Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Mar 1921, p. 7

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O. March 25th, 1921. Good Friday. 9:00 a. 111. Children’s Service. 12:00â€"3:00 p. m. The Three Hunt’s CHURCH "0110158 10:00 a. m. High Mass and ser- Sunday Service at “:00 a. m. mon. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. 8:00 p. m. Compline, Benediction, Subject: “Matter." Sermon. Wednesday evening Testimonial . Week Daysâ€" Meeting, 8:00 p. m. L ‘8‘” a. m. M353 Reading Room ope-n Monday and .Suturday Evenings~8z00 p. m. Bent.h Friday from 3 to 5 ’p. m. 2:00 p. m. Mr'ntinp n’ *hn “‘omans Guild and Auxiliary at the church. 10:20 :1. m Holy Communion and Adddress. 8:00 p. m‘ Litany and Sormnm Thn Rm: Gardnr-r Mchhm-tor. Roâ€" Iiginn' Editor of Tho Trihunn. Manrh Nth. 19:21. Maundy Thursday. 7:30 :1, m. Holy ('m ‘vmmiun. ’ 9:45 a. m. Church Schm'ul. 11:00 a. n7. Mommy: I‘ruw‘r and Sermon. Thv Rev. H. NI. .‘fnr‘Whnr- ter. 5:00 p. m. Evf'l'nt' I‘nuyr'r and Sermon. The R02: 1).; Snmm-x-inn. Rectm~ of S. John? (Zhuw'h. ('hicagn. March 23-1. 102]. \\'miursday. Mam. 30th, 1921 7:30 a. n‘.‘ Ho S. ANDREWS l-II'ISCOI'AL (flll'RCH Sunday Svhnol 9:45 :1. m. Morning Soy-Viv" ”‘00 :I. m ("hvirhnn Emlvnww 6:510 p. l Ex’unim: Svniro 7:110 p. m. Suhjrw Sunday morning: "Th cifixion." Sunday night: "-\ I'm" much Homo." .1" 4:30 p. m. Litany and Instruction Spmkrr: Thc- Rm. I'luf. (' h, Sinnnvr of Elmhm 2. I". St. raun- (‘lmir “in sing. A mutual \u-lmmo i< oxlnmlul l" 50.0““ .“ :3. ”HM \\ hla'lh‘n. 7:30 p. n. H-vnivu! “mu-hm Rouniun SHHH- 01' Hz:- ('oufirmml at our rlml‘vh. and \vmm? Lung." Day Sz‘nirv. Sum-Lu). Mnrrh L‘mh. Nu! 9:15. ;! m. Sumlm. Su-luml. 10:1!" :1. m. Mummy “mull”: Sulnjvri: “"l'p, (‘mm- I'p, am I p In 9"“ l'l‘ifl‘l'r “ 50.0““ .‘h'r. ”HM “hullh‘n. 7:30 p. n. H-vnivu! “mu-hm 51. mus I~I\'.\N(3}2l.lC,\l. (mow: r. STREET (‘Ill'unl J Thv Rev. Hugh 3!. MacWhorter Privat-in-(Ihargo of (Sud Mm.» "l: Hun. 'fhurnln) 7:43» le Fatal Shmh “(an Friday 7:15 ~- I-‘mluina {or Un- Thilmn .lvsus lmft on I'IurHL apt-vial mwir ouch night flu-ny- one is imilml tn tho-«- mum-ling.» uf inspiration and Im-pnrnlmn fur Ihv slxlrltuh'. The [mum's themes for the lA-ntcn Ruvh‘ul Svn'icm un- mt follows: Hominy 714x3â€"w’l'lu- Mwwnm-r uf Sunday, March 20th, 1921. Decision Day. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Organ I’mluduâ€"«lntormezzo Hymnâ€"635 ‘ The ApoStle's Creed Prayer Soloâ€"41'1“.- Lol'd is My Light Psalteerwelfth Reading Gloria l’atri Otfeliol~y~Cul\'m-y Hymn 677 Somon-â€"“’l‘h¢- (Rood Sin-plum!" Hymn 186 Benediction Poatludcâ€" l'ulmn [A'akuv Frllowsllip Hour 5:30 p. m. l-Ipworlh lu'ague 6:30 p. m. Leadvrn: “Q" Sub l)i:~. Ull’icors. Mr. Nelson of ltivu-vaidv. Mi» Mi!- ler of Conan-w Park. and Mr. (Zil- bert of ('ongrvss l'urk. Ivoning Sen‘itv 7:30 p. m. 301m Svn'iu- and \Hu-ulun (‘olIc-m- (impel Tram with Halo Quurle Arthur Sm‘nrvr l'hrlps. \linislor CONGREG.\TIO.\C\L CIII'RCII IMHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCHIus. the reading room. Wednesday, 8:00 p. m. Evening Prayer, Reading from Scriptures, Sermon. Benediction. Friday, 3 p. :11. Way of the Cross. Friday. 8:00 p. m. Way of the Cross, Life of S. Paul from the Acts, Benediction. Sundayâ€"â€" diction. no llrv. “in. (Stolen-M. l'a-lot Prm‘dom. Tut-«lay 7:-8.'n--'l'ompuuiun. Wmlnculny 7145v-In llw Lulu-mu» of (Sud Mud» "l: Hum. Than-Ila) 724-3-- le Fatal Sliml- ML, 9!!l'£lL18. 1921 \'()(‘ ARE WELCOME TO ALL OF THE Sl-IRVH‘l-ls OF THIS (‘HI'RCH 00 i. m. Mass and Sermon. 9:00 a. m. Bible Study. 10:00 a. m. High Mass and Rev. Eneas B. Goodwin, Pastor Gilbert K. Newland. Pastor ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH I‘lucr- fl “Th: mm) m and Ser- ; THE BIG SHOW n with VIM-n i'v a Timr I’fiiIr-ri" an hivthhxy rmr- of thr'atv‘tw “(Ir foam) Smoky's in the lig “An Overall Hem.’ kid play-m Mawh 191 H!" mm, [01'1" '{I ‘ nf littll Sfigagy’ THE. HUMANZEE l'.\H‘l,H IINVITIHIYZN' (‘lll‘lfl‘ll HF [2‘51 CR'H'C' “mil-«u :qul I" may in? -\'H:lnuu 1‘ "'0in "I. Ul'l't' --r\iu-- uf rum- ,m'ruliun \nll III' hrlcl in lhv :nulilur- mm during l'awmu “wk luâ€""inninu at K n'dm‘k mu'ln PU'n'lIfj \\'u|m flu). Mnu'h 13M” "l'ha- .‘Im‘lw «r n ('hnhhzm," 'l'lum «luy. .‘lnrrh awnâ€"- "NW Lifr‘ S01 Arm! l'uln “ml." ['0' Srnin- N am. Syn-rial mu~w 2:510 p, "I. Tim ('hildrvn':< llnur, 0:45 p. n'. Sum’ur Mlium'u .\ll~- séumuy Svnin‘. 'l'lu- mhjvv: L: "(u-Ulwautum.” 77130 p. m. l-Iu'ninu “unhip. Special mum’ uml u-rmun b3. l'uv mash-r. l'upmm ka Spy-urn: FIRST EVA.“ ELICAL CHURCH Palm Sunday. .V 9:45 u. m. l ”:00 u. m. Sulnjn-cl: “.\ 'l Spwiul mun-w \ “'1'. Mummy awning bath chain will mrot. 8:00 p. "I, I'm VT and Pruiw Svr- 3:00 p. m. ("ruszulcrfi Jim-tint. 6:30 p. m. B. Y. 1'. l'. 7:30 p. m. (iospn-l Servicv. The Young ['00va -'.~; (‘huir will >ing in tho "minim: and the. \‘ouim- ('lmil' m tlu- owning. A rnulinl \u-lcmm- fur m'mybmly. The public is cordially invited to attend the services and to visit and 9:45 a. m. 11:00 a. m ship . 'ruidu-ul hp‘ rah-I) . .‘Imrh wl 'l'hu IN A! 8:00 p. m. Renewal of Baptismal Vows. Sermon. Selections from Stainer's “Crucifixion” by S. And- (h‘cw's Choir. March 26:11, 1931. Easter Even. Sut- urday. 9:00; a. m. Children's Service. 4:003). m. Huly Baptism. \H Devotion. Pon‘mos'brscx .36 AND so «- i‘x lIu-rlru‘ L.L \1'0 m‘ Tun ix‘ Rev. J. Alfred Nansen. l'utor. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ul‘o' \\ ¢ "'liz‘ [13g Slnm‘ 'zuim-L; \\: h t‘: Humunzr'r mm! .‘x "w-t uf H: at tho Dickr- Thwatrt- an 91'. Arthur “up “7113' h vslwn iw appvurml -n “Fm, “HM" and rm hi: second our: of the L0; Ana-alvâ€" “a: foaturing his namt- 8an in the lights in advertising lh-‘c MM hm! Itmm. m . .'. ”Iv-uni hrrvuk'r hm jui qum (u \lemr Nown” “‘l‘ln lint hint m'l m. Bible Svhnol. . m . Servin- 01' Public Wur- Imul “00 n m min: ”‘0" n . H mm hm! Library Hall ' ht March 20th. W’JI. 1“va Schuul Stu-Sm. Mumimc “hr-hip. 'I‘riuutphal Emu." u ('hudmn," 24m.»- Amid l'ulu (imlj' uh'. Syn-rial nub-r Svninr Mlhmrr. ’nh. »- "Tun “up :"lN-fl. big (‘()\ll .ll \\ urld L‘s-run} Him! | ,r- Sgw'rml mum- 20f Ill (00nd pr. no ERS Gnovfi REPORTER. nownnns (5mm. ,luu you may apnea and nr- fit ~n f0 (kn lmumlary of ‘ and may mak :rzn'tl? x: Um ~u Datrrd Whvatnr. ”NW-i 19214 "1:2le 0 nf aid Saturn : (nr- r-a-v Imv "I. ('fltl'lfl HF); thr innp lht- said 1-3 SrH-mvvn HT}. t muninq; all It»; ”rm-v and [3 Ir» ‘: hl' laid lr-vvi'lvj' ixr- (v.1lnt_\ 0“ IMI' ‘H'v'. That :| h 'r-lzt'un v.1“ hr m. Rm :1: 1 'il‘rprrrm' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN In all ll'l'slfl‘l.‘ mlrumlul and to all 1mm.- it may court-m that u petition 113- burn tile-d in Uu- l‘ouuly Court ..|' llul‘ugv (unruly, m punuuncc la am AN ul' (ht- Iirumul Axwmhly of luv Stab- ul' lllmmu l-nllllml, “An Art 1.. cwutr :amilm) dwtm-l» and lo prmulr fur .wuum- chapcual" umnmv- «I Jum- :32. ml}. m {our July, I‘Jl7,‘ and all .vh'L. uuwmlumu lhrwuf m" ‘upplc-zmvnlu! Hu'rrlu, rm- tlu- unam- wuum. m u wmblury «Ii-lmt um-Iml- um llw u-Mm inwrpumlrvl \‘nllagv u! [mum-h (mun, wmm. "w «v lvmul lunlmkuum "I. ~uNl lvl'l':lu')‘ bl“! mu m lui|u“~. (mun: I [hymn-h: at Ilw .-uu hurl rur. m-r «If H-rlzun .\'I'n- ‘2'). ‘l'cmnthip: ‘Hu’uh Hum 131‘], ,‘unlin. "mm-r ll, Hal c-l' Uv- 'l'hz-tl "rincipml‘ Ala-min"; Unmu'c rmm'riy alumg ltuv ~null: lrur ulA \md Sa-I'Hnu Kim “- Hu- amt lnw uf «:ml Fur. lum .\vm'; Iln-nn- mnth nu mu] rust lun- uf Su'lhm Sun: and rm». tmmmz nurli. nu U!» HM linr uI‘? AH: nor «Hm ' hm! H um- Mon‘tlnn; {honor mytvrly alum; mid north line and cunlinuing vastvrk ahmg the s'mlh ‘im‘ uf (In- munhn'ruxt qnnnI-r (NWH) nl Svrtinn ScuntN-n (IT). Trmnxhip ...\. Nurih. lianzv H. Fla-t ul In. Thiul l'rincipa! .‘Jmidnn m [hp v'erv' l=n(- rul‘ Main :ihr-vt'. {bl-nu- nmtht-r‘)‘ Mum: [‘1' :‘Pntrv- line of Mum Stu-rt in “11‘ wmth lino uf' "l'nrlvn Hn'rhb Suinlu {Jan} Humw abut-1, :‘um' qw'; with ”up n!" "Limit-n Hv.'),h(= Suhvh‘ i- ullm" In }u- \\l v “m- "! "l'fl‘v :1 II .\rt Mrfl. A o‘clork Iinv hf -::Il= “tummy Stu-v." hviu:r Hn- v.14 lmr nf " h'mnxmv "Hr. lhmmvn Hun: I‘m'u In lhl “uni: um “r Un- :h-lfllr‘flt qual- h r (SH';) "7 St'rfiun Highh't-n (IR), Tn“ n-‘hip 33, SHINY, Rang!- Il. Fmt vi the Third Principal Mon‘tlnn; {honor mytvrly ahmg .~:xid north Fina and cunlinuing 'il5{1‘l‘!)' along the- .”th ‘ino uf (h:- mnrthu'rnxx "Haul-r (NWH) nl Svrtinn ScwntN-n HT). 'I'rmn‘hip An eruption ou-urrlng at sva ls culled mquukv and n.» and «mm! Is the producllun of lurm» wan-cs nnd vhrlt'nt cmnlmniuu or [In- wan-r of Hn- sou 1n 185-5, during nu A'm’lhqunln- a! Sh mllu. Japan, tln- wan-rs ul' :1 [my u'l‘n.‘ first nglmn-d, llu-u n-rrvuzu-nt h-min: the bottom |mn~ in Mun-s \x'lu-n- llw \um'r hud [wen :fll I'wl .h-ru. .\ \un‘n- 30 foe! high lhvn IlhllUd in am! MVP!!! ewryH-in: in n.~ path. num- «arth- quukv- \\ 31w». lunr ulvs'l'nywl 1 Nil“ “an shipping: lurl «If Ilwwlmlv'urliuu m the .‘lox’s‘nn UAII‘qulluLv \\u~ runs-w] by a \mu- prmluv-‘I‘ In In!» m1). .‘Im‘l “'ntrzo‘ll “1mm“ .Il'd "lhlv.;!("- "Shh-ll} :Ih-mr Hu- c-rtlh ,- hm- Hmn «fulhvvrh linml. ulmn..,-‘ kmmn ;. ('m:a« Mun"! Axum». 0‘) Mm ul‘ {run- nxur Hun} "hmu'wi Hnmwi w"; tin-mm u) eho-rl} 'Nnvx: Hu- (1 Him lizw n. v. lh'm Hmnl In H.» mh-HH'UQH “‘th [in rum” li'l" of Hank AH'ntlv. 0(hIr\u-c luvm'n m llw Sawmill» and (Mann lh :lL‘fllv qul; :I'unz lin- wnl. r hnr 0-! ».ml “flpll .‘\\rmm In 1 - ru -' l. ‘ nr " hn-u K- Sumâ€" vhxfiinn"; lhrmn mf!‘ U) :nlnn 'Hll lid imxr‘lfimt How It Works Out. I null"'tmh:1'-~.1Raul”; n :m tlwir “rims-n I'm In “1m pruhnhly um. it vhv~|~2xvlnmunn h‘fl'nu hm- In Uu' «vv'vHI [NW 0 3(4'.‘ ,\.v|uh'.é-mll' : ”In": lumr smvé 740mb linv' I hm- hf Illlnlmm SH: 0? yaw-h :d m1: thr- ("~1va m- In “I" "e ,\.v|- ha; mr mm; s m:- llf Illlr r?) :1' "It: IMM' ‘ m, 1" ‘ en r ‘ : NOTICE S. 1.. Rathj". County {1"}ng {Il‘t‘ypfi-Irr 1 m-rw. nu)’ mi hm] ”pinion of am {mm \mm- um. it 1mm a ml .‘Tn rr'h H 1h Ur‘ (r1!) n" rm .\': , Nut! m In m1! 3-1 8â€"2 “n Hi('r 0' "I" In Landscape Gardening our Specialty .1!) Artrns 'l‘w-tr', Fhmbrr, and Vines best for this climate. To Imu- iI (lone rig!“ and rl'amaMe rn" llimdale GIN-W. .Hnw duru- N'vofu‘l’. ('arponter Contracting and Jobbing H insdak» 0‘" an! "madman l5 "MM-ad A" ”PM |fl$ onm awn: mum-.n. Homo... Aflcvlgn l'IIUNI'. I!!! Inla-nuntbnal Truth"! and Yum Estimate: lumi-hed on new or old Cnmor Wan-rm and Parent Rom/Zen”. 138 North Main St Phone lZS-W 27 8. Forest Avenue Telephone IOS-W Downers Grove Weavinngs bENl) IN YOUR OLD CARPETS AND CLEAN BAGS WE WILL MAKE THEM OVER IN- TO BEAUTIFUL BUGS Fawn-no “cu-hunts flank Bldu. (I. E. B ROW E R Painting~Demrating Littlefm‘d Numerics Phone 312-1 (Mire. Farmers Merchants Bank Building" Tuesdays. Thursday: I Saturdays. 9 a. m. to 5 p. II. Every evening, 1 I. 9. 1e11~¢¢m~ r r." retreat Fire and Tornado Inn-unto "mm Rmting Agent, Judie: of [in Place Notary Public JONAS W. TUCKER g Real Estate :3 G. B. 10135, n. D. 26 Main Strep?) Downers Grove. Ill. Phone 8‘24). F. W. KETTENRING Contractor . Builder Edwald 6. lemon Co. 0‘“ II "nature - M 283 N. Fan" Aw. and Flaunt SO. (”VICE IIXJRS Mn”.- IhSp- 70.09 -. Stu-Ly .WW I DRESSIJ'IR BR! )8. HIGHLAND mm: LINCOLN Phone 32-] BUGS FOR SALE lmplnm-M- of MI Kind». DR. W. W. GOURLEY Physician G Surgeon ,oowwn crow Ill. I\|I'I.IZ\II'ZNT DEALER REAL ESTATE Loans, Investments, INSURANCE R. (‘. ELLIOTT lirmxryxrrir) :a If", RUGS G. H. BUN GE Electrician Lawyer work. 621 .‘L “UN 51'. Phone N19 Hm: REV! Hula and um! fwr. m (WW. ”a"! I On 2‘. Miscellaneous IVFV'ICANI'I': Am“, Ftw Y. “ilhin 2 milm ul‘ l’anor: nmw, Hood lnml and umprm'v'mv-mr. HI. \rarrl (I. Immnn 00., F. M. Hank “My. Ti-lX‘Q 01TH" Mice Bonn 9 to 12 a. m. 1 "Vum rlmnp \ulh :I't'u -- and 1 WV n: m! purl“. "Mb. rhrtur [WM , hmrl “”04" "nor ”Irv-"I'IIUH', rulnurv lwnL rm rurr- nf fun, host «.1 lunmhx' F» nth . :mtl almndunw nf uuv'h-n. run-l lwzvtmn. lit-n! $10!!" "'0' mo uilh _\'r-:lr~ inn-v, {I-fl-rvm'r n-quxr- nl. Inc-,nim Apt. A, 2“ E. .“u'vh' avw, 2-]! I FOR RHNTâ€"~ Small farm hf 3:" nnm. “hr min. Irina Mm lur- Hn". “MUM; "I." "mum-r ""Ifq-. \v-[JV .‘l: \‘. "hunr “uw’flrl \V -‘ \“H’ H V'm-uu-l' M v'vnul I In! lmu I-V'Ink fur "null: \\ \‘Jllll Hum" Farm. ‘1 In c-Im m. y ;..-. hum Jyvl “mm Ivm' lum’ l‘u‘u- vmk funl Nur nu , Hind Hunk mml. “WVH‘LID lh \u',\ \"l N" .H'ru ml P‘": KM.“ Hood grnu'l, uh-lnu-n-ql. I'm rum-u! Kink. dun-wan u ulr” Van's mu anal-Ir. H. 'l'. lhth-r. ”Imm- "37 W l I!7'r\\', 7: II 1% FUN 3"]? "ml: I'Mr-I, .u-nuhful numm'mu mum m umul a alvhnn. (7 »\ thnlm. M Lm «nu nw. ': I ". FUIR 5“".va FHI: 51”.“ 5,1'. Wlniln- Imghnru lmhy chick . Ymmg':= uml \'O'xh"" hml slum», hunry Imam: lylu'. Ur~ ulc-n mm' Ibo-inn: Iumlwcl fur Aplil mul Muy ah-Iiw-Iy. Wulw la-ghvfln Funwa phmw ZIILV-Z It‘ll“ POI: SAL}? Hm HALE FOR SALE , Wuh‘r unu-r \uhhmu mm-hiuv; I hard «‘03 lu-ulm‘: J Ind: 4 rm'krm; I min” lnlrlv; l dining mhlv uml 6 chain. IN" (Min-r! nun P’Ium‘ 22L rpm-.5 I-‘(HC SALE lnwl. A. If . ('. LYNCH. LAWYER (ll RTISS THEATRE BLDG. Phonon FOR SALI'L IX months old, gum! grad“ llnlnlvin Hull. Ila-my Schrnmm So. Fairvin-w aw. IHK-l FUR SALI') ('(mk >}«»\'¢- in unud con: VON SAL": l':|l‘:~llips {Wuhl} dug [u ul'dll'l‘. nlwu gm».- c-mzx for llfl‘l'h' inn. I'lmna- xTâ€"W. V TK-lX-l p0“ SAIJ'IVV Wuh‘r ”Mu-r \\£I.‘hi"fl hu‘. five ram! tin-s, extra whvvl. Car in first class slmw. prim' $425». C. J. lh'l'h’t', “7 ()ukwuml, phmu- SHâ€"W'. iiâ€"lS-I mm SALl‘Iml rnrn shellvr; FOR SAlle-l‘llwtric sewing mach- ine, cabinet-table stylo. pvrfvrt rum dition, $35 cash. 88 E. Prairie aw. ' 348-1 lvsx uil stow, nearly now-v ing table. I'hum- 87â€"51. \\'ulnut hall U‘t'l‘, $11.00; 2' salumim; days, $1.25 each. W. Wolf. Fairvinu' 6': Maple “V0,, phone 247-M. 3-184 FOR SAIIF'w-l‘llufq-tric Ascwing mach- FOR SéLl’IAFI‘Ird'VCoupe, 19W. Vsturr- warming own. For guiék Mlle SN). E. Smith, phonl' 202-J. 3-18-1 1901;735:1377»: bud. 31,00; 1 black FOR SAI.|¢»«S£_\-lish, {mm-«l uak buf- fet, plau- glass. two silvvr drawm‘s. lim-n drawer and two cupimurds at bottom. 237 E. Maple u\'c.. phann 296-“. 3484 FOR SALEmKiu-hvn mpg». with a “a 38.x. " ’ 348â€"1 Fb’I’i-SKlQE»â€"â€"sox12' Wiitlizi Vrifii Eng} 1 oak bum-l. 352 No. l‘rim‘v aw. eggs for suiting. J. H. Maison; 991:: Chicago Saratuga uvm, phqnlf Classified Mats! FOR SAL luâ€"vl'un- Rhodc Island Rm] ”q: rumlihvm. Hum» 67 dition, phmu- 2213-51, If"; Frincv mu II-IXJ rum. ‘amzugl H RENT Fumiwhr'd mv 'U'NIVG :uv! [LI‘II'AHUN‘L Hm-‘w r. $553 NU. Kr-nvinqlon ;'."rl"-. phnnr' Ln'h'nmrr- llf’. ' ‘n ffin-d Pi t of phonr ‘Inl' 4-: {7; ‘J. «low by Jaer Stanh 1‘.V|""l] work. 2716 ('hurn- " v H:|'h'rj,' Station, ”in - 2-1-8 nu ("‘Ilt‘i fur r I'i'y um : nic m-v "uh“:- For Ren! \\ Wanted Firm .my '1‘!" [until l't‘. ‘L" ”I ¢ For qale Huh) rnnium- in. pun-I” luquiw Ill-rumb- “flin- " II If, 11/. h my Auto, Huh-"l 3! lfll'fi' :l‘ "I31 .. rumuh- will: ulvl, ‘mnll ’w H; pun? rv-fo l' HinJnIl Rr‘sidenre - 69-11 Hum-I Man", rhrflll J -l I v1 Hum. xrm-nnl .‘II! II '1 » v"! mc-n In! mu k. ;\y..:'\ I.- 1906p.m. Il’ um] I ‘Lm'm' In in hm I must"! w. Mmm fill-'1 ' final lu-n >1 '2' I! ph hi!" I 'Ju‘l' r and 'I h!” M)! “wk- ! din- :£~ lX-l "m HIM? Ill 3-184 H Ill In a xmaHr‘r one. come in and see ma about thic. WANTED -Property of every doa- criptinn to so", have you Frodenhagons Real Estate ‘A g if nnt why not we have «can: an over East and Downers Grove cl easy terms, or will sell you". :14 «n nmv hnmr- with large “bands, hr-uutiful ,~h.'uh- tv'm‘s', pan-ml streets, nwn~-r could mt- a 6 or 7 room house in LuGramzn m- Hinxdalr. in t the land can h- mbdixidod and hunt up, if {nu want a fine home _t!|d ha” V» .\ \"HCH 8‘: P! I! «m. I" place: ".I. .,, puzâ€"r- mn I :m b1 hall May 1, "HMP prnplr-, fIiI‘nIi of those "I." hulu'hl r‘urlin' in ”II :-I-a. on of last 3mm. who arn nut. «Mind yet, and um» may mit. if you like, phase «all hr phnno 5251 m- Iwonings IOI-R. 1’0}: S.\Ll':_ -"iqh I'|_:l.<-< strictly m9- I‘hll l-"Dl! RI"-": Unv- nf mum-r In! ‘ in tmu paw-1|, plvvn'v of :hm‘ MN. and i» rlwnp :n -1 "z. h mm lr- hull, 1")“ SALE "vhx'lfl‘. I'm-1, north frnnt, i '5'» c- in 1-. .‘Jum KL 9 nn (-int 54". p-i :- I'll: RU}? .~\ \ uh- vnmnt In! fan ranu-mv-M but” up ’m'ilfiml, u fwd. FUR SALE Unv 9'”! S \I If Hm}: 1n, v“ w Imnflakm hf . I'mm- rm :1 in" :u'"'. but "5' Ivamlz. hrr hum! "mm arm”: the {11ml \ulh "pr" fur [Harm [rmul frvm! [mu-h onhum‘v. up) Imp- liuh! dill- .l'u mum, and :1” much-m Imiu in rum: niam’r -, 'lr‘mu boat. :I [pm-l gaf- :t*. and ”w lam-[inn i high and dry. handy In Main. nnrl who". Price -‘”7.2.'-'l, \\'I'h ":l_\ [LING nr murl‘ rash, Hwy» '1: 4n! . “’0"! "I!“ SAL}: Um- nf "w III-<1 mm? hum” m hm", Mu I-iHlfl‘.’ n. ht. [Illnh nf hm". Inn! and JIruMI'fy. :u '..' Jun. 6 "mm (matron hum-1- '6”. LHm- purrln . llu- Imam" :Ifl' hr" and Gun: laiph- namlun-, fit! plum. quu m Imml. Ml mu-lr-m impmwn Ina"! , and bull: ~Hrrl~ nu mud, l‘rvu- S‘Ull", :um Iva-imam» hm! um Ir hm! “'0': HAL}; r‘ Wm”; l'N'h'lfl IN" hulh I?:|-~ lmmtlllu I»! 5'- rmwn and In!!! h'I-r m n! uh ml, >r- Inmah V by: um. I.” ta 3: $5,500. u. \ h'unu can I» hzul. NH: MAI}: .Hmlrm Marty arr 1 mum l‘_- «lu'y lmmguluw. Nu m- I01 mum-w. lnrgv- Iumz mum with hn- plurr, u-u fun- almmx mum if“ qull. m Imlfrt. mmllnl untl Iramd cl‘l‘ilu', rmm‘o 'DKM, MI" Miran!“ m n and wunhmml m gmvrh, um! oUwr Inn-Jun: rmnruio'mwm, NIH! lu‘ I“?! 3500. "ml m-nr lu Itllum. MI I“; [who In rm FUN KAI}: Shh-Hy much-m "who!“ "my lmmmlflw m llu' hi"! a! I'- pmc. ha. "H! n. OM. ph-nly Hf hull. :- Lou'r "nub-n, wry Hurtful-hull" H)“ 31“.: Much-III, “I" built 5 mum l'- stun rottzIw' ’IIIIIM'. h‘ wimhmwl III (In!!! pun'h. hut WIMP ’lt‘fll, ull 'IlIImIIIIIx, :InIl I~ mm to mm: right in. "w In: in 7:113“), ”I. lurulIIm IIII n [mu-II un‘vl will! apt «Inlx luml uml lIn- pun lml 866w, II'NH‘» run II- had. "'1' sum. I‘UHKIKP in u [lull location. nwm-r hm [u "mw' nwu' and want! In w", a Mum" nirv. um «my term! tun 1w had on Inn. by n-lmhls- ”any. I-‘UN SALE Vm‘y mum-“w 5 room 1’»; Mnry hump. Inn all ovvr hard unml "more, drum lwnl. m-w porch :10me [hr (run! all \umluwwl In, in rlnsv in and "war tn staticm and "I. whoul, a wry m-ut Illllo modem ”law at only $5,500. 'l'vrm» can I). l::lol. F0“ SALE Al Hu- mlyzr of to“. tiw- ntrirlly mmlvrn bungalows in (awn, has wry largo mums and is l'ulllp't‘lc' (I(I\\'ll.‘l(lil'fi with bath, and 3 mums up, pic-My of film finishing, ln-uuliful glass with “much wimlowa. and will rlu-x‘ up with mum. an , has [Wu ut'n- lnl. is and fmnt. MIX on! twu Marlo to am .,,I l’rk‘v $7, . -.’1.~unuhh~ u-rms. 2S 5 .000. FUR SALEf 0m» of the most attrac. rooms in nut-d of rvpuirs, has fun- mu'c, olvctrlcity. and fulrly modern (-mwvniunccx, and will make a good place with sumo fixing, a fine loca- tion, on paw-d street, with lot 100:: [32 ft. l'rix-o $6,500 and poxsession can be had, with reasonable term. house with ull living rooms and bath donthair, and 2 spare rooms up. a" modvrn conw-nicnces, good new, impmvvnwnts all in and ski for, so «my terms can lw had. the lot is south front, close in. and in a wry gum! lo "mien, 50xl42 ft, has un - fruit and good shade. Price FQR SA [flitâ€"4‘95): rebuilt rooms, all light and well arranged to accmnmlah- a large family, plenty of (10511 mom, corner light kitchen uith hug:- punlIy, good cellar, cis- tmn, well, burn and garage, every- thing in fine condition. and immediate possession can he had. lot 120x132, 3 blocks to station. Price $5,000. 'l'I-rms easy. Tell me what will suit you, owner moving, wants to sell. FOR SAl. J~~A>gop<l olIl hoqse o! 7 Iii S. Main 3!. Phone as: Residence 27 S. Fairview Avenue East Grow- l‘hone 101-3' FOR SALL «Well built house of 7 I \AiH huy I," ' ' inn, : . 1'11” up , an“ [my SALE 4 ~|rul’} vv-ulvvrn MW l’.‘l\~ huli-u IN " PM“: and pun", lm :z" Hill ""5 'I. nun”- ! llhu.‘ .1an :hrunu mum, ma.“ hru'k Irv ll".l‘., 1|" nu I I':I‘P. [H II SA Ll‘ REM. ESTATE m Sill 7i h Ir lam-l l‘ru‘a- 30,500. h'flsnfijlb'. by v. FREDENHAGEN DOWNEBS GEO" _, 1m, .:1.-_‘.' 1- WM. 6 ('hnEr-v- hu’h vacant Hynxm rm Sill.) or y :1 huu n m \‘m‘ant lot :uul Inuk- in those lots p if Mm ham such I \' rash dim-n-nrv: 1 and n null: In! lulh SOHCK {Ml un [mved fun"!' i- hurh and dry, n S", u ”1 man, h'm'zefl p-ir-u- ."J'L [)“V ram. .25"! H H: 1 fmllt 'n H-n-«ialm 'b! «i :nr! n5! impmve- nhl Mupl- "rm and is ,v\\I-,, u" ”‘4' North n in Main mvl l~ I"! ry :onrtiw- 3011"! 5mm H. a south nf thn In" .uiuducnn ., a moâ€" va- hm“- work l-‘I, pnnv fiflflm. i-~. nnfuml tim‘ lhv- prifl- asked ”mm. mag. Int '0 Ill“. >t mm“ In”! SCS- SI... in 8 up at '15

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