Downers Grove Reporter, 25 Feb 1921, p. 1

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Hrs. Frank Bahrs, of Lirsmfl ave- nue, v.3 pleasantly surprised Monday lftemoon by the members of the Mom Waning League in honor of It! "My. Games were plsyed 1nd .mmem servedatfouro' dd, a my anionic time was had. The mus’k‘al numbers run-h .4! 1hr piano duet by Marlon bow-0r and Adr- lalrlo Walter. and the Ladle:- Quart" by Ira. Michel. Mrs. Vernon. Mildrrrl Potter and Lillian Washlmrn we" oxâ€" oallent. The men's clmrns received 3 good cheering. The Sunday crlmol «clean did itself prnud in playing mm the annrl. It. was cheer- ed reputedly. 0f marge we will not form! the jokes told by Rev. Wetland. the (Minister. some of those mom from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Woods from Crescent. lava; Rev. Greene and wife: . Dr. Guthrie. Mrs. J. F. Janos: howl Hinelley. and Mr. and Mrs. bpwls M11 Dr. Ninth f3. ammo». Mum! M'M'tlo hum": Iran". in ID4- IIM «min of ID» owning. 11m (nu-Inn. Rn. Nun-ad. mid mum am that a Paul M nun-Influx “Mir!!- tnll m hr, ()th MM Is that the Foul I” In ho rwnamml. a!- Mr 1% RM trim! of the mat-Maput- m‘s childhood days. The unl‘s mm was "who": Bump. hr. 0mm» smlm to "w meo. "lnyal'y. "In Rm“ M Helium." H9 minim! all "In! lava) fly to div nation mad» {he pan-5m. My- Illy 10 IN Puma flunk "w mm kiml of 06mm. in [an ion": was mr mu! 0' the hour. "k- nan and m than-h "a to!!! how a kiln ram"! .1 lhmd Mm (‘nnada In "to Maine at Mann ram. ”L1! "In Hormel wuflmi mums“ "In flvrr a swing. tho um: manna] across a "ml. "00 mm! nnllrwl .arvnstr‘ a row: "m row mllod "no” a rnhlnj "Id nn those tables hung tho hrulcr-i that carriml tho trunk- of mo namms. 5 Likewise Royalty. is tho myslir mail that holds together all "In finest and: bent in ma. . 'HI"; ‘ 1!" fit” ”I" '| ,I a" that Ibo uhlrkvn Mm. hnlu'tl by Mr "mm. [M MIN. "‘0“ of rhnmv. ’(Zrcun- Lulu In”, hrM .u- «uh-null! It". 1'. It. firm-m" u (urmo r nmwr, I mm“ .a any h'bu !..r ".4. turns!" ,-.. «ml brought home m u- m («II ‘unv IN;|hvv’ 14mm, m1 {mm "4- mum-mu nil mruninx M ch» tv-rm "Ann-'rlmmq-JN an mm “mm.“ wumnu. FInI." "Mm-rim: In law llHr-"fl‘h 1: Mn w- ha n..- ).:v 'T'w- In"! «an I01" Mary at how yuan: \\'.|-Illnklnn,vnl u "m L. ‘1 mlmmu) .. turn o'vur in (am nnmm: MI ”human": 1w jguu. .- lm 'nlaxv kuum- unor- ¢amw m» «mm "mm- u run-r :1"er «I ..,~,,. 'm Jumum, m- ..m! rhy- lcm" Ilw l'mumnr. whhh m mam”: n. " .u-d." H-‘A-"rl c. mom- ’allu mu a mil» with: Uh'fl" InM luv-qua ‘ “IhM‘u lu-uvr Wu-Murum lhrvu 4' "NONI" nc'rmm Hu- nm' 21mm”! . . . ~ . a . ‘ Oman MM! mu ”I" 1.1.1 In -' \nl- V- SI‘JHLS 0F MELT- lca mu um tn m-wrM nu- «hh :ul INN.“ ANNOUN(‘E” """""- "‘"'"" ""‘"""" """ “"" m FARM BUREAU mm! Inflow-mun "m um um: urvr: “In. in mm. mmmm "w mm!“ nut-cl ‘ In aluminum Washington, m»! Ham i In In In! In war a war of Min-nu “on; fin! m mm «m. \\‘|lmu'.- \.«!...N1 ,\....,....... 1,. 1.. l IIIDIMMHM) Mm“ wwwmmz mm“ NVM_ ‘ Hal Mun-mun mm; nm In m- ‘ mm M .n m» world! "many! - i M. I'N‘fl‘ wr'nrr (will flaw. , . . Tm !- Up Mam! Farm Run-nu “do!" with fnuflm‘ “M me'h; pkmnim; I. my»: ’M bun) m‘ winn- "mm'r ls living load in “th“ "um“ "w "‘1'" "um" “I“ and mi." mmm c-MMrm. Rm...” "Nam” V {I f MW} f"; Om cloud fly any!" we haw m "w a- mum " I ten-«manna nearly all Mum“. I“, vandm Jule Cnmvmmity‘ ’0' 'fl .. Mmlmllu‘ "MM"! (mm I ml. Plump}. TI'IJt-uln' «moi “mt m IN l'. rv’ “when “air and} m In“! «I Jun-l thing: In v.” wuu nahyml by all t'nl'It-u'iallv mun! was the chic-km Mm. mun: Ivy Mr Hun. llu‘ him. [m- or rhnmu. It Is infirm-mm: m hm.“ m .l M tlw (lime humlrml [mm-m. [um «um prawn! at lhv “I'M bauumv: Hum!)- lhm yuan «In. um! mu 1.1 Nun-.- Imu- been pn'u‘nt urn-r)" yl'ur r‘hnt- u nmrh ed. Thmw Iwo arr Mrvi Jam: “1" law lad .“lxs llvll-n Kmu-uu. Thv parlnrs wm‘v‘ u pwny um Hh walls Inim: mmmu-a \A'llh “NL‘ and the lublm with camlk-s and hu.\| - m ml Mum The Lwc:m_\‘~lhirnl annual “125mm; ton Hanqum hold In thv murly Ah‘PH- rated parlors of NW Motlmdis’! (hum-h Tuesday firming. Prm-uun‘ 23ml. mm the bean uf its kiutl In lht. malty- three ymrs it has been «:urrhu! 1'." II was so well ultvndt-nl (his yur than there was not mum iu‘thu haw mum (or all lhv hummvu-ra an :- f4'w h..'l In be svn'ml m mu .\I1-n‘.~ «~1th IH.I"I up stains. Not Enough Room in Church Parlors For All â€"-- Program Was Thoroughly En joyt-d. M. [. WASHINGION ' BIRIIIDAY BANQUET WAS BIGGESI EVER vou'Xxxvm. No. 6 W. n... w “M "m: n l :- AMI nun-w: u I mm»: "m mm!“ nut-cl ‘ ’nnhmulmu, In." "Mr 3 war a war of "la-n. “cut at IN l'. rv’ mum flair and mm «m. “‘Ilum's; \.«:..Aml hum-alum Iv- N- J-S";R'ES (DP )‘EET- 'nml {MM mil «TIN-"6r. ""“islf‘t‘unfl u: x ,H . _‘ ‘ - 3 , pin-«M h- wnt in pmmpuy In Mt. I ( 3 ANN0UN‘ l‘l Julm "ml: of Nu'u'n'ilk- or Min:- Id' . ‘ V W: I“ FAR.“ “UREAUHNM ('nmplu-ll of \Hmle. wt ‘ ' Wu- wul hr :1 mlmminp move in .- 5 :IM pool at (he Staten-"Iv Y. M. (‘. n “mt m IN 3'. rr “when New unflA. I‘m olo‘lrmlcn from "w n'nwfl-‘w ,5 \Jmug ,h‘m...“ u- p. itcnnu. l'wlimimfim nil! mm It 9 w I‘m II. ‘n (In naming harm: flw- first wu- »- Rim of the (autumn-v. “Mrh will 1;: - '09": II mm u. n. ,9 i In» finds in um- .qu-uc m wm . L U. -, z' . r, 2. T"; mm "‘K vaéz"';;‘.:a)mwmf hr hold u 4:” II the diam. In! NY P" " ,. N 7, “1.9.90.” mm! what an of “'1'”! Dn WI 3': ('o’unan, of (Ikicazn. fathor mf M. E. Coleman, of Highland aw. has numhasrrl thr- Bchnl ham" on Fnlrmount avenue. He will takr- rus- ws‘mn m tl‘e spring. W. H. Blorlgett hart-"€11 1hr (loal. up mlémmiaa Township .. tumm- mgdaFr Tum." Hall. Saturday ownâ€" ing, Nan-h ”v0?- -M. tint/u mrcimcr "10 work of [hr lawn lam-an. and of, flu stat» and nmiomd as<¢4iat3Ofls will Pm (alum up at": 9:131“). shark msidcml. ‘.m7: ‘10v.~v.~l.:p ‘ Nalnmzl Farm. 3'4. .u.‘ Sum:â€" Road. Hinxdale. \\‘4\.Â¥rn..‘;;) ('srniflt‘ Marrh L‘d. ruhm Fin-«mt. om half mi!» «'93! n! York U nin- (r71 "w Rmsn-rh RIL rrhia} ( «mm: March 4th. UH. Y M. f‘ A. am! l. M . Mun-i: flh \‘mlh Past Fag Wand (‘mmmmi- I} (mt. Rm leds Srhml "ML-w. Tuna“; tuhzhf. ,‘larrh m, Way» 'I'mt’nsbipaffilrmn‘ Momm- ial (ommumly Club, Wayne. Friday «whiny, March ”09. Maw. Tammany; â€"- (‘mul 3am. “Inim- qunralay n-mmr. ”nth 9th. Ii-h ThwnsP-zp 4.5;.“ Cnmvmmitr NM». Lmks mum-h, Thu-clay «m- inu. March ”ML Tm !- U.” Utmlyf‘mm Run-nu i! Manning; x. "'39: M Ina) Mc lap "nu-rm; 0w «Mm mum». and “Ir nrrhnr. U fw‘ urmml M Mr 4» {film-w. ,Hn, ll 3“" Two weeks ago a loco! resident inserted a Classified Ad in the Re- porter advertising quite a hit 0! furniture for sole He paid for three insertions of the ad "hoping" as he mid. “to get rid of the urti- rim by this method” The Toes- day morning after the paper won out he notified the once that every- thing was sold and to discontinue the ad. We did so, crediting hill with the other two insertions. This is but mother testimony to the polling power of Reporter Cloni- mm: do for other: they will do for yoo.1‘ry e cum ned' Ad. PAYS NR THREE-â€" ONCE ENOUGH ‘l'm . w A . 1: ‘m :.: ruumnnvu Ila-l maul-In mwh and u..:- n- .oml Later In Ihn. -v- "r; me-h .0.” am; unmvv (-h ‘MH hr .2 {UH ll'lni :ll “I "f Um 10.:J I’hr:.rv upstairs um! dawn We”; Luxv-J .mruiu) evening :1, 4:. cum-1'1, r'n'd nm‘h’ um] dumsu gin-n by Umvn Lc-«B'n- he. ‘2. A. I“. V A. 5’ l‘. “nu: our of 1m hap- pith-1 l.)l?l;l>{i(l_‘!:+ t-vu' '3“: UN- vxlv Ingu- us Lhz'. hundred: v.31: $44,412.13 um w-‘rl Inslzfy. ' '1'le Bibi: rnum V. '.~* 2. 1 L: mar mm}: h; .m hmnn“ d, "h" ) . \- :: Mo's trim; Fl (' 1‘“ “1mm Library (1;:quin Taxed a! Function (or Local Mamas and [mall-u Monday Evening. HUNDREDS ATTEND BLUE LODGE CARD PARTY AND DANCE S 1| Q "VI!!! .\':‘,wvr\'fl?z Ire. hv‘llll; L: r by ‘11.. p.“ 11395!“ int." MINI “HIM “HEW ’Yn a"! ('u v'. .1. gm,” w‘m "‘1‘.“ 'I own My»- Sanlh par! knm’ Inf! “MIN/83‘ (‘ A , Tm «by dinner DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1921 ILII‘I dainty titanium. The club colors and flower helm and in the dam-- iMUSlC FEATURE ‘ 0F WOMANS CLUB , RECIPROCI’I'Y DAY.‘ ‘go, and violin and piano duets by Mr. and Mrs. George Narrney. An al- ternoon spent with these artists ai- wnys seems much m short and we thank them very kimfly for (hair gracious assistance. After the prognm delegates from the difl'erent clubs gave short mmm us to the principal things their cluhs. have dtme this year. The report of Mn. Bliss, delegate of the Kane; County Peder-aim, was especially ""1 tensfing. I The morning and I'D-rm ms- ’rionc of In"! reaffirm-IN will (I59 mm "Io Christian Program in the How and III the (humanity. In "It emit: a: "Iv banquet win... win he snarl ”pits frIIIII wpmtdiws (If fmoin mmfim who an m in ‘hhin country. and ndvlrmsn till I» 11“"! «II "N' ('hristinn Program in '1». Warm; tn the mug «barman». ‘hy \ln. 1.. ll. 30:". and III "III Rm .«‘ (Tanremm. by Mapnr (‘. R. Wuhan-I, ,mnlly I-I‘turmvl frnm lmlin .' Owing to “II: fact that tho unrkl "is now bet-mm \on much of n fwighhnflml," it is Itrpflflalll that :yrflflc I'M ON awmiair "w "'1" {at making it a "brothmhnml." The pmgram consisted of several piano mimrby Mrs. Heisler of Chira- Wednesday. February 23d, was n~ ciprocity (lay at the Downers Grow ‘ Amman-wob- huvc Mm much I'm fuck-unite hummrtumm h) nurtu- Imwk. minding will: mlhmul Intim- 'mnl (Mnl ml c-lr-r‘tir. "racism-Hem ipilfldh‘ h‘ H-nt in prnmfluy‘ (0 Mt. .JuIm "er of Nulwn‘iih- or ”in "dog-tn Fm lllll "inflict Huh (Suture! Here [on Media: l‘u" ('mly luv in 1!» way u.‘ «tim- The annual ml-logrnwr of OklI-r Bay» will he IM-hl 1: “wk ham 8"."- unlay an ”inch bllt u the .‘s'nrrr- uih Y. I. C. A. The annual (Malt-r (fldu’ Canton-m will be MM on m.- mun: clay It Hu- l-‘it-it 112mm (‘lumelt n! Wlwulun. S‘Inmdux Meet In Suprnmo '\" to ho 0M Faunt- d .\n- and that. BOYS AND GIRLS CONFERENCES TO BE MARCH FIFTH GONNA BE MANY MOTHER HUBBARDS SOON The weather ibis year is rather funny. It actually tried on snow Tues- da’y afternoon and after several hour.- nf trying one mid notice a few feathery (lake: on the ground. Wed- nesday mowing ice n: W to‘ the unwary pedestrian. Tom i: will either In warm or cold. ’Nr-. h. R. {I‘m-sum M flrai‘rirr. \Hu. "0~h~- al Lam-hm :0 \hnmakn "one. IEVEIA’N BROWN ' GUEST 0|" HONOR LAST SATI’RDAY Mm main "NfiC‘Illl" cm "In "ml" ant-sum. F2. N. P. W [hum-l mum: "an John I'. Ila»: at Rum-Mn. In "w that far :- um rv- 3mm? mm "was i- (3mm! 3mm! {nanny at "In Knles Trmplat M ".0 Fm» M "Harris and k \wll known In ' ,“a-Iflhll' am lm in mi: tk-imu Thoma prosem. wen: the Mlssen’ Ewlyn BrIw'n. Allm and Marie Olson, Lucille Bush and Kathryn Heckmn. and Mrs. Howard Plan of Downerni' 9mm 3m. Elmer Am and the sums: Mildred May. Gertrude Keck. Anna! Snlo. Cassantln Thomas and "Iflel Gollings of Chlmo. and Min Alvema Premh of “Orange. ‘L Pink and white. demratkm worn. xtsed. um climax mom looking vary beautiful with pink mum at «an: plate as. Um guns": wore man-d. A VT) in Hpmlul tum u‘a-ku-k lnm‘hâ€" v-un un- xiv-:n Ind Sulurday m’tv-rmnn al thn hnmv- or Mr 1|an Mrs: A. A. Srhumakur whrrn Ihc-ir m-kv‘. Mrs. G. I! Rasmussnn M Hr-amma NHL. for mt-riy Miw Gladys- Snyder. M "In (iruw. ”Hon-alum (vulva in humor of Miss Eveiyn [lrnwn who Is soon '0 in: 5513le L snssmx I GROVE 1.0mm. .u“. : A. M. 'mmmunv TM Mrs-Hug can "I! "I'm“. m vow hm um: u m for the amt um by not» ladm‘ AM at lht- nun- lmvkml r'IIHI. whirl was man 0|.th "by"! M "u- mun-n, Chapter Hold Much! I‘M" Siumnluy umvv t'uumrr. II A \l hc-ltl ‘- '0'" ml mow-Nun. mulling On Jul” M lhtm- u’r'utll, TM‘ I‘m-ml An'h civxrm- I‘ml umhvrml m hm hmm- I. "I" uflrrvmun ('IIIII. J "all. "any It! (‘nsa- and WINN- J mun: wvn- mum"! Inm mu mm" M 0' IN! WIN“! dam and I. OM min Fr"! N. mum. Mal Kno- nrl nod (for! A. Purl-m Hawk-1| Ibo want- mad. am in.“ a ,-:\- 0 ml hr ’40" lm- 'Jw run- h-rrum H! "flit. C‘J'PII‘C'N "fluiflfllw, Wan M" -»I.H'l .1! ”w v of. Iou'll In "W sflrmmm .41"! n1" “mum." um“ als‘ lhovu um» r «ill I.- .. "ml m mu .m- ml "mm In all CIII‘Nlhrru 4m! Vlnllurl, 'rm «hm ml mummy InOW'Hlugn 0-! ‘hr 'lztnv" lulur :m- pun-utm- .ul'nln- mcl IV I: mun-vim! llmo :u uuml mum Inn-l \IH ”'10.? um! Hullnu um 'zuko- ml “mum." M lhn ummuumlv ul' .mvml in; run mN'Imr Chant” llvld Special \hrtiug UN Saluu‘a) Willi Summ- uI susrmny. “" rm 0 hull;- V . Mn. I'm-aw ”O'M’I and MN. Ralph i"!'"iflfl_ a! "w llianh- Junlm- In- ifm-l Wvlfmr‘ Horst-1y, wv-rv' ”the." In ,v-q-Iuin Ilw Inn-II am! Ml'o-ml 0r- mp- mn «f Hu- llinvnlak- sway In anyâ€" wuy pnuiMr. Pulls will be (ml-n (rum sown in U"- mnmlng until in In the afternoon and both "we Vlllagr- Hall and J. W. kaor's Real Estate om", wlll he used as mm»: plum. Mm aml wmn will vote. Imam-I i- :mwmg In ”94- r-lv'rI-n drum on tho :mr-wnnn nf Sunday mar in: nirhrrl- vhrmq in Mr. “flux-n A "m: will in: Milton : .7, Man it 5m and "we Vi" "‘ ,dr- hy lhl' dM-khm mu VMF-rx, n n mujnrny lavnr shutl. "In. unlinam-r- umbibmnz mom will be mgr-ulna; H a majority urn-u agnhml them thv- Dav will b0 lt-fl vm "Ir: slnhfle lrmtsv N"! mgular Inn-Nag II I!» hum of flux M. I). AhnmmI-k'. I? "in:- land avrmu'. "in Vole l'ndk‘n’ for “It“! 5100 on Ilk- ”mam n! Manic- Un Sunday! "O". Thu twull It” tho umnltatlm n! a mmithw 0! Junior Infant erfrmv Wart to mount» with the "twink Mic-tr in aumflin lbw mark of tha- lhnlinglm Statinn. "Winn wrn- «to-«tot as («Hm-s: In. Wm. finish-J‘bnimnn. "w. W. '7. "Ida-r SN. and Tux-L "is: ”In "ant-I’m" amt I’nh. It", tum. Ktnlzvsrqurl ('um. Now-tings: will In MM tlw- lint mu! thin! Thurwtuy of tho month at 1:00 INTEREST GROWS IN REFERENDIIM AS TIME DRAWS NEAR L:- 3 Tim: why ul'Irrmu. Fflmury I'Illn, a [mum uf ymmu Imm-n mt! nl Hu- hmm ul' ”no. Wm. l‘mrin-lv In rmnhlv-r Juniur lnflml Wu-"nw “ml. Every mm: In 3 films someone comes Into the once, picks up on at our exchanges um] after look- nm It over an mailing to the Meet of. "In that the km! of I paper they run in â€"â€"» â€"â€"~. why. The Reporter In much better than that." We have malnemly tried in the past to fire our subscribers I great deal more than two dollars tor"! for the $2.00 they ”y for a yur’l subscription. Tint In “In due ceded Is our mm ad It Igni- afly becoming the ballot at a It jorlty of on m. M deli-fl In low for a con-ll!!! m l3"! JUNIOR INFANT WELFARE G R 0 I! l’ OWIANIZEID HERE $2.00 PER YEAR IS LOW! Tlu- lllllw‘l" was prc-pnrml lay Inl'll‘l- lu-m M Ilw lmllm Md Sun-irlv uml w-n‘ml by Um yuum: mum H! Um "T. ll" 'l‘." elm-N at "In Hunting ~4an Mil-Jr fur "w mmmiom an» furnh‘hâ€" ml by "In AIM-um (‘luru and Iamru Mrlin. MM! Muyml n [mum alum, anal Minn MIMn-«l lmlmmlqnlh who lamp m! with a vocal unlo, m'rumpuulml by ”hm l-iulhc-r KIM». 'l‘ln- :unmul “Inhinulun :irtluhy lkmuunt MW): by MW ltrulhz-rlmml n! 5!. l'uul'a' ICwmmv-lirul rhnrrh nu Tum day (WA-Hint: “ill lu‘ I““||I'dl-«I m Ulr hislm'y nl‘ HM- Lllurrh 15>. ununr (31' Km mw‘ nfl’alm. 'l‘hv Hrmln'r’mm! run “1-" In; proud ”1‘ (h.- sulfi‘t'fir'rll! 4 wut. huh mo-uu :sn-l pmgnnu wvru hlll’ll (hut |'\'t-|‘yhnnlv f9". il bud Inst .1 11hr“: ahiln cumin): l'rul‘. Mm! .\'. ('l'llainr; “1' “In Iflnr llllral {\I'mh'm) :nul l‘ulhuw. ‘ ml a fur» Im-r pusuu‘ «If N» rhnrrh. \wm Hw- vlwnkur nf Hu- n‘\'-Hllll'. I!" um'c- :L mun! Nun-mum: :nul in-vph-mx ..«I.!rv: a nu "thuuu- “Huh-mam: .mnl '1"l"lll .1 'l‘mlsnz" Mr. G. H. Ilmu'v. Mm .uh'd H mm mush-r ugh! Ihvr ‘lhv “m (:mu-h-hl. llua‘lur of Hm church. azl-m quu I'm-"y. .‘umuill Washington liirthdJy Supper Suva-”full .Hl'nir -â€"- Hm- l'rogrmn (:iwn. FORMER PASTOR SPEAKER _ AT EV. CH U RCH BA N QU ET “man u I‘oâ€"flptnlr um» Ilia-duh- “ Sumflng llw ”ailing!“ Nathan. ? Little HIM Becker. four mt Gill dnughter of llr and In. nectar d Hiddugh avenue, m him I: h ‘comglous W 3%“ Ffldqbeingfilwflmfl maul-mundan- “mundfiwfl "Aw ynu min; tn haw n brunt, damn.“ min! "to unlur n' be m"- MINI 0000'" put". “Van uh! mm. (Mn: alum you and lmuly them“ ’n'pvl up Ibo- mmnr‘ "vu- um- MN m jmt Mum: 1M Int l'w me gun-v! on And I haw 1r» 5. fut In my chat. how's anv w'n- Id" la n" "or In! «Myron. 11.3. ah" i»: Ni- Vum's Iv! mar flmrun is I, In \Onmlnni. arm-1'. mo ”It «mutant: 0' Ilw- MM W '0' vi" hr M '1!» «4-va 063M. "1» Lave M fun Imwnfln (haw In [noun h at! him Mr llu- ‘1di sun-vu- a”! “If, «r- Iainh rvrw "w hm! to bl Hum-l. Jilly Marin-l MINI THI C'ufli: -' mu 0va lrawllrn lmknl mm "or 13mm rvnr- "w 0th nifi‘ an.” In"! dr- Hauvwl [hut (mr drum l-Ut‘llmfl- mm m ups." ticket early before tht guinea 3‘ hold of them. ”The sale will hr rondurud by m Downers Grove anm (Hub 1‘ tickets may be chum-d from M, the First National Bank or he LR».- ry. The show will make a two fight stand at the Corliss Theatre. Thun- dny and Friday. "arch 3rd. and 4th. "Tho real surprw .r Hm show in th- rxtrumoly low prnm of a-tvmsdm” «pint-II the manna-r an h: closed down his roll top, fifty «mm wm em you In the best. slur iv. the house. "Ila :iclvs Um uwlal mmlu v of stones llw mnnazrmv-M has ”527:”? up I (-mnplrh- rvrflr. an m! of 5.! :im \amlt‘viHI' and. :m 'Iw‘V‘ch-flh: m. 'l‘hv- rirrm i< Madw’ n3 Lay Master Hv-nry Tank, hr a ramp v‘ dzn'nn pr-rfnrmm.- surh 32 Cum lit-Km. Nam ”flush-3”. “new 'I'rtm and [Mia Haunt-r. a Itmr-r' «an m the “.pnn "f [Jun-m h mt. and a map- h» of downs, mum 0, HM 'HuJin Ind Wan Juhnsmm." iml vwrhml "w man-cl “Mad a! flu- (molt-at llhclnfnn- Tmupn 6a ”in mnunuy. ‘lJuh-r Hurry" «f the fam- vma High School ”module. (3. I. ‘I'hmmu "um-m \dm .inr. «:wn M. h'f "Inn 50" [days I'm-Hm" hf huh“ hull. HI. Manhunt the- 1mm" 0! lb. «ampl'mm- BM ‘30” mm. ‘5. ~«MvI-mm-ol trillion mu" «I tho I!- Imwnnl mm. It "daddy in mm mmhimlkm." (Mummy Grove. will hm" lu-r own 'J‘VoHirs." '1 hi: Wm .‘wélm-tl hula-,- \shl‘n our v'pnl‘h‘l’ iuh-rvimvul Lhu manager of tthu- pnnlurtiou. M'I- r “mm": mm} "r Uu- moming ’iln- ilu'lliflluf x’qmrl'w' \"Jlr. finally ad- i I i l. I mill-w! In Hm "Hindus-13ffilth-(a “ls .1 “Hr," .II‘ 11:1.l‘fi', “(hhl nf'fl’H'TS i5 .lu hmm hrr «mu l-‘ulh'v-:;." "‘It sure 'nz.." H‘pHI'l‘ Hu- on rwm‘kml muuam‘r, l" mu! it i. mung tn hr some produc‘ ’tiuu. I I-uw- >(1’llrud all the hind- lino-n: uf the mm! «nu-«1'.» ful Show! that huu- been whom" burn" and have mmugh :«(nm In horn ”Iv "wutrc lit up Uw wlmlt- Umv. Yum wmwmhel' ,llw ('u. H. ulmw don‘t yum? “'0" I lmu- rimml up 7.5m Mann-l, ‘Stfing’ 'l'lmlln, “wen Griffiths. [MI Smith- in fart wally rvv-ry em» (but. Doubled [that ulmw in mqu- uuch a lung m m! "w (.‘urtbu “out". “In it Im." unto-I "w rayon", ”mt yum lmu- "scum! nun Dawn's nlgflu'urv la n rlmlmfl?" “V0! h- olm'vl." 0.0”!” "I" MIMKF'. “M «Mr lm. but nlm "um- «I "envy Tank, and ”kinky Bmwn who have and In umwnr In [wrun- ch-l- In 0000.10! In “an" In "hair "-0- lum‘ 3 “KW”. H)- llu- nay." M nmlimm', u h. u'u'm‘vl Hm mmmnv mad. ‘I luv. lint ’l‘ah-nt 'in Village .‘sncmhlcd for Library "the!“ at the ' ('uniss Theatre DOWMRS GROVE . “WINES” W B! II" or SEASON WHOLE N 0. 1931

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