Downers Grove Reporter, 13 May 1921, p. 1

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DOWN ERS GROVE e REPORTER. A more complete story of the day‘s doings will ho published next work when the organizatinns which haw been invited will have given their ac- ceptance of the invitation. a meeting of the Aloxamler Burns t. American Legion, at their re. gin meeting on Monday evening. The services of tho Suburban hand have been secured for the afternoon, and a parade, the biggest in years, will be one of the features. Many local organizations have been invited liy tho Legion to participate. and it is expected that they will all be in line on that llay. ‘ The services in the cemetery will be I)? an unusual natlm‘ and thorn‘ will be a sponlmr well known to It» cal people. Every ox-sen‘ion man in the community will he aslml to par- ticipate. First preparations for the prop" obsemnco of Memorial Day hy LEGION PLAN N IN G OBSERVANCE OF MEMORIAL D A Y Many Manhattan: Will hr in Ill:- Line of Ham on Monday May the 30th. A mfrw‘m‘v of an Pun. t-«n 'nIA lawnl. tnmlnflml am (If - *- n “iv was! hwn of "we Hum“ #7:” ”w Inspinr's of “10' Rm', R. i Krn‘t'Tl’. of Sr“- Ymk (Ht. .1 ~‘:~\ .. 3mm of "w I‘m-Him: ”idmv x'mmrz? of "It Churn. le triw \\;l~, 'Unbilizim: Thv f‘hurrh," Mm "Mar IMO! 33:01.: hi unm- llmnity. "w riorgy ntmm tn "w (fly on m» 4:07 p. m. tum. Dun Ethan's was kind enough :râ€" “pm“ the opinion that Nu- mlinr “in one of "w mmt onjdvahk' and um”- fII that the Norflwaskn Damn 11» um" o! mvtrimm: um «MI in be lit “Mn Mr. A. R, 57.1w amu- b M- fcfl In urlmmv Nu “ml.- in "It Mmr of "w rmznpmn-u. hut when M trfl-rml to "n- u'-'r\ an a ”learned body." ho aim \\..\ nowlml down by ‘nk‘! of launhtcr. f‘u- Jml- Hlx «If nmlwr \wll [mum-a qu-«h (If wrlrumr. A nwu «.1» Quinn Lt: .'.' "0., vflwn rm intrtvdim ."u\ M Mar" "'0 "w rhunr m.“ l} Gflsqu. an hmmml rnu .» day. run! «pm-ml prawn :v'v . “NHL and hmlw mmm.’ ’w Wilding of ”W 3. Andnw? '11. h which m Ilw uni min! mr Men-)- to and rhunh memborv- out “NT. Du- ": WM down uih ruin of lamina-r. "mu cutting 4m 1 p tr”- mm! Ayn-ch n! “(u-«mm HM. M“)- !hr (Wm-um alert) raw Mani “lanthanum Int-k hrfnrr. A 1-1an was then «run! in the Church School Room to ail :ho guests. The Rev. L. C. Ferguson c! Gran Gulch. "innlnlr. armed to Ihv “at of Hunting Hu- Iudin of the Guild lad Auxilinry for the t‘eriom Input. Mr. MoeWhortcr mama "w clergy for honoring Do‘m‘n firm-c by this meeting and with be en- duroml m non-«l lhr pruwr 0f Downtu- Grou- u u goon: wmmnufly A large number of I‘m Chicago clergy of lhc Episcopal Church came to Downers (have last Monday in a special car on the 10:47 a. m. train, and by motor. The Conference op- ened in S. Amlmw’s Church with a Celebration of the Holy Communion by the Rev. Dean Edwanls. assisted by the Rev. Hugh M. llm-Whoncr. A short business meeting followed this service. The Rev. Gardner A. luWhortcr, Religious R‘iimr of The Chicago Tribune, and a hammer of the pastor of S. Auclrou".~ C'mnreh. is secretary of the Deanery. The Rev. J. M. Johnson. who is in an eighth yet: 0! the successful reach-hip of the Churvh of the Redeem r. Elgin, delivered an ink-resting address upon. “The Problems of Rural Min-imam); Wot ." The Rev. II. A. McNultm gun a vivid account of "Sax \‘c-aru‘ in Soochow. China, as a Mmitman‘1 Annuai Conference of Northwestern Deaneryâ€"Ground Broken for New Reflory. VOL. XXXVI“. NO. 17 S. ANDREWS “081 10 (HIM MMDAY, MAY 9 CYQV of I'm Chicago Hui-Yon t» 4n («L -. m "w .vr - mam) hop 1 hr 1 1w tlw .3 M Per Year. In Adv-nu. (‘hiof of l'nlirr \‘rnam zrrosted (Imp you": mm yum-day who “we taking subscriptions for “ye Woman‘< World and mfnsed to take out .1 li- wmo. H0 took then Marv Justice of the I'Mifl' Blakey who Mm! them 35.“) and costs nth. He turned them‘ over to the Chivf to put in jail until: bonds wén furnished. fixâ€"State's Al-i tomoy (1m. Haney called up and on his promiso to be mpomible for the fine the Chief turned them lame. 3m: hum pinyin; inrruw-r {nr 9PT- rml wan and MW a team whirh ran out up ron‘ivk‘mhlo ommfit'mn. Tht‘ ammo will hr rnllnl .1 3:00 and ii is rum". that n miclwmmn crow-l nil! hr pun-ml a, 1hr rnmmnuiu' in firm-«NI in ha-vhull in my 1hr hast. Tun Dum- l‘it-v-“fihmmbtmk. Him. Thwr haw lvilnâ€"fufliu- Finn-h an! Ivy Ilhmc, L3: “9 Khulna". A; h) "Imzlrs I; fly nun“. R, l'mpiuw-- leIr- mu! Mnr‘hnlt, “mama". Mu sump. lk‘n.~rn\‘inc' hn- ~‘gml In rnmv hvu‘ "Mt Fumlm‘ ant-nun" fm‘ n mmw. This lwm'r‘ uf bravy hillt‘u hm- hm pinyin;- inrrflwr fur .~m-. Total: ....... lacuna ()‘lruy. 3h .‘ "with. lb Meow. (' . , Ryan. M . ”any. If ..... Aldon-nu. It flrilhy. 29m» flivimnw. rf-u ('onm, 2h . "innit". p ,. lit-Wilt. cf . .. For The Community." We real- ize that our readers may have some valuable suggestions which would further our plans for an i- deal newspaper and it is these sug- gw-stions we are after. We invitn our readers to tell us what will make THE REPORTER more inâ€" teresting to them. If the sug- gestion? are practical we will preâ€" sent to the giver a year’s sub- scription; if already on the list we will extend the subscription one yoar. In reading the Reporter from week to week you may have tlmught of something which would be of interval] Send it in we want. to .eerve you. H. Filming". lb-p . Klofin r! .......... “mun. p Cam'u lb ........ Cline. r! ........ . J. Wining". cf . .. lhwhlnk |f ‘ , .. Tami.- ”runs xtartml on the mound for the locals and pitched good hall, he ntruck chm-(- men out and was followed by speed demon Ehningor who was «wilt-had from first. l-lhningcr fan- ned six in his sham of the gamru The box score: Downers Grove All R H E Carpenter. m: ........... 5 2 2 l Mochel. 8b .......... .5 3 :l 0 Shambmok 2b fiéct 1h? 7' daiiy life of Downers Grove; an organ which would not be the mouth» 'ecr of anv faction of the village!” but fair to mar, fartionâ€"in m1â€" a»"Ng_I_Ispnpe_r In spite of its one-sidednoss the game was interesting. Sprinklod with hits and close plays, the fans were kept on edge all the time. Manager Mel Binder was unable to be in the lineâ€"up on account of the ulealh of a relative and his place an second was taken by Bill Shannbmak the team being led by “Butth” Klein who proved a good playing manager. Since our pmprietorship of Th0 Reporter it has been our cnnsmnt aim to make of it I newspaper which would intern! the emit-e gommqnity.» 9m gpich_w2uld re- SEASON’S OPENER \VON BY LOCALS FROM LA GRANGE The Legion baseball nine started the 1921 season with a “in last Sunâ€" day when they topped a one-sided game from LaGrange by the scone of 11 to 5 at Memorial Park. At the game were a good bunch of fans of last season who followed the team lhru its winning summer. One Sided Altair Last Sunday as Visitoni Take Small End of II to 5 Score. . WE'LL PAY FOR SUGGESTIONS ‘\ N I! ((NTSâ€"JAIIJID DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1921 A NEWSPAPER FOR THE COMMUNITY The poll". of this: syFtnm arn not simnly tmfiir mp: who will hold up their hand: for you to stop. lmt they will have a atar in plain fight and a7 so a gun that will malt, and speak (Continual on pare 2) so fiardod that niminale «m have a hard time in gottinz away. Tho shnrifl‘ has boon instmctod to immodiatr-iv potion Roosm'elt Hand and son" 010 whole county will have a system whereby all made will hr The County haa spent so much money In trying to catch criminal: after the crime has: bean committed that now it holievos the time ha: come to spend some to prevent tbr crime. bers of the County Board of Sup"- visors have taken action and when théy act they mean business. The citizens of this county are so thoroughly amused over the munlorw, robberies, and holdup: that the memâ€" If you are driving a car in DuPagt- County and fail to obson-o the law look out for the police. S U P E R V l S O R S PLAN PATROL OF ROOSEVELT ROAD Will "a" Motorcycle Mm Io Jr Whilr 4hr i< your n" U!» notch and inn-«ts .lio hm'nnso Hwy cannot live without hrr. Hnr mouwr, Dv‘m- Mrr. nflz‘rs : sac-time for Mr. and her playmau‘. )lrrrury. or [Ia-rm“. pmmisos m bring hor hark. Hutu says sbv- may rMum pmvidw' she ha- ealon nothing while down thew, hm {Continual on Pap R) 2w paw-4M was milk-n {mm a povm lrllinc "w story a! (M chum: of arm-om in "w way (My urn 1'!- nlaivml in lélwk .‘Iyiholngr. Ae ltw .«tnry nprm all art do‘nfi human to ”w GaMr-c 0" 0w "an-n4. whv'n 5hr ii mile-I lita)’. "uring hrr ah- som. hrr daughter. l‘omplmno, Uw Galvin" of Spring. i: «(Mm by Huh. "‘0‘ Gaul «f {M l‘ndor Walk. The ‘CM'I won clout-d [or Hut MM! and humlmh nun-M. Ip- plnmlin. "w during of the younger children and that of RM high who"! girlu. l1 haul bun 90:!de {mm Tim-why. May uhml urn uni» postpom! Tum-clay morning an ac- rount of "w wrath” but (hr lawn:- in: clnmls mulr it msibk‘ In «m- !imu- (hr pmgrnm. A “I‘ly Fm" the .«tozy of Dam- "of and l'rmphonc from the ancient (Sn-ell myth I‘ll enacted by pupil:- af Hw- "our” (Brow schools on the Not“: flute School “mud: Tunclay lflcmooa mutt-r 0m tllmtlcm of “in lrenr Narn‘n, cur-«tor of phynml «ha-alto». mu Haul Hun! pmial- M at lb:- Mum. Story 0! [Dunc-0n 1.4 MM I’d" Direction of Mia-u lhniu (blighted. IIIJIDREDS SH “MAY fflt” M Are a Pmibifity. TO MAKE A lONG TAIL SHORT NORIII- S(l|00l The good with of his: people go with him to his: nmv field which is in a largor community than that he is leaving anrl olfors more scope for Ibis natural abilities. Mr. Andersonm'i" be missed in the community. His rfinns for the peo- ple of his tm-n'tnry, in and out of the church. have been appreciated. H9 was one of the moving factors in the Lisle Community Club, the organi- zation whirh has brought togethnr the people of that neighborhood as they nmer worn huforp His acts of kindness and hie always cheerful disâ€" position will lam: be wmembered. The RT“. A. H. Audubon has r0- .wigm-d from the pa~tnratn of the Lisle Conga-gational Church and has ac- (:le a call to ”in Firct Congrega- tional Church of Ankeny. Iowa. a small village about ten Milt-R north of [lesMoim-s. Inwa. He will grad- uate on Jum first from the Uriirm Theological College, Chicago. whvre he has hem studying while filling the pulpit at Lisle. Thon‘ fixing um”: «I Uw Hurling- ma will WM 3: J. \\'. 'Im-h-r'» Rt‘ul Estau- ("Fm- on “'aymn awmw an! "my- Hvinz «mm 3! NW Villagv "a" un Main Ant-t. REV. ANDERSON .‘('('[';m ('Allll T0 ANKENY, IA. Lance Lisle (onto. (‘huuh am June ‘60» for larger Padonto .Vur Des-Main“. Th4- pmpoml “Downs-rs (irovo Sum-r," "hum" um «um belon- lht- wt":- of thin community for M!!- tkl'm-m lamorrow, Saturday. May l4. Tho pull» wm hr up": from ”:00 I. m. to “:00 p. m. (.‘Muxo Rim Isl-WW! to u-wn ('mufl Stand-ml Haw). Tudors Ul‘m and It: Village Hall Polling leu Ope- Fm s...-.u.ap.-. VOIE 10MORROW 0N MWHIRS SAI- IIARY DISIRIH linul om. "0 1mm In Mn Damn-r.- a few a! "lo “malt-flu! "mulls whim haw luv-n nrmmplinhnl ummxh hmfln-r- hood mul Marlon-d "ml Uw Owl of all 1-1"!th wmmn «mum amu- (mm-rm if v-wryom mmM ndupQ that mm- mnmlmvnt «hm-m in rum-Howl 'Iw TM'uflwvlmml Mon. "lmv Thy Na‘iflr Hunt an '"u'u'lf." ‘1 A<‘.4‘in. in lhv' mun-v- urn- Hm .Rm. A, 5'. P‘N'l‘u u! Un- f‘vmzn-xm Honal I‘hmrlv and ”w "M; F, J, ,‘Illm <. Svuhw‘ nn Hvr pIqunnn alu- wavw ”w "M. "melt M. NarWhnrhw, 'nf 5. Arvin-“K- I‘Iw-rupul ('hnrrh nnl Hm Rm. :‘rmllll H. Naml. mu" :ullml ”who: n' ”w Hr! "mph-I ll'hurrh. Tht- “'nm:m'« Auxilimy (u ”w An» ”was! You Miran hymn \Lill hum an impurg Afr-um! 1h? tam mot-tin: nu-xl Tm--llay after-Jami. Sahara. mum at [hr lpgirm s-mmk. Iklmmx’fSwnlon. Spain and Farr". au-nmh‘. Rl'fn'shmv'n'sé H‘nmim will hr «v-n'ml and I “offal Cimo am? A- , juym'. Ham fnr pal-\icipation in "w ' , lk'rm-ahnn Ila) nxPn-iurs M" hr mm- 3 LU‘IKY A plolml. Thv Amiliary i»: planning rm, m M-n-ing rr-frmhmonb In all r-x-wrri: ('A view mm and momhlrrs- of "11- hand: aftflr thc- pan-ad:- at tho lx-giun manna! ("Q/mummr hwthn-n unlhunl in “Hnl- LUCIE" nmm\ “Irvin light I:- frI-mem- \w'm â€":-n*ml. A liltlc- classified admrtiwmont in the Reporter oflJ-n surpriws thaw who ins-art them. The pull- ing powor of Hl-portm’ rlarsifil‘d“ not having hem presented to thorn hol'nm. they use not pvt-parml for the,- results they mcviw. The rea- son for those results is not. hard to find. It is mntainml in these worvlsâ€""Evnryhmly malls classiâ€" fiedsx" Its a factâ€"they all «lol During the past thrne months we have boon conducting a little in- wfligation. WP have aukml hun- rlmis of our suhscriheru if they ew-r road the want ads and m'th- out exception they have all ans- werv-tl they now-r fail. That‘s why a Reporter rlassifiml ad will so" .1 piano, a vacant lot a fur- nishml house; will nnt a farm, fiml a lost article or do any of the humlml and one things which poo- ‘ pie want done. When you have anything you want to advertiseâ€"- use REPORTER classifieds. They pay. The cost is small. Rev. Ncwluml pwuhwl u xhon. but wry impn‘nnivo- tut-moon. from [M theme. “Tlu- Onwunl Inn-h nf lim- tlu-rhood." "9 {mod tho- xrudunl than“ of the feeling» of mo- out! towanl another. through ”w chum- ilm form of gunman-M. 'I'Du- ohl county uow-mt'm'ntn WIIC'H' mm mun rulml hi» muo- uerflwry with all but ham! (law may to "w flue. The Muir tn turn was fun-Ml by tho Mr. of lmmwrhuotl In give way In 0w nation. And in w final summing up Mr. Nrulnml pointed out how flu- xn-ut wur mu lu-xlnninx In rrumblv “my Mlinnu! ulna fur 0w into-nun- lion-l our. 1 MANY MASONS ATTEND CHURCH ‘ SUNDAY, MAY 8TH llowlml by a pan of tho Suburban Band. Hm vraflsmen martin-«I to the- chnn-h. Leading the masons won: the Sir Knight». then cam:- tlw Compan- ions of the (fhnpu-r and Mn- Brothers of the "luv Lodge. The servin- was opened with 1hr wading u! 1hr m'riptunm by Rev. L. l3. Lott. The choir had prepared spociul munk- for "It «tendon and the number." wen- gn-nfly rujoywl. 'l'iu~ Rev. Gilbert “II. Nowluml, pus- tor of the chum-h. had invited thv Trinity members. members of Grove Lodge, A. l". J: A. M.. and Grow.- Chaptor. R. A. 1“,. to visit his cimrrl: on that day. 1111- invitation was acâ€" cepted and (In- body of HIP rhun'h comfortably filled by the lanmm m the :wn'in- at 1:245. Trinity Cummaudery Mcmln-rs Mali.- Great Showing in Their Full Dress l'niforms. Members of Trinity Commandory. Knights Templar. made a great show- ing here last Sunday afternoon as they marched to the Methodist Epis- copal Church in tlu‘ir full dross uni- forms. The occaxiun was the annual Ascension Sunday divinv worship par- ticipated in by all Cmnmnndmifls throughtuul tho l'nilml 5mm. I.I'Zl.'l0\ ,\l Xll.l.\fl\ \IILETI\‘.' IT’S A FACT.- THEY ALL DO! Full'mmg ”w rhmrh rc-rrmoniw Shula Convict. rm Cantu. N ”11-, mmucm NUMBER w T0 ms man : mu TOMORROW At nine o'clock the «dash: wm move to Dicke’s Hall when a dance will be held. also for the but“ at the fire truck. Gathering of the clans will begin at eight, o'clock and will he followed by the speaking and the drawing. A domonstratiml win be part of the program. Dr. Emma B. Goodwin will b!‘ the speaknr. There vi“ In an Orl‘hfl.‘ tra which will dim sweet strains. > Tomorrow mr-ninp, May Nth, Ill" nr Waltor S. Harkr will “a. the ‘winning numhm- out. n! a but at Isis street and Warn-n aver-w. Ind the ownership of flu- Ford touring at having ram”! MT for the benefit of tho Fire anck- Fund will be no long- L-f' in doubt. Thu thirteenth MM! out of the ha! will ht- the one which wins. has been circidtzd and the draw- ing will he watt-had with keen inter- as! by the hundreds of ticket bold- 'Hw prnyvnm n M" “With ti" ‘3 u vIr-IigM In all “In -N- H HM "d of ”w mummy,» up" ln- as Idiom: 'l'hn- I'anhnnhvl 'Rn-‘Il‘n, by Cow Jun" h'Arry Hula} Lung. In»; My Old I’m-{him Harvlrn. Elmnal Youth. Ar‘mmd the W‘nrM--â€""‘.nglalll. Scot- land. Sahara. Uwrr} Nassau! Lind, Donny-Inflow» a! Wain and Warm When (Ln ic Rafld Fa Fin Truck Find. 'l'ha- inlrnm-hn' rlxmrv-x M" h I.- !rku-ruwI wllh )uxt vmvu‘h popular rmmr and mmlrm Iam- during in mnkv il intnrthhr. ’ 1hr hvlwflt ; lump [hr-n am ”-1- olin'rhm' uf Wi-~ "u"! nah-«m Ind "ml nf Hw m ' :.-v« "W‘mh'l‘l 0' Mr alum-'02 rl:I~' ' W§~~ Htli‘nn If" :Imrm in cut-v.1! :1 Mn momkra Mr- srlf. Thaw ink-"It'd in [M O‘NHNI'I mu!"- mnwmrnt. (mm In doa- lmmfl sumlmmt. m" Chomphly OI- by (M- (‘omum ‘h‘An-y Inch, playM uhirh will M "M number 0. 0w [mm-um. Included in w win of Natal. r» a trip amuud the world. II I" and clamp mm of on man M pawn will tab you In font:- at!“ win-mu any a! 1hr cummhn fl Iuvvl. with "yum.“ and Ian". I Mm to mmyum'. (:ramlmnlhc-r will mjoy n-Ilvviq Iu-r youth in the damq of III «dbl clay and when (inmlhther we. tho chm-n Mulc- girls in "incline Ind ”I. l‘mnm’h. Making "in n bunch of poo- k-u plucked from an old (AM gunk-n, he'll mmbrr the 6M III. M paw xnndmoflwr 'm but we! a rmtumn- swinging 0|! her front m While vu- an- on the ”Mod Cf youth, wo- might mention I'm! Pug IM mint 0‘ rlrml youth. tit 50’ whn «mum! In day you»: dun. Thrn- will hr 3 I'm! P“ m. The grown-ups wilI be elrn'ed hack to “flu- days of ma! wort." Father will manomln-r W time when In Ind Hu- boyx next. sum.- nnuuhd "I attic and gave in xhow in "In hay- lo". lw? For at the Dick:- 'I'hoatw uncle's gui’ug lo be a galaxy of stars “'1‘ will quite out-shine old Mr. Moon “I! for a couple of hours ouch evening Downors Grow is going to form 0- lmut (hr moon and ju~t do A little “star gazing." (If coursc all an- chilclwn will Wm lo we tho show. For \vwks they‘vo hn-unl the fifty mld youngxwm who aw going In be in it talk about it and they are coming to :m- what it's all about. II the "Old Man in the Moon" pm-ps down on Downers Grove am Tuesday and Wednesday eveningl, May 17th and 18th, he's going to be just a bit jealous. Why shouldn't he “MAY "00".”le l'nique and Benutil‘u! Show Wk“ Fifty Small Sun at the ’ Dick Theatre H'umimml an Page 2) TRUCK Bffltfll . MAY I? AND IS WHOLE N0. 1942

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