Downers Grove Reporter, 11 Mar 1921, p. 1

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DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER The "Non-Union Shop" was great. Marjorie Whifl’en as Chief Kitchen Mechanic, was enabled to «rape from the ceaseless mum! of house duties by Ruth Thatcher, Mask-r Men chlnic and her helpers. Mario Wood- m and Jeanette Wells and the Ap- tentices, Virginia Womlson and F.- ‘DI Wells. The success of the benefit was duo to all who took part and many on the outside who helped with the stag- / ing, with sumstions and with their moral support. The show itself was dimrfll by Mis; Hrlrn Newton and‘ .1210 Thoma: Rogers of the {ac-l any of the Downers Grow school M two worked long and hard to (Continued on Page 2) The last two numbere. "Rummey 1“)! Queens Wild" and “Tho Waning '01! the Woods” were in keeping with the high class performanon. The seventh numhrr was :. Span- ish dance by Miss Grace McKor. She more than jusfified 1hr advarm- rmâ€" tieea of what she can do. Although young, she is wry gmrvt‘nl and one of the most acromplishml dancers ever appearing in ‘tho Grove. ‘ In a "(Wimpy of thv (Mn-m." Mi“ Gwn Grimchs took {hr min par! an sided by tho Missvs .lmm‘tlr Wrfls. Dummy Phelps, Elimhmh S'hafirr. Kathryn Horkman. Ruth hvbafi’pr. Gm MrKno. Roatrirr- Anthem); and ”'5. L. “. “(‘"S. .‘Ii.~> (H'ifl'i'hi~ "mt voice has ofirn pleased hm] audience and last wovb ptrforman-j ces were no exn’ption. | 0m 0' Hm c|e\vrr.~1 nrb urry seen in tho "Him fun that m’ L .1. Foster and Russell "Sh-inn" Tholin. Thalia as ")lnchmv In Zn" went in!" I "tram." Fostrr wen: animus 'hr audicm asking for fund mum.- at “mm present, Thnlin “mic; riw my Mum and H10 mum-.- u-f nnain ar- ticles when askml to do m It Mb a "mind walling" chm! am! wa: really (hurt Each. M "In “hrrn'm” {man-l with I wok). Rah Didn't-"K and nuns (r4. peciany Mowing. Rum r» dnm a hip: huh with his impowmunmn of 0M dying Mn and his falhrr. Wcm. lhr "warhw" mm Iidgm Garrison. Ruhr" Ivamn. |.a-h-u ”try and Thnmm "our”. th- "h r- r'ves" and l.. J. MM" as intnlwu- (or, "wk :1 M in Mr Inurth num‘ ber wilh rutrh) mat.- and nurr m [on now johns TM Mines (7mm Uriflulhu, Lm-flr Bub. "my Spimmr, Harm" Shaf- fer. Virginia Tank. "mucky lhmlm-ll Ind Ruth Gummy and Mn. l,. W. Wcih. "w "warhm" mm [Agar Garrison. "0hr" l'irkwvn. IA 41‘!‘ The Wallet." Inn-r MrKM. Huvl Honk-y. than (Emu. lmlu llunmrr. Dorothy I’lepn. null l’Iquht-Ih Shuf- fcf, sham-d ”N‘ H‘s-ulna «f Hm'r min «1' training in "w flaming. '10! Ni m1. Ina: Loner Barry. u-nt boy: Jack Fischer. police Ind Albert Smith. Bob Cancun and Don IIII'Iinl. the Zoo. Don made a hit with Mn exhibi- tion of unw. (caring «loch of cud: and A telephone (flmtory u If ”my mm but Mule pm of pa- p". "I: "fight lining mule lhr nu- dhnce mp «may when M jug- gled I mo pound height with hir right Mum! and a hundml pound «mo He introduced flu.- “Deserve” from Wilfl.” Henry Tank. Rinmaur, Rm" Tholin and Walter Johnutone. down; human Dunn. flu- strong From the first number to the last the show was great. Full or tuneful Medics and of joint which had a local shut giving them piquut fl:- vor appreciated by the “die-co. Bill Smith in the thunder of an- nouncer for the circus was a serum} The Downers Grove “Follies,” one of the clevemst home talent shows ever given in the village. will be re- peated at the Curtiss Theatre again this evening, Friday, March 11th. by special request. The show packed Hie Cuttiss Theatne last Thursday and Friday nights to capacity and those not fortunate enough to got tickets to either of those two perfor- mances have requested that it be given agnin. It is thought that the “team will again be filled to over- flowing this evening, some of those Vho have ace. it expressing a denim to go again. Wonderful Home Talent Show for the Benefit of Library Packed the Curtks Thane. “WINES” AGAIN VOL. XXXVI“. N0. 8 IfllS EVENING BY SPEClAl REQUESI You know m business whor. a man shows signs- of being on the job at all times, is willing to tackle hard pmhlems and bring them to a successful conclusion, ho is ofâ€" ten refemd to as a. “Go-Getter.“ It means all that one would natur- ally expect such an expression to moan and we have adole it as an expressive phrase descri tive of Re rter Classified Ads. My arr “ ro-Getters," Working fromi tho time the papvr is ofi‘ the press they sell furniture, real nstatc, washing machines: and pianos. Find buyers for some and sellers "or others. The make lhmr cost in a day. A lz'poner Classifiml k ono of the best investments in town. If you have anything to adâ€" vr'rtiso, use the Classifieds. THEY ARE READ and the cart to you is very low. This. field m m hr um! 35 3 Com» munity proposition. which means that tho High School and the youngr-r bnys 5 FUJI: lrai \nnm,’ 0.? fit" ‘0"! 0m nou'n' rurvham :1 ran 0" r‘f tht ("aunt chilrh'r fir'd “Vt" would gmr-an that. has! ha”. fmfhail mu! dfrr 1onhhw': swfle unnld «use m Down (rs Gm“. thm 1hr snvpflfi, of our public >pinted mnn, aha look m 1h: futurr of Hz? villagt, i'hc- fut-2' .' Fax born puwhastd. and we arr now u rm atin r-f having a Community Afidrtir Fold. CLASSIFIED ADS ARE “GOGE'ITERF' PERMAMHI (0M- MUMIY Allllflk flflD UNDER WAY \mnnm [1mm i~ InI-‘m; su'hn I No ~ '0' Patch-w «4‘ lb. “\ouh fidd- i’iu-M. " President Warren G. Harding and the Cabinet Mem- ' bers Now “On the Job” in Washington. DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1921 Toachor‘s examinations will hr: held at the mart houso, Wheaten. Thur:- Iiay and Friday. March 17th and-18th ummoncing at 8:30 a .m. rm Thurs- day and at 8:00 a .m. on Friday Ex- aminatiom for an grades of cortM ficatas- will be given at this fimr. Thc plan to arquiro thr field anvl‘: fist-114' its use for the Community" dui nnt originate with the Legion! Public spiritod mm: of tho villapo. m? tr-rostml in athletics mnmivml tho i-; doa of purchasing the tract «1' land' and dedicating its use tn tlu~ (om-. munity. They asked the Legion to! lmd their aid in the project and thi=l Wa.‘ madily granted as the vac-stov-l win: men were working on a similar! enterprise. It is the purpnce ofl those men that thn land he owwdl‘ hy thn villager and that the Laxionl. kax-r. a long term lease which will rr- 1 vrrt to the community. a n. l’ownpn Gram» should he mun 152" riliing to help out in lhi~ a- it u-nninly is a pnrmanr-nt mmmuniu ymprnvomrm and <0m0thing wt wouM sorely mis.~~ if we were without it. ,\'ahrm”y Hwy novel assiHam-v arm as they arr not br-nrfitling to av} (rt-2! mum. they foul that thc pmplr Tm American hriv-n uh: '1 H.140 ‘.r.2 em» prnpmiuon from an unwifh'» :zv'nu-‘m is taking adiw ”mum 0' NW rn‘rhaso a» it. rrnlins “but :: art-Lt lunrfiit this will In‘ in the qu Thy no“: Marv m-avh' um- iav.’ n“ 1hr ”unhase prim h} pnhlrr . .«v-‘ptinn and impu- tn haw 1h» m - Ln amount and the war}; an the fir In «23‘1“! within throw wet-In. ‘ vr. "I'WYJ-F.‘ firm-c will ham a Man In in"! mhhm- (amt-4 as \rtll :r tho Amr’ran Lt‘llinn and "ml in Man lo uorm- “1‘ win have :1 MM m can uhpr-ml mum {mm year m 31m and lav-w Hun mHMirs‘ in nur rt-mmunx~ ly wit! mm mm» in an «ml Mam: n! m» ‘u "I. TEACHERS‘ EXAMINATIONS To clom- t'hv; tuning :4 I'vlFical pro- gram will br- givr-n by heat mlrnt and it is @xpvctod that a largr‘ num- bn- wm avail themselvpn of the op- pmtum‘ty r‘f atmndinpr this joint mneting. ‘ ‘ Col. Clinnin i? a fine !pr»nlu~r. "0‘ ha? a perszgnaiity which wins Inml {nor-dc and it w”) b: a mat tn bean {Winnie Natinnai Guard. (‘nL Clmnin will speak on athlr-tics jaml ”It benefit: to he «ls-rival from participation in \ariouzn out and in: -:lm-r physical pun-iv;- Pithnr in i’gamrs or nthr-rvn'. 9. Bring the Ina- gm. of thomamis of mm both be- fore and during tho war. ('ol. Clin- ;m‘n i.» mmrrsant uith the suijrt.“ Hv- haw found the new! for athiptics in his army wnrlt. Coming into per‘ sunal contact with hunvlmis of men, physically unfit for military service, M has vet-n (hr-m built up into ofl'i-i (HM fighting mm just thru (110 use of the commonest formt r." r-w-rriso., him. { A J! r: I""f|hl.’ Hf Hvl- l'arrnt‘ (hmrnt‘ .i.~v-ci:nlmn anai lhb local :pu»: r" In Ana-rim”; ngmn will hr ,e-u-r th Thursday vwning at the mun H-anl auditorium‘ 19 is my mum nut-tiny ann’ “haunt in tho zillmzt- mun-44d in thl'r nrzanizmion, Hm nut a ml‘mbm. i.~ imitr-vl to h» prp- -r-nt. ‘ Th!- ~rwakrr hf [hr owning wrthr-l‘ (n-l. .lnhn V. (”nil-mm “bu was mmâ€" mamlor of QM mmh Infantry of the‘ 1:34 Divbinn during thr war. Thi“ rcgiment was formerly the 0M 4th A MINI MINING or H ASSN. AND AMIRKM [MON th' V‘ iimnin “ill Sprain wMunv and firm-lilt- In “in and ‘mmy. W1.- havr- had many com-Ina» (ions in the past fr-w wor‘lo with pmplo of the villazl- Who arr: put- ting ofl' buying needed articles, not only for the household, but for arsonal woar. In oach case we ‘ aw advised that a policy of wait- ing might save them a row cunt; in actual money, but. that lhtvir atâ€" titude if adopted by cwryono in the country could make for noth» ing but hard limos. Eva mm in tho L'nitod Status is de m M up- on someone elm- am the whole makes up our economic structure. If you stop buying the things you need, someone. nomewhnro m the United States will haw to stop making these things. This grad- ually works back and in an ever widening and vicious circle until everyone is; included and we have very hard times. Don't wait-â€" Buy Now. F 'n lvvllinyz of :1 m-u Inmmxim bu :imr hnvlt m Smatngu um! Franklm ‘.-'_v--I~l~ Inst \u-Ik \u- will that I! Mr Irving hm" by Mr. Wr‘lls. who i~ 'a rmulurtnr on lhv- "Q". Thu -hnultl huu- n-ad i» brim: built |u_\' Mr. .I. F. Trahy, Mr. 'l'mhy is Mn. 3 m". rlm-tnr cm ”In huh'ngtnn and alfhn a nrwcnml'r is wr-ll knnwn m I?" ; H wn- llu- \unnmu',= \utv- “lm‘h 'm' 'Hu- kiluhh un Hu- «lundm! nf nm- in ’ in lhawmw Hun» on Sumluyu Hui. [mu- «m :20? rm and m ammo. {Tin- mm: mm. fur "w pm'm‘ih-m h} ‘n mujmiu n! 40. ‘JH mm nun! ”or and 2.3:: :umin-l. Tlmw “h" mrrr- in hum "f hm- im: ”w m-linmm- sluml un Hu- 1::- tutr lumka u~ drawn by ”H- “Hum“ ('mmv‘il “I'H‘ Hu- nnh "0'" “ha gm! In"! and “lulu-«l. 'llnv hml :mhm-n lmnlnlr winning In NH pm” a” dm, :Tlll' mlwr rilh' mud: nu rfl'mt H. W4 [nut Hu- um- but Ir". i' M Hm "unit ithl-m v-IVN In III-rith- Hur |nrlqu.;:lvm. railmatling fratvmity of the \illayt «u it DON’T WA lTâ€"BUT BUY NOW! Sunday mmnu m-w Dim-rind out hurv- by "w Hill-re lml Su'urvm}. In. H mujmily of FM. ""7 \nlt-~ urn- rnd. 4-” by Human and 464? In) m: n. Wm Void lhrnlwlmiuly “So" on "u Sit-M lira-u and V" Hunt“! "proving. SUNDAY MOVIES KNOCKED OUT BY LARGE MAJORITY “The pmnm given by Elias Day In the Amliton‘um but night wax clover and artistic in wnry detail." â€"-~San Francisco Cull. The price 0! admimslon will hr- 75:- for adults and 50: for rhllclrvn. Tir-‘ to“ may I» taught for tho lvm m- mnining numhcrx at W firm booth m-xt Tumulny owning for “.00 for adults uul 75: for rhlldnn. The In! numb" will bu Tuemy. April null, I municul mitul by lhm uflutu starring Mnmrin Maxwell 0! (New (0 Grand Opt-m Aminlmn. “The work of I-Zflau Day unn- run- plouure to the nudism.” ~~ New York lumiml (‘moric-r. “Elias Day's makeup was ram-Hen! and he won (kw-wed applause."-â€"â€" Chicago Evening Moat. BEG YUUR PA R005 “ Ilius Day appran-d in (In: Amh- torium Tuesday night. He portrays charactnr true (4) lifv. This number mm the best in Nu- ('nrm-gie Coumz" ~â€"l'iusbur|r l’wss. The {olluwing press comments will give us an idea of what we um expect of Ir. Day next Tuesday owning. The third number in the serum- of entertainments presented at Diclw Theatre under the auspivon of flu- Community Council will be giwn on Tuesday vvoning. at 8:00 p. m. 'l‘lu- first two numbvrs have been musical programs by artists and wvm greatly enjoyed and highly uppmiatml. 'l'ho thind number will be a popular on- tortainment by Elias Day, Imporson nator and Lecturer. Elias Day. Impersonator and MT- unnr. to Give Wonk: Entertlinmmt. x THIRD ENTERTAIN- MENT NUMBER IS TUESDAY, MARCH 15 "10'7“ > The next meetigg will be held at the home of Mrs W. C. Barber, 81 W. Curtis street.11mnthy mum Nan-h 11th It 1 o’clock. The Junior Infant, Welfare Society met last. Thursday aftrmoon, March 3d, at the home of Mrs. A. D. Aber- 'cmmbie, 17 Highland avenue. Hrs. Ahercmmbie prow:l a most gracious hostess and although the work was camparatively new those pnfient .- greed that the rm .Alts of the mer- noon's work Were very encouraging. Next Meeting Will M at Home JUNIOR IN FANT WELFARE SOCIETY MET ON MARCH 30 (‘n‘ n ull uf )IIIM'II)" Jump 'Hu !r,: Haw-v “u-Murn phnt at Wr‘ummt wax in: m 5:: nl as any in Ohi‘ unml). Mum thul half the H'zlr‘ has 'I'I'YI Hunâ€"In) ”than! the ’uruvr In» In yummy dam: Ind flmu~r<. ”I!" an 1'. lvic'h H I!" 'l‘hc “I “If in mi Thu 5: (hr ,u-u-nvl Imw- within I Mar Hm! Inca! "husk )mu' h‘l'n Ian! M! h} hull. lm-l .‘urt'h When the lm-nmlu wrv-rknl Shin-3.:- l'nrk Mil I!” on 'NI‘VM‘I'I‘ (Cy-.1: «lln'l-n by the bunk wiml Thr 'nu‘ ll: “w (new ‘ 11w flourish hm: ju I hymn-cl (Mir Win «In fluw On (up 0f 1M: I’m In llw nlmvrd an [n at n hm am It“. mu! an limv lust )w I uh. n ”w- dpr‘ll‘ “nth u "w Own": A. I! will ‘Jh’ I Hum! many day» In I 511 "In fill" "ml lhi- livm- v hr' u‘ far an “O "Ihrr \unk Ill ”'1' p01! lplttfll'l‘J 5! ml- n'rm'tl. claw, 0! mm "Ian I 0:qu M- lnm and Wm. "Mm-i. who» plan: i. on Saul]. WIKMIIIWVI Mmt, Ind. :Ilmul half "w ”RM" in hi.‘ M- bun-4'. John Galina, whma- mm in on mm: Wuhlnnm pin-M. h- um I lad-s of w" «not a thousand mum from hmhu (luau alone. (f. Y. Wu". of Frank law-mus, IHI Iu- tomwl in any! I lum- on (In: Rudolph Ellswmth at Belmont. I- mam Mu Ion: u mrly I ”tout-d don-m, Ind he alum (I'M MI iuuunm. The Kidwell minimum!“ were the lam-Mt losers. animating their dink mm- to the plant I'- ‘5,000 Without trying to arrive at n emulate at their loans of mock. 'l‘hcy ha! a nu- uwnlly lam.- umwnt o! tit-conch. flowvm ml {olim (or the Enter ‘mulc and £th in almost I tot-l Ion we the [tenor-Nona In 0» no! will not allow (Mm to keep the m wan» «mouth for th- forcing you. non-mu to bring Ibo flown to a lull bloom for the (mt chunk fuâ€" Iivul. l "all had fallen at intervals {or do ‘musl an hour below the big “on: broke but it. was not of sufficient I!“ to do any dumugr. No glas- could withstand the force of the but? he [tends which peppered the m- houses like H'vmpncl. The ground VII while with the hi“ In if 5! M m- Downers Grove florists. and other: in this vicinity sum-red a heavy loss Monday afternoon as the result of l hail storm. Hail which averaged u lmm- as golf balls fell for almost live minutes breaking more than lull the lights in tho houses of local 60- fists. Local Florials Again Heavy Lulu! thn Hail Storm Hits the Town Monday. MUG! DAMAGE 00M IM "(IAIN MONDAY BY 60” BAN "All "r ”“m'. nwn lhrn ma.« not our-1 ”N y “I" hau- In far" 8" March 17th. WHOLE N0. 1933 flux "nu-4M"!

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