Downers Grove Reporter, 29 Apr 1921, p. 7

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Treasure Island Matinee, 3:30 The Young People's (‘lub of Saint Alum-u": chum-h are airing an ins-L Given by the School Children for the benefit of the Grade Athletic Association to Mr. and Mrs. Yurnovufiluah un- ro- ceiving congratulations. A daugrhwr wax ham to them Inst hid-4y. Mr. and Mrs. (‘lum Willard m' Uimm. spunt sunalay visiting friend- n-lntiu-s in Downer; “raw. Barnards Garden and Flower Souk in packages or bmk at Lvhmunn Michel's. Adv. Mrs. Lawrence Reger and mum. Harold and Jack, visited last Sunwly with her sister in Kenosha, Wis. The George Ructter family will move next week to Lafirunge, who” they will make their home. M. E. Coleman was in St Louis, Mo. last week on business connected with the Associated P1955. Miss Schanyon. of Chicago. spent last, Sunday as the guests of Miss Edna Finch. Mr. J. E. Replingcr and family from Chicago, aye now occupying their new home on Linscott avenue. The small son of Mr. and Mrs. 11.: W. Blyce is ill with diphtheria. . Mr H O. Woodmmi of Washing~ ton street. is enjosing his vacation 1 Non-Sectarlan Free for All Miss Marion Lower is ill at her home on Oakwood avenue. THE PEOPLE’S FORUM I! you need“. (onus. 18W. By on FRANK 1. SMITH Free Discussion. The Forum is thell’lace to Say What You Think. A L S 0 . LARRY SEMON in “SCHOOL DAYS” PREVENTION OF DISEASE Curtiss Theatre PERSONALS Thursday, May 5th ENEAS B. GOODWIN, MODERATOR Monday, May 2d, 8 p. m. u mum mm nun-um mmmua Mgnwoggmum «mamas. 1921 Mr .am! Mrs .Andm Domluvre han- rompkrtml their bungalow an tho. \n-s'. rml of Gilbert avenue um! urn now wlllml thew. Edward G. Lomun ('u.. haw sold to Hdwanl Blakslw (of the Associated l'n-ss. (”hit-ago. om" uf tln- wuodwl lob in Hungr" subdivision. ('mnnl Myers in "linuutil’ully 'l‘rimlm'ul" u! the L'ut'tiss 'l‘lK-atn- on m'u “Kuhn-May night. AIM? a lov- lurt- by Un- famous Hurt COWIII‘)’. a“. Mr. uml .“r‘. Hub. Hulk-r haw muvml fmm llu-ir UM hmnl- on Nonll .\l:l;n >tl'n-Ot. (u lhvir *umiful. mm-‘ rm hmm- I. <idl‘llt'v nn Highland :u'o.‘ Edward G. Lomun ('u.. haw soldj (inru- NEWSuapvr for Dcmlwrs (irou- l’ruple4â€"Nuhm'rilw. uuiy $2.00 per yrar. I “r and Mls. . Anderson nf Chi- flaw), \isité-d [M lSundm at tho homo {of MI. and MIs. C. A. Andmson I'.I ILune Place. Mrs. Chas. :L‘. Parks entertained the sewing club of which slu- is a number. at lwr home in Scruth l-‘ur- «it uvenuv. Tue lay uftornnon. f If Jup Plum, or ulIocIvI is respmh sibio for this continuous deluge, IIill aonly saw a. little foI June, \IlIen “0 “ill need it, IIe’ll all be thankful. f M15 A C Bult. of Oakwomls aw- lnue, is lowing twin} fm a mm mm ilH‘l non, Rm, in lIIdepI-mlunce. KzIII~ ~Mr. and I" ‘k ’7. Frankel and childâ€" rbn, of C) _,u, spent Sunday with the J. ”mum family in West (.‘ul'liss slu‘el. Duu’t forget-tluwo will be u muti- nce at the Curtis-s Theutrv next Tuus~ any and Thursday for the big pic- tums shown on those days. Lionel Bu mon- mw of the worlds 241$. > Otis Skinner in “Kismet" at the Curtiss Theatre Tuesday. Matinee at 3:30; evening 7:30 and 9:00. No in- cwase in the price of :ldmixsion. adv. tation dance this evening in Library greatest actors, will star in “Jim the Hall. ‘ Penman" at the Dicks Theatre, May ~0t_is gkiuner in “Kismet" at the 5th and 6th. Adv. 'l' H E REPORTER â€" .-\ Damn-rs Evening, 7:30 6 9:00 “v- . .ny n “'3‘."- 21““nowmm 615.3329“ Jam“: Thu Lucliox Aid Society of the ('(mâ€" mw‘uutinnal (‘huruh will nwet 'l'hurfi- day. May 5th at [:30 p. m. in tho church parlm's. All mumlwrs and frh-mls an- éonliully imitcd. NORTHSIDNRMHMARKH 1.»: a crook human or all bad? This question will lu- unuvvretl in "Jim the l'tnnmn" at tho chko Theatre ’l‘llurs- day. May 51h am! Friday, May 6th. Adv. The Junior Infant \Vélfm'o Com- mittm- will meet tu svw tin-“after- noon of 'l‘hursday, May 5th. with Mrs. Floyd E. Easton, 5! ‘North Forest uvemw. - It will pay you to spend a few minutes in our store seeing just what we have that will help on with your work. They don’t cost much but t ey save dollars and save work. Mgke a point of coming in today and seeing our Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Ostowig have pun-chasm! the house on'Saratugu avo- nuc now uccupyied by thb Eugene Seymour family and will move in sumo time after the first of June. The Junior Infant \Vélfnm Com-,‘ . Don’t make a dmdge of yourself when you can save hours of labor by using our modern household helpers. Light House Cleaner, 5c; 6 for ............. 25c Linn-For Fine Linens, small pkg, 8c; large 20c Ammo-Powdered Ammonia, per can ....... 10c Kirk's Hardwater Castile Soap, 9c; 3 bars for 25¢ Water Glassâ€"For Preserving Eggs, quart . .25c Milkâ€"large cans, 13c; small cans ........... 7c FERNDELL TEA-Oran e Pekoe and Coven- the best of its kindâ€"4A ., 25c; 1/2"). .50c Charge your mmuory with this factâ€"we give old rugs the new look. Phone 3.". Our driver awaits your Call. Mama. Adv, Mrs. Housewife: SATURDAY SPECIAIS ’l‘lw Congregational l’hilatlwa Class will moot the evening of Thursday, May 5th, with Miss Helen Downer. All members and friends of the class are cordially invited. 1 5th and 6th. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner How-land of Chicago, \\ ho purchased the new Deach place on Nolth Fowst menue, “ill occupy it next \\'.eek Wednesday, May 4th, 8:00 p. m. The Rev. H. L. Cawthorne HOUSECLEANING Spare Ribs, per pound ................ 15c Shoulder Hams, Approved Brand, lb ..19c Oscar Mayer’s Narrow Strip Bacon, lb 27c Georgia Square Bacon, per pound ..... 19c LegO’hmhmrmund .............30c Plate Corned Beef, per pound ........ 12¢: Sparsm'per ‘mnd - Pork 9, per pound ...... Pork Bu ts, per pound ......... Pot Rqast, per pound .......... The evening service on Sunday is now held at Eight O’Clock S. Andrew’s Church STEWART M. BURNS, Proprietor Telephone 2 Labor Savers i‘“ Fresh Groceriesâ€"Invest Prices MEATS for "insdalv Upholstering and Furni- tuw Repair Shop. All work neatly «lone at reasonable prices. Phone 635 The John Vonunls aw making :1 two "at building (mt of their hmm- on Highland avonuv and have already l'onu-«l the upstairs flu! tn the W. (7. (,‘ullmldur family who will occupy it suun as pasflbhn The Womans Society of the flap- tist church .w.iH hold their monthly mot-ting in the church parlors, Thurs- day, Mu) 5th. Luncheon will be ENT- 04! at noon. A barrel will be packed for Aiken Institute. who Daniels. Norma ’l'ulnmdgo. Wanda Huhlm. Hope Hampton and Chas. Rm we all booked to appeal at the DICkO Thcalw. Watch thr- uds. AdL Tho J. W. Nash family is moving into the honw on West (‘nrtiss stloot‘ “hich Mr. Nash n-cently pulchasod. The Chonev fumil), who hau- boon thing them, have mow-d into one of the Harbor flats on South Forost anal Miss Kathe: (.umuel, who has been attcnding the Chicago Cunscnuton‘ of Music and making her home in the \inuge, Ietuuwd Monday exon- iflg to lwr home in Denver, Colo. The Misses Mario and Alice Olson or and Donald. leave tomorrow night to spend their liver free of cha vacation in California. They will C. J. Winter “.3 visit with relatives and friends in Lodge A. F. Pasadena, Los Angelos and vicinity. owning “t the an DOWNERS GROVE.“ 1m... . fLionel Barrymore I“Jim the Penman” A L S 0 THURSDAYâ€".Rolin Comedy-“0h Promise Me” BRAY PICTOGRAPH FRIDAYâ€"2-Reel Comedy-J‘s“.- America First” FOR!) EDUCATIONAL WEEKLY there i:< no‘ turning backl THE TEMP’I‘ATION. “You have a genius for forgery," said the ter, a famous- international crook, to the yomm bank clerk. “You can your life struggling with poverty or you can do my bidding and gain nchos, everything the worM has: to ofier." And Jim the Penman was with the .~pl¢ndor of the world at his feet. and took the step from wflel LL‘,_ :u -_ n.._.-_ L__L That-8., May 5311 and F11, May 6th Ema-wing 7:3) 1 9:00. A L 8 0 PATHE NEWS FORD TRAVEL mm 2.3“: Christy Comedyâ€"“Shane the Queen” m 0" ma 0...: 0mm “mpy’m Ella“! Just when all looked dark- est, something whispered to him, “WAIT" How his patience was re- warded is depicted in a manner both exciting and entertaining. All star supporting cast with Martha Mansfield BELMONT AND FOREST AVENUES DOWNERS GROVE. [W EUGENE 0 , ...... V' ‘ GILDED LIBS- The Dicke Theatre 'l'ht' paitition Cuum‘il to val] sidvr ”winking other torrilot‘y ’l‘hv Legion is‘cnntvmplaling "put~ ‘ing on" a dance in NW near futuro. The date, pump. time. music and other featun‘s will bk announced later. Tho social committee thinks the time is ripzlu for unutlwr good limo. Eugene O'Brien and Martha Mans- fiohl. two “'le known and popular stax's.'will appear at thv Dicko Thon- trv, Saturday, April 30th, in “Gilded LEM.” Adv, ‘ C. J. Winter Lodge A, I", ‘ evening at the of that lodge Andmw Devin the lodge. .y'uuu' cw”. om 0v M n..-€uum} ,LMI J. "annex. Duo-nu- JLW Ward. Will call and do~ of chum. 11-34:. Saturday, April 30th was a visitor at Cicero A. M. on Tuesday annual Deacon's night asking the Village an election to con- in of Wes-{mom and to the village was His brothervin-lzi“; is Juniur [Macon of Friday, April 29th amuaaau.wum I'Iwnlngw‘lzm and 9:00 p. In. Admhulioa l6 ‘ 25c Including W. ‘I'. Ford Educational Weekly Two-Reel Comedyâ€" “All in the Air” It’s a great story and a great picture; Presenting a story of how a woman, after spending 20 years living down the conse- quences of a moment of fol- ly, finds the temple of right~ eousness which she has built about herself, cmmbl~ ing to earth. The “Civic Committee" of the Downers Grove Woman's Club will hold a "Pie Sale" on May 7th. (or like benefit of the cemetery work. All kinds of homemade pie will be on sale. Time and place will be aim ’in the next issue of the Reporter. The dandelion crop this year new to be a little better than the average. Some folks think this is a bless!!!" and some a curseâ€"ill! depending III!‘ which side of the prohibition line they stand. The little flower is getting to be a nuisance and unless immedlab steps are taken to curb the spread will spoil every lawn in the village. Don't miss the two-reel and, “ shown at the Dick: Theatre m Friday and Saturday. They In the best comedies obtainable and I M- an: one is shown each night. Adv. pmudlt‘hlw ., ,, Monday evening.‘ The M M election I‘ll? no! yet been pot.

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