Downers Grove Reporter, 15 Apr 1921, p. 6

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q! mum Comet| The grvznmt thing in tlw world, of whiéh man has «firm-t kllu\\'h-dgr-. the oijct «11' highest \mrth. i< Klw character uf Jmus (‘hri.~t. “hm iâ€" thc beauty and wonh of :1 mmum suns as ('(mmurml \H'th thi> liyw beauty and worth of thv vhurm-trr of Jesus (‘hrhti’ BY HUGH M. MACWHOR’I‘ER Jesus never tried to awaken faith in God by means of arguments to prove His existence. There was no need of it. We ourselves are evidence to ourselves. It is difi'icult to es- cape the conviction. A million suns, sparkling in the heavens, evince the fact that there is a power adequate to uphold and guide a million sum: Jesus did not come to argue to the world about the existence of God. Ho came to reveal the heart of God. God's mind towards the children of men, His ianst nature. The World knew that there was a God of pow‘ er, and wisdom, and skill. lint tlu- heart of God, His mind and will. it did not know. .lmus has revealed it in His human life, and o-mphasizvd it by His death upon tho cross. THE CHARACTER OF JESUS CHRIST TELEPHONE 190 THESE ARE A FEW OF OUR BIG DOLLAR ITEMS. THIS STORE IS FULL OF NEW, CLEAN MERCHANDISE FROM WHIC YOU CAN SUP- g޴l§gU§OIVEDS AT PRICES WHICH SHOW YOU T E WISDOM 0F . I H. E. McAllister Co. Large size turkish cloths worth 00 12¢ each; our price during this ='-' sale, 12 for .................. BUCK TOWELS Size 17x34 inches, of medium weight, good quality, former 1y sold for 35c; this sale, 5 for PERCALESâ€"36 INCH Standard quality light grounds, stri dots and figures, will make at. ‘ tractive 3 runs or house dress- 1‘ es, 25c va ., sale price, 6 yards CURTAIN MA RQUISETTE White nr cream color. good quality 36 inches “ide, just the thing 00 for bedroom, bath or kitchen. = 351: value; this sale 5 yards .. Linen finished crash, for roller tmveis, and striped and checked do. 00 signs for dish tow-cling, you ="- have paid as high as 35c; 5 yds. Bleached, mercerized. good quality cloth, 64 and 72 inch flowered '0. patterns. regular price. $1.35; = this sale .................... JAPANESE LUNCH (‘bO'l‘HS In artistic flower and bird designs, l8 by 48, fast colors, saves laundry bills and gives the table an ulnar: 0. five appearance. regular $1." -5 '-'-‘-" value this sale ............... TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1921 that you will. 'want sevei'nl at .0 our special sale price. ‘1 of "'-â€"" these towels for .............. to supply ' your: home w‘iih sheets at low cost; our price this sale, 2 yards for ......... Good weight, 18x36. hemmed. former- ly sold at 52c; such a splgndid yalyg SHEETINGSâ€"8l INCH Standard Quality. Your nppommity to supply your home with «I O. Generally speaking the size of your dollar is its ewhang‘e value for food. clothing and other things you wish to buy. During our years of service to the people of the village and surrounding country. it has been our constant aim to give you quality merchandise and increase the buying power of your dollar. And we are getting results. Your dollar today. at this store brings you more in exchange than you perhaps realize. and we will prove it to you. Read the list below of the big: dollar values which are some of the oil'erinzs in our How Big is Your Dollar? BLEACHEI) TOWELING TURKISH TOWELS WASH CLOTHS TABLE DAMASK Special Sale, Beginning H' Um! wry-«- unly u erratum; :1 (‘N‘alml thing :mmm: nthm' objm'ts of the univcrsv, (hr-n “1- might hr Mr 011' and mwl to I)" discovered by >(‘:H'(‘hin_l!. Bu! xim't' it i> find who mmlr‘ um and in whom “1‘ {he and mm-o um! huw- our luinu. il i< nu: qviqh'm'c Hf “is I‘Vi«’.l'!l(’t' that \w nun-t]. but pm‘m-ption ul‘ Hi." pwwnw. (loll Inmln- u< for thr “\fIHu; pur- lum- nl' Ivmuling Ilium-If to us. uni nl' l'l‘h'u'im: Hi< inmmt nut:.u-. Hi» low. and His gumlnm“ hy "Hum nl' Now Jesus Christ reveals us to ourselves. He makes known the rightful nature of man by making known our relations to God. From one point of view we may truly say: God is unknowablc. He transcends our knowledge. But from another point of View we may say: There is none other whom we may know as welL Because a knowledge of God is involved in the knowledge of our own selves. He'is the presupposition of our thought, of our consciousness. For our consciousness is, of a self who has rights, duties, obligations. But rights, duties,..obligutiona-z, imply relationship to a personal (lodâ€"â€"not a distant being, who needs to ho wart‘hqd for and have his existent!- proved by arguments. God does not need to be brought to light-for llu Himself is light. He is the lifo of our life. We have not for to go to find God. 00 TOILET PAPER Large size rolls crepe toilet pa- 00 fer, good quality, sells regular- "" y f_or 10c; this sale, 12 rolls .. In either pink or white. been selling regularly at 59c; dur- ing t. is sale, 2 pair for SATEEN’ BLOOMERS, PETTICOATS Either long or short bloomers of good quality sateen and medium 00 Weight. 'petticoats of flowered = sateen, reg. price $1.25. sale .. LADIES COTTON HOSE Medium weight, white only, you could use several pair of these dur~ 00 in the summer. regular 39¢ "'" \‘a 119, this sale, 3 for .......... sale. each ..... LADIES (row-1m LL AP'RONS 0f light or dark percale, Mood qual. ity and attractive patterns that 00 have hoop selling‘at $1.25. this = LADIES \'QII.E WAISTS Last year we thou ht these were cheap at $2.00. This is t 1e celebrated Wit-th- more waists that ahsays give 00 the best of selvice. The stvles = ar 9 all good, limited quantitv at CHILDREN S COTTON HOSE Good quality childrons cotton ribbed hose. medium weight. suitable for either ho 's or girls, these have 00 sold as h gh 93 45¢; during this I: sale. 5 pn‘i'r for Good quality unbleached muslin. van-d wide suitable fol sheets and 00 pillow cases negulm price 700. =3 this sale 5 yards {01' ......... Dusts. cleans and polishes. invniuahlc in the home; a great labor sav- 00 er; full quart bottle worth 7?x-, 2 this sale will sell 2 for ........ LIQUID WAX FURN ITURE POLISH LADIES NAINSOOK BLOOMERS UN BLEACHED MUSLIN DOWNERS GROVE “FORTE; DOWNERS GMVE. ILLINOIS DOWNERS GROVE. ILL. We hmu‘ of u “me theology." The truth of Gml is :15 uld as Mornity. but now knmvh-«lm‘ 0f truth is guin- ml stop by 40p, in lhv spiritual hi» tm'y of mankind l-‘ur oxamplv: Alu- Iuhum guinml :1 "nu-v: thoulugy" whvn h." 10“ HH- irlulutlinw‘ of hi< arm-firm lmmo. um! uln'y‘ll 1h:- \uin' :19' (End. 'l'lu- pl‘uphl‘l~ brought :1 now lln‘ohnzy In er-I. ul'c-n Hm} pmrkximml (hr ~ph'iluui "may u!’ He" trun \nn-shi,» ‘ :x n--\\' ill-u Hr “ml. all“H.\ Inmz' lug); in ”I thvrhnml and We speak of the “discoveries" of xcicnce. As mankind gain knowledge of the laws of nature, and the facts of the world of matter, we call these “new discoveries." These facts and principlex, which are new to us, are older than the moon and stars, older than the human race. They have only been waiting to be discovered by man. This new knowledge of the outer World, the kingdom of nature, which is gradually being acquired, is in reality the man roming to hi< rightful place and environment in the outer (-u‘ulinn. And as man's know- ledge of the outm- worhl, has been a gradual almuirvmvnt. so. also, hix knowledge of tln- spiritual wnrhl and its relatinnyhipâ€"the Kingdom of God within him. us. He nude us so that His own un- selfish love might be manifested to others through us. I'l‘\l'l Hull Ur (hm, «.n hip \ um- The (liscorevies of science are the finding of the actual world without. To find Christ is to find the actual world in which our spin'ts are made to live and enjoy the completeness of lifeâ€"the Kingdom of God within. To find Christ is to find our rela~ tionship in the family of God. We have not far to go to find Christ. H9 says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." Christ comes to each one of us today, bringing the Gospel of sonship, realizing to us the worth and dignity of our lives. theology comes to every age, as the and Christ is not to discover on he spirit of Christ: unfolds greater dividual salvation, that we can take knowledge of our sonahip to God and and enjoy all by ourselves alone. It our duties to one another as children! is to find ourselves and obligations, of God. and to serve our generation as He The discomvics of science are the sewed His. To find Christ is to finding of the actual world without. take up the buirlens of others, in the To find Christ is to find the (laughspirit of loving self-secrlfice, as He world in which our spin‘ts are made“““- There is not a quality that gives to live and enjoy the completeness any worth to human character, but of lifeâ€"the Kingdom of God within. is rooted in some form of self-sacri- 'l’o find Christ is to find our rela~ fice. Human nature at its best is tionship in the family of God. We the expression 01' some form 01' self- have not far to go to find Christ. conquest. Patience, forgiveness, hon: He says, "Behold, I stand at the door 9““011‘19» moral com-age, are all qual- and knock." Christ comes to each “1'05 that take us out of our self- one of us today, bringing the Gospel seeking, that compel “5 to sacrifice of sonship, realizing to us the worth {01‘ the 300‘! Of others. and dignity of our lives. The moral sense in the heart of But this same revelation of Godmian, is Christ at the door. Every has another side. It is also a rc-Ehuman soul that has any sense of relation of our oneness with God’s‘duty, or obligation, hears the voice family, on earth, our fellow men. 'l‘olol' Jesus Christ. To open the door theology comes to every age, as the spirit of Christ unfolds greater knowledge of our sonahip to God and our duties to one another as children of God. 1 State Bank, .l'linsdale. lllinpis, acts as executor. administrator, guardian. trustee and conservator. An estate administered by us is protected not only by special deposnt made with the state auditor. but by the entire resources of the corporatton as well. These resources are subject to frequent examinations by the State Bank Department and statements of HF. Trust Department of the Hinsdale State Bank. Hinsdale. Illinois. acts as Surplus $25,000.00 Wail. or Call for Particular. HINSDALE STATE BANK (TRUST GO.) L. P. “HOV... “MINâ€"Ill QM!” 0! 1"... M A. P. LYYLI. ODIN" I. W. IIVIII. W cm ‘4‘" J. “â€"3... ..-.....â€"n.a¢au..‘.. .. d4 Kidwell Garage Co. Emmflmms BHEINESE EAR It is a steady, dependable, sturdy means of delivery, keeping operatâ€" ing cost down to a very low figme. The high sianding of the 8mm Car is due to ‘he fact that it actually does all that is claimed for it. rt. and Warren ave. Telephone 284 the corporation's financial condition are published at regular intervals. The finan- cial responsibility of the Hinsdale State Bank is therefore. generaily known or readily ascertained. For obvious reasons an established and re- liable bank situatcd in DuPage County is better qualified than a non-resident corpora- tion to serve the residents of this county. Resburces $750,000.00 Ac". “Norm” will be remembered as a former Downer-x Grove high school baseball, bankclball, football and track star and general all-around good fellow. He is managing editor of the college daily and one of the big men of his class. “NORM” ANDERSON Norman Anderson is playing first base for the base ball nine at North western University this year, the first season that the college has en- tered in team in baseball for years. to Him who knocks, is to the Christ’s spirit of unselfish love into our lives. It is to follow Him in His sacrifice, in His service of His fellow-men. IS PLAYING FIRST 0N COLLEGE NINE April lg 1921

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