Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Mar 1921, p. 4

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Read all the Ads! , Page Four The, mu‘ nuhmndinu {mum-«- 01' NW prewar-d luw ix Ilu- (-luuw “unifmm '1'h0rv is now bt-rurv the logislutmv a bill called the ”Farm to MquI'L roml bill," On zum‘Ju-r pug:- u‘iH b.- Iound :1 5'1“]! Aux-y about Un- M” which vxpluilh m n «”1. «If ){rnm'ul Wuy what i! is «lu-:~:un:-d in .10. Tim was a” \u- mum find out about its pur’mm nml tun-rt l0 gut mon- :hu: wili lull-r. Entered at the Downers Grove Post Oflice as second class mail matter. Advertising rates made known upon Ipplication. Subscription rates $2.00 per year. Single copies 6c. Downers Grove Reporter honed every Friday morning from the oflice of the Downers Glove Publish- lng Company, 87 North Main street. Downers Grove, Illinois. ILLINUIS AN" (:00!) ROAI'IS YOU'LL HAVE TO EX- CUSE MICKEY THIS WEEK, HIS MAW I'HONEI) THIS MORNING THAT HE WAS SICK. 1‘00 MITCH ST. I’A'I'RICK'S DAY WE SUI'I'OSI‘I IS THE COMPLAINT Lard Lug, ; hm G@mpamy Remomlx-r. t‘rr: ppm, of Iumhor is. down, an avoragn of abrm forty-five pm com, halow the poak pricv: 0f April. 1020 We will in grad m giro you any ("uriher inf‘ormatum ya may want. WI “an to help you 44th {cnur building nrr' blems. Study tho-r Yum ~'l\hn mm. of mar Items will 11 m any mv-vlmn ‘U'.M «Ming from 34.000 to 87.000 Ila-n- an- umw “gun-a hy "0'01"“ mun. in um. M ralv’lirn shumng mm. 0! ms! for a modmn ervm-r cn-J mg armmtl 35,000. Hols of rnntmrlnn Inny vary a 1-2".- hvrv :mcl lhrrr from "w ill-"w hvhm‘. hut lhc- dis!rv‘lm',zr.n v-f cod i~ «Jutunlmlh mrmfl: Phone Day 20 To he fair in run-1"! rung n Wilding prnwuitiun .1 mum! mm; nth" “mm at Mprrm- must hr ukvn mm m‘éounl. Whvlr lamb" L» IL:- inunut uingle ilvm uf rm! nmuml .«nwnh pvr com nur- fur lulmr mu! "Uh-r “".I"'l;l’<. trnn- ’hm Ilnuhlr th.’ [Hmlu‘r ML HEN tlu- cost ut' building is mnshl» W c-rcd lumber is first, (limrusscd and if the (mm-use seems high the charge.- invnrinhly is placed against lumber. This in the face of the fact that lumber is only about thirty per cent of the cost ut‘ .‘l mndern home. C. I]. STAA'I‘S. EDITOR Home Building Expense Distribution oi Costs Resident Mombev of the Lumberman’s Publicity Bureau Erfi THTU hunk-r and mill work l'ainlinq. labor and malvt‘lal l'lauh-vinz. lalmr .md nan-rial lleaunu luman imlallod ('armrlor lahnr ...... Horlriral. lalmr and malvrial Plumbing, Iahot and malt-rial Eu‘aHJmE and xrntllng Btirk. ram-few and mason unrk llardwar‘ ‘ (.ullrr and linwml: (Grumman insurance ”ray-ac? ‘ .. Plane. wpv-nision. r-lr. anhrr hill lhiflym ~Thn ratiu of rnsr Itvms will hnI. Phone after 6 P. M. 142 J “Ml gum! m: M Hu- mml mu markings of all roads and patrol or gang maintenance are the others." In those fuw wonls can be found must of the trouble with the malls of lliinnis. As. a stun! wv have built many gmnl ”Dali‘i which “111- good iwhim tlwy lush-d. 'l'hi' tl’u‘ihll‘ ha» he-un that. HHL‘C u liiglm'a} was cun- intruxml it “as .K‘uppust'il to cute for! iiLwli'. In this feature Wisconsin, iwiti‘ NI; patrol xyxu-m. hun' Illinois {hum :1 million milvs. Dru-1.- u gomlv mud in Wiscumin "wan: always :1 gum} mail. To bring tlw ('aw lucsllly \"hl‘l‘l‘ we cam gut the right pi.-r.~pm'tivc on it, take thu rush of 51411110 aw-nuc from Uownorzs Grove to Hinsdule. Last, ‘ummur this row! was plowed, rolled and gpmerally rc-surl'acmi m‘afly its entire length. Twu short stretches il‘f a. new mail were put in. Go over ‘ihu sumv highway today She how ll. has bin-u cut up, how ovo‘n the new mail is showing Sign»~ of wear. 'l‘lu- trouble is that tho road has nut been ~ Lhuuhetl snncu thi- work was done on Lint hummer. 'l‘ln- mint.- thing can 0 «ml ut‘ other highways in this "lL‘lIllty. When Hwy wvrr put in they Wm"- all gum! mwiw. hut tin-y ham" ‘1' hwn I'uL up by tram-s. loft in curv for iih‘iil~l'l\‘l‘~ until nm‘ Hwy are (n nu the mmuh i 9‘. 3‘ ‘,-.-;punâ€"ilx?«- and low-pa it ”k [Mimi nyslmn i'4 W- .mnsin cwrg. Hull. 1: patrol- ;‘rr; Mu}: uf lhn _\‘, \w‘uthc-r Mug. 1'. is [hr .m; ul’ llu- man mmlrz no lnnuvr u-ry lmfv 35.32936 “31100 7.90.0" 31 I.” 29”.” $30.0" "1M M.” "0.00 ~l‘.'l-"1 a!" rut“! m Hut «(n-MA. ~ iliw'IHI-I‘O-l hIHIh"~':II'qL 'Eml vuh' \\ DOWNERS GDOVEREPORTEE, DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS If the proposed new mad laws cu!" rim- these provisions and they are carried out as they are in Wisconsin. it will be the making of Illinois high. ways, both dirt and hard. The other provision of the proposal law, that of uniform marking of all highways, is also one which Wiscon- sin has down to a fine point. Every road in that slaw of any importance is marked so that it is almost im- pmsiblu not to follow it. 'l‘hn- sumo vstcm for this state would do away .illn getting lost almost every time om- turned a corner. 1 Illinois roads can be kept good, once they are made. H. E. McALLISTER CO. And the prices are much moreureasonable than for some time. Fascinating N eckwear Arrmsmim. am! particularly um ham! lung. '1'"le lhv' tune or 0110.: M510. TH wt nfl' tho cnslnmo mrrvcuy lhr haml- hag should Pm right. Soc our assort- ment of colors. su'Yr-s and riZI‘S, it is must mmplolo. Far a foundation for )nur mm' East-'1 mum will ho-vnsy h: win-l hru‘. \\'.- haw I‘l‘fl'HH)‘ added In our stock Hu- Gmmnl anl Luring: ('orui. Anti m on!" In umw yum ll'ul‘t‘. mll’ Mia Smugh hm jnd rulmvml fnvm .1 whoa! M murky \erv' 9km gumlunlnl w my "qrfl in rout-1 fining. If ynu hm.- (muhlm in mum: Ihr n'uM cor-ml. brim: llvrm hp ".0. 011 Easter Sunday we all like to look our best. Good zmpearanees can not be made without using care 31nd judgement in selecting your ammreLâ€"the design. color and color combinations being:~ as varied as the in- dividuals who wear them. For that reason we suggest early selections from our new wring; stocks. m Right Corset $1.50 to $5.00 Hand Bags W4 \ H... mm, .r,.,,,.. ,h. ”m, Wm,“ MM 1 .. :w J! $5.75 - $17.50 g The New Spring Blouses “mm-u uilh u Mummy; fun A um'qm- mll [incl llH-nv nr .n'vw-t, um! Jumhl 'n- my hum. lu-l'nv'v lltr dump-K mmlc-I.‘ lunu- In-Pn rhumul. MAL-Ida! urn Hummn ('u-gw olr t'hmv. I'Il'fl'l'.’ um] Slnprol 'l'ulo Sllkm l': II at llll‘ m [A ST [ Rtéz’w w 'lu- m-n ppm hiuun- . \n .\ mulw» urt- ‘z;.-rnmlim': ---I‘I {4|an vlum lhriv lmM ull puhhv l'ann. ;|:|.I lu- Human uu-v'Jh-vwv {sh- bu t-Zziun’d runrlnon fur UH“- 'lll'. Miss Helen Newton and Mr. J. C. Thomas Rogers, members of the fac- ulty 01’ the local schuols. have the trud Community Spirit. Their efforts ‘in behalf of the library by staging 'thn "Follies" were not in their lint- ot' duty. The)! willingly gave of their timv 'to «liwct thv cast so that the lihrary cuultl benefit from the proc- eeds of the entcrtainmont. It was, us the saying goes, nothing in their young lives, whether or not the Pub- lic Library of Downers Grove had money enough to muet its obligations and continue to serve the community IlvalH a distinct triumph with its lovely ofl'er- ings. Neckwear tak- ing a very prominent place this year, is de- veloped in many plea- sing combjnatipns. Each year brings us something extra dainty and especial- ly pretty in Neckwear but this spring scores COMMUNITY SPIRIT 'l‘lw :twklnz qm'ilinn nunluw ulwlf inh- Hm-u- lhmur m. rmnfurt and “war. “Du-n fit v~ (‘an‘I-I‘L as in Hun-nix haw, »l_\h- ix a-xurvwl un'l mmfnrt 54 [ho lngv'rul armmpanimu-wl. Thu-«- Lrnml "hints. [myth-r “ilh ”w mmk‘r- Mu p-irr. urI' <IIII<lnnlIu| l":|""l‘ fur the Imp. 'Iknritr of i’hm‘nix Silk "(Mu $1.10 to $3.95 mph-ling :mun Phoenix Silk Hosiery hiuu.» At the last meeting of the Local Council, Boy Scouts of America, the following scouts passed examinations for merit badges, as follows: SIX BOY SCOUTS QUALIFIED FOR MERIT BADGES in its helpful way, but being "resi- dents of the village, even tho tem- porary, they did their hit for an inâ€" stitution which belongs to the com- munity. That is a spirit which per mancnt u-sidents of Downers Grove can well emulate. â€"â€"with the street ens- tumes and with the airy summer frocks later the long silk glove, is the prevailing sty le White or Black willy he the predominating col- ors, you can find your size here in the Kaysei Silk at Long Silk Gloves for E A S T E R rm'r-“I ,\ mnml luuking skirt which is m'm'liml :uul ruusmlulvl)’ privul (4 w- poviully {lt‘Sll'illilt' at lhi< tiuua f ““11ch hr «lill'it-ult In llml skirts mun. smartly luilnrwl, nf lwth-r llllilllilfl‘ and will: the :Hlllllltlllill lunch nl' ut- trm-liw trimming than those. 'l‘hs-y muw citlm‘ pleated or plain :ux-Z w nin- mlm' (-mnhinutimls. $8.50 to $16.50 The New Plaid Skirts $2.00 I'l' from Uur ”\v- v. fur v‘m'l fur :1 Ilim‘rv'm «‘Lw's any (Mu H this time 'l'n lwlp nut )nu «ill urn! nnr uf I .‘\~ n fmtmlulmn n»! 'u- bra! Th‘ Hm! thr} "H Hus' II." in“!!! “halll‘i $3.50 to $8.50 $1.50 to $3.95 Silk Camisoles Silk Petticoats nnum «ilvt 1-11 mm! William O'Neill -â€" Handicraft and Scholarship. John A. Dawmnâ€"«Handicmft, Scho- larship and l’athfimling. Elmer O’Neill -â€"~ Hamlicraft and Signalling. ‘ Jack Vauglian-â€"Handicruft, Mio- larsliip. Public Health and Fire-- mam-hip. Clifford Sedgwickâ€"-â€"I~landicmft. Vernon Fuller -â€"- Scholarship, Per. sonul Health, Athletics and Pub- lic Health. Examiners: Prof. J. S. Geeting, W. W. “clubs, '1‘. J. Savage, H. S. Paine, C. H. Barnes, Thomas 'l‘izzard and F. N. Davis )uur m apply you “i"l “1W 0 "1 Arm” ,4» hnlumw you 1' : nlu' "run'mllx. . “mun Ilu‘) uur l I HI ”-2 mm» lm many of um i mh‘ “I ~ 411‘ nl pri- 'l‘llv 1 calls A" Hm Hm "I

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