Downers Grove Reporter, 15 Apr 1921, p. 1

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DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER Many of thc lnwnr grade toachrrs are. aimnFt daily. taking their grnupc on fieid trips to the woods which .~'IH'~ round the Grove. This is the time of year whnn thv wild flaunt-H arr- at their best and the littln people re iearning a great rival of the birds ‘ flowers. Supt, Snapp has been a. good bit of time recently Friends. " i v-_ r. the difierent gradem The cerpmmy was quietly per- formed Sunday, April Rd. by the Rev. Fr. Daniel Luttro" of St. Thoma< Aquinas Church. of Austin Mr, and Mrs. Brady apt-ct to makv their home in Dowmrs Grove and for the present arr at hnmr- to Utah many friends at the residenm of tho mm‘s parents. NT. and Mrs. H. H. "rally of Hi North Fol-Pct m'rnuc. anmunrv‘ tho man-inn of [Mir son. Georgr A" to Kiss Edna (7. "ayes. who fnrmorly resided with her mus-ins the Mine; Williams. of 19 Long avenue, Austin. "A Greater Dmnwn Hmw" <houM to th- slogan for own- our intram- lContimmvl on Payn- 7) For wwml nah lhwnnn Hrnrr, will 3N “va or no III-mm. (mm W’ ldtiHMI. Ru! aflrr Ihvw‘ cuMhLl skint Irv-w. aflrr rmuk‘nrm «OM 9hr: plat-r whrw only pruirir grad mugf «mum. at will I» dam-um. Tim at i inn “6" ham .1 mun-h pwmrr (av; in: pow". an! infirm-ml Hum: huli a hmr H‘rrimr} mvr “hid! Inf awn-ad "w NM: :1 mm-h lm‘m‘r lme ing powvr, "I [vrrw-M nur Mnclwl in- «Wimw calm"! h" inrrrzufil. but with the larg‘rr trrrimry it ran. Chm-l allnwing for mow imprnu-mmtcfl a population whit-h wi" nutmumhn! any Mher inrnrpnraiml plan'- in Du! Par (bunty and will hr known for! its progn‘ss thronrhnul "w 0min"! Chin” district given not om- wu a valid am And most of them It'fl‘ méwppmiwmiom. The prinflplr obkflion uwm In In- "It! [Mn land mill Ix- :m nwnw tn the town. Mull. folk“ nflullul NW Mu mm In "unit that m- will In- lom'l to 1'“va our wau‘r mmm. our Hm‘rhn mkwnlb. and tuning to ”We "w Ivrrilmy h. ho Inh-n in. This in an: m Iriwry nmpmwmami duh"! by Hu- pvoplr lnilw m than W subtlh'iuionm I1" h“ paid (M M- than. and by no mw c-lu'. Fur m-l m. ”If" an- rv‘flum slnvh al- NM)‘ wilhin "w mrpurah- l-mih at Dawn":- (Smw not pnuwl. Whrn "00' an- mu-vl ”w nllncw am .1 Hum will no! [my fur N‘r tmpmwmmli ONLY THE PROPERTY "ENI’IH‘IVE INC FROM .‘H‘Cll ISII‘ N‘\1‘..\H’.S‘l‘ 5 TM mm m'r applin IhmIM |M~l “nil-n}- hr Iakrn m and dumb nmli “don't! laid "wt!" 51 i4 "M a rulr: but "1! LA“ MINI in the It»! row claw Miriam mu why m- would my! \'olt- in (he Bum Subdiviukm and the Wm!- mont territory. 0! I" "w mmw TMrc air a frw n-riclomn of [M villus! who haw n mnunh-n iclva of what we should have (0' do, should "all territory be annexed. We hun- Commissioner Harry Bryce is uu‘ thorlty {or the statement that the Council favors the annexation of not only the Bunge Subdivision, which comes up for an expression of the people next week, but also favors the tallng into the village of the West- mont and north of towu territory. He says that the Council discussml the proposition from all angles, weighed the merits against the de- merits and decided that the good of Don/non: Grove domandml that this‘ Unitary la- mode a part at the vil- Contrary to rumor, untruthful jade that she usually is, the Village Coun- cil is a unit in favor of the annexing of adjacent territory to the Village. With all other wide-awake citizens, they believe that our town should be given a chance to grow, to expand, to get out of the swaddling clothes she has worn for so many years and get into a. real stride before our neighbors out-distance us in the race. With All Wide Awake Citizens, Be- lieve that Downers Grove Should Gmw. (OUNCII fAVORS MIXING ADJA- (flfl IERRIIORY VOL. XXXVI". N0. 13 HAYESâ€"BRA DY I l‘nul Kuhn. «m M l'mmu l'h‘ri :A .A. Kuhn. ur l‘ul‘azp ('ounty. “m li- [hr rhairman of (hr Rvpuhlican :{antml (‘nmmmw of Ram» (away, with»! .1- rhmrman a" 1hr «on vnn‘nn. I'M-lt-ntrs from Dmxnmu firm-r anmlfip wrrr: \\'. H. "lezofl (has. film-ho! and \Valwr J. Sum and Hip lhwr mm awn-M Ihr rr zulm‘ mmim‘m try a unanimmu hnl Tiu- prawn! Jurist?! M ”w "W1 Judirm! firm“. 8|“qu nf Duran. "arm-- Ivf Ham 3M ("”00 at 1% Na". 1'0""!er vu-rr nwmminahwl at Hm Judicial '"v-nvr‘an in M has! Fr?- oln} yum-1mm in "v" c-uurl huuq- at lhwuwa. That [N‘rfrrl hmnmm Inna”: u- mnng "w ranb of NW vaublivan pan)- m Ihi< dis-(rid \\‘a.~ :IPDRH‘HL Onh lhrrr unminatinm m-rv math. In a cummunity vhv \izv uf Downers- var, om- good wnr‘kly nmwpaper is sufiicit-nt tn corx‘v tho territory. Whon ”mm arr two. they natuialiy gravitatr- to opposite sides of ovary question. stirring up nnnocpssary strifru and’ keeping atiw 0M hatrmh hotwenn various cliques, son-o tn viismpt the tmm instead nf getting folks to work tother for the common good. When one paper is rpprr» sontalive of flip who!» pom-pie. when i it makes no dictinrtion between nnn faction nr another in short when it is, FAIR TO ALL, as the Downers Grow Roportr-r ha~ been. and when it also given: thn new: of the community in a readable way, it is thin}: hotter alone than two papers could. Thix has been proven' in mom than one com- munity in this vicinity. (”wanâ€"u [hm-mun"! That 0‘" In! "nanny l‘rrnik m a;. ll I‘. Rank-4. PM ,h «um “-1 Ihr "Illmrk Friun" Mr, mu! u [mml murrh Mn Hannah: [ml by Mr. Rom-re and M6.“ Nrwton.f of!" which "in pm'ruvm worn MIN! mu and flw «lam-Sm: pmgrmmi ra- pidIy unlil mitlnigM. . PRESENT JUDGES RBSOMINATEI) AT GENEVA FRIDAY Mr. anon. Wilberâ€"NSM Hominy-wt Tumâ€"Ill” Newton. krminimnumâ€"Arthur ‘l‘ylm, l‘ropo-y-«lnroy I’M-In» All" ”to Seman- MuI "Ir Junmn ||m| lung Ihmr clu- mug- and rwwy- our Duo! join"! in "w Imyull,‘ mum. "w mmmny mljcmn-ml w lbw IU'm‘ nmmm whn-n‘ :1 fr“ dumb \wn- pm on by Ihr Juniors. ONE GOOD PAPER IS SUFFICIENT After dinner the (allowing toasty: wom given with their inkmludory xpcchm by the toaxtmaslvr. Mr. Paulo); Onxlnunityâ€"Mr. Minion-fly. lmprtnion»-Mr. Supp. Now In ”('MVI' at u llumuwl~ When all the guests had arrived they were led to the upper halls whcm the banquet wu hwn‘cd by the Woman Guild of 8. Andrew": Epin- ropal Church. The tables wow pm!- !in ulocoraml with red and white and green and white rumllm and car- nntiom. The Juniors received their guests, the Seniors, the Faculty, and Mem- bers of the Board of Education, in the gymnasium which was beautiful- ly decorated for-the occasion in the Junior and Senior class colors, red and white, and green and white cmpc paper. The appearance was. of :1 mal ball room. The decorating showed a great deal of ingenuity and hard work for which much credit i.» «luv Miss Helen Newton and ”w mem- bers of the decorating committee. 1‘ Probably the most enjoyable so- cial event of the school year was celebrated last Saturday evening, April 9th, when the High School Juniors entertained the Seniors with the annual banquet. Gymnasium Beautifully Decorated Last Saturday Evening for Big School Event. ANNUAL JUNIOR- SENIOR BANQUET ' WAS SUCCESSFUL DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLlNOIS, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1921 Every mpmher is kindly "squashed to contribute to the )uncheon and to bring with her a knife), {wk and Thr aftomrmn >0~<inn will I'm cal- k-d to rmh-r M 2:30 thI tho halancn nf tlw bucinmx- of thr- 0M ynar will ho disposer! nfi Ofl'iorTs for 1921â€"22 will ho Merv-d. and plan.- made to makn the coming mason a banner our in the club’s history. Tho past 50850" has been sucrmsfnl, the club is lax-gm than ever and a real factor in the growth of the villagn. Thr- unmml mnr‘h'ng of tlu- llvm‘nr-r (Er-mp \\'oman‘- (‘lnh will he hold on nmt “'mlrw‘da). April Zfllh, at Li- hrary Hall, le mot-ting will liv- rallorl to «Mar at r-lmv-n a, m. {m- lhv- mailing ul' mmrt‘ of cnmmittm~. ofl'lrr-n aml .., forth. At nnn n’olm-k a TOV'P‘S will ht» taken fm lunrh which will hv ~nn'ml Cal'otrria Aylr. ll. “ a boy he used with hi! pan-0t); at lmAngeIt-n when he «mm watched the balloon flights of (M Wright broth-n. When he was ifiw yum old hv "'11!er tn the :(Zrow- with his pan-ms. llc nttond- Nd thv luml whoa!» and wu well inmwn unmng (hr rhiMn-n of hu ’flnucn. Nu mulho-r n. lhc- clmmhtrrs {0' Mn N. E. mmng nf "'2 Flint 1.\|n|.la- nn'mu‘. and mu mmluatml Limm ”w Down". (émw ‘rh-mls. ANNUAL MEETING OF WOMAN'S rum NEXT WEDN ESDA y' nuwr V‘Nah'u‘ that «um tr: "H falhl-r .1 "WW“ and (hnw lair [vilfl' «In \u lvrw In m and other mnmlru nf Mariam. walk-ting at Symusv- and Wm cv-M In l‘nvn lduml fur Omin- vmv Aha"! ;- y‘av an" M “a, wm to lhr Isa-Mann vm-rhunirs «~0ch m "w Uri-m Influx flmlion. (‘Mrntm .‘Inrr‘hvillv. During (lw war M- an- linlnl in "W army a! S; ranm- anal «3- and in Fun Norm". Ht- wa< "dad"! ”or"- hrrnuw pf M: In mlumnl In Murrin‘illo mu! yrmluah vol “ilk ”w rlan "f Nil". In Jub- WW. :I fru day an" hr. um I“ )ran u-f azv. h:- Mm-ml ”w; Mariam. walk-ting at Symusv- and: Mr. and NHL EMM- It‘ll llw \iI- Ingr in I9”. man": In fivmnmwn Slat-«n. Nnv Yuri. win-n- hc- mund- «I «hm! and n! llw an of :6 al- Irmknl ”w Agricultural Svhml M m-l ”In" I" ”w air Shllum in Flori- John 0. BMW was the son of Own] Ono Elder and Clara Strong Elder. Born at Oxawnlomlv, Knows. July John 0. Elder, a former Downers lrovv boy, well known to many of the younger folks as ho attended school here for several yems, was one of tho Marine students which mark, up the crew of the balloon which loft the Naval Aem station at P-nsacola, Florida, March 2211 for an all-night manic-o flight. The hal- loon, u “from? one, drifted out over the gulf and was not heard of. A‘ thorough search by scout cruism's‘ land air craft of thc- coast from Poul ‘sacola to Appulucliiola and of the all- jucont land arc-a filed to reveal any trace at the fate of either balloon or crow until into on Friday, April 8th when fishermen found the huge gas hag, flouting on the Waters of the Gulf. The summition is that the crew was drowned and that the facts of the cash, the manner m which they met dimstvr, will never be known. John 0. Elder, Son of Mrrand Mrs. U. 0. Elder, Attended the Local School». .l “luk- Ilw-w W'mk‘ 'rI-qu- II ”5“ WRMIR ”DOWNERS BM 1081 WI"! NAVM BMlOOfl "on m y HM '- Imilmfivm .l "(um lrunJvrrv-l In Quamir me ”'1' Hrm'v- an M and mnlhvr. Nirw- hm “i" hw fnuml «f him 4i" liu- in W vvmmnn ml"! l:- hunk» mam "P" hzfllmm huh nirizvldm h: mi r A. F. Mixklrlly. who ha- prmml in Hhe lad yI-ér to Fr :m uhln hath-r." v- tho oumlidatt‘ for I‘rmivlr‘m of tho; flhuarrl 0! Education er. Hattioi {0mmm2~ is ramlidml- for thr‘ Juan; tlflTfl and Frr-Il E, Howe. who for: many yr-arc has giw-n his: sank-p»: as' Srecn-tary 3e well as mr-mber nf M Board is tho only aspirant for ”1!“ full trrm. Mr. Down is unn 01' Hwy mom; valuable memhprs the Board has ever had on its mfls, and some aMe men have servwd Downers Grow- schools. ' 'l'hv' annual who'd vim-Yum fur School Didrict No. I»? “i" h! hrM n:~xl Saturday uftrmrmh at the Vi!â€" !agv "a” fmm rmr until riff. Th1- vieotinn thi: yvar i.~ a qtliv'l. affair a: thr-nv i‘ no nppositivm tn lbw thrr'r- randidatm in the firm, ‘ \o "pun-51in» - Thnw Haw Pri'rliom- and Thrru- M In Sela-ted. ANNUAL SFHOUL ELECTION TO BE NEXT SATURDAY ’17"ng ' ~ < r" than anythinz «It: 1117mm [um l‘T‘ hr- <0 that") :h In clvu'lnu' n rily 6n 5! via) and a mum" in .1 “cw-i, N" war bu! pvurr must mah- ”w all \a 1~ in Hw Judd" uflan» Ho- aI-n puiMnl on! that. ln-rzmw Amrr'wn rough! fur Uw- «(My u! :kmnrrzlry. \\0 mm! nut Tm!” I'm! nut all "I" “ramp and Ilk nf Hu~ “MM Inn:- “at! «Mr On :luI-uwm‘. 1"»! "yr um - of III Intu'v'at} has "4.1 :l'\‘.u\- ~[WIkl‘fl "1" NM”; Hm. rhmm'vnr‘ nrHI- :I may all rl-vu “kn. Um! \\ ha \\ iflmut yum-1n Th» sprain of Um m ruin; mm In Frml Slmw 0" (Pull Park Smut-on" .«ahl nun-mums Hml 6! um ”14- but pod-war NIIW’I hr lmcl hvanl‘ lli ”wow “m. "llalUwf‘th "r l'rxarvu" "I‘ «all. ”ml at In!!! .‘l‘ Wm :utmnl hm hm! hm-n unrnbwl ulmh mmlul Thw banqm't rlru Hvtinn [wonnunrv-vl \‘. ”ht-Ip- \‘irml "NM guw- hm n-zulmr ‘m a wry vlvnumx mnmwr. Tm» clm‘h \wn‘ mm: by Mn, Slmmh and Mr. “upturn. bolh «mm M llw spring- limv. “MM! rvt-r)mw rainy-NI. MI. Nowluml ok‘lighh-‘l his bran-rs MM a min. "In A» Olol-P‘u-Monrd Tuwn " and WIN! a urn rum: fur an warm": The "M. (3. II. Newluml xpokv wonlx or uppn-ci-Uou at the coop- enlion and nuinunu- which Un- l'hilnthvu clan hull ulmunly gin-n him in hiu prim-"l gin-hunk" Mr. It. It. Hannah-r. an nupvnntrmk-m of llw ~i‘huol. Mm .quc- M- nmmn \ul "f ”w Hux- amtl hi‘ upprrrmlitm u! {Mir wurk 'l'hu Sunday School m‘l‘lII-xu‘u play- ed the opening march Mrs. A. B. Olson. president of "Ir class, presided iduring the program and welcomed the ‘guents in gracious and tilting words. Prayer was oll'vrml by the Rev. Muir: Lott. Mrs. Frank Low”, no long Ilw teacher and fllh'lnuf of tho clams, told briefly their history from the tum- when a former superintendent of the school had called them “a bunch of unluly women" to this limn- who"1 they hold no largo a plane in llw‘ church and community. Such a crawl as (how was 1' the mvmbom and their families. It m- mindrd mm: of the Washingtun ban» quot itself. The supper was excel- lent. the: program shun enough su that. its and came as u surpime inâ€" .stead of a u‘lief. Certainly no organization in Downâ€" ers. (inn-(,- is better or more favor- ably known than the l'hilulhon Class of the Methodist Sunday School. Fourteen years ago it was organized with a membership of something liku a dozen women. Last. Friday own- ing it (TIL-brain! its anniversary by a banquet at the church. and it \‘as a great occasion. Dr. Fred Stone, of Oak Park, Was Principle Speaker Last Friday Night. MANY AHINDID PflllAIIIEA ANNI- VERSARY BMW-fl a", arr-"w ('V‘ifflgv" i w-ul Ir M \I n luv and Ural Thin» Have Film! m rv‘nu \I H lvml'. rtiml t"! nu IUIm UV ("N (m m ”1:” ”w" t’n‘w- 1r :11 mm lev 'ht' unrunrmi lrrm hum-y :Iml (Ernvyr vlr-rlu. 'hH‘l' thyrr-tnr‘ Hf [hr INN. “1'4 lo lvirnn "'7‘ I" 'Hn [In-"pulm- “1" hr my Hu- ‘ bu”!!! and m” und: "Hm! t’v- m-IIH'VI Irm'i nf lull-L think" ’I- H yr" thdni um, Ir- :lnn-‘HI h: VanL'v hf "H“.fl"o- Hum. ('mmh ”NH-u". Shh n' “Inn-i \I’F Sn" is brought before timm chm than columns. is dicunscd in every part of the community. Take advan- tage of this and "to," the world" your ideas. nf "u tlrm'l lump "rum to youru'lf m mi'rl-l) tvll a fur uf your frit-nde abmlt lhnp‘; Lpll Icvm'yum whn would naturally .ho inU-n-‘tml in ~urh now . erU- a IMUW tn Th“ hymn»: Janna concixrly what ynu hau- tn nfl’I-r and in th’x way it, will ho rr-ml by thousands in- >toali of ham! by 2! NW. H’ thr‘r” is mvrit in your idc-a, thv germ will not fall upon barn-n gmuml :mrl was-lo away, but rather upon foufiln ground and wil! sâ€"pmut, bringing forth benefits In a". Anything havin to do with the good of 7th; whoa peoplr-_, when it lrm-l m Thrn- "strum M Library “on!!! In N (hm ~ \- "pp-Niko Aha-r lln- pun-3mm. In: and a ‘unul hour wrn- c-njnyrcl by many. PROPOSITION OI" ANNEXING HUNG!) SUB. UP TUESDAY H‘ jun] hau~ any 1mm] Hk'flx for tho Du-tlcunvm, of Mr mmmunity m “hlf'h ynu mako )umr hmmr. Sutp. of Schuoln Sham) guu' somfl surprisinx mm ronwrninx lho- num- bt-r of hoolh‘ Wild in [hr slim-mu! grades, nlmwimg "to Very claw ro- upvrulion lu-wan the: :whnolx nml (hr library. Altar-0|" wc- fuel wu- ran lx- w-ry prmul n! uur library GET YOUR VIEWS TO THE PEOPLE Miss Wunl tom 0! Um mu- lhv ynunm'r rhilclrwn wa-m making of "Ir boob- uml pirturvx. mm (3mm mum an mutlim- of tho numlu-r and charm-[or uf Uu- hooks in the library. Miss “about-k, a Librarian fmm ('hirnmi, talked on library mmlilimix ‘in Chicago and bmuuht suggestions for i-nlarging thi- scope and use-ful- m-ss of our library. Soma- uf thum- methods, she found “-4- wow ulrvmly using. Shi- urgwl that. many write immediately In Springfield advocat- ing the passage u! Si-nuli- Hill No. 164 and I65, and Houm- Hill No. 224 and 225. which would raise Hus Ii» brury :ippmpriutiuu l‘mm l'.~‘; to " mills un thq- ilnllur. .xki. 'l‘ro-asurH-â€"-Mrs. Horonn- Kolm, The business nn-otiug was l'oflowvd by a wry interesting progmm ur- runkod by Mi" Mo Thv- following ufl'icors wero elm-tn] for th- year 1921-22: Chairman-Mrs. France-s If. Ward. Svcmtm'wars. Flori-nee flak-lyn- Thv Home and Education Depart- ment hold its last meeting on April sixth in the Library. Mrs. Frances K. ward, Chairman of This Important Woman‘s CIIIb Dept. HOME AND EDUCA- TION DEPARTMENT HELD FINAL MEET \t H ém vrnn Iulnp- mplh .....n , [and l\ um: "I ”u- WV ‘ 'nu uml mullv nf l'ubhr Libra! I~ nu "pp" Him» r! .1!!!)th .1 \HH in y lth v'm vmw and pin: 1hr: "null-imp "I Ir‘fl-U {In um 'I' H \144 Mn TIH- f; VI: l'll‘ rtuml Hm! “:1 31m H" ill H»: 1H Hrmclain I- \ntmx lnnmnrm 0n tho- pl"!plh”l"lll or w-uing hund< to build In 3.30in high :t-luml gymnasmm noar ~1hl‘il‘ ht-uulirul 'mvnship hith school !building. 'lhr gym wi“ hv hnusled in .1 separatn hui'vlinu mrh as holds >imilar plum-- at. largv- schnuis 3nd rum-gum, i. H]:- plan Thl- mm "our itsnlf wiH hr 50 by .‘H ”-10 in 1-izl'. much tht- largest in (hr vnunty and will haw: plenty of light am! ventilation. It will have a raparity of LS9!) persons, mon- than any uflu-r in this vicinity. Then- will be tho usual locker and shower ‘moms, on» for \i.<itnr.< one for boys It is thought thnt the pmpositim will carry by a large majoriy. and 0m- for girls; a directors room and privatr office and a west-MR gallery. At each and of the m will b:- a rvtirlnz mom. one (bill. and amp for women. ”INSIMLE VOTES TOMORROW O.\' A $50,000 H. S. GYM H’P'm (wk: I [run-n 7:1! mu 'I 'II :11 rv r and U). I'M} m 'w I)" “Hui”! 314.4 of --v Hu ('4 UN :. H.171. "lulu mum- u ‘I'Ou- folluwinu tucker-:4 and um- uh-nts w“! have put“ in the prognm: Mum‘s Luna-n. Anthony, mum. Spn't'lwr, Nt-wton. W’Man. [walk “or. Lam", (Iluwr. lohufer, HUM. Manning. Finch-r, and Mn. Sanford. Mann-n Vo-rmm and ltugwnt. N xtmlmnh‘ taking pun: an: Minot. la'mnlu', Grimm, 'IIuWnlry. SMCI'. (It'nm-v‘ “ml “mu-ht I’helpfl. ”If". Kc-llugu. Smith, hum. Baum Ind "may «Mu-n Mm um mug in (in (”41- Flu.» and WM hmr not m u-lovclul al. [Ilia wnllnx. Mr. Snapp 5:; “Funeral chairman of the rummilh‘c in rllarur and I7. ernml. Mr. Hum-I», Mix» Lam», Mix.» Newton. Mia's Anthony, In. Sanfunl unul Minx (Irifl'ith, have rhurgu- uf varioux aub~commiltcm nun-uh ut' thy 'l‘hu toachvrs of the grades and high schuol and the students of the high M'hool are making cxtenshm plun.‘ for a musivul which will be rho“ mm Monday and Wodnwdly Icvrningx in this high school study hall. The mum-y roahzml from the alfuir \ull lw turm-«l over to the Sen- ior rlaxs 10 he usI-d in olt‘frnying' the vx'u-nm-s of publishing the year book. A m'rnt dvul nf v-nthusmmn is being shown by lhu- A-ntin- faculty and stu- lll‘nl hmly um! m‘e-ryonc seem»; coll- lidrnt that "ll' w-ntun- will he a de- (‘idfil nun-ms. H rnulah Musicale in Assembly Hall Open! (.‘ourm for Benefit of the Annual. HRS! NUMBER of II. S. [NIERIAINMINIS 10 BI NIX] MONDAY mu ~. I’m M haul In gr! In U1! .‘r-' 3' MW Iu-nv‘fi u" Manchu (1.1“ Imsll "mn‘l h 1 I'I‘Il“'l II" h. Iv c . l‘lifl~i~'l"' or! {our NV ,| ~l~lTHI-nl rhmachr 1"!" 'l'nl'fi' "f "I“ hifl’l , "11w ":IIIMNM." whidz rum, :omwarunrt- "ti! :nlml I'Mu‘.‘ v-umuK. May ‘5. ”v v Hv- Junmr Claw v n .1! HI" lIu-kv- Tin-at" vwmnu'. May ch. hvklh haw hw-n 5M1! .» and 1! null hr mt '1» (gr! mg!" :ulmnsinn h! .1: m nth” things. Iu-nv-fif 0' land IH'KaHi’ rlnwl u “mm-d In tho WHOLE N0. 1938 ha” n 4|! Hu- I‘llfliu .H .‘ Hu- Samar ”.1" u! lhv- Dirk: \pnl 2:301. Th! unmrnt luv Mrs.

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