Downers Grove Reporter, 25 Feb 1921, p. 4

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H in our firm lwifnl that "w mt-m-I era M Il'r ”mum-u (:rnvo PM luv mum-mt urn :lru Wins: o! and nhnul-H rt-rNH‘ Uw lwnrhmt “ppm! of ma; «MPH-M1 n! [Inwnnm 0mm not only fur Hm w-rv t‘flir-’ ’ ”N "my “0 «mm rt own but ' mu‘ul’ nnllfln \nd nurnhm‘ luhuu m twcnl’o lit-um-j nn Mmmz apparatus [of tin vfllnm.‘ TM Inn): with“ has nlmady mm . ‘ nub!" «.vnhv a! "war.” “NW. '0 ”0-“ New m :w Hn- Nd that mmny mnH '11. w hu- 'wrn mush HIV About "in mm (m lrurk mm“. In Ilh‘vm III Hm “Harv In. I: n-h» n and {M'ornhht Wm H ran-:1 lmn Mon with-£1.01 h; -.' ».\ n-U..n| nu- :Mmm fur m‘w‘ml tumor mmwr‘ m (M flqhung u! Mum m.‘. rv'mr-lim: l‘m purrhuo at tho- lrufll. HARDWARE 36 8.94;“: Street Tolophono No. 29 ~ Washburn Crosby’s GOLD MEDAL FLOUR MERTZ a MOCHLL. Downers Grove Reporter tuned every Friday morning from the Mice of the Downers Grove Publish- in; Company. 37 North Main sheet. Downers Grove, Illinois. Entmvd' at the Umvnors Grove l’oat "’thzz 325 second class mail muttur. -‘\d\x?\’l:'.<ing rah-s madc‘ known upon qufizx'ation. Subuription rates $2.00 ' 14mg)" copies 6c. IN".~'§L:".\'!2 Perfection G Revonoc OIL COOK STOVES Hardware Coal and Feed F~\‘\.'!‘1' IE“ ”I S. each ................. . FANCY I’I ’TEH each .. ................ .'!al,’ 3:". F)‘ 4F”); CLASSES, each ........ 33’.\Ti'7’{ U 7 -/: 5.3.541-13. each ............... I‘PR'UHT SEAS CLOBES. each .......... A}; TURN GLOBES, each ............... KB? I I E( (0V ERS‘, A" Sizes. each ....... LAD“)? [108‘ J. 75c Value. Sale Price pair 12. ‘10 Sc JA( 173.3(1)" yard .......... (‘AP HAN: VETS, each .................. \L g. 4.32» 15, kt. oz 3 “53:2. 9.1 79; .4629 94m 5‘ M r Glyn/,3, «1.34240 on? .9000 80»? 0.. 0003 E3» 7 9n? 9.34 Po 5. ER .122. .4. 6;. mvmvx 5:“. £5. P $99? GA 4.53.». .5 9n; «mung \ (I "r' and M“ ’ HRS. per pair PLATES. csch ............... PLATIJRS. each .............. Vllllii “7513', each ........... SALT JAIN, each ........... BARG‘AI N S at Marion Dexter’s An Clan Shop if. H. STARTS. )DI’I‘OR MKCKH-L SAYS: 4" I Ianflmml I R Pmflunq new; SUI'I'UK’I' Hm lwlxlml "w rim lbmrlmm pc-uyvlv "I lhmnru fll'un' ("W "mm mm lwvl autumn In raining “to mom any In my (or IMI Mum-mm» which may In- It» mutation at your wove-fly ............... ............... mg. each . ...... E .\s fur lln- ml-tlmds Hwy mm in Hull! imx firm: “1- brlh-n- Hwy urn Hw inn-l ltoume-r [Iv-so me no! pmtnsxiunal "H' lluhlol's. hut \‘nhunm-rs. As surh wr will [all them against lh-vlu-M ml. nun-Pr mmumuh-q «If the Mann ulnl fa‘rl wh- In making Ihl‘ Mmrliun that lIu- Ims pu-r lim In l’mwuvrs “row I.» laws-r lhnn that a! any shullzu' mm munlly In tho slalo- L'Mv! ltlrkn um! uw-‘rul M M» ho-xl mvn .m- rummm-lv Iv slmum: Ilu- hm: way «i rwluruu: Hu- flrn Mu. thug- Iu-op porlml on nwmmh um! manna "I c-Hmnmunx Ilw lin- Int" -rd an nulnml (mm Ibo 0“er- :‘m-I-u u! nIo-mruurpu in "w [amm- mm ’lmy. Do you know that thin truck or any other “Mo-date apparatus would have been impossible had it not been for the firemen? Do you know that Downers Grove needed new apparatus almost ua badly as lla inhabitants need water? The old book. und ladder haul lweu In mm here for more than le'nfi' years and wax lmrclmgml ill th‘. first pliuru frum tho Village of films-(lulu. luring usml tlu-rc munlm-ss {known huw many ynars. 'l‘hu \vulor jpz‘ussun“ as taken {mm the mums ix durll that It ls. allmust impossible m put «Jul :1 fire will] any kind of a start 'wiflmut sumv dos-10" l0. inc-reust- tho: I pl‘vssure. Now Is the time to have this work done. To have it done right mhlofl of wa-zIUu-r. row-Will: as your mnuu-nnminn. “.00 l’l-Ill l-‘llH-I AND >\I.l. 'l'lll'l AIH'SE 0|" TIN-I "Nâ€" 'I‘IHNKING I'ICUI'LK "I“ THE VII.- LACE. SUN IN THE VILLAG 1’.’ lm yuu lumw that um one «in! ham I’m-n paid. 'yr l'mm pram-m writing will he paid. by llw Vllhmv (‘nunvil on the pub rllaso prix-o I)! ”ll‘ truck? 'l'akv a I‘vw of [ht-w.- things in": mm- xidr-ruliom. you varying whim-I nl' “hm tlw tin-awn lmw dmw and are vlulng. \sk yum-w]! if you would be willing In not out at :my limo ut Hm clay or lllfllll m Hum firn- unwtimos in the Cisterns and Catchbasins CLEAN ED hu you know llml Henry Divke and Yul \Vundur gave their [It-rsmml notes in ”w :mtnmubuo company {01' till- balance n! the purchase price at Hu- h'urk’.’ Hnw many men urn (hora in (mm who would take this risk um] for .1 thing \vhlrh would bt-num me no! .I hil. more than EVER Y OTHER PER- TELEPHONE lfil-R-Z .7t‘ 20c 12c {Mr H‘r DOWNERSGROVEREPOR‘I'ER. DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS lath flail Street Telephone 279 Klein’s Market American Family Soap. per bar ...... Campbell’s Tomato Soup, ‘2 cans for .. Corn (Extra Standard) 15c; 8 cans for Milk, Armour-’3 (Large) 2 cans for .. . . Ohio Noiseless Matches (Pkg. of 6) . . J E L L0~â€"5 FLAVORS~2 for ....... The plan is m find um I)": \‘ovution- ul ('lltflrdéi 01' HH- folluws. after which n-prnsentmiw prnl'twsinnul :mtl busi- m-ss mm will zuMn-m flu.- hlgh school m this way the young movie will gut *1 fairly lmvlligum Hon of flu" mndl- flnm. nnportlnliIh-<. and I'N-ll the db:- mnwnhlu realm-vs m’ the (”(l'n‘l'l'nl vn- :nlcms, When-v lIu-rx- Is .1 llL'a’if“ lu !‘lunw1-’I‘I~J llinsdulv. do so. our-h one win lu- [ml in muvb R'shlvlu' 3 ('l: 'l'hv Hi Y (.‘luh hold a sm-vinl "mel- ing In thv ussmnhly m“ the high solmui Monday nigh!) Svlfâ€"anmlysis blanks were lined om by a ram" number of the high suhoul buys. Fresh Fish Twice Weekly “HI Y” MEMBERS TRYING TO FIND .THEIR V OCATION FINNAN mnmn. SMOKED “'HITEI-‘ISH. BONELESS mmmxu. SALT MACKEREL. SARDINES, (LAMS, SHRIMPS. ETC. Looking Ahead So That They Will Nut lw “Square Fly.»- in Rmnul Holes." lomotrov. It in any to stand on the; side-lines and pick flaws. The firm, men deserve your support and should . have It. REMEMBER! WE HANDLE-I ONLY HRST ('IJSS “(HEIDI NEST I\:~I’E(‘TED MEATS AT ALL TIMES Home Rendered Lard 5 pounds . . . $1.00 Klein’s Cash Market (mu-v: bi Ila-1mm Aw. .\l.\.\l'lv‘.\t"l‘l'!ll-:u m: SURGICAL and \‘I'I'I‘I-IIIINARY SPECIALTIES SCREW MACHINE :qu I’ITNCII PRESS WORK lepain‘ing, Plating and Sharpening Dias :qu ’I‘unls I'prcrinwntal \I'ork _ LENTEN FOODS HOME SMOKED BACON OUR OWN CURE per lb ..... 32c PORK LOIS ROAST ....... PORK BUTTS ............. \‘l-JJL SHOULDER ........ YEA]. BREAST POCKET .. LEG 0' LAMB ............. CHICKENS per pound ..... HAMBURG ................ BRlZiKi‘l‘i‘ ('ORNEE) "I'll-ll" [3 Julius Severus \c. Purim): III! luv-duel! .\\¢'. Hume [known- (huw L’lfi-J ‘ . [Mwncrs (.rovc, Ill. m-d‘ers receive fn'ompt :1t~ tvntion. Mrs; R. Thompson Hoxworh your combings. Have them made into switches, braids, t'ansfm'mations and puffs at _ reasonable prices. All The next luv-cling ol’ thr- lll Y will he‘lueld Munduy nlght in the parlors )l‘ they (7 uugremtuona! (bun-h Al. this yaw-rung: .l «llmumluu 0! problems of lmy “in is planned. and :1 large group is oxpw-lml to nttolul. \ hw. Phelps. the leader 0! the III Y. Is very enthusiastic ovor the plan. and Mr. Vernon. high school principal ls r-n-opnmting in u vary hearty manner. «uh a [account man In whatever vo- cation In crown. in qrder to got I! thorough Idea. (mm a heart to heart talk. of the work to be done. R: sfilmu' 3 ('lun’mhm Hill 4. Rondo-:3 SAVE 20" 0‘; 2hr 1c k $1.00 ...7c ll‘nsdalc. Ill. "I Read all the Ads! Baptism and the Monuments suxmf. 10:99 A. M. LEADERS of the‘CHURCH FROM APOSTOLIC TIMES TO THE YEAR 325 St. Josephs Church Lord Lumber 09:, pany The Uzulv pnpm‘s have given nttmtiun in v» in {skull} P h. pill'ht‘ L's “Hm ”V" R [m Day 20 «In-Maw I ”W pnr mam-L v. m r~ h 'l'l'm'v hrs horn litllv firm-ml publicity of 11:1 ‘ifl‘ Tim M‘ gvrm' xv mu" uu'vml‘mn» !--I.ui mum-r. an: I'himr "w rnr m .-r llw “mm M run film». mm Ilmuuh in "may Ink-v ' Inn» I' d 'm "' A .v luv-a me '.~."â€". "vrlan‘mrm N-n. 'nin - ‘n H [J ”\[vil Mmr a I.“ up lml (hr olmlim liar. "llrimt this IllK‘lim' roluil wives haw kvpl h .1"): 1I «‘nr. .v‘! Ihr yen»! Resident Member of the Lumber-man’s Publicity Bureau A Bit 0! Market History Likv ulhor rmmnmlilim‘ LIIIMM'I' I’rit'vfl l.u_ml:;-r Prices Reached the High Peak Last April-«Thou a Shmdslill I’ollmscd by a Dcrlinc at the Mills with (‘nrres- sounding this by Retailers S. Andrew’s Church SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, :00 A. M. Sermon: “Probation In This Life” The Rev. Hugh M. MacWhorter . 5:00 P. M. SERMON . The Rev. Dr. Somcrville, k. John’s Church MARCH 2, “ EDNESDAY 8 .00 l". M. SERMON Awhdeacon Long of South Bend, Indiana ’1’! BY THE REV. ENHAS B. GOODWIN BY THE KEY. W. MILLER, 0.5.51. )4 v-m'lkm H‘I' wag-wt! m‘» o- NIH!“ «lvzn' 'm! polity m' Ural: WEDNESDAY, 8:00 P. M. The Servites In: LN" h IJIWD‘. '7 fu” infurmntmn. vi’ '0'“ a SUNDAY. 8:00 P. M. Irenaeus imp-11’ I" :‘H‘H' mink"! [‘4’ .-nt ni'n‘vn' .mJ ”(h-v Hm ulna n" t'w '-' ' H! *N' ’m‘ law" :I -|:r!om \‘Mil n ~|u In ht} 'u-r nn' In-lmv :hv . ‘ punt “I‘n‘ 'xn-nm: ”Ir '9‘! I" l?" - umv unr \u'h duv in ler 1 I h Phone after 6 P. M. 142 J fin!‘ in us on 1hr whim-L “’r- in "arm“: inn n n» ml 3 Iiv pcs‘oliv‘ Maw ma .imm tn HHHiHIO Mir! m “I". m I'ulh' I‘N'IH [Yf'l Q‘prmtnn! far: aw! ("1“ther h 1} "tr tynl‘ ni- I mm m! n‘ ”w Lord uh’x'mn in Hu- 3.- ”yr thzrty .cnh. m 'n‘.\'

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