Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Mar 1921, p. 8

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For a demonstration of either of" these labor-mung household dmivesi Another Federal product. among the best of its kind in use today, is the The Federal is distinctively a woman‘s machine-â€" in its schemr of blue and whit? enameled dn'omlion. 539': to operate. we because awry moving pan is enclosed. Yet .1» rigidlv nnd sub-Ianliany constructed its life Ii”! ordinary rat» is unlimited. Made of Amn lnm [mm-1 run resist hug). the Federal will give years of satis- factory «Hire. A small payment pm 3! in your hot. in easy monthly payments. A luhfixl of snowy while clothes every law minutesâ€"no rubbing or scruhhing. \H the washing and wringing dour in an hour or so. Saws wear and tear â€"â€" clothe: last five times as longtâ€" and costs less than five cents a week f or electricity. ' The Wild Flower l’n-wrvntion So- ciety prancing-d a fine program before the Civic Department of the Wom- ‘3'! Club last Week. Mn. Georg!- Bury ucompaniml by Mm. Wilhelm. Added much to the enjoyment. o! the Wmon by giving several vocal "Jealous. Minx Gertrude of Chla- go [in an ink-ruling tall: on flown: a! wood. Mid anal wuyulala uning tilde: lo illuulnu her talk. A little dilly wu mum! by tho Innum "01‘ king in prrfrrl conclilion but llunkn to Ir. "wry chlw. nm Wu mu Mr. Harry B. Rogers, baritone so- loist and organist of S. Amln-w’x Church Choir, who.“- Angling nus caused Ruth commrnt in local musi‘ cal circles, will sing tho “l'ulnm” u! the five o'clock sewin- iu 3. And- rew's Church this Sunday. 011 Good Friday at the 8:00 p. m. service he will sing the “Sewn Last Words oh Christ" by Dullnin and will also lulu-l part in the u-lvrtionx from Swim-r55 “Crucifixion." A meeting of the delegates to tlu: Burlington Group of the Municipal Art League was held Wednesday 211'» ternoon at {he home of Mrs. L. E. Jones in North Main atrm-t. Those present were Mrs. John R. Winds”!- and Miss J. D. Knapp of Lafirungu, Mrs. I. S. Luce of Western Springs‘ and Mrs. S. 1'. [Mount uf Hiusdnlc‘ and the delegates from the Duwnors Grove Woman‘s Club. 3 General Boomer booms in «wry act of “A Cheerful Liar" to be slumn at the Dick" Theatre April 5th and 6111. Fred Drisslcr, who takes the part, practices throwing his voicc against the mar of trains in order to got the tight cffvct. Save one of thl- dates, half the net pruccvds go to the Firv Truck Fund. 6160010 was]: at Additional locals on page 5. Mrs. Josvph ll. Sherman of Nod}! Prince avenue entertained all a St. Patrit'k's party last Fllduy urn-r- noon, March lllh. Games apprupri- ate lo thv "mansion “1:11.- pluyt-«l, Mn. A. Lautz of tho “row and Mrs. Fwd Wolf of Hinsdalo “inning Hw prizw. Mrs. J. J. Hulston and mg. Fred Schultz winning (-onsulatiun prizes. Downers Grove Belmont Forest VACI’I‘M CLEANER PERSONALS CLEANER WASH ES OUICKER PHONE 3 6 9-1 zllt(l i Oh the part of the movie «mm-rs. ‘this is simply n ([ut'n‘il’n of having Haven days in tho \\'('l'k in which tv ply thvir trade cspvriully of having ‘the rum day nt‘ thr- wool: when pm- Jplc hau- vnost h-imm. 'l'ht- liquur Imru of Chicago usml tu demand H!“ lupvn Sunday for tlu- mum.- n-asnn. ”Cut the grocer and all othvr clzhsrs ‘uf trade have only nix days in which 'to ply their lmth'. 'l'ht- law of III- inois so pirscrilwx. Do yuu. Mr. Elli-f ftor, advocutv int-quality (If nn-n bo-E fort: thr‘ law? Ynu {uih-d to toll |I.~i Avhy the movie man should be thus: l'ut'oml ubovu all other t‘lflfifil‘a. Ynu; un- advocating a dangnrow dm-trine’ ‘whon you adwwato MIC" favoritism far one clans bvfnrv the law. Had this ordinance been sun-Mined. it would haw- madv not nuly the mm‘io- [vomit-tor» but the pt'nplt' a! bomb or» Crow lambwnkns. There stand» the law of the Stat:- nf lllinoht. as quotnl ubuw. No \‘illnms may paint an (militant-v cnntmry tn a law a! the State. If tln- movla- man may with impunity, Violate u law of tbel sun» that hr do" not lilw or our that hinders bin chum after tht- dol- lur. I nlso muy violulo our that aim- H ' ' ; . . hw-ry argumI-nt u~'l-Il [or Sunday “shows 1m, with own [:ruau'r fol-co, llbv used for« Sunday grow-rim. 'l‘hr law of Illinois [)l“'.\l't'll)lf:~‘ that no work shall he LlODl' .un llw first day of [NW Wm'k. commonly (-alh-tl Sunday‘- Nworks of necessity and charity 0x- ‘lu-ptml. No one will Conn-ml for a ‘lmmm-m that Sunday mom-s fall un- ’llt'l‘ l‘ltlu‘l' of these lwalls. But it i> claimed that pcoplv must hayr‘ some lJiy'ul'siun on Sunday; hence we must. lhuvu Sunday shows. Wlth gn-atvr iforn- it can be (-laimml that neoph- lmust b0 fed on Sunday; home “1“ must have upon gram-rim: on Sun‘; jday. Hut 1 hour you say: “people canl llay in a supply of food Satunlmly."‘ :1 counter by stating that pmplv mul so llml recreation on Saturday. l Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank is what YOU make it. It will be worth far more to you when the time comes to use it than an arm- ful of letters presented by you-a stranger. A small beginning, hacked by a well-kept bank book has led to many a man’s business success. We invite you to open an account in this bank now. SUNDAY MOVIES FROM PEN 0F W. A. BRUBAKER You have oxprqssml your svnti~ uwnts on the Sunul'ay muvil- question and haw iuviu'd your wank-rs who (lifl'ui- to (-xprnss rnusuus fur their Ilis- ac-nt. I'I.'l'nnt nu- lu zurcl‘pl 3m” in- \‘itulion. Dow new (3 mug, Mr. Editor : YOUR CREDIT The Corner Grocery 1. W. Nash Phone N RICHELIEU OATS, 3' m». Bag ............ 25c ERIKA-DEAR CORN. '3. cans for .......... 25c ()AKFIELI) PEAS, 2 cans for . . . . . . . . . . . . .-5c "RANGES BANANAS GRAPEFRUIT AND APPLES Ill-IA I) LETTUCE HOME GROWN LEAF LETI'UCE (‘ELERY NEW (TAB- BAGB AND RUTABAGAS A State Institution under State Supervision Established 1892 “L, Min: 14, 192! SPECIALS ' ‘ DOWNERS GRQVE MEIER, DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS ‘ilarly hinders me. And so may you; daatruction of the day set apart by and so may Jones and Smith and the Supreme Being as a day of rest liwwn and Thompsonâ€"all men. And and worship. Your statement is a Lthore's an end of all law-anarchy. Su compliment to the religious people of 'thut this t]u('§tl0llâ€"â€"St'¢!lfllflflly harmâ€" thix town. But you go far astray in less and unimpuitontâ€"-â€"beeomus one, applying this argument. Because the .of giiut inIIIuttunct-«u question of law forbids me to blow open your .the equality of men before the la“ snip and appropriate your cash and and ot‘ the eIIl'oIcI-Inr'nt ot' lawâ€"two lilIeI'tv bonds, does. it therefore cumâ€" n‘uf the pillars upon \Ihich H‘Sls the pol me to be r1 llgllllh? Because the ”Stratum; "1‘ our institutions You law 5113s to you that \ou shall not .'.~e1-m to think that. this is not a flt‘t'l111l11l\t the. national euirency, does it - euuntry- for some. You are entI'Ie :theret'me compel you to be religious. " 'lv right in that >1lpp05ill0li. lhixllieezuhe the law 1il\’n t1) the liqum '(ttllllllt’ i: not and l llll t n1\"I-I \\llli\cll(‘l' “‘tuu shall no longer \Vlt‘ck" 1".” rl-11-1-1Iuntly i'1II l:l,\\l)l\":lk(!l1\‘ th1 1'lI1II111-Itu 11nd deston the Nuts" Next you ~wring the “l‘ersolml l.i- of American citizens,” dues it theth' .‘ [II-my" argument. H l rememlII-I it'ore rompel the saloon-keeper to join nightly, we heard smoothing similurzthe rhureh'.’ Because the low sayw during the ~1'ttlemI-nt ut' the liqumgtn the movie man: “You shall not. . question. It t'IIileIl to lIIIl>t1-I' up thutth'I-uk down the day 01‘ rest given to 1 iniquitiou: cause; l apprehend that itg'men by the statutes of God am. the . will fail here. “The uell'ure of the laws (If the State." (lflt‘s it therefore 1 people is (In suprenu- law.“ Vllu II Iumpel him to be I'eligi1ius?»"lllese M"p('l>‘tltl(ll liberty" rum~ athwurt thatquestions unsucr themsehes. YImr L‘MI,,,-(1,m. law, personal lilmty mint’III'inmI-IItâ€"it' it bI: an argumentâ€"- right 'out of the way. Jesus said "’l‘hejwill apply Itith equal or greater ~\ulplmth was made for llllln"â€"â€"lt(‘:l'fll‘(‘tr against all other laws that seek ‘meunt all men. in that.h1- uttI-I-eilitn restrain men from vice and crime.1 .y'u m1 111 l:'.I\\'llI1- plnsiuil 11ml mmallSurel), \lr. Editm, \I‘Iu' do not mean nature of men demand one d1I_\ .~ rest; that all these Iesttietixe laws should in stun. One. geneIutIon i< sutl’ieiâ€"l n <tIiI'ken l‘mm the >Iatute lIIIok. lent to midi me the physical and "10]" lzen you take 11. \I'hm-k at “re- le deterioration of any family, com '1 wars." l haw noticed that whenr munity tlI1It tramples the sabbath ill" wwr a man is at hi: wit» end for ar- Iler font. France tried it and \\lI~IflllnH'n[ on a question of this natured lI-nmpclh-Il to ulmmlon it 115.11 matterihe .‘l'LS up 11 Imm- ui' >tr1u1', labels. .III' the nation‘s welfare. Sunday mo-Ihim (or it) "Rpl'ln'nu-r'" and “WM l1i1~.~ and similar tll\t‘t'.4l('ll.~' :Ire thei>11il> in and pummel: him (or it) to, 'lhin edge of un entering wedge tolfimitherI-ens. liut "it'ltlllttt‘l>"ul1'= Imiqn,‘ 1h".- d11y1rf I'set demundedinol such 11 had Mill utiit‘ :1“ 11nd; iln the nation of man and ptm’iIh-Ili Ienll) vent to lmu- IIIImI 111mg good: :Ill- “l"f‘ Mentor. ll III the \\‘1IIl1l. )luflin lIIthI-I “11:. :I . ‘1 'l'III him h_\ the the Hun i1' proprietor may require lIis'“11'l""1IIm1-I-. Suwmmolu “i“ a “la“ employw to work rl‘\'(‘ll 1l1I)'.~ in tlI1-' l'oI'mI-I'. " litllilleu “4., 11 “ 3.10,...“qu iWeek. :0 may "I" Krm'er. the farmer. .1 Ahrnhum Lincoln “II: :I "Reformer." 'the III1InIIl'111tUH'r h" 4" ""‘l’l"-“'"" l'llu- Man of Galilleo “In ' ‘l1ei'orIII-' . l'lIeIIin lies the ruin of “11. day ”1'“... \11 “r l-‘l't . H l I1..~'t."lh1- laboring m1- 'nâ€"v‘lllthu \\ ho ' ' ‘f ' ' . A ' 0" \\0u1 n t 3011! flail lung llfllll'rl during the week-m “"‘l I 1:111- our lot lIlI1111 lmnd 1111le lnI-ed tlIi~' (ingiI‘en heritage. Jeal- ousl)‘ Fllutllil they Izuurd it against the greed mid arm-61'1- of selfish and "designing men, because along that 'lOflii lies industrial slmeI) fur the| lnhurinu men. CiStems and But your plineipal arguuwnt H C t hb that of “Compulsory religion." You a c aging m 3': "MIN of the \otm against they Proposition were can became of the' LEANED religious side of the question.‘ xinrerrly hope you are turned in that Now is the “me [0 have Ktntrment. Any one must how 11, "Ill! ’WOl'k done. To MVC contempt for 11 man 11 ha. while pm»: it done right . . ' 1 ' - 11. .' (noon: to he nlngiom. \otI. for 1h:I m”. L‘niln‘vn 1.1. n .1 'sonu- of our rpzm- rush to lime out" No. S Lamp ( :In Kippm‘ofl Herring .............. 25: American Sui-«liars in I‘m?- Olive Oil, pm- can 13: Purr- Manic" SV‘.HI pint can 650; quart ....5125 Kl‘llo my (“om l‘ akos ..................... 121‘ Woscocn l I’qIII‘cl Cocoa. per can . . . I ...... 25: :2 07.. Bottle l)-Litc Vanilla ............... 30c Fancy Flnrida Grape Fruit ............ . i . .m- Pam‘y 'l‘hin Skinnr-Il California Oranges, .29" “v0.0.2.1. 1.. ma (0 on pm' can . “H23: EA§TER CAND'Y mam: Assbiz‘r'M'rifi'i' ’ 07.. ’v'fltfll l) Litr Vanilla ............... 30¢ Kastnr Eggs. 5 si'ms. pm‘ pound .......... 30c Fancy Hon-Ma Hmpo Fruit ................ 10¢ Chocolate (‘rt'am Mamhmallo“ Eggs. 10-! 15c Fancy Thin Skinned (‘alifnrnia Oranges, .329“ I-‘anry Chocolatos. pound box .............. 69¢ Lehmann 6' Michel’s Store New Pearl Buttons, colored, card 10 15c I’rettily colored, strongly made, well reinforced baskets, Three styles each Colored and white, 1']; yards wide patterns are neat, staple designs Far One Week, Special per yard 45c TELEPHONE lfil-Ra-Z NEW LOW PRICES ON NEW SPRING GOODS. BIG VALUES AT MORE REASONABLE PRICES. HERE ARE SOME “MARCH SPI'X‘IAIS." Spring Goods at Low Prices NEW MARKET BASKETS FOR SPRING DRESSES TABLE OIL CLOTH kw Groceries Come, Mr. Editor, take your do- feut like “a good sport” and don’t ascribe it to mlig'ious bigotry, blue laws and reformers. Recognize the fact that “the world do move” and join the pmcossiun. names among that galuy of the world’s Greatest? These “Reform- ers" will be revered and loved as long as gratitude and love are attributes of the human heart. TAXES Authorized County Depository WILLIAM A. BRU BAKER. LA nms‘ @ ......... $1.39 MENS’ @ ........... $1.75 (20ml Black (‘loth and Practical Handles FIRST NATIONAL BANK Umbrellas at New Low Prices Very truly yours. Fancy Eating Apples, 3 pounds ...... Red Cros< Maramni or S ag hetti, 3 for Aunt Jemima Pancake Four, parkage Large Can Lihby’. Dill fickles .33., Clark’s 0. N. T. Ecru Color Cotton, per spool ....\ ...... Clark’s 0. N. T. No. 5 Pearl Cotton. All colors. For crochéting, knitting and embroidering, per spool . . . .l5c New colors in “Coats,” six strand Floss for crocheting, knitting, em- broidering, darning. 'All colors at Per Spool, 10c Downers Grove. Illinois. PAY Your New Dress Faln‘ivs are coming in right along. You should see these new Spring Patterns before you buy elsewhere and save money. NOTION SPECIALS at In order to correct a statement be- ing made by Ravens Mfg Co., I feel it is my duty to say, that I do not imlorse any mineral preparation put out by Ravens Mfg Co. I am matr- ufucturing a mineral food for stock that has proven of great value and am fun- to indorse it. Literature on rvquurst. Editor 0! the Reporter: Flour, parkage ..... 16¢ Pickles ............ 35c I. A BC E AASSORTM ENT CORRECTION J. E. Stiles, D. V. S. March 1.8. 192.1 Pearl . . .151: 25c

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