Downers Grove Reporter, 4 Mar 1921, p. 6

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To Thee, great God trinnn. “Thou art a port pmtectod From storms that round us risl: A garden intersected With streams of Paradise; Thou art a cooling fountain ln life's dry, dreary sand; From thee, like Pisgah‘s mountain We view our promised land." So the discards of the past will be forgotten and the sweet and beautifull harmony of the day will carry us A day of joy and light A balm of care and sadness, Most beautiful, most bright: 0n than the high and lowly Thro’ ages joined in tune, Sing. Holy, Holy, Holy So body. soul and spirit new! sun- day. and the whole Sunday. from wiy dawn to the hour of night. If need be. lot me sleep an hnur longor on Sunday, lrt all the comforts and pieasantm-ss of the home unite in bringing to mo. thv nut. tho cheer. the warp. the madness and joy that homo can bring for body and mul, but when the church hvlls invih- fur church st-rx-icm. let them find me ready to (to “ith thv rut of tho fun!» fly to the hmzsr‘ of prayor to “1”th Hm! in spin! and truth. Than Mr- Sanday will br' unm me am! minn inâ€"j tier-d“ 1 "A day of rest and zlarlness ,‘ shady perfect; but f follow After, H “at I "my 3:99me that for which ulso I am npprvlwmhl of Christ Jews. Ph." 3:“) Now I! I‘ll]! found it necessary to observe the ml: and he perfodnl. how much more should we (Pol (he hood of the manic" with God and the hell”- eral It is true mm: an mm and mmum with him (‘rcalnr nnywherr and at any iimr. and a vrliginus porâ€" non will do this. but a «prcial «lay m‘l lplrt from the "wt will (he him morn onpnrhmiiy. Then he can also worship uith the boliovvrs in 3: mm (fixation. Thvrr llu- imlhiclual m-tp lifted from his- lnnvly plm‘v intn Ihv company of follmvr-rs or ('hr‘ut. and ihe almosphvm that he hwatlw; then»? bring: In him immotiony, im- pulses and prinviplos divine. non- mnze that he lifts up his Pym: from W dust below to ”11- hills alum from whom». rnmi-th our help. Our help cnmnth from tlw Lord. uhn , made heaven and earth. ‘ And for our nligioun life and wir- itnd (mm how much depends upon the proper ohm-vane of the Sunday! Pall ml of him-elf: " at u mouth I Md already ltui , 95th" wen film that dcpmn and burden u. "an wear u- out! n ma Hunter: to be inventive (hut the 1-0:- mn. our noul. be (inn M: an a! nu And mutation. the Sunday. va- bnddawm. Ian family rows. In- many dean. less «hum-ted in- m in the institutions ovrr W m if the proper observance of the sunny would be mot? I’m‘w pm- that lead: us into the “ma In! alum that shows us the habits and nyn a! the mile“, the misery and dbuuo o! the unfortunate, throwing the MWK o! the world My Into our soul. How may the Our own cans m many that “M m hold us down. In nddidon a By!» ”mm and thinking publk is muted do“ by the thousand cum of . troubled world Um: the daily But even more than the body does the Inner man. the soul, need the My, the day of rest. How gm: tho hustle and bustle nearly in all occupations. how continuous the ex- ams-nut, how many the adversities, hon keen the competition. for muxy m a fight for the men living. health of man that he put in full time for his mt, as it is necessary for the success af his business to give it the required attention. The body needs the Sunday. The night-rest. as beneficial as it is. is not sufficient. The body needs long- er periods of nest and recreation, cs- pecinlly today where everybmly must go at a high clip until the clock strikes or the gong is sounded. To- dgy we work by the minute. In adâ€" ditfion to the weekly observance of the Sunday many could even well stand a vamtion of two or four weeks Annually. This would not mean a has, but a gain of time, it would mm greater efficiency and better work. It is as important for the A special day for test every week is a necessity for man. The need of this day is felt all the more as the standards of civilization are raised and tin: duties and obligations of man multiply. Who works in field or shop, home 01' otl’icu. needs {his day‘of rust. One may cvntinue day aftcx day, Sunday and week day, year in and year out, for a while but no one can do this and be at his best, and sooner or later the mil rosaltsl will show. I mg SUNDAY AND SUNDAY OBSERVANCE By THE REV. WM. GRO’I‘EFELD Commissioner Halker moved to adâ€" Jnum to the next regular meeting date, March 7, 1921. On roll call Commissioners thler, Hearth. Bryce and Mayor Barber voted Aye. Nays? none. Moflon carried. Bands of Joe Shy-aka as principal and The Aetna Casualty and Sumty Company as sun-ty for $200030 cov- ering plumber and «W huildvr's ii- mnsn, were rpcoivnd and approved. I'rvsr‘nt at roll rnll Mayor W ( Harbor and (‘nmmiwinnnrx Myra! Haller and Hoant. Mmutvs of the mom-ting of February 21st, 1921, worn road and Commis- siom‘r Heant moved to apprm'o: same. On roll call Commissionersf "cam, Hnner, Bryce and Mayor. Barber voted Aye. Nays norm. Moâ€"E lion carried. 5 jnurn to the next regular moflingl Mr‘. Swmlos. :n‘u-r luring her lifr (L110 E‘ohmary 28th, HEEL 0n ran in tin- community of Napwrvillt‘, mov- m” (‘ommissinnprs "pay-1L Hall”. ml with hc-r famiiy m lmwm-rs firm-n Rryu' and Mnyar Barhr-r mm! Ayn"fiw' _\v~:n'~' at". when» >hv has sim‘e .\'.'I.\’_< none. Motion can-ind. ’5"<“‘"“ “1'” known, Chas. M. "itch. Viflagn Omit furanrul mniuw “on ht-M lad VSntnnIn} arm-mum. at the farm homo annr-r.~ Grow, "L. Frh. 2R. lfl2].'.â€"-uuth\wst nf thrr- villapr». tho R(., Rvguinv meeting of the Council onfiilh-r: vakmd of the Frst Moth"- lhv Villam‘ of Downr-rs Crow. 1”. ’IIM Episcopal Church nfl'iriahng. h:- I'rusnm at roll call Mayor W .(".;t(rmrm “‘{Ir made in thr: Naporvmo Hmbm' and (‘nmmissinnnrs [bye/,‘rrmru-vy. Dept. of Public Propony H. l,. Thumpson-ASaIary . V . $6500 ‘Oln Irwin ...... H .. ...... 65.00 Wither Dunn ,, .. . U ...m.m H. C. Hicks‘ .. . . .......... 60.00 Earl Watkins ,., .. .. .. . . .6150 Frank Allvn ................. 95.00 0n roll call Commi<sionms Hearth Hulk-r. Bryce and Mayor Barbrr vot- ov! Aye. Nays nmw. Motion carried; Commissioner Hoartt movml tn adm jnurn to the next rmzulnr mofling‘ «latv Pom-nary 28th, men 0n rnll m” (‘ommissinnvrs "var“. Hallrr. Rrym' and Mayor Barht-r mm} Ayn." ‘Harry W. Bryn Charles Hallel- , l. G. "on“ . W. f. Barb" . C. POM Davis . Dept. at "cal". Salon .\L \‘onarvlâ€" Salary ......... 3 I). W. Kearney ............. Minutes of the meeting of Febru- ary "0:. ”2!, were um! and Com- misniomr Dryer moved to nmmmâ€" nun. 01: roll all (‘ammhnlmn nrya. "all". Hunt and lnynr W. C. Bub" Med Aye. Nays none. Maus- atrial. (mmm‘oner "can: plunked 0m semi-monthly pay roll for the period‘ ‘fmm February In to PM?! low. 192]. and moved to approve lame antl‘ hart “mm drum (or "w «wr- Il amounts as foflmu. f PAY ROLL ' rm” I I. Fem", I5. "2| . Dr“. of Arm-Is I Fin-pm (Tina. M. Ilium-Salary ”“8701!“ Willi-m Dowrmm Grove, Ill. Fab. 2|. 192]. Regular Mug of the Council at the vmm of Datum Grove. Ill. Pam It roll all layer W. C. lur- bcr and Communion": Bryce. Hul- Icr and Hum. OFFICIAL PRO- CEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE B 0 A R D 5 In the March bulletin of the Church Federation the Rev. Josiah Sibley, I). . 0., says: ”The'primary necusxity of [ observing one day in seven as a day > of rest is written in human nature. . Sunday observance has in it someâ€" , thing of realizing that the Sundayj ' observance has in it something of real forth for the welfare and hop. piness of himself and his family. Sunday, as a home-(lay and as a re. ligious day has been one of the greatest assets in building American character. The religious observance of Sunday by a democratic Godfeorâ€" in; people guarantees the future of the republic. “0 Sabbath! ’Tis of thee, Sweet day of liberty And Worshipping; Type of the soul's repose, Day when my Lord arose. Blessed I! caution's close 0! thee I sing. ‘ Forth on thy wings of white, I Plunml in celestinl light. ‘ ch'et Snbhsth day: ‘ Fly all the oath abroad. : I Till all thy beauty laud. Till oll odor! thy God. "rm. «f HUM!- l I‘IMic Ilmlzvk (S"\I'(‘TF)-o Salary Nth-«m ................. , Let everyone hallow the Sabbath jday. Let every Christian who loves ‘and enjoys its sacrmlnesx and blessâ€" ings do hi5 part that the Sunday may be properly observed. If eter- nal vigilance is the price of liberty, it is also the price of the perpetuity of this God-given institution, the Christian Sunday. ‘ To sum it all up what we mean to say about Sunday obscn'ance we re- mind you of the words of our fall)~ ore: “Hallow the Sabbathtlay by must ing from worldly employment, by tle~ voutly using God’s word in church and at home, and by devoting the whole Sabbath to our own and our neighbor's salvation, and then-by to the honor of God. over into the new week and the work and problems of tomormw. We am ready for it all, strengthened and tuned to come and conquer in the name of the Lord. Chas. M. Hitch, Vilhge Clerk. Ml hope. all pray.” Imp. 34$“). 48.00 ‘70.“) ml "The 31 stamps arm on rah at the 750 mlpostomrr. Each wool: the postmas- 4. l.-6 tn will post on the bulletin board 41 Is; tlw number of memhers of {M "ol- '4 16 lar-A- “ml: (lub in this mmmunity 4. 16 This figun; will "present (lw (out In I" wilt of SI damper. wlwtlmr homrllt '51” ll} imlhivlnals or «mployon DOWNEBS GROVE REPO!!§I_§ DOWNERS GIIOYEl ILLINOIS ‘ A kiml. loving: “'1“ am mother, slur lr-avm to mnurn her untimely taking aw.'.u her husband, four (:"ilviri-n. four sistch, Emma Lay-«on aml Mrs. ‘Francos. Truman. lmsmr and Roy; iChaS. Oldfield of thr‘ village, Mrs. :Peter Fredoriclcson of Iowa, and Mrs. lMarslmll Perry of Galoshurg; four brothr-rK Christ, Harry and Will ul‘ I».Mnntana and 11m. who is seninz in the arm; and flatinmvl at Camp Grant. Exec-Riva Eon. During the War": war the following was one of the qualifications "squirm of mm: “CandMMI-s for the "stem-rd whoa! must be able to hear a snake sliding Into a bottle of caster 0H,"â€" ldnho Yarn. Flu “:14 unilml in warraim‘ to W. F. Suailrs. July 26. W06. and to this union have M-n born fire childwn. one having passml away before thi- mother. at Nuncnilin, Ill. and Input! nun) m “rdmvsdny afiunmm. Ichmmx 2,111. SH: “.1- unilm! in V-‘mr.;.m- tn F. Sumln. July '36. 1906. and 10 (":3 Immn haw bun burn flu (thrErIn.,i 07w lVaVVnz pas: ml aunv hc‘fmc- :hr‘ Mrs. ('hristina Elizahdh Swaflos.f claugHrr of Mr. and Mrs. PHI-r Lur-l son. “as horn "N'rmht-r 26th. 1886.! "Than- in rm "whit-tum on the .- !mom“ that may he sax-NI through the QDOHIr-A-Wnk Chub. In mm of Ihr ,Iamr "um-rile- when Iho plan a!- .rrad) is «on ostuhlhhul mum of tho «Minn arr saving "tough for a 325 ,(‘orfifiatr a month "LN thisr mmmunity hr the firct to nmkr a 100 nor rr-nt shunting!" So you see that instead of paying dues to belong to the Dollar-AvWeek Club you are making money thereby. building up a mum {or future 0- Mnclal iadepculeacc. “The new DollariA-Week Club in a big brother to the Treaty-Five. Cent Thrift Club in the uhoola. thru which the school chlldna am striving to add several million dollars to the utlon'n new capital. Thrift Meter» have may been inntalled la the rthoola to create a nplrit a! helpful rivalry between the boyl and girl» (laminated napedively u ‘Unrle Sam's Tram' and ‘Columbla'x Tcarn.‘ “In the industries. or wherever than i- an employ". thr Dotlar-A- Week Club apt-rat" through thd- pay ‘mll Muction plan. The rmployrr. with the sanction of the amployc. puts a 8| stamp in tho pa)- rm-elopvv in place of a dollar blll. It In th! safest raving-u plan in the wnflcl. for the SI rump in bath-«l lay the warm mmmcnt that is hvhiml the dollar. bill. “Twenty of the $1 stamps and a few additional cents may be ex- changed for the 825 certificates, which yields 4% per cent hut-rent. “Now don't just my that is a good idea and let it go at that but come in with your dollar today. with the determination to buy a stamp reguâ€" Inrly. l "Join the DollalHA'Wt‘C‘k Club ‘now," suggests l‘ostmmter Downer. “It has membcn; from Maine to Cal- ifornia. Put your feeble dollars to work by buying 3! Tmasury Savingb~ Stamps and much them grow strong, hustling for the $25 Treasury Sav- ings Ccdiflcate. bars ,suving syatcnmticully, can create this new capital out of cur- rent earnings. It is to such savin'rs that statesmen look to put the warm on its feet again. I 'l'ho put-pow of the Dollar-A-\Vm<k Club is the vrcation 0! $52,000,000 01 new capital this year. This is made possible by the new issues of Trea- sury Savings socuritics in dcnuminm tions 01 $1 and $25. A million mom- l'ustmueitcr John D. Downer of the- Pocal pufit ulTiur has just received his appointment as Local Director of [Fm-k,- Sum's New Dollar-A-Week Club. the mwl universal organization in the I'nitod Status. Every man, “mum" and child is (-ligibic to mem- bership. The aim is 1,000,000 mum- Most l'niveml Organization in the United States to Have Mil- lion Mamba-ti. POSTMASTER MADE LOCAL DIRECTOR $l-A-WEEK CLUB ( ‘h rislina E. Swailes BusinessConcems which failed in I920 LaGRANGB, ILLINOIS \\ IIIIN III'.’I' ’II'III AI ”.IHMOIIII IVS .\RI" III II. I III'II'K \VIIJ. III’IIJ) 'I‘IIEM ‘ A wry enjoyable evening w“ spent with her. at the close of which nlmhmcnu wen served with the mud birthday cake and candles. At their deputu'm the elm president. Lavern Buy, presented her with I lovely spoon u a token a! friendship from the senior clan of '2). All left wishing lwr many mow hwy Unh- 0n am Friday evening on her re- turn from a practice, Miss Roe on ‘crnwring her home and turning on the light, was very much surprised to find some unexpected and uninvited company occupying the from room" After allowing her to recover from: her first shock, they announced themselves. and who discovered that the Senior class had assembled to help celebrate her birthday. The evening was spent in playing progmssivv games and latvr refresh- ments were served, after which all dvpartl‘d for but wishes to Miss Rm,» for many more mappy birthdays. At the prom-r and decided tinic she mu enticed into the domestic science room by Miss Weaver on the pretense of finding some cake, but instead met a noisy reception. Last Mantlay curling Um girls Glee club with the high «:honl Faculty met in the lunch moms at. 7:30 o’clock t-‘w event being a. surprise party llcltl‘ in honor of Mi.“ Roe. ‘ Miss Thelma Roe. daughter of Mr. {and Mr». Chas. “or, who is this your :musit‘ supervisor in the schools of Mapleton, Iowa, was surprised re- (31 ntly by the “luv Ciub and the Senv in:- Class of then schools. The fol- luwinn‘ clipping from the MalplotonJ Press gov-ms. tn imfit‘ntu that Miss H00 is as popular among the scholarS uf hm- srhnol as sin: was among her vlussmatvs hrro. were N0n=Advertisers THELMA ROE GETS SURPRISES 0N ' BIRTHDAY @BUICK@ WEST SUBURBAN MOTOR CO. You will find the Buick valve-in-head motor as staunch and the car as dependable as its reputation would lead you to believe. Only by ridin in the beautiful. new model car, you full ' appre- flak the com ortable seating, resilient springs, accessibe mech- anism and pleasing appointments. a combination of the beauti- ful and practical. Maximum investment return is insured by Authorized Buick Service. If you believe Buick owners praise their cars too highly, try out the new 19.21 Buick. Km“ hymn; find. "all: IQI'QDOI‘ on 3" odd: ind-«In card lim Faun! of the Gun“. In the "canons-mu. no MM ll hem-r known than the null. Twice I your be plum over the amt Inland m. “In comm; to qullo I {“11an and may In maul-mung hm and many I l-uunl‘l overdue um I. In“ at his elm-o. mm." In. um '0 "an I. Inc-mun and d “mu cm In mu to pol on upon My no mmrtMog 00 mm.- mum, for «M (Minn-ehflunn. «mama ”an." This name is given to line shell- d I (utmpod mollusk of the family ni‘ Turblnidne, which on much valued for their beauty. sugmlng by iiwlr gm'mmus metallic Unis the plumage of phrawnis. (.‘my and Dieter are the auction- crrs and W. H. Edwards, clerk. The terms of sale are: Under $25, cash; over that amount. a credit of aux months may be extended an ap- proved notes. Nothing to be rammed until settled for. ‘ 1 team of heavy mules, 3 year old colt, unbroken, 2 yearling 0mm, 1 team mares, with foal, 2 teams geld; ingfi, 12 shoals, manure spremlers, plain and gang plows. eultivatots, disks, plain and cutaway, corn plan- ters, an 8 foot grain binder. one horse Cultivators, mowers, hay rake,1 :idv delivery rake. barrows. farm wagons, 4 sets double harness, com slwllers, power grain grinders, pow~ or fodder cutters, 5 gas engines, 16 ;ln. p. down to I h. p., 50 dozen each 1of Rogers Bros. heavy plated silver knives, silver forks and silver spoons and 50 dozen steel blade table knives, together with odd lots of small imple- ments and other machinery loo num- (Imus to list. all of which is surplus material from their various farms, brought together for this sale. The Downers vae Poultry 00., will hold a Surplus Stock and Implev meal; Sale at 12 noon. Wednesday, March 9th. at the former Wootten Farm, one mile muth of ’the depot on Main street, Downers Grove con-l‘ skating of the following: 1 AUCTION SALE Prices The Lowest Styles For Young Old Fit Guaranteed ORDER NOW 01" Order your Easter Suit or Coat now of BERT moons my Spring lines of sam- ples are now here on dis- play at 135 N0. MAIN ST. Having Th 0 Exclusive Agency For We sell wall paper at factory prices. Office Belmont Forest Tel. 369-] Downers Grove $30 and up Decorator Now is the time to do 111- terior work. Painter, Paperhanger ; Bert Moore MARTIN F. POZDOL 135 No. Attention Friday, March 5, 1921‘ TELEPHONE 538

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