Downers Grove Reporter, 6 May 1921, p. 7

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DAY MOTHER SERVICES WITH SUNDAY. YOU. Special recognition program in the Sunday School. Also In the morn- ing service. Subject at the evening ”nice: "Friendly Advice to Unmar- fled Women.” Sunday School at 9:46 a. m. HONOR ATI'ENDIN( ‘- BARTHLY FRIEND IOTHER WAS l'l'. PAULS EVANGBIJCAI. GROVE STREET CHURCH 10:46 a. m. Morning Worship. Spam. the Rev. Robe. Leonhard! frovn mmhunt Collar. 7:3) p. m. Evening War-hm Everybody Welcome. Om Chm ud Game Lodge have he. hunt-l (o Int-Id in I body. Evening Sonia.- 7230 p. m. Song Service and Sermon. flameâ€"'TM- World W:- must Mas- ter and The World We must Serve." low. 1. All”! Non-en. PM. slon Day. 1 ._.__._ 10:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 1 ..._â€"_ May 8th, 1921. Sunday after Ascen-J Sunday, May 8th. sim- ‘ Bible School at 9:45 n. m. 7 :80 n. m. Holy Communion. A special service in honor of the 9:46 I. in. Church School. ‘ Hotbox-s among the membership and 11:00 a. m. Holy Communion and friends of the church will be held Sermon by the Rev. H. M. MacWhor- ’Ot 11:00 o'clock. tor. The pastor will speak on the sub- 8:00 p. m. Evening Prayer .and Joct, “The Responsibility end Blem- Addresses by the Rev. Dean Edwards, is! of Motherhood." A gnaw of the Rev. C. M. Andrews and the Rev. parents will furnish the special mu- J. H. Dennis. .. do. lay 9th, 1921. Monday. Quarterly Children's Hour at 2:80 p. III. Meeting of the Northern Deanery of Senior Alliance Service It 0:45 p. the Diocese of Chicago. IL, will be led by lies Esther Pel- 11:00 a. 11:. Holy Communion. ' 12:00 noon, Business Session. net. Evening Worship 31% 7:30 p. In. 1:00 p. m. Dinner served by the Old time Gospel Singing led by n Wom's Guild and Auxiliary. choir of young ladies. 2:00 p. m. Papers and addresses The pastor will preach. 0" selected ”Pie!- The mid-week hour of Prayer is May 11th, 1921; Wednesday. Wéek Daysâ€" Sunday Service It 11:00 3. m. 8:00 I. m. Mass. Sunday School 1t 9:45 a. ll. hand-y Evenings-4:00 p. m. Bene- Subject: “Adam and Fallen Man." action. Wednesdny evening Testimonial There will he ups-ill music by the chow and the pubr wm npenk to the Mmeâ€"'11:. Olnrd larch of UBTHODIS'I' EPISCOPAL CHURCH 6:00 a'. 112. Mass nnd Sermon. 9:00 a. m. Bible Study. 10:00 a. m. High Mass and Ser- Wednesdayat 8:00 p. in. UNITED Bnmnsu WIDE noon: 0P"! ”my qu cnuncn or me? 030v: FM” from 3 to 6 p. m. no public is commuy mum to attend the services md to visit and ‘ulo the reading room. _â€".â€"â€"- Rev. J. C. Nuns. PW. My. lay 8th, lfll. Sunday School 9:“ a. m. Honing Wonhip 11:00 I Own pn-ludoâ€"Cuou'u Hymn H5 The Apostlc'n Creed. Brotherhood." Christian Endmor 0:” p. m. Song and Preaching Service 7:30. Homing Devotion! Service 11:00 Arum: Spencer Pholpx Minister CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH “0 Rev. Wm. GMcfeH. PW Mr”: League 8:!» p. m Louder: lurk Nielsen. SOIIM: “What We Owe Our Par- 8:00 p. m. Compline, Benediction, my School 10.00 a. m. Church Service- 11:“ I. In. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Tmmy (,‘mmmmlry of new. All nu wok-om. Punchâ€"Nineteenth Realm; Cloth Md. scripture. ,, ‘ Hymn 855 Sam- -â€"~ "The Wodd's Gaunt Hymn ‘82 Benediction. mumâ€"um» Axe-don Sunday Sen“? 8330- Payer. :30 .1. m. Sunday Sehm! Gilbert u. Neill-d. Punt '. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHM EVANGELICAL CIVIC! Homer." RESERVED MOTHERS. SECTION S PECIAL SEATS Pastor YOUR C0 RRECTCAWP Capital stock paid in .......................... So has fund .................................. ‘U ivided profits .............................. l Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid Circulating notes outstanding .................. Individual de 'ts subject to check ............ Certificates deposit due in less than 30 days . . Dividends unpaid .............................. Other demand deposits ........................ Certificates of deposit ......................... Other time deposits ........... . ................ Liabilities other than those above stated, ....... Interest Collected not Earned .............. TOTAL ............................... State of Illinois, Coun of DuPa , as. 1. Samuel Curtiss. ashier of {he above-named I, ounlutn uu-uan, Una-In:- on gun" uâ€"uuu n... m, ........... that the aboxe statement is true to the best of m howled and belief SAMEEL C 188, Cashier. [SEAL] Subscribed and sworn to before me this_4th‘daLo_f_ M31,_1921.. Fiaums. $4500.“) ................... Cash in vault ............................ awful ri'servo with Fedora! Reaerve Blah Nut amounts due {mm national banks ..... (‘hevks on other banks irg the same city or as reporting bank ..................... Check on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other mh items Redemption fund with L'. S. Twasurer and due .. from U. S. Treasurer .................. Other assets, Interest Earned not Collected ..... M lbwmn (:mw, Slate of minds. at close at bushes April 2Mh. mu. RESOURCES Loans and discounts. inc-hulint ”discounts ..S386,083.77 Total Loans ..................... .. $386,083.77 Orenlmfls. unsecuml ......................... 549.93 I". ‘4. Gowrnmrnt marines Owned: lkPIIBitPl. to st-r'ure cirrulaliofl ............. 35”.“) All «the! Ifnitml States Government Securitiou 12,850.” Total l‘. S. (:owrnment securities 41,8501!) Olin hm securities elm: 61,657.50 flanking House. $8,000.00; Furniture tad . 1 M _“ _ . .4. M 0 KM (WI-nor N0. 9125 thnpfi u a luv-flu Mum. A prarnrnl nnm- Mu hitrhul up I".- plmnnumph m "w door and I! nigh! "Nor hours shrmm any launder sum-w! In mum: "w danr me phon‘ «mg-gm I: m lnln ram» and by mean: of n smlnfly mmlu- rev-0rd It rill! loudly for hrlp to midi (he OMI-f. I. ANDREWS HIMPAL CIR!“ mm In Mm Do not but. nun-n or plan" In tho Mroom. mfllmlurly oremwm. Po!- Ilmmn an In "nun-d from the mlond part- nf "own both by night and day. Ind (mm lln- ;mm pm: In addition at night. It In plrmumt In Duo am on In I sue-mum. hm fur m. rum In“ on form Hwy dumld out nun-In M010 Ilmlng chunk-r. Tim II, lo (M Irmunl "w mummy n by the In. 0! . wlmluu Mt. Muy 5th. 1921. Thursday. Ascen- er I!!! “talk. Wednudny evening I! 8 o’clock. Woolly Pnyar Bonk-o. A good place to wand III hour. You will be benefited and the church will now. cial May 11th, 1921. Wednesday. 8:00 p. m. Litany and Sermon by the Rev. Henry B. Brown. S. And- rew's Church, Evaston, Illinois. May 12th, 1921. Thursday, 10:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 2:00 p. In. Woman's Guild and Auxiliary at the residence of Mrs. E. H. Huntington. fleeting. 8:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. Cruudcrl. 6:30 p. In. Baptist Young People's Union. 7230 p. m. Evening Samoa, Pay- ll". Arnold H. Kohl. Minds!" 9:(5 l. m. Bible School. “:00 a. m. Mother's Day . Spa- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST at Illinois, Coun of Duhg,” Samuel Curtiss, aghigr of te_ algoveangmed park, do solemnly_ swear :1th F. Nifidwell J. L. Remmers. Directors. TOTAL First National Bank Library Bull [OFFICIAL PUBLICATION] " React" RFI‘ORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ‘ect to check ............ ue in less than sodays .. ......................... ........................ ......................... hose above stated, ....... not Earned .............. DOWGBOVE ’ 1"" LIA BILITIES this 4th day of May,1921. Charles Ballet gentry Public. DR. w. W. GOURLIY My Commission expires August 26,1923 0‘“, u RM: _ me 283 N. Fm Ave. Md anllin 3!. OFFICE HOURS: Damn-L )9 Sun: 1.3.... It Would be difficult to clean! an atmosphere more tnvonhle to the American Legion than that which Itr- tended the birth of the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Loomis of Nashua, N. H. His father served in the Medical Corps during the World War; his mother was a yoeman; the attend- ing physician was a Medical Coma captain and the nurse was an army nurse. All four adults are members of James E. Cofl'y post of the Legion. n , ' we. ‘M mm to N In “In “’ nuns “' Smith ml by buddy! when QM ulo has been mum by name in Brown. I". bet him u (tip the Count Court 0' Du? Count to «be next Amman Leah" conven- and on a»: delivery of the manna lion It Rims City ”at more wan.- tlfid to the minim-er. more Smith: than Emu In the 00328: "'i" WW" “I? of “BY. A. Army during the World War. Who Char!” Hull" wins?" This query w- mowed by Gamma at Punk-rick Rom, dawn the Wuhingkm hum“ of the Amer- Kohl: Ind Raymond Kohln. minors. irul Legion New: service {mm 5 mm!" ""5“" ‘ 3'50““. M32.“ momlwr of a. “Mom post. TM mum" is: ”You win. buddy Smith, by 3.900 majority. Then ran- 5!,- 900 Smith: in the Army and onIy 48.- 000 lit-owns, I": a good thing um ENAMELING that you didn‘t get into I bet with When Rene Viviani return'edvto France he brought to the French peo- ple a lively appreciation of the work of the American Legion, as attested by a wireless message to the (ex-ser- vice men's organization. The mes- sage, in part, read: “Before return~ ing to France, I cannot refrain from expressing my affectionate greeting to the American Legion, to its Na- tional Commander, Colonel F. W. Galbraith, In, and to the Commonâ€" der-in-Chief of the American Expe- ditionary Forces, my beloved and valiant friend General John J. Persh- D. 0. Sayer, of Bartlett, chairman of the Bureau, presided and explained the principle business of the evening to the members of the Board and the farmers present. The more than forty agriculturalists present threshed out the matter an all its mny phases and finally decided to tie up with the Grain Growers. This is a newly organlzed company of farmers {mm every section of the United States. They will be 3 mar- keting company exclusively and will do the selling of grain from millions of acres in the United States. Alâ€" by a wireless message to the ex-ser- vice men's organization. The mes- sage, in part, read: “Before return- ing to France, I cannot refrain from expressing my affectionate greeting to the American Legion, to its Na- tional Commander, Colonel F. W. Galbraith, In, and to the Commanâ€" der-in-Chief of the American Expe- ditionary Forces, my beloved and valiant friend General John J. Persh- int.” Fifty-eight charters were granted to units of the Women’s Auxiliary of the American Legion during the week ending April 23, Legion na- tional headquarters reports. Penn- sylvania led with eight units orâ€" ganized; Iowa and Kansas tied with six units each and New York was third with five units. There are now 2.671 units of the Auxiliary in the United States and territorial posses. sions.‘ famers present. The more than forty agriculturalists present threshed out the matter an all its many phases and finally decided to tie up with the Grain Growers. This is a newly organlzed company of farmers from every section of the United States. They will he a mar~ keting company exclusively and will do the selling of grain from millions of acres in the United States. Al- though only a little over two weeks old, so strong is the farm bureau en- trenched in this counrty that, the company is already' an assured suc- cess. All, or very nearly all. the grain raised in the county this year will be marketed through the U. 8. Grain Growers, Inc. by the action taken by the Executive Board of the Farm Bureau, on nearly every farmer in DuPage is identified with the organi- zation. inerv l have left. ‘ 1048 Case ’l‘racâ€" tor; Sandwich Hay Loader; Vzh. . Gas Engine; several manure ‘spreag cm. This is all new machinery and must be sold in the next few days. Make an offer. Jos. V. Dieter, phone 1374:. 4-29-2 FOR SALEâ€"To highest bidder, '1 passenger Studebaker in A1 me- chanical condition, four good tires, would make small truck. phone 259-“. ‘ 5434 FOR SALFrâ€"High chair and nursery chair. 58 Saratoga a\'e., phone 70- W. 545-! FOR SALEâ€"Good gravel a. name; work, driveways and etc., delivered. Phone 167-W-l. L. '1‘. Butler. 5-6-4 FOR SALE-Wooden stock tank, 2ft. 4in.x2ft. 4ln.x8l’t. Gin. and two wood hedstcads with springs. phone 77-". 5.6-] FOR SALE-Two apartment, 5 and 6 rooms. Modern. $7.000. Terms. Bargain. Upper flat can be rented to adults only far 840.00. 78 Blufl' awn, LaGranue, Ill. one of the Johnston tribe, who numo bet-ed 533K) in Uncle Sam‘s: Army.“ l’t-niw o! the Male Ind purpose: of the American Legion e'u voiced by Chin Yon-pong, member of China. A spake: at a dinner given by the Legion post In Peking. Other guests of the foreign poet. were Admin] 8011 Chou-Nun. Chine-e Iiaintar of the Navy; Chain 8. Crane. American Minute: to Chlu; Ind Major Gonâ€" enl Cmbr. mind had of the Dr- diam Department. United sum order which aid ml «at: In den- cribai .5 follows, to-wfit: The southwest quarter of the uouthmt mart" of Section 21. in TomMp 6, South. Ru No, But of St. Ste but. No “In in the County of win Ind sum of Alabama. mutate; forty um more or Iran. The shove dcudbod pnpert will be sold (no end den of t clover firms at Kuhn-[Inc Kohl-a. the mother 0 mid minor: and {tee and clear of A damn-K In ”In nll "tannin-mu, One of North Dakota's highest- ranking buck privates has joined the stat! of field representatives of nr tiorul headquarters of the Ameriun Legion. He in C. L. Dawson, Beach, N. D.. chief clerk of the North Da- [I‘lllvvi 1. w .u kota legislature durlnx its Int 803- Si'cfiéh‘ibndia'y‘ (if my. "A. v. 19212 ' '"' "‘" ru- sion and mate commnder of the be- the yudenu’gned will. u the hour 0! mx‘avfi: :‘M'lfemgomcyer, mlsiq uion. Although we middle use, Mr. 11 odod‘ A- LL. 0" Monday, ”W -* ~ ~ ’ . ' 0“.“ “MM 35 a private in tho ulxth (hf 0! June, A. D. 1921, It the F0]! SAl.l-‘.~$2,000 bnuufully wood- wcnl ma. n entrance of the counhouue. 9d 100 feet of van»! pmmrty on Balloon Com. served fifteen month!- in the cit o! Whoamn County of Du Middnugh mm. mm. m um, t» at F?" Omlha and van (liuhlmd P33" :3 :il'mc ofb'l‘llinoin ofler {gr room hot n!" huh-215 hour: with t. I. no- nntpu eve «9.3.0 evaonlnin Rh. m In“. M ' prlva e that c.” highest nod bout bidder for mh. the “25., “mpg-r gun” home. home my! Mum _deucri_bed §n ukl dyergul buWJoohg. PWE‘WEM fro-h m. WLA...‘ IDA AMERICAN LEGION COUNTY FARMERS NEWS IETTER TIE UP WITH U. S. hum 16,314.59 3,449.84 $562,435.42 S 35.M0.00 15,000.00 12,864.75 33,000.00 132,034.15 14,233.70 15.00 1,000.90 23,437.02 243,315.44 $562,435.42 fumes. ulna. lllrl‘ury. pn mm '-m n 47.85000 SEND m you: om cums c an 61,.65750 AND emu mos ”9 mm" "‘ 11500.00 we mm. mm: mm om IN- - MW 7201-“ 7° ““mn’L "’99 mmo TUNING ,uugAnrfigvAmmn 24399-4? 24,29?” L. T ’7 7' 13,240.” Downerseme New]; hemi".m"aa’i;:::fi‘:; - _-- -A mam nun "ran [rum-n , “3"” m (eh-“ma“. "4 0' PM,” 1 376.46 10.00 1,750.00 4,731.54 2,556.62 No. “a ma Reidnce: l5 Hibllnd Ave. TM '05 omen nouns: union... “03mm. AMOo.n. Ell-V UIIHB Vlammilvll llcl’l lulu-M nud- _ FOR SALEâ€"~S. C. White be 2.2:": 2"..2-"."22":.2:222 "" ”my: .2 "3"“ ’ t D. 0. Sayer, of Bartlett, chairman 0:39;““0‘: 13:8 mod ayifng {13; Wales Leghomf oFarms. of the Bureau, presided and explained deliifgry. ..'... m n l ‘ l It was decided at the regular monthly meeting of {the Executive Board of the DuPage County Farm Bureau. held in the Court House at Wheaton on Monday evening. May 2d, that that organization help finance and become a part of the newly or- ganized U. 8. Grain Growers Inc. Executive Bond ‘1' Fun Bumu'lo Help finance the New 00:th order which aid ml emu- h dex- cribe“ .5 follows, to-wfl: The southwest quarter of 0m uouthmt manor of Section 21. it: Tom!!!» 9.. 390"» EN! “'9: II "HI VI n-ulclllm nvuul. but: I'M! i384. ofiuld mm" and 2m whens-r6: , ., , M .. I I mean neon. do” I WANTEDâ€" Morin - (earn mm a! $275.00 must be mad: by the gaming. FM \cohmincr. Jr" lawful udder. It the time of the Downers Grave, Ill. 4-22-1 we.thebulucctohopddinmh- â€"- when the “lambs-on approved by For Rent the County Conn of Duh” Con“ -...n .. .L- 4.“ ...... .1 n- _.-_u-_,_ mo DENT..I.Am,0lun‘n.shed froth and {m m: «min of mi Emma’s deg! ’10. tlgq purring": the undem' fined will, u the hour 0! 11 o'clock “A. M.. on Monday y, the sixth (1qu of June, A. I). 1921, u the weal ma n entrance of the oounhquge. In the Matter 0! “I! Guardianship of Pndeticls KOIIII. Gust" Kohl. and Ray would Kaila. when. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN that by virtue of I «teach! or- der made 1nd entered of record by the County Court of Dul’u County. 0]: the mogul duy of: May. . . p. “’2'; Olice. Pal-Intr- Merchants But ”when T's-4m- ‘fl-qrdm I G. a Ton. M. D. $352212??? 5",; “emit Ph Iclan Surgeon "mm «mm thtleford Nurseries 05:. ..a Reina: lispmw A... Phone 312.; omct nouns: Landscape Gardenin g our Illa... Moatn. Amount. Specialty High Class Work at mcnmnn mm: meow Hone 32-] was rm: 1m.- ,Vii_fi_ ______â€",- him-"St n “8|. I. “GRAIN GROWERS" RUGS ENAMELING VARNISHING G. H. BUNGE ,. rhufi V NOTICE ,._|Classilied AMSII mmw: 21 8. Forest Avenue Telephone Its-W F. W. KETPENRING Contractor Builder ”hum furnished a new or dd 30 Acres Tram, Shrubs, and her of very choice Boar Pigs, G to 10 weeks old from our selection of choice sows of most popular breed- ing sired by Colonel; Pathfinder: Ori- on Cheery Kin and Great Sensa- tion boars. ake your selection early. Geo. E. Beasley, Sn L Cutter: farms, Downers Grove, 3) one_ 1‘68; Gardens plowed, gemral Naming. H. C. Rabin. phone 1604-2. 4-l-tf DUROCSâ€"We hgvg {or_ sale 1 num: ihbne'ma-w-z 1:63 SALEâ€"Clqsingyp} 3" "lack andfiémwiome. ' Mrs. C. LOSTâ€"A packw "whining 3 Mn» “Reta (Imus on tho 4:38 train Mon- day. fourth coach from war. Finder phage phont- Im-R and meive n- -u- F61: SAtIiziwnod.»n stock tank, 2n. 4in.x2ft. 4in.x8fl.. Gin. and two wood hedstoads with springs. phone 77-". 56-! r 135,7?fiiéis."i “weigh... ' Vouii'; 7 3M Ves’terlnitl strains hnvv laying type. Onlemdpqw tying book"! for «ii-liv- W‘ANTl-IIF- Room and board for mu um! wile or mull «can or flu. ~an Repor‘er 0!!ch or all phnno aw. ,Chimgo. "L. is nflorivmm young women animus of humming xmlualp "arson, two when 'Murcr in Qnininx. Uniforms. hoard, mom. laundry and "pt-asp mm" furnish- ul. Mid West Hospital. 1940 Purl: awn. Chicago. I". 4-294 LOSTâ€"A 00".? and cufl wt vexing, the We with hemstitrlmi mm. rs. HeLanry. phone 52-11., “9 Cnmnur at. 5-6-1 FOR SALE-Two apartment, 5 and 6 rooms. M.odern $7 000 Terms. Bargain. Uan r flat can be rented to adults only far 84000. 78 Biull‘ n\1‘.,l.aGnnzw. Ill 6-64 erv. We]; llghol'n Farms. phone 213- W- 2 or 2134- I. 5-6-3 - \r .v u-. nmoVN-imwiih Ed." incl VIE)! wau-r heat. W. F‘. Kmuormcyer, 161 Gil- bert ave.. phone 97. 6-6-3 Eb}: ExAI.nâ€"â€" h‘nutifullyt‘wood: uuuan. lwur. pun-u, ...... V- _ pun mh. l-‘. l). Dudley. phoneâ€".â€" no. FOR SALEâ€"th com and I mock bull or undo for dry on". duo uhoep. .Nlcholu. phone IM- W-2. "n...-. ..... ”.7 , for iming out tiny I work "my-dale M Will_ smut for I ..._. ...... ...v.. v 5+]; SM.I~2.‘¥MI‘.N WANTED -. sum-u; commission Maia, drawing account: allowed. Ask for H. H. Gr!" If RucMy Ill-05.. Himuhlr. 543.1% FOR SALEâ€"e5 rpm}, "WW”. to 9d 100 feet of van»! property on Middluxh 3w. $0.6M. I" urn, 0- room hot n!" huh-d home with huge ”lupin; porfh, 26_ fruit in“. ron naming". Mama mm room. on In" Mort from . Wlnhhxton ‘ Rallrgwl m. m WANTEDâ€"«All 015me W- no’ my wm “gym. 13w FOR SALE S C. White. high?” Help Wihted For qale Electrician wiinted LOST In “In "my"!!- 4-224I§"blocks «"612 $1233 at. amt} 22 8.. Mall 8!. M It Residence 27 8.1mm" Am )1: East Grove Phone lotâ€"I WANTEDâ€"Pro Irty of every «I.- ption to hue and Fredenh s Rina! mum if not c not,“ have men I. an over East and Dom-en Gm easy terms, or will sell mm. l-‘OR SALEâ€"~High clues strictly mo- dern new home with large [run-Uh. beautiful shade trees, paved M owner could use a 6 or 7 room haul- in [Amt-mp or Hinsdnle. in trails. the land can be subdivided and ball. up, if you nut a fine home and luv. :1 smaller one, come in and see In. about this. fift'fieuTisE’ ‘fiéficfif" ’incl "W“ wrest. y, uding “- corner lots in town. has both *8. mglenty of shade, natural Hm- r, an n cheap at the price ”hi if cash an be had. ’ fieffiéfifrl-n’i‘lififiéd 5 haiku-W 880W. as Ilse vmx room 2X”, 911.9%." "Iowa 19!“. W i811“!!- iafiififâ€"éo "K'i’ixae’rfifteu’ ind m " School. in best heation, MI pa 591-959 with everything‘ paid, pflgg street with everythin paid, prleu “.309, and_ around £2,050 withmdl. FOR SALEâ€"A very attractive south side vacant lot 50x13“ ft. a south front. convenient to Ruin St. in. buijt up location, and is cheap at 81: house with 5 lots. has city water, gas. electric lights. in alloy cor-0!. and would suit anyone needing to be near the trains. store, schooi, lad Catholic Church. Price $8,800. res- sonable terms. F0137 _SA}_.Eâ€"â€"Very_ fine ooqntry Jug? lot on a knoll. hlg h and well located convenient to East KGrove station with water, gas, electricity, price my down for quick sale, want In 01hr, shown any tlmc. of 5 rooms on a full acrr-, just my. building, has living mm across tho front with open fire plan. good (nut porch entnnce very large li t «lino ing mom. am all modern ill in conveniences. steam ’IPlt, a good su- azo, and the loadlon is high and 11, handy to trains and school. Prlca 37.250. with say 32,000 or mom eisiu. than to suit . FOR SALEâ€"One of the best m FOB SALEâ€":Mofiem, _v_ery figm- For: SAFEâ€"5.3. rqom. 1% atm ".0", v w....â€".â€", v... ..-._._- trees. aEh’ I5} a hnrd road land! to station, with the finest of lociâ€" tion, price $22,000, terms to suit. FOR SALE-161m 0-Way. .1 am. FOR SA! Frâ€"fioxlfifi I»: sham"! stmt north front, in M dry, close in to Main 81., with good has... an either side price $25 per foot. FOR SALEâ€"Modern, new bungak' rooms, all light and? well flanged to accumulate a large ruminants! (If closet room, corner lghi with lar pantry. cellar, cl:- tern. we ham 3 suture, eve thing in fine conditionand mmedh possession can be had. lot 1203182. 3 blocks to nation. Price ”“000 Terms easy. Tell me what will salt you. owner moving, wants to sell. Iontinn on n paw-d mm with this pun! amt"! pin in but ' Viti'iaâ€"acfiill It}? Méfi' ma: flags, very _ fine orghargi. oh! :3th FOR. SALE~W9II bum house of 1 live utrktly modern bum town. has wry llrn rooms ‘0‘ complete donut-in with huh. and .1 room: up, plan! of flu flaw”. beautiful [has vi Fm!) window; "M will elm-u up um. mt . two u" '01. In em (mm. “to blurb to utalion. PM .1 nmubla toms. I win-Iowa! in front porrh .M '3' but. a" dumbing g. and in I! t .0 mo” n; M In. (be M in 751.0. “(.1300 on n paw-d gum! with In. '- lnixr ”Inkl. wry‘b'lnd'prodnéflvi mail. is handy by, am! fay gale ct homes in town, has 99x132 h. M. Manly of lawn. fruit and durum”. a 2 story 6 room modern house with hm pun-hen. the rooms an Inn and have triple windows. fire M huil'. in baht, all modern improve- ment-2. and both streets an puni- Pricc 89M, any rumble hm can be had. FOR SALEâ€"A good old house 0! 1 room- in need of "pain. has fur- naco, electricity. and “My model! conveniences. and um nuke I place with some fixing. I fine on- tion, on gun! pkg}, with lot 1;”! POI! 8Al.F}-â€"V¢ry Illrmlw! B I“ “cry homo, Ma .1! on" wood floor: Mm but. saw ”a. unit. the hon: .n windowed , rim in and mu- lo mutation and .0 urinal. n vary nut Huh m I mm; .' 'h’ryflnént iiulo 7mg” m plug- :1 only 85.1100. Toms an “er30 he hurl. FOR 84l.i2»-,‘urk1ly Mm‘ "Jam firnpl \‘P flm- dining room bump. in Mi». rir mum and “.33 wiling. mmr fight, It." opening wiling. tanner ii'hl, III" ope! :iv-n‘anvl wimloujni in portly. up"! 0% i'ié'fl" Fri}; SGMMW "‘â€" an be Ind. with nunublo terns. mu SALEâ€"Cny yeboilt con-q FOR SALF‘uflodom. Well hm I roym} I”; >9:ng com”: hymn. h msy bu new in' w um of ii; pair. In- I _ fl. Vol.3!ov‘tly o!_ fry“. houne with .1! living rooms bath douwnuir. Ind 2 mm not. up. all modern ronwnklcoa, now, Improvement: :1! In and (or. we any terms can be hall. a. lot In much from. rlom in. and il l wry goo}! lot-luau. my: I". fill I’OR SAIJ‘-~One of (M "Ninja!”- $5,500, an} 'krm's' can he had. 7 W FOR SALflâ€"»flmlorn Marl; new 1 mm I’S Rory hung-luv, M on. _ Inf mutant... lgrgn Vliving mom m {Nylon} rconveniom: with lot 14 300. and mar to nation. an :utn rend. Prime :6 ',»00 mm lprms. FOR SALEâ€"One at up but gone! fruit and V. "EDENHAGBN

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