Downers Grove Reporter, 21 Feb 1919, p. 2

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" DVERTISE Puo TWo WESTERN UNITED GAS «m 'A N I) ELECTRIC (‘0. With an Automatic Water Heater â€"â€" just turn the fau- cet! .With a Tank Water Heater â€" just light the Gas! RINTING Agent [mlho Travelrt's lusumnw Company Life. Accident and Health File and Tornado ln:utanu-. Companics the Best-â€" LOANS Steam Heulng - Sewer Building Gas Fitting Water Piping Hot at Any 7,560 ,m‘ Downers Grove W. H. BLODGETT Fred D. Heinhe PLU MBING ”)0 years in business Telephono SLR Specially ell'icucious for Fall- ing Hair caused by flu. (‘ome in and let us explain uur treatment. INDU S('Al.l’ EMOLIENT INDU LABORATORY ARTHUR H BEIDELMAN is always «Native. and wu- would! hit» the opportunity of showing \m’ $01"? of Wm in mar luvs! Book of‘ Man for Monuments. We vi“ the! mafia up some original sketch: for )(m if you do mt m am‘thing you‘ ran for in our Swim"! Book. Em timatos furnished on any "imminent! or gran» stair. * A ROUGH STONE DESIGN NAPERVILIJZ. Tailor - Cleaner - Dyer Tm mo mum ? :1; I THE man scuom. .-, THE ma“ scuool. Nor would I bl‘ u Soph. l \vouMu'L he a Junior, ' Nor would I ba- :1 pmf; .liut all my “(0’s ambition ()n l‘mlu',‘ morning, Mr. F. G, 1.»; sumnwd up in this word P‘Vl‘ll." guvv :1 mm; inn-resting talk I wan! to bu u Scnior In tho high whoa! <svmhl '. Aml buss Un- munmm h ~11! ) ’l'ho murhh- (-mm- is on again wv hi-ar. on good authority. um. v n lhn- rat-mm." un‘ nfl'lirlnl I though! it. mlhvr tough. But a .m'J- nmwurud whnn sh. h1- n-pl-utml won When I wus rullud on to n-riu'. (.‘lory Furmr and h-rs wr-rv Vuh-nlim- tlu- high M'hlml. rm'lut! up “Oh. Ir); a lilllv blufl. Wl- hop~ that tho muck h'ial may MiMHl'u'u'ul ‘l‘Huhhi Ken to the fol! office "one 267-" We all for and deliver HIRSCH TELEPHONE NO. 24 Illinhi'll tin- CONVEYANCING Howr. om- of ”lo I) wavl'gy 35-8 v.m-k!_\‘ orrhl-stru Am-Iaidr Wu!- day visitors a, dn-rsing “chr- Illinois "J. DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER, DOWNERS GROVE, ILLINOIS lo and HM! sun! ll)“ 1 An- {hm-r spring? in the man's Didywmrgotonpicniehtk winter? No! WdLmeait; m'mgoinghhnmwnnm «summing. Second Frexhie: "Yes, but the first timelnwyou,lhndtolmghg- One Fmshie: "Did you see her mile at me?” If any one has a comphint to make about text books, now mg to be the time to do it, for the halls are full of representatives from the var- loun text book companies. corners hurt? Can you dig vim the we of 2 Would you throw I rope to n drownâ€" ing lemon just to give Fâ€"Y Is an umleruker's businessâ€"â€"? Would a wall paper store make a good hotel because of thoâ€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"tlnt are there? Would you paint 1 rabbit on a bald man’s head just to give him a little Does Jolly an flow from râ€"-' Can I flwr lose its Y An! fish's crazy ‘hen they go toâ€"f‘ Can an old hon sing her ‘.’ Can you bring relief in a windowâ€"â€" T Or mend nâ€"â€"â€"â€"of day? What kind of a vegpuhio‘s a polim If Is a newspapt-r white when it‘s-.7 I: n baker broke when he‘s makinx Tl") my lhnl in ‘prinz :1 form! Evan's fancy lightly [mm In Ham-mu.- wf low. and why, Wr hv-liaw -'.. ;ror mm: In this: I 1 low Io hear "w him- br!!.- rhmw. [ And link- mulips moo. I of tim-r lilies mating I‘m 1 A «instant lover. too. Work this out. and we’ll tell yuu next reel: how lucky you wvn. D o «hips have rye: Mn they gn iclrr. ntmnm-r. nmn- Impnmnh't 9 I'm)": "Limlmruvr." j A mun an- all m) olhl'r jot Inwn Imam In run: "I mmml . .hn hlrnhwi out. “I'm 9» full 0 lnxlunrlur: “\Hly ur-- )nu “hm; |h1~Mm| in yuu' Hindu-a?" Sluqlnnt: "lwcmm‘ if I wasn't I». “find. I wuhln'l pursuu- Ilu-m." Atwmhl)‘ p||< urizmu Qtvu h-m: "Pu Mll‘ll T" RI-ply "““i~.l "Fur lo ”1-- fir-J Ami (Irv) mnkc- mm “Whul in Equilibrium?" "ltulnnn- “Comcl; now um n. in n «mu-man “My bank book II‘HA run! that my rqu libnum i» thirh crab." Tu-urln-r: "Mu“ .nuulni ym [mm-- luau- [his sum-mun ”'l'lu-n- mum Uh- girl right "Wu-"~â€" l'uyil: "I uouM Inukr a clash aflvr llu- girl." How do Iu-m «Hum..- of lhA-ir Th 1“" IL But but of all the [twin sounds To which I [ow to bark. ls who“ at Mr I go my mun-I» Thr- Johnny-jum-ms hark. muml‘ by fin. mhl m n. 1 Eng >i>lt‘l‘.\. multipl; u-n. :ul‘l Hn- numin h U'Jlt': ‘ n Ll :i-‘m ~ ‘lmm ”in! rudh.’ figure will «‘htm 'hn- \ UH» midldh- \nll in- (h Pupil who works in :1 sum» :“(impt nu H. S. n-tumed soldiers, visited us one day In»! week. History u-urhm‘: “What would have been bvuer for England I ) hm"- ‘Md than furs-02'" you are a meal would 'l' 'xu'hvr: “0h. 1h bwnm- u"! ..- Hm: much-n. 'umnuhh- nuiflmu'uln n‘mrlnw'n Ir Mug-0 0' .\ In! \ m'rp ‘0 N‘thn‘. soc-mg Nu 'm m M "nl'h Mhr-r fhl‘Q'N' fnr rommhml ma:- “hm it SwéI-n rho-v 0mm nun-r Idkrfl. an “I mmmi 140'» .m full of (on "Ir nuuk « umu «Mm. u'wl nu' our umwmlix. lo arm-'- m-w hum-y «hm; .~ Ir. Gamer m nlvnya Interested in the betterment a! the everyday af- fair: of the mlhip and county Ind served I: Am Supervisor for the Mr. Crll'ner died very suddenly of heart disease on Febnnry 13th while apparently In the best of health and was buried at the west side cemetery Sunday, February 16 1919. Rev. L. B. Lott. an old friend of Mr. Cmmvr amounting. At the funeral were many of the older residents of the commun- ity, county officials and old friends to pay their lut respects to one who had lived a long and upright life. ‘ On March 29, 1881, he was mat-rim! to Jennie M. Atwood and to this union one child was born. Arthur thy Cram- er ,who with his mother survive him. The family mull-d about three miles north of Lamont and finally on the old home farm, five miles south of Downers Grove on Main street Francis H. (Tramor was born in Bridgrport Conn. o'n Mari-h In. 1848. In early childhood he ramp with his pan-Ms to Chicago wln-n‘ Hwy resâ€" ide-d but a short time. They nrxt momd to Lemon! on a tug boat on glue old Illinois and Michigan canal. mere being no railroad through there at that time. If only vnr- muld add some «I ch» surpius mmmmt scam to some of our prorioua scam of this parâ€"~4 Mu for dreams! Win! nationality is "who? Plan of fivn nations crave abow hl‘r. Anym wanting mod randy. 1m- (mnitr the bash-t hall gum-sh Thu girlx of Un- hixh school an- fumixh- ‘ing the material:- and making (M ‘randy. and turning the pron'nis ova-r tn the boys: Th» mom-y. hmrm‘er. in< sit-ad a! going into ll"~ mzulnr fund. is Prinz wt aside for 1: special. pur- vosc which will be «muted Into-r. \thn a fallow Mal- .1 frivml lmrning In Anna“ 1A rmhin :1! (h- last “rial hour). k'um lmlm‘ m ml'rr‘ hm- If )0“ mink that ynur lu'un. .u- Ml'i‘, lu- inquiriu» m In tu \ In flu “'0 mm Ivumny In lum- KLIIIBI-I'Im‘ Fruhm- our:- mmu- III our Junim‘ midst. Again ”I.- F.‘u~l| run “ill: dvl‘iniliuna. ()m' 1. 2 r A flc-a anal a fly in :1 Th.- fly will. “la'l'. 'l'ht- fh-n mid. "la-r'u Sn lhu-y flnw Hm: Far h-m Hun} Su youth haw ln :u-ur : fon- lm “Hts ruurum- . il In :rlmul‘f (ii-5k Dun'l you halt- tho l't'nmv who lin'o\\‘.~ hs scrap pupm' undt-r yuur FRA NCIS H. CRAMER Familiar ribs: straight S card." 'l'lh- fm-nwx' physiology students wonder if they can hr of any assis- tance in setting Hutu-'5 broken arm. Hmv you lost your voice? 1'“ help you find it. I huwrfl limo for :1 lim- this m'c-k I“ Salim“) The Social Hour on Friday ant-r- nuun “115 a “fill". SUCCESS. A Senior: “Su- uxosc- thw-v sown guing down the sum-t 2’" Fwy-hi": “N0. whore 1'" Svnior; “Down lhmv. I’Morsun. 0]- son and Anderson." In \Hu-n u frllvr nm-uls a {non- \Hn-n lu- 1111595 a “mu! In a;u~llung.' I'd” .‘u; Sun.- Ill Ivurll‘ “1‘ 3| lull»; uh'"! hm mu In“ Hunk \‘rult'niu‘ mm 1 hmulm) h- "Ir Swallow I my"! ,' pup :mn} Sumluys \n “bur a now (1m: 0" I'm-n _\uu \\‘. HI- 'Oh I got u :mnnum'm - llu- Ila-kl"! I'urv uf In}! Ikv'ilht-ful h- n m flu flc' fly": u flaw in Hu- _\m: hm: Ind lon- _um umku m-ahouu. lhnt HIM: 'nough u’ in lhv fmn'. mu uskml Hu- -luu m». "A n-ply. QIII IIVVIIQ‘Y Ifunl «luv.» a hut in- iu “‘0" l‘ win unflh p11 Hm! hull Following is the spoiling mm” for the week: fliss Swansm'.‘ American History class. 100 pm- NM; Miss King Connmercial (‘Iisn 99.78: Miss Smith‘s Hm EC. class. 9953; Him Fisher‘s Botany class. 99.5; Min Hugh-3' Freshman Eng flaws, 98.33: Mr. Fam- loy, flMudy hall. 98.2: Miss Trml's Fmshmon Latin. 901.66 ‘ln val “n‘ H" an! In NH Ivv- “ha-h "10 pan) Ch; Hu- un-minznu- "pm? v If IMr.~. "l'W!!".-fl.'\ had run :In giro u" a gram! llmv' 0.1 Mablo and Nottk‘ RiI-l. Madeline Hugh‘s. Rmh Lancaih'r. Flnwm l'MhM‘n. Edna Simonsnn. Maxim Fin-Hey. Jnnn Adams and Mmdamws Ralph Glahnm and Roland Schultz. T3“ kirk of "IO In“! Thflu "i ‘m ority colt-brain! (Mir Irmh :mniu‘w wry Saturday. February lfnm A l'.‘ «dork lunch-on was Pnjoyml 3’ Mar Hm" M's lafln- whidi filo yids saw (‘hn (‘hin (Thaw a! "w .‘Ml'flriA mum pu' mu m ,px-Ilnv uultH u'ngum-d I" u, Thvyl mm m ll: rm‘nrr and nmthrr “ml ‘ :m‘ Ihn “KIWI “uh 1hr r---ul'. of u: m-urlt luml on vullhinm t C re - U' Unmh')’~ nun u m ”It“ hu~pi~: ‘l' uml l‘w "lhl'l nlthuugh It “an ‘ II n hut“) pmpvr ko my. MM 7 mm. llml lhv (Im‘hnn hucl Hu- Luxu- nan u» lln- hlm'ul llulh |.\ Un-nr “‘5‘ muml r-\:| |.< umnmu Imuml um) v I\ II furl ll.“ I‘I (lulu) mum; .l hm! pmhuhh .Iumml» for Kim! huu. u‘v "".91';:;'.:':'::2;.. \. \ by buying \\lvl2\ l'l\lI I'\Rl'\ Sumln} morning Dr. Gout-Ivy and Dr. (‘lwm-y haul a little :Irzunu-nl at ”w «'nrnu-r ul‘ l‘miriv and Sulumua .\\'vnuu-.~ uml thu Dr. (ioul'h-y I". mum'- \\'llul Ihv lurm-r he cunw out m-ruml heal. VA largr' :Ittt-mlum'c is dosin-d at “w an.“ nu‘vling. ’l‘uosday. Ft'bruary 5th. CELEBRATE!) TENTH AN NIVERSARY 'l'ln- Bylgnr." Committee have proâ€" mist-d u I'vpm't at Hm next meeting. varul pl‘lfliun." \n-ru n-coived. Sislt‘rs Hulll'l‘. l'l'ickt'tt, Bamhafl. Kuvgt-Inun and \\‘hilx- alll‘fldl‘d the School 01' luslruvtmn and the Na‘ulls will b.- so”! :u fmun- (‘haptur moot- ingm "RS. HOURLEY AN!) CHENEY HAD ARGUMENT Thmm \\ ho animal"! urrv "11‘ Min Sister Divki-I’son is again able to attend, hm Brulhn-r Austin. Worthy Patron. and Sister hollun. Warden am on the .~ivk list. 'l‘in- Sick Com~ mince have bvon kept busy and so- licit ”11‘ assistance 01' members in making calls. Nothing mou- cheer- ful m lhn' shut-ins than a friendly ('ullrr. lhmhvr M. L. l’ulfor was present and ga\' interesting talk on his two years' of service. At (lu- n-gulur meeting of Vesta Chapter some matters of inn-rest and importance were presented. NOTES 0F VESTA CHAPTER, 0. E. S. 68 3. Ida 8t. nowxns mom. I”... TM ”-1 g mum» “rrv- mun-n2. .‘l '. .‘lmyurrl Kallvnrimr. i Mi nml hnmllu \\-|'-, l “Mann”! "-IIfll'l. \‘n-nn As for the farm nuduinery â€" we are side to apply yu- vfilu the best line: made. I" ready for the spring work on the fun. Hawkins 8: Hawkins ACarload ol Binder Twine! “Mom! 01me Machinery! The Bindery Twine in the Standard fleeting Twine and aelh for 229/, cents a pound. It is the twine that has been standard for many years and If it wasn't good twine we wmfldn‘l oler It for sale. That‘s the any Hawkins 1 Hawking does business. on I Inge scale! .‘ll ht lug TrIu-ml,‘ ul "III 'I 'nhll The Im lement House 0 Quality Ila up" .‘lm my. how llu- amu- lhl-ir nus- il. Thoy nthvr um l'ulhvw 1r \\"| TU "PHR IT IN VOl'R OWN "0“”: IS THE SI'IERT WAY "I" PROVIXG TO VOI'RSELF Tm". RE“. QI'AIJTIES (IF this SEW TYPE "I" PININHGRAPH “bmknnlnpd. lug-Incl. Imw more shun! (his instrument! Tfllll'sANDS ARE IN [NE 2 2 If immfid can I» up any evening. Save $50 ”war I lit-R If you will bring me your income and expense figure“ I will answer flail question. I now have a supply of forms for individual incomes of not more than $5.000. llepm’ts are due March 15th. Avail yourself of MY SERVICE and save lime and worry. It includes â€" Furnishing forms (ane [or 'he col- How Much is YOUR Income Tax? L V. 013mg” MM let-to!“ Ind one for you.) Making out report. Alpsting yuur signature. Filing your report with wllcclor. Tran-mining your tax. Furnishing you a receipt. l’hom- or call M my home. ;\l'l)l'l‘0R AND .\(‘C0l‘NTANT NOTARY l'l'IIlJC K. E. THOLIN Phone 330-! [8| N. Main St. 21, 1919

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