Downers Grove Reporter, 22 Apr 1921, p. 7

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Imam” BI'ISCOPAI. CIVIC. OP VALUE IN THE SUBJECT SUNDAY NIGHT WILL BE “YOUR NEIGHBOR’S BAD BOY." The Sunday School is at 9:45. _ Homing Service at 11:00. Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Evening Song and Preaching 7:30. midweek Service, Wednesday. 8. YOU WILL FIND SOMETHING I'I'. PAULS EVANGELICAI. GROVE STREET CHURCH Leukr: [my Pholw. Sikh“: "Self-Control and [law to Get It. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Song Service and Sermon. Theme: “The Man Who Finds Him- Sunday. April 24. m2: I:M I. m. “nu. hunky Eveningsâ€"8:00 p. m. Belo- um um.“ cum 0' am 0'0" Weak Dan- Arthur Spencer Phelps. Minister 5:00 a. m. Muss Ind 8cm. 9:” a. m. Bible Study. mm a. m. High Ins and 8"" CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 11-. Rev. WI. crucial. rum Evewbbdy Welcome . Themeg'Wom Irrtum fmi." 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. Eveninz Service at 7:30. The pas-- Ior’u brother will preach. 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship. (German). All union will he held at the re- gal-r hours however. The mowing wonhip at U o'clock. will he in charge of the men of the Adult Bible Claus. Several of the men will and on intensiing subjects. The organ will be played by I member of (he elm and the my: will sing their Sunday, April 2461,1921. Annual Conference Sunday. The pastor will be in attendance at the 56th Annual Session of the Illinois Conference assembled at Kanhkee. Illinois. MST EVANGELICAL CHURCH Emu). Lama «:30 p. m Prayer and praise service Wednes- dly evening at 8:00. Gloria l‘atri. Scripture. Oflenory~l Hmnl the Voim of Jesus Say. Hymn Ginâ€"Mrs. May Foster. Sermon: "Mates of Emphmis in Christian Expvrivm. Hymn 408. 9:45 a. m.l Bible Study. 11:00 a. m., Mon’ling Worship. 3:00 p. m., Crusaders. 6:30 p. m., B. Y. P. U. 7:30 p. m., Song Service and Even- ing worship. Dr. Heinricks. former miesionery to India, will preach Sunday morning. The public is. cordially invited to attend the services and to visit and Ila the tending room. Hymn 2m. 1130 Aposllr's Creed. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. flaming “'onhip nm a. m. Org" Preludeâ€"Sabbath “on: Anthem Donhlv Chams. Holy CiCy. Puller. sm-momm Reading. Mug R0031: open Monday and lddtylmmstofinm. Sunday Service at 11:00 a. In. Sunday School at 9:05 a. m. Subject: “Probation After Death." Wednesday evening Testimoninl looting, 8:00 p. m. Ind-7 School 10.00 n. II. M Sen-kn “:00 a. n. My. April 22, 1921 8:00 p. m. Compilao. Modidion. lav. Bun B. Goodwin. Pm» Rev. 1. All!“ Nanci, Mot. 0.!" II. No.“ PM" 81'. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH In. J. c. Nana. M. FIRST CBUICH 01' CHRIST. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Grand Library Hall The Downers Grove Reporter -â€" A NEWSpaper. Eight pages every week and local news on every plgve. SUBSCRIBE! The Downers Grove high school nine was defeated yesterday after- noon at Elmhurst by a score of 10 to 2. It was the opening game of the season and "Bud" Smith’s arm was far from being in mid-season form. The locals plan revenge on the York high team when they meet them here next Friday afternoon. anie Avenue between Liste and Naperville. for. a practice game with the nine of that school. cord for itself last year. will open the 1921 season next Sunday. They will travel to St. Procwlus College, on We are in hope; that this inspec- tion will be speedily foilowed by a gang of mm armed with an order to mmir the holes in this “bump the bumps." tn (MIN while "musing this short strut-h of tracks. The editorial! was caned to the attention of an ofl‘icial and (he whit of the inspector folâ€" An illspt‘flor l‘nnn the llurlingtcm was hvrv Monday afternoon to look over the Farm! avenue [rule ems:- ing and malt:- a run" on in condi- lion to hcmkluarters. "is Visit her? was clue in a Reporter alium'al on [his suhjofl primal in the issue of April 8th. calling attention to the bumps wliich the mo‘nrist is forced Visit "It to Row!" ”krill S"- enl \“eeh ngoâ€"mel of a lien" Pun-0M. Sim chm it haw horn (radially warming up and “-0 Il'!‘ mm in have: "m sprin‘ is how to slay. INSPECTOR LOOKS OVER FOREST 'AVE. G R A D E CROSSING Tho mow In and near Downer:- Grow wax mostly rivet which melted nlmout on (Mt nu it fell. although thcrc WM n coating of snow on the ground Saturday morning. The fur- ther north one trnwlnI. however. the worn.- nm the now. At Lombard thcrv wan almont uh: Inch” of the Heavy mm and Junt a few miles north of that than was enough to Mop tninn. nutor not! nurly oil other means of transportation. Wham.1 both telephone nml telegraph. were“ ‘down and commute-“on on the‘ Northwestern could not It! had (nr- ther «m on the main lim- than Went Chicano- Sundny morning the thermometer was as lnw m two-nty-ono none" Ihore um and it is: foam! that the fruit sport-d from the wording week «no killed by Inst week-«nah "wring- lih" weather. l A blizuml. driven by a fifty-mile- nn-hour‘ wind. completely engulfed this auction of the country. starting la the early morning houru last Sal- unlay. So great was the (one of the wind that large limbs of trees and in ueveral cows. the trees them- selves. were blown ovor. In at lent one Imam a window was Hum-red by the force of the blunt. that in the old Miller building on West Railroad «twat. The American Lexion Baseball Tutu Blown Over and Fruit Again Hit by Fruzwâ€"Teleplwne Who Were Down. 8:00 p. m. Library Hall. lnvitm tion Spring Dance under the auspi- ces of the Young People’s Club. DAMAGE DONE BY SATURDAY’S WIND AND SNOW April 27th, 1921. Wednesday. 8:00 p. m. Special Service. Speaker: The Ru. Frederick S. Fleming, Rector of the Church of the Atonement, Chicago. April 28th, 1921. Thursday. 10:30 a. m. Holy Communion. April 29th, 1921. Friday. Sermon. Subject : Starting on Sunday. May lst. this 5:00 p. m. service will be held a! 8:00 April 24th; 1921. Fourth Sunday after Easter. 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:45,a. m. Church School. 11:001. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. Subject: “Divine Encouragement." 8. ANDREWS EPISODE“. CHURCH THESE SERVICES. THE MINISTER, THE OFFICIALS. AND ALL OTHERS OF THE MEMBERSHIP WILL WELCOME YOU. BASEBALL SEASON OPENS The Rev. Ruth M. MncWhoflu "The Church of the Living “Divine Encouragement." m. Evening Prayer and DOWNERS (mow.- nnmmobwnm Guava. mom of Wheaton m the County of DuPugé, on the first Monday of July A D. on the first Monday of July A D. 1921, bein the first day thcyréof. 1921Jla:te¢'heaton, Illinois, April 5 . Cora Edna Smart. Executrix. Hyde, Wgstbrook Watson. All persons having claims against the estate of William H. Smart, deâ€" ceased, are hereby notified and re- quested to attend and sent such claims: to file County urt of Du Page County. Illinm's. for the pur- pose of having the same adjusted at a term of said court to be held at the County _Cau_rt Boom in the City The home was very app decorated for the masion. . BXBCUTRIX NOTICE ESTATE OF WILLIAM H. SMART. Miss Brown and Mr. Pelton war-pf presented win. : beautiful hamlf « painted table lamp. 2 One of the featurvs of the Pveniny' being a mock “adding in which .\lr Lawrence and Mr. Sam Felton acted. as bride and groom uml Mr. W. W. ‘ Heintz and Mr Dwight Cox as the‘ bridesmaid and best man. Th0 “mag Me’s Dildo Class and the memhm's of fin- mtheflra of (hr angrontitmal Church gave a surâ€" prise shown for Miss Ex’eiyn Baum last Friday evening. April 8th. at "In home of the Misses Flay-mm and Chm Lacey in Highland awnuo. SURPRISE!) BY CONG'L. CHURCH Y 0 U N G_ PEOPLE Mr:-:, Gregory 6.- ln ”Tide“! oflicer and mart members of Vesta Chum" had planned to nus-ml but I!» in- dium-neg- of "w weathv-r inn-cutout \liu Evelyn [lawn Gm! of “can About {aunt-on Humbert! of Val: Chapter 0. F3. 8.. Journey“! to lbw ‘Cmix Chapter in Chic-(o. Saturday owning to pump-In Oa the humu- ervl MnMay of that than". II um Ibo Put 0M" nigh! and In 1mm Gregory of Linnea“ um. who 'u a PM Mum of Rose Cmix Chapter and «in a number ”09ml “I! homrrrl by being {tn-it"! to lit-l Wmflly Matron for the cveniuml Mi.“ Gwen Griffiths fawn-d the: rhapm with a song. 1 Mn. ham Ginny. Put Mum of Ron Cuts mun. OIL dud Ia nu. Tho ox-un’lw men have never been known to turn down anything lo cal and the pmpoclu are Ills! a large ecu-Mam will mark next lon- clny'n "looting. The ofllceru um Hal 3 100 per vent attendant? ls dour-1 abh- lu properly «lb-cum the Maine“! which will como Wow the pout. LOCAL MEMBERS OF EASTERN STAR VISI'I‘ED SATURDAY Among the things which will be discusred in the present Intuition in regard to Sunday buck", the Chautauqua mum of 1921. and the drive which in now on for members in lllinoi». The Alex Burns Post of the Am- ericun Legion will hold a bit meet- ing at their club rooms on next Mon- day evening when the members will enjoy lunch and smokes along with the husinesu of the evening. Fix-Service Mon la Gather in Club Rooms for Big Business Station Monday. Those on the committees were as follows: Charlotte BonlwellFlovence Michael Mabel Pulsifer Marietta Stoops Eleanor Waples Margaret Ofl'erle Mary G. Snow Frances Thomas Olive Slatton ‘ ‘ LEGION TO HAVE SMOKES, LUNCH AT NEXT MEETING Games were played and all enjoy- ed it very much. This event was the first of its kind to be given by the north 7th grade and therefore was enjoyed immensely. Cakes. candy and sandwiches were donated by the different children and money was brought? by others for ice cream. The North Side Seventh Grade gave a delightful class party April 16th, 192). Mr. Snapp and many of the‘ departmental teachers were pre- sent. Mr. Snapp gave permission and the party was given in the South Side School gymnasium. Following is an account of a class party given at the gym by the pupils of the North Side Seventh Grade. It is printed just as it was written by three of the scholars. CLASS PARTY A GREAT SUCCESS Attorneys. and Han Lacey. appropriately: Slit. election WI” be he’ll at "N? f0.- im ' ‘Inwing polling piaces: ' ' Real Esme-a om“: of Jonas W. Tucker, located on Warn-n Avenue, )TICE ‘. 22:35:: Mam Street and Potent I H. SMART.'}AM at the ; Xillm H5" of the Village of _.._.. As‘- A ‘Av4_. ; Downers Grove. jall located in the Village of Down- ers Grove, County of DuPage and State of Illinois. 4 Voters residing north of the Chi- Ecago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad jtracks are requestnd to vote av. tho Ioffice of the said J. W. Tucker, and "those nesitli south of said tracks, iatlhe snifl illggg Hall. The polls will be open at :even o’clock a. m (Standard Central time) and close' at seven o'pclock m. (Standard Ce'Mml time) of the same Dated at Wheaton, Illinois, chi: 18th day of April. A. D. 1921. 3.14. RATHJE. County Judge. (he MIMII’SI quell" of M160» l7, Township 38. Not“. Ram II. 8.24 «I "or Third I’rinriml Movi- ulian la tho mum-r lim of Main Sim-t; Wm mrflwvly along Ibo teller line of Main Sun»! la "n mu"! NM 0‘ 'lJmltn "flights Sub- dirisian" tin-Ito ushfly aim un- mm m..- of 'lJmkm Hv-ighh Suhliviuiuu' M ”w “-03! "fll‘ of ‘HigMaMs Achlitiml h Dawnrrs (mno'; them southerly along Pain! “Mt lim to ”w mull-r of Stir. Hon l7; Township 38, North. llanpn ll. East of the Thin! I'rin.‘ cipul Mmivlian; (ht-m emit-fly a- lung "w- as! and mud rent" lino; of said Sodium I? In [In- naA-t lim‘ «1' said Sectinn l?; "mm-r nur- thvrly along the said v1.4 lino «f; Sortion l7, M "he plat-v nf hogin-l fling: a" situau’d in Down; Gmro and LN? Township, in tho! (.er «I Dul’ap‘ and Stan nf‘ Illinois: I The question whethor nr not tho 3- ha" «writ-II temtory Jul" hr 111-- gamer! and cquishod as 2 ani- tary district, to he known as "nova-1 9r: Grove Sanitary mflrirtf‘ TM“ furm of the ballot will hr substan- vially as followe: AGAINST Sanitary Dish-k1 FOR Sauna” Disc rid on the 14th 03' of Mn ', A. D. 1512!. an election wil be hel for the par pose of submitting to the legal voters residing within the boundaries of the unitary described .3 followu. tmwit: Beginning: at the southwest cor- gfr 9! gection ngte. Toyltxhigr 38. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 14th 11970! May. A. D. 1512!. l. Drive on the right sde of the road it's just as good as the left. ii. Slow down when approaching a eroseroad: it is nearly as dan- gerous as a railroad crossing. "I. Look out for children. You can never tell what they'll do, and you’re always in the wrong if you hit one. IV. Try to help instead oi ninder the trafl'ic officer; he's there for your good, and he’s got a tough job. V. Be sure that your “dimmers" really dim; it's no joke driv~j ing into a binding glare, as‘ . you probably. know. ‘VI Read and obey the warning signs; they're not put up as ornaments. VIl. If you feel you‘ve got to speed â€"-do it where it won’t kill any- body but yourself. Vlll. When making minor repairs, stop where your car may be seen from both directions; otherwise you may stop long- er than you anticipate. IX. Speeding around corners is a straight route to the hospital. Don't race past a stopped street car. Some day the’jury may call it manslaughter. X. Use discretion. The fact that you had the right of way won’t bring anybody back to li!e- least of all yourself. rlut or utunlnr Bra. ‘Wooalod luvmwlm'; llama noullwrl Ilong tho «mu-t line- of nlol Imoml "and lo ll:- inn-mum wllll llu- «mu-r NM 0! lupin Avrmw. ullwrwlu- hm as Ila- Numr- ville ind Clll Rood; them “surly nlmnlfi: mum Ila. at MM Maple Aw. lo the want lino of ‘flunn'n Subtllvlnlon': them "unruly nlonx nld first "no In {M null! MM o! “M ‘flum'a Subdlvlalon" them «utterly along am south ii».- to lln! «mm mm of Dunham SUM; tho-m «unlo- I'rly clan ”no n-Mrr linv at will [lull-am gllml. luring "IQ mat line of 'flmlnr llrm. Devan. “rm-n anmn'. tn Ilw tun-1h lino of the "manual ovum-r nl’ Sanka. Ill. Toumhl . . North. Rum, ! ‘11. If...“ a flu- Thinl l‘rinlp-l Meridian; 0.0m euterly Alan! sail north lino ntl continuing null-fly ulna. (he 2-th lfin- nl‘ TEN COMMANDMENTS 0F DRIVING Run II. Plant of the Thin! l'rin- Meridian. to m Inlcmimv wuh the «anti-r “no of the l’huk Raul. otherwise known u 031 ton Av-cnuv: them wymstorl flung ”the. «mm “M of nhl Hulk "0:“ la in mural-dim with ”w centu- lma- of Belmont Rand. other-wine hmwn In Communal Avenue. on “in! of [Inninr Bron. fquuled nor 0! Becflmn Nine. 'l‘ownxhi 38, North. Run II. But of the in! l'rindpal "Minn; thence outer- lg- along the non": line of said action Mm- !o the “at line of mid Section Nine; thence north on aid ml. line 0! Section Nine and continuing north on the rut "no of “Ion _4_. Ton;nu_Mp_§§. ANQI’UI. ELECTION NOTICE 30 Acres Trees, Shrubs, and Vines best for this climate. I. Hooker. 435 No Kflkinflon Iva, Lanna? ,phom Iaflrangv 119. See mm in Clas‘ificd H t of” phone dirmtovw. PIANO TUNING and REPAIRING Carrier‘s plowed, general naming. H. C. Rahm, pimm 1604â€"2. 44-" Down Grown Edward (Q. lrmmv I Cg. Farmu l: Mcrvhanl Rank Bldg. 4-15-31 FOR RENTv-V mum hou‘v. farm-h- M. East “mm", phmv‘ 5H0-R -‘ 224 FUR RENT -~ Small farm ni‘hed rmm: for .‘lmt haw (Rn-1km! Mfr-W. ”okra-Mk in famil'y: n! ""156. Mrâ€" Shphem'. 0M rum“! 3L. "in.“hlv. I" 4 '22- I WANT}. I’»Tn duo hookup: (anim- im! an “WIN and (3M!!! 1."!- «m. #th 213-”. 9”! “’lliflt-n I'lzlfl'. L224 W \N'l‘l‘?" vaing and gnu-ml 'rammz. Fwd thrnwidvr, 1L. lhuum‘: Hmw'. "I. 4 ‘2." 0 UR RENT- â€"Tun #515}. Inf um 12": 3». Wm.» mm. .-:.. m.» m 4 22 a WANTP'lL-Rolinblr [M fnv [banal wammiâ€"A‘emwu lvithrhajy, gl- 7 and with" “ml wrn')’ In Al «Ii:- «man. PM” ‘3- R. 4 I If. FOR SALE-«I‘lrml Rod: ruin! mug“ 352 Primer nun. plums-A 2H": WANTHDa A MW. MI 0r hfur’ Anna-it ht F2. II I Mborn. phnm' Dual-y thllu. ”I: each. Yuan”; and \nh- rlnhl stratum. has luring (Rut. Onlm- now lav-um «I (or )- alollw ry. Wynn” Imghm 0 Pa mu. ohm» ana-w-z :44 FOR» SALEâ€"lumbar Mar. hymn: :- pium which is: hello; n'ponu-nnl. You muy how it for the unpaid hal- Im-u and on «any tcmn». Adela-~- "l'mm" c‘n Rvportrr. 4-14 FOR SAUL-8. (I. Whit» lr’dwm L..|_.. -LL..I.,. In- .._I. \'._.. .. -â€".| Chit. limo-Chm, with ur wilhmu chix. [tuned limb. high tluu utili- ly and uhow hint». Ilcwh' ubuul Agni! mu. "owe. phone “ll-N. 4-H! I’Ol! SAI.H_~I_hpvg fin your virinil ruu BflunWIIuWIIIII‘ rugs. lul“r S. C. Whin- Leghorn» our hens aw big wmm egg producers. $1.00 paw awning; “.00 per hundtwl. Call or write [-2. 811419. W. Maple aw. Belmont Road. 4.8-3 l-‘0[l_ Ml:”-:_â€"8vflillg_ emu. _I_Iab,\- gas stow, phone 1074. «N War- ren ave. V 4-22-1 l-‘OR SALE-Cheap. 1 Cabinet gas range; 1 wringor wilh stand anach- ed: l baby's iron bed. Mn. M. Prom-w. Emu Grow. Third 24., mar Fuirview. 4-224 FOR SALEmGnod'piano. u-usonlble. 84 Oakwood ave. 4-8.8 PQILSQLEv-rljuughiug rm“. largo pficticnlly at Washington st. and rugs, practically new. NI N. Forest, ave. 4-224 mu sum: bassonxer Studeba'lwn-r in Al 7 "'11-- chanical condition, fnur good tin-s. would make small truck, phone 25: R: FOR SALEvm-asonnblu. Furnituro FOR SALE~â€"0ue side Almanltwone at $20.00. C. H. Bailey. 16 Wes-t Belmont st. 4-22-1 FOR SALEâ€"{I‘m pighosp bidder. 7 call Buschman Bum. phone “:16 W. Railroad st. 4-22-1 FOK‘SALEâ€"J‘urgitulv yml Rugs, FCLR SALE-7mm: Grand_ Upright FOR SALEâ€"Oak Dresser. new. rea- sonablo. Call at 90 W. Curtiszzsll. FOR SALEâ€"Wilflois outfit ”(4308p ber of veI‘y choice Boar Pig s. to 10 Weeks old from om selection of choice sum: of most populaI breed- ing sired by Colonel; Pathfinder: Ori- on Cheery Ki'ifke and Great Sensa- tion boars. ake your selection early. Geo E. Benkley. Su t. Gotten farms, Downers Grove, {I one {@87 per coil, neon .ia'c'ubator. W; C. Bellow, 117 umlall st. 4~22-l FOR SAgt 1â€":260 egg. hop watechog‘ Piano. walnut "case, phoné 2'23, 155 Sarntoga ave. 4-22-1 Classified Mots! DUROCSâ€"We have for sale a mun Littleford Nurseries Phone 312-1 Wanted To Rent For Rent Wanted For qale â€"â€" Oliwfr tynewriu'r, new. n-monublc. ‘I!§_SV. wry Uglvl. fur- Jill”- grnUhIm‘fl. "hm-Mm. plum-- Hm 445:3 crfption to ac]! have you ll!!! Fredenhn 3 Real Estate , if not.w ynot, we have all over But ind Downers 0m ‘5 the land can be subdivk‘hd dad but“ up, if {on want a fine home and ma ‘ a smaler one come in undue. m ' about this. W‘ANTEDerppng of duty fly: 85¢ tin}: ’"fim’én' iii. FOR SALEâ€"High ch52 strictly mo- dom new Mme with large mum’s. beautiful shade trees, timed streets. owner cauld use a 6 or ‘ room hula in Ifacranga _or masque: in judo, mm SM}!- Nv-lnu, “r" hall. 5 mm» 1'“ “my "Marv Name. I. mmlmml in hum pun-h. but "Dr Hm". all phmhing. and h H h ‘mow right In. "w M i- 75:. , Oh. Indium no I "ml «In-«l wilfi I'- rinl- paid and "w- pncr i~ but ‘5‘”. lrnm m h Dual. J‘OR SAL"? ‘H‘fit'fl” mbm "AH" j m-y bunxalnt in "w hut n! l!- ‘mir. In! "10 fl. M. Monu- of fruit. a hug» wank-o. wry Marl: mododivc rml, k handy by. null for Mk! .3 yam, may bum can hr Md. Hm SALPâ€"uflmlrrn many new 7 mum Ila slury Mlfl‘fl'llfi’, has con- IN «alum-w, larp- lhing mum with Mr plan- w-vy finr dining mum Inn" in ‘mflrl. punt-"fl fund hr- FOR SALEâ€"Om of‘the but vacant corner lots in town. has both an. Kind, pbnty pf shadrn natwal tim- .r. and is cheap it the prico asked if cash can be had. FOR SALH- A wry anrm‘tivn south «Mo vacant lot mum in, a swath front. mnwmicm to Main St. in O 1»:th up location. and is cheap at 815 n! in rmm< on a full arIe. jusI; I4. budding. ha. hung ruum arm the I'm"! with "pea firv- plat». goal from pmth entrance. very largv- Ii Q film in: mm. and all mmlwn in In I-rmveniam-s, .-tr~am Mat. 2 good 2- an. and ”In Pom-hon Ia hirh and ry, handy la trains and «haul. Price 37. 2'50. with :3) $2,")0 m mm? nah, man to suit «um, mm. mm, u high ”Uri. elm» in In .‘Iain SQ with and m on" either «Mr. mic-r 323 prr (OM. rm: SAM; Mmlrrn, pm bun m lmrm-s m um‘n, ha» WWII?! n. M. pivnly «f laun. fruit and sham. a ‘1 films- 6 rm-m madam hum. R“. iartr [myth-s. lhc- 70mm are In". and haw trip!» Madman. fire M bum in bufl‘M. all mark-m impm mv-M‘. and both, «rub aw punt Prim SAM, any wrunaHn hm ran he had. "mug. mm" ism. mu omim. u -n and wlmlnwnl in truth. anal 09m mmkrm "mu-mv-nfiu, will: Int I31! :‘m. and mm In Jalicm. M [M «uh» mad. l’rirr 86,300. "-350an n-rmc. rm: SALEâ€" "an of n.» In: mm FUR SALEM-30x16” fort on I": «my Imam. hm n" uwr and usual fluon utuln hm. new rah arm.“ "no I‘mn! u" H; Jam-cl n, I. claw in nut. Mar to «trim. ”I. h who-M. n \l‘r)’ "01! MN» motion [II-fr ul ualy 35.500. Terms cu DI 3 "Ln... up. pic-01y of fine "RIM”. hrmmhnl glam-n with Vn-nrh window. and vi" flaw up with mm! :n '0? hm m-rv lnl. in run! fun-u. a! It» bloc-h to xlullun, l'riru- 37.34. "ramble tom. l'"!!! 86L": Vc-ty glhnrjj'n {‘- FOHh KAI. P 00" of "in mm! mne- lun- lrmh "axiom Mum ll tuwn. hm Wu lam. mom and“ fiumpk'h' “amt-Cult” guy. Mu.“ $5.000. FOR SALE 0m- of "In wry maul lurutkin, ’0‘“2,“' Ill ‘mm fruit and glmal flunk. m huuu- with all “Um: rooms M mu. «luau-Muir. um! '.' ware mo.- up, all momma mnw-nirm. gm now, impmwmnh all in and fur. w my Mum run ho had. lb In! In mum front. rlmu- In, Ind 59 I FOR SALFrvA good old home 0! 1 mom in and of main. lu- hr- nnm, electricity. null fairly mod-n muwnk-mn. Ind will who a a Inc with amm- fixinxul I” ion, on paved “reel. with lot I”! 182 h. Prin- m-oo turl pot-gm can In- Inml. with n-monbk- am my: mug-gram mum com Poxnesxion can be had. lot 1201182. .6 blocks 10‘ nutiun. Price 86M. Terms any. Tell me what VII! III. you. owner moving. wnntu to loll. rooms. all light and Well arranged to accomodate a large family. plenty of clam-c mom, coma-r light bid!“ with lar . pantry, ! cellar, d.- leru, we! , barn am can . oven- !Mng in; fine mngiitiqn._angl mmdigtp lot on a knoll. hi all and we" locahd convenient. to East Grow station with water, gun. electricity. price my «loan for quick sale. “all! an afar. shown any time. l-‘OR SALEâ€"«Well built house of 7 with 10 acres, has modern build- ings. ver fine orchanl. old shade tree». am is on a hard road Mild! to station, with tho finest. of Ion- uon, price $22,000, terms to suit. house with 5 lots, has city water. gas. electric lights, is alley corner, and would suit anyone needing to be near the trains, store, school, and Catholic Church. Price $3,800, ml. sonablc terms. F91: SALE-1610!! choice... P0 R_ .SQEEâ€"-Very_ fine cmgntry .plge-o tlve, centrally located 5 room bulk galow, hasylarge living room 12):”. all other rooms large, and is within 3 blocks of the Main st. static is handy to Kindergarten and full School, in best location. an plved street) with everything paid, price $6,300 and around $2,000 will handle it. the“ $50 monthly. including ill- retest. 22 So. Main St. Plum “1 Residence 27 S. Fairview Avenue East Grove Phone 101-3 FQR 3.4113745}; rqom. 1% stpry FQB SALEâ€":Mofieru, _ \Lery mm- MISTATEMSAII‘ ' by V. FREDENHAGEN DOWNEBS GROVE O ' "594. y. I

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