Downers Grove Reporter, 6 May 1921, p. 14

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MM By WILLIAM A. RADFORD. Ilr. Willlam A. Radium will answer cautions and give advlco FREE OF 009? on all subject. perulnlng to the “bloc! of hulldlng, for the readers or ”III ”per. 0» account 0! his wide experlence u Edltor, Author 1nd Munul’aclure he .- cal-u", null-v- -.n. .__ _ __. ll, Without doubt. the hlghest nu orlty on all than some”; Address all lnqulrles Go Wllllam A. Hadron]. No. 18:7 Prglrlo avonue, Chlcuzo. UL. and only lncloso vaoem llamp {or reply. m an I" through Ibo «Mum ht. died Hauling their M Thu I. IN beauty of homo omnhlp. (In I: [In {awn that min I: n mum to m maul-M vellu- and m of III, onto; 0- 0! Ibo not! ulndln numb III! an In and h hon. mm“ Home u Built of Hollow Tile With Stucco Exterior and Presents a Very Appealing Pictureâ€"4‘0! Expensivo (0 Build. STllflfifl HflME llf, PLEASINB LINES When the Word “home" Is men- tioned today It Immediately arouses the intense interest of most people. lbr uppermost In the minds of hun- dreds of thousands ls the question 0! where they are going to llve. Bulld» in: ha: been at I ntaudstlll slut-e be- Many Attractive Features Are Seen in This Design. bu the wnr. Rents have been soar- “ until they have reached a polut when many cannot pay. Natunlly they turn to the thought which they had Ignored years before. v11. that d buying or bulldlhg I home. Once cut-blinked In a houte of their own. ROOMS ARE their won-loo over landlords. in« M nuts. em. can. And in view of the shortage existing today an people than we before an giv- ing the Men of buiidinl 3 “home of your own" very uriono consideration. A Inna who owns hi- home in pot ii- “. to become a Roi-min. on the century in i- more (in: liabio to bo- w a very William cilia-n min. on Iciive inimfl in civic u- hin and jealously Win. the inter- nal at his cam-unity. No one eve: woo! to war over a binding how. 0-0 "we Mud: up" to a wry rim- nan of imvmt In sum. «the? Immu- or ponlnnd mun". 11m nun-rial mm hu- nppuod equally sat- cemfufly mvr frame. hoflow mt. hflrl or mm" "M Tho mum" hm that» In "w mv‘mvnnylnl Illustm. mortar and [mum- I wry phasing and awn-all". plrmro. «no mu wlll don-ml mo thflun 01 "on aim-rm in" is lmin u! haunt Im- wlth Mum Wkot 1'le Muse I: mm on square "on van a My foul. a up? of arc-Imam" that has-many adv-mam (In mast pmmlnmt who being In economy In an. The" are rm sped-l alcoves of h, wmdml'! that requlre modal 'orl. rnd mm!” the mat «m not mount up "no large figures. One at the striking feat-m of this mg- I; the «an parlor at one skis. It Is tumble (m the «Md. through artistic French door: which use also found In the living ms. On m hm floor are three lam and dlmng room. Ind kitchen. The "wing room ls l great spacious mom. 15 feet 0 Inches by 28 feet de- med m be the rec-mum center Ind m - in- --1 nag-ul- "law u. n "n .V room a! the “wily Ind friends. At one side In an open brick uremic. ”01!th endanredoonwithauv pulmonary amen: rundown. This ”on extends the full depth of the It In mend from the recep- aon hnfl which also opens Into the dining room on the oppoalte nude. This run I. not quite as large n the “V. humblinmlefyrtheneedsofl all mm. It opens Into the sun ”not through French om. Direct- ”Knomrofthln‘rmhm m. malady done by ll 0 LIGHT AND AIRY the living room. smnll breakfast pool: where Internal meals can he served wlthout much trouble. There ls also a munll lav- atory at the end of the recomlon bull. Upstairs the ulceplng rooms are lo- cated. four In all. One bedroom opens out onto a balcony own the sun pur- lor. These bedrooms are all or about the same size, 15 fuel 0 lnclws by 12 foot. and have wludows on two Shh-s. Very often hi the construction of a honul the wnlllmlun fm'lllllos of lhe alwplng rooms urn 0"1'rlo0kl5d or not (aka-u euro of. 'I'IIIH. howevq-r, Is not lhe case in this dwelling. liuvh bod- ”armor" at N-r mm": to ho OM" {awffl In the us- of flu- nmmmd 'M to (up II "no "My In. but ta nu nunâ€"m! W mnnucd Io mr- 1-; H: mm. and aunt in her dos-Ir find mm to dimlvlng this an In room has splendid lighting and venti- lation facilities A supply of fresh air circulates through the rooms at night. ( “Accordlng to present reports from all parts aroma country a real bulld- n- "w '_. ._ In: boom is under way. Muny dia- putes over waxes and building mate- rial pricel have been amicably settled and work which has been held up {or several years is getting under way. In this town as well an in many oth- er: the boating problem has been the leading one (or moat peoulo. That ll why there will be a glad High of relief when work actually starts again. The time to get the design of the house you want is now. and u a suggestion. the beautiful, immaculate white stucco boon ahown here in hard to heat. It embodie- wanton. charm and convenâ€" 1m. mm easentlala in a happy um. “who Aunt Iary wow launch». [or Dwflm of “M Tooth." keeper. she {a constantly lulu; about alter m mum to an mu nor,- "an; I- dug and lo m. A .A- LIA .n. mm mama: Ind an. Mn N" «autumn-becoming“- Manama-untoward- unmly mend with I M can! at mat. a. had unwind no This confirm"! mm m day. to nnm‘s musvatln; distant sin Mp- pt-vml Into (M many just a: 1 mm M tun-r mm «unwound Into the wrunfi mmuh and n» spoon n! Ming "mm hark Into the how‘.-â€"- lmlllmapoflsl News. Good in: for Airpiam Thlfly-ihm par 0"“ of (he 1% Tons! lire- sight"! and "period inst your by ninrinnm operated from Sac- rlmemo. "at. by the [fnifed Suites forest IBM". were located within a runner of a m". of the exact pinto. as was lam drier-lined hy actual "my! an the (nu-ml Ton pr «mt at the Mini nnmher of Mn was dis» covered by the air palroi before the LOST "PETITEâ€"FOR SUGAR rang": “re "rare of mm. Forty- nro per cent tn reputed by rudlo. while planes ware In the III‘. Md” loan; as runners. the planes were used to dine! fl". fighting operations and to patml fire Hm which were hunt but needed watching. If the plane: reported a "no to be dear. the are lighter: were kept at work firm". but If tho observn re. ported am the fire had bruit-n any. nfomofmenmldbemnhedmthe not It m. Ohm cutie: Wreck cm. The modern child had Its Inning- the 0th" day In a theater It Hallo. Gamay. A mpeny had been brought from Hutch to give e matinee pertannlnce of a fur, play and the theater was packed with children. They, however. considered the piece silly and the scenery and dresses Inadequate. linking a tremendous uproar. they demanded their money back. By the time the police arrived and cleared the theater. the children had hmten up most of the cents. Not Worried. Floâ€"{1! l were to die you‘d never get nnother husband "to me." Sheâ€"“What makes you laugh: I mould em want another like you" â€"lmdon flan, Aunt Ilary In an magma how.- Second Floor Plan. Downs GROVE REPORTER. DOWNERS GROXE ILLINOIS from @QDKKYARD (Corny-113m Western NewsB'apt-r Union.) I know (our men and one woman who actually have acquired aban- doned farm lands in the East, with the idea that they are going to re- juvenate those farms and grow healthy and wealthy in the process. Also, I am acquainted with about nineteen more people who have the same idea, but have not yet backed it up with their money. How many times have you thought you would like to do it yourself? There is a fatal fascination in firming {or most city peOplo who hove had an opportunity to become mouninted with the plenum side of this oldest of the arts. Al everyone known, the East and the South are full of once profitable farms, which have been nctunlly deserted by their owners, because they could not make 0. living and pay taxes from the {will of the soil. These anndoned farm can be counted. literally, by the thousands. They no a fur to look upon a they ever were, save {or the crow. not! some of them an be pnnhued. building. 1nd nil. for the value of the back taxes. Mons» comes I newnpopor tumor tolling no of the wonderful pouibilv itiel of bringing these Inna. bnck to their original fertility. or even bot- tar, by plowing deeply. "tamer inl- lowln‘. crowing clown. green mn- nnring. nnhnoilinx. oynnmiung. buy- ln. 'teriiliur. nnd my other meth- ods. Tho railroad. serving tn!- “0 ritory. nnd even the out. nutboritiu. nro doing everything in their power to get thou lnndn under profltnblo evaluation min. on hero lien nut venlth, it it an only no properly but“ 3 won out (no In I won mum. mr I good city. (or about at u an. ad by enrol-l. och-ale (lulu all. A Mm and 3t tho um flue Inc-mu (to pro- ductivity of the toll to a point when I: b ml 810. u «:20? Ian-(lot. m a. «my and guinea at the m who We. no job. Rum can b- unt-M to the laid out" and out)" {hug “gag o! the other two [Elm-t plant Might“... and not worry our u. Incl In 00 won no“. I! pull MNMbovma-Idnmun I such non amon- «mun. ba- ssoon they um! ha parental. and I- may cuoo lb. coat 0! (he mum will con! no "In of (M m no man an “datum net I an nut to WM Io um long for melts. Ind work hard rm. he run, It cannot In done well by HM bob nth-fly. and null mecca In a matter of "an. Won: so". which «III ”we: un- mmy Qo ma Dick In I ""1th good ll- vutmt u "u! rrnlnr pm... and lit with“ way In Mun no“ tom coll. he! lo a man» Mel" MI! in to fun-d Ibo: the m" manna to make men when "on an: you In "mu. m In mum. put on all of m- Mmyud name. and hm Ind" .11 of (he [not clover crops that you ’0”!th can. "any a arm has curled n dairy on we! a Iona, buying moot of his food, and bmgm the land but to tntlllly with the manure (m the dam herd. Keep Annlwlee. The hepoieet household. are those that do not let die out the sentiment connected 'ith various ennlverwiee. Although gift giving of recognition of such events in n enitehie vny may be out. 0! the qneetion owing to the emit- ened eitcntnetucen of thone “within the “tee.” there one yet he e little air of festivity when mother'e or father'- hinhdey cones roe-d or none needing ennlvernnry I- to he ceiehntet An elm lieh, e little hunch of lovers at none Ipeciel music venue! for the occasion will show the hindiy epirit end the loving remembrance that count fer more than the money nine of any gift. As the chiidren grov In. if theee feetlnie ere encouraged. they will have lunch to loot fornrd to end much more to remember in the yen! to come when they go out to do heme with the world end Ind thet nentilnent ie crushed under foot end election is quot, nearly drunk n glut of clun- me In lam-ta for M- favorite who unlo lllce. To A young lady who natural to quh him on this ooutretenpn me other day. It. Bryan a“: "l tel! Mghtfully guilty and do- mved as l put down the chum. when I had no nearly drunk. I felt quite like old Bong. "Old Banker. you know, van! on day to buy A mini“. The dam of- lered him I knife with four blue. find a corkscrew. but he refused It. saying: " 'Noâ€"tho. Gimme knife with- useâ€"48m cork-cm: and a blade! " miniâ€"mm» Courier-1mm]. ‘lw'boVu-ISeoV- 0! Inc. a "II-u do: THAT ABANDONED FARM. "Nanci. I'm an" on the mad ‘-6{:r"ieop'omlbnmeu gun be heavy." “‘30 “a I, Gertrude.“ PROEJWILLN DQLTIIL Tm Soak". m the ”album“ 0! r to M0 lam (mu. m. nucn-wnulary ...... M. Venard Louis Callahan ............. A. 8. Snow ................ William Bender ............. Harry W. Bryce ............ Charles Ballet .............. l. 6. Beam: ................ W. C. Barber ............. .- C. Fonl Davin .............. Den. 0! Public Allin P. Nelsonâ€"Sal.â€"Pkwnys ..... 8. Buck“: .................. OFFICIAL PRO- CEEDINGS OF THE ' VILLAGE BOA RD Old Ofl'icialn Are Re-Appolnted at Meeting Mondny Night Beside Regular Routine. Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Downers Grove, Ill. Present at roll call Mayor W. C. Burâ€" bes and Commissioners Bender, Hal- ler, Bryce and Henrtt. Minutes of the meeting of April 25. 1921, were read and Commissioner Hullcr moved to approve same. 0n roll call Commissioners lluller, Ben- der, Heartt, Bryce and Mayor Bar- ber voted Aye. Nays none. Motion carried. Commissioner Hear". presented the semi-monthly pay roll for the period from Apn‘l 15 to April 30, 192), and various bills, and moved to approve same and have warrants drawn for the several amounts as follows: PAY ROLL April 15 to April 30. 1921 Dept. of Accounts 8: Finances Chas. M. Hitch-Salary ..... 370.00 M. Venard ................. 57.50 Louis Callahan ............. 57.50 A. 8. Snow ................ 7.50 William Bender ............. 4.2! Harry W. Bryce ............ 4.21 Charles Ballet .............. 4.21 I. 6. Hear" ................ 4.21 W. C. Barber .............. 10. 34 Ola Irvin ............. Extra lime 12 hour: . Wilher Dunnâ€"811w Extra umo ...... H. C. HIchâ€"Slluy End Within .......... Extn NM 23 Mun . Andrew Shah". IN hm. Frank Auraâ€"Salary UQ'. OI at!!!“ I rum": 1-, -,_ ._ P. Nelson (8tmu)-â€"â€"Salary $23.00 Nine No. 17 .............. 303.75‘ 5. Budxik .................. 32.00 Light new. Public um” mos‘ Dept. of Public Property Pumping Bill ............ “3.69 H. L. Thompsonâ€"Salary 00 0:: roll all Commissioner: Hunt. 01. Irwin .................. 66.00 Hall". Bender. Bryce Ind luor Exm lime 12 hour: ...... 9.12 Barber voted Me. My: none. It.» Wilher Dunnâ€"811w ........ 60.00 lion «fried Emu umo ........... 0.50 (Tommi-winner Bender moved to w H. C. Hicksâ€"sum ,,,,,,,, 00,00 point I. 6. "an! Commission" of End Within ............... 67.50 Account: 3nd Hum: {or use you Extn Mm 23 hours ...... 19.32 1%]. 0:: roll all all voted Aye. Andrew Shah". IN hn. labor 52.M‘Noflou carded. Frank Micaâ€"Salary ........ 95.00 Commissioner Ham moved to w 0.9!. 0! Am- . m pom Willhm Bender Comb-loan Petty Cub, April god. ...... 8 twin! Sheet: at! Public lmpmwnh Addnmgnph (30.. Bill A3560 Laa for the war I92I. lotion aniod. Bill No. ”I918 .......... 1.56 All \‘Mtng Aye. I. W. um. MIMI»: Co.. 5-! 1.75, Commiumr "all" moved to .9- J. D. filling“. 0: Co.. 5-! .35 pom! Hurry W. Bryn leMoatr Damn 6m Pub. (‘0. 6-! 32.75 0! Pub": Property {or the you ms. Day. 0! Pub“: All!” Mutton «MM. All mun; Aye. Downer- Grou Pub. (‘o., 5-! 822.00 (‘ommudmwr firm moved to ap- Nelsonâ€"Sal.â€"Pkwnys Budu'k ................ In the vision of our in: all of our most lofty ideals. But when we sto long enough to realize that it is the small units within a thing that makes t e thingâ€"t en all home builders of Downers Grove (and those who are contemplating coming here to live? will comprehend the impor- tance of utmost care in the selection of all em] and large parts which go in. Builder’s hardware is important. Be it a doorknob, hinge or screw, there is character in it which tells your friends just what you and your home are. m- n... mm .omimd this sm-imz to supply all the discriminating home Builder’s hardware is important Be it a aoornnon, nmge ur suew, ulcu: builders of this community. When building remember that we are always at your service. If you are a regular customer of ours you probably know what we handle in the hardware line. If you are a stranger to the community we invite your patronage and will do all in our power to make new friends, old friends. Among the many things we handle will be found the following: I’ nnmnnmnfl FEED FURNACES Among the many things we handle will be f0! LAWNMOWERS FEED GARDEN TOOLS GOLD MEDAL FLOUR CHICKEN WIRE HOUSEHOLD CHICKEN FEED UTENSILS OIL STOVES KITCHEN WARE GASOLENE STOVES ALUMINUM WARE PAINTS -â€" OILS BRUSHES COAL COAL STOVES Our prices are the lowest and the MER’I‘Z known throughout the community as being fair to you of these 36 South Main Street Struts I Public (8tmu)~Snlary ‘m‘mnmmmmm $70.00 57.50 57.50 7.50‘ 4.2L 4.21 4.21 ‘ 4.21 ‘ 10.34 . 15.00 816.00 18.00 l-p. Len] Adviser Pub. 00.. H. C. Ford Duvir-SubElection J.R.Foswr ......... .. Harold H. Clarke .. ....... C. Ford Duvir-El.â€"Election J. R. Foster ......... Harold H. Clarke .. ........ L. A. Cox .................. W. D. Herrick _, ............. W. D. Herrick _, ............. Dept. of Health Surety Petty Cash, April acct. ....$ Edgar D. Otto, Bill 4-14 . . . . Petty Cash, April acct. ....$ .20] Edgar D. Otto, Bill 4-14 . . . . 05.601 Bill 5~2 ............... 2. 102.331 Lord Lumber Co., Bill 4~25.. 400.00 J. D. Gillespie Co., Bill 5-1 3.55 Fred Heinkcâ€"Salary-Fire .. 16.00 Famous Clothers, Bill 4-5 .. 30.50 Dept. of Streets Improvements Iluschman 3208., Bill 5-2 ...$168.00 Mertz Mochel, Bill 4-1 7.25 John McMahon, Bill 5â€"1 .... 184.00 J. D. Gillespie (30.. Bill 5- Edgar D. Otto, Bill 4â€"15 . Dept. of Public Properly Petty Cash. April acct. ..... $120.16 Standard Oil Co., JBill F72321 3. 30 J. D. Gillespie Co., Bill 4-30 105.00 Bill 5-1 .................. 9.90l Fred Heinke, Bill 4-2 ....... 68. 93 Lutllow Valve Mfg. Co., 4- 18 6. 58] Raymond Load Works, 4-12 40 00 l I The Texas Co., Bill No. 44 .. 365. 66 Monarch Electric Wire Co., Mill No. 74610 ...... - ..... 25. 20 Bill No. 74709 ........ 6. 82 Bill No. 74645 ........... 135.00 Bill No. 74097 ............ 84.28 H. Mueller Mfg. Co., 13951 .. 22.03 Sinclair Refining Co., Bills No. 285017 .............. 75.97 Bill No. 285026 .......... 32.83 Bill No. 284581 ........ .. 101.06 Kidwell Garage Co., Bill 4-3! 117.33 Western Electric Co., Bills Bill No. JVD 808780 40.74 ‘ Bill No. GVD 822988 ...... 31.60 V. l-‘mlenhagen, May nut .. 80.00 11! Bell Tel. Co., Bill 5-1.50 \Busch Sulzcr Engine Co. .. inspiration, home is a grand spot which encompasses , April acct. . .. .3 tto, Bill 444 3r Co., Bill 4-25.. A pie 6’; Co., Bill 5-1 eâ€"Salary-Fire nthers. Bill 4-5 .- .41 400. 00 10.97 MOCHEL SERVICE is to all. A trial will convince carried. All voting Aye. Commissioner Hear“; moved to ap- point A. B. Snow Village Attorney for the year 1921. Motion carried. All voting Aye. Commissioner Bender moved in up- point C. Ford Davis Village Trees- urer for the year 1921. Motion on!“ ried. All voting Aye. Commissioner Holler moved to ap- point Michael Venard Chief of Po- lice for the year 1921. Motion car. ried. All voting Aye. Commissioner Heller moved to up 1point Louis Callahan as night polioe¢ :man for the year 1921. Motion arâ€" ‘ride. All voting Aye. I Commissioner Heartt moved to or {point Chas. M. Hitch Village Clerk {and Collector for the year 1921. Mm ‘tion carried. All voting Aye. Commissioner Holler moved to ap- point Henry C. Dicke Chief of Fire IDepartment: for the year 1921. ‘1‘ tion carried. All voting Aye. Commissioner Bender moved to ad- journ to the next regular meeting date May 9th, 1921. On roll call Com- missioners Bender, Bryce, Heller, Heartt and Mayor Barber voted Aye. Nays none. Motion carried. , â€"_ .n- m _ l ELECTRIC WASHERS HAND WASHERS WRINGERS LUNCH KITS Liquld soap lor cunning Carp“. Take two burs of while soap chopped line and melted in one can a hot water. Wiwu almost mid. add a Inwprui or ammonia. When ready to cash or «tub slu- ml’nél. 90! I no- No other Into the mixture. Keep It reii corked and mid halt 3 mph! of the mini". to I large wilful o! tepid run-r. It mains a powerful inner. Winn the «rpm on with clear Imus. Imlno Scum on Palm. In the renuvmlon of an mm m yum-n labor I: In mm tho old pun". which Im- tonne!!! m by hand .1 a considerable «ml. at mm and labor. TM: II '0' var- toth by a mlrlllne which do. a. 7~~_ -_A goal In '- vory mmm WV "uh-III. mum, Inn a nu. hum-I, n n» am an to I!“ mum Ilm lm‘o to map. ht m un- In puma uâ€"co null-lull It ‘0 Mn plum mun «If-MIN: h m *m I! In mm. In milieu. in an end 9- sum and Ibo MINI. fill ya do u Mamâ€"C. Mm mm a PM The- mrmr 0! who!“ or W m. .m: amt mum-Sod ”My" "gm I." mu. ..m. mum. in nun-a n um" l'nmwdl mum {431mm Village Clerk.

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