Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Mar 1921, p. 5

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Mrs. Jnhn Zrll I~ ~|un-Iin week uml with lwr ciuculhl'rr, Walter Kulum‘ and Mini!) 1". hard Harold Lloyd, thv buy with tho Iiig llnsgm. will In- at Un- llickr 'l'hoalrv March 25 in :1 hi}? “Hnuntml Spooks.” Mr. and Mrs. John I‘Ickvrt Visit“! with the Hitchcock family at Holman! Sunday. Mrs. Hurry Hindu-lot of Nupcr~ ville visited with Mrs. (‘harles Hcinkv Friday. Mr. John Shurte and family of N. Washington street are enjoying their Maxwell recently purchased. at MERTZ MOCHELS. adv. 3-114! Mrs. W. AIMyers has returned her home after a prolonged stay the Presbyterian hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bender return- ed yesterday from their hip to Ca!- ifomia. Mrs. Emma J. Miller of East'Cur- tiss street, has been quite ill. Harold Regar is able to be out af- ter a Beige of bronchitis. Mrs. Wimmer spent a few days this week with her son at Toledo, 0. Esther Klein returned from the West Suburban hospital Tuesday. All kinds of garden and field seeds St. Josephs Church SALESROOM For those who do their own repair work we have a complete line of Genuine FORD parts always' on hand. Beginning Monday. March 2151;, 1921, we will have a MECHANIC at our saiesroom prepared to make any repairs or adjustments on any type of FORD cans. Remember that in making these repair or replacements only FORD parts are used and not some substitute made in a fac- tory not connected with the Ford organization. If you medal. (onus. 1884. Ford Repairing Hinsdale. Ford Agency Fleck 6: Buchholz, Proprietors " 00 .3. m l' " :4qu " :00 >1!" p. m T»!!! Hnr of Uh- m-II-l-mln I] [\"Jl ‘1'" p. m nun u. m 00 p. m PERSONALS \VEIDNESILH'. 8:00 P. M. The Paul'mls‘Rcv. E. J. Mullnly. (‘. S. l‘. HOLY THURSDAY 10:00 a. m. Matt. '36, :27. 28. 8:00 p. m. The Apusmsy of a Nation. S. Andrew’s Church :00 n. m. The l'rnphocios. :00 p. In. Prayers. :00 :l. :0” p. :00 p. :00 u. m. :00 p. m. 19 W. Railroad St. March 18, 1921 Downers Grove (’lnlnl Srrmnn I») ”m Rm ”I’llvl‘ "r “'1' I 'rnmu M th- m'nu-n M lhu' III. III. "I. llllnlu n'- Svn I01“ m. 1 1w 'l‘h-n Hum .' Ih-uu lvrmuu, .5: iulmn I'Inm S .'. Amln \\ '~ (hm! hm H‘l" rummh. in“ . \\'ILII\I!.~ZII\\' IN IIUI.\ WEEK ll 0 I. Y W E E K SUNDAY 'l'hv l’rvsanctiliml. ”My llum'. The Way uf the Crass. HOLY SATURDAY High Mass. The Eucharist. >|u~naiinu 1er GOOD FR") PALM SUNDAY (200D FRIDAY Mr .lIIH in ., (inulm-n' .‘Iuv\\hulh-r. l (’lnrumv 'l‘lclmmu .“l.-. .I. \\'. ”light-s and .\h’~'. Alina Ilm-kmun \vvn- Irvâ€"luau: 4 ul :1 St. l'utJ t'it-kK yum;- uu 'l'lu:|.~(l:l_\ ul'h-numly at [In llughm' lmmo- nu Highlnndi Huwzml l"uir\\'¢-ullwr of Ft. Wayne, lnt|.. lm.â€" born fishing a few dun with hi; “:m-nt‘. Mr. and Mrs. Juhu FaiHu-ulIu-r of Hrhuunl >tx'rrl. win”:- in ('hiuugn nll hit-in“ l'uh'crizml Sheep Manure Fertili- zer fur garden and lawn, 100") sucks $13.25;; in lots of 2 or more sacks, ouch 521.3: 5011) saw!“ ran-h SI. 25 at Mom. Mmhel's. um. .'.-11 If. Alex Gollan of Omaha, Nebraaka, is spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John (:ollun of North Forest avenue, and renvw- in}: old friendships. H. .‘I‘ ”luv“ Inn lm l'r. Smm-rx vllr. The Library Reading- Room will be open on Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5:30. Mrs. A. E. Olson had charge last Sunday. Quite a party of Masons from the Grove attended a dinner and ball at the Masonic Temple at LaGrange on Saturday evening. The Central Hotel is advertising that they will open 9. restaurant in cohnection with their hotel business immediately. I'c x‘lH George A. Fuss, a carpenter con- tractor living in the new Branigar subdivision south of town, has a card in this issue. Al. Modjeska will join his family in California when: they have been spending the winter and they will re. turn in a few weeks. cosmetics for sale at Marion Dexter's ART KRAFT SHOP, one door south of the Ross Bakery. adv. tf. I’m Mm" Slzulu'l 1 '1 um“ \um. {M lulu-ul- A Bakery Sale will be hold in (he Congregational Church by thv Lad- ios' Aid Such-1y un Thursday. March 24th at l p. m. Hmm» baking: and N'asamlblv prim-4. 'l‘ht.~ Woman's Relief Corps will hold a meeting Friday afternoon, March 18th, at 2:30 at the Congre- gational Church. Important business will be transacted, Don’t miss swing “Squandorcd Lives" at the Dickc Theatre, Friday, March 25th. It is a picture out of the ordinary and the story was writ- ten by the popular Cosmo Hamilton. adv. Barnanl‘s Perpetual (:rvon Lawn Seed, 370 pound: in 51b luts. per pound 35c; choice Mixed Lawn Seed, pound, 270; in 511) lots, per pound 250 at Merlz Mochvl‘s. adv. 3â€"ll-tf. E Hinsdale Upholstering and Fund- ‘ture Repair Shop. All work neatly done at reasonable prices. Phone 635 or send postcard. Will call and de- liver free of charge. Il-26-tf. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bohrel and fam- ily have moved intu their beautiful new homc'in Maple avenue which they recently purchased from ’l‘lms. Vonlenius. NORTH SIDE GROCERY R MARKET We will close Wednesday afternoons commencing: March 30th, 1921. Store will close at noon and remain closed for the remainder of the day. The ('uthnlir Woman's Lvuumx ln-M EASTER CANDIES AND NOVELTIES For the “kiddiess” and those who are no longer kiddies in years but are in spirit, we have a spe- cial line of Candy Easter Eggs, Egg Dyes, Fluffy Chickens and 'other novelties. Armour's Macaroni. I} pkgs. for ............ 27w Kellogg's (Torn Flakes. per parkage . i . . . . . .. 30 Kellogg's (‘orn Flakes, 2 pkgs. for .......... 23c Yellow or White (‘ornmeal, llllhs. for .,....3.'ic Tomatoes, 2"). cans ........... . ............. lflc Rockford Pride Corn, 2 cans for ............ 25¢ Drexel (‘orn. per can ...................... 18¢ Farm House (Tut Beets, 3"). can ....... > ..... 18(- Monsoon Sweet Potatoes. fill). can .......... 21¢ Monsoon Pure Apple Butter, 2"). glass jars :BRC Ferndell Imported Olive Oil, 1} pint can .40c Greening Apples, 4 pounds for .............. 250 Hurry \Vulkm' l’huno 191-13. Below “1- are listing a few specials in the meat and grocery lines un which we have made a re- duetiun as Saturday Only Specials. You get the advantage 0f any price changes as scum as they are made if you trade at this store. North Side Grocery Market SATURDAY SPECIALS PORK LOIS. per pound ... ...‘......32c PORK BUTTS, per pound ........... 21c Boneless Brisket Corned Beef. lb .,..22(‘ PLATE (‘ORNED BEEF, per pound .Hc GEORGIA SQUARES (BACON). Ih .22: HAMBURG STEAK. per pound ...... 20c POT RIMST. per pound . . Decorating Paper Hanging Estimates on all work cheerfully furnished STEWART M. BURNS, Proprietor Telephone 2 WALKER. 8: DICKE PAINTING CLOSING ANNOUNCEMENT GROCERIES MEATS Mrs. Wm. Ruth ul' Oakwmnl nun. return-«l Sunday from her trip to Montana. Slu- visiml “ilh lu-r daugh- h‘r, Mrs. l. M. ('urmndy and gran-l- son u( Vulim' and will: lwr hruthm‘, Hdu'urul Yacklvy m L-‘\\‘.~ilun. Mrs. (‘. I. Carnrr has sold lu-r home on Lyman avenue and the fam- ily will move to Hamilton Park on the suuth sidd qu phicago . Their many frivmls in lhv \"illugr‘ rPgn-t their departure. If you want. [u unjuy :1 good run of coll'ce ask for our Dining Car Blend. Sumo as use-d 9n the Burl- ington dining cars. Special this week at 45" per pound. lmhmnnn Mi- cht'l's. adv. W. J. O'Neill has returned from “'ashingtnn. D .C. when- lm was in attendance at a ten day convention of 111050 inn-resin! in tln‘ composi- tion flooring 'h‘ndq- of the L'nitmi States. (Elan-a Kimball Young will appear at the Dicko 'l'lu-atru. Saturday, Mar. 19. in tho mm! mmdml‘ul pictulc ul’ hvr (mile cam ~1â€"~“‘\li«l (hanuclf 'b3' Sir Arthur “lug l'im-ru. :ull. a card party at the home of Mrs. Bradley un Saratoga avenue yester- day which proved to be a delightful afl'air. Henry Dickv I'hom- lift-R 27x 250 18c 18(- 21c Evening 7:30 9:15. Guy Newall and Ivy Duke “Squandered Lives” .\n rlntnrtaining stnry by the popular Cosmo Hamilton, one of the 1-4.4 c-h-w-r “nu-w of today. 'l‘n br‘ ”16- younger son of a family is not (lu- gl'l-le-t plru‘mrv in,tho world. as Lord Francis discovered. and when lu- wok hi~ yn-nl‘n-~iun hp really lu-Iieved ho, had sunk to the lowest depths- 'lht~r. lw mr‘t Juan and llwn» I':\ ”will: l'.\'l‘lll'3 NEWS FOR" TRAVEL PICTURE TWO REI‘II. ('UMEI)Yâ€"~“TIIE IIN.‘ SHOW” Yul'm H '- ‘Hu‘ p-r'uu «:umn." hm". :n-lm \ a BELMONT AND FOREST AVI-ZNIYI‘IS "OWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS The Dicke Theatre Mr. and Mrs. A. E. (Mum and rum» ily utu-mlml thv 30qule wedding of Mn- Olwn‘s aunt and much. Mr, and Mrs. Andn-w Anderson in Chicago, un 'l'ul-sday. Rulutiws wen-o prusoul frmn lh-ant-o :5an vurimu other points in Illinois. Miss Spriggins, u maiden lady wry nun-(ms in a “big town," will make you laugh at the prom-Malian af "A Cheerful Liar" at the Dick“ 'I'ht‘uh'v April 5-!!! and 6th. Miss. Sprimgins is Miss Dell Winn-rs and yuu'll eniuy hm: 2-Reel Harold Lloyd Comedyâ€"“Haunted Spooks” “Mid Channel," the great stage success in which Ethel Barrymore worm! one of her most brilliant «lm- matic triumphs, will be shown at tho Divkv Tht-atru Sumnlay. Mun-h ll). nun-lug the famous (.‘laru Kimball Young. adv. Saturday, March 19th Clara Kimball Young in “mullannel” You probably Slul G'hunm-l" w ”w wnmlmual -|ugr May m whirl: Dillwl ”wry- : ucl u muuml‘wrnl :lummhr Imlmph at Ilw 'lmpm- Thvull'l'. NOV 1» ”Ir Mn} ulm'lu c‘lllnm Imu' finnmumo‘ml "llu' ullnu «mart 0' “m w " "Ilu- lumlm'lmn runwnlmuu" "H!" "’il“"" pirhlfl' 0' "I. FORD EDUCATIONAL WEEKLY a 9:15. Admission 15 md 25c inclufing Wu Tu. :u I!!!" Thursday, March 24th Friday, March 25th rmm-mlun' swing: Adm» Jun .313 0 .\U \I \TINEE ALSO ' him Lynch'- Wbrlds Apart." maniacal sun-M . “W W. l'Ix'r-m'ngr RAVI-9:”. Admission l5 and 2.3 m-nL inrluthny War Tam THE PUTTER’S WHEEL B RA Y P" '1‘"! 3RA PH ROLIN (”OMEDY-â€" “SLEEPY H EA l) full “A Paradise For Birds” the committee. Iv 'l'lu' Whiu- Elephant Sale to be con- ductml under the auspices of the Wo- man's Guild and Auxiliary of S. And~ row‘s Church at Ellion'a Implement Stow, 63 So. Main 5mm. will begin on Monday. April 4th . Mrs. L. Bal- lzml Wnplos, 235â€"“, is chairman of Spring, Spring, beautiful Spring. It's lwro. there‘s no doubt about it. 'l'hv I-urlicst spring in the history of thv prom-“t w-nerntion. Farmers are already talking seeding and one man l-xprossed the belief that oats would be seeded earlier this year than in a “man‘s “KO." Vl 6: "May" IlarIu-F' juxt bvfon! An and u "a h m Uu- night m- IIML fur lulu, Hu- Ihr-r lining h“- vl Hw rlmula Hf «Iv-din): Snooky, the humnm in till m markable two-reel comedy “The 0’" erall Hem,” shown at the Duh Theatre. He will again .be at tho Dicks Theatre on Saturday. March 19 in another two reel comedy, “The Big Show." Ed'- Hw rlmula Hf «Iv-din}: Uanuu! :mll :Ilhlrvhing story of mfvrv»! from Hart (0 finish. '. n-nl- imlmlmg War Tu A '30

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