Downers Grove Reporter, 4 Mar 1921, p. 1

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DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER Kr. and Mrs. Frank Davey of Chi- me and Mr 41nd Mrs. Herbert Dew‘ «1 1nd family of LaGrango, were (nuts a the 0. J. Dewey and Frank like]! home last Sunday. 1 'hm polling piares haw been pm video, the Village Hall and J. W. Tucker’s Real Estate office. The polls will be open from seven 3. m. in five p. m. and men and women can vote. Neither those for the ordingnen not those against it have organized so for u is known. In spite of this‘ fact a large vote is expected as al- lat everyone in the villnge is in- terested one way or another. There had been no ordinance on the statute hooks prohibiting the showing of movies on Sunday when Elmer Uhlhorn started showing at the Car- tis Theatre several months ago. Af- hr he had run a few months the Vilâ€" lage Council passed such an ordi- nnee. A request was put into the Bard that they reconsider its action, which‘they did repealing the first ordinance and afterward passing the one to he voted on tomorrow. ‘ Down!” (lrou‘ \mc- frmnrw-w uh “I! question 0' Sumkn rrum: far the villagr. Thr "frnv'imvv 5.» mlâ€" “ because of a "firm”: [H'H‘HU‘I’ the Village l‘nvncfi arking than Io um! an unlinnnrr rum”! Jan-mt: 3, 1921. entitled "An . wfl‘nnmv prw ”biting (Mania)! shmu am! other forms of rnft'rtaimmnt fir gain mu Sundays, and provhlinc .3 penally‘ Iliemfor." Thvy w¢nvz<idmwi the Mn dimmer in quostinn and «bridal to M it stand 0n the hnob. This deci- sion automatically mun: for a pub lie nferrndum on the question and Ill! Cmngcil fixed the date of Satur- ohy, March 5th, for the electirm. lam Vom- Ewrnm -- Two r’afliul M "an M” l'va "PI! and “hire" ‘MO‘. n u dun-rm! that ‘l‘v Jam“ ‘in h In"! In IN- ma'rfltww‘r tn it m “It, pita... VOTE TOMORRHW 0N QUESTION OF SUNDAY MUVIES Vocab A Dunn a! I'm-div .cha} {‘00) and lulmmnu! Thin milnl of mmh' u." M pn- m try bflnf ckwléumd lurch».- kd by "if Mylar. “33.1mm: I'm vr- dhl it will pvmr ;. Hunt Irflmm . the nohfvflt “1h Mann" «T a ru- may." Th Palm ...... . [AF-mu TI! Wurlrnr ..Smltb and "MM lutrnmrsur A Bong nf (‘onfldrvm' “flux. II" lawly an» Th) [h r-IZing‘ Indmmnul Plain of Wm D'Auvcrroc-flodn-M Vocal Bouquet Du “can ‘Vecmhn I‘Vom .H “Ho-tan Mleml‘ny ... ..Jmtt > Nun Heart l min Thor ...... Us m2, “is: Esther Huhnrichter. 0 lyric soprano with a voice of un- uâ€"l sweetness uul richness. The following I: m program they um under: A! lowing. Noon and Night ..... ms. He in now u private tutor mil director of a lam.- orchestr- in W. "I. He will be assisted by Ir. Atlee L. Hafcnnchtcr, farm“ instructor in the School of Mush" was hf three ycnm a member of flu- fum- oua Orchestra dc Luxo which mural the country in Chautauqua perfor. ms. He in now u private tutor nil director of a lam.- caches". in The pastor of First Evangelical Church and his companion, will en- tertain two former college mates owr this week end. Since these visitor.»- In both talentcd musicians, Mr. Nansen has secured their promise to treat the people of the community to a free musical rental at thv ltVOulllLf service next Sunday. In W)” com- meme at 7:30. The {"50 W1” oflvr- lug will be used {or what of famim- “lemm- of China. Blnphne and Clarinet Player and Lyric Soprano to Entertain in the Evening. PRGGRAM 0f SA CRfl) MIJSII AI WANG. SUNDAY VOL. XXXVI“. N0. 7 Von I I ,leh‘ Thufin am! Vemnn Omsk “Ev Nuuur, Mr. Evy: onti'r‘ I "n: U -(\r\'v 9’7! (rah-v [m their unfivir‘r I took long hours 04' [amt-tin «not: of pnparafirm. Tho importancr of advertising at a business etc-mom. must have been rvgardrd, a}: vital by this great commercial agency. else it would not have wasted tho time of hundreds of trained mm thm~ out the nation «reflecting and tab-- “Dating fink information. Bram “root's thus points 11w way to one of the elements of business success. I ml: ‘ HI t.‘ h . L!" ' ' Thu-"3F [logy rat. '£ nhrd ' :“LN‘ "(in ( NHHM». H: " an hum: flux: 5 p. :2 hurt {'1' In 1... ca! library am“ it. Iv um 1:! 1h! fmwst ham: "don: urr‘or ::.’nc- hr". in \{1H'P‘ it." -Â¥{\. 1' indivih'un' “.1" hr: "to \‘Hnu Brainy-Pet’s compiled its matinn from statistics. rm: work. laugh"- In Rw- rv3~ I. This is the asrertion made by Bradstreet's Commercial Agmmy. which is as unbiased an authority as can ho 7mm) in tin: lvusiness world May. Hr Eighty-four pm cm: of tm ms- inesa failures of the past year or- cumad among firms which did 1:01 advertise, says an authority. ”rpm; ".vaJ “(TC A!) "an Mr 14:: 35-! "fun um) Cums." ‘w‘r- win. 0w NH 0' "In an“: 5,va I’m r‘um' {0’ Nth-1.- Ira.- so guru n.4,: Hm. in (Hirer haw plzlrtn'w IL-(ivw' lo- ’v-P-n'. "OI [V'â€" fn'nm'm‘ m \! 'r’u. \ rich!- Th' mun 1r. 1; mph! cu. .m. I‘m)“.- :n a ‘muu‘ um: um [mint (mm |" dun IN IN- m‘xu, "w lhwmr‘ (man "hm-u" mm- Ibo ’ut hf rrs u.-vr m (m tutu»! Thu". at H' 9r“: I':’v-r"tu:+n lufl mum. NON -A [W ERTISERS FA I LURESâ€" K... In: “out?! a! uh”: ”do. “it. "I! II “In. [Wt-4:15”.- hm 5m... ‘l ‘ln 0 ‘l'. “WINES" $0lD The sewn painten Thc finnwn ban man than now- Iheir than in supp-bin: but" up- panms {or the 011m»: of 'm-w all h in: now up to "w pawn):- of "n vil- That the new Mr truck. punhuwd by the luv.) tk‘wflml“ from monies min-d by pn'valr solicitation is a woven, has been rhnln in tm- last. low watch. DUI 80m IIGIIIS, MAY BE RIPWID fl H'II" 'YI 15h Downers Grove’s New Motorized Fire Apparatus rum-ivy ‘a-n R’ ‘ ! 8m IM Dumr Inuwlrn of flu ‘ u: I42! 5-! by" ”dummy haw fumwl flm'r nuwhlim. Ir- win the in! u' "1'“th Ippr «I but MI km "7) ”w c n":’ fo~ Nth-h Iaptmpulm. ll 5; upwind 0M! II in- m: u». n. tram hnuv km! in "an «m rm «Ira-r mam via-Sum u- w-pnr, NW [unibuynm mu Or‘u..\ rirrl. ‘ 'Hu barium»: fut Ibo «air mil .. 1r. 1;»: firm van nae-HI PM. 1‘. N. Livimon nf Anm’a. .~' n. "=5: Mum-MI“ TN'cM (W. 1'". "Mn nf ”1mm“, \\ m, .nrlrp 1-: "ran-m“ :5: 49an has Mn name-l as rlrrk. n 9’ q, "1 Inch-s a”, 8mm of "I" mt pmmlmnl Mm; .n .1 mm applausr amoHiW as of fluid» of Sannmo 2.. "Flv'm". mu m‘m- hnmnil‘awfimbr. Orkm (‘horry King. Ayr- )tmzv. aim" to flu 'ac- _I “ran 10p (‘n'nml and ”Mammy. :m~ my, m... u .. ’1-~I'H c! nar'pn‘srmral fur (hr salr. ‘l DO‘VNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 192I ' “('1 411‘ hi (at? u» H: 'nrc I r- ant. th 7' [73903-1 l ”lifts, ll infor- Y7 )1. ago a: Many visiting Masons wen- prey-n1 and one of these, M. E. mum, who is a member of a-Honolulu Lochm. was railed upon for a few remarks. He told or! the forming of the lodge in that far-distant ppm under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodgi- of California, and a few facts regarding the membership of the order in 0112‘ Islands. (hm-r- anlge, No. 824. A. F. é A M. held a very interesting matting 13:1 Saturday afternoon and waning. when the third rlogm was confnrrui on four candidates. Lodge wu calipd to order at three for work and mp- ‘por wu sorvr-d at 6:30 by the Wom-Q ‘an’s Guild of S. Andrew's Church,‘ the work resumed after an informal meeting during which Fred E. Dowag Secretary of th> Lndge, was prepnnti ed with a handsome leather portfolin, B. E. Balnzynski made the presentaâ€" tion talk and Mr. Down accepted the gift in a few well chosen worvlr. i MANY ATTENDED MEET 0F GROVE LODGE SATURI) Fred F. Din-o Sun-Cary. Pun-tun} With Leather Portfofio Fur Sonia. film“ a yl-nr an "or huh-m 1 .. ['IVM “W91 51-" A-‘sminlinn “3'1- 17> zaninri On by 'n hum" pix' My"; how in lml‘ngr l‘mmh. and tum Mr! with -n ~mm~h :nrnwn-ngnrvnf {hat Hwy arr "Worm: lhié M: M In"? hrNI -rm": fnr ‘illl‘, Tim ”'7 rumors harp hum miq'm: wri~1v~n~9 Farm-s for ,u-ars. and (hr um» v-'~ ’vrnri. ”wir- mlimwn. and ’hv- Dunn. r-rs Women-hm haw hmn mmflfix mvr-Nig'alnl by Ihv‘ A<~Nnaizw fr mnlm sure that all mmm‘um ucn :h-t‘hltrly right and m H-prr-(rfn‘. The Jarvis: "uni Pavilion Mar "w- (“nun- Cull Hub It wmm Mn he" mum! for "w M"! and “any Mmhl. In"! mug and xi": H" Um Flvhl. Thr "urn-1- (foul!!! Dam “m4- n'n Ant-rink»: anmum Mt Mal annual mla to hr MM Thur-lay. Mawh tow. «animal-in: It one p. m. I'll-My Ankh“. Am .‘hk a! hub "m rum- Nur Wine... DUROC BREEDERS 181' ANNUAL SALE THURfi. MARCH I0 lag!- lo show 1hr) appreciate the (-U- Thaw uhu “fish In make u conlri Ions. Then- in due no lb» truck Indfbullon or inert-um that. already made other mmry nppllumu mrly cu; «In M: by grlting in loud: with {our 01mm] doll": which must he Chief Dkke or an) mmnln-r o! the paid in the non future. To run Wm.- 'nm 0! this momy the deli-I‘m“! The cut above- uhouu um truck uh- . tn the «by a! the ukmwnutmion at u nah-g 0K ' “m. "mu“ “" the W. (M u an driven (in-1‘ 0w "r you an HP is by mm on. an Humid :mm. The Nehru on thin rune. lphotomph vmx “km by IM. that. ‘1‘ Y There will also be initiation and other business of importance to be brought before the attention of the members and it is expected that a large number ml! attend v'rl'd Chapter, No. 242, 0. E. 8., wil‘ havt- a special «lactic!» 0f 06'- cent next Tut-May evening at the n- prular meeting of the chapter. The dectirm is called because of the res- imtion of E. S. Near an Worthy} Patron and Mrs‘ Near as Conductresn‘ of that body Mr. and Mn. Near arr moving mm week to Bloominfion where Mr. Nnar'g business calls him. [think-n and mim- Bunincsu to (any hum of Vesta Chap- toy N01! Wool. 0. E. 8. TO HOLD SPECIAL ELECTION TUESDAY EVENING Manda; r rr: ~ "mating w ”-1â€" ml- mfiralmn '4‘ 'vr-Irs; alarmc from "N- hHKl‘ hllvu-ll' ”351111", and Prim-v aw '«ul‘. (‘huzyc hwnm and the ”arts. thl ;. («w :nthvmpls at housr- hrrhkSu-m tau b-vn made in that m-ivivbvw‘nmr: in than last fr-w war-ks. ' "n'tfm v" H" tnwb. TM nah-mm: mu into th- Md our": 0" ('hivnr- mom-n kur Hill daugh In"; “Mtnlly cumin! xzrmmd hlr‘ lhv “nods-A ANN-ugh M hum-1' 'm ghqm fur :w hum. vm Inn-v- um” 7'! v. ym'ln tram A""“I('flr h! I’m-u (Ml-Mr. .lha‘ N’Ct'Ml)‘ bu‘ poinlnl 0M! [union-mun. n "at tho jut." Into .‘h-mlu) mum M W amp-rim" 0! Mn- mm Mm unu- uulhim into hum (mm "u- out «mm (M hath. "c (rnilul (ht-no In m- manhunt (um uf (mm nu “M "mt mi" in e Mamr uhkb h1- mmWn-c! la in «I n mum- 'hk” uwld jmhfy Mm nmtfinnim Hrm.‘ Im- ulka! cm thou. to halt I)isn~-' zmdmr ‘Mhmv.’ «wk-r. "w Organ I0 um and Min mum: a”! ”cm ”in rum O‘a‘nuhan WW fin hum: mâ€" fa." th. not» a!" him-h npmrrnll} ("UNI Hm'r mart; .1“. n "u Mu u Saw II... luv-hu- Ll" My Night Nut (Mu;- A". (MIAMI, HEW M6!" (0?, IS “0N “It 108‘ photograph nu “km by Ed. I'M. department. The cut above- uhouu the truck uh- rn the «by a! the «kmwnutmion at tho him. On it an driven Grant Dido: Incl Hamid Hm. The ha I m IF! "1 HI 'fd- M ':.- bun hat I")! :< :Jv-fl-z r Hr :aho‘mly mach: firm-vi! a! Ira»! am": of I'm .mev. H: hm PM aw aunt fur im- m- H car. no Imhtx. and " ",0 mutt-r law. i Funny man. an I‘V- I :. bunny .n~tmrâ€": _ . l "ran Ix» amfltmnm y: H. Um :tht and is; I"? patru'ling (ht-I run-runny In. I’m 11n- cltmnhl «In and" m it Mio- of lbw. ANN? 8. WI... W Y It..." {at ”on"! “Mr. A n" which. mm. a! III! nub”: "Shaving Ow'x Cater!" was tut-M. A mm urn-mainly mu m n In- . (un- pf "It "tutu. TM Hemlin- vdul fur and. - mm and In flood _ old-“N a! haun- awn-limp. I Put on! "or pmmn at IN- "6 V ts héna atrial an in the mo of ‘ rpm-in. MW-miyyh Mini- . "1 IN um- «I than IM- yuuu mm of m M." #50:»! Andy” (Mir pmlifllim far gum amwmnt: new! studies. Tho-y aim. In I: mama». mu- m- :«nu for "wit rho-kw a! lift wmfi. ’Aflt-r "um .mn- Mm raley m- .»Mnrn' by Hu- mmilln curb mum 'K In I» pm in Hum-h I‘Nh mm:- man. sow-«uh! in bi: drawn ind. 'm :54"!!! Ioh'in- am! mum-vi m mp |-- :Wd’l’t Mv-rit Bad!“ task will hr giw-n 'n all Imul Scouts who “twin 0:. mkr me. Tin-w "SL9 an- mun-r hard, and a San": mu,~t In pnlly prnfirivnt in MRS them. The man who does not advertise because somebody said nt did not pay, ought not to believe that the world is round because the and- ents said it was flat. le ”mun-Ia tumu- “mm”. "M Ramb- of Amt-viva, wi" m4 m-n Tut-May naming in "w Imal high aim! for a H‘gular hnmx: mum 33'. ”Hwy momhwr of NW luv-a! «:mmn ea mm! m awful and m al‘mminlm' with ”'3 Ilvlailâ€" nf ~rlml» in: in Un- riHagr. The man who doesn’t advertise because he doesn't know how him- self ought to shop eating Nuke he can't cook. Tr-fl- far “0t" Mg" Will N III-H [Evny “Huh! I tcvd in b l'n-nonl. SCOUT ('OUNFII. MEETS TUESIM V IN HIGH SFIIOUI. The man who does not advertise beans-:- he tried it and failed, shouid throw away his cigar be- cause the light went ouL The man who does not mlvertiso. because it costs money, should quit paying rem. for the same rea- The man who dth not advr-r- tise hr-caosc his mmlfathnr dinl not, ought to wear hm:- breech-as WHY NOT GO BACK TO WOODEN SHOE“? Jnhn [Ali-II. china“ 0! (hr w.- mun mum" mun! phn- {M “can mu In um first (man. TM min-whip mule-c maul un- 11» as Y club kid in n-gulu N< mommy meeting In the parlor- o! the (mac-ll Church lanky night. This Pink‘s-at. buy My: blag M hum of Moo». '7. W. N. Ric-Mo. ('mnly .‘ircnuty. pn- un Han-ha Ana." 80th] to 5. Held In Ik Nu! I’d-n- “HI-Y” CLUB HELD REGULAR MEET- ] N G MON DAY Cars Callidv at Main and Muuk‘ ml Tut-«day A "cramâ€"7.3m Fun! Wrecked. TWO INJURED IN AUTO COLLISION, GLASS CUTS BABY is m attending school than. 7 Mr. and In. E. 8. Near W??? has next Thursday for mmington, 1].. when they wm make that m in Dorothy Near left hat lauds, ll As this service is such an unusual! cm, a large attendance of mnm‘c lov- ers from all of the western suburb is invited. and expectnd. For lhr- Nativity music. «the ban- tfful Nativity winrhw will he "find from without, and the church thr- krm-vl. Then will follow music denâ€" rripfivn of the visit of the “I"! Kluge, and the boyhood of Christ, and for the Passion music the char-55 will he again darkened, and the “Blessed Jesu" chomp from Dvonk'l Stabat Mater, and fragments from {Stainer’s Crucifixion, will he mg. The service will conclude with math descriptive of the Rpsonecuon. and Father Finn's hauliful Mr h- tmit, “Alleluin.” .-\ ,pu-ml mnmral ”Sonia of helm" ll" lr mun m [minim lhnulx. film and :‘mnh Hun-slum :r'v-nlll'. Lu'lmngv'. m "1 Sunday QVED- mg, Marrh 6. a! tight o‘clock. Thi~ 5- a strictly musival (”nice iul‘ unuzuml iMnnl. 2w”! by the full \v Jul rholr nf «Hr-r} boy: and m. m uhirh lhv- lil’c‘ m’ l‘hri‘l. f'on 1h! Avlu'nl to UN Rv-surrr-rlion. an linuâ€" Lfnlly mdrflynd in "~er and light. Tho rhoir will cant mm in: lighted ramllos, singing "0 "mm Emma» ml." aflz-r whirh ”11 "Dr V'Mifiil" will hr: sung by Blah- H‘ Vin-on, MTIQOW'. answr-rerl h;- “le Vnice in tho Willlhmosz." of Scott. sung by AMvow CGraMJa-nnr. \nml ”air a! Sam, "on and “On I. “h. in Hui-lad "bunk. hunt-op. A" “or w": in the» day- can win! un- NIH eh; «m tun b- in: no «MON nu... um. row It- hnwn. We won mm!“ M Mn the rank In 0.- mfl pod u Int um (now Fuller-hum) for M owry clay. II In an law-8n flit In an aim Hwy now him up I. m. pawl u (Ivy alt-ya ml..- 0 M hr 0" ”a!" and at Iowa! I NM a! “mu vnnM Ir rmm‘nl iltu it M pa< Hwy dug». up MM v| um- 5m H‘nnlmmd Mu run In UNIQUE “snuvu't; or LIGHTS" TO BE HELD smmv EV. hMuthv-Momnnhh "Michal. Ml the «ninth- of 1“ um- I Inflow: our. Manual-nu lawman-II {tr-rad. he did not mun M M ‘Mlp “I museum “will!“ m ‘m 0.: mm hey-g a MI! W Ink-an cowboy and kind In. It a minty of on chilly pr thy ui lur- au'nhul m with I. III“.- my I. Nip run- (or Ibo- t-lllo. I! H" the I." o! 0.. nu Wm an I. Ire-aw M (amid-tn. (Nd (or Ih an amt Ind in! than at I“. boat :26 head left. He desired to ml. {Mmuumntthe-IIM cauliflo- baton drivin; than to II- Mott uni: no he made Imam rub my (alter to harp "I! hold for Ilia for three tech. Mv :0ch some 400 qul at Fork [rum-worth, Runs», ulul also about. '1!» bend in Iowa, no that who. to arrived at our farm. which It “It Uuu- contained 200 um. he Ind .- L 0m: uf the but large droves of "'t‘xus cutth- that was driven over the ('annon “all route, then known as the Plank Road, was in the your 1859. This drove of Texas steers .‘umbend 700 In-wl “hen it, h'ft Gulrunwn and “as mvyml by a man mulled Stouble~ fwhl, a merchant nf liulu-xlon. Tens. lh: told lll" hr haul lulu-n these at- !lv in puynu-nt for goods {rum NI rtIDN'. trunk Rom-rs Tells How Texan hunt llama Wen: Driven Over 0M Plank Road. RIMIMSGNCES 0f EAR” DOWN- [RS GROVE DAYS A! “in “no W m (In. BY FRANK A. RUGEllS WHOLE NO. 1932

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