Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Mar 1921, p. 1

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"DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER This is a suhjm‘f in which Mery- ono is vleoply interactm! and the mus- ic fumi=h0d by th(:r- young ladies always eagm‘ly antimpafx-d. W0 hop:- every member “in mz-{k' :1 sporial ef- fort tn attend. The Missos Winslow and Potter will furnish thr- music Miss Lucia R. Morse. dirrrtor of the Kindergmtnn, will talk on “Mod- ern Education." at tho general ment‘ in: of the Woman' .~ ( luh Wodnecda} March 23d, 2: 30 p m 2 WOMANS CLUB GENERAL MEETâ€" ING WEDNESDAY This is the first year the Downers Grove grade hays haw had super- vised basket ball practico. Nevertho- less. they did some good work when put on the floor, against teams that have had several years experience. Mr. Greeting, our manual training su- pervisor. deserves great cmdit for his untiring efl'orts in helping the boys organize their foams and mach- ing them . The boys WprP-rnhmr Downvrsi vac eighth grmlv. at Hinsdalo were; William Ray, ArnnM Klvin. Douglas" Huntinxton. Harry Frazier, Glenn; Singlelerry. Gunfire Ray, Raymonvh Carpenter and Crescy Woorhol. l HrI-rymw vnjnyml m‘t‘ry nmva of Mir day and c‘pn'ssvd 1hr how that thosc athk‘tir n‘mhum might run- timm in Un- mum); A rafolvrin hmrh and «hmwr m-w sorrow] at the who"? 1» u” \i<i(nr<. by the who; uf mumlwrrs 0' the Board nf Emu-anon. Those meal,» wen- (wntly apvn-nznnl hy all. MIA lo hr cann‘hn l-umcv n! lbw! had wrath". Rand-m: and NHL moms wow prm Mm! {or all. and xiv! tmla mmir and mum»- m'rr vnjuynl. hvlwwn Ihr :lrh'fflfldvfl :md vuninui tournamnl mum-s. " lint-ugh man"! In mid 0f llu- rvr- cl‘al tmalmrnt er‘iuw?. m thr hawk of flu: («when and l'urils uf "in «Mr. Thu-y hm! Manna: In mkl' "w “siting Imam; mm vm-h‘n for my main lrv'p urmmd 1hr \zilmzv hut lhis GIN: I-nlyn and Nanak-Iv mm the thorn-won "mm um! m mmmm rm fin! [flaw in the rvvnmu. vaululr waning fir-I hum-r- m": 3: «mn- «I M In a“. "'1“an (érmr “cm a How am! Mm! Immh' cumv m thu- ownimr. fmm I-IlmhuM mm a *nn‘r 01 H to T. "3 “mini“: ”mt mum“ DOWN“ Grun- Imvl; Hind Warn. 1 Him-duh- killing. IE-q Nun», nw-«vh-j «I I largr Fun-M . uhn Ellyn. lmlnl-I in: snow! Mn". vu- xmmmu-ul withi [hr now Wilma hu-tvvhu'l “him my! ill“. M Ma) ”w lmwmnm‘nl 1:2"an whilr ”mum's Um“ will nw-hv n‘ nan hmmrr mum hl- v~ "w Jilfliur; "if?! Sl'hm‘l :‘ll‘hh‘ .-\--'m'i;|!imu'-‘ mlnrs » marmn am v mu: ' In the morning thl- dmwing.‘ won- 'mndc as to which tram» should play each othvr . "omurp (Erm‘c drew Glen Ellyn fur the (nu-t aumv uf Hu- aflemxm and Himdalv clww Elm- bunt. for "w fiwnmi At this llmu it Wu th‘t‘illfil Hunt the winners of the nflomoun garner should play} nth olhvr. in Un- rwniny. for first and mud plnrr. and flu- hm-ra u! the urn-moon“: punu~-. play rnrh other for thin! plan. I In spit» of tin any way. u rroml of over sixty Inn! [Munro-s Grow supporters of uur «acmh urudo [mm was newly tn board Um 21.07 a. m. {min for Hinmlah The we: won- lhor rouhl not clumun Ilu-ir jnyful spirits. basket ball. (HM: in” and Downers (:rmw Lu vilntion. Hinsdalo took (in. uutiatnc and in- vited Whealou. Nupvrvdk. Glen El- lyn, West. Chicuuu, Wmhurst and Downers Grou- In «A rm: to llinsdalc and compete fur mum; honors in The first Dlnl’ugv (Juunty Grade Basketball Tournmmm was held at Hinsdale, Saturday, March 12th. This tournament was, 1110 result of the nth- lctic activities which haw.- [wen tak- ing place in the grade mhmls thru- out the cuumy, tlm‘inp,‘ the winter months. Binsdale First, Glen Ellyn Second, in Invitation 'I‘ounmmrnt on Last Saturday, Charlottn M. ,'-'( NW! ' .VOL. XXXVI". NO. 9 DOWNERS 6ROVf GRADES IfllRD IN BASKH BAll ',n, Elmhurst rutul the in- I Thr» [mum-rm: will ht‘ gin-n, :u pH-A {fir-“sly. in Um MMhndid I‘hurrh and Jill rummv‘ncr pmmplh :1! (hr-v Uw Vaftrmmm of Suhmlzu'. Hawk 2601.? : Th.» program fullmn': ”111:"! . Miss Mariana Rm‘ QVm‘nl . ., ...“r.~z Kry-mr . There is another characteristic of thr- common or garden variety of barn ‘ard hen which also points a mom. The hen as you know gets most of her food by scratchâ€" ing for it, the main item she scratches for being worms. You will noticr- that even if worms arn scan-v shr kerns on scratching just tho <amc. Ca" yourself the hon. and flip worms, bus-inns the scratrhing hiring arlw-rtiszing and you will row-lily son that the wisp bu‘im.“ man keeps on advgrtiv- ing n-wn whz-n husinnss in bad br- rmisv ho knmw that without that advmtivimz. hr cannot get bus-i- mw: jxm :1" the hon know; that without that Scratching she cannut got \\'nrm~ Think this m‘vr. h" a fart. '|‘\\n :Irls.~1~ In" hr pn-uwrlwl ”IF ,wur all" haw mu bvw'n hennl lw‘fnw‘ m llnwnrra (hmr, "ma .‘larg’nwt (hm-n: 1- a clnrmuhr n'mk‘r and :- (vnrhrr :Iml n-mnuy “’nn H“- ”izh mnml .‘lnlal in “w I'mmntir ('flnll‘J gin-n |l_\‘ lhz- ('hirngu “mic-m ('nl- h-m- in Hu- Zinifvld Tlu-ulrv. Mb. Kt'}s(‘f. “lm amu‘uh‘ with .‘Iiv (hm-m t'mmN highly Iwnmmrnolu-vl. «:mw "9' Nu- quality at "w numb-«U wr-rMuI. lml aka Mer "0' 614 p?” ru'izu' wnsunnhh'ku. (Won nu H 55:. ”w nflmnmm h-fnu- I‘Ladt-r Smulng‘.‘ You have all heard why chicken arms are so much preferred to ”11‘ eggs laid by the lowly duck. The answer, of course, being that when a chicken lays an egg she adverti. sex the fact; when a duck lays one she just gets up and watldles a- waiothe moral _being,_ Advertise. Fur 50‘?" ,u'nh "w .Za-h-v-I'uk‘ bu.- lam-n nh-«nnl by ”w \\‘nmnn'.- Huh uilh :m amnmpriuir ptmrmm mun I'm llu' hI'm'M n! ”w l'hilml. Ihmm lh‘pmlmvm. Many Dunner-x Hmu- [wuyflr lmw rnmv hr lmk (0‘- mm! in m.« rwnl. on! alum lur- THE H ENâ€"A N D ADVERTISING HM l'mxum Anna.“ M I‘Mlnn- 0mm! "run-um at "u- “in-an?- ”on Wok-mm» bark Huld- robin. )‘ou'n' m-lmmo In mm of the fu-w rho-rd" unvl utmwh-rrtn you mall" way with. ANNUAL EASTER MATINEE SATUR- DAY. MARCH 26'?“ ,| Having hm plum-at n! rc-snlem‘u it seq-nix snmcwlmt vuoliutlcal fur tlw peoplv of llw uurth to any that lbs}- wnrt of tlw ruunlry is “Maw" (0 HI“ ‘mbln, but w» mm: naturally was it. "m. it: wlwn' they build their numb. and rear "win \mmu. Whvrr "my un- almmt tome anal ulu-n‘ ohm fliflfl from morning to night. In [M south tlu-y trawl in hunt flock». almost Mn'r if at all, ring nml «In rm! mal- nr miw fumiliwn. You van MW Uurm «-\1-|'.\'\\'ln-n' hunting for “Ill'llh', making: an” (hr [nut lm‘utiuns for 11w huilvling of (In- nvul mud and filruw huu.~v.~ whvrr fln- litlh- mm an In lu- hatched um :tml raise-1|; uml :itlinu in lln- hm- “Illa pouring out their jny at again being “home." Sonw uf thésu little fuutholml friends of ours have lu-vn staying all wink-r but lhv majority of (luv Huck have just rvlurm‘ql. llurim: tlw It»! wot-k [In-w n\u,~t have lm-n thnlwumls of tlwm \l‘lm ramo «lawn nut. of [In- >k_\' in Illi‘ tnwmhip :tlunv. Th0 robins have been flocking norm in the last few days from thl-ir \\'in< ter home in th(- southlaml to llu-ir summer home in the norm. Earh- risors now-u-days are gt’ct‘hed with the cheery twin-s 0f the rod broauwl wngstcrs ushering in the new mm'n- ing with songs of welcome hvfurt- starting in on thv businos.» of the day. ‘H‘ Cheerful Notes of the Red Breasted Songstem (in-e: the Early Risers Now-a-Days. ROBINS FLOCKING NORTH FOR THEIR SUMMER MATING DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUNTY, iLLINOIS. FRlDAY, MARCH IS, 1921 Eaflrr Sunday :nftA-rnnon. Hav'rni‘wm (ha) 0 n l I 127th, HM- cnmbvm-vl ,nnior and jmmw -' irhoir- nf Ihr- liuptvst Churrh will 1111-! MM the hoauh'ful cantata, “Cm.h “dim" [Cr-own." Thr'y have been practirnwlwm Miligontly unrlr-r the direction u“ A Combined Sing-rs l'nder Direction of “is: Gwen Griflilhs In Render Cantata. BAPTIST CHOIRS TO SING “CROSS 8: CROWN” EASTER The chwrful liar is undoubtedly thi- judgo. However, nearly every nthr-r member 09‘ the cast cnuM qualify as the plot unfolds. TM Fln- Truck Fuml wnll law-I'M 1mm Mn" "w prufll- u! "A (Wti'rful ILinr." n [hm-o Ml mmml)‘ to ho gnu-n i'l‘uouiny anal “Mm-mm) mommy», prrIl arm um! «ml: u! ”w "who {Thu-MW. Tho. May u to ho giwn 'h)’ Ilu- Vinn- !lu Juninr‘. an umauixnlhm of ,nmnx on»... mrmhn-u at Van: Hun-«r. 0. VI‘T. S. 'l'hc-y haw hum \mrlnlnu hnnl ‘cn lho mmml) for normal nmnlhu Inml run-r! In play (a rmmlt-vl Imu. Th: plm i~ a mmml) in "\m ark. ! MINI \ulh «nlhlln humur in 2pm: with man» Mar“ Immin- m olhm‘; “HM «bur mrprvuâ€" and laughing ~ihm ! (inns, Mrmlrh‘ nf Oht- rust aw :II!‘ \u-Il kmmn “yum: pol-I'll" and hat" hum nuignmd in par“ «Mr?! M ”'an I Tim m-igmul inIrMinn or "w young "mph was to liw Ihr play an «My om- I'm-hing. II mu pulp-AMI In "In". hmwu'r. "ml u~ lung I! "w rm! wm willing Ia gun- "wit M‘nims mm N ha row-am! "or am awning and "Ir Ivmfih hr dcmmnl In n nur- Hn‘ ramd- In "W ”Harv. Thi< un‘ “illimrh «vim-In! Iw ”N‘ .Imuh-ur plupovn and it “as: llwir unflnl unin- inn that no mnrr “mun "by?! nmhl hr fmmcl “hirh nmk-cl Int-my than? [hr Fir? Truck Fund. l Young l’apk'u Urn-dawns (Shin; I‘ll, .1 line Inch The-Hr April Mb uni 6M. "Alf VISM IRS. SHOW PROHIS 10 "RE IRIKK fUND SPIRIT OF SI PATRICK IS ST ILI. WITII IIS I T'w [man is to In- plan-1| am Wm-' ”OHM! rm uvrmw, jar-I run-4 "f Hw- Nitlwrfl «My ”Iran“. "ii i4 alum! «Mrnlly lu- wt lnlmtnl a “pat nu Hwy-v- i! in "no .HI‘ I "w inn. taking In!" arc-mm! "v- .wn-ml-l \iws UNI “lhmnwwinl” O'i’dlifl. Um "I" mingrlhr‘ prm'isimw nf "w Illimvis Impor-z marâ€"Jinn "urrau': rwimpv-flicm «f "1r; un‘nillngu' ~60" ”w pmrrhminn uf llw'.’ .h-ur'tuwk luring that it h- I‘vm m Hw- "pin-:"rnmmv‘n'ial alictrirtf‘ Tim 9mm"; rnuhl’is "w 001- which ”saw fin- inrunmrr; Hyundai” for a” rnmpanicw ummtinx im Human. In [Mir instpl-flinn‘ 0' mp? artsgiml’n tht-y n-mmmv-nclrd ,mx-c-nnl- m'thgthanm-s and atlclitiuvw In luv mmlv- In: “m‘iflw firw fighvivm mmipmv-nl mu! m: ”"34"" pumpifll? Julian, “luv-h if ”ngE N :l’!‘ _ _ wc'n- ruruml nut \umM mutrvmlly It»: alum» lhvv fur in-mamw mlrq in ”m Morton The local singors have (hamwd Downl-rs Crow audiencer rm mnrl' than (me mansion and we prmh’rt that thh will be no excep- Th:- mlnists will he Miss Irma Burns nf (Ibirazn, the Mksex Avih; and Marzart-t Lompkn, Gwm Grit; fithz~ and Mrurs Rosrrnbaum antll Mixs Gwnn Griffiths and thr- ronrli- tion of thi~ composition should prove «mo of the musical evrntanf the sr-a- Mr. Euzonn McCrmry, who is a Junk-m. at .Vorthwvutorn University. will play thr accompanimr-nts. 3'0" tho wintrr hnw- by gun, a tlwrmmlul rnnlmllvng Un- m zn-r- of Iv‘ul, l'nr tier lhr- turn'rfivt- yrm- ham-hr" granh-«l 1h: “Wu-m l'nitml Hm Ell-r1 hr (In, Hwy aer-vl to giw- [hr \illazl A Filwr «fit-rm: will b0 taken ‘ A pmulola- gummy lu rum-w "w mm nutumubtlr firm truck. m mpkhlly mung mmph-tion in llw fnflury of “w IAmI Lamina (‘u., n! lh-lmmu wt and Pom-t uw. 'Hu- Imilclénx will hr Infin- c-nmmh tn bun-w ”w hurlx nml‘ awn-ml mm" urn-«0mm «I "w flrr‘ downturn! nnol iv "00' of "n- "n! mmplvlr human” [H h- harm-1| ml by this firm in Un-ir new do'mumn-M umlt'r "w mnmnm-vm-m uf "any “rycv. Port-Me Building Now Max ('0'!- kad u Ille- Inn! Lamb" (bunny I'M-Ion. AEW EIRE IRIJEK GARAGE 10 BE IN WARREN AVENUE Hm unwi-itmn I Thr hm! Luqu-r ('ummny has on luv-«l “w ""1qu lump" firm and m" Ami Hw manufnflun' uf UN'N' {lnulvlmm in llw mar {mum In furl 'an building 0! (In-m nu n .Jmfll WI," hm :nlu-avly wlmiwl and MWPI‘JI ur- idvrs m." Inn-mu :nmplr'ul mow in "w 'quur) m "~4an :uul Flvrth nu: "any "(w-v. furml‘vl)‘ wilh lhl- I'uut-r Mumnfarhning (a [Ammu- I',u., is m rhnrzr u! Hu- now vk-mnmonl tum! i» mukmu ym-pumlmn~ far In; Hiurml nliflnhulivm. An :ulvrflrinu @r-mmmiun in lhv bifln'r Muliomul pnâ€" gnu-v» i~ m [m-pmatmn. Kmnph- :IF jumw nu- ulpidly hung l-n-rlul wv- t :0! ”w furhuy and plum nrv' III-int! l-umplrtm. In new Tm “hm h In» {Inn-cl “I” Ir a flood )Hu. Fur Vln- Jun nf Hu' In“ uvnturv- of thruuamk of thmt- budding" For 'ln- ~11er hf ”w In“ ‘wnturt- mnaun- \U” ’30 lhv- mum lim'. I'lun htmmv-r, a-uH fur m~w hm': inning ml III-v5 :|\ Hu- .Hl‘in'u‘ix' gnu». Small p-IHaMI‘ hilll<"~'. «mum-r I'M» mgr . chit-km. hmrtw um! ulhv-r :mu" building" “Mrh run hv- v-urlml in thi‘ way \ull Ir mMul In ”11- linv frnm hmw h; hymn Thv L'm'agv fiu-M l\' n \xirhv um- Wilh thv- humlrl-IL of tlwmqml: of '11-“ Fur» VII-mg built M'r‘ry yl-ar and mm tho :nrvragv family un<zfli.~fiI-v' unit» [hwy haw .1 car of snmv- lunch; "cow 6.- an nmmrtunily for ”w smiling? .....,, .. . In ”in first place thorn i« [ny- alty to tho town in which you livn. Everyono, with the slightest sense. of pride in his makr-up, cinsims to haw it known that he livrs in a good town, tho better the town the proudr‘r he is to live there. A (Inmmunity Newspapr-r is thv big- gm't sing!» itx-m in making a town a good on». Stamh‘n as it does for the betterment 0 living con- «litmm for a majority of the pm» pin, it rannot be otherwise than a prom pow-r for good. A new» papvr, of course, publisho: a" that m‘w; it can, discriminating M- twmn nuws whit-h will intemst a majmity of its roadPrs and gossip aml I-Apocially scandal. Thcrn are tan many reasons to get into this small spam but ain‘t it. tlw truth? Thts Is. a quwtinn many proplr‘ have adv-d us, not «1 murh in th- la<t year a> when Mr first took hold of this pant-r. Thu rr‘afxnns for tho mailing of the community paper are so nhviom that they shnuhl nor-d no onumc-rati'm, but anyway, tyre “pew ‘- Hurry "tyn- in (‘bnrgr at NM! Ik- puuwnl Mam I’rrpuulhnn F" .‘Ififll. "Os-inc“. WHY READ THE REPORTER? LORI) LUMICER (30. STARTS PORTABLE GARAGE BUILDING "rho idvnlity of Hu- man “‘1” hum: Hlimm'lf m-m' Hu' (‘lzu‘vmlun lhlln xiv» mot in Hm curly murnim: hours of Friday, March 4”), has hu'n dirmv» «red. Comm'r Hupf inu-sligutml tin- :ultln‘ss, “3...) “ml 20"! 511114. “hit-h was found “Tint-n on a flip of puprr in the WM pocket, the man wun- and found‘ that his mum was Sum Shim-s. AI first nvhls-nls of “In lumnt' nu fun-(l to (IL-cuss ”w msr, pron-min”: ”ml. Hwy did nut umlvrrtand wlml was wank-cl. A N‘vuml \'i.~it (lir("0.‘"‘l lht' mnn'< nzum- and HMO. lu- had (my h'|")‘ «lzumhlvn and lwu mm“ rhiMn-n. Nollninu u'u.» mid ul‘ his “m- and Dr. Hupf tuok it fur m‘nnlml that Sh" \\':1.~ lh‘flll. Investigation [wads lo "mm «1 hmr Family all 1625 Wrst 1'0”: SINI-t, l‘hiragu. IDENTIFY MAN WHO HUNG HIM- SELF MARCH 4'"! Another group, chapremnod by His. (Dayton. will visit t‘v- Art Institute next Sunday. Those in the group were Leon Hoinke, Dorothy Perkins, Elm Shultz, Helen Wimmer. Gilbert Ho- chel and Hubert Hofimt. A group of grammar grade pupils, chapomned by Miss Larson, spout Sunday afternoon at the Art unfl- tufe, viewing pictums and sculptun which thny have been studying It school in their art claw. They 31" nnjnyml the concert, given on Sunhi afternoons in Fullerton Hall. by members of (hp rmica'go Symphony Orchnstra. Viewed Pic-lures and Salary Later Attending (kw-cert a! FIII‘ «Hon Hall. GRAMMAR GRADE PUPILS VISITED ART INSTITUTE mfllflmv :li-ir (I “huh “i" I‘vf'nluluy Iu- riHnn '3!!!"th in!" the mrpon‘ Hun ur runn'rt up with mu rower! :n'- H" nnhnu‘ Ih‘umnm- H toward us. my rullv-r Hu- lml of SI. 10". (MR. Sprumhm! ”w r04 01' [bk improve- rm-n! an: ”91- lnrxtv- umnunt of trrri- (wry u'vll hmvr ”'0 Nut of ”in im- prm-r-mmt In ”MIN-fly owner." in the \iHquv and will giu- thmu' on the which .1 rhnm-r l’nr drainage Ind samfavv wwrr whit-h thvw now sadly wk. n “m an. run-m tMir co“ of :1 t-vuvr â€"y~tv-m “hid- would even- tually rumr. M L .1 prnpuuflinn which every anm-rs firm!» rmulont .klmuhl favor. All ul‘ Ilw nhwr h-rritury will in almim-ol thrmmh "w Dayna-m (vae wwrr sylrm :qu awn-Madly the“ “rim hu) or haw- hung.“ M.“ II t” mow ..Mu|m.-Mn. (mm Wrsimt on 'Ihv- va-l In llmnixav'u on I’ve vat will b" "mum-(HI up with 00' Ill!- ‘lary wwwra II in a nun! [amped- Iiun for llw Vl'luw- u, "owner-a Gm mul Mn .1 land «01- for "It 900* trim iivv- nubilh- Un‘ \o'lhlxfl "all" hall within Hvr hunt: "I Un- [1mm clulvirlA [Mum-v2 vav.‘ htn NW" arr-bra! hg, Ilu- Maw Mpm'hm-nl "f Hum- tu km” in nv-v muk'l fur [Mir mi- lar) wurr Th1 filing!" mud illâ€" Lu" urn' fillv-r Ind- and H‘Mir talk! in llu- .mmwlialv fuhm. TM” might jI1--l n< \u-H ht- inilnllfll 'nrfll' PM mm. In In‘U' tu-v- nf Hw- growth of ”10- “Hwy fur _\4-:u‘ mill also for UN mml M Hlplv uwumz Jmlgl “0001‘ ML» inn-M I mu“. puMithl cm pum- 7 of thin In“, \whirh mntMnx Hu- legal akwripflu of the humanism-s u! the proposed db- lrirt in full. III~ unwound-n Nut 30 w." hour "Manama to [M imp!” "II-Ill uwl Nungmtmm from all int-r- .«w purlwn an au- um: any of Aprol u! (hr hum nf kn o'dock “I “W Innrmnu or m “~00“ lhorruflar as "w lumm-w at [hr court will per- ml!." * l A petition has hue-n presented to Judge liullijn: of tho County Court 01' Dul'agc Cuunty for the mgnm'uâ€" liml of a drainage and sanitary dip trict with Downers (lmve us its cen- ter. 'llw petitimu was filed "pursuant to an Art of the (irneral Assembly of the Stun.- uf Illinois entitled 'An Act to t'l‘t'zlh' Sanitary Districts and to provixlu fur SI-wam: Disposal? " pub .wcl Jam 22, It”? and in force July Isl “f lln' same )‘I‘ZII‘. Roughly llII- Ilixlrirt will run from llu- rmm-r «if Mupli- uw'nuc and the lh‘luuml. I‘mul «II»! to Ilunulr'fl sub- Ilni .mn \nulll um llw was! line of filial nuliun Hf laml to the southern lmumlmy “hm-r it WI” mu can! Ind um!“ and again «as! (hmugh the old Marshall l'wld (minim now "Bruin“! lmllnw' Ikmmix (:mw. I-nrmu" It will takv in tho “Limlvn III-fights Imb- vlivlsiuu" and “Highlands Addition to “(mum's Grown" ram"! inf-Jill to U“ n-nlvr ”M u! Saw-Hon 17, than out in llw was»! Iim- of I‘ll-(lion 9 (approx!- mulrly llu- "Irma maul). New it will turn Ilul'UI, run to the Hulk Imul wu-ul un llw l’lunlI wall to tho Ila-Imam ‘08“, mm. «m ”M! "elm rmul In M olc- avc'um‘. County Judge Itathle‘to Hear Ohjw Iions ’and Suggestions on April Eighlecnlh. DRAINAGE DIS- IRIU PHHION IS PRISENHD (00M WHOLE N 0. 1934

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