Downers Grove Reporter, 13 May 1921, p. 8

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not da'ngerom an! Iamehtable. Res- pect for the Law is fast disappearing because the mormous number of unâ€" necessary laws have brought the Law been tried and many today are ser- iously doubting its supreme excel- lence. The representative has almost ceased to be a thinking human being. His ear is close to the ground and he responds to the louder noise. He in” become a toy of the active and vociferiaus minority. Th9 results if Hove Ihat some of "w Humpran Ro- puHics aw wally Republits. I‘mha- hly in this mmtry in a fvw ypars the diflorvm «in no‘ appoar so impres- sive. But at present our Me: of a Republic is the idea which a (m man has of his thility to morn him- self. It can hardly be said that the people gown: themselves in some of the Europe“ Republics They in [men-ed by their reprrsenuures. The Representative form of m- err-nerd is undoubtedly I [rent im- provement an the monarchial form. Not so long ago an the time of John Stuart Hill mvresemative governâ€" ment m considered ‘0 be the ideal gavernment. Since his time it has M n In tho “Wm" Mal (0‘10" which all mph-I wn mlunlly MI; W Mal hop"! and no"!!! sin- mly helimnl. Install. “- “9“. out Mary in men-{y an my: {mm nodal or political or industrial ovilI. and that an" it h "min. mon- th.» a palm"! mm Inward m "up: wally dervnl. '0 is unm‘ «sq m nmt that Ibo PM. that h the nylon- or even the 9m" huh exiled laminar! my ho mrv Cyran- Iicll Hun thv‘ ‘th Ila-M that M‘rr win! an arid-Mal ompim. The mt valualfle pan «1' lard Dry-G's work is his rlewripflm 07 It- t-fl drmnrmrios. The cliflenm Ir- Ivan Republic‘s ls: startling. In fun it i.- difl‘rult for an American «1 hr- has aided in the enactment of edu- cational bills that have been of in- estlmable benefit to the poor of Eng- lnnd, and as a writer he has spread the knowledge of liberalism and de mocracy far beyond the British Isles. “Modern Democracies" consists of three parts. Part I contains prelim- inary observations applicable to pop- ulur governments in general. Part 11 describes democratic governments as actually existing and practicallyj working. Those governments anti ance, Switzerlnnd, Canada, the‘ United States. Australia, and New Maud. Part I" summarizes and digests the facts set forth in Part II, 1nd indicates inference: that may be dun from them. The treatment of Democracy In general in Part I in manning. The fut that Macy in in reality a molt of the may mint the few It brought out clearly from I put“- al midi-"tin o! the «hvetopment o! Democruy {mm mom-thy or oli- pnhy. Then never wu In nttempt to mum. «Mummy for the uh- ol democracy. It menu the mus of th- ptopk u. ludilcn'nt to the {arm a! government under which they hap- pen to liw no long an the memmt b not too oppnulw or do" not but too Muvlly upon their inrllvklul NI- tuutm A: noon in it do" than cle- niw- n mow-meat to nus-um:- control 01' It lent to obtnln I larger uh." I. [Iver-molt This: in the demo- mtk mutant, and t! (Ink-l far enough Ind: to I Want tom of mmmnt. TM- ll immtlfl WW H short! m Mus thlt may of In Mw tat-m awfully {annual-ting. Wo haw bum led to ‘mtm that [mm In It" mull of the very mtnn at 036m. Lord Bryce is an example of the power mind has to prolong life. He is eighty four years old, but he thinks and writes with the calm, logical co- gency and steadiness we are accus- tomed to consider characteristics of middle age. For fifty Hume years he BRYCE’S DEMOCRACIES There is no Book Review Depart- ment in The Reporter so I shall use this column for the pumase of di- recting attention to an important work published during the past few weeks. It is “Modern Democracies" by Lord Bryce, the famous English jurist and author of “The American Commonwealth." has beenv an active participant in British politics. As a legislator he K I. E N 3â€"?) 0 l. Does It! Call and get a sample bottle at WIIIII Your (‘ar Without Water nemm' we: Downers Grove Garage By The Rev. Ens-a B. Goodwin ATTENTION U'I'O OWNERS “Haw, often disappointnl but. al- ways renewal. is (he anchor by which the chip that carries dormancy pm! if: forming will have to ride out “Ii- latest storm as it has riddm out many storms him.” “homey." any: Lord Bryce. “will never parish till after Hope has expired! om cllnnpuh. MI. that Mm alters-0w- cu hr «final for [human-y? "The rule of the ”any." any: lam! Bryce. "In urn than the mi: 0! 0m. and the min of "w muimw in nulls-r "an the rule of a class." The prowl. nu men when they an {Murat-NI. blr‘. («finale AI'I'HOI MM um "u- "qu with (he mph- af this coun- uy l- "u! they haw- a kind of "no: nlisfmkm ‘ilh meh'm penan- ully. 30 m. In their nun-avala- th'n do M intnfrn «m. (Mr AIL ésfldicm they u! willinx In townie almost any Mislalion that may he imm' an than. Rut "to women- ch-m my in their «may to ”- uin «flier listen too Mindy to "w mimrily ml go too far in ‘Mir ’0!- islauon. Then will came Adina by Eleanor Bin] Bull: Roland Lucille Helm: Verne Death Bernice Jones Lilli-n Elinor: Elli!!! l‘enon Ruth Hendenmn lam"! Slough Hope Kingsley larjorie West Ger-Mine Lucy manor "Inch“ Lilliu Rlehle Ruth Timmy: Alia Conley Marion Klincfolurl-Ilnu Kelly Vinnie Rule" Dorothy Tow-dry Hamid Deep: Beanie IcCollum Catherine Deemlmnbvl Sherman It was a bewtllul ml colorful m u the younlutcn la their upo- rl-l mtum- and the older girl: in the utnloly dun: urinal Ind uny- «I over "I! In". Him "uri- la to he mmtulflod on the nut-«um! mom... It Iran a. "(Kalle and a Ruth Thatcher Jeanette Phelps Edith Wells Vance Gamer Irene Tank June Beidelman Marjorie Whifl'en Eleanor Wheeler Virginia WoodsonI-Iliubeth l’lumley fluvial mean. Marie Woodson Florida Waples Demeterâ€"Goddess of Harvest ..................... Mary‘ Curtis l‘crseplmneâ€"Jimlcless of the Spring .................. Grace Greene Hermes or Mercuryâ€"Messenger of the Gods ........ Hazel Bensley l’luto or Hados~God of Underneath ................ Martha. Shaffer Attendants of Demeter ............ Lillian Wilhelm, Neeleta Miskelly Altar Boys .......... Howard Miller ........... Howard Leibundguth Train Bearers ......... Lloyd Jonees ........... ....Lcland Humblin HUNDREDS SEE “MAY FETE” AT NORTH SCHOOL on being oll‘ered pomegranate she had tasted it and had held a poppy, the flower of death; so she is won- demned to spend half her time below and half above, as a pomegranate is half seeds. Upon her return with Mercury to the upper world all the flowers return and the merry mak- ing goes on. The Cast of Characters was: J. D. Gillespie Company Retailers of High Grade Merchandise It's no easy that when you get umed it's 1 ml mpmion to refinish everything. You can imitate hardwood: pcdrdly with due China-Lac Gaining Tool-Ask than: it. It comes in nan-parent colors, solid mlon, aha Gold and Aluminum. What the housewife says about (Continued from Page 1) Cam: in for Color Cardn. CHINA-LAC Bender's Maidens “ FINE!” Lilli-n l-Ilanon Ruth Henderson Hope Kingsley Ger-Mim- Lacey ”OWNERS GROVE BEFORE; DOWNERS GROEE ILLINOIS Votru living wflMa IM territory were much \rmgM up over 0w «wu- IM and II n: munch! that ”up vote would in flow. TM election «u MM an Saturday. Nnnh 29. um, l'Illht)‘-mm nth-- «our rut. £9 (or IM .11! spin-l. Ibo pmpnoi- lion winning by II. and shortly um "co rill-p \ru autumn! with (19!. 1‘. 8. Roan: as an Md meMrat of (he VIII-p [Ion-"l. The petition mil“ that uwn- am living In lht territory douribal. Sec- Hon 6 and the out in o! the cut ‘2 a! 8mm 7, 850 mph (Sn-u u- dwu-nl prevailed u "u- lime and the mun £096: of dimension mu ")0 pro- poured intervention. l. N. Hobart J. H. Lyman John «Stanley VII .Wette- D. Klein J. M. Barr J. Papenhnuuen Ed. Goodnough A. 8. Austin J. R. Hill Austin Richard» H. Goodnouuh Then Irv still living in the vil- lage «mm-c» of most of than old women. the flnn resident.» of the villa”. The original petition for incorpor- ation was presented at the County Court on December 16m. 1872. It “as signed by the following thirtvv eight. men, only one of whom, E. W. l-‘arrar, is living todm. D. K. Foote J. W. Rogers D. Kimball T. G. Wilcox Charles Curtiss Thos. Lyman E. S. Beardsley R. R. Rogers E. Hatchet Thos. C. Diarsh Daniel D. Escher E. W. Fan-rat Chas. Carpenter A. 8. Loomis O. C. Gibbs D. F. Richards Thinking that same farts of the early history of Dowm-rs Grove might be intuit-sting at the time when the agitation for (he annexing of ad- jacont territory is at its heighth, we have dug them up. , Until the Bunge Subdivision was admitted into the corporate limits of Downers Grove last month, the boun- daries hnd mmained unchanged from the time (he village was first incor- corporated in 1873. For almost fif- ty years the original territory of Downers Grove has remained the same. N0 CHANGE IN VILLAGE L I M I T S FROM 1873 TO 1921 Only One Man Still Living of TM:- ty-Elght Who Signed Petition For Incorporation. , SURGICAL and VETERINARY SPECIALTIES SCREW MACHINE and PUNCH PRESS WORK -‘ Repairing, Plating and Sharpening Dies and Tools 114 SO. MAIN ST. 19 W. Railroad st. Office: 81 Benton Ave. Downers Grove, Ill. Factory: 110 Blodgett Ave. Phone 248-J Julius Severus me Home Restaurant For 6000 Eats Buschmann Bros. GENERAL TEAMING AND TRUCKING MOVING AND STORAGE _ ICE CREAM CANDY CIGARS TOBACCO ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRICK CREAM TRY OUR. FOUNTAINETTE LUNCH Hiram Goodmugh G. L. Blackburn Ed. Goodnough J. H. Hill J. W. Rogers '1‘. G. Wilcox Thos. Lyman K. R. Rogers Thus. C. hints}! E. W. Farm! A. 8. Loomis Downers Grove, Illinois Experimental Work Manufacturer of In addition to the formal pant of the program there will be some spe- cial musical numbers and these ut- tending the meeting will be given an opportunity to inspect exhibits in an, sewing and chemistry. samples of the Work done by the pupils of the high school. Refreshments will be served. Election of officers for 1921-22 and reports of standing commutes and olficers covering the past season will mark the annual meeting of the Par- cnt~Tcacher association which is to be held in the High Scho'o} assembly room next Thursday evening. May 19. A large attendance is desired as this probably will be the hut meet- ing of the association before Sop- (ember. Loading Fruit; The exam leading fruits consumed In New York city during the course of mu- year would fill 50.000 freight (III. Tlm humid make . 1min 3‘50 mile! lung. PARENTgTEACHERS ELECT OFFICERS NEXT THURSDAY Renal-ls of Olicers and Standing Committees to be Read At Meeting. mimooandm Suits and Top Coats are oli'ered you at prices you cannot aflord to miss, of the following materials: Urquhardt Suiting: All Wool Herringbone: Cheviot; Worsted: Attention! and Flannels Perfect Fit Guaranteed Bert Moore ORDER NOW 0!" 135 No. Muin st. PHONE 36-W Telephone 11 Invitations are out for a "Big Green Red Barn Dance" as the invi- tation 3 read, to be given tomorrow evening, Saturday, May 14th, at the Greene home. Oak Cottage Farm, south of Lisle. The three Gmene brothers, H. 8., and W. 3., of Au- rora, and Arthur R., of Lisle, will en- teltain in honor of their sister, Miss Marian Greene who will be a June bride and Dr. C. R. Deindorfer. Invitations havg been sent to many friends and relatives of the families in Aurora, Napefi'ille, Wheaten, Glen Ellyn. Downew ilrove and Chicago. and it will be one of the biggest af- fairs of the waiifii. GREENE BROTHERS TO ENTERTAIN IN HONOR. OF SISTER “Big Green Red Barn Dance” at the Oak Cottage. South of Lisle ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE _‘ CLEANING, PRESSING, DYEING, ALTERING 27 So. Main St. Order Your Suit Now For DECORATION DAY So we must maid" all of the modern movement” when we compare the cost then and now. Just plain build- ing is not so expensive; it's the good things justly denunci- od now that mnts most in the complete expense. Nobody wants an old time home these days. We are living on a higher plane and demand hrtter things in the home. The price of lumber is down. There’s a substantial recline from last sauna, {rum thirty to forty per cent. We will gladly quote you the lower prices. We sell lumber on the hmis of replacement cost. Talk to us abodt your build- ing problems. We will gladly girt- you the facts. mica: and service. Lmd Luber Waflodem Home Difletentllomlheoufnne: What: we rampart (lu- now will: llw old ll is readily wen that the added cost is: repnesmtrd very largely by add- ml conveniences snvl “rmâ€"date styles. If we lad put all of these things in the old time home the cm 'ould lute been a good deal than than doublet TM nut-km mev n- hum hum. («Inflation Ialls In [M hullum ul’ bawmrM. allmdiw stylr of nrrhilm‘hm. I‘idfi' vvmrlws wrll srnvnnl. :mcl mtrflr walks. 11w chimney mud hr hm" hum boflnm nl’ Ian-mun". In lh'!‘ lm‘ntiolh crnlmy homo we must haw hath mamq with lhv hm! Ha.“ nf fuvnwhinxs. HM and MM "I!" in mm! or our moms. hamlsnnw lighting hunt”. hlnl wot-I floors. high flan interior fiumh. the hrs! (”to M suifl. .1 flrv' plan- and a! toad om mantle. Furnan' that will heat m‘rry mom, a few I-‘rvnrh nimlows. and nth" ommvnlal and useful things. including sum pavlm and clawing pun-h. Sow-24h” in constructing n Inn-km hmm' ‘1‘ mm In mt'nd an "w fmmdnlium. “'0 mm! Mu- : full hwflwal. I" enmn-hâ€"vl. mm (mm mom. ml him. warmth n'Ulnr. mush mm «th dalmmuy luhe. hot and rokl wmrr. Thur [mud "imp ma! mun-y. In Mum»; "w rm! v-f con-(maul; n mmlrm home lbw mm"- of mm "mm-v.1. futilmr- and finish mual he run- micml «On-n w mmparr rod with IN nkl mm hot-w of mu fulhrn. ll‘n lln- Miran um mah- up the bulk u! «M. Phone Day 20 Resident Member of the Lumberman’s Publicity Bureau J. MAZZA Phone after 6 P. M. 142 J Sunday. my 8th, Hamid Walter Kmpp was baptized in the home 0! the parents, Mr. John W. Kropp and. Martha, nee Pesczinski, 40 N. Elm st. The grandparents, Mr; and Mrs. Fritz Krupp and Mrs. Ida Krupp. acâ€" ted as sponsors. Pastor Wm. Gwen- feldt omcimd. ' Moderate Charges Phone lMâ€"W 92 E. Curtiss St. MISS MARY FLUCK PRACTICAL NURSE Miss Teloir Hendren Teacher 0f DRAMATIC ART AND EXPRESSION 55 Grove Street Telephone 355 ‘1

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