Downers Grove Reporter, 6 May 1921, p. 13

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film we say even of n trifling gm, "It comes {rm n hand we love.“ and Ion! not so much at the am as at the hurt of the givenâ€"Martin Luther. any community in the state. All persons and organizations in- terested in the good road movement in minois are urged to interview or write to their Senators at Spring- reeommending the passage of 9M". Iinor objecfions to the bi“ greatly overshadowed. declares he association. by the benefits to be derived from the grouping of dif- ferent flames of roads in the state under one comprehensive system that will tend to unify hitherto conflict- ing interests. The bill will help Prominent highway officials and men who have devoted many years b the study of good aml bod mods More this proposed measure marks a pronouns! stride in the direction of progress in pulling Illinois out of flirt when cranked will greatly} A cM-k-up by tho (‘ompam show- “ Marisa 0f the SM“. TVN‘ dP-gnl that fifty-sewn! lmndml telephone Mm! will he vested with thfipoku- wpre ann mrr by "N? “ind. "0f .0 ”do"! 0* PNViSlMS "fill! many cases the lirtN bflween he motor vehicle ad on WINK Nth-E towns wpre entirely «1mm. involving VI)" of the state. ll also will cuse‘dz-smmion or approximately m-pmu tb nation of standard guide and sovrn miles of toll circuit. fining “8"! {0' “'9 dimflh“ and By working day and night since the mom.“ of motorists. “,Am .5. 1“].‘5... n“___u“ Alum the import-M pmvizions at this far reaching N", that will com Wise tho mama-mm. patml and all-ling at highways in lliimis. at- those; ”at (he the downtime!" of Mil: Work and BinMinge pawn fiirh when PIPMQV’ will (math .1 Marina of the state. The dr Until the mods an» tahn mar by the all“. they air ln‘h under mn- trol and dind ,euprnision of ”w county hauls and. in a... m-m. Hm mimics are requirrd to maintain and unit than. 7m 5m punk." m a» damn} I!“ 0! Pub“: Works and Building-l tiling over Ibo manta-amp. patrol: Old marking of federal aid. stab] Ml hrs-e and sink aid mmh ai' M as (he mosqu- appmvriatiom; in WI and IM- pm-m! My Inna! nu‘n! of piecemeal mint». 9"" and 0. «Inactiv- will In inln If IN:- llll m.- I i... a. I“ mum pom: out. a "manna. fin nnhm of mm flight”: will Ion-u N". due to con:- up far a “no. In "no Soul: at Springfield soon. In I bulk"- nn! out by an "Ii-oh Sula MIMI! Amati-um laudab- and I" 00w" inhmted Motor which Sum-No. In mm- all are urged to curt than llama- hmmemofthmm 8-]. an: WW Liv-Cull" ”duc- um. Pam! and Hulk: 0‘ Nights”. STATE AUTO ASSN. URGES SUPPORT OF MEENTZ ROAD LAW The series has been an unqualifinl sun-cm from the start. Spousoml by the community, the profits will b:- dovotod partly to the Libnry and partly to the Fiw Truck Fund. Thu clam» {or 1: mon- vlabonle 5m» (run for next when” an- ml. ‘ The mannm‘r of tho bumau which supplied the talent for the svrios was present. He explained lo the mull- ence the failure of Miss Maxwell to keep her engagement. llv told of his struggles to socun- another nnv is! to take her place anal how Miss Johnson had made u flying trip from Detroit to be hero. He was pro-l (use in his apologies am! said mm‘ he “mush! tho :itunlion «lemumlml NI pvt-moo to explain mam-rs. Minna Krowkosky charmed with three group.‘~ of songs on the violin. She ix an urtirt of law ability am! drew from the strings melodies one had no Men wore them. Opera Star. were disappointed as a sudden illness made it impossible for Miss Maxwell to appear. Substitut- ing for her was Miss Lois John-1 son, Elsa a soprano who more thaw made up for the non-appearance of Miss Maxwell. Miss Johnson gave practically the same program announced with a few ceptions. She was very well re- ceived and made a decided impros. sion on the audience which filled the theatre. Accompanied by Miss Sylvia Barman, who substistutcd l'ur Hubert Carlin. Mixs Johnson wa: wry gener- ous with her encorvs. Those who attended the final num- ber of the Musical Extension Series at the Dicke Theatre on Tuesday to hear Margery Maxwell. famous Grand F‘s-cu Open Stu Umblc to Sing ' Here Tuesday Because of Sudden “has. 1.018 JOHNSON SUBSTITUTED FOR MARGERY MAXWELL My: most luxurious tnvellng facilities. wlme other friends vied with one u- ether to make the tour comfortable. human. and instructing. C... van more popular in America luring his life than in England. Whoa banter visited the Unltad State; in 1882. his fame and Influence were no Occurely establish“ that on. admim «tel-ed to pay all the expanse. Incur- red by the philosopher on his trip. and heads of railways oii’erad him the i It is estimated that the stor’m mat [the Telephone Company in excess of $500,000. The arm invoked wn :- ‘tmt one hmdml miles north Ind south, extending across the state in a northeas’m-ly direction. approxi- mately north of Peoria. The Inn! service. except for (semi: tamer lines. has been generally restored and the to" service is rapidly being res- tored. By working day and night since the storm. the Telephone Company's cn‘ws have been able to restore ser‘ rite tn 3 limited degree to practi- cally all points in the state. Lad Saturday's storm was an ex- rvnsiw am '0? 0w "Hm“: R0" Tele- yhmn‘ Company. “"thva Handful I‘d" Dataâ€"â€" ”no; Mum Tawn- Arc Noun 1"]. SATURDAY‘S STORM EXPENSIVE TO THE ILL. BELL PHONE (‘0. In on!" that than may-ho I that mum Mum the Chm-n um um and Chm: firm. I have al- IM «mum to "me fun-lama“! ho- lirfn «f "or Christian "Hm 'Mdl Christan Sckm Mics: vim. "n- l‘omuullly of Cal, "w (”tinny of Josu- Chflst. and "w ofl'incy al' pray" Om Poul-r In Am. lam Spencer. the ”t pullou- Ham. Ind the RM "on. Ind a" (bolt dokeubk Mb:- wm pan out In- to MAN-(In... whom 0.01 am. Mutual! Wacky-fa" “AIM M "masks! no to In 3 Chris“.- 3d- ”fist." "h: motto fin lm Ind kw «Mom on mu". The vaniuhiua pom! of «mum tn Ion-um In m'u them»- In domain. or" It.“ 0! mm when that “numbing point” in ruch- «I. we will not "w in Mason; we w"! «Om-o no an; no will at no food: we will war no (lockout Par nil than malarial IN.” haw M n- Irny; or rather, thy nor" MIA-(ed. Thou. oh than. we cu dw Old II. (I. I.. "In many in M. And tho Cull Dr. Tutt denim the (‘Xirtt'nfl‘ of muttvr. “Matter,” he says, “has been c-xpoM‘OI by ('hristlun Sch-Im- as mcnk ily human bclic'f." “A fulw concept,"‘ ’us it were. You have no home; you‘ ,morely bellow you haw. You own 1m» car; you only think you do. And ‘w on an] absunlum. Ht- graciouuly confesses, hown-«r. that 'Chrixtlan Seiontixts wear clotluw, eat food, and hunt their humes " But. all these In nou-«xsiutentâ€"â€"merc “human beliefs.” Mm making this (amnion to the alumni belief in tho clifitom of Inn- trn'ul thing», he uhyn: “The (Shrinuan Scientist h putting all «lully thr old. thr malarial Inn! in putting on the new. the npiritunl. i l Dr. Tutt don‘t-s the divinity of JOâ€" >'u.\ Christ. "0 refers tn “tho pun~ llu-istic dogma that Jt-sus was God." But in John 3:16, Jesus speaks of Himself as “thv only-begotten Sun of God." Either ln- spvuks tht- truth nr ht- wax an impostm: j Principle is abstract. How can the abstract function except through thp concrete â€"â€" a personality? Inferen- tinlly, he denies the efficacy of pray- er. But Christian Scientists pray. Why? What uso of addressing a player to an abstraction? Who would think of praying to tho multiplica- tion tabla-1’ \ Dowuers Grove, Ill., April 26, ”21. Editor, Reporter: As you gave a large amount. of your space last week to Dr. 'I‘utt’s lecture on Christian Science, I am sure you will accord me a small cor~ iner this week for some observations [thereon Thank you. ; Dr. Tutt denies thc personality of God. “God is Prlnciple." But there are many princiglesâ€"Jruth. justice, Mercy, Wisdom, power. Are there then many gods? If not, which prim (‘iple is God? We take no mmibilty for any- thin] written in letters to The Re- porter. All we require is that com- munlcalions Be signed. No atten- tion will be given to anonymous let- ters. ‘ Very ln'y. Wiltiam A. “'1!th of of I)!‘ “h. I. Siam? Vial“ with an [unify of Ru. N. R. Rood .3 South Chicago luv! Pdvhy. nan. Bob thou. Walter Bum. Ruth Lana-t". lulu Inter. lurk Olm. Mk. Oil-on. Von Fny. Ana "at. Chum Hui, amt. Parr-r. [Man Can-nut", M £0th. "ohm Thatch". mu WW. Eda. "mphm. Ir. ml "no. CHM. [fiddler [an a may lull scum!" In honor a! the {canto Hubby o! the" daughter. Gertrude. Thou pm! m the (alluring: Ear! Prim. Lucy Okt- Y‘, aged 0] years. Mr. Nnnmon- ha» whim] been at dtfiemut time» and will he nmemhcml by the old mick-nu of Dorm-n- vae and Link. 2830 South Main st. Mrs. John Stanley and Mn. L. P. Nammore waived Tuesday the new: of (he «lath of their only surviving uncle. C. A. Naramon. In Troy, N. LEHMAN N 8 MICHEL’S STORE, 28-30 80. C. S. Hughes who has purchaxecl the Broth Hanlwam Stow, will move here with him family this week. 'l‘lu- (loath of Miss Jessie Cmuw, daughter of Mr. J. ('rouso of East Grow, ocruwd a! UN home of her piste-r, Mm. W. l.. Humphrey at Wmllinmon. D. ('.. April 25th. Mi» Croum- was a sister of Mm. J. “I; Wm-lvy and MN. M. Skinner of East Crow and of the Rev. I". C. (Irousc. If you are erecting a larger place We’ll SAVE YOU MONEY 11 you LET US FIGURE WITH YOU _â€"_- If you are onl{vputting up a temporary home, you don’t have to go to the city to supply yourself with just a few shades;l e carry a stock of almost anything you want in shades Come in and let us show you what u... tun... .â€" we have: 0râ€"â€"â€" 22 Yl-ZVHKS .\(.‘l) IN T“ E REPORTER The above item is from the Repor- ter of the issue of April 27, 1899. and wouM In- ('onaidvrml “.mnw" xpwwl cum in thi> ago of speed. Sunday night the Burlington fast mail, No. 15, made the run from Chi. tag-o to Burlington, 206 miles in 19:! minutes. The train left Chicago at ‘9:58, twenty-eight minutes late, and 1arrived in Burlington' at 1:17 Mon- day morning. five minutes ahead of‘ time. Twelve minutes was taken up in stops. making the actual running time 187 minutes. This is the swift- est run ever made between these two points. The train was drawn by onâ€" gine 1215, Engim-(rr J. E. Kelly. THE. PLACE TO BUY Your Window Shades, Porch Shades, Curtain Rods and Fixtures Congolenm Rugs, Linoleum: and floor Coverings - Draperies 432 So. Main st. Burlington Mail Mule Record Run Twenty-Two Years Agoâ€" Other Items. SOME SPEED THIS, EVEN IN AGE 0]" SPEED From Rho i>.~m~ of April REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A FEW CHOICE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE A FEW DESIRABLE IMPROVED HOUSES '. H. BLODGETT REMEMBER â€"â€" WE HANG SHADES Isa!) "lug TORNADO LIABILITY INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY We have a deep and abiding faith in mankind. We believe that people. confiomm'l suddenly with :| problem on which tin-y must make a decision between right and wrong, instimn tivoly ("lmust‘ the right 'l‘hm‘v haw- bcnn in Hip \‘illum- in the past and Mr. R. IBac-thkv is trying to drive a Ford truck. Alvin Knapp, who spent a week's vacation at his gmmlmothcr's, Mrs. Andermann. has returned to his home in Chicago. At. the election held at the Luther League on Wednesday evening the following officers wore elected: Al- bert Schultz, President; Arthur Zorn, Vice-President: ‘Malinda Andcrmalm. Secretary; John Karstvn, Treasurer. CARPENTER (‘0.V’I‘RAC’I‘0R All Wurk Guaranteed llkldaugh Aw. I’. 0. Box 751 INIWNERS GRUVI‘Z. ILLINOIS Chiraguvul’honu Wabash 62m win, Tuesday, April 26th, a son, Ro- bert Arthur. Lih- Accidrnl ()ch Lim- (‘ompunfi's . Sure! 3' Honda (‘om pensul Inn WALTER S. OTTO EVEIH THING IN INSI'RANCF LUCKY STRIKE cina refle Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mar- l)m\'nw ~ (.rm: GEORGE A. FOSS LACE NEWS We can shade any size Window or Building and Do the Hanging Phone24 l'hmw HIV.“ m now various tumors which and to blacker: the chm-acts" of certain of our citizens. Before repenting any of these stories which come to your notice, investigate; don't sim- Befom buying a light ca see ‘he 11 NASH FOUR-«M .475 deliveted The popularity of the NASH SIX with ownen is due to its all around dependability. Its NASH PERFECT- ED VALVE in head mom! is a disâ€" tinct achievement in motm engineering and is unusually powerful and veconom: ical. Let us give you a demonstration. St. Joseph’s Church VVINDOW SHADES Ascension of Our Lord SERVICES EVERY EVENING IN MAY Dependability Owners Like The VICEâ€"£3 BY REV. ENEAS B. GOODWIN NASH SIX Because of Mother of St. Augustine A Christian Mother SUNDAYâ€"40:00 A. M. SUN DAYâ€",8 :00 P. M. St. Monica The Christian Hope ply nun them. adding a few and jecturca of your own thereby on" bellishing the tale. Idle gossip never does good. Swat it As you would I fly.

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