Downers Grove Reporter, 6 May 1921, p. 15

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vMAKES A PLEASING PICTURE whim Bungalow Has Charm and Appeal All Its Own. Uppermost tn the thoughts of most funnies todny ls the question of home -â€"where they 5W0 ltveâ€"how much It wlll costwuud wlll [ht-y Mable to my. Thousands are pracllmlly fuc- lug evlctlou upon the explrutlou of melt prescnt lenses In May. 'l‘helr mu have been mused to a point when they can no longer pay and live. so they must move. L‘ousequem. l, they are In a nerve-racking dilem- nn. The possibtllty of tlu-lr getting n new flat at u watchable nte Is very alt- utd they are t‘oufmutt‘d with u slut-thin thut dun-mt: I‘Ulhllllt’mllltl thought and worry. Matny or them an lumlnx to u sure source 0! MM, buying I home. In I bottle of their own their worth»: over n-nts. land- lords. Inn-u. cm. venue. 'l'lwy how-nun Wat rmuu» of I uunumnlty; not wumh-rlng autumn and Inn dwel- Ieu. And cm: can be dww at has monthly outlay than I! they nth-mum] u not in “mutual. Never run the" a (lane when loan can mud n badly .- they m u By WILLIAM A. RADFORD. Ir. Wlfllam A. Radian! will answer «nation: and give advice FREE 08‘ (3091‘ on nu subJez‘ls pertaining to ma "Mac! 0! building. for the readers 0! this met. On mom“ or In: wide experience A. Edltor. Author and Munulnuurer. he u, wllhout doubt, the mum-a: auulorlty an til then subjects. Address all Inquiries to Wllllnm A. Indium. No. 1827 Prulrlo avenue. Chicago, m, and only inc-lone two-ecu! stamp for reply. Home Like This Would End the War. “OI Over Landlords. Rents and Wlomy of Light and Ventilation. cnzvunmmn mm mm Let us ii ure with you on your Building requirements. We han le 3 complete line oi all building material and will be glad to help in any suggestions you want in the building line. Lord Lumber Company We Manufacture all of our Millwork in Our Factory at LaGrangc The window. 1w uulqm- and Imp“. Insuring plenty of Mum and wmnl- Hun in I" van- «t Hu- lmuw. 'l‘wo triple wlnduw: proud.- lighl In: [M dull": rouul. I large rhwrml rumu an no! light 1mm. N [wt 0 iua-iuw I); 18 (m. 'I‘Iw pun-h In n [my up... above "be will and vrr)‘ nlInu-(lwly wr- wumlod by bmd ammo balm-trad»! Such a home is the oharmhlg bmr gnlow shuwn here with lluor plans. Low rumbling design. It forms 1| very phasing nil-um- with its humucuhml whlh- stucco (*xIn-rim- and seclush‘e from pun-h nan-semi under an exam» sh)" M the roof. ll gin-Mun impres- slnu ul' higm-ss. hm rvully ls um 11:: large as it hmks at a glance. as the dimensions show. This hummluw houw Is 36 («m wide and 39 't‘o-ot long on the hum-st side which includes the wing containing the rear bedroom. the wt. With thousands marry» In: each year. the number or new homes being erected to house them I: sadly inadequate. It Is estnmued there an- a million homes short in the Unned States. That Is why ever: fumlly ihould nerlously consular (he msslblllty of gettlng a home of m own. For the family of modem“ means the bungalow affords an excel- lent shelter. It Is mnull. ownpnratlve ly Inoxlx-nsh'o. and dellghtfnlly cozy and comfortable. Moreover It Is uls- tlnctlvnly Individual ln design. Leave your orders now for your next winters supply, while the price is cheapest and you will be sure to have coal for the next winter! We also handle the Beat Grades of Coal. The Celebrated Pittston Hard Coal; Pocahontas; Old Ben; Purity; Franklin County and Coke. Downers Grove Yard, Forest Avenue and Railroad Street Telephone 20 Downers Grove Quality and Service is Our Motto "-ka the bvm of Shakespeare's mm humus tragedy. I» a person-xv who Ippuar! In Ill-nary, yet In half mythological. bu! has bwn "’II‘III- formed by I!» grnlun of llw [hull-h povl tutu om- »! the mom. domlnulnx own» at Iltrnluw. I! Ins nllomul that Mahala-on“: lhmlel ma nu:- WHI by flu- IIIIMM. ur Amlflh. of Rum Grummullvun. 'I‘lw Mum's "mn- loty n! [bout-rt" bad bun publlnhul In Park la )5“, Fnuml» 6' Bruc- torn! tnrlmml the min of "3me u: m- "Truth lllntotM" (I510), .- mun (rand-non of which ”mun-d In "In. NMtn-mn‘u drun- wu- "mm mm»: man "It: In! dale and mum blue okflttd "I pl“ «that M I» mammar- wmk at - Inn-lunar. 'Im‘ulnI Mun- flw «0d of lb. 8|!- lmlh "Mary. unlm the no". the. H In known. In I [MI mac'- 0! Isl-tum. uni tho Imam: mm ”on Ono Gum-"nu. It Is obvious that an attractive home like this will uplu-nl to many [Mullins who are planning on building a hmne 01’ their own. not only because at its picturesque aluminum-I and charming interior arrangement. 'but because of its myutahh-ness ln cost. it is free from any fouling of crowding. and a wonderful plum! for vhlldn-n. What most homvmkers need in the stimu- lus to make their ambitions u mliiy. and cert-imy a homo lino thin will do much toward bringiu: this result about. dew mace. The rear bedroom has windows on two sides. Moreover in being separated from the living rooms an they are. the peome who Wllll to sleep are not disturbed by the noise from other parts of the lmuso. Directly to the war of the dining room is the kin-hon. Knuth-It’d along the very latest lilt'lls of hunw building in that it is snmll, compact but com- pleto in all (loiuils. The large nwkâ€" ward kitchen lms no plum-c in the mod- ern homo. They only Illi‘llli extra work for the houstm‘ifo bt'L'flHSi' of their size. A small pantry is built oi! one corner at the kin-hen. A modern bathroom complete-s the floor Plan ar- rangemeut. open doorway Li-adlng from the liv- hlg mom is a narrow hull which gives access to the two bedrooms and equipped with space-saving garment carriers which eliminate nun-h of the waste entailed by old-fashioned clothes ciosots. Each bedroom has splendid Ventilation facilities and win- uiTfi'rfiocIed by an anti arm» sum material. The front door open- d!- ncrly Into the living room. the law» at room In the home. belng 11 feet 6 Inches by 13 feet. The [Mug and dia- lug mains are conuectvd by a wide- Hm“! Not Magnet“ 1 Caution of the Brain 0' the Great-it a! Euclid! Writers. REAL “PRINCE OF DENMARK” Amt“ m "w HIM-h Mums. I-llnsdale flmlem wu prince of Jutland; hls father. the king of Juuud. had hm murdered by his own brother. Fengq who took the throne and queen of the dead mun. Hummh Manned madness to save his own lltu. Ho stabbed one of szu's courllers, sent to spy upon hlm. and for lhlu purpom concealed hlnusell' under a truss of straw. He mynmrlml hls mother wlth her shnnn-ful serum! umrrlage to such ef~ feet lllnl she promised to help hlm In armmnx his mtlu-r by putting Fcnuo to dmnhâ€"u promlm whlch she kept. These «re the very Incidents Shakespeare lm-s awn-(elm! for his play. sumelhnm eulplmslzlng the polnls or the narrative, Hmnetlnws snflvnlug them ur changing ”mm In harmony With his own Vh‘lll rmu'vplinn ul' drainmiv requlrmm-ma. Slmknsw-uru'n "Hamlet" was first played III 1600 or 160]. and first prlnlwl lu NIB. Letters 0! Rocommemhflon. ~nmy" wunam. l'nued sun-é: rommhodmwr or Inn-ma! n-wnue. Haj! I lawyer In” Mm oure Hm “I Ieller o! rw-mmm'ndulon dues not evl‘ deuce a man's ability. but merely II.- nmm the ululnlullty of (In- writer." That In about u» mild a truth u we will me In a dl)"u work. Every may Imm- wrtm- wlu um lo that. "any Inner: MI Mar truth Ihom the man for what» they un- «mu-u, but am: “My toll Um whole truth. I! then- nrr uuplonmm 'lfll uhout the .IOINf' of tlw u-uc-r. IIu- eru-r bu l-«m dlu- ('MII)‘ and munwufly ullrnl In I'm "-0."! in mom. I! In nut lulu Ont-Incu- to argue and umlyu. II In hlu ya. lo um- . "In"! - llfo.»Tbo Mout- ‘omrn (Mm) Adwfllwr. Nanny Imam. A gm! many Indium: I": van mllhy and mm a gm! MI u! huh ml nml pvt-tonal "my. A lam unmet of "mm are fully antral-duo“ mum of It» Hamil mm". The mum at Indian nlhln an "m "on 000" In undo Io Ind-co nu- India- nvflkn an "no Mann-no. 1. mm. "mun-In- IM ml. 3. of 1M Wan“: Amour- am Praident Eliot W3. Oar-small. The Varsity ciuh nt iiurvnrd unl- vorsity is made up of nthh-tm who have won their leuur in l,‘ul|\|i\'“"0fl. At a n-cont luncheon of (hi- club the names of all the graduates [tn-sent. in the order of their classes. were read. and first upon the list was liw name of President Emeritus Charles W. El. lot. ’53. President Eliot was a noted llar- vard oursnmn in his day. qul he told the duly yuuugslvrs [mm-m of how the Harvard rulur was c-hnm-u by I six-0mm! ten-w In whit-h ln- mwml while he Was in comm-0. Harvard “crhnwn” It 0m- thue dvgvneruled lo mam-nun. according to color hlmurhun at Cambridge. but awn research his developed llll( thv (ru‘e «nude ls Ir. lerlul red. you. Watch for our advutiscmcnt telling aFout than in nzxt wuk's Repomr. If you want anything in Portable Buildings -- Garages .. Cottages 4 Chicken Houses -- Let us figure yvith If y_ou want anyyying in Portable Buildings :- Garaggs LaGrange Although separated (mm Mexlro by the lilo Granule only. Tuna wuv not colonized by the Spanish until theI end of the Seventeenth «wtury. says John Chummu ""tlt'l' in the Ladles‘ Home Journal. Prior to this time there were two important voyages of (lluv covery in the North. but nut-h were the tililh-ulties ltlill so great the distances that they ended In failure. The first uoluhle expeditlon Into the met uu~ known country thut we know tmluv In Arizona. New Mexh-o um! Texan was the amazing journey of Frny lllurt‘os do Mznjlwiwm‘n 1539 and 15“.!“- has sent in finitely!» «le Memlomu. then gowtuor of New Sham, to St't‘k sewn fabulous (itlos. tales of whose wealth imd n-uvhorl Mexico City win «he in- tlluns. These stories were corrohornt- l‘tl hy one Italwzn tle Vucn. who had been shlpwrm‘kml on an inland oil' the Texas 0mm and whu [ninlng the mulnluml a year later, only to be seized by Indium, tlually escaped with three companions and. after yours of wandering through the wilds found his way back to his own maple. ()n the journey iw luul henrd of north~ em cities inrrustod with turquoise untl pun-4| with gold and silver. It Wlhl [ht-x9 "mt Mendoza oxm‘NM l-‘my Marcos to find. AN‘mnm-nlml hy u negro who had shared Do Vum's exwrlenws, am! by some "loudly l'lmn Indium. HIP lurave frlnr junt- nvya-«l ”trough Arlzmm tn nu- Zuni country. Station or 9hr treasure he might “pm-1 lo find ilwrmud In [“1qu an In.- [mun-«sod. But mm". '3', who" he mmmm Mum-Ir MIMI! «may rem-n «f the prv-Inlm-d land. word mum {rum ulwml that Ms adv-nu- umn! hml been nmmvrmI by hmmlo Indium. Lurking support. Inc-nu o: mated-l. llu- frlnr beam din-«mum and qunu-d empty handed to lie:- lnu l'll_\'. Inching um. Character. TM plume-«um I» an x-rav II- rhlm- h: whlrh your Individual Hur- nfler um! c-h-nt-tormlm any homd. ll wan nlmwn below "00 MM?! 0! than ('ullen 0! Fauna runny Ivy Dr. (kmrn- union“. the- Inventor. The dnrlor nun: '1 Mar nun Man I- named.” "In M1 1 Imow M In- My i. firm. but I mdn't um M "a «I. marâ€"“Dn- tho Sn 1.. any. "I-inrh n! our [mun-n "pm-I In von' lmmpleu- Nubian win! In In- Ilmduul In M. Only «or wmn or mention In wholly «WntnDMIv-M< wrath-u. That in. our am an In warning into (M Ivor”. and Mn shun mil-ulna! m- ”MI-"Hy. Wn'on. by «tuning II. I «m M! ”mm, I uln‘. dunner.“ VMN SEARCH FOR WEALTH Mani-II Print luv“ Ouch! In Tcrrlm Form In Gum of Fibula“ EU Dorado. Ever since Lloyd Hamilton adopud the brevity of “Ham," under which II. appeamd in 184 single reel comadia for the old Kalem Company. the In: of Mermaid Comedies has been “I. victim of jokes on his name, but plo- lmbly the best one of them all m pullvd by Marvel Rea. his leufin‘ wumun in “The Simp." latest. of the two real Mermaid Comedies.J whet comes to Dickc Theatre llay 71h. During the making of this pletim Hamilton was almost daily annoyed by a well known Los Angeles chr- acwr, who calls himself In lctor. but whose chief occupation is in harm'- ing money from the prosperous playâ€" erx. With thou! the fifth visit “Inl- illon lost his generally Rood humor ml onleml the man of! the stall. Water PM! WM. I! Ibo nll- u! Mann vor- Mt) lflllnd I! lu- lu-«u MUROII'I‘ they would «emu, rnmxr ran-l lo um Nilm‘pflnvf. wer on Ihr upper “I'll- .Ip'u L'CIIMIII nm'h mm- of M would no Ivnllniur uovo HAMILTON THE §IMP pwmim. ”Trying to bone you again.” uh. Mun-vol. “Yes," "2le Hamilton. “You Iuww I sort of (ch mrry {or an {al- low. I guess he thinks I am I bud boil-Ml egg." “Well." mum-u! Marvel. mm the Inn- of n unilv. “lfd no." I). . Inn] boilml 911 than u well do. EJMAIDCOM PM, “on“. Nanaâ€""DH you .19? um! I talk. don. mov- II". no In an.“ 1‘... mm." lluon (Numb-"Wm I“ lln- mum of M. ler “1?”

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