Downers Grove Reporter, 29 Apr 1921, p. 2

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' Kim's RICHELIUS ‘ GOP FIRST PLACE IN BOWLING LEAGUE Hm nimnly, The puny nm'! mgr-n to (he m- u": Claim-nu. ,vml public but «a» fa.- mvmbrn and -â€"â€"- 'l'rk'n'l: of the nnhrr in :71» Grove. But The Don-non Gnu-e Picnic Sock-hath» dam-ml fur a Runw puny far of Soothe": California hold lick-0w [moral public am-ru :0 he no m. pmflc Slhln‘ay. April 23d. “.murh in‘ «Miami IQ n thought they Dinah-it» Putt. Pandas. with tum-ill hold mm mm. M was MM today. Thank yo}: for the am. â€"--' ’ 11w prlzr winna'n ‘aurv annmncml It. Shula. n.- follows: Mn. E. M. Hnuuou. lirul Du: Sir: mm 'prizc; Min MM Blur. 5H0 Will you plow publish ln ("'3 Ruth [Mm and Hm. '3. A. Moagnvn. noun run (you no I w mi Mm Em.- lion-«n nu» “mm-.2 tM hm piper and Ital h vial ll ‘- “ cunnolnlon. For the men. Mr. Frank All of n hm) “all" of our plum mor)‘. first; Mr. Rah-:1 Sum-man. Mn} (fallout. Colony Will No“ flan-n (Zn-Touch" lot I Good 11-. In Amt. FORMER DOWNERS FOLKS HAD PICNIC L A S 'l‘ SATURDAY Geo. Vix Huh . . Mtklman Halal . . ‘ . We": . . . . Stump ...... Mrkvicka . . . H. Ehningt-r Camp ...... Albright East Ends .............. Pitcher’s Boosters ....... American Legion ........ Dicke's Climbers ........ Swenringen’s Paco Makers Progressive Five ........ Mills Pflnting Co. ...... The first high ten: Kiein’s Richelius Following is the finish of the teams and the average of the first high ton: Stump led the league in individual average for the season with a mark of 174 5-8.. Dicke’s Climbers got high game money mm :1 830 count, and George Vix is awarded the thron game high avoragn prize will! the re- mnrkably good average of 216 F3. Grant Nash gets the money fer high individual score with a total of 267; some game. Elmingm- was in the lead nearly all season but “‘a\' nosed out at the last minute. A post- poned gamv was being rollml last week and Nash being “right" piku! up the total which copped the bczri'u. K‘ in: “cm-hm cuppa! first place. in tne Bowing bum: in \ ihtlilu!‘ 50 out of the 84 game»: rolled durinp'? file winter and spring. The Eus!’ Ends who made a gallant fight all} season are in second place. Tm; teams, Pitchers Boosters and the Am- erican Legion mo tiqd for third and the three games to decide \\ ho is to. receive third money “ill be bonlcd at, the alleys tonight. Gm! Nash Piles up 261 in Last Game for lite Individual Money Prize. Sieum neulng- Sewer Building Gas Fitting Telephane 383 Fleck 6 Buchholz The Ford Coupe, with electric self starting 1nd lighting systchus a big, broad scatdeeply upholstered. Sliding plate glass windows ”that: the brace: can sweep tight throudt the open cat. Orincaseof:storm,the€oupehecoma a cloned ar, snug, rainâ€"product dust-proof. Ha all the Ford maniaiaopetationandmain- team A at that last: and m «tithe- torilyulongnit lmhmomtahle rim with 35-inch titan“ around. For the docmr and mveflhtgdunuiththtidedw. 7'8 UNIVERSAI. CAI "OWNERS GROVE SALESKOOM 19 WEST RAILROAD STREET Fred D. Heinke P L U M DING ..169 ..169 ..l68 ..|67 ..167 “[66 ..l64 ..184 .162 . I74 Ave. 5-8 6!) 3!) 5'} 30 “(Mr madam... Mv. ank shun: “won" tho mnmlauo-t. t.\ Very Enjoyable Time 'is Spun by 9 Members and Friend» Last I 3mm, Ewnimz. I‘m-t Sumulm c-'.'?mn,.’. Apzzl "--Dmuuu (irme l‘n-brk ':- Lump can.» In Bum-o puny tn its‘ mr-mlv-h and 'n-imu and to th- Ioca’ I. u. 0. 52. at .Lilu'my Ha". About. It nrty-fi'n- mu- :plw enjoyml l'lt'.’!|M"'/é’- :Il !$'~ pop- iulm- 2mm- of ting-nax’ngdi'." dicv. Artur Un- pmty dur'n; u‘hfei: timi- lha- Pm" M” in a wnf’nui-up uproar. the table" worw put May and tho» pnwut imlulgml i" inf-«ma! dancing.i Mrs. Frml Wolf of H512 «lain {u'nish- in: "w “Jazz" on tho pian-I. [ti-fresh- nwms of Ice Crmm and Cain- in plen- I)‘. 2'»! } Our next picnic will b0 in'August: '='i' an; uf thv Downers Cruvr‘ folk»: gm" hem \MLing at that time plume; ‘communicate with wome of thv com-i mittee so “0 can anangz- for mm to» be u nth us. ‘ A. Clint Rid-.fler I'm-sweat. J '3 9 r . u Q l J. A .Tolzmd Vice-Pm Mont M. 'loland. ’ln-nsumr. Ella Chilvers. Secretary REBEKAH'S HELD BUNCO PARTY AT LIB R A R Y HALL Everyone hm re.~!ui in the form~ ing of nn,u.-':~‘nc.;|t‘un is urged to be pron-M. 'l'hou- will b» spraker: who live conversant with the benefits to breeders when formed into an asso- ciation. h I‘va'y breeder of [Miami Chhm'pust year, shown ‘hogs in DuPagp County’hus bum! in-:\mrk Sunday wa vitml to attend :1 rum-ting! in thC‘bopn soon at the Court HOUM' :u Wimaton unxt Now: A gloom was f day evening, May .uu-umi. Thr wept? blagr just befom in}: is cullod for th-I puqmw of :tart- called to order. ing the organization nt‘ :1 Poland Stanger' pastor 1; China Breeder-.9 :\.~.~'ociatiun in therm'ogatinn, had “'1 countv and will b« called to cult-rim make the cm at 7:00 o‘clnck Standard time. IMO is a man in h Gather in Court Hume at Wheaten in En‘orl to Form (‘uumy Association. POLAND CHINA BREEDERS MEET MONDAY. MAY 20 [good attendance . A number of our Downers Grove tourists were still hem and enjoyed the day with us and we enjoyed it all the more having them with us to tell us of the little Dmmers Glove happenings and of} the friends that me dear to our} hemt. . nowmms GROVE REPORTER, DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS A gloom was cast over the assem-_ â€"â€" blagr just boron: the delegates were} Mr. and Mrs. C. Knapp and family called to order. The Rev. G. H.1nf Chicago spent Sunday with the Sumner. pastor of tho Hinsdale conolAndormnn family. m-ogatinn, had worked hard aml longf -â€"- to make the «invention a succes~=.l The Luther Leaguv meets May 4th Ho is a man in his seventies and the -for the regular business meeting a' work laid on his’age as he was takvnl the school. ‘ suddenly ill while conducting- severall A pmylot entitled “Clubbing a Hus-l past year, shown by the reports. 'l‘hef Mrs. W. Hurmoistor and children \mrk Sunday was the best that has aro spending a vacation with her par- bm-n soon at these annual vnootings.fents in Mihvaukee. Wisconsin. There was u'ondui'fM progress in the work of the schools during the Â¥ Dckguws from EIangelicul Sun- lday Schools of the “Southwest" dis- trict mtt in the ‘mmanual church at ' Himdalo lax-t Sunday afternoon. Apiil 21m I'm thoir annual confcrvncc. 'l’hs- disuitt comprises the southwest part of Chit-nun, the cities of Aurora and Night and the towns in tho \icinitI'I of DOIIm-Is vae. 1 In the evening thcI Ladies Aid of the church served a wonderful dinner tn those who attended. More than 200 Sunday school wax-l:- crs were delegates and many more attended. Puof. J. E. Schmnle. of the Elmhurst College, acted as chairman of the gathering. Emmanuel Church Host m Evangeli- cal Sunday School Workers of Southwest District DELEGATES MET IN CONVENTION AT HINSDALE SUNDAY And it’s Practical Economy you are also Safeguarding We do all kinds of Electrical Repairing, Machinist Work and carry everything in Electrical Goods. Corner Belmont Forest Ave. Telephone 369-1 Downers Grove Electric Co. This offer is for immediate acceptance when your investigation affirms the facts When it is possible to safeguard your best interests ,we feel we would be doing you an injustice if we do not insistent- ly urge immediate investigation of all the evidence at the ear- Ten minutes of undivided attention to the construction of the Round Dull Ironbilt Furnace will make clear why it is more economical with all fuelsâ€"47h)“, bee-use of its bolted construc- tion, tented features, it cannot possibly leak. smoke or gasâ€"- why « oversize rts make for long life and durability, Ilsa assure their f from the expensive replacements. usually 4-".4 “:â€" They have under-whit" flu- nfeguhnfi'ng of (M lwalth. comfort. vitality and well-being of those that am- Mar and dear to than. every week. nor-V month. every year for a [mention They have added to the ulna- of their property more Hun the amount lawn"! in the purchnne. If thin fut mm: too youth he tum. lot us pros-0M the evidence. A pmfltnblc tnmctloa In one In which both pawn are fully Mashed. All who luv. contracted. during thin drive, for a Round 01k lmbflt Farina. are to ho congrutulntnt. Thou- wbo contact «mm. the next two day. an: to he congratulated. and thin In why: HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED BY 33 South Main Street Telephone No. 184 There are more then 2,000,000 Round Oak Specialties in use rendering unusual service J. H. FRANKENFIELD You Are. To Be Congratulaled On Your Favorable Decision ' PLUMBING -- HEATING The young folks of Luce moQored to the {arm of Mr. J. Knrston, Sun- day evening to celobrate the birth- day annivm-sary of mm of the boys. ’l‘hry rupurt a wry goal time. RQUNDWOAK P The delegates from St. Paul's church have to the comention new: \Hmbcrt thefeld, Supexintemhnt 0f the school, Mt'sdumcs B. C. Weather- bce. and Louis Schuotz and the Miss- es Laura and Clara Selig and Clara. Elsiu and Emma Peters. Beside:- these there were twclw other mum-i hers of the congregation in atten- (lunch. fat the workers tn the parsonage next to the church. He fainted on the stairs, was carried to his room'aud put to bed and a doctor called. At first they feared for his life, but he recovewd. Mr. Stanger is still can- fined to hls bod and slowly improv-: ing. .-\ puma entitled “Clubbing :1 "us- LACE NEWS. LATE\TED GAS AND DI ST-TIGWI' CONSTRI CTION 'mouamr ruafic'e V ._.‘.. . . "c nnvwmlgt chat we have your siz‘é’iifi‘i'3aEms/emm" at the rem. writing further emphasizes the expediency of arranging an interview. Coukl we say more?‘ Surely the next move is yours. We would much prefer to have you an enthusiastic user next Fall than a disappointed {germ We are persuaded that ‘re will be a shortageâ€"possibly an entirn lackâ€"of these heating antenna late; The knowledge AL_A _‘ L, , licst possiblc‘ moment convenient to you. If it is not opportune for you to call, it you will phone us. we will have on! of-our representatives wait upon you at any time. and place that you maygetermine. 96w. ' Only In contracting nmv could to unsure bonu- warn nl' Ihi- ah-airlfll‘v m'nifl‘. 11w} mu nwiw all Hu- brnom al' the a-swr'mmn of train- ml Rmuul flak llrnlmr I'Inxiumvnu. wilhnul ammo. This: um Hr" L- in“: mlunbh- and tn bu- «kuirnl. ur mum Ir um mm.- m (hr lea-t exam-rating. let up pn- wnt the «wok-nor. Thoy Mw‘ mun-acted at tho- lmnt ponnilur law-Amt. fat "'21. W.- “in My Inform» )w comlu’iw adds-now 0m in true. Thu-y will .mw thoir nyntom installed u m- “me they d9- a5.y‘:..'_ 09ly_ byynmmting nmv could to unsure ham:- owns-n Mr. Henry Anderman and Prof. R. J. Schultz of Hinsdale, and their families visited last Sunday at the band" was given at the Hall. Mon- day evening for the benefit of the South Westmont school. mm and Curtis: 8mm Pl ' F FER I. ’II A; R L‘IACY Come in and let us supply you NOW with the ne- cessary preventatives. Prevention is easier than cure. We give SERVICE as well as quality, and we keep the PRICE down as low as possible. Come to US for it It is fully not to have on hand antiseptig nose, throat and eye washes, so as to stop an infectxon be- fore it gets a strong grip on you. Tell them you “Saw it in THE REPORTER." home of Wm. Andaman. ‘Mr. W Fowler was 19-9le Director of Lace School. W. Apia :9; 1m 1’09” 0

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