Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Mar 1921, p. 2

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Richeiicna u. Uni..- (Lulu-rs Mike . . . :75- June . . . i) Bretfnor . xi“ Severus 1.“ I, Stump ._ . 1* - Totals V . . 7%! Dick . ‘ . . . (42 Balmynsks . , 1410 Nieholnon ........ , 189 Brady ............. 196 Cleveland . . ........ x54 [(-hl Tank Canomhg. Manxlr-Viil' Totals Bradb ‘, Buschmrz *. Bellow Dickson Totah Odd F(‘Il(-w,~ \~. I\ E. Kipin Ray Hurkr Ciha R. N‘DChh‘ Totals Clarke: ('lv-nn Bram . E. Morn!" Hninkr- F. Mm “1‘ Tntak Allison Kai-(uh Bmwnr Mr “ \Rxh (vrlu'ory H.“ lil.’ I29 92 50! Brady Tatal v A. 5.1 Tole‘- ('Irfise Thain n. It 6. .Hz-mflvr l’rflanck. ‘*‘. mu m .3. Anti. “' '. In) Mr. Kk'in'r Ruiwlivl. End hw- Ammvmn Lry‘... Pitrhrr'~ Hmun‘ Dicke (‘hmhc-r» Swmnnm-n} l'nu Proznzmn rm Mill» Puntmx: ( - ' .1 mum-.- ”wry-r Dirkr Thu-Irv Curfl-u Thcnln l‘ufler Pharmacy n. (3. Rbpurh‘r Clarlwu ('lo-zm Hm Odd Ffllcmu Nuh Granny Kiclwoll “mum Puflfr Wuru Fnfluwfng un- (In Ind 1hr marre- In Mrkwrha Slump Kofmn Wei-wr Following llw flu» mun mulch n atria» of two K‘U'H" my urmnuml batu'cen Mrkvicku um! Mums: and Kan and \Vviu-r. (In rumwr win- ninx by 3.3 pin-m Dmmon (2 )m r Bollow . . Albrecht Holst . A , . . kavit'ka Stump . ‘ . . Total». 2634 West Ends Kofmn Whitt- Nemucck Becker Weiscr Totals. 2601 The gallery was packed with fans who rooted for the local.» and by all kinds of “body Englihh" cmlnamrml to pull the ball intu tlw groove. The scar? of tlw mulch “us: It Was the third game whit-h “‘0" for Downers'. They countml 949 in this one, one of tiw high»! five man games bowlmi at the alltfisvlhis sea- son. Albrecht stunwl for the locals with high gamv of 216 and averagi- of 191. Wciser wax high man for the visitors with 203 and an uvumge of 189. Stump was next for Down- ers with high game of 20! and a 187 1-3 avorago. A local hauling tr-nm mm from the West Ends of Chicagu lust Saturday night by the small margin of 33 pins. The visitor: won tho first name by 60 pins giving them a nice load right off' the jump. The locals vame back in the next two games, taking “the second by 23 and thv third by 70. Win From West Ends Saturday 1‘ by 33 Pillsâ€"Mark 9H9 in Lust Game. LOCALS CAPTURE BOWLING MATCH FROM CHICAGO 5 IN‘WKIIRS (.‘um I' IJZUJ H \\ III'HIN I’d-3:" \IIIS'S LEMSI'I’I iu' 'tflct‘lvlrlw SKI I73 [317 I66 I02 “$7: I.“ 162: “.303! ' It'mnu- .--lnm|in|w Mnrrl. HUI. :fllfv H's.“ | .36 a; 7‘)! (42 1.10 l8?! 196 154 In H38 213 202 MS I I? 160 ISL? - l7! 9"“ 37!! ”5' 2“} ISO NIH: "is: l .15; “i8 203 1y; lfi‘! m :u; 17.] H3 186 M4 151 140 I31 112 1‘41 M? H“ 1‘28 HR Iurauv 3.3] 30} H3 11:» lTl I52 '37 17.3 "‘3', "W SM; :31! HT 103; I IN "‘l (n9 184 )6!) 192 :m M!» "0:: Mr:- MC 16? HS MG 21 I 130 169 140 196 846 175 140 118 150 1371 87} 1371 117 £91 1645 Ant A \'l'. 170 HTH Nih- Ht; 189 IK .. l 76 County Wilh “2 MM“ of Dir! High- wuu Would ”we!“ l-‘mm l'romd Law. BILL FOR “FARM TO MARKET" ROADS AFFECTS DU PAGE Mills l'rinh-rs Duncan ...... (ichl'uski ... ‘. Hmunl‘fisor (Turlmn ...... Hoclm ....... 'l‘utnl.‘~ ..... -. . H. Hlnninum- ., I'A tn-rsvm ..... Muvlu-l ...... “'vlls Kuhn . B. Vix Bulut Brown . M Na icku Totals Kingsley A. Vix Shulm Gt‘n. \‘ix Camp Totals E Progressive Skidmore . . Vngol ........ Buklebuck . . _ . 0. Vix ...... Alhwcht ..... Totals ....... Brim-Inna“ ('. Stnig'w' . Kidwull ...... (hm. Stuigvr Holst Totals HARDWARE. 36 S. Main Street Telephone No. 29 Paints, Oils 5: Varnishes Brushes of all kinds Washburn Crosby’s GOLD MEDAL FLOUR MERTZ é! MOCHEL Hardware Coal and Feed ()Ififi‘! SI 80mm» \w u \xt'rxrntmm 0F SURGICAL nul VETERINARY SPHCI.~\LTIF,.\' SCREW MAL‘HINE and PUNCH PRESS WORK Icpairing. Hating and Sharpening Dips and Tmls Experimental Work Ens! s .... ... ..... Ends vs. [husk-rs ........... 136 169 .H.....l52 129 ........... ”0 I70 ........... 182 140 .......... 166 Ml ........$l)6 749 ........... 130 192 .......... 160 I I7 .......... [37; HO .......... I512 "14 .......... HP) 184 Julius Severus w. American Legion ....... H2, ....... HO .... . .1252 ....... “56 173 M4 1 14 1:32 llifi l H IO!) 148 ...... 821 702 718 vs. Pace Makers ...... 1'1! 144 ...... MO 140 ...... 145 I37 ...... 140 140 ...... 140 140 ..736 699 ‘ \1'. l'arlnr): Ilfl Bladgt‘fl .‘w n'hmw Down"! firmv Nu] Downers Grove, Ill. 687 [41 H7 Hui 122 I “(3 x 40 H1) 158 15:7 193 82!. 736 l 72 Hf: 1-10 70'} ”0 Hr) l"" 17% Nil 801 DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER, nowmms GROVE, ILLINOIS 140 141 749 192 I I7 NO 164 184 797 2141 IT‘J 128 1!)" :30!) 810 ”:8 678 I4” 186 151 823 158 793 162 140 I I9 140 140 683 138 1-40 12-1 135 201 738‘ 185 16! 13! r YOITR'Rlfi RIGHT. \V. I). "4% I ll mm lmlim night at the alloy-t5 has Winn anal ,nu'llu'urlr of UN" gunman-h \u-ru- [mm-n! m full (own: :Aru-r the match and an" a claim)“: lunch had boa-n .u-rvul Un- \wmvn-t ifnlkw hunk lhu-ir turn at the ulloyu.._ ‘Shikw \u-w rzno wrurunuw nml.’ Elm-ugh! {mm much npyluuw (mm: hum museum” nml ~poflnlors.{ Swmu \wn- fairly plv-ntiful nml ”w: ”Nu.” Warm wvw m»! mlu'li hrlnwl ”NI!" rlmlkwl up by "11' mru nn tlwirz' 'nm unvmpt at hmling. 'l'lu- punk»? hulk lhnmn h} «mm of llw fznr ‘rx! 'Iumlm. Ilwu‘ murh rumnwm hum I ‘ j Ilu- mm. ‘ lhwm-u (Burn, “L. .‘L'Ir. I6. ”VII. “nun-qr mer Ru-pmta r: “hih- I haw m- y-zmic-ulnr «lmirn In vnt my mmw mm print I vnnnut H‘fmin from ('ummvnlim: "n lhv ur- mum! Inf Hm Martin" and your uh- fmiul in [:14 wn-k< ”:qu \l'trr rx‘n'lnm Hu‘m \I'l}‘ raw-fully l have rumr- to ”w rum'lwiun Hut 'l’ukm u" in n". it um :I Suffix-’44 ful r\'t'ninu :mcl llwrr‘ uro' .N'ard ru mm: Hunt innumu-h 5H lbw C‘huptrr «lhl lhv “clvfiinn” nml hut m ”w In-ulinu mam». Hm! ”w lHu-v [.mlcv “nul'l tln u litllv 01' ”w mlm‘ mu! .«w' “hm Ilw ”mph" mrn run I!" in u Iznmn c-f huwlufll. ui'l'r. l'l‘ml‘. (hmh‘nrr. Knublulwh. llolsby and llimlvr. (‘hupu-r n-pro- «enlutn'va \\'vH--»lh-\\'u-y, H. Swim-r. ('. Stuigvr. Kon‘m-k. Bah-25mm, Mo- rIu-l, Hruua. llrunaon, 'l'ank. h-hl, M- limu. KII-in, linxm'u. ‘l’hv “Inc Lndun- bowlers wow- linm‘n. l'ou‘rson, Skunk. Duncan. Vim I'urks. l-Illvrton. lloydston. Ru- ('hnpu‘v. ls! ...757 7:2! 778 22439 ('huptt-r. 2d ....618 6H2 mm 190:) liim- l;l)d',fl', 2d 5'21) (305 0386 1921 1!. PI. Tank, bowling with the Chapter htfcflnll ti-um. ('uppvd high gun“: of llw M'i-ning will: a More of 217:. I'vtmwn was high [Hue Lmlgv man with 205') whilr A. Vix cuuntml high average 0f [“2 2-5! with mum-.4 «if “H. I90 and WT. Him- Lmlgv, ls! ('hnpu‘v. ls: ('hupu-r. 2d Blur Ludgv, 2d Blue Lindg- hawk-m Wrro declared thl- winnvrs, winning fnur out. of the six games rolled. Aibcrl Vix is the man who kopt the match from being a draw. three all. Tharp were two 1.0::va roprosruting vacli urguniza- tion. In tlw lnxt game, Vix. rolling with the tint team of tin- ”luv Lmigu and anchor man, won fur his team by doubling in the tenth and counting.' nim: vim making a tow! for his five jll5l till'I'O pins biggvr than that of tiw (,‘haptor. An inn-resting- mutrh “up hvhl at Um Dirk» bowling ant-3's 1m Wednes- day awning fur the Mnsunic Champ- ionship of lluwm-n “mm when (Iron: Lodge No. 824. A. I". A. M. met the howlrrs of Grun- Chapter, N0. 230, It. A. M. BLUE LODGE WINS FOUR OUT OF SIX FROM ROYAL ARCH lnlun‘atinx Match m Dickc Alleys I’m- Masonic Champicmship 0f ”owners (have. 'l'lw scores m-n‘: 780 “L. Mar. Hi. ,9?! Tut . Retailers of High Grade Merchandise Phone 30, Day or Night ’ 61 South Main Street Ten Dollars down and the balance divided into twelve equal payments and the machine is yours. Three of the Best Made on our floor for your inspection at r-usnnuhlv privw. All IN'IIFI‘S ru-viu- prompt :It- tmltinn. Mrs. R. Tlmmpfim Hnnvorh Electric Washers ”war "’3‘.’ lhmdalr. your ('umhinps. Hnn- (how much int" w\"it«'Il('r‘-. braids. hunsfmnaniuns um] pufl}: ' It is a common m-curum'l- fur uur vanpk' to attend shmw in Chicago «In :u'm-k nights without gvttiug inlu lhv- ftmublc ynu refer m uml sum-l)- yuu 1d" not mean to hurry; that the pawl.- 30f our town who uttoml the mm iu< inu- IINH‘K‘ suscopliblu to thaw alan- {guw than the "(hers ur do ynu mcuu What the Sunday mmivs attract an wmh-simbh rh-nwnt lo a rmnmunit) whivh mulu- it unmfi- fur tlu~ Imp 33ml girl,» If Ilw lullw «In gnu wall) (think \u- should sanction a .Hlflhbi- Minn “hirh mmld unmh-MimmlLv {clruu mu: vlc-nwnl m lhn\'nll|'1.~ “mun lh‘slx-ctfully ynuI‘. 1 W. H. ('I\a-~.~mnn. ; It might also be well to romvmbm' that undm- this sum!- constitntiou you monk of the will of tho majority and not the minority promils. so that win-n at a regular Pii‘t'llon the maâ€" jority decide that we shall not have Sunday movies it hardly sot-ms pro- pt‘r that. they should ln- criticized bu- cause some one who was interested in the proposition failvd to get out and hustle for it. In thi>~ day and ago people have. to got out and work for what they want and I think I am sol}- in saying that this is not this first time autos han- lh‘v'll used at :In vim-lion in Downvrs (inn-v. ‘ In om' pmagrnph in!" your mlitnr-j iul you say that our pi-upii- will [ml-1 liuhly go to ('hivugo to sm- Sunday" nunivs “here the danum‘ is gra-utor As Aatml in your editorial tho question of compulsory u-ligion was wtth-ll by our fort-fathom centuries ago and anyone who is in tho habit of attending any of the churches in our \‘illagt- as oftvn as omn- :1 year would know that not om- of them would be so unwise us to adopt a‘ pom-y of forcing mliginn down uuw‘s1 throat. us an argument in favor of Sunday movies yuu certainly have expressed 50!)“: l-xccllunt sentiments against compulsory religion but as the ques- tion of religious, vompulsory or other~ who, was not the point at issue I fail to five why you should got so warmed up on that subject. (‘ \RI'ESTI'ZII HINT“ \(‘I‘lm All “‘url (Eur-ulna! \Hddaugh SUN-I l'. 0. Han 7‘. ”NYSE!“ “RIH'I’I. ll.l.l\0l_~' "riéllf‘m" \\ NJ. (WEN "EST “11 \,\T in annnflm um. CENTRAL HOTEL GEORGE A. H NS .“HHJ‘ SEIHI‘III .\T .\I.I. "0| “5 SAVE I‘ rmhm "a” Thor The A. B. C.’ The Universal J. D. GILLESPIE 8: CO. llv’nudalr. Ill HI ducts and Ross’ Bakery Goods Try OUR SPECIAL Blend Coffee at .......... 351: And OUR SPECIAL Blend of TEA You Will Like Them The Home of Kong-Such [Blinds Burg Food Pro- Attention -- The Maple Avenue Store 32 S. Main Street Downers Grove. Ill. MORRIS SHOE STORE The gun 'zmtee we have from the ManufaC‘ turers f rom whom we buy our shoes is that prices will go higher. With that guarantee we are buy- ing f reely to supply your wants and we have put in a large stock of the latest styles and will sell them at :1 very close margin of profit. The 1): ice of the Shoes you am buyng now is as lo“ as you will get in the next six to eight months. ILLLVOIS BELL TILLl-LPIIONl-l COMPANY Back to Normal If. for any reason. you are connected with a telephone other than the one you called. more the receiver hook date/y up and down four or tire times. or until the operator answers. (The signal it ill not operate it hook is moved rapidly.) Tell her that you have been given a wrong number. and repeat the num- her you milled for. This routine is "cu-usury to avoid the xmibility of lining the nickel “col- lated" by the operator (if using a coin but telephone). or having the call char-gal (if using a measured scraicc telephone). There is. of courae. nu charge “in-re n “rung number i< grim-n. but mmetimee the operator (him not know about it and shm'ltl he, (Ultl. MRS. EMMA FORSTER Wrong Numbers Maple Ave. and Main St. Bell Maw System

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