Downers Grove Reporter, 11 Mar 1921, p. 6

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Legion and menty~three units of the Women's Auxiliary were added. Ap- fllutkms for thirty-two charters for The week ending February 26 was one of the most successful in the hisâ€" tory of tho American Legion and Women’s Auxiliary of that organizaâ€"l 6011 from the standpoint of new posts find units. Eighty-two posts of the Proof that disabled veterans ap- preciate the efforts of the American Legion in their behalf is provided by satisfies showing that of the Imm- ber of tax-service men confined in hos-i pittis of thirty states, one-third are‘ Legion member s. The figures were obtained from a report of the Service Division of National Headquarters, based on a Legion national census. Other Items of Interest to Ex-Ser- vice Mm Gland From All Over the WM”. DISABLED VETS APPRECIATE THE AMERICAN LEGION God paints rhamfl" nf town: u! tell as (hamrtrr of (Mb. The run- ditian «f lawns. \Mnnl. lots, pawâ€" lnenu ami uidewnlks all ml the story a! (Matador (‘hmadar i9: soon in unit‘s! indfl'rmiro or Lrnrrfulmrw in regard to appvaram and nature of churrhvu. srhmlhnuw: and ohlrv‘ puHic l-uildimzs. ("harartl-r is dem- mtrah’w' hy 1hr kind of plan“; whm‘l- young mm "hing out." The char- atkr of a tmsn is a mmpositn of the charartrn- of it's ponplo. and is as wily read Them in not 0110 of m but that is joalone of ”w rharartrr of the town we live in. How im- pomm than, that we so live as in- dividuals that we shall be proml of the character of (he plat-0 we call "our home tnwn." Then min. rifle! and villa": haw dander. Mvn ”mg-ruin, "zip fad, perhaps unmnsriously, when looking for a pmwr [dare to "\‘n. Th: quash Sou "In it a [and plat» to aim! my chfidm?" m nnly another way of‘ hquiring "What is: the charm-tor of “In m?“ (but at mry ml. the ! Wr to ovary «mvvnuim‘ (”Mfr in their farm. So God is 'flfll‘ your dunner nnd mine no that thou- who mt In my man! what manner of men w an. Barfly no nun an Ifionl to Dave God pain! I flew" a! wit-lament upon the win- dow of his not. “one: bun churn-tor. Then am none homnc into which m- un with a‘ hall-g of happy anticipation. The ml‘km the diary member: 4 the family I" combine to mat! the VMI m of Supirntlon. sum!» luv the (banana. word» and deed: of (but home have all been mum he. an mdcflublo nlmmphvn‘ that "h of lindma and «Hove Ind Idfdtnhl. In such a home you fed I welcome and Maniacs:- am an In" he imiutml. Truly Christ i.- fic Md 0! that home. (M Unmn M at new ml. the 86km! Lip Have you not men mc-n whose countenance» were no Mlml with evil (ht you («and to be alone in their pun-ace? 0n the other hand, have you not won 01ch In whoa. eyes in a NMHrtion? God had written‘ Someone, with the thought of mo- ther‘s carpet rags, and her home spun weaving in mind has used the thot at I weaver scawd somewhere in our being and taking all the thought stufl', all the word stuff and all the Wed stuff of our (151in live§ and weaving them into that which we call character. It has been truly said that a man’s sins find him out in his dunner. It is equally true that his good deeds become wool“ and warp of his soul. No man ever sinned that he did not injure his character. No man ever read an impure book or. told an indecent story that he did not toil his chm-utter. No man ever wronged another in thought, word or deed that he. himself, was not in- jured to a greater degree than was the man he wronged. 0n the com tnry, no mu ever performed a kiml act. spoke a cheery word. or gave ‘ aid to the helpless without himnell' 1 ranking an uplift. It seems hard for men to realize that we are daily building character, and that every word, though and deed is- woven into our very being. 81w old quotation “Sow a thought and you reap an act; Sow an act and you‘ reap a hobit: Sow a habit and you reap destiny” seems to have been forgotten in this hustling, bustling, hurley‘burley age. 'lle Ministers Comer] Your reputation is what the neigh- bors think you to be, but your char- acter is what your wife knows you to be. Sometimes there is a vast gulf between these two. WHAT IS GOD PAINTING ARTHUR SPENCER PHELPS William Bender ........ Extn time, 8 hours .. Ola Irwinâ€"Salary ..... ‘Wilher Dunn .......... H. C. Hicks ........... Earl Watkins ......... Frank Alien ........... Chas. M. Hitch ...... M. Venard ............. D. W. Kearney ........ Louis Callahan, 8 days .i February 15 to February 28. 1921 Dept. of Public Properly H. L. Thompsonâ€"Salary ....$7l.48 Commissioner Heartt presented the snmi~monthly pay roll for the period from February 15 to February 28. I92], and various bills and mow-d to approve same and have warrants drawn for the several amounts as follows: Minutes of the meeting of Fr-bru- ary 28th, 1921, were read and Com- missioner Hc-artt moved to approve some. On roll call Commissioners Heartt, Hallcr, Bryce and Mayor Barber voted Aye. Nays none. Mo- tion carried. ”(mum‘s “'7‘va "I" 3'8th 7' “mm; 0" Imll 0:3" ('nmmiwinn-‘rr‘ "oar“, tngular mot-ting of thv Council nfiHch‘r. Rryro and Mayor Harbor the Village of Downers Grown HI‘ yrotod Ayn. Nays none . Motion car- Present ai roll call Mayor “2 C. Bar riod. her and Commissioners Brycr. Halâ€"f Co"n‘tor's and Tmasurrr's Romns [or and Beat“. 'for the manth of Fobmary we»? read OFFICIAL PRO- CEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE B 0 A R D Enlist!" no" mvmhrrsi 6,- ml d-fg flmlt fur Modford I‘m! So. 37 of Hw- Amcriran Legion. whit-h mired a prin- flng aw flu- most efficient Okla- homa post in a stat:- momhvrship mmpaixn. With a membership of fiflmn lut Septomhor. the post ob- tained rem-In from um; manly" :nml added fifty-four mum-x to ihfi f0"? , Wilkon Gmon I‘m: No. ”0.5 or Gotcha, would have received wa prize. had its roport been made our “men Tho (Mom post rem-«ml 5h fonrtwn members aml gaivml «wow. ty-six mrruits. to Cannes; and Wall" C. Smith of Gulclm Gulr I‘m! No. 40. lo tht- stair 'mi-htom. Two legion wwn now npmcvnl (‘Alifomin in (’ongnm- and flflwu rx-sorvkt- mo» haw want in "w sub logislflnr. ‘ F. Unborn". we mmmmwkr of Long “and: Post No. 2‘7. was wlvctnl American lamina mambo": wow rim-m for omn- at two California pvt-(in! almions in «no work. Walk-r The {an that a wit-non “ho gab. into trouble with the law in an ex- ucrvin man will not be vmphaximl by "w Auctinlnl I'm“, urronlimr to onion flawed to m uuprrintrmlrnu and mnmpomlonw. TM Amvrimn Legion I“ its Smoml Annual Conn-nâ€" Ucm puml a resolution urging 0w pn-m to adopt . uimilnr pnl'u-y. An appeal has been male to Na- tional Henllquarten of the American Legion by oflicers of the American and From-h Children's League to aid the [name in its distribution of nvcnl millions of poppiea. which the, women of France have made to be worn on Memorial Day. The poppiex will be sold in u" pans of the United; Staten Ind the pumls will be we‘ll for French and American war or- phi-m. and no on. Mr. Fish started a relay of New membt-rx in his olflce. A plan by which thousands of members of the American Legion might be gwun a {rt-o course in mm eminent is proposed by Iii-presenta- tiw Hamilton Fish. Jr., of New York 1311 American Legion member. Mal Fish suggests that each mombor ofl the House and Senate bring a Leg- ionaire to Washington for 3 months. as one of the secretaries premitted him in his ofl'icc and replace him at the end of the period with another When the employment. bureau of the American Logion in St. Paul en- mllcd four hundrml ox-a-rvicc men out .of jobs, 0. W. Krausc. secmtury 1of the bureau, appealed to the pubw‘ lie of St. Paul through the local pa-‘ pen-s. As a result mom than one hun- dred mvn found employment in one" day. ’ Alvin W. Owsley of AuStin, texan, who was a pinoecr in American Leg- ion organization in the southwest, ‘has been appointml assistant direc- tor of the Legion's Americaniam Commission . Mr. OWSloy is a spou- ker of national prominence and ac- quirml «special recognition among; cyservice men for his efforts in obâ€"‘ mining the passage of a bill in the Texas legislature providing a million and a half dollars for a hospital at Kervillo, Ti-xas. the Auxiliary were received in one Harry W. Bryce day. There are now 10,200 posts and Charles Haller . 2150 units, according to National 1 G Haunt dcudquarters. W. C. Barber . -~â€"- C. Ford Davis . PAY ROLL has already York Legion 67.50 95.00 70.00 57.50 57.50 6.48 65.00 4.17 DOWNERS GROVE REPORTEIE DOWNERS GRO‘ DISBURSEMENTS Deposited to the credit of . the Village: Treasurer . . $6333.76 Commissioner Haller moved that the reports he placed on record. 011 roll call Commissioners Ballet, Bryce Total Licenses .......... Dog Taxes ........ Lamp Sales ....... Special Assessments Sale of supplies Garbage disposal Commercial Lighting Light meter repairs Light meters ...... Water rates ....... Water meter repairs Water meters ..... Water tapping fees Sewer permits ..... The following is my report for the month of February, 1921. Chas. M. Hitch. Village Clerk. FORâ€"â€" To the Council nf the Village of Downers Grove. Illinois. Gentlemen: Collortor's and Twasurrr's Rrpnrts for the manth of February we»? read as follows: N010 No. 15 ...... .. . 303,7.“ Light Department. pub. light 15.00 Pumping Bill ........... $285.68 Worthington I‘ump Mchy. (Torn. Bill No. I589 ...... 9549.96 07! roll m" ('0mmi.~<innvr.¢ "cam, "all". Rryro and Mayor Harbor V. kamhugrn. March wn! 2:3 Rusrh-Sulznr Bras. Eng. ('0. No.11?!” . , .. Frank Alhn, Hill- ’- H J. W Nu~h Li" "â€" l . No. 2101812 No. 2538839 firm-ml Eirdn'r (‘.o. "ilk . I No. C 324m ......... No.( . '3'?“ .......... . WMum I'Jrctrit ('0 Bi" ., ’ No. TD 70‘612 ..... Raymond head Works. 2-15 Jan. 1'. Mnnh I (70.. 2-1?) H Mnmm‘h Elm-(fir Winn (So. Bill No. 67016 “in No. 72236 Jamrs It. ('lmv Sow, "ill. No. Iv 3067 ............ ll. \lm‘llrr Mfg. (Co No ’05" Pillsbury: Mom (0.. Hi" .. fllll No. 4'1! .......... Bill N0. M0 ........... Slamlanl Oil Fo., RIII F3811 llill .\'a. F l9lll ...... Valvuline Oil 00.. [Bill 2-8 . Bill 2-! .......... .. ... Sinclair Ill-fining (‘0. flilli Tho- Town (‘0.. Bill 2-22 howl Lulmbvr (T0,, Dual .0! Public Pnpnty Dowmru Grow (Smngo 1-17 3 1 Pony Cash. Fob. Acct. H2 Mlaes Anna Moyeru. "ill 2-28 I J. ll. ankcnflvlcl. Bill 3-! .. . 8 Frml I). "fluke. Dill .’|-l 22 Duwncm Grove “an“, 2-22 II. J. Hawkins. "in 3-4 . ..... Mom. 6. Tonnum I Son. 2-25 Ill. "4-" Trl. (‘0.. Bill 8-1.... L Rom-Polling l'lncc ....... John (Zollun-Salnn'-Ek>ction E. 6. chml ............. H. C. Dicke ............... Eel. F. Bradley ........... C. Ford Davis ............. J. R. Foster ............... W. H. Bludg'ctt .............. 6.00 W. D. Herrick .............. 6.00 L. 1. Foster .............. . 63.00 Harold H. Clarke ............ 6. 00 Downer: vau Pub. Co.. '.L? 67. 40 Legal Advisor Pub. (30., 2- :I. . 16.9] Dept. of Public Alain; R. D. Blakt~y-~-Salur_\‘-Elections 6.00 J. W. Tucker .............. 6.00 Downers vac Garau‘, 2â€"17 23.96 Dr, W. W. Cowley, Bill 3-] .. 3.00 William E. Eicllhorst, 3~l . . . . " 2.25 Downers Grove Garage. 1â€"28. .85 Paul Shroka (‘0. 1-22 ...... 20. 00 Bill 2-18 ........... Bill 2-7 ............ Buschmun 81-05., Bill 2- l’vtor Pinch Sons ['0‘ Hill No. 6181' ....... Bill No. 6198 ....... 1 Dept. cf Acctu. Finances Petty Cash. F‘b. Acctl ....$ 4.30 Fisho-r, Hayden, Killes 6'; Br!“ Bi“ 3-2 .................. 509.02 Dept. «F Streets 8: Public Imp. Buschman Bros” Bill 3'7 ...$180.00 Dept. of Health Safely Sam I-lnfl‘vItâ€"Salary-Firt- ...$ll.00 (:00. Cline ................... 9.00 Henry Wolf ......... 9.00l l'zml Shroku ........ , ....... 10.00 Val. Wander ................ 11.00 1Hem-y Dicke ................ 11.00 Tum-old Erickson ............ 7.00‘ Frank Safranski ............ 11.00 Joseph l'esczinrflti .......... 5.00 Fred Heinkc ................ 12.00! Elmer Dicke .... ........ 11.00 Grant. Dickc ................ 12.001 Henry Dickc Hill 8-1 ....... 27.091 N. Y. Belting Packing Co. I Dept. of Streets Public S. Budzik~Salary (sewers) . 1’. Nelson ................. COLLECTOR‘S REPORT :-2| IN” Nu. 1H0 ”.05: ........... INA”: “III P118908 $6333. 76 $3933 . 59 42.50 2028.07 26.47 44.00 70.00 46.80 75.58 12.25 37.75 Siswmmwmw Lin-Ink”! Wu.)- 3 .8. . "n 92 21! l8.7N 41.80 .IO 12.32 30.00 6N Imp. u 3R v” 35 2.40 4.20 flu. .In ".0 4.17 4.17 4.17 10.42 15.00 84 per cent of the BusinessConcems which failed inl920 “GRANGE, ILLINOIS wmzx BE’I"I‘HH .\l"m.\umn.lcs MHZ ”1'11;le Iujm< wm, lu'mfl‘nEM V” , -VVV.V .V...... V- m .. .u .l-onI Davis. Villnm- Trcuunr. Subxcrilml and worn lu Mfurc luv this 7th day of Munch. A. ll. IE'ZI. Chas. M. "itch. Notary Public. Ind correct. Grand Total Totals ............ Special A» ssmom n Dept. uf Accounts Finances Dept. of Health Safvu- Dept. of Streets Public Imp. ”1‘ Q. «If Public I’rnpt-zt)‘ l’nllic Library . ............ lnlvn‘st Fund .............. Staking Fund .............. l'umls To 1le (‘uuncil of the Village of Downers Grove. (-Plllk‘llll'ni 'l‘lu- following is my report for tho month of February C. Ford Davis, Village 'l'rozmuvr. A canvas was made of the Tally Sheets and Pull [looks of the Special Election held in Downers Grove, Ill- Iinois, on March 5th, 1925!, submitting the question “Shall the Village Coun- lcil of the. Village of Downers Grove, County of Dul’nge, State of lllinois.§ repeal a certain ordinance passml and lupproved by it on January 3d, 1921, entitled ‘An ordinance prohibiting theatrical shows and other forms of entertainment for gain on Sundays, and providing a penalty therefor' " which showed that the prtuwsilion curried against its xvpcul, the vote being as follows: On roll call Commissioners nr’fc}, Haller, Hoartt and Mayor Barber voted Aye. Nays none. Motion cur- rim]. RESOLUTION RESOLVED, That the iVNage of Downers Grove, Illinois, furnish el- ectric light to the Downers Grove Public Library, {me for one year, bc‘ ginning February lst, “121,411“! em!- ing February lst, 1922, the amount not to exceed $100.00. were N0n=Advertisers Commissioner Bryce presented the following resolution and moved for its adoption: Heartt and Mayor Barber voted Aye. Nays none. Motion carried. do hon-by “war to flu- lrst of my knowkwlgo, thin mport to be Irm- of Public Atfuin: . WEST SUBURBAN MOTOR CO. And Buick I92] models have added prestige to that name. The new models possess the known Buick reliability to meet every condition of travel. To that. reliability there is added comfort resulting from improved seating arrangement and spring sus- pension and easier control of mechanism. And the new lines are beautiful. Each car’s reliability is reinforced by Authorized Buick 50"“?! The Buick name is “nick's he»! salesman. Sim-v Jan-var) 6M. mmlat equip-KM on all models ion-laps cord um TRI'I \Sl RER'S REPORT ILLINOIS 0n hand "mounts lust mport for month . .s 640.6! {-63.75 40.75 I 342.90 .90 I 3x I .4 l 6.00 4056.65 6163.73 344 .2! 3570.77 10.58 5114."! Expend. for mom} 346.86 40 l . I 9 757.70 3767.50 169.29 337.50 . #2210714 $170M“; 3093.49 ’ March Seventh, 1921. .Signedâ€"â€" I W. C. Barber, Mayor I. G. Hear“, Commissioner H. W. Bryce, Commissioner ‘ Charles Haller, Commissioner Charles M. Hitch, Village Clerk Commissioner Haller moved to ad- journ to the next regular meeting date March 14th. “121. On roll call Commissioners Holler ,Heartt, Bryce and Mayor Barber voted Aye. Nays none. Motion carried. I ,9. Men~213 Votes Womenâ€"~30? Votes Total against repealâ€"620 Votes We, the undersigned canvassing ,bourd, do certify that we have can- ‘vassed the returns made to the Vil- fluge Clerk of a Special Election held in the two election precincts of the Village of Downers Grove, County of1 Dul‘age and State of Illinois, on the1 5th day of March 1921. and that the foregoing is a true and correct state- ment of the number of votes cast for and against the proposition. Menâ€"253 Votes Womenâ€"«134 Votes Total for repealâ€"387 Votes 05221.96 8 6344.34 3 6848.04 822603.38 Chas. M. Hitch, Village Clerk. lt’a’ . ill-1'21 Against Repeal 3 57%.“! “7456.21“ 68.90 5146.07 for hwnth on hand 346.86 40 l . I9 757.70 3767.50 169.29 337.50 640.6! 257.64 942.61 629.71 "4.92 3243.85 5| l4. l6 192] Styles For Young Old Fit Guaranteed my Spring lines of sam- ples are now here on dis- play at 1 3 5 N0. MAIN ST. Order your Easter Suit or Coat now of BERT moons Having The Exclusive Agency For SUITS $30 and up We sell wall paper at factory prices. Ofi'ice Belmont Forest Tel. 3694 Downem Grove MARTIN F. POZDOL Pointer, Paperhanger Decorator Now is the time to do in- terior work. 16:16- me (Platte. Bert Moore Prices The Lowest ORDER NOW 01“ 185 No. Main St. Attention TELEPHONE 538

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