size Jar, regular price, we; now . , . . Small Size Jar, regular price. 20c; now ...... BEST QUALITY â€"â€" FRESH STOCK REAL BARGAINS Curtiss Theatre January 29th and 30th at the ahemoon a n d Before It Is Too Late! The Corner Grocery V Null! Phone No. S AP” morning and after using a little per- 'Rs AD suasion the youth admitted that he ' ' ;had been "shooting craps? Evident- PROFITSHy he didn‘t know how to manipulatv .ihe little ivory cubes or the hand was 'quicker than the eye. man:- I l :tlle Vi: home. and when the crowd gathered a quick flank Movement brought the “golf players“ into court. ‘ A complaint was filed with Mayor Barber, giving the facts as they were known and Chief Venard ordered to make an investigation. He wntchml Sunday 25c 17¢ ‘ 3I;|_\ur William Nair Tlmmpmn of itibimgn has mlu-«l Mayor Barbt‘r M [appoint [In-w «lrlo‘gau‘s In mpmsrn: Downvn' Grove oflicinlly at a big: nation-WM:- Good Romk (‘onzwsa '; ml National Good Roads Show to h" “10qu :19. “w (folixoum in Chicago. ul-‘obmary 1' to 12 mxl. Dclcmtvs Iwill attvnd fmm m‘rry svctinn of Hw fUnitv-l Stan‘s- and Canada and {mm ‘Cuha. l‘oflu Rim. Hawaii aml Alas- MAYOR BARBER . f mmm nmmmm : 9 10 Row coxcnmsw ”It. ('nmrmm In hr "(Id ; {Mist-am. Chicago. in ‘ February. it is called for the purpogn of dis- cussing the problems confronting 'thl- highway olficials, the economical (ex- penditure of vast appropriation; toâ€" talling more than one billion dollars recently provided by sta‘es and coun- ties for highway improvement in the United States. and up-tn-date me- thods of highway contsruction and maintenance. l The Congross and show will be held under the auspices of the American Road Builders’ Association. the na- tional organization of government, state. county and city highway 097"- cials, onginoers, contractors and man- ufacturers: of road building machin- ory and materials. William Battier. (”hark-s Rn:- and ‘C. H. Stunts haw hwn namul by Mayor Barlwr to be the tlrlozauw from how. It is oxpoctml that thm‘ will nttrnd nr-arly mrry soxsion to get in on the road building don» which such a gathering of men should disseminate. That the proMc-m of good roads interns“ everyone now-a» days is sum and for this mason 1hr gatherings can have nothing but good effort on the road building pro- gram of any community. ka | Thnulh um w... the :um motl- ‘Imz ul‘ 0w Annular: (‘lnb hm «f Ur- miaimfl rhzulrr Im-mlwn- aw still on "I! nfliw roll. (‘ma Wheeler and S J. Kcnium. Mi»: “’Mrk'r also mu jays the distinction of annih" mnl in "w duh; «Influx hrr ,u-ar 0f pmh lk‘flt)‘ slur hm "rennin! the chair at wrry mad-ling. Oflicen Installed m Year at Intel'- eating Meeting Held in the Congregntwml Church. [waning Hunk-cl mums. J. Kent-an Lou-t ml me!~-â€"|-‘lmmm- “'INJA Want Adiâ€"Edith Snydrr Clumiflml Aub~flarry ('nm The new pmmmu "ma mum-ml n program for «only and mtvnmmmn' and "w mocking mljoorml. ARCAniAN CLUB [mum nnsmn ,# A- _.__.---- m- I . . ' r Ison, nee “alter .lohnstonv; l'lorcv;l\mw(-n c ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _. Butler, vice Mrs. W. W. Heintz. ‘(Iurtiss rg .............. 2 1) l 0 After an exchange of amenities b‘";ViX lg ......... 0 0 0 0 tween tho- executives Samuel J. Ken- i a. ison, who hall arranged the ontortaiu- I'rolals ................. 10 0 2 :5 uncut program. tout: Un- rhair. Withi Scon- rml of «st halfâ€"Wheaten I2. scum ltl‘n- story of a dream he described ujllowncna Gmw, 10. Final ‘newrpapt‘r and called own \-uriou~§llowlu-w Grow 2.0, Whvuluu. Hi. Frrv members uf the club for thy «lilfi‘wnlhhrou-s nursulâ€"Ilunml. fl: Rum-n. :i. ‘feutun's. Tlu‘w parts had all bu-nit'urtisp, I. h-lm-m- - 0.4mm». La prepared with rare and many witty Grange. ‘jlbvx \vcre heard ulleing to humor-i -â€"-~- ~~ Tons «went: in club alfna'rs for tlw past) CARI) ()l“ THANKS your. The departmrntul mllton- in} ”W, "I" mnlw up of this imaginary juur-l “3. ui~h 1., ,.“,,M to nur rt'latln'i nu] \u-rv us follmu: and {thank our ”inn-n- Ihunks fur Pldllunflalx»-Agm-u Dunn their a-uure,e»ll-I|A of sympathy and Society Columnâ€"worn Who-«IN lu-uutilul llmul c-Wu-rlnga in uur anal Sporting Pam-”Walter Juhnxtonv llmrma-mvut in tlw death or my hr- Nim‘tmu \‘rm‘x Ago-~lrrnr 'l'tflnn) 'lmul ulfv and our lwluw-ul alaughtrr. Voirv u! [M l’mplvvl‘lvrrv- Mull-W lawman! l‘fm' uml l-‘uhlomâ€"wl-‘rml Drlnlc-r Mr. and Mr.» l'n-tm Srhultr. :uml UM- 0' Typc -Hurlnu Snyder , l‘umaly (fartoomâ€"lmy Bulllngvr . - ~ - Hum» l'ZconomiflwA. Ray (‘mmu-r ’ a." .. muouchd. "an to Kwp “manna Gray ‘ \.. ...... ..,.. ,... ......., , Wm, ,. “'ho'u “3.01“: I”. "Null ! lllmm: 1m ut'uml nun-l- I ‘ - -:.-« m [“0 Friuul of llw lfi‘nplt-wâ€"(‘lrl (.‘mlmm fllH‘c- wru‘ )mmml. Iv wnmsm’ .lm-q Ewmng Story- rrllury Nuymxr Bright Saylnnv PAM Punch Axlvlrv tn Lou- hmn Mnllic- Wntln Mont limharmmmg Moment ~- llrkn ' u-mn n pvt) IImI mu mm-lwlu u .ur Q» lvfnluh «Howwlmu m "If pun-«mn- 07 I wanna mm anluu l'tmrh. Saturday evening the Arcadian Club celebrated its nineteenth anni- versary and insialled officers for the coming year at a banquet in the par- lms of the Congregational Church. The coloring was done by the mar- ricd ladies of the club under the chairmanship of Mrs. W. W. Hoimz. 'l'ln: favors, grotesque birds cleverly formed .from peanuts. pipe cleaners, and gay feathers. each bore a poeti- cal message to the recipient. The reading of these verses around the ‘table produced much merriment for [the personal allusions were recogniz- gcd by all pit-sent. ; - Following tho banquet the outgo- ing president. Miss Com Wheeler. presented the gavel to her successor, Mr. \V. W. llcintz. The other incom- ing officers were Mrs. A. R. Cramer, Vicv-l’rosidont, vice W. \V. Heintz; Secretary. Edith Butler Cuso, vice Holt-n Benning; 'l‘rvasuror. Carl- son, vict- Walter Johnstonc; I'iorcv Buth‘r. vice MN. W. W. Heintz. VOI-ruâ€"c - _._.'v. CELEBRATES ITS BY LEGION FIVE l 9TH BIRTHDAY IN SECOND GAME ‘ 'lfl- ,U-I 'uv'h ~- I'~'l|l' '. ' ,\ fllmm; un uvmul numb r‘ . new a Mo um: gun-u' )mnnml, I: wrmud) uh“ u-a-m u [My olml mur mill-Iv" n .on- m li‘fhluh «'"w'uu-rlom- m "w unmoun- O' .u a man. lmulom l'tmrn. In a vain endeavor to ward 011‘ de- feat Wheuton used the best material the town has developed in the past ten years. This is the same crew “hich had been undefeated until they met it here two \Iceks ago and theiI pride was ~«tum: to the quick. They (xpluined their loss of the game in the- Inca! gym by saying- they had a clipph‘d team and the enmity of the official. Wr “‘ixh lu rum"! to nur mlauwi and irivmle nur simvn- thunk: fur than rxprosuhm.‘ ut‘ aympmhy and uranium llmnl «IT-wings in «ur and lmrnu-rm-nl in tlw mm. of my hr- Coach Oshurno of the LaGmnm' High School, mil-wed the battle and his dvcisinn?‘ left nothing to be wrangled ovt-r. Following is the> xem‘o: Whvamn (16) Weldon If ............. Durant )1' ............. Vuight c .............. Dt-Wolf r}: ........ Cumwly Iv: ............ Vinning lg ............ Totals ......... . . . . Downers (:rnn- (20) Rngvm l'f . ....... Vaughan Ir ........ Kldwvll (‘ .......... Curtis‘s n; ......... Vix lg . Catsup, per bottle .......... Pop Corn, shelled, per pound . No. 3 Can Pork Beans, can 3 Pkgs. Ifortgne Macaroni 0r Spaghetti ............. Lar 2e Can Tomatoes ....... Libby 21b Can Apple Butter 115C value, péf can ...... Kokama Maple Fla'vor Syrup V3 Gallon Can .......... New patterns in Ginghams formerly sold at 35, 5S, and 65c, you can buy now at per yard ...... 25- . New light and dark colored l‘ercales. all new de- signs. buy now at per yard .................... 25c An all Linen Scotch Washed Bleached 16 in. Crash, rerl and blue border, sold all thru the ast four years as high as 95C 3 yard. Now per ya .........50c Lehmann 6' Michel’s Store 12 oz. Can ijby_ Corn Beef I LOT LADIES BLEAC HE!) KNITTED COVERS. SOLD FORMERLY ~11“ 50 to 75c. Any size at .............................................. l9r Cut Down to me Last Cent are these prices! (Continued from page 1) Mans Wool Sox Heavy Wool Sox selling now at Misses :md C'hildwns \'-vlvot (‘or‘dulm Knitted Caps.â€" “Mama: and 1‘: nos. fmmmh sold at $1.23. 1.50 1.79, 2.00 :. nd " 7.10 all | med in one lot marked To Sell at Each 75c \ .lmut ) (luzen lnfmts Blmk and Tan Cashnww Silk Heel . ml Toes Hosierv sold formerlv at 75 80 and 85c. also some Home lined Infants and ChildIens Black Hose all Marked to Sell at 29c val. Professor Michaelson of the University of Chi- cago recently perfected a device whereby the di- ameter of distant suns is measured. A slight devia- tion at the instrument means millions of miles out in space. If you have not been a Saver a slight deviation in your habit may mean larger accumulations in .1 few years. Start today in our Christmas Club. Caps - Tums - Toques l'.-\ I .K NO. 9 Now open at their new location, 106 East Liberty Drive, one block west of the Court House. 15c The Wheaton Cafe 49c FIRST NATIONAL BANK Infant’s Hosiery CORN, PEAS, TOMATOES, LIMA BEANS, PUMPKIN, and BAKED BEANSâ€"SPECIALâ€"2 CANS ..25<' 31b Ba Savoy Oatmeal ..... Fancy __ygr Smyrna Figs Downers Grove. Illinois. 45c Value. per )ound . . . . . .38c Richelieu lib Box C ocolabe $1.00 Value, per box ........ 75c Wescocoa, Instant Liquid Cocoa Per can ................... 25c 5 90c 36 INCH HEAVY FAST COLORED C R E T 0 N N E S ANY PATTERN AT PER YARD

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