Downers Grove Reporter, 22 Apr 1921, p. 8

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To have it done rig M and ream-He all Hind-lo COS-W. .flavo chm- DRESSLER BROS. Carpenter Contracting and;i Jobbing A petition wan pmeniul ml. the Village (‘oum-il nun-ting on Monday evening uigned by ruinknin in the vicinity or the North Side Field. newly dirmrnni “nomad-l Put." “in: the council to (It-clan Sunday knob." a nuiu-m. In the absent-m of IM Village Aiiomy no action w union on the mailer. Inasmuch u Damn me- voted to rapes] an? ordinance prohibiting Sunday Muh‘ hull by nn «rt-Wail" majority ml yarn ago. time Who favor it no Minx plus to 03M lino pm. “on in the In“ ditch. It in unfortu- nh, they any. out (his action Mk! I» infirm :1 "tin mm- when at”: ban just born lain-n to par- chn the ground! for QM our and Inn-M nf w emin- comma-fly. Bo! Com"): hmou- tit-1min» Iml criminologist. in coming Io Downers- Gm to int-tun an (In- Rom'! (3|!- kry or Brflilion H)‘!.m «If Nonlin- enliol ant-d Ivy "w poiiro a! all largo d0“ Ind "formalmioa. FINN"): In n'vrr Miami in "mm a« mull; u Downer: Grow bion- Iml aa ho. Via! In ant-n rink hrfatr‘ hr- lMurv-m il nm of (‘Mragn‘sz wading I'Wfl'fl‘“ in MI rnneenini in mm:- hom mi? 1*“ duo. "is Int-hm. nhirh drank" with Um mm mothuLâ€" of clowningi criminal: is "willing. ruminating ancl‘ educational II has boon rhihusias" «any omiorw‘vl by n.» rm“. mama! and I‘oiirr. Th0 (‘Mflmh llnanl of] Ellwflinn rrrnmmomli ”w Irv-turn! asmialiy for rhiltiron. tawdry will: hr horn on Wrrlno’ulay at "w (‘nrtiu'l Than-p. Nay Mh. mini T R A C T O R PLOWING DISCING BASEMENT EXCAVATING Conn. Mr .aml Mn. W. H. "lodge“ and Harry L. BIodgett. Mr. C. B. BIodgz-tt and son. Harry. nturned last. week from Oakland. California. where they spent the win- ter with David Blodgctt. On Sunday It. Blulxett celebmtecl his' 81st birthday at his home on East Maple avenue. Those present to assist in making this a pleasant occasion, were Ir. Ind Mm. C. l’. Blodgett of the‘ Grove, Mr. 1nd er. Human of CM- a‘o. Mrs. Clan-nee Barley of Win- mtkn, Mm. Alexander of (flu-min. Many people will remember when the play, “Shore Acres," was fnmuus on the stage. It played many months at McVicken-s when that theatre was Chicago’s leading show home ex- cepting only the Auditorium .This plly has been filmed and many thrill- ing scenes added in the pieturiza- tion that eouhl not be given on the sage. See it at the Curtiss Theatre Downers Grove people un- talking “underground" fur the first time, in the village. Part of the new under- ground cablo which the phone com- pany installed has been “cut-over" and is now in use . In a few wet-b the \mslghtly poles will have vanish- cd from Main street and all talc. phonic conversation will lw' umlvr- ground. for at least part of the lll>- tance. Snturday night. The Rev. 1“. S. Fleming, rector of the Chtuch of tho Atonement, Chiâ€"l cago, will be tho speakm at the spe- cial seriice in S. Amh‘W’ s Clumh.-. Wednesdav c-u'ning, April 27th at 8‘ o’clock. D1. Homing is an eloquent‘. preacher and let-tor of one of the, largest churches in Chicago. A cor-f dial imitation is mtendexl to the; communit) to come and heal hi~ mi-s-j sage. PERSONALS W. S. Hamblin Phone 213-Rp2 Ten adv. The mothon of the contracting purtku. Mu. Matilda Patric of CM- elxo. and Mm [all Ehuinpr of Prairie avenue. wore wltm A very quiet wedding was celebra- ted at St. Paul'u Evangelical par. manage an Wr-dncsday afternoon, April 2011:. when the Rev. Wm. Grote- feld, pastor of the thumb. united in marriage. Urn. Benulo M. Hollis and Mr. Edwin L. Patric. LOCALS AGAIN TRIM LYONS AT TEN PIN GAME Nash also rolled a series of games against Rusch and also copped the bacon; so altogether it was a very unlucky day for the Lyons' chew and a lucky one for the homo bunch. We believe Lyons are through bowling Downers Grove {or this sea- son having been beaten twice this year by the locals. After the team howling was m'er Stump and Running rolled a series of lhl'l‘f‘ games of doubles against Lyons' best two men, Smith and Jack and also won handily. Five Men-Jiunninn and Stump and Grant Nash All Viviana Last Sunday. Before a crowded gallery with 3 good loyal bunch of mun-rs lt-d by Jamvs Reba from l.)m\'n(~rs (How, a bowling- team from “owners (Provo composed ui‘ ihe folluwing mon' th. Mrkvirkn. Holst. Slump and Running, boat the Lyon» Bowling (mm M the Chicago liuwling Alloys at 26th street and ('rauvl'urd nun, by a total of 106 vim, last Sumia‘v.A-’ usual, Running was thvrv with tin strikes \\'lu~n Hwy were needed in ‘llc last game and putting tho mum- on ice i'm the locuh finishing with a scuro (if 230. Following an- lho team scores for the throv games: Lyons 55 804 874 Downers Grove . .904 843 892 Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank if you have. come in and talk it over with us. Don't invest in any- thin; without consulting your bunker FIRST. Millions of dollars have been [.081‘ in this country during the st two years as a result of invnstmenls in wild-rat. gold-brick, but» sky propositions. The country is flooded at 'Ust this time with SUCKER SCHEMES. Don’t be fooled. Play sa 9 by consultint your banker first. If we haven‘t all the facts about any company you are thinking of inventing in. we shall be glad to get them for you. Have You Any Money to Invest HARDWARE 36 S. Main Street Telephone No.29 0r 2 For ................................ 55c Climax Wall Paper Cleaner.2 boxes {or ...... 25c Pratt Lampert 61 Floor Varnish. gallon. H3495 Boiled Linseed Oil. in lots of 5 gal. or more. gal. 95: Carter White Lead. 100") kegs. ............ "3.00 Wall Paper Paste, 2 lbs. for ................ 25c H. R. H. Paint Cleaner. per pkg. .............. no: ’ Burner Gas Hot Plates .................. $3.75 3 Burner Gas Hot Plates ................... MERTZ 6 MOCHEL FOR WEEK BEGINNING APRIL 25'"! 12 Quart Galvanized Pails, each ............ A State Institution under State Supervision W 1802 HOLLISâ€"PETRIE PRICE REDUCTION nownnns alum} REPORTER. nowmms GROVE. ILLINOIS Mrs. John Stanley of We»! Curtis» Amt. is the only living member of the [mum Aid Society which was: organized in 1867. Their first work! was mulling shirts und socks for: “Thatcher Crcu' More. 'l'hc- Inlutory. of those claw. with the Amwbem'; fontivnls mul oysters: unpponx b_\" whith money Wu raised {or the: church in an inhuman-g pidc lighz; on the thumb work of (hole claw. : H‘. llartle; Mr. and Mrs. Henry .\I. Harman were the father and mother {of Walter Lyman: Mr. and Mrs. lSamuel Handy were the parents of gWihi Handy; Mrs. Caroline Rogers iu'ns the mother of Frank Rogers; {Mm Mary Curtiss the grandmother iof Samuel Curtiss; and Mrs. Avis kBlodgett was the mother of C. B. Biodgett. Mrs. Narumore was un- i . ‘able to be at the meeting for organi- fzation. but united with the church Ithe day following, so she was in weality a charter member. also. Bin ‘sides those mentioned, there were Mr. and Mrs. Uriah H. Bulcom amom: the original number. .The society met in the Methodist Church until the summer of 1867, when Uriah Baleom fixed up the upper story of: the building in which he had a car-l pentcr shop for their use; the Ladies; Aid Society which was organized in that year. providing the furnishings.‘i This building was located where the; barber shop of Mr. Emil lloehn now, 5 Hands. mm: OF OLD HUNDREDS ATTEND comm. Clll'R(.‘H ’ SCIENCE LECTURE NEARLY I) u .\‘ 5' HERE LAST SUNDAY bars. with lin- xmd \‘irilt‘ "mammalâ€"l tions as part of their work. ()1' thci fiftoonvnrig'inal nn-mbcrs only l)nl‘.| Lva- Nurmnoro, is now living. The» othvrs urn n-pwsontvd by children «1': grandchildren living in uur midst.1 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Richards \n-rv' the father and mutlwr of Mrs. “I" ((‘untinuml from page I) {'I'utt. C. S. 1%., of Kansas City, Mo.. ‘ who is a .Vlt-mbor of (hp Board of Lec- iturwhiil nf,‘ the Mother Church. the 'Fiwt Church of Christ. Scionlist. in The church building which is now being torn down was built in 1874, and was dmlicmod October 18th of that your. The dedication sermon was preached by Rev. J. E. Roy. An interesting feature is the fact that the church was without a pastor at the time. 'l'ho (‘m‘tiss Theatre was filled to it~ rupucity lust Sunday afternoon Hm occasion bring a lecture on Christian Science untitled, “Chris- Iiun Scinecc, The Luzu'vn of Spirit.“ II was «lulu-cred by Dr. John M. Many People From Near-By Towns Among Thcm- Who Heard Dr. John )l. TuIl. PHONE i” 63 8. NAIN 81'. Hinsdale Phone 818 [amnion-II Timon and Fu- lnpkumfl- of MI Kinds. Like Swiss Milk Chemist-c, pound can ..25c (‘hocolate Marshmallow Cookies, ......... Special. per pound .................... 29c Large Bottle Catsup ...................... :50 Ginger Snaps. in kegs .................... 35c Peas. Corn or Tomatoes, per can .......... [0: Pure Maple Syrup. Pint, 65c; quart ...... $1.25 Pink Salmon. per can ..................... 18c 25 02. Jar Peach or huge finger; 65c ' 1. 45¢ Libh' 2!!) can Apple utter, 45c vflue; m .30: 21b ar Pure Strawherry Preserves, 1.25 vol. 98: Mb Fancy Blend Cofl'ne. ................ 81.00 FREEâ€"BEAUTIFUL DECORATED DISHES WITH OUR GOLD ROAST COFFEE PER MINDâ€"42c Lehman‘n 6' Michel’s Store Lar'ge Bonk Cétwp ...................... 25: Ginger Snaps. in kegs .................... 35c Peas. Com or Tomatoes. per can .......... [0c Pun Maple Symp. Pint, 65c; quart ...... $1.25 Pink Sa'mon. per can ..................... lac (lmconilla'. Concentrated Liquid Cocoa. Tastes Like Swiss Milk Chocolate, pnund can ..2 (‘hocolate Marshmallow Cookies, ......... _ Specigl. perApound ..................... 2 Swiss and Long Cloth Edgeings per yard ................ 15-18-200 White Dotted and Figured Swisses, especially priced for 1 week only @ 35390 Eighteen “P. N.” Corsets that we are closing out. Styles that sold for $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. Special Close Out Price ......................... 75c Read our advertising for News, the same as you do the locals! You’ll profit by it. C. E. BRO‘VER Paintingâ€"Decorating 26 Main Street Downers Grove, Ill. Phone 82-R IMPLE.“ EST DEA LBR New Embroideries R. C. ELLIOTT Money Savers CURTAIN GOODS- CORSET SPECIAL 3th Edgeings at Special Sale Dress Ginghams, about ....... 1548-200 150 yards, at per yard, only ....15c In black and tan, for school, play, work -- “Weyenburg” make. per pair ........ 83.00 Womans Oxfords. Pumm Strap Pumps, in black and brown. in kid and heavier leathers. You can buy these from $4.00 to $6.50. Values that are from $1.50 to $3.00 less than formerly, and qualities which you’ll recognize as selling for from $2.00 to 3.00 more in larger places. Ladies’ Spring Shoes Boys’ Elk Sole Shoes Boston, Mass. The lectuler was here under the auspices of the First Church, Scientist, of Downers Grove. . Mrs. P. F. “arm, one of the leaders of the local church, introduced the speaker with a few “'91! chosen sen- tences. Whiic the autlivncc was gathering Mi§s Marie Reed, pianist $4.00 to $6.50 Talk No. 10. We can nearly always pay what we have to either in taxes or otherwise. Now that the taxes have been provided for, let each one resolve "to Save a Little For That Rainy Day FIRST NATIONAL BANK Downers Grove. Illinois. in Groceries I Pmmd Williams Shaving Soap ......... :15: pz.‘_J_ar Peac_h o_r @inge Batter, $51: val. START IT NOW! Gingham: of the local church, entertained at the piano. , Among the audience wane many fmm near-by towns, there being vis- itors from Oak Park, Wheaten, La flange, Hinsdale and Napervllle. The lecture is printed in full this week on pages three and four. Friday, til 1921 . 47c

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