Downers Grove Reporter, 11 Mar 1921, p. 2

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Dicke Stump Totals fleke Climbers Skidmore Vog'el . . . Baltic-Huck O. Vix .. Albrecht Totals Severus Brettner June Harry ...... Carlson . . H Hoohn ...... Totals ....... Mrlu'icka . . . . Totala ....... Progressive 5 Duncan Lanphv‘ar TMaIs Allison Kamsh Barman M 1‘ Vi My Totals Rog": Smith Shula Toms Urhanski h ‘ 3. Antkovilk L. Mandi . A. Sufi-MM Total! ....... Hadley Bushman . ‘ Dix-hon ..... Htinh .............. I” H5 I54 F. Macho! ........... IM l2“ I“ nrndy ............... I” l20 lit-1 E. Mocha! .......... Hi! If“ I33 Totals .............. 502 495 554 Cu“. MIN n. [Nth Tho-In 10M Tank Toul- . Hunk: (‘nIlandcr Handcvtllc l'llor flan-n" us. (Ii-rte can I»:- R. Mochrl Brady E. Moclu-l . ll. Clark Efforts un- being made to arrange mtch games with Hrookfiehl. La Grange and Hinsdule. Should these prove successful some excitement is expected at the ulleyn as Al. Stump, Babe Running and NM]: an- knock- lnx them dud. Following am the scomu up to and including March Man)! “In. Kidwdl Garage nu D. 6. Round" Wednesday night. March thll. tlw alleys will be given uw-r to tlu- local Masonic olgunizatiun when tho Chm» ter and the Blue lodge will sum» :1 match. Wire: and sm-otlk-anh of the members have been invited and it is expected that it will be a big night. lnturuxt in ”1» Business Mvn‘.< [A :1‘ gm: is growing by leaps and bound» as the snumu nears flu.- t-ml. Th:- 0an Fulhms and um Downer.» (iruw churh-rs urv showing their "mm- ncnls a littlv more opposition which makes the race nu particular tt-um’s at this stage of the game. The Dix-kc» Climburs lvd by Brady; illmuis has [wt-II mlmittml [II the with a amu- of 224 rolled high loam: Registration Al‘lra by the L". S. Burâ€" ‘vasun last. Friday nitI-‘(qu of the Ct'HHUS ‘3» to death 11-â€" game for thv .x. Nichulmu “'35 parts but not as to births. Physicians, getting a total of 930. 4 next with 207, Dicko came till‘flugilill‘.i(i\\'i\’('.~‘, parents, lmuwholdors and with 197, Bal with 180 and Chn'L-lanili'ulhcrs whose duty it in' under the law marked low with lZZ. :Lu maki- thosv Iopuru huu- not as Niiholsnn now has high :uwagu ut Imilizwl thi- iIIIpurtmu-o of com- with a total at 608 pins and an ux- “hing thI-nmith. 1' mil Hwy do real- eragc of 202 2 3. (I'lmelaml is IuII- in: tho III-cossily for rompiying with ning him a clog- sucund “i“! an m- the hm, lllinoi.~ will no doubt com erage for three gmm-s of 200 2‘3. iiinuv to remain without the Regis- “Juno” l‘hIIiIIIzi-r has again signI-Ilitmtinn Aron as to births. up “ith Klein’s RiIlIoliuus alter a >i.\ Tlu [Iiiisiun of Vital Siatisticx.’ week»- stay among the mung:- gmusi Slzitv lh-puitmrnt (If llt-ulth, has: of (alifomia and the town is again mmpilm! a \ml‘l) cumplotet table of in-t pIeimrod to m). iizmt murluliu. 'lhc total deaths of; Interest in thr- Ilusinws Minn Luv; nI-ianls under am- your of :Igl- for thaf mm was “,190. i gun is growing by leaps and lquIdslyo-ar Nicholson now has high awragu with a total at 608 pins and an uv- erugc of 202 23. Cleveland is run- ning him a dam- suc-md with an av- erage for three gmmu of 200 2‘3. The Dix-kc Climburs 19d by Brady with a amu- m' 224 rolled high {mun game for thv svasun last. Friday nin- getting a total of 930. Nichulhnu was next with 207, “Mm came through with 197, Bal with 180 and Cltn'ulaml marked low with lZZ. Mills Printers vs. East mlm ............. l3l Hf) Lula .............. 576 563 Odd Fellows vs. Nut (inert-y Race in Business Men‘s League is Getting Cloakâ€"Excitement High Near Finish. DICKE CLIMBERS HAVE HIGH TEAM GAME WITH 930 Ilociu-l ........ 829 771 831 vs. Klein Richelieu Pitchers Wheaten 153 176 133 114 159 151 113 I72 135 167 188 143 I40 140 152 I27 I44 ”5 I06 I52 “7 I28 llfl N2 .lOl J”: .181 .l7l H7 I“ "8 I39 I79 I36 149 179 185 132 174 819 149 172 160 147 159 136 178 l 20 105 168 707 164 I42 169 153 I42 140 MG 132 I26 I40 141 123 549 IRI 612 ”.5 MG I") I 55 )5 I42 NM 157 "L1 H!» "12 H0 l2!» 1“ l3!) [24 H3 181 174 161 150 152 318 180 163 169 119 118 148 715 123 175 I95 161 180 :ggpoumY FARM m! BUREAU ONE OF m 2,000 [N THE U. s. 187; I43 140 517 II!» 165 145 I24 137 “3 {D53 If" 2m HI II!) N? I“. "5 I” “8 {063 I54 I” I33 I33. [2| l24 I62 I2! (:18 1M “3 [23 Humanity cum. Humanity seems to be dlvlded Int. M classesâ€"learners and 1mm. mm. plums find when. critic: and doom lire-lor- and makers. The first state farm bureau was limited strictly to educational work. Today, in Illinois, the Illinois Agri- cultural Association looks after the legal, business, educational and legs islative interests of 106,000 farmers. On March 20th, 1911, J. H. Bar- ron begun as county agent in Broom County, New York. Today, all but two of the forty-eight states of the union have organized state bureaus which are cooperating with the Arn- erican Farm Bureau Fededration. DuPage County is one of the 2,000 out of 2,800 counties in the United States which have county farm bur- eau agents. and which are; on the 20th of this month, recalling that the farm bureau movement, mighty as it is. is only ten years old. Farm Bureau Movement. Mighty in Agriculture. Only Ten Years in the Field. ' Turn! Captain, 15‘ Chas. il Quartermaster (Genny-II) Int. 2nd, and 3d Clam. _‘ Quartermaster (Signals‘ cm. In. :2ml. and 3d Claus. Machined Mate, Chief. Is! and 2nd LClam. Enginemon. Int and 2nd Class. (loppvrsmith, lat and 2m! (Tm-=3. Pharmirist Mate. Let and 2nd Class As recruiting for H10 navy has Mn practirally suspomkwl for the- pact twn months, this may he particularly1 inlomsting tn men who have served in the navy in any of the above men- tions-d ratings and WM! to return to ”In service). The (TM-um l'. S. Nnry Rrrrulting Sultan has mived innlmdlml to "film "may ma mum-gs of “out“: of time since dim-ham. in tho 1’ (waving nungs: $ I I v Elm-trivia" (Radio) Chit-f, Isl. 2M. and M Clasa. hmm-r’s Mal! (ONNMDG‘) h“. 21'. and 3d Clam. Gunnrr's Mat» (Torpedo) Chief. lat. 20d. and 3d Chm. “than Rectum-x Such- [In Or- *n I. lie-Faun! (bril- Hm With Minn. FORMER GODS GET CALI. FROM NAVY â€"SHIP FOB CRUISE Dr. I. I). lawman. Mme-tor of Pub- lk Health. Spflufleld. llllnofin. "with Dun a film. “Tommy's Birth Codified." which will he loaned to mow lawman-d if mum LI mule to A birth ccrtificatv. as it may be needed to establish proof of age for entering or Inn-lug school. for enter- ing mililaly rut-Nice, for securing ,working permit, for securing mar rim license, for holding public of- fice. to secure passport», to adjust in- surance, to establish right; to inheri- tance of property and to wean other financial benefits. should be a matter‘ not only of family. but of communi- ty pride. It in gratifying to know that. quite a numb" of «ammunition have undertaken to uolve this prob- lem by inaugurating an «lucational campaign as to the value 0! birth in» conlu. TM ”(a Dev-rim of yvar till!) was 11,190. l Th5» information, ('umph'lc as it is. gunm- nut enabli- the Division of Vital fanatics to announce the infant Heath rate for the reason that the birth record in? incomplotu, In many linstanccs reports of deaths have boon ‘lilml for record wlnero there are no records of birth.\, the latter being ill» conned only after the deaths had horn reported. The «loath rate of infants can be ascertained only by} wmparimn per thousand of births, and cannot possibly be deduced with- out approximately correct reports of nll births. l‘urunts Should Take Responsibility of Making Sun- Tim! Birth Certificate is Issued. REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS IS NECES- SARY IN ILLINOIS 4" DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER, DOWNERS GRQVE, ILLINOIS Members of the, Chapter signed a “Mortuary Book" which will be sent to Mr. and Mrs. Near at their nmv home in Bloomington as soon as i! is. completed. The evening was closed with the saving of refmshmt-nts in the dining room. Preceding the election five candi- dates were received and initiated iu‘ lo the degrees of the order. Samuel Miskelly, Past Patron of a Chicago Chapter assisting in the work as his daughter was one 01'"!th class. Tin.- oll‘iccrsâ€"elect wcm installed immediately after their svlcction so that the “'ul'k of the Chapter could go on uninterrupted. l Mr. Chas. Knoblauch was chosen iWnrtliy l'airon of Vesta Chapter, N0. 1242, O. H. S. 'l'uumlay owning at a special election called because of tlw resignation of E. S. Near from this position and 0f Mrs. Near from the Concluctress station. Mrs. Kathryn Cramvr was elected to the position‘ of Conduétmss and Miss Marie Ol-l son was selected to fill the Associate} Conductrcss station. 1 19 W. Railroad st. 11re Reporter, $7.00 per year. Miss Marie Olson Axum. (funduclress Chosen at Special Election 'I‘uexday Evening. CHAS. KNOBLAUéH IS won'rm PATRON 0F VESTA CHAPTER ducts and Ross’ Bakery Goods Try OUR SPECIAL Blend Coffee at .......... 35c ’ And OUR SPECIAL Blend of TEA You Will Like Them Median - The Maple Avem Stale The Home of None-Such Brands Pure Food Pro- Downers Grove Electric Co. HOUSE WIRING PLUMBING MACHINE WORK GENERAL REPAIRING Auto Construction Ignition Specialist Buschmann Bros. GENERAL TEAMING AND TRUCKING MOVING AND STORAGE Enables you to do your cooking with the minimum of time and effort, giving you leisure for other things. Economical in gas consumption. As nearly perfect as a Gas Range can be made. Conserves time, food, fuel and money. Remarkably easy to keep clean with its white porcelain tray and splasher back. '"gWesternUnifed Gas ‘ $4 and ElectricCompany {é} Steum Heating - Sewer Building Gas Fitting Tekplufle us Cor. Forest Belmont Phone 369-1 A M O D E R N Cabinet Gas Range MRS. EMMA FORSTER Downers Grove, Illinois anle Ave. and Main St. Fred D. Heinke PLUMBING ‘Ob, Much Better! Rem-r to haw u policeman call you dawn than take yuu up; better to lmu- him huwl you out than haul you In - lhwiun Tmnsvrlm Taken all in all. it was a great sue-l cuts. 'l'hv Libmry is money shunt; the principals can we! that they have» done their bit for the village and: those who saw the show meeived: two dollars Wonh for fifty cents. ! Elmer Uhlhorn dosorves a gmut deal of credit. He donated his lhoutn- not only for the performances but for‘ all the rehearsals without charging a thing. Ban Thulin and Vernon Crush painted the circus scene and the costumes were made by members nf the company. The stage fright was jusafied, however, but this if? another story which. no doubt, can be gleaned from Stan Brown, Hen'ry Tank, Howard James or Burr Downt-s, after skillful questioning. muku the play the success it was: and on Friday night as a token of their appreciation, the Library Board pm~ suited Miss Newton with a bouquut of roses and Mr. Rom-rs with 21 mm!- lt'l‘ nnc. Stanley J. Brown made the prom-Manon in spite 0f :1. case of slam' fright. “FOLLIES” AGAIN . THIS EVENING-BY SPECIAL REQUEST (Continued from Page 1) Telephone 11 Elias Day, Impersonator and Lecturer, who will appear at the Third Number of the Downers Grove Musical Ex- tension Seriea at the Dicke Theatre next Tuesday, Mar. 16 The tlouorations were in the St. Patrick colors, green and white and were carried out in We refreshments served late in the nfbcmoon. Green carnations and hyacinths were given as favors. Miss Brown was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts and Miss Winihied llcmphi" was hos- toss to fault-en girl frinods at a mis- u-llaueous shower in honor of Miss Evelyn Browu who is [U be it spring bride, last Saturday afternoon ‘ her home, 5502 Glenwoml avenue, Chica- Miss Winifred llemmtill “muss Io Fourteen Girls Last Sat-I urday Afternoon. EVELYN BROWN GUEST OF HONOR AT BRIDAL SHOWER Made for use in washing machines. much better than soap. Singles or Doubles, any length up to 10 feet. Large stock on hand. :2 Pieces, 2 Designs, something new .. Kirsch Flat Curtain Rods 32 S. Main Street Downers Grove. Ill. MORRIS SHOE STORE than In: your: prices and (In guilty in the am. Come In and look out our line helm .Ikiu' you Ipriux purchases. J. D. Gillespie 6: Co. Our Nrw Spring Styles or Pumps and Oxfords are coming in and we haw a wondotful assortment to choose Irons. .Thc Good News is Hun they an- priced-â€" Good News to: Phone, Days, 30: High“, 217 Retailers 0! High Crude Merchandise Thor Washing Powder Pyrex Ware Breakfast Sets 1-' to 1-2 Less ALL THE NEW PIECES A Full Line Just Received Mr. Day's appearance here will be a red letter day in our lyceum F course. Only a part of Mr. Day's time is given to the platform. He deâ€" votes the remainder of it to the Elias Day School of Lyceum Art where he instructs readers and musicians aspiring to lyceum hon- ors. “When Mr. Day presents a character he seems to have dis- appeared from the stage, so per. feet is the representation. The audience forgets that Mr. Day is there until the makeâ€"up and cos- tume are removed. Elias Day has been recognized for years as the greatest enter‘ tainer in his line in America. With quick-change make-up and costumes he presents an enter- tainment that is marvelous in its variety and transitions. Our Customers Keep House Plant. Moist. A piem or spongv. qniie wet. and limit in om'h house plum has been (mum! in n-sun in uru-nm-ss and freslh mess instead of tho willing wlik‘h so one" uwrtukvs house plums. Their failure to ll" “‘0” is due no! so much (0 the heat of im- huusv as to the dry- ness of Ilw mumsphere. The sumo numi syncing». slmuld he [messed In mnuug Hu- h-uu-s and stalks us near to the router or the plant as possible. the nftomoon was greatly enjoyed by those pmsent. . The guests were the Misses Mild- red May of Chicago; Beatrice An- thony, Ruth Hughes, Paulyne Rainer, Helen Thatcher, Kathryn Heckman, Charlotte Bate-man and Lucile Bush, of Downers Grove and the Mesdamea Walter Fredcnhngen of Naperville, Spun Duncr of Whenton, Chas. Me Lam: of LaGrange, Edson Mott of llymn and D. Eastman of the Grove. ELIAS DAY. Friday, Much 11, 1921.

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