Downers Grove Reporter, 13 May 1921, p. 3

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Jnhl’ Clan of High School 3“” 'Be'ulef are prntd I0 “I! Season: III: a! the niche Board or Improvements Theatre Wednesday. Besides the daughter with whom she made her home she leaves to mourn h-r loss another daughtor. Hrs. B. F. Reynolds of Riverside. and three sons, Nelson W.. Mayor of Wa- terloo, Iowa; Frank W., of Denver. Colo.; and Chas. W. or Chicago. 1 Funeral services mum hem Wodâ€" nesday from the home at 10:30 and from a funeral chapel in Aurora at three in the afternoon. Burial was at Aurora. The draw of Mrs. Ruth Fri>bio, 88 years 0M, occurred at tho homo at her daughter, Mrs. Frank G. Boomer. 7612 Rogen avoum. Chicago, on Sun» day. flay lst. Mrs. Frishie was a former resident of Iknmors Crow and VP" known to most of the older residents at the) community. ................ Martha Shaflor Marjorie and Minna, daughters: of M1". Marion's, Whiflen and .............. Mamml Lampko Alvin Slat-"flu Mr”! (finally-'3 Fir:- ter ............ Florida Wnplm: Helm. Swmmh =t-n 1an m‘rl ] 222 Fail-view Ave.-â€"-Pllone 1644-1 Sissy. Shaun”. wanl Thomu "akin. a polin‘mnn William mm. ilmau» of the Sani- tarium .......... Hurley Roger! flrnry um", Supt, of the 8.1mm. ium .......... Rune-ll Stvphene In. Gunny. Hrnour'< wife .................. "est" Moore BRUNET DONKIN Shaun-r (finally. a mun-gm: at m- Inmomy ......... Ric-haul Dun-- Aflmy (500"); ll ll. Ninlmp of “Allan“ ......... John "chimp Kit-Mal "uuwfly. onumml (0 lim- jorio ............ I'm-km 8mm The cut for tho rumba: wan: Jolt-u, who tmrolu (or a hymn Book Mate ............Kur0 lit-Ila”: lulon-wm-d thruuuhoul "w c-wn- lug wan Mum»! "unit by "w huh new orchoutrn. This nrxnniuuon by their harmony In a cannula! pic-n sun It Hum «haul uflnirn. “but Nowum and Mr. Rom-n won- 091‘.) pn-wnlml win: a lu-umiful lm. QM for llu-br Jum- in "w mrm- Every m-mbvr of [hr curl. whether they hul : mm "bit" or n .«tnr part. out-mi into IM .«péri! o! the play and ndml like 'w-lomm. The um"- um I'M IN nppmiutiw mm mm! by their laughtor uul appluuw shown! their “flight in the farm. The stark-24 Jone» told the pron-s.- car's wire. as tho, "Nd arm-o. Wan mflerpioccs of quick thinking and the Interest wan kept at fvvm- heat until Jolm vxplainx it all jun br- !on: the final curtain. The comvlications which ensuml were funny in the extreme. especially when the ladies took the real llishup. wrapped in a bed quill. for William Blgbee. an est-um! inmate of a pri- vate insane nslyum next «lonr. Ebenezer Goodly, :1 profcssur of astronomy, was persuaded by his. prospective son-in-law, Richnni Hoaâ€" therly, to attend a “glm-v contest," in the outskirts M (h:- rity. Whih- there the plum- “1|." ruiAh-«l by ”10 pulin- and in making their get-mum) thtl prufvssur was badly runwle .10an followed the pair to their homr: the cops hot, ma his lli'rlh‘. ()m-l- in~‘ title he changed hix c'luthm fur min- isterial garments intended for flu- Bishop of Ballamt. brother of thv professor who wax hourly expected to arrive for a visit with lhl' family and his fiance. Alvina Starlight. Carpenters The play was a clever fume, (Ioâ€" picting many things that happened to Jones, a traveler for u hymn book house, who carried a line of "hymn books for the dead ones and playing cards for the live ones." Directed by Miss Helen C. Newton and J. C. Thomas Rogers. members of the faculty, the students who [oak the parts wen- exccllent. They show- ed in every movement, every gesture and the tone modulations of their voices that they had been trained. A record breaking audience at the Dicke Theatre on Walnesday ever» in: were kept in a continuous gal..- of Laughter {mm the first rise of the curtain to the final how of the ac- tors at the Junior Class play, “What Happened to Jones." MRS. RUTH l-‘RIHBIE “WHAT HAPPENED ' OFFICIAL mo- m JONES” WAS CEEDINGS 0F In; ‘1.-- .41" “A JOBBING AWENTED T0 ESTIMATES FI'RNISH ED A CLEVER FARCE 8: Builders . . .Lomy "wins . ‘Jimm- flinl mm «.r l'ublu- Afl'nir- ........ 3 1003,35 a 66.00 $ 937.35 [Nut 0! Aummh Hanan-u- .. 5258.“! 26.76 2‘3.“ 5040.” H. m, M Hrullh‘r 38'0" ‘ . . ‘ . IMO.” 3.95 01.74 085.103 lk'pl. u! Sumh Public-y lam. RISIJO 27.“) 425.“) 2733.06 lh (pl of I'uhlk‘ I’ no"! It) 80“.“ 1105859 2999.02 70H 36 l'u alu' Luluury . . "“7." "£5.33 329.3"! CM”: .1 Fund ‘ 420.94 ‘5.” mm 4211.0“ thlume Vuml ., 7WJ” 70-54.", ‘l‘Mnh H .. ‘ . 4 , , ‘ _.. JIWI'UIO Q 3761.53 3 «”6114 $29027.” Swrml AH:0'«W1II.~ ‘ ........ £737.30 "WM (2mm! 'I'Mul ................. 3349““ ‘ 3701.53 “”5.“ W124.” l olu wah)‘ aurnr to "lo- vml rmu'rL but of my lmlndm- tin to tn to In (rm Ford DIV“, Villm nmnr. subunit"! and Hum: In lat-fam- m0 this 9"! day of lly. "I'll. Chan. I. Hitch. Notary Public. Full. I .1'ulul .................... $3644 . 70 “('[msiu‘ll w the credit of the Village 'l‘wuxumr ......$36M.70 Commissioner Huller mov'ed that llw rvpom; be placed on record. 0n roll cull Commiwlmwrs Haller. Ben-w (ll‘l‘ and Mayor Barber voted Aye. Nay» nun». Motion carried. (:ummisfiicmor "our" presented the} lollowing unliunnu- and moved for in' Trude with our ulvcrflu-ru. H‘OR~ Commercial Lighting Light Molt-r mpairs Light MI-lw.‘ ....... \Vzm-r llulvs ....... Water levr Rvpmirn Walrr Mc-lrrs ...... Wan-r Tapping I’m-s Smwr I'm-mil» . ,... . Licmnws . _ ‘ . . ....... hug Tum n ....... . . Auhmmhilc Finns Lump Salon .... . . . .. (lzu‘bnur hiflflihfl' To the Council of the Village of Downers Grove, UL, Gentlemen: The following is my report for the month of Apn‘l, 1921. Downers Grove Garage,.lnc. Main Grove Sts. Collectors and 'l‘rcasurer’s reports for the month of April 1921, were mad as follmVs: Minutes of the meeting 'of May 21!, I921, Wcm read and Commissioner Bender moved to appmve same. 0:: roll call Commissioners Bender, Hal- IM' and Mayor Barber voted Ayn; Nay}: none. Motion carried. V 1 Downers Grove, "L, May 9, 192). Regular meeting of the Council of1 the Village of Downers Grove, Ill. Present at roll call Mayor W. C. Bald her and Cummisxioners Bender and Haller. Commlssioners Heartt and Bryce came in later. Mayor Barber and Com. Ballet and Tu llw (‘uuncil of (M Villuv «f Downer». (iron, lllfinoix. Gentleman: ‘l'lu- l’nlhminx fix my n‘pon for the month of April I92]. (7. Fun] Dnvln. Village rouum'. We know from a thorough acquaintance with itâ€"the construction of its mechanismâ€"its record of performancesâ€"and low cost of upkeepâ€"that we are giving you sound advice. Studebaker Car When We Advise You to Buy a PLANTS THAT LIVE YEAR AFTER YEAR! Chas. M. "itch, Village Collocmr. COLLECTOR’S REPORT Corner Hill St. Grand Ave. 1 Block West and Two Blocks South of East Grove Station VILLAGE B 0 A R D ERNEST KRUSE Downers Grove, Illinois 'rnmsu REB'S REPORT $3092.46 19.30 90.00 46.24 45.40 33.00 245.00 12.00 lnxl upon for mom}: ”3 “IBM WWW“ “v ’ ‘ 00mm 9n baud Jam"; _Expnd,_ By. 424).!“ , 7W.” JZIOI'UIO £737.30 rd 9 rd 3 I. “Billy" Shauabronk left on Tues- day for Devils Lake. North Daklnu. when: he will play In the twilight league again this summer. One of his team males is Rnlney Wnlbaum. who is engaged in the garage bunk 1mm than and who In one time made Downers Grove his home- and was one of the nun»: of the local banebnll team while here. Commissioner Bryce moved to ad- juuru to the next regular meeting dulr, 'May IGNI, 192'. On rull‘call (Tummissionrrs Bryve, Ih-n-h-r, Muller ”our“ and Mayor Hurlwr vulmI Ayn Nays nonv. Molion run-iv“. Bond of Dr. M. L. Puffer as princiv pal and Globe Indemnity Co., as surety. amount $500.00 to cover li- cense for the sale of liqunr {or medi- rx‘nal purposes for the year begin- ning May lst, 1921, was wceivml and approved. ‘ Bonds in the sum of $1,000.00 each ‘with the Aetna Casualty and Surety Co.,‘ as surety and Fred D. Heinke. H. J. Hawkins and J. H. Frankeufield.‘ as principals, to cover Plumber and Sewer Builder’s licenses for the year beginning May lst. 1921, were receiv~ ed and approved. 1 0n roll call Commissioners Hear“, Haller, Bryce, Bender and Mayor Barber voted Aye. Nays none. Mo- tion carried. Improvements for the Village 9! Downers Grove, "L, for the fiscal year beginning May lst, 1921, shall consist of Mayor W. C. Barber and‘ Commissioners Haller and Bender. < 1 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VIL- LAGE COUNCIL OF THE VIL- LAGE 0F DOWNERS GROVE, ILL- INOIS. "BHJJ" SHANAIIROUK UPI" FOR THE WEST SECTION 1. The Bonn] of Local ('Ims. M. "itch, Villauu- Clark. AN ORDINANCE Telephone 22 425.10 2783.06 21mm mu 3:. "H.113 329‘.va Hull 4277.0" 70.54.39 3 «mm any?” foâ€"rnv'némh on? Mad 2‘3.“ 67.74 4264 lo 2999.02 “13.31! HUI! ;Discussim of Annexation Question ‘ Should be of Ink-rm to A" MM“. (i. H. Bum-go, Downerk 76mm utâ€" torney, will be the speaker of the awning. Mr. Hunge has made a spuâ€" cialty of law's roiating to municipali‘ til-s and has born digging into lin- l'urt.~ which will 4-in-0! us if this an nmutiun i» van-mi tlmmxh. For in» Aunn- Hu- lmmliug [mm-r "1' [hr ‘1." Iago with Um t-xlru territory; ”mi Gigiâ€"Fem The subject "Is It Advixnbh‘ to An- nex Adjacent 'l‘erritory?" is one. um! should interest every resident of the Grave. The question of annexation has been a paranwunt one in the vii- imge in the last few weeks and the pros and cons have been having some great arguments on the subject. Dur- ing these arguments questions hau- conm up which neither could answer and so the need for a public discus- sion of the question is apparent. It’s Toasted )xpectations are that the next meeting of the l’eoplv’s Forum will be attended by many people. It will be held next Monday evening. May 16th in Liblury Hall at eight. 0‘ elm-k. PEOPLE'S FORUM MONDAY NIGHTâ€"â€" MANY EXPECTED FREE TOWING SERVICE OU‘LOP-TOWN Elfin. Glen Ellyn Aurora. Woodstock 0m. Harvard St.Charlen.M (Q :4 2:." 46 4Q cob-coo lave}. To sogl In tho This service is also free to members in Chica- go, every part of Cook County and in all out of town branches. DUES: Outside of Cook County, $10.00; Radiator Emblem, $1.00â€"T0tal $11.00 When in trouble of any kind within 5 miles of Downers Grove call our ()fl'icial Mechanical Ser- vice Station, Kitlwell Garage, telephone Downers Grove 284, and you will be towed to our Station. CHICAGO MOTOR , CLUB film than 29,000 Member: m Free Towing Service has been established for members of the Chicago Motor Club in Downers Grove. The Library is being swan-«l thru Un- kimlnoss of L. B. Wvlls, Chairman ul Um Library "01ml. Dr. Em-M B. Goodwin is Modera- 1m of the Forum and is particularly anxious that those who have ques- tions tu ask in rexanl to the proposed aunt-union be on huml at Librmy Null un Monday night. Even-yam- will he gin-n a chance to talk and to ask all tlu‘ qut‘stions they wish. assessed valuation now and MM it with be. The inflame In taxes and the possibflities of the annexed terâ€" ritury getting water electric lights and other improvements in the near future. m I“ Clfll- II"!!! We have sweet «vented mm and rare pert-Ia. Our HAIR TONu‘S cleanse the scalp und make the hair keep its natural color. We want your drug store business and we will treat you right when we get it. Come to US [or it We keep right “in the swim” with first-class drug stores all over the nation, in having on hand arti- cles to make the bath and the preparation of the toilet a joy. I’l W‘FICR I’IIA RMACY BRANCHES Ethan. Fox Like Joliet. Capra: De Knlb. Geno- Sm. Ilka Stanley J. Brown left Minis!“ on a business trip to Lansing. Mich. ' Mr. and In. I". '5. have been visiting their lol' It . caxo this week and spent W in Dowm-m Grove before returning- to Bloomington. WXL T'E'R" S. OTTO EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE 0'1:er 6M4”! no 0mm Surety Bond:- Coupon-ulna ChicWEhifiiquash 02:0 -__ - A...» Name ........ Add ms Please send me a blink application. Motor News Insurance Legislative Chas. M. Hayes. PM. Chicago Motor Ciub 3254 Michigan Blvd. Chicago, leinois. Aid Touring Legal Home District Road Making Accident Preven- Mechanical First Dow'ners Groveâ€"~th “1-H

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