Downers Grove Reporter, 21 Feb 1919, p. 5

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I} Ir. J. M. Burns and fister and [in Funny Stewart attended a m- ark! fertile um F. A. It the-«h Item of interest 7 Query «- la the High School only filled with Mother Goose ryhmen? In ‘Bobhle's Little Red Car" the only Martin J. Riedy who left for over- ”: service with the Blind Hawk div- hlon, reached home last week. We expect to announce the showing date of the "Common Csuse" in the next issue of the Reporter. Watch {or it. tdv, Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Little emu-(aim 0d the young people of the Baptist fimrcll Thursday evening at the parâ€" lira. E. G. Barn-u has gm to the Nun] Hospital at Charloxton. S. C. to see her son, Wan", who has been very ill. Geo. Klein Imivrd word from his non. Albert J. Klein ynstorday that he expects to sail from France noon. Edwin Suchrr a were visitors :1! U Nlpen‘illo Tun-min)" Little Louis Schoutz had his tonsils removed at (he Hinsdnlo Sanitarium last Sunday. Ever-Mt Whitn is back from over- seas and is at [M Olson home on 0st- wood Art-mm. Hr. JV Maker. of Springfield. "L. m culled hon- by me serious illness Of his son who is recovering. “out )2. H. Shim; arrival sal'rly.i"‘" “WM" 3". relatives in ”3"" {Mn o\rr.<m:. at Nrwport 80w: l:nd."i"P Sum“!- mummy. , 1 Don‘t mix: n..- mm.» swam uh- An P‘lra langr. pvrfullv mnulflm‘xt “wk Tuvmlay. Wharniay and laudâ€"pmfivr “whim; machine at thr'fiuWnMy. nflvrnoons and ownings at White Elvphum snh‘. '1h "6qu rumor stow. “rs. anry “'itu- and sun. of Na- Miss Dummy Hardin" W38 taknn 'ervillo. \isilwl Mrs, lmswr (hi-wig to “w “'05! Suhurhnn Hmpilal last netlnesdap. 'WMQ: Friday- when shn was operated Mr. and Mrs. Emil Malson and 0" for "PWMN‘RW- 8"? L“ R'Nflli l “fighters haw mturnfil fmm New “’9"! “5"“? ‘ Orleans. La. All (how Mm hmon'; paid Wir so; For Snip 7- A pair of fancy bml mum at llu' Wth lilophnnl salt“ It is npnrtml "ml "w younnfl m or .\lrv S«-hmdlor Mu mm to low. In In- mnrviml , Hrs. N'r‘IIir Rnynohls has: had a long: do” of Ihv inflm‘nu. In. J Manchu-n was on Hu- sick list “to vlsl Ink. For Salr 7- A pair of fancy bml mum at llu' Wth lilophnnl salt“ 1 Earl Prim-n ‘wnl Io Nadine". \\‘u on “Winn-flay mommp Ir. 1. ll. Gum-r in nprmlin‘ 1M mm" a! Hahnwn. Tun Fridng, Februarg 21, 1313 "In! M lhr In»! word In merit for r Mr gum-mm Hill": In u long way ll dm-m'! m-«I lo hr all Illinllm'w , but it dame mwl to In- .\ l' l’ H PERSONALS HARDWARE. 36 S. Main Street Telephone No. 29 MERTZ 6 MOCHEL POCAHONTAS COAL! ! “Nuff Sed” . ORDER YOURS TODAY! The Meal’s The coal you've been waiting for! Shipments on the way! and Ed. Hagrrman lhl‘ (radar show at AI‘I’IZ Alumni. Three childn‘n, Helen and Melvin Kebler and Olive Sutton walked to anem'lle and mum last Wednesday, Theyleftat9n.m.nndlgnin reach- ed Downers Grave's friendly Mondrian in 4:80 in the “hm ‘bost cure we can recommend is to to ‘to the Dicke Theatre. A good. clean. poppy picture absolume guaranteed to put those blues on the "blink."adv. A rainy. stormy evening dwayn makes 3 person for! blue and the Dnn‘t trust I thief. He will dmzblc‘ cram you everytirno. This is what happens to Princess "Ted". alias No. 477. in "The Mysbory Girl" which will be shown at the Dicke Theatre, Satâ€" urday, February 22nd adv.‘ Thn Woman's Guild of S. Andrew's church will mwl. Thursday, February 27. at 2:00 p. m. at the maidence of Mrs. William Vaughn. on Linscotl. av- rnur‘. A good attendance is urgently imuosted. As “1’ go to pmss it looks like "w hat-dost fall of the winter. Snow which smnvd falling non after noon yesterday. soon covered (ho ground with a mantle of white. Rm: C. S. Ruchor will preach in thfi Conn‘ngauowal churrh next Sum~ day morning on the text. “Flilnm.” and in the warning on “The Modern Vinw of thn Biblv.” All (host who haven”. paid Mir 50 cents (award ”w flag far the her m "w son'irr arr- n-ansu-d to do so within the no“ ton days. that our flag may b" paid (or speedily. Mr, and Mrs R. W. Coop" Ifl‘ winking over the arrival of I Ill’VI‘ll and am- half pound daughlvr born February lmh. l9l9. Sliau Elsie l‘inthcl AM Mr. an! )lr- Irate! Gon'i‘ and daughter vis- ilml fvv'ontls and relatives in Nap". vilh- Sunday. Mrs. AMn- Doc-dun nut-nth! I Ivirfluh)‘ pad; in honor 0' h" amber Mrs. P‘ D‘Hollnmkr in Chiaxn In: Sunday. All kinds of main. muted goods. \mublos uni bottom» at moth] prices. Klnin's Suiury Cub fluid. Rain. with mumr and ”main; I." took nml "w sup mummy [mm Un- lrw-w uvm.‘ lo pmmim III! winlcr. what "um am of il. in past l‘mbyh'flnn Chum-h In Chium The Thing Miblo. .Thv Munch-Hr who buyn on Hu- road In all dust-r1 or All rubdamlul DOWNERS GROVE REPQRTER, DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS Lmt Sunday evening the special “Uniform Service" in the First Evan- gelica! church was wall attended. The Boy Scouts were there about 30 in numb" with their smut master’s W. W. “vine: and W. J. O'Neill. A good numb" of Co. H men were present and several of the men (mm national service. The sermon on "Our Chi-inn Han Warfam" was a strong exhum- tion to "Fight the Good Fight.” The men’s choir and a men’s (mutate componed of “mm CaMn Austin. A. H Vaanlen, Carl 1 Stone Ind J. lL. Lehman, rendered several excel- 'lent selection. The (name- of those onthenervicefluofmdmtclwm ‘Ill represented In the mum. Dr. Myron J. lfmbarh is establish- in: his dental nfl'icr nbou‘ the Curtixs thvatm this week He has been car‘ in: for the extensive denml practice M m. White at Naperville during the him-via service in kho :rmy. Dr. Um- bach'x fuller was the late famous bot- anist. Levi I. Umchh of North Western College, who had the repute-n lion in European universities as well as in the leading schools of the Unit- ed Slatos of being able to name more plants at xight Ihan any one else. I Thr loll Tan Claus of ”Ia .\l¢-tho~l-,I 6st Sunday School landed a Colonial' 'l “-nrh givm at tho home of Miss Adm .laide “ullors on W est Maple Awnuo. Monty owning. February FM: | EGooI-gr and Martha Washington ww- iropn’scntod by the Misc-s Mabel and Hon-m Whitr A number «If me: ‘Tfi' paflk-ipnted in and fa- um: anrdod to tho winners \liss. Mildred PM!" was thv "Prim Wurf nor" as bring ”In Inst oostnmvd young lady prrsnnt. Rofmshmonts won- served and a very delightful evening enjoy-0d by Muir-yam , Good rum to haw ’0‘" who! luring lad repairing dam Ilun'nr! lama and Primary. 0» mum of dull perhd we allow 10 pr: rank rr dudion in ngul-r pric- on emit-rs of" ‘35.” or mu. We ulna haw on hurl 'llk' bargains in '9le and ups "in. dl color- Hind-lo (‘-pholm~r in: Shop. Home 5.15 Mr. Nanny LiukIfI-ml. Mm I'~ a nwmhrr of ”In Q. M. (‘ quom-d m ('Imp’ Grant came homr an a Irwk «M no”. Saturday uflcmonn and is still herv.‘ "i:- lhmt rum". sorr hr- \Isilwi In; donor on III-r qu hmm‘ "I! "w wr- ‘ diet was "mumps' Hans-I is no! at a" cow that M can haw Immr nursing in MI: pmnm aflhflim‘ '73-} Head of lhv bumfhnmkd nq‘ M Hm- I hospital Ohio-rim: at vamp. I ‘.' Hugh .-)lllr dmil do; marine. (I 'homa- o. In hndrflnilo furlough and M In hyping I'm! "nu mum- M: diu- ;dum hum "w nrw’ro. "th lu- fundtrmmc noma- lnininx Aim ho lnfl lbowm-ru for Paris Inland and M hut ,I way of timerihing it (Ital lush I000 :Ippmflnle flu- mflm'n fighting. ‘ ‘ Bil}. Tho ml" monthly Ina-Anem- and sari-l meeting a! the Gummy-Noun! Hull-thou will be MM Fridny won- in. From-n 28th a»: flu- homo of .‘lu Jules Zimll. comm- of Middlur‘n anal l'mlrir awn-um. All of IM mrmâ€" bvn- uul "wit mm- an- mnliully invite-l In In- [om-ml. An alarm of fin- was turned in Thursday morning at 7:45. The vil- ;lage employees took lhl' fin- extin- gguisher and put out the blaze which ‘hnd Mara-«l on the roof. thereby sav- ‘nng the Village an (upon-v 0! about 3‘ Don't forget to watch for the nd~ vertiscmvnt in thin paper of “Little Women” which wlll be nhovm at “In Diclu- 'l'lwutrv in the mar future. You must urrnnmv to see (his pic-tun whrn lt come... It will be well worth your while. adv. The members of the Semper Peru- ‘lus Ciass entertained their friends ‘with a Valentine l'uny on last Sub .uulay night at the home of Miss Fair- 'wcutlwr. Games were fullowed “ilh music by budding artists and lhvn ‘light wfn-AhIm-nls were acn'ml. Tho nmnlMy «nu-ling of the "Jolly Jays Club" was Du-ld at ”W holm- of .tlalildu lh-mh-r last week. Two new mvmbq-rs, L'arolina Bluha and Helen ngly. \wn- udmillml, All had a l't-liuhu‘ul lime and rofn-shvm-nlx won- (rm-d: Coming to the Curliss Saturday, Washingzun’s birthday, an all star triplr nlhurtion. BI- 11- liarriscalv in “A“ (if :1 Sudden, Norma" the Now Big \' Z rut-l Calm-divs. 'l'hv ’{Itho Nvu‘s uml lhl'ro urb of Yumlm‘illv. :ulv I Willis S. Sherman. who has been serving Uncle Sam at the Grout Lakes stnliun, was discharged from the navy on February lath and i5 now enjoying home cooking, a ma! bod elm. at his honw on Saratoga avenue. Hawkins Hawkins. Agricultural and implement dealers, received two carloads of supplies yesterday. One \vas'n full car of binder twine and the other a car load of farm machin- cry. A humorous travesty on how the Great War was started lM carried on. haul on lulu-uh: ob- tained from Herr Tonic. the Kdnr’s barber. "Jud: with American oldie" In Berlin til the: -â€" PARAMOUNT BRAY- PICTOGRAPH FORD EDUATION L WEEKLY “GOOD-BYE BILL” Aloud ho- Gnnr flan Md‘llchou'n don Wimn "0.0." A PM in. all" I‘ b 0 MIN, um). down will" in the man -- he. an lb: More lot your". I! III aim was «film-nu! PARARIOUNT-BURTON HOLMES TRAVEL PICTURE ~â€" Very [Manning (‘IIRISTY COMEDY _â€" “BOBBY HOW COULD YOU?" Dicke Theatre | Ethel Clayton “Tlié!\y§¥ery6ifl” '. NG â€"â€" 7:30 Col-um Adminion 15 and 2.: Including war bx. EVENING â€" 7:3. Continuum Admhsion IS and 20: Win. In tn. \l \TlVIZO‘. â€" 3:30 Admins.» to and lie Wu. In In. I‘VliVlV: 721a Humm- .Hn‘nmo1 l5 and 20¢ Malina Ill us. “7136055 ” THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27 th SHIRLEY MASON and ERNEST TRUEX TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2511: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd Jam leky. Dress} A Paramount Pit-inn: Run-finer DRY” MUSTY SUFFERER COMEDY good. Come and see how he does it! At any rate, he gets the host of two “shark" brok- ers, a crooked lawyer and a burglar â€"â€" and quits the game a thousand dollars and one heiress to the The “Duh" was not so much of 3 dub after all. Page mu

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