Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Mar 1921, p. 3

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Mr. Him-an! Grunt and Family of (‘h'w‘lzmuL "hi". nun-r0 tn Iflu'fl‘ ihrir hnmv in Aurm'a ‘HUIr‘ a ,‘h'HI Hmc‘. .‘hu hmiw On "-;|~ hwn flu guru! 0! Mn. Juhn Hm 1" 1m: nf Na wtwllc- (m :1 fr“ .mn Mrs. Arthur l‘fufl' .lm: rhplnlwn hmv lwn ill uth H:- mflln-nul. "mm Rchml v.1 "L h)’ M Jay m mime WP-IJSLEIOTES l'hc 8t. (‘lmu “much uf Uw W. 1" l'. of anon'illr mll hnltl n dunn- und ran] puny an \\‘rn|u-r "a" “'ch- Mr. Philip IDk-h'r of ('lucmm hm Gum-n ”suing M the Adam "hh'r hnmr fur .u-n-rul clap. It was I: hungry but hilarious crowd of IIiblv Has.~ nu-mlwrs who mthcml at tho Duel home In»! Fri- day evening to (‘njuy the Chop Sat-y supper. Anal such a runner ux “'51: enjoyed would have boon (hr envy of n Chimw' King had he bwn privi- leged In mvupy 01w 0! the cuwhions provimlc for the inIliau-II. ICU ry- (hing was rompkcua awn to chop 3“ar aml inconur. The momlwrs arm mdvbu-«I In Mr. Henry Dun-I and MI» Han-I Duo! fur u mud. clolixhlful evening. mmluy rn-mng, March 30"». Tickets} un- mw ulnllur. :rl'rg-yhnu-m.‘ mu! u flnt- Imw mum-u! all. X Mr. and Mrs. A. l’m‘u-r and Rosella went to Na'mrvillu Friday night In attend the play “2% A Man Thinkoth” given by the Arts Dramatic Class of Northwestern Colin-gl- . Mr. and Mrs. Yonkc and family ‘ itcd friends in Nupfn'ilk- Sunday. Mrs. L. Kraisinger of Belmont was in Chicago Tuesday visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jumvs Kohoun and family of Chicago Visited Mr. and Mrs. James Johann-k Sunday. Ethel Plumb spent {no \u-uk 0nd in Chicago with fl'ii‘ndfi. Mr. and Mrs. E. Yngkâ€" spent Mon-l day evening at the hmm‘ of Mr. and" Mrs. Thos. Sheldon. Mrs. T. Sheldon spent Tuesday in Napervillc with Grandma and GramIv pa Sheldon. Mr. Otto Pcth of Chicago “as the guest of MI. and Mrs. L Kraisin- gar Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schultz, Jr. and son Ralph of . Downers Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fwd Schultz, Sr. IEWSY NOTES FROM lISlE AND BELMONT Mr WW1 The Practical Garage Door Set 1110 Reporter, $2.00 per year. Earb set is crmrk-n “'lnx‘illdtw track, hanuun. Emacs. hrm‘l‘ms, latches find .~cn:ws. I r r ‘ my tank 12‘0ch {or putrlm- ll up an: hammct and m-rcw driver. I: x" E .u h “‘u'szln can do iv. he In to” mm more nl-mut 4-. V" unclasui narL. Donn {aid clear Fack out of the way when open rlcnn ‘If car mom. works. ‘ The Straight-Away can’t sag or bind. Roller bearing (rack wheels always run smqn}bly in gin-Porter "‘Dpublea Then-'3 notinn: complicated or delicate about the Porter Straight-Away Garage Door Setâ€"it is just a practical com- mon sense curfit for the man who wants a door that always ('hatlv< .‘hllu' and .“r. "(T- Rt‘hml" \u'rr rnwdaim-l 3! hr Mv. ann .~\h‘mr»< Tum-’- J. D. GILLESPIE 6 CO. (‘ummiurmnm "out“ mow-«I to MIA )uum In "w no-xl n'uulnr Ina-Nina dun .\I:urh L’l‘l. lil'll. ”I: In" cnll ('muminiumw. Ila-urn. Hullm'. Bryn- ;mo! .‘lnyur Hurhu \ulwl .h'v, Nay- muw. ”Mum vuniml. I'hzu. M. ll-lrlv. \‘vllmzr (‘lrrk [mum-fly Ju-l «11-! mm mun-mug lur Kinlwvll “ulnar. ()1: null null (‘nmnnnmm-rn Hulk-r. ”rm". Hryu- and ”Mar "arbor \‘ot- H. .\)0. Nu):- m-m'. “Minn rm-riml‘ RI‘IS‘HJ'TION III‘ZSOIA'HID. That the Fur [)r- punmc-ut building for homing Fin- Trm-k um! u-qumma-nt uwcl. oporntwl and runlmllnl by llw Villngv of lluwvwn (Elmo. Iw lornu-ol on the [mainly ju-t NM and n-ljmmuu [hr Ki-Iu'vll lialnur. ‘ ('uumuisdumer Halli-r pn-m-nlml the lulltming ru-unlmiun um! mouxl lnr its pus-.agu: Minutes of tho mm-ling 0f Man-h 7th. lirll, \n-m- rv-ucl nml Conmlissivm- c-r "rycc mun-«l [u nmmwv samw. On mil cull I'uvv\lni,-'~'iuvnws Bryce. Ilul- lm. Heart! and Mayor llnflu-r mml Ayn. Nays mum Motion curried. “(much (:rm’v. ”L. Mm'. H, HJZI. Regular vaing 0" [hr Council «If thv Village of “owners Grm'v, III. I'm-nun! at roll ml] Muyur W. C. Harm bor uml ('nmlnimium-m Bryw', Hull lrr um! "l'flrlL OFFICIAL PRO- (‘EEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE B 0 A R D Mr. and Mrs. Harry Abrams and Arthur and Alice have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pike of Chicago for several days. ((‘rim‘ Mr. and Mrs. ’l‘hcudoro Dieter an- thc proud parents of a ton pound (laughter born Monday, Man-h 14th. Mr. Philip Dieter called on Mrs. Eleanor-c Schmitt Saturday. Mrs. Hurry Foster spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doerr and children of Chicago spent Sunday with their son, Wanda". Miss Marion Greene is visiting in Galena. . The Albeit Strauley family am‘ out of quarantine. Mr. and Mrs. George Strauley and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dieter and daughter of Downers Grove had Sun- day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kampmeyer. Mrs. Charlotte Schmitt spent Wed- ncsday with Mrs. Frank Pfafi'. FAWN DOWNERS GROVE mmmnn DOWNERS GROVE. 11,1.QO E Vw'y few children and grown pou- 'pl(- too for that matter, knuw \Iu- dill icn-nn- qulwm-n the Engli>h spam)“ that is a little post. and llu- 30 ur 40 min-r sparrows that do so much gum! in our gardens and fields, by (ll-stray- ing inst‘cts and anxious weed seeds. 'l'lu- sling shut and 1m gun becomes a mu-nucu in the hands of a child. L's:- the sparrow trap if the. Engliyzh matter, and 1 am sorry indeed thud :u rvpurt of this kind has to IM- son! from uur town whom we have so much to he proud of and should lake a pride: in protvvh'ng all the things that m- are privih-god to enjoy. Thu birds zu'v survly (mo of the greatest joyx that come to us in the spring]: time. They must he prutoctvd own; tho tho enforcement of law be r0~ sortvd to. ’ FIIUUIIII}? ill N’illlu“.‘, "flb u'llvl|‘l"' l “.jl‘l‘ “. [)x‘)"‘_\}.‘ ’1‘). :Il)||l“‘(‘i(|‘,i()“ utely h". many “Hm" hmls, as m'\'â€" "1' [hr kimlm-Sn uf mumbmz- (If Maple 6.“ roblns {Ind graokels haw her-“Camp x“. 898 “mm" aninu-n of . ' . - mm 02' a day nf tin-Ir serwr puck- butt-a have boon. A close watch. ‘5 in}; um hmkvu views of glass and being kvpl and namen' taken. H-pnirim: othm' damage in my gum-n- “T have Stat“ laws protecting mwihousv, ‘mlsml By In.“ works hail [fifth and Ufiugama- warden of thisfidmm. 'l'lw survicv “.35 appreciated district has ask“ for rt-pm'ts on thifiuml 1 am wry thankful for “W mmc. Many mmpluints have bvvn brut tn me the past \u-vk of boys in dilTvu-m parts of town using xling shuts and BB guns. Tin- lmys no doubt am shunting at sp:u~ruw.<, but unfortun- ately hit many other birds, as sovâ€" eml robins and gruckels haw he”! picked up with broken Mn and al- so wings in the vicinity whore [hm-v boys have boon. A close watch is being kvpl and namon' taken. ' The Sling Shot and BB Gun Taking Annual Toll of Feathered Friends of Ours. BOYS WOUN DING SONG BIRDS SAYS MRS. E. G. LEMON Potter Mfg. 6: Lumber Co. LUMBER Shingles Lumber Doors Windows Screens Millwork Flooring Roofing Siding Moulding Lath Nail? Etc, Etc. I!“ W. Hn ill‘mul st When in Need Buschmann Bros. (:ENERAL TEAMING AN!) TRUCKING anmu AND STORAGE ‘ Steam flouting - Sewer Building Gas Fitting Telephoflv 385 Manufacturers Dealers 1 COAL Ml] LWORK Building Materials of All Kinds of LUMBER or Building Materials of any kind do not hesitate to call on us At Your Service Downers Grove, Illinois Fred D. Heinke PLUM BING Phone One Five are rxm‘utl‘d {mm A var-My of w cvptablc titanium Ind ovary dcuil is looked nth-r by "ports. That in why our mommwuin nlwnyl appeal to good (IL-w. If you plan a mentor“! in your plot we will show you I gm! variow of designs to choose from. ARTHUR R- BEIDELMAN Our Monuments ‘: "l'vlm‘s." “erl 'cn-I is .“nHM-lh‘? ‘lu:lmlu:r." “What : ,Hu-n'!" lw wuid. To Place 4! Ladder. I'Zun-rhnvnm m «Iuwrmlm- lln- nugln m “MI'II :I hI-Mrr ~lumm Dn- pin-'0'! ts M‘vnl‘v tlm maxluuuu l't'LfN‘l‘ «1' safety {ur thus.- IMN: H hm'" slmun that the mug!» of 7!? (Ir: - w-x ls llu- hum, \vtmtv m‘o'r ”w 3101:!" uf "Iv lulhlvrr-I'nnmb I311 Haul". NAPERVIIJJ". I have been rcquvn‘tod to present this matter to the public and ask the cuopvruliun of all. There are at least 50 men and \vomvn that art.- humlim,r together to $00 that the birds are prutcctwl or at least gin-n a fair allow. sparrows are proving too much at a nuisance . You can then liberate all other binls and destroy the sparrow but. be wry sure it is an English spurmw you are destroying. (ARI! “I“ THANKS Mrs. Edward G. Lemon. 'l‘ok-phumr l l Lime Plaster Tile Coal Coke Wood Hm, Etc. Cement Blocks Brick Sand Gravel Cinders ('. \'. Wu”. ILI. Mae Murray “IDOLS 0F CLAY” Viola Dana UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ELMER UHLHORN-f" He haul planned to love and cherish the child of thb man who saved his lifeâ€"wBut when she came! Nobody, wanted her at first and then everybody wanted her. Curfiss «The at: The story pictures the vivid es. patiences that csme to ram: Met- rlll (Mse Murray). the dsuxhter o! s South 8e- Islsnd pearl smug- gler slur she lesvu the lslsnds where her We bed been one of sheltered Innocence. \ The departure from the lslsnd e! Dlon Home (David Pom"). the use she has come to love. and the subeeqsent murder of her tuber. cause her t0 leave the Used "I s vendetta: burlesque troupe heeded for London. There she runs the [smut or London life but ansny goes beck to the rue sud sweetness of the Islsnd the South Bess. with her lover. But the dunes win "The Dane. of the Chiffon Veils." and (M. In what It“ left 01 the cootumo utter 3 wild whirl In the man of the «ace. It's not the maven! mm In bathing mu that "I! Murray in seen wearing In thin scene lrom George Htlmuurlco'l prodncllon of "Mon at Cluy," a Par-mount picture. No. M's n dnnco frock! Dangerous to Men} Tuesday, March 22d and Wednesday, March 23d Five Piece Orchestra ~ Saturday, March 19th “PARLOUR, BEDROOM AND BATH” “SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT” “PETER PAN OF THE SCREEN” INTERNATIONAL NEWS And a SUPREME COMEDY A L S O KT" EPISODEâ€"“BRIDE 13” TWO REEL COMEDY “HOIE, JEEHS I " COMING! in

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