Downers Grove Reporter, 21 Feb 1919, p. 6

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It was whilv at Rom-nu “food thn‘ the speak-Dr 43w "N- gmrn of John Pozdol. Dmrnors firm-o Mai-inn. who ms kiiirvi in action "IPIT‘. In sprainâ€" ing with momhors of John‘s compani- Ik famed tho hvavory displayâ€"0d in httio by this: hero who won! own- the top in ho was wont to do ihing- hero, with n snilo on his Turn nnl I song on his lips, Capt. Pufl'vr "Nrnrly" [3th w Capt. My L. Pufi'r‘r. M. R. (‘ . \vhr- enters-d tho .«on-icr‘ at the time of the “distm-bam-r" with Maxim. was "ovar- ly” U-bostod thm or four times on his trip across. He kept hi3 hvawrs “thing I good part of the time by H! descriptions of the false submaâ€" flle alarms. the mud of Brent and un- wnl chanctemties of France “All won! on to ml of how ”Iv 42nd Divkion of which "to I49!!! F. A. h a part. 39va “so" wry soon lflrr it had [one intn acIiMI and want wrath-r nsod as a shock dileion. being hurtod intn Hw- gnp when run! now» was rr‘qnirnd m 40p Jvrvy nr mrt him on his way Rhinownrfl. H-~ Md of tho Ilividons part in lht- grru' hlttln of (‘hatonu Thin-w. Arrnnnn Fort-st, SI. Mihiol‘ Vm-vlun and flea they fought thr- nmirn c-nmpnign with but two days rr‘sf. drh‘aling among “horn the firm-or of the Kaisnr's ar- mies, thr Prussian Guard. In a vow which quarrrvd “My mum and Ni”! trans in nu t-_\-r< um.» hum-QM I mrrrvpomling mniu- tun- lo the tym- of Ms mulimr. 3M4 W of the tic-nth a! Alrr Bums. "I On! to to" Mr, llurml.” said Hi". "tht M nbould hr "w pmudnd man I- ".0 torM." His son. Alexandrr. ”and on doing his duty as only a w could haw done it. A she" had an". and brain. "no win- I‘hich rar- ried the Import! of our Mts Ind alum he know and rm told that oflwr FMH.“ would mn‘ly toner; hr wrm nut in!» “It be" of hunting simulate! and ro- flit"! the hwak. sufl’on‘ng wounds 'Hch What! in his death 3 ft‘" fin In": "9 \ns demand lay Gena-ll I'm-shin: and riled in Frrnrh AM Ann-Hell orders." an", n mrmht'r of ”w Hf"): F -\ , .H, "W0 an no! mmlnx hark h~ .w'lnl ”m“ A R ; (m f H, I. Irv. coming back m carry Imm- ll our Ihoume. “'r hmr hlmvl Choir oxprrinnus- but now (ho' «n h" both ""0th emm'whnt similar on” w ran apmwuur mow (h:- thing: Hwy Inn "ably did in IMI-Nv," In 3 mm- which quavrrvd “in: mm and with trim: in hu r-ym you man jm‘n may [rt lurlhvr nml .- pr‘pflvmh‘ ”w numr and duals n! ”I! Gumd Army at Un- RrpuMw " (M fllfl'l Till Fri-n Tur- Frank A. "our”. ('mmmmlm u.’ Nap" Poul. In I‘m-lull of (M yum-In. (mini lhv- hunt» [or "w c-wninx'~ "unainmrnl‘ Mc- u-c-IINI haw "w WV had [hon ou-r Io ”Ir 6 A I! the we or lhrir pm"! quar‘rrn on "It III-c004 flour and (hm-Ir undying "(nu-h- for UV fmor. (Sour Hum lam-hm! H'Mly on IN (flvll Wu and "Ir par! play"! III 6! by (how guru-M. Hr "on Ip- phum “Mn hr u-fnrwi 1n lhr Imul- pnutoon o! "w omnm’uu’on M u- n mmbrr of and what Mr: ornnlulllon IIII hr Mann! h)’ (hr born uhu urn wed “an0 Ram m "w Anya 0' Hill" ll. "le loml l‘mu, IL. A R. will welcomv. nay hr Mmmd. if "war boy- ‘nl! Iflllinlr with lhrm." sun! Hr. "Mr“. “and I how lhul lb.- Nutaml Order and nhllovv‘r unlrr ('hnm Knnhluuch, Wm Mil-full \lan» (Ir of (Lnuu- Ludwig \u-lqmuul {In gut-”la m in Jun! but I-quurnl mll lad thrn harm-d llu- "wrung uwr 'l HUWIIIII l'. Jam-n. uhun‘mun of [In mtrflninmvnl mmmulmn lug h) Mn-rdlaxma‘ H, l' Juno- . ( Duh». KnoMnm-h. King Ilwll. (hm. l’ru'krll. John Ju-nkins. Funnk I~'n~hn- and I'M. Huminmun. Hunt-t “ «Iron-rd 5) W. ‘1. 'le I‘\’I‘l|5DK “an "pm-val h; [m -: n‘ . lug (hr Slur» um! Sllipm “Inh- EL Vh'l Snvhrr, Dnuzlvr "1' ('0. II. hlrw “To llll- (‘ulmnf' A.» :1 «ml .I ix n'rlm-L Alma-r Ht‘I'VI'd (h:- \ l- I'urh of lhu \\;\r u rcbvumn anvl lln- _\a;|r liq-l .- lh" In)". nhu “mv llu- Mun 1 the hu [Pl-HUN} Ul li-m. Lollg‘, N. ('. lint-cu “gm rhnumzm of lupprr rummillm- and \\‘:L‘ :xllly Dirk-«I in 1114' mvpmulum and lug h) M - Imum IL I' Junr _ ( In rvvply In Mr "mm, "Md“ Thu» Mm Ihv hnulh) of U1" “mid \"ux u. n 1h" i' \ul..l:un :uul Iln- ('u of ”I“ pluguun lung: I,» ‘o [h -.|, occunnlm ‘ U0" 1.) 'v xhu I: mi 111:.» 'u 'HI': 5):” u: (hmv Lorin .‘Qu, \ A. F. 1': .-\. .31.. \\u> mini lo i‘.s 1 Sutunlu) nng on H:: annual } l' Hall of Grove Lodge Crowded «I An- nunl Reception lo the Boys Who GRAND ARMY AND WORN) WAR BOYS WIRE [AIERIAIAID Page Six '1 h‘ . .‘upn puhiu'. m' lhw imigw (HT lln- \ “mr' Ihv Mum rnjuyawl Il' lllrl .-n m‘ ul (: m. Lotus, .\h:-. “an rhnumun uf lhix 'n n ”Ac-huf- "Ur-p Fin- ?) L'i\l'll 1H mzul n-m p uleu-I‘ Rn» war 0" (hr Iu lulk .u_\ ”\ul pin! Inol spunk n' S. Anllw-u's Epismpal ‘('hnw‘h on Sunday. X-‘f‘hrum-y 251M. but will hr- yu’r‘sr‘nt on Sunday. March 2nd, (‘m’rnml Mv\\'illiam.~4. who is ,u pm'sonal frinnd of thr- pastor, to": a mm! inmwtimz story of hi): part in tho World War. Hn spout oighfor‘n months in Franco, fought at Churn“ This-try, was wmmdn‘l at Belles“ Wood, June 12, 1918. and is new at his Chic-go home on a month‘s fur- laugh. not spv‘uk .1! S‘ r‘IVNIY'“ (’URI'HR \|. .\Ir WILL! \‘15‘. lJ-T \1‘HHRNEFK. l" T" TALK \T 3". ANDREWS I‘HI'RFN (wing to a «hang-0 of plans. ('m-- poxul Jnhn .\’lrWiHinm¢. Sk'fih (in. 6th ng‘imtnl, l', S. Marim‘ l‘orps. \ri’l In tho love of God and Humanity. we, representing the Christian women of the world. and our selves tom-m" with tho solrmn mnvirtion [hat mu- unitnl faith and works will. «'10! God's Musing. prove hv-lpful in "rat in: strong public somimont in fawn o! pontonal purity 0! lift: including total abxlinrm'n fmm lhr' ">0 of all narcotic. poisons, thv prnu-dion of lh“ hnmr by outlawing (hr lmfl'ir of .1!- roholic liquors. lhc- rnhanrhv‘snmt‘m of tho womvn of all nations. (all In ~4'T‘lfl‘ for Warm l'mhllu- (run. \h- plrad u M1 all good “om": lhmutlmul the warm In join uilh usx lwarl and ham! in Hu- hoh- ermor m unflnrl and sanctity (hr hnmc- as Ih.- lrmy-lr of llw "on Sviril which. mwl to "or human hotly ilM‘". i.~ vloawul of all In our qutor: than wrmmnhnoul and manhood is «gull [-ulily'. o'mml prrxlmal lihrny and prm-o. am; climb m ”mam helthh wha-Ir (hm-r shall ho no vmm- mm. W» ”I: all women “it mindrd with u.~ in ”13.4 sarvwl cause. In war the uluh' ribhvm 3i ”‘4‘ badge "1' ln_\*al~ (3'; to [m up lhoir Mans with us: In God at the mm.- hour of prayer: to lake as their motto "For God and home and wary had" Ind :- num- with us in maxing-e to the dad!!!- (ion of principle: and our plms Ind purpoms. I: vmbodicd in the [Imm- No of our ronstitmim given how in pan: Hw M" (m ann'u “'illnnl day In Hu- [mMu- ~rlmn|- was 'm'u'ntnl OI “is! "mu-I a! ”w lllinniu “'nman'- h-gisluhn- V‘umzwma. nml was unam- nmuuh t-mlmsml by lhal hotly. 'l'lu- loral mrv'vly MM "w Frbmm) mwtmx nl the humv of Mn. Hnuic Tiffany. Fruiay, Fulmnruy H. TM m-u mwting \u‘ll hr MM at Ihr home on Mu. lu- Smilrh-vr) m .‘lmrh 'I‘hv- lmll nu! rmualvll and "W nu- plumw uhirh [In-(NI (hr vpu-ulwn ylmuul huw Mira-HIM “an ”N" am“- rnrr m «hm NW) Dual In An). l‘ir lum- uf mvmhr-ry- n! Ihv unkr Mu. nrvr m huvl luv" in "w M‘7\'iq'|~ wrrr "union! on tha- -rn-rn and ”In mwl‘ H' uhlnl In Iht- ullmNiwm-u u! (hr event". Soup. linlh'u-de Bwn‘ng lult-uwrsinu 0w lulkt WI-n' many Mlngn th‘h onliwnml the awning uml lhv rufulvriu lunch whirl: fallou- ml was Umumghl)‘ I‘njoyml. Hurh \vm bu-lwrrn (hr mthvlnyn of Lincoln and Washington. (2mm- Lodxn‘ hu c-nlruuim‘d (hr (if .\‘ ll. um! tho uflalr Suunlny night ru-mu lu hau- hrnl lhc rulmmulmn uf thu- unnuul unlrutuinmflnlm “'v “‘me likn- m lu-II I'\(‘l‘y “'un‘ llml “3.x Nlill. it ix all m uorlh “em. and inl--r-a~l|nu. hm spam- will nol permit. ()Hn-r >1" uk-‘Iu nhu \\‘a'l‘l"\'|)l'irl'l“ "My upgdamlml fur llw things tho) MM” and inculrnlh‘ rnr'Hu- thing: lhvy AIM and Muv, wrrv: .‘lfINl Car- ul 1'. \\'Il|lnm Mrl’lln‘. Fm! ”Inw- uml. llu-(h Wylliv. Uunlun v nu: .1 hn-mlu-r of Ihu [08m linuun-n-u; le'llmy nilh ch: mimic)" «'I'UHII; Hum- In am .\nli~.\iu'mfl Huh-m and Hugh ‘.',\llio- “ill: lha Marin-H. ”I: Hm :i. I him Imu " l'ht- durtnr “:14 ruvmu-U‘vl \vilh an ‘Anli-Ail'l'IiU-l . liu‘ lnlivn. i “Grin" I'ralnul NIL Prat! Own-n ”lih'rilh\, Emu! Admin": xvi). \rirt'lrm’ upmumr and uIL-vru-r, WI.” 1.: In numy flights m'vr Um Austrian naval and >ulnnurim- base of Pub on ”I“ Adm-tic b . . mu! an w“ u! hm : \- pi'l'k‘lli‘luk. Hun an Austrian humb- lug: rl'l unlmu lam luv and n l! 1- u, u'. I}; Lam» h. - rnmynn} u. .‘l oh. Au [1' which L‘onh‘afl, so strangr‘ly with liv- ing in this country. W. (‘. T. U. NOTES -: wu-x. ll" :v' ; 'xl' ' -,',\ .I :30 lluliuu \"ur Cross." mhrr Sprain-rs Applaudrd w “'me likn- m 14-“ mflry word “.1: mid. 1L ix all su uorlh “hilv imv-r-~.~mm. hm spam- will no! In hu-i n;_\' Ml III H" In 27H .011 In M 1m“ uh. a" H)" [08”) chi mimic)" _-\nII ?; .‘IlIs. Hulhxuvr Irlm . I up in ”No for >I‘IIIIIII -':II'II Illll‘ll \-‘|- IlaudI-d I“ m. “AV II... “mil; ;1\ \ ,.u I“. hm ‘ ‘Jlld‘ [xl'X IIIII III-('JHRM- LI “and: ‘~'-.‘l. "“""> “W" :I luv-II) hub >hi' IIuIl IInlhInI: III pm :I! :I In “nus Hum. tih ~I-rIIII-Il 1n “0"" “in!- ‘in it. "Philll' lhv rt'It‘l‘n :H Li. '~II J“ :3" W 1" ”'le w‘lll'fl" " ‘n‘tfll‘uk‘V wv‘ “I'll not Mm. haul I-rpI-ylmolyt>IIIuI'leII' .‘Ulll ' I'Hl II-I l!:~ In-Igh! of h--I‘ :IIIJIII'IIII ‘fiII-Il lhvm .III \\’i(|I an “IIIIIIINI” 40W 11‘ 1" "I”V'Vh INN." Mia- “ U I'II“ vmifi-w buln "(Ir "flaky mvminp AIM .‘.lr~. ling. n»- v\\||1) i‘hl‘\\'¢'d gum lhimu [hm And 51,,- Han-m (j~|mmbp.,.~_ “Wk. I-uIIulI III ,‘l‘IIIr .'l “PP and IIIth- Im ’“II lhinkfiH-d Ml hard it was a shame, slu' nIuIII- mfnl I'Ihs :Ilmul HII- IIIrlTiI'iI'nl fina \lfINl (nlr‘l[|". bum» (00 “ran,“ hm uh»)- at" and MINI-J llII~ «luck. (Whirl, ’Ifl) “‘4 ”0W" 'I-Iu just the sum»; cookin' “fishin' Imvmlin' sz-I-pln' :m- llu- things that I l !\'"'|II IIImI- I-I-IIII-IUIIII.- III muIc IN MI.» I III-igllt M. III-I" ulnhiliun I~ III rl‘t‘dl hI‘I .Ir .I.. III tin-d h mm! nowmgsmgmvn REPORTEmpowa-ms GROVE, ILLINOIS Downen Grove. "I. Millwark â€"- Lumber â€"~ Coal - Building Material - 3‘.’ S. Main SQ MORRIS SHOE STORE Shot-s. Suppl-n. Rubin-LI. Rom: for the Entire l-‘ami'y Plume- [83 l‘nm-rnl Pica-s Bountiful Mun-h: .12 .\'. Faro“ ,h-e. I? 8. Shin Si. Phone 2‘ Fire. Art-61km. Flue Glam. Mu.- while and fiber INSI'RAM'F Everything (‘nnplflo far the ”Mr! OUR HOME TOWN BOOSTERS REAL l-ZKTATE .‘H 8. “all! N. t't'lu just the sumo; cookin' \mshin' Imvmlin' swot-pln' an- llu- things that m'nmun Ion-z: anal llu- hu-iuln nr hm 1ambition is to "swipe" a pair a! ’glow-H. l'n-wriptions Smut-aw ZINDT’S DRUG STORE ‘31 i. Main 3“ (Wt-all. l'rr-dng mums "a mn'rs Tunnng' \ (all “I" M Wruldlnr Birthday R, flirfll (Blunt-Inflow (‘anl- ’ nvnhaullu -- mum». -- Nonn- \lu'm Grou- rut. The First National Bank llsrill ('\:\ll\' mums I Tonu'm 2.1 x mm m. I'm.- In.) mu ~t “'r u-ll “and” rm 0' on lrm» lo I.“ (he "uh-Aer. “word: Killian", School Nupplin Iloolu and Mug-line: J. F. KIDWELL (‘0. When staid and slawlj' malmm Step down from off their porch As many have done lately In the l). G. M. H. Chum-h 'l'ht-y'w brimming full of gimp-r m .:L and fr,» ..-1 w .. Mums >lu2al and Mulch .. up «luau, 'ihrj.‘ (:ILr :(ul'l‘ slur. xx, 5mm iA'I t‘ll'u‘llflinllll'llt »:| l in .xxu :zr .:, \xluh Inmzuhl [q- u iul uf lmd‘m'uzmul rmmn: hili'hll. I'll lhu immuniub alum; uu'h «mu-5 : 1va I'm." l-' Downers (inn e Garage iwm Aha MW. Ilixnhm-vâ€"Wc-ll! \u' North Side Grocery and Market W. H. BLODGETT \ (‘onplde "mixing find"- J. L. SWEARINGEN \Vholmlp and Retail l'rhulr and (‘mmnd-l \rmnlu Mid"! It" in .' :1 uh-clu:¢.nsun- 1.31 . bright :w-l l'mn:_\. \\'h"!| :-|ll :llmul H!" “Numh‘wlm” uw- ul- ,~nwll lhl- hum-y: did u” 1h:- “wk ”H‘I'l' \\u,\ nuhmly v-l u \w'. H uml hn-r ambition “:1. In h- ‘uannun m' :In- l'nu. JOSEPH MAZZA l‘mfl finin- Dry Infinirntni \Irl FLORISTS nun-mu 3; hr“ Selected. By A non. Phone ‘20 lmvm’rs Grow. ll' ”nu-nor: firm:- IM 52-" fining flanking l.0;\ NS th I‘:|\I u" No lewtatim In Proud. All this :npplips to 1hr rrlnil mm“ chants :u a Mass I-m il vlnvs nm up ply to "w mail order busmosa. The man or mmmn who huyx gumb- from u «mum-gun lmuw Is nut [mm-«1nd hy Hm I :unul‘: 'Illl‘I-r of mo gmxl,‘ for the Adm-"lain; tau dum- l e in I Ile- rnde h- MlMish l'l’l'llllll Manda“ ll Invrrhlmusr Inn mum MVP, 1m ac- wmpllshed In a hundred sun by any mhvr agent-5. The mnnufm-mn-r who I I‘m! )l'lrs n‘u Inn-l) made nnd wild domes now makes and w": Ibo Ill-Ill" brand of nouns. le man who for- merly Just made Duns not make! Blank"! ham. And sin i! h with merr- thing that am buy: today. The mum. fnclurq-r. I») In:- mln-rlismz. lms hull! up his hnnlm-ss ar-mml a 1nd: name mm] It hv In [0 mmimw in luwinesu luv 1mm pruh’l'l Ilml Irmlu name by "minimum: nut-h a high sum-hm! a! quad“, llmv pvuple. n‘lu‘n Ihu-y huy Mn products will knnm Just “In! may are zoning. The rumumrn when he m' into I now many. dm-s not buy mvr- chandixe Hindi). Mm tht' llul'l-I that. H «m [mu-c,- to he mmh mo munoy.‘ Hp hlu~ shunt-rd glands ”all bear lhe‘ trmlv-umm or ”I" nmuufm-lun-r mm! mm zon- hnl'kn‘d h)‘ ”w rvpmnlwn not unly u! [hp men-ham “1m mils them hm, the lluNllllul'lIu'vr \\ In! nmkm‘l Ihem. 'l‘hls ha: hwn laruugm abunt h, nd-f \‘ortisin‘. ‘ 32 S. Main St. J. H. FRANKEN FIELD !Ianulacturer Must Maintain Quality a! Good: Bearing His Name. BUYER PROIECTED BY ADVERIISING runny .n’ur: :15" mm "If [‘90- y-h- u-vn- :uupirlnus M :uhrrlidms. Tho) m-rv men-ml to helium-o Ihnt me nwra-lmm um Iryim; m "hml" them wm. his mlrnnismg. that In- en‘- arr-ml Hu- mine a! mo nn-rrhumfll' In- mltvruwd :1qu («mt vlml mnlmd‘ ol Irylng m m them m hu)‘ Rut-III It“! hr «fl-It'd um DP" by the "M ”uh- lislu-Il memo-l:- n! mur- hnn-lidnx. Thus-o- Ilnys II'P ganw, 'l‘lw puMic' now rmfluu "Ill N Is mu,- gran-st benefit-tar: of ndn-rmlng. Adm-"lain; tau dum- mure in a 119-; mud:- n- MlMish l'l’l'llllll Manda“ n; Inn-"humus: III-n mum hue lm at»; wmpllshed In a hundred sun by any mhvr agent-5. The III-nurm-mn-r who; I I‘m! )l'lrs n‘u Inn-l) made nnd wild‘ domes now makes and w": Ibo Ill-III? brand of nouns. le man who for- .-u u I", “no Prlu World Our. Thom- fnns aro- vhlo-fls res-WW Inr "VF firm": mptalflnfl Ink. III-l uu- hon-w mom-Num- dn nut sell M9 n. rhrnplj‘ n. ”w m." vmkr homo. “ TM, «lo ml Hu- mum qn-lny of goods V "In! "In mall Il'llt'l' mat to"! II’ dumply a.- flu- mall on!" Mm» ”It I N MIC "Iv-y rannm w" "w standard” mar-Mood [truth-1n M mmndhh! mummnmrvrs nl ‘hr some prlcp MI «Mrh the um" on!" homu- M"! It! mnwlm. min-am morrhundin.; standard mic mm. a 11-31“er "admin“ so" far me name men the 3 world m-vr Ind nu- manufacturers; mum” "and! Mr! of mm wins 5 the)" are sold In em "mum win-go} In the man", just "w ramp at when I I "my an- sold in the notes of me Int «It dues. Hi8 REPUWIOH AT STAKE Man Who Ivy: Standard Bum From Local north-nu Know. That No to (lawn. Pu" anue Ior HI: Money. puslnr mm. Aml liuh- Mary I-‘lulflwr. with hm- small boy um! hN' warh. lhough hm m» "\'.'ll\x:'.- In huulni “in th- M. U‘ :1 gnu-X "My Mir.) 1 in Sh ('nnnd (Booth Aml Mrs. Oscar l’uuvr. How shv ,iu.-‘. 1mm (0 can“ on Thomasâ€"Dick- :uul Harv). whom she’s never met at .131 I'm (hugging folks m church 50mm ,0 ho lll‘l‘ onr- lu-st hut. if Mix’ Jack- un hmln'l Jayne-d lu-r. :ho’d hr talk- "t! uplmi 3M. \lr.-. LU""I' “ilh hvr lul.~k(-| full ‘. I'JI' ( w-lr‘ unto "H' >\\'1‘( .~'\\IT.\R\’ “FAT \IHCKI-t‘l' l': S. Main 50. Phone 27 agree she was a scream. In her hand- some shawl and bonnet she looked like some horrid dwam; for olhcr peoples business she surely had :1 "bug.” and hv-r ambition was to soc Miss Mill's moth-oatl‘n rug. I’LI'MBING â€"-- HEATING BLI'XITRIC WIRING ‘ jn ' “I. .lIlm Mills whmv Imy p in link- fm' >I‘Ilflu’ . tnlc- pm nul Ina-unu- u! a In “nus Hum. .1 m cupnblr- 7.4mm m .1 Ih- hvin' .l of hm un a mug -- u<hion. 'I'lu-n . . Ulruu ’mmn in NW pm ,HIH Fa rm Lixlnimz Plants Ll In llnus Hum. .‘h ~I‘I'IIN'II ll- :Iblr- '.~lln!I'.' n in-hwl-liknu yr! l!:~ hmuh! of lI--r mum Mia, livn-lz v u lm rhrm-d gum ~u [u N;lH"t‘I| pm Id .‘-lr~. H: n r uml m u LOUIS KLEIN “mu-up: .Jl- . gin). SI‘I- nun-Hm urv- lhn huh -~ “null .~p|‘:- of h -v :A'Inlufiiun nlmtilutm 1m uu [In phn. mnrl ‘rlll AVA-M" qt!" MI louk‘ ru :ulrrmi :u::lni Phone 184 \muM nut gr! :u'ln nlwn \.‘x- l. 4h ~I-I'lllt'l. ll- .v Honda ‘. I [luv J01). "HM"! \\¢ll’l'i('ll ‘ and which SI‘I- mun-”mi leHIMc-n mum! n In Thom are about 22.000 deaf and hmh persons In thr- Unnpd Kingdom, “mm-n :unu and 4.000 residing in London. This In what the muons“ nth-mis- In: of me flaunt-um": has done for "or manner! of the country. It has mahlrd than In In Mm tho" time «um and hay mvrvhnmfln whlrh they knum' (rum pun urn-719mm or Irnm Ihv- ropmntltm and Inn-ram" a! mo marmfaflnror will chm Iht-m «mi-trav- mm. They are not buying Mlmfly and hopefully when "my huy from the nwrvhzmh in thdr hmm‘ lawns. Thoy an: hzuing with "ll! knowledge that ”le an "Hing tin-1r money's warm: When they buy ndveflixm! Ivramls ”my aim :rmnz doublp prom-Nun. that whlrh is Mfr-rd") by tho firsymnsihmty of rhn rpm" nwrchnm and that «Mob i: glvr‘n by Nu- rppuunlnn mm guar- anms at tho- nmnnfflrluro-r. Win-n Hwy buy [hp unknnu'n hrzmds M good! than an) nfl'orml by the mail 0ft." hulwtw Hwy nre [stung Mther kind 0! proton lrm. 1.1 S. Main St. l-Ilrrtrir Wiring Elm-t rir Pumpn :o'nv-rul uhmmml Inr In ml.- mo only umwrn M n mmmtm-mrlng innum- nan of 1M.- Hml 51 m nmliv mm an rho-3M: a: 'muqhh‘ In ”fl'l‘l‘ (u .rh'uln (M [argon pinnIMo mum no In mod- "I'M. ro-nmu t..l I I llmlcu'mul - Mn «4! Kqunl‘n In ‘lw mu urdvt tum-«- d» nu! pluw- their mum-u «pun lhv nuudl am! Ila-wrun- tun- no ”pun-- "an In |Ifulm1. 'nw gn-nl mummy of nut-In lined and Illmlmlml In Iho mall unla-r vuln- Innur- at» inrlmlnl m “run I:- known [um-nu munn'm'mrrn MI “-Irnfll“ mm. 'l'lwu- lulrlwl In-nr mo- mmw l ”w null! "nu-f hunw “lllrh In-ll- llIo-m Inn-Ind of "ml at "or mlnulmunt H D lunk I mu»: I Miss Schnubnlo who had learned by hvarl the part of Mrs. Drew and mud il lruvr m‘rfvctâ€"«n'ery entrance ' r.-\m,\‘ aw; though slu- toumcd to - u B’MHIK-V cukt'wa [lil‘ and bis- K-uil» hm. 3M (Irv height nf lwr umbiâ€" tx-m mu lu 1:0 and haw- lhn “flu" ‘-| I gum: Mrs. l’irkm'mn got sick ‘;.1 :h- luk minub- and though she Rm \ ll..' pin) u?! Ilnmu:!\- nl' Nun's:- ‘hz- “uru‘l in it. \u-lll \u- mivml h *1. mad \w' hflllv’ l'm' lhl- anl rip-’H hr nu «i-rk If \u- mkn- Fl; :1 ruHm-liou In givr lu-r gas. h)‘ hm'k. Anal Illll" .\h'.~. Slangh “ha phljnul Ilu- pm! of "Tilly |'_\'nn" um m-‘nlinn- ml m va prupxmu In: pull \\:1\ ju~l pul in: uilh hm low-Ix voice and pn‘t- . :5 song: >hv prm’ml to ho quite able u dera- 1hr kzndly rmnnwm of Wounlâ€" : m . \‘ ilam': Huh)». [ 'I‘ho 'at's Quul'lvltv" \\'n.~ funny. lln- rum -a- mu u‘ul ruin. lhv [mum-I » m-u- duh-nah» \xilh pm'Hy tn sniliy . I'I'm'v~.~m' llulh-I‘ ,\ A' :n ll. .Ium 37 \. MINI 3‘! John forgot to fill the tubs, he's not to blame. b'gosh; she has all that lu'art can wish for, but I guess she ldoosn’t know it for tho height of her ambition moms to center round “The Poet." And Mrs. Brown as pastors wife. was modest and discreet in her black silk gown and apron white, so mother- !hc Company decided they had but“? go on tour; the first his town they made was Lisle for their lovely cab and coll'ee which they served in royal style and all the company agreeâ€"â€" in fact “it is a vote" though each m tried, they could not'scem to set E. Hedrick's goat. When matmns staid and stately ly and swept; in fact she was so nat- ural it was \‘m'y hard to to", she was not a “rt-ally" paxlnr‘s wifeâ€"but wo know Juhn Brown (00 we”. l'riming of curry kind for Anyone. Hood uni Ind riglu wire- PH‘SIBING ‘l'lu- H. J; HAWKINS TIN-3 INHVSHKN' (IIKUVI' I'I'III.MHI'«; (Em-nan) hkr Ihvir [nu-try .wuml-wl. Um! -‘. runfi-s»). - play mu xiwn in Don’wrs MM 500va a hip: lIil mn- w II‘\- :lml â€"â€" HEATING )uam-ltv" “31> funny. rm! cuir. (lu- [)0un » with pm-hy 10 mil: I'I'nl'uwpur Hull-W. .‘ll'r‘ “1va >4 (“h-I dull' h)‘ hl'rk. m. Sumgzh \\ hn plujuul ‘h' |'_\'nn" nut m-‘nlinn- l'hmw l h 82-] MILLWORK .urirunurai lmulemenh. RP nir- lnternatimml Fm "not rad: l’nr Salr by Hawkins 8; Hawkins 6:! N, Main 5". Phonv 267-1 |.l'.\lHER "Di-.10 S. .‘hin *0. Home! I774?! LEHMANN MICHEL Dry Good: Fire lmnmr I (flu-lone Inn-nun Notary REM. E87111: A V" LORNS .11 S. \hin SI. Hm 2.6-1 Prmflpflmn fill" um um \ x nnrc co. The (‘orner Drug Store Main I ('Ifliu Sh. M I ir-‘l'l u! lhv Village (”Tim- \\‘i h m in run- -l’u|l\ thank our many kind frii-iuls .iml m-ix'hborz- “ha so umulvlfully hvhwd in during our sad and sudvlvn lu-w-nw'monl. Mum anL H. (Warm-r. .\. R. ('mnvi'. hm! Kin. 1‘." Well. Nu “I'D "huh-h. Potter Manufacturing and Lumber Company Hume l5 Step down {mm ofl‘ their perch As many have done lately In the D. G. M. E. Church 'l‘hoy'ro brimming full of ginger Vinegar and Pop Whvn .xtaid and stately matrons Sm; down. Oh! boy, some step. l'. 5. ll)‘ Mrs. Robl‘rts. 1 mm! (0 will u post-script. for I n-ully think its dluv. our tried and kind director. who took the part of Mrs. ”row. We know ln-r patience must hun- bm-n, must sort-1y tried at limvs. but >lu- vuu'vxl m sm- us safe. l)’ lhru. In help us gr! [he «linws. never! unn- did .~hu- t'uil us. and we all with. tmv :xcrunl. “Km! 10 giro lln‘m- rous- mx: vhm for sislrr Mann's Lalchv Chrvh-ohnl .. Nrpaiflnl u 3""!!! Kll)\\’l-2l.l.(31\R.\($l-I(‘0. furnl Main Wan-n l‘,\\' VOI’R NULL.“ BY (‘flfil‘l‘ ('hiu Win. (innllr Wan. Glm \l’ur. Stalin”. Ribbon. Lu”. than and ('Mlnlioml VARIETY 31‘0“}: he ‘2 “tin Sc l’hon "or" Shaping and Repairing 128 S. Main St. !I-luunml mM'u-I» and sailors mgâ€" “ENERA I. MERCHJ NDISE THE FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK "Mr-I “ml in Ibo-n". fimvr Wfiw CARD 0!“ THANKS H. 0. SUTTER "LIN“!!"HJ? \GI’ZNFV CHAS. HALLER H HOV!!!“ MAKER IO] 3‘. “all N". S. A. DEXTER ('. PENNER RI..\(‘KSMITH Invent Prices Tnnk‘. Mason 5 Phone 267-! l'hmo 2M Scum” Toluen- COAL “My. 2‘04

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