Downers Grove Reporter, 4 Feb 1921, p. 1

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Speaking of tho economic condition in which the world finds itself today. the anagram“ said that not until the nations of Europe. including Ger- mny And Austria. wore back upon a hail; of production, would conditions improve. He made a plea for a mono ell of world actions. not I league with war in each list, but a peace council. At the afternoon session Saturday the following ofl'ieers were elected. Presidentâ€"Irving Goodrich. Napor- 1 Ole of ”a mod talc-mating talk.- gim this year nn that of In C. Copley. of Atom. Cmmmn of the II": mum. ”r. (”M ”w a exposu'u'vm of problem: firing (Ow fiver-Invent in these nmmntruflion fin and a (eu- of "w rays in which these motion; will hr mrt. He brought forth :- stotm «I up- phuse when he said. “Our of the “nest mimics mule by the gav- ernmem during the war was the drift let. it was alright. hm. as far a it wmt. but along with drafting the boys, we should have drafted M'- ery mu, every industry, every dol- lar in this country m (M «inning of West Chic-go. Secretary â€" Mrs. Harry Gregory, Household Science Department President-Mrs. Collins Goodrich. Hiltonâ€"Wm. J. Yackley.Wheatnn. Downers Groveâ€"I". J. Littlefnrd. Downers Grove. Lisleâ€"H. C. Vial, Downers Grow. NIpewilleâ€"George Ferry, Naper- At the Sammy mum undo. E. Dun! Inch on the am of (M km W giving many practical Hm on how this much mm! M of the «can (arm can In mule to pay. 0.. mum in a trip um: the musty that man «thud. an- It“ to Me an of «mun and M I Huh. blunt and I link mom-3‘ «dd mic them one of the be“ yam part» of "m “on" firm. ‘ Wayneâ€"W. E. Mableâ€"Bartlett. Winfield - Ralph Herrick, Naper- moomingdaleâ€"N. W. Lies. Clover- ‘l‘ovn Committeenen Addisonâ€"A. W. Fischer. Bensen- l. I... on 0! Illluoh‘ M W» M Ind radial {amt-n. A dome» “c Idem ndbon M in the «any can mom morning Ind “tam Mm we" firm by Nina Joann:- Treasurerâ€"J. J. Case-Elmhurst. Secretaryâ€"C. R. Bowman. Naper- 2d Vice-President â€"- J. R. Steven. inun- by Dr. Voluloy und by Paul: ‘l'ho mom»; union "u “drama! by Dr. David l-‘elmley. pmhka! of State Nona] Uniwnny. and by E. A. Cancun-u. the new county advi- ut. II the Alum than wen ad- Ist During the day the {arm exhibits wow judged by practical farm m u! the vicinity . Dr. I-'. (3. Blair. and the domestic uiem exhibits by two doc-cutie neicm tea-Mm who and the neon can! Int-thud of dam- mining the who winun. The whooi filNUh wen MM Friday. . VOL. XXXVI“. N0. 3 In the afternoon, Mr. L. C. llrown cl LaGnnge. gave a fine practical talk. He is one of the leading needs- mon of this vicinity. Dr. I“. G. Rhir, Mk. Supt. of Public Inutmction. cloned the union with u uploadid Inflation! mums. The annual DuPage County Far- mem’ Institute closed a threeâ€"day yes. slon at the Coutt House in Wheaton lest Satunday. one of the most suc- cessful of the many that'have been held in the county. At the first session last Thursday. Prof. C. B. Bowman} discussed tru- ancy, comalidation and the commun- ity high school and explained the laws covering these subjects. He urg~1 ed regular school uttemlanee and that the pupils be allowed to complete the high school and college courses. me Attendance, Good Spa-Item and Wonderful Exhibits Fatwa Annual Get-Together. :t Vim-Msidentâ€"Wm. Hammer- oclmitlt. Lombard. (0mm fARMtRS’ INSIIIIJIE PROVED 10 BE BIS] MR (Continued on Page 8) DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER Grove. Mrs. D. W. Martin, on the right road and that from month to month and year to year our paper (your paper would he hatter) is getting to be more and more an idea] "COIMUNITY” paper. Help us make it so. Sug- gestions are always apprecifletl. ' Thu chairman nf Hu- Social Com- miucv. Edwin Graves. prrsided and sud-coded in discovering same rnal talent. Practically awry pomn pre- soni, ”sum-d in making tho owning I. success ,but the principal «tunes we» given by John Mille’r "The Pin- no Tuner.” Richard Dues and Evan Columns “Mutt ‘ ICE,” and Jack Rad and George Bunge, who art-son- tc-d “A Study in Hypnntism." Mia: Ethel Phelps took charge of the games and kept every om busy out" lunch was served. 3 body. It must be the means of disseminating news and informa- tion regarding all phases of the community it serves and than only can it he regarded as successful. This is what we are trying to ac- complish in The Reporter. Not yet can we say that we have a- chieved that long-sought for state known as "success." We can, how- ever, truthfully say that we are WWII "ll! "Inn-x ul ull' Innm' '1'” III! The Christian Enclvnmr 5(I‘N‘t} M _ the Con ”on I (‘h n‘h " {heavily upon tlw gramlmmlwr slw ‘ If!!! a ' n 33‘ "Jaw up mhoul work nml Ill-pt lmud! "slum party" in "w parlors H! Um I'M u", fallwr. rllurch Saturday night. to which Hun In "39.3 ab:- npvmwl up u lulkm} mu! mmbv‘r» and fric-mls “1.". imihwl. rmfrsctiom-ry flow in [Mn-Mrs firmw- Thw- chairman "f llw Social Com- mul conducted a .«ucerssful hudnvss mum». Edwin Graves. prrsidml and "'0'“ '0' “‘i'm'" ”a” meta-(led in discovering some rv-al' '" "“"h 1.00%. ‘m mm" h” h‘m‘ (mt‘ Practically nw-ry person ”refine“ over to lK'l‘ can and the follow- .wnt, asslxlnl in making tho oveningIm‘ nmm'w" ”'0" "' a sum,“ 3 success ,but the principal stuntsflmining Cont-so at Evangelical Dm- worn “h." by ’0'“. Millér "The Pin- :coness Hospital in Chicago. She mm- M Tamr'n Richard "Ms M Eva" aplfled “I! course, graduating with "It ' Sine» her grmlualion Gollnn, as ~11“. ‘ kg,» and Jmlelnm of 1912. Rad and Georg Bung-e, who ”nymph! has been actively engaged in a tad “A Study in Hypnotism." M’sflministry of selfless service as a mum} Plain: hunk plum nf Din-Ii" Dom” Grove and community { To be successful. a "Community Newspsper” must be the organ of no one faction. no one group of men and women, nor one religicus “Ito-a» I‘m-nu "uni-H Sun and 1‘10.qu Fmtcrlataml~â€"l.nch “'0: Send. CONG'L ENDEAVOR SOCIETY ENJOYS A “STUNT PARTY" > x 11w nuts (in (My: “traction are ‘now on «In among the Much“; of the high new and an min; rapidly. Gd mn- at our. Mrs. Jame-n I’m-haul of rum. ll|.. who is ranching "lbs mum bu m" land a “flu". 8hr manna an that (Mn will be one «If (M but «M In: or" nugnl. ‘ A COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER The following young men and mm- en will contest for first, second and third honors. Those winning the a. bore named plat-ox will I» chosen to rewmu-nt their schoul ln («mu-M. with ‘uthcr High Schools over the State. The manic (or the occauion will be furnished by stuck-nu of the school under the «auction of Miss Sheel. au- pvrvisor of music. ‘ Healer loomâ€"A Lover "I Musltnl nun- Curtiu-Tnh- ur om Mach-Ml (Ewen Griflithx~Mmlamr Butterfly! Martha Shnflrr-llohm» uml "0", The big Declumntory Contest to take place at the Curtiss Theatre on Friday evening of this week promises to be one of the very best nflairs of the kind ever given in this‘ village. The stage is now all it)". and those students who are to take pan are all in excellent shape to do credit to‘ themxelves and the school that they represent. They have been working ‘very hard during the past ten «loyal and all those who are interextod feel. that the affair can not help but he a big success in every way. 1 (karm- Hungoâ€"Mmlamo X bow Alnlr. Ruth Wildaâ€"lac Wan-n P‘NIM. John Buttonâ€"Tl»- Song Ind the Kid Kelloggâ€"Tho Hunk Mint". l‘n'nlnu Snowâ€"The Man of l'lmh Eight Girls and Four Boys in High School Declumalory Test at Curtiss Theatre. Planter. I'Zliubflh I‘Iumly v-'l'um Sawyor'w Faber. Elm Kellyâ€"filmy u! l‘utny lbmhy 'l'owuh-y ~ The M WINNERS OF CON - T E S T TONIGHT T0 REPRESENT SCHOOL DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, F )BRUARY 4, 1921 'l’lw Moutuul A large crowd was present :nd the evening voted 3 great success with the addition that another be bold The evening was given over to the playing of games. to music and sing- ing and to various other pastimes which the women had arranged for the entertainment of their nests. The Fellowship Class: of tho M. E. Church gave a dinner at six-thirty on Tuesday evening to the members of the class, thnir husbands and sweet- hearts. Needlesx to say the meal was thoroughly enjoyed by those pmsnnt as well as the social time which fol- lowed. M. E. FELLOWSHIP LHI Y CLUB MET CLASS ENTERTAIN ' AT PHELPS HOME 1‘ H El R HUSBANDS} MONDAY EVENING Div-arr and Saul Time in Fulton of Church Tuesday Even in; Was Sutton. 8‘10 nuemlnl "w puhlk Khan“ 0' Dunn-Is Grow Ior sow‘nl yeah but when the olutivs at up» home fc‘ll too 'hemily «pun flw gran-imam" she Lgmv up Nthoul “ark :mcl hp! hmw! She took sick with Lumbagn last Mly and never completely recovered. Aft" a prolonged illness she tfierl of (Continued on Page 8) I An" Run-in; Imam mm" for gflrw York. Mr W «fled aboard .53.“: and um NM In the m. "or mum, grandmother and two brothers truth-d New \orh safely and am:- directly to Down Gm. when they mark Ihcir ham. 8M" Wm" untitled Mn- lmfil 4': I'm» In make her homo M". Mr mu. TM Rev hl Diflmr of Datum, IHimiS. alum! "Hi-1‘ months ago. 1 3'!" «mm m- Kimkrpnrn m public M‘hooh of Mun until emu pron of an when Abe migrated with It" pan-Mu. two men and her grandmother In this country. yrlmm. Alsace. qum. on the nu: day at Jun. WM. 8M w” culled hm to Mr clcmnl "Cr-M on "We ”flung a! January 27th. 1921, I! Ibo- ngr of Mly-four yrah. new-o month» mu! thing-ea thy-h Lil? 9‘ Ind-hm End- “'50. We“ Known Lou! Won-n PM Away “Ir-day. MARY S. leflfll. l0N6ARISIDflL BURIED MONDAY Mary Sell; 0er mp. born in Job- The meetings are to he held in the parlors of the Congregational Church but the membership of the club 1'»: made up entirely irrespective of their church membership, and my young man of clean ideals can join the club, which in under the leadership of Rev. Phelps. This club is a ”rt of the‘ Y. M. C. A. plan for county work,‘ and is under the auspices of the lo- cal committee. l The Hi Y Club met in the home of [Rem Arthur S. Phelps Monday night 1for their regular bi-monthly meeting. The Hi Y Club is an organization nf high school fellowg, who plan social and inspirational meetings every other Monday night. Young Men of \‘illnge. lrnsprcoive of Church Afllillion. An Invited to Join. «Irina uwampod that paltry 81.400 fig- urr and raised more than $2,000 fur ll'u- gmat work, ‘HI' was SILTIKN‘JKIO whirl! would Ir 41'! unh’ for nwry man. Roman and i.‘hiic' in 1hi~ o-uquy. Figuring rm whiv basis. tlu- lmnl'rnmmiuw w! as its quota SIAM, but an arr-nun. uf husim‘s; rumlitiomz in this: country Emm- doubt was had about our nhilily to raise thiw amount Tho walk re.- uonsc which mm, the solicitors, :mvl Qhe work which they put in on ”N: Z'h!‘ momy is 10 hr met-II I1 h-rv' NLMNu of the trimming enuntvii-g. Poland. Ann-trim. Curho-filmakia, Scrhia. "imguiy. Finland. Lithuania. Hâ€"‘Nmnia, Lnlivia. leh Russia, I‘.. .;. ‘ian Armc-nin mu! 'iv'rmuny. “um um n (his vast h-nflury mnrv than tit-(mull rhildrrn who urr' looking M Mun-Hm for food. le amount au- Rank Tho w n» 32,039..“ a: magnificent amount rrmn n rm.»- a mu" a on. . In addition m IN E ammum v-stnnntnl an at load $170110 Ann-M luv- rnwlitrd tn [In TIM 59- mt: when: which Wu turn-fl uw-v I.» m. ! Menu-r Committee from varimn ur- zaniuiium «ml imliritluak luvn- I.» (our the drih- shruul. A! a matting of tho mmmiw'v in thum- at (he Ubrnry ”and” cm- ing. "ports of un- w-nl chum» new trad III at "w voluntary mr.~ lribuflm It“ a! "we Pint "Miamo' head “c-ru'! "tan-r. who main arm-h :1 marâ€"- on «Mar who! Wan" v.1 «l~ mm Inc Mar. ”ammo. Grou- mon- Um ”man over llu top" in 1hr driw- for 0w valid at! flmlnl l’umw. known as "It “"mflvr "and." TM! 6!- ‘M Mr :ornnmmm ml: by brim-g m- u." untlcr am how! all dul'enm mo- n'ctlutm ‘hnh won all working l-s tho um- mm. and putting II (Mu DOWMRS GROVE 0VIRSUBS(RIB[D “HOOVER" flMD Thu Two Maud ll Given Locally (a Mutiny flung“. (NW... Winn '. Mu. LOH” Muir-s was Wu "gum z’ubly mum-ism! om Un- Innivorxury of v'her birth vaschy Mr '0» fn'vnvlu un I’l'letWHy Ilmmoing m M mmwr Just a: ‘hv' wm III-2mm": (n '\‘."u'\' nInul ulu-rn nmmgh fund mo- rumimg from In [NH :0 many, 1hr 1.1M: “a: ‘ rut-mt"! and an abundant ru-pml {um-m! ready for flu» hungry gm- h. Tlu- nvenim: was pleasantly «mm fin pinyin; 500. Mr. M. A. Sullivan gwinninr Hu- remrlmanx prizv- :lm' iMrs. "I-my Grumhmr (in Imiu-K prizr. ‘ Thon- prtz‘vnt wmv Mr. and Mn. ,8. L. Dickorwn, Mr. and MR Allrn iGrumhaus, Mr and Mus Hrnry (hum- haus. Mrs. Harry Darnloy, Mn'A. R. Cnmor and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sul- Hivan. 0n» of our fellow tawnsmt-n, who ha.» sold his proponty ht-l'" and expects to leave .«oon, adver- tised 5n wank before last's Repor- ter a long list of articles he had '(or sale. When asked what r»â€" sults he had had, he replied. “You know this isn't the first time in any experience that l heve used advertising. but 1 can fnnkly any that thv- results I neeived from that classified last week beat any result: I ever had from advertising in any publication." Coming from this man, whom we know would‘ not say anything like that unless he really meant it, and from one who knows something of the ad- vertining game from the stem. point of experience, the words were more then gratefully ree‘eh- ed. Try our Classifieds. They pay. SELF-INVITED SUPPER G U [-2 ST 8 "AD FINE TIME I Wo- Impr- Ihul rw-ry mun WM! [will have his ru- in lim- nul Bun- ichy allot-non. 0a aim!" mutan- lfin flu- mnfi Down- “mm W {hue tonal out On mun to n-lc- lmm mmo arw acquisition In 0n- w’llw. We manna. um (Mu ur- mum Wm be no difeflnl than "or pmicknt .40! at “Mr “Mrs. \lr‘ Inc‘- "at": Reminded of “all. day by Tn Hit-«k in l'niqw Way i Aflrr :- «hurt run mound town "w Dunn-M500 mil I» In! In W hi. I.’ hen the Mud flaming at what “to Imam» ram do will ulu- slur. OUR CLASSIFIEDS AND RESULTS ' Automulnilt-u will unwmble on Muln sin-ct lwmling north at. 1:15 p. m. 'l‘lw dam will hr mwlo It 2 o'clock rhlfp. Tho bowl of llw llvw will hr ll. tlu- llfc Motion, no.“ tn the village om“. and it 6:: expected that llw ran ,will bv llnnl up way £0an mu Mnyln uvrumn Them will la- no an order; for the uuluu w llw lint lnlo lim will b" a! the had a! llw pmwxion, ‘uul w an. Lending Ilw lim- mll hr llw alcl Mo truck hlllfll ll.» u-n'ul mar mad» for an may run. Nut Mll mmv llu- u-w Inn-ls. "upload-ml. till» iv "3] will and «May hm mun... To properly introduce the «mm-m npparutur to the ln-opll- through tho gvnm-osity of whom it was made pos- niblv. u clonmnstfution will he ’u-M next Sunday afternoon at “tho lake." I'm-coding llu- Mowing of what tho vquipmu-M can do will be an automo- bile param- around the villnxv. It in lmpod that o-ubr)‘ auto owner in the villngr will groom M.» for for the occasion and got into line. ‘ Downors Grave's nmv automobile fire truck arrived Monday evening. the screech of the fire siren heralding its safe arrival in the village. Since that time tha- firemen have been like children with a new toy and their joy at the appearance of tin 'ew ap- pnrJtus can be compared .0 no other thing than the joy of children when the good Saint Nick makes his annual visit. TbVivfiERYONngATE NEW FIRE TRUCK AT LAKE, SUNDAY lkmoustralion In M Preceded by Automobile Panda Led by Apparatus. RESOLVED that-the m of LCompany H do hunky plod'l ii :9 (Continued on Page I) _.V. ' RESOLVED by the veterans cf Company H in annual reunion u- :embled, that it extend to the dtl: lam: of Downers Grove its lieu-tan thank: and nppnchtion for the n- erous Hupport and Insist-nee and. ed Company B, finnehlly and other w'i”, 83d h it furthar WHEREAS. The farms-r member!» ‘of Company H have rreated In or- gnnization known as the “Veterans of Company H." There be it WHEREAS. The many lays] citi ‘uns of Downers Grave amour-I'm ‘and supported the activities of Com- pany H of the Second Battalion of the Second Regiment 1. R. M, and 1-3. F Law-y Secretary M, King limb Treasurer H l' .‘00"s-â€"â€"‘ lmlnnau Finance Com mm"; W. W lll‘mll‘rzum l'huilman Audit» in; mmmltlm Stanley J. llrou-n- Chairman Sociar (.‘ommiuv-v Walter J. Slaalw-J‘hairman Public) Lv Committee. Major Robb.» with appropriate I» marks. vntirely in hoping with flu ‘spln'! of th- evenlng. acted as in stalling officer. His remarks brought a xterm of applause and the meeting hmke up at a late hour. Henry E. Tank introduced a set of resolutions which follow: Fulhm'inu Ihr :pm-rh making and flu- «mm. tho find MH‘U'III n! ofli r11» {at ”w mud] fn-wmfl aimi- zaHnn “.1" lw-M. 'l'lu‘- {allowing '1'" nmninahfl and elvflmi by acclimation. without a «liwenfing vnirn: V B. II). [luluynski (hamlet III. lluntinghm VFWâ€"Comm! guru Mm. H. -aul il us the mt I.I'l|ll)l'lvl|i( Irf‘firimhun "I lfly Vl' laun alum: Hp ll'rh'nmum 1nd "I“ Iw “z“ wmul In hr rum-1| o. I". null‘ nf 'lv- nrrrméuhvm :4 a firm ”slur Maths am": the he“!!! “a mutual when in his NI '00 pumvwl H"- W. fur "Iv-if WW '0 dwh‘ in tho days u! their (INIV mvm, fur II» on. pamlicm Hwy It." Major John I’. "OHM of mwuw. who «mum! "on “Q" nan-Non c! which Cu. II run I "n. In tit mom of hm: all M an pund- plr (all n! "I: and... flu in be. mud-- an honorary Illa number of (Dr Awmm. A "an" hill" 0! (hr phm- in bold» m a» Mafia-n .1‘ ‘1». ll muld «any It nun-d {m Chm mention a! bin Int Friday Au he mon Io Ami, [be In“ an tn "It" I’M with "mo and“ rho-«n for I)» man who had Id In! loath-d aha-r "mm in "w My: of t): Following flue banquet, 'l'ouunu- In (MM‘I‘W‘M! known a» Cur) Bur C. lhuwm. one um: Pam Sargent n! (M Company. mum nu mm mm pmu-ul for when all". lost 0! thou- mlh-vl on wuvml In duh ulna Ml» name luau-y fiat-Hut a" put [out line» with the horn whH. clww MM: 0! laughter {mm the bur two-tux. 11w “Ram-g” u! and If 0w Mich sum-d hot. but I" (out It. ‘in NW um mm in which It w ghm and 0» awe-Mn; um on. of tho mm! nurrv-«uful Downri- (Sm h: ”\"'f MC‘O'I . Affirm." «at "dawn Earl Of lb ’ The occasion Will! the first annua} bunqurt and rc-union of the “Veter~ nnn Asmwiution 0! Company B." Mme than wventyfivu former mam. ht-rs of this war~tinu~s military or- gumwliun u-njoynl the magnificent. hanquot which had bod» prepared um was u-nml hy the win-s of the mem- 'KH\ Nr-uv Ali-l tho ha" look put- mil-r than it did when Nu- nignal u be' m-ntut Wat Mind. 150 lam: tables, with their shank-«l candle- »lirkx, (In-6; miniature will: Amedcu. than and other dabrutmm had a faith? Ippvarluw. Amid the clink of knives and fork: on (table ware, amid smoke from In- nunwrablc cigareta and cigars, Amid ‘lnughtcr and good fellowship, was re- lmrn in am (i. A. ll. Hull last Friday owning, January 28th, the “Spirit of Co. ll." B. E. lhlczynski Chanel: to Commd Yen-rams Association â€" Other Officers Were muted. SPIRII 0f (0. ll. REBORN MflRSI ANNUAl BANQUH WHOLE N 0. 1928

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